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tv   News  RT  March 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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stopped without pleases desktop, out of the hotel. so is this how to see if it is it kills it or you put it inside on the russian region. all the bells or the kids for the little so, so i holding stages and the hairs on area really notice for the inputs in vows to it's heavier. we'll go ahead. i have michael push it live in our studio live here are the red square and we're bringing you updates from how russians of casting their votes in this historic presidential election by the lovely cause, his pilot from his office of president, making him the 1st of the full candidate to this is what the problem is that by the way, nivia has realized and the idea of applying for a ground operation to involve into the southern gaza city, folk rock bottom, the
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mostly to the world. this is honestly, it is good to have your company today was a lot of 5 people been doing it in a you create any attack on a call in the builder or region that's according to the local governor. as of the mostly planning and strikes on friday, took the lives of 2 people and wounded 11 others ad defense systems of, of bel godaddy plus what come by the switch. however, the local authorities maintain the warning advisory throughout the day. i'm in arizona. i'm in the highest one region, 2 people were wounded. also you put in for the types of local porting stations, according to regional governor in response to the russian president file. but she is attempt to sabotage in the presidential election while go unpunished. in an attempt to disrupt the voting process and intimidate people,
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at least in the border areas with ukraine. the key of neo nazi regime is trying to carry out a series of criminal and demonstrative armed acts. this primarily involves targeting peaceful settlements on russian territory. approximately 95 percent of the enemies missiles and projectiles are destroyed by our air defense forces. nevertheless, unfortunately, there are casualties among civilians. all of them and their families will of course, receive all necessary assistance and support these attacks by the enemy will not go unpunished. several following stations think of southern region were shielded by ukrainian army in the fields. they are fresh presidential elections, leaving 2 surveillance wounded this day. the city of bills or it's was show a tax on the region. every simply intensified significantly. you create a new meal for an intelligence units have tried to seize, tried to capture few really just one of the territory refresher. here in boulder creek and russian minister of defense can don't says all of their tax for rebels and estimates. the number of moses at 15 hundred's. one of these attacks happened
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as russia rules in the free days of presidential elections. we are in bills, our 10 builder, which is one of the board is own regents the city of bills which is going to the full and station people here are willing to express their, their, their feelings and their concerns about their future feel are these, they denounce creating similar risk folk. it has heat presidential, building 3 children died and they attacked the keys. regime is deliberately shutting a new regions for choosing to become a part of russia. and that's the message from russia's you, an envelope, all commentating on the recent tax during the latest security council movie domain seem polanski. also notice that the west is and also be charging the legitimacy of the ongoing elections in russia while ignoring the sins of his own allies. or
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do you see this is design enough to do with me? when you create an dictator who has these this paula and suppress every instance of this sound as of may, that's what it was. this you will become completely, which is the most of the, of the crate in constitution. lateem is the last equal background came to paula calling himself a servant of the people singlehandedly and in violation of his own conscious constitution has canceled the presidential election due to happen this spring. i want to us cold, less than colleagues. you have assembled a whole security council meeting just to critique cross several holds in democratic collections on the territory that is administratively politically and economically apologize of all country. whether anyone likes it or not. and in terms of your boast, a democratic standards, how can you characterize the single handed constellation of elections by the head of states? zaleski still hasn't figured out how to stay in power, but he has already shown that he's ready to draw the whole country in blood and sacrifice every last ukrainian to achieve this goal. and security council made,
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it was cold of allegations of the product until election. the new russian times read what they did so much by some countries express in unison, that they refused to recognize the results in those regions and call them a violation of international law. have no validity. under 5, i'd discuss this issue in a little bit more detail. let's. let's 1st live announcement who was john jordan. john, thanks so much for joining us here on on. so you got a little bit of a hypocrisy. it seems, it seems yet again of the un security council is old, sees but one sided. why would the council comment on or reading the whole the a nation is i'm of the same time to say nothing when she constantly postpone so well. the cancellation, the extra legal cancellation of elections, you know, obviously is clearly is in contradiction to ukrainian line. is that matter? real concern? i think as a westerner of there's
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a real concern and this is not just as in the united states, but throughout europe, you're seeing the word democracy thrown around and then being actively subverted by the leads. for example, here in the united states, the by did ministration made sure that no other democratic challenger appeared on numerous balance for the primaries because they didn't want to bite him to be embarrassed or to be challenged for it is a prime example of this. and this week in the us, you're seeing stories about how the democratic party is going after 3rd party candidates and making sure that they don't appear on balance. so it would seem to many, especially those that are considered a business country that really do believe in democracy. the easy of the leaves. i know this is in europe as well. so throwing that term around and then still actively support again where to the point where democracy means democratic norms are only practices as long as one side wins. and this is a real concern throughout the world. so he makes a good players are the animal. so we can see the reflection that in the united
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states. so when it comes to the united nations security council, do you think those leads are, again involved in info and say, well, goes on the a? well yeah, the american foreign policy lead, for example, i mean, you know, is overwhelmingly biting the supporters in is our international list is either the certainly the, the, the u. k. as for an establishment is a foreign policy establishment is the same way. but i think you're starting to see in the circle defined the democracies of the west, a growing conflict between the leads and everybody else. i mean for example, you saw by the left just to leave in portugal, lose elections as me. you're seeing these types of and have this type of unhappiness in netherlands with regard to a heavy handedness by brussels. and the global warming alarm is. so you can use that as a tool to impose on the, on democratic norms on people throughout the world. right? you know, we see a lot of things happening around the world because rule keeping up today. we
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weren't getting any garza was going on, you know, around the world. we see now we had that as an, as he was pretty much showing. now, here with the polling stations, i mean, this is a life, this is, this is not infrastructure. this is not some form of you know, mentally, you know, god old base, but with no regard to human life and clearly as of terrorism. why do you think this kind of thing that goes on uh, relates in the front of everybody's eyes doesn't really get picked up by with the media? well, the western media is part of the western for the western elite establishment. and for better for worse, right, is wrong without getting it without getting into all of the complexities of ukraine . and they are one sided on this. and they, and they also see it actually as an issue for which of the, the, by the administration and many administration, they, governments in your power are far full throated leave for. and so they want to kind
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of edit what the public sees to a large degree to further a narrative. and it's not just the ukraine. you see this in a variety of issues throughout the west, especially in the run up to the american election issue. but in numerous elections around the world, and it's very interesting when i have to leave with that, but very good to him to put allowance, john, doing a pleasure. so thanks for joining me here today. you're welcome. what is the 1st day of what it shows, right, so voters, english are all set to continue costing that. it's on site today. the costs about will be sunday. so for all the time that has the pulse, 36 percent as part of our special coverage. all the presidential election, we report from the heart, the russian capital to bring your own little latest updates. the
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big question is, who will leave the country in the next 6 years, who will decide the future of the country? and that is for only russians who are voting to answer that question with the balance and that being for tripping out and showing consign and then so as you ask them as to how they want the one the country to be run. and that is what we have been covering. i bring you up to speed for candidates in this presidential elections and the incumbent head of states who is running as an independent candidate along with the other 3 can contend us, who are current, national lo make as representing 3 different political parties. and so far a lot of put in is the only candidate so far who has cast his balance, and he opted not to go to the police station, but voted remotely via the online service from his office. now let's head to our
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political correspondent jago pest. can of he reports from the election he has observed sofa despite any attempts to have trucks to the voting process, like you just saw in russia's new regions or some of the incidents that have taken place at some of the polling stations in, you know, the regions of russia and millions of people have already cast their ballots, and this is only the 1st day of the election. like you said, this is the 1st time that russia is holding a presidential election, which will last for 3 days. and that's, of course, done in order to provide everyone with an opportunity to be able to cast their ballots. as this system was tested earlier, during other elections on officials, also lower levels and has proven to be quite effective in boosting the voter turnout numbers. this is also the 1st presidential election in which the russians
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are able to vote for the next president online. so to go, school aren't physically able to come to bowling stations, are also able to place their vows. also, this is good news for whole those into verse out there. take a listen to what some of those who didn't me at night is to come to the polls. had to say, we expect some more development, the same prosperity in the country, and then everything will turn out better for our people. the faith of our country is being decided for 6 years. the president is elected for 6 years. our entire system, the structures of government bodies and our life in general is being decided. everyone should come and vote over to collections our lives. the president and the people are united. our victory depends on the president and the people. though i believe that elections are mandatory i think that this is one of the most important events for every person,
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for the citizens of our country. we must take part because the future of russia depends on our voice. we all love us, citizens of russia. i think that the clergy is the advance layer of our society, so we must actively take part in these events for some young russians, this is the 1st time of the day, yet to take part in the presidential election for others. of course, it's not seen some veterans of the great petrovic war, casting their ballast with you and seeing the russian members of the crew of the international space station cast their, their ballots in the 0 gravity though all there was also this interesting incident in one of the pulling stations where a robot came to, uh, try to take part in the election, but obviously it's a machine was denied to do so. you represent in itself deal it's all community said that it didn't have a human id i have. but if the at some point in the future,
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robots would have the same rights as humans and as russian citizens, then they wouldn't have a problem with them taking place and taking part in the election as well. but i think that's just a humorous no way and other and humorous and creative way to persuade more people to take part in the election because we are talking about the next 6 years of russia's political life. unfortunately, several troubling incidents have been reported in the different parts of the country authorities already in our already investigating them and several criminal investigations are being conducted. uh, a few people actually forward ink into the bad boxes. one woman tried setting up boiling station on fire by throwing a malls of cocktail in it, but thankfully, no one was injured in that incident and about the boxes weren't damaged as well. but we have heard now from the head of the whole committee all about and see
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a lot of who said that this is quite a serious all sense still from those who are the say and from the, from their explanations. it follows that this is coming from abroad. this means some kind of scheme, a connection. these are elements of federalism. they admit that they do this for money, but they said they will be level that this is just bedding hooliganism. this is section 141 of the criminal code up to 5 years in prison. this is not ordinary simple hooliganism. now, i'm talking about international attention to be this presidential election, then a $106.00 countries sent their observers to russia to monitor the vote. i think owen, all about 200000 people, including russian citizens ends. yeah. foreigners are monitoring this election. let's listen to what some of the foreign observers, the, what they had to say. i see very friendly people and very, very happy to vote for most of them to read. i
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expected you to be upbeat to be a bit difficult to do all of these process. these electron that you like to watch is discovered that it was very peaceful peacefully and then no interruption might damage. don't you know, a perception is that people feel excited to vote, i guess the voter turnout so far as the very good with early voting something over 50 percent. well that says something, you know, people are lined up here at 7 am to vote even though it didn't open till 8. so that said something again, i don't want to draw to be solutions because that wouldn't be fair and i tried it from there. but i certainly did, things are not as the west now, in contrast to these comments,
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so made by some of the international monitors, i'd like to share with you some of the comments now coming out from some western officials, many of whom had been saying earlier that they won't be paying attention to the presidential election in russia, calling it a sham or illegitimate. but now it seems some are taking to sarcasm as the last resorts, for instance, the european council president, who said that quote, i'd like to congratulate vladimir put it on his landslide victory in new york section starting today. no opposition, no freedom, no choice wrote this on x, formerly known as twitter, of course, or a policy analyst with the european parliament. who said that recent changes to rush as a total was make it virtually impossible to conduct any meaningful monitoring and have significantly restricted the role of the media. well, frankly, i think these 106 countries, which did send their observers to monitor the selection in russia. i think they would disagree so far. we haven't seen that any other candidates cast their ballots,
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but i do think they have a lot on their hands. and plus there's still lots of time to do so of course there's still saturday and sunday, so i'm sure we'll be seeing them taking part in the vote as well. but we have seen many senior russian officials, including the 4 minutes elaborate off the defense minister showing a cast or about the the heads of the russians regents including the new region. so basically all of them are setting an example for all the other russian citizens. also to take part in this election. i love to welcome you to another interview. we're going to have here election, observe as who were coming from different parts of the world to witness the history and making election in russia right now and been joined by how much can we have been abdul money? he's the political adviser to administer a finance of militia, and he's here, it's nice to have you told me right now, how much. thank you. my welcome. now you are in moscow. you have gone round and
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seen the few uh process in the election. can you share with us some of the observations that you have seen so far? i mean, of course my you see is very interesting to notes here that i think you have been to some part of the issue, you know, divide, said to invite them when it's totally different. and of course, you can see this time what all we have about the full candidates for these precedents election. that's beauty, shows that the, the democracy practice is i would say, fostering in rush you and define what all i think it will be interesting. plus, this is the 1st time of the potentially election where the e working system is being implemented. i think this is very good. i mean, to, towards the advisement of technology. we try to utilize and use and maximize whatever means that we have to make sure that the participation of the people in this democratic process is being, you know, you to us. right?
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yeah. now, from your opinion, and how important do you think this election is through russia nowadays, it is very important to make sure that the 2nd, you know, the progress and will forward to and side to it will be a part of the important can see into was to make sure that whatever the things that we have planned and, you know, for all this one. and also to make sure that the relationship between russia and other countries. so i would say, especially issue, i'll take example militia, i think get, we have been to together, we thought i should, i mean, since 1967 now he's almost 5 big kits of having this loan a relationship. and i think we can for the improve the and make sure that we can do don't explore a new opportunity between melisha and russia. apart from the existing one we have to meet. who will be right back here tomorrow to continue with all of the in dallas
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is bringing you point by point of what is going on have a great day that was margaret was uh, from uh, cedar just across the street from the planet. and i realized i had a chance to speak with a russian pharmacies um boss of the laws. utilities, why they both seem close as outside rush. i the challenges they face, i miss the share of it in the most. currently we have everything prepared abroad for the presidential elections and they are already underway. 288 pulling stations have been established. unfortunately, there are citizens who would like to behave not exactly like voters, but rather like political, provocative tours, included among them are the so called relax since who have been abroad for a long time and who want to come to the polling stations and organize various protest actions, there are election commission members will work directly where the voting will be held and we're talking about the presentations themselves. unfortunately,
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these people do not understand that they are not only disrupting the work of election commissions disrupting the course of elections, but they're also harm me that they're state. unfortunately, they don't understand it or don't want to understand it. they pursue their own goals, of course, and probably fulfilled the political order of their sponsors. these political actions are a drop in the bucket, and they are unlikely to have a serious impact on our electoral process and the country for continuous coverage of the russian elections. i split interviews, i'm allowed to straighten from the heart of the muskets, a tune with us here about the international. the insurance goes out to the middle east is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has given the green light for
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a full scale ground or so on. the southern gauze in the city, a rafa autism at least, bureau chief motor to finish them. as the d test, the prime minister's office announced a gave its approval for a ground defensive and rough um and as a software up to 1500000 palestinians currently find refuge. most of them internally displaced from the facilities in the north. it is not clear exactly when the operation might kick off, but we hear from the idea that preparations are in full swing. is road pushes for the invasion and it says to finish with the militants, the i gf, already killed around 13000, almost 5 years. but at least $5000.00 others, according to israel, i still reported late in the gaza strip and most of them probably hiding somewhere in the south. israel also claims the right dozens of tunnels and gather the south. but the length of the street with saw nights for which his wimbeles had my smuggles
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militants, money and weapons. so he's real says it needs to be destroyed. there are 2 major problems with a rough fall offensive. the 1st is where exactly to evacuate all those. 4 gallons from the junction board here is where i was planning to establish. so cold humanitarian islands in the center of the street, packed with food, walter medications, and tense, but a 1500000 people will. there be enough space and supplies for them. be fighting so continues. there is so unclear how equities will provide security for all these palestinians. and other issue is the lack of international support. tase rose biggest ally, the u. s. has repeatedly said it would not back such and i'm slaughter especially if he's real, doesn't present a solid plan on where to replicate people from the fiction boulder and guys i'm clearly bowman and firing and such a densely populated area. pose many risks earlier. president biden made it clear another $30000.00 dash would be
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a red line even for washington. all their allies like germany, for example, voice similar concerns. the german chancellor is arriving in israel on sunday and is expected to try to persuade prime minister netanyahu to refrain from rough by invasion if it's not yet too late by that time on friday. and is really to dig ation and is set to leave for go home to continue talks with him, ask for guitar remediation. another reason for announcing the approval of the large scale, how peroration and rough could be an attempt to put to more pressure on him as to agree to the deal. but indeed, now whether the nation's government has simplified the process of religious minorities to get citizenship. and now washington, a step with an elated worries about the implementation of it and condemn the common . so let me nations form is suppose person along the us against advising
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a denny on the matter. as regards the us state department statement on the implementation of c, and that have been comments made by several others via the view that it is misplaced, misinformed and unwarranted. like just by those who have a limited understanding of india's pluralistic traditions and the regions post partition history of best not attempted. we are concerned about the notification of decision shipping them and act on march 11th. we're closely monitoring this act, how this act will be implemented, respect for religious freedom in equal treatment under the law for all communities are fundamental democratic principles. the ship a maven i. this was a possible i paul event in 2019, but it is only now set to be implemented. the bill expedite is indeed a citizenship for members of the hindus sink buddhist policy. i'm christian religious groups. the fed persecution and surviving move the majority states. they
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would now be eligible for a possible of to 5 years of residence rather than 11 all the same policies on human rights sleep say the bill discriminates against muslims and undermines the 2nd connect. the constitution protests being who called the new measures is of a phobic and several arrests were made eroding india and par, the claims that opposition is trying to so fear we heard from an international affairs at 12 and the new duty to explain how washington impressions, the nation, i think visuals are next to india without understanding the beauty of this legislation, and i think they should not look to india on the shoes of religious freedom because india has a history of never attacking any other country. india has a history of always being a champion and invested. it will cease and light just as well as some of the
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western countries when we know what they have done in boston, in the name of freedom of speech and expression and democracy. we all know how many countries being good on what kind of war and do outpatient that, as i said into. so i think united states the as the you know, and start to investigate data and books, friend of india got to start a new partner. but on many issues, we have seen some of the rest and power act like post. i'm friends, the us commission for the international religious veto has always used really just religion as a 5th x group in dollars. countries who fits this thing by not going to the american life, we are not going to accept that. the to the f 100 amount delegation from washington arrived in these yet on tuesday is left empty handed us on the service. we have a state for africa accompanying by design. i'm african reference and says had planned to meet with the conclusion that if you need to. but he refused to speak
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with the idea to base jonathan. timothy of as a has on the story us under secretary of state for often a fast molly fee and some of the us off government, micro landry. we're among officials. we've got the west lock and based on this week, they arrived on tuesday, but extended their stay until the 1st day in hopes of meeting general c. jani, besides military leader. but the us officials left without an audience with c army, though they met with the needs of re and prime minister in the capital. the meeting was to renew contact with me, sir arthur last year as military tool. and just to review the us security and development partnerships with the nation, this as military leader did not give any explanation for not being present and domestic government is yet to each one of these all statements. this is the 2nd us delegation visit. seems to minutes or so in summer of last year, the united states condemned the cool and demanded a return to constitutional order with the rest of the reason of the post. president,
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meanwhile, seems to cool the military lead as have been very vocal about moving away from former colonial powers and for west force in france to withdraw its troops from the country. when the jump in the french didn't want to listen to us, we issued several warnings. we had to re define new principles for our cooperation before it was too late. the time of colonization is over. everything must be done by the will of the people we are convinced that the future of these year will be bright, because we will work to guarantee the rights of citizens. and that, that missouri and people benefit from the country's welf cronsa at about 1500. so we'll just stay sound in the country as part of a wider fight against you had as nice as military. it has lots demand at the withdrawal of us forces. washington, however, has never made a secret of the incentives to remain militarily present in myself.


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