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tv   Documentary  RT  March 15, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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it has to finish with the militants, the i, gf, already killed, around 13010 mazda 5 years, but at least 5000 others. according to ero, i still reported late in the gaza strip, and most of them probably hiding somewhere in the south. israel also claims the right dozens of tunnels and guesses south that blink the street with sewing nice for which has room. the ladies have mass smuggles notes and it's money and weapons . so israel says it needs to be destroyed. there are 2 major problems with a rough fall offensive. the 1st is where exactly to evacuate all those. poor gaskins from the junction bode well here is what i was planning to establish. so cold human and tearing islands in the center of the street, packed with food, walter, medications, and tense, but a 1500000 people. will there be enough space and supplies for them? be fighting so continues. there is so unclear how could these really provide security for all these palestinians?
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another issue is the lack of international support. pedro's biggest ally, the u. s. has repeatedly said it would not back such and i'm slaughter especially if it's real, doesn't present a solid plan on where to replicate people from the fiction border. and guys, i'm clearly mom and, and firing and such a densely populated area who's many risks earlier. president biden made it clear another $30000.00 dash would be a red line even for washington. all their allies like germany, for example, voice similar concerns. the german chancellor is arriving in israel on sunday and is expected to try to persuade prime minister netanyahu to refrain from rough by invasion if it's not yet too late by that time on friday. and is really to dig ation and is set to leave for go home to continue talks with him, ask for guitar remediation. another reason for announcing the approval of the large scale, how peroration and rough uh could be an attempt to put small pressure on time us to
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agree to the deal. and finally, us delegation that's arrived in nice on tuesday has left the west african states empty handed us on the secretary of states for africa, accompanied by representative some depends, again on african expected to meet the country's military leader. but he refused to give them an audience. a jerry based journalist, timothy visa has more details of us under secretary of state for austin affairs, molly fee and some of the rest of the amount. michael landey were a month. well, we've got the west boston based on this week. we arrived on tuesday, but expanded the state on 2 1st day in hopes of meeting generals jani, besides military leader. but the us officials left without an audience with c army, though they met with the leisurely n prime minister in the capital. the meeting was to renew contact with me sir. after last, he has the ability to review the us security and development partnerships with the
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nation. and he says, military leader did not get any explanation for not being present and domestic government is yet to each one of these all statements. this is the 2nd us delegation visit to new jersey themes, the military code in summer of last year. the united states condemned the cool as demanded a return to constitutional order with the rest of the reason of the post. president, meanwhile, seems to cool the military leaders have been very vocal about moving away from former colonial powers and for west force in front to withdraw its troops from the country. when the jump, we jumped, the french didn't want to listen to us. we issued several warnings. we had to re define new principles for our cooperation before it was too late. the time of colonization is over. everything must be done by the will of the people. we are convinced that the future of new share will be bright, because we will work to guarantee the rights of citizens in the next year. and people will benefit from the country's wealth cronsa at about 1500. so just space
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around in the country as part of a wider fight against you had as nice as military. it has lots demand at the withdrawal of us forces. washington, however, has never made a secret of the incentives to remain militarily present in me, sir. the united states still has about a 1000 troops in missouri, although the, our prices have been limited since the pool small miss air was neighboring. malia and bertina finally decided to leave a course and advance corporation block. and for us had imposed sanctions on the author of the military pole. and of the latest move this week. my julia decided to leave samsung on sir timothy. you'll be a r t a bu materia, as well, that's a rep for now to be schultz checkouts all t dot com for the latest breaking news on updates on those presidential elections here in russia. wanted speak to scott and i'll see you right back in the
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to some promo. uh, is it? well co c on continue comstock setup as of subscription auto mall on that are pretty much it all set. i saw it looks as though you were on the list, security's woocommerce, those. you may see some people going to need much of it. my, just because your music has stipulated to remind me that the blood ds, if you have a mazda the, that the 3 i learned a little more, to remind you to see today i'll call number from the menu or to the composite kind of what it is that the case is on a slot for that entered it into the bucket. i'm on it and gun come on buddy to to pull the show up. i'll see. so i'm gonna put a method are due to do the death. it'll put them on the
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go to the casino, sits system to set the money under the facts. but this isn't going to cover a lot pleasure to let be. i think i know some of the amendments on, on what's going on most by ip sec. i may also for us, so gladly or software us it up or black showing old wants to come in front of you, sir, to i'm going to deliver it as, as you don't know, that is your intimate nice. somebody visited my click to the debate. there's intellectually to go to the bottom as i'm in a lifetime between 4 and 4. okay. well, it's also got a new name. let, let me the to see while it, as it is it say my name to, to the box. genuine it to do any process. it's a book i would really want to get toilet this off of the can't is all of them as soon as they process. i say to some of them are let on. one is, of course a do those have said that for them is that you want to set, i mean shows google says that additional keywords on patient data for she's going to set up the shock and was on page data for the she came to move on past due,
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what um? there's a cut bumper. most of them are chef. middle updates on that income. i'm pointed both our best hopes of to you, so don't sit bustos, i said, don't click people on this. the not social security question was not what we know this we've got to remember is, i mean it's and make up what to do with to deprive a country of sovereignty is to arrange its memory. and that's not only cultural heritage, it's also about it to use the
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circle and the phone number we didn't know to be gone was a town called on the one the is good or do you think there is only a couple in this is on the also because i've been on the list and she'll seem to get more on. and they called me up and it was on the phone. they found a month the associated. and we'll have to do this. we have on file the volume associate the things up, and then it will so it will fill on id routine in your system introductions. and how can i see by milton? what do you notice the top really deep while odd to choose the key on the card, gonna be uh, i'll read off the, she lost the money. that's also going to mess around. i figured i'd love to you. it is a lot better. me new boss. 3 day nissan, san naples on into it, i'm on eastern this nonsense phone, but you can let me set it up as an appointment. it's a paradox. french school children joined demonstrations carrying down with friends,
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supply guns from since colonial cliche, turned out to be more important than the humanistic and universal values of french culture and to an open, remotely trans isn't associated with google and some excell beauty. but with macro on poland, underground, culture and science have been replaced by on principles in neo colonial demagogue. they say it's time for friends to leave their somebody's voice when to describe d. oh, $16.00 on so you can set it off the law offices. pasadena donasia responded to speaking. they saw on frances existing on monday, the soonest date that's due to a lot of them is policies their follow nutrition. you 14 is i think i found you in on the, on the go through just yourself the case example. larry and effectiveness and you won't see them in the district. so show pointed to people to make it so sad. is there something this going to oh goodness on it, it was, it was only as a whole. 20 percent below the font is only that i love the image through the school
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not fit, move in, ready to go. you know what you said on the move from step before i'm just going to speak with this law offices. get a no money for it in order for me is your degree look, i mean it all over is it do to assist all settings because it sounds like kind of for them at the most. okay. and is he led to the engineering scope officer? that's initial foster, about that for that long because your boss, i think it is, and in that off i mean send a technician out of the la d val and i do not want to and then assess, gets worse. and i'm seeing what's the song dollars i don't feel wants to more than i thought a thing on the phone that long cushion. right. so finally lanier set them up as soon as along with us all the way they are feeling for fight last. so it was on me the stick all the thousands on and then getting them in california is this all phenomenon? yeah, son, i'm in canada as it might be,
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the falls from zone. see they said they put on the notes is. ringback to, to, to, to set up the
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new at the city. i do most of them go to the 1st of the nothing related unfortunately cut up in beautiful. it's the last a bit of house in most i let them nick off the rest of lenny legend. now some grip is it didn't have enough at the board on monday, tuesday and i forwarded substitute drugs a ride in the the most recent page in molly's history is operation set of our for that and implemented in rankled time to preserve the country state code. it's a simple trick. the operation was pretty bad in advance and waited for to are in groups and incidentally with french health. to get from live, you have to modify the operation that has several symbol. if any of the objectives, a french military contingent entered the country due to isaac, the pro french government and the toner eggs were put in that place. the
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little guy did to the b. c. s, by se, ask him to keep going deep so far as the glass of each there at the 2 brand new zealand. let me pull the data said to the bar in the complex she gave me yesterday and said to the display. sure. c v like victor, let us one of the new but that's been it up. can you see the buttons use of the view w s. w, as you do the symptoms, then the site to go to, i mean, for us to then get to that promo for going was seen by the, the lead me. so you, so i think that it'd be opened up so that they can, but the key designed for your team. the dubois should be what on the letterman can
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produce, even with the next operation of hon, allowed friends to take control of the whole region from set a goal. so, so done. next, the curious path and the terrorist threat to continue to grow. and the area of terrorist activity expanded, while french business affairs in molly improved 10 profits grew. click on st for shouldered 49 french soldiers died, not somali, the french trade interest process. i'm a took up an independent and extremely advantageous inconvenience position in molly that of occupies how many miles and civilians died at the hands of the french doesn't care about that. the better of friends to go, friends has no friends, supposedly its own interests. the history of relations between
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france and its former colonies should serve as an example to defense treaty with france. does it deal with the devil? so no, uh uh, people do was i talked to the put the last on monday. i'm gone, don't say that i'm going to put down a pretty notifies or pull the a reset, reset that p the 1st for us as a 1st model in political k that is on the met, i leave it a laptop to lead to the photos of my my them onto the stuff that next suitcase and that will be less all my let me know about the conflicts to develop on that a little bit. i so i'm back, i'm a little d, david instead of any of the visual and all the also on luke on good. a
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lot of the new concepts, a mid dust of z a and do not a lot of list. it could be 2 of us could live, but i picked them up or something didn't pay for a ton of them. then let's see the interest the of the loan for a little bit. i saw the font size of my lease. i love usually the, the, the, the net month negative bus to the says a, but i saw nobody on the, it was not down to the popular. so super close think you need to is the good luck please. also do is of course at the most of my or my late don't for now i live, do my long see don't cause your data to be and go by them. i didn't need that this
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new call to not to the especially as a new it is a napa. so for another 2 to the difficult and do want to know to put a, to a policy for me, i don't know to put it that i thought you knew full well the upon those who look law a or a memo, do the, as i call the the blizzard, but not the left and a little confused as to let you know that i saw it as i'm going to have done to sort of us value the desk on the agenda that i set up a set list onto to do this on the plus if that's on the so all of the new to notes, don't accept photograph uh, usually deals. what do the data on clear on the display do fee that this the 2nd week of the pay and not along with the, the new whole fucking area that pacified them i've had a lot of this is it is 2 side long too long dollars
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a month the last 2 goes to the military. my, the home 3 for the month for the most. is it 2 days a lot of the not to be the corporate. i saw i work a lot of receipt. so that includes that. i so putting this on don't well, send the file in corporate so i do that office for less than that but a good bit. i saw a lot of bands in moses on the television, the level that i submitted to a collaborative sheet saying that i saw on downtown go now. and so he said it that bleed down the civic to that aspect. there's a, there's a, there's a good i, so keep them at the bottom. april 1st is our new money and as it can, you see on this and kick month a c p that on that amount to
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a lot of the photos that i'm in my, in on the monte. i'm to so the alex that then this is you can move this and kinda filter the diesel de la ties will and actually encourage you to look to be performed on the funding. so you can to get it, which is different. each of the key decided to us on 600, right? so the way this uh, shoot to the certainly says set, then you to keep the cecilia of 1000 to 15. if it is,
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if you seem to be in an apartment inconvenient for the meeting that he's been leaving until september, list at another into sheets or simply asset. and if you show the, not the sink of meeting for, sorry, my name is and let's see to, so i'm p yes. so as far as i mean, some of our competitors. so how you're doing by the way the fest based on weight. the other parts of the city totally piece under the bottom, the lender was under that it was for the end of the candidate, possibly that that zone. so kind of designed to thing, said lizzie, open leave a sure. is it the best on the didn't it didn't process which was
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search engine, silversmith, stuff, and i'm willing to do this, but i didn't talk this would be the 2, but the stuff on the last week to empty the destructive on this, i have to see the display this into the in between 92. so because quasi, i didn't use it so you might still have to remember to be less or more to be you know, plus the incidence. thank you left, but i assume you literally use competitive menu on the homepage and you guys on the cheek, you saw g b button. there was no impede economy instead of just so i don't even begin to cheat. my email on the internet says she knows the bus and the tip for that post dated on. we have to get rid of the said bush or coming to month
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6 on the puppies, ended and good things. you know, because of what the dental does. it for me please, and as long as it was done, can you please give me a list of what was that mileage? i see below that you guys have the work and simon m y 2 more literacy t dealer. and julie i go get through is talk, see, listen to your message, a demanding bundle disposing of what you have. it's an old place for the new car. that's what i do sets every time, lived on monday and it's about the district. but seeing that finding when i see the intent, so give me newport that with, with making the sometimes the same that gave you. so let me put that in the left, but then you'll probably get that sense of this. so this is us, at least the tv,
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even after being ousted from molly, from still somehow pressure, the regional union of african states. echo us with the goal of isolating. molly foods, sanctions, and close boulders by in essence imposing a blockade. a huge number of its goods are imported, and molly has mostly accessed these measures extremely unpopular among the population. not just in molly, but throughout the region. that the wallets of ordinary citizens held an even ruin some friends has already started to lose africa in a competition. in particular, this is shown by the narrowing range of goods and foreign companies based in molly . but fronts content doesn't want to change its power dime by taking equal partnership relations into account literal names. and it's also a method of direct colonial influence. but money is a software in the country with the right to its own history, traditions, values, and the cool relations. it has the right to choose, the logo is stronger,
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so we need to get him to put him on g. i mean, k, you know, a minute, for example, tom sick or let's think i do a this pain during us when i use wonder, but through the diesel. i also think that it depends on the sharepoint, but diane and the share collaborate, migrate the the money, bring us your own doing his blog money because showing that info. and once you submit somebody, this order has the, i'll create the wants to play the simple blog best. so that emotions about the 20, the 2nd. again, the missing what again do nothing on these, but the label is on the patient barcode repeaters to supplement one. mr. casual are to 2nd, the money is performed a lot of the sheets list of into some pro for the lot of the sheet. i love that don't say say much do nice blogs to buy strong but kill friend immediately to me.
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you don't wall. so kind of a lot of the public key of the bottom line here in i'm to buy house, you know, may $2000.00 in this be the watching us, you all know, not dollars. and there's the new boss here to us. you know, the only difference are contained in the song vishal, the really the don't know where it is. i was just on the say, does that prove can nobody isn't say it was or the money. i don't understand what the say of a lot. i'll send the money, i'm trying to know about 10 so, so visual sample 60 show what to do things. i'll check a little mistake it taking a board or do you see why you entered in there? for me, else? look, so you don't know my mom, this is only money. say boss, good. the money on this in the fall, i may look for me, make us feel
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a lot look for is only little for me. cash. will some people getting on the bus getting onto this old one year on the line? we will follow along on the s nicole and it shows about a little panel is your bundle like somebody, but i mean, there's only men of equity. so like, i've only been, i think, you know what, i think you just wanting to i think let me know date it ok along with the log on the a little money in money. does that the same money? uh, device $100.00 new v dash the last week total of putting in for the last 4. see it the same. mm hm. yeah. not a nice short move. its best phone. the best one. no, no, they do this issue me. it says fucking filter. and these are the pain that the 1st
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all set to level the songs aren't under low continue. okay, let's go to the papers for tim deluxe, the show and go to the show. april, great to she does. i live in the bundles of within some books and the scenario got suddenlink. she'll so would it be wise and what is the test using? it's good candidates in wouldn't that i showed the deluxe to me function to, to each to speed so that the more money there's no real effort should not fall in love. see them all complete. can go to the flow on vehicle. they're not to shoot the chevy. no, to clean the
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rest motor serves to notice she was under the same. really remodel. wonderful cause you had to keep him in to develop shabrika for that. it's my last summer that super shoot. the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the more expensive and i'm here to plan with you, whatever you do, you do not watch my new show search like why watch something that's so different listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. what are the plans that you have? the state department, the c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you
2:00 pm
as the desktop mouse and starvation occurs the bye, didn't ministration has made it clear repeatedly. that there are no red lines for you as real know red lines need a green light to continue genocide, genocide is official watson through the breaking news. this our, on our see president putin, to vows to retaliate was ukrainian forces shell polling stations in the cat or from region 3 people wounded. and i a michael for to live here in the studio while the red square voting as closed. alrighty. across regions for the 1st day of voting and presidential election, ad turnouts have sup box, 35 percent, and we are bringing you up to speed with all the developments right here. so far
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the fusion is the only candidates you cast his ballots doing it remotely on his


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