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tv   News  RT  March 16, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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the, the, the breaking news on all t 2 people are killed and 3 more were dead off to the russian city of gal for this child part ukrainian schools. and so to come in and attempt to disrupt the voting process and intimidate people, the key of neo nazi regime is trying to carry out a series of criminal and demonstrative armed acts. these attacks by the enemy will not go unpunished. president, parents involved to retaliate tall to be at school, says, stripe polling stations in the hospital region. it comes out the russian presidential election is in full swing that aust, you do right here are the red squire. we're bringing you updates from how russians
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of casting that of those in this historic presidential election with people by taking on the day to one of the regions taken part is crime. yeah. what people chose to reunite with russia a decade ago. it's the 2nd time they been able to have that say, and who becomes also the visuals. give us a trying to convince the world that the victories just around the corner was 5 months on the question is becoming louder and louder. and what exactly would that victory be? is really prime minister green lights, an idea applied for a round operation in the den he populated dalton, city of rafa. but even a full may is ready the intelligence, the official question, whether his contractions are any different from those of the people that play they think maybe do we be a soldier noon? we kill us so well like to to go and kill. so now we need to become
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like some of the, a brand new the store itself is a couple of meters, this hasanti international knives from the russian capital. it's good to see you. welcome. but we all stop saying width. uh, breaking news. 2 people have been killed and 3 more wounded, up to a residential area in the russians that you pilgrim came onto ukrainian. charlotte, that's according to the regions governor all to produce some of them and try it for reports from the city. another attack has happened just this morning. i with myself, local govern assessed h m o arrest rule gets work and deceptive. but unfortunately not all of them are intercepted leaving 2 people dead and 3 more wounded. i was a did all of the places myself and well, pedestrian area, residential building comp walking. it does not look like a meal trip target actually attacks on the region of intensified great lakes in
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recent days. just yesterday they were 3 weeks of ero attacks. we need 4 people according to the local government, over a 102 killed just yesterday. as far as i can see right now, this is their main goal to spoil rushes of presidential elections. people are going to the going station. at some point they're afraid, but they want to express their, their concerns, they a believes and basically they just want to win a world. and they said that nothing will stop them from doing this online and welcome ed will say no and stopping them and stay to of russia's presidential election. and once again, old polling stations across the country on our 1st thing we'll wrap up on sunday. we know that so far overall time out has now posts 38 percent outs, including all votes given online as part of our special coverage. we've set ourselves up in the very heart of the russian capital to bring you over the latest . the
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while voting was well underway on a one opposing station in the house, on reaching came on to ukrainian, shutting, supporting to the local governor. even 2 people wounded in response, president putin said the keeps attempt up sabotage and the election will not throw one nonsense in an attempt to disrupt the voting process and intimidate people, at least in the border areas with ukraine. the key of neo nazi regime is trying to carry out a series of criminal and demonstrative armed acts. this primarily involves targeting peaceful settlements on russian territory. approximately 95 percent of the enemies missiles and projectiles are destroyed by our air defense forces. nevertheless, unfortunately, there are casualties among civilians, all of them and their families will, of course receive all necessary assistance and support these attacks by the enemy will not go unpunished. despite yesterday,
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to attack people in the hustle on the ranch at all on the tub and have been seen heading to pony boots, the costs that product, the turn out, remains high. that also to the full presidential candidates have cost that that so fall document through 10 incumbent chose to do his remote the online while in a sleep stay from the russian liberal democratic party. he has his down to his no for holding stations off to us. yeah. besides the importance of having, you'll say this is 02 are due to russia, is now experiencing a major moment of truth in its recent history. today, the face of russia and our civilization depends on how events unfold. today, when we are experiencing this moment of truth, we need to be together more than ever before. that's why most as far east polling stations have closed for 13 on day 2, but else way in the country,
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the doors will remain open until 8 pm. there are 11 times as optimal in this country. throughout all 3 days of the election, we are bringing you all special coverage. the big question is, who will leave the country in the next 6 years, who will decide the future of the country? and that is for only russians who are voting to answer that question with the bonded to end up being for dripping out and showing consign. and then so as you ask them as to how they want the one the country to be run. and that is what we have been covering. i bring you up to speed for candidates in this presidential elections and the incumbent title states who is running as an independent candidate,
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along with the other 3 can contend us, who are current national lo make as representing 3 different political parties. now let's head to our political correspondent jago, piston of he reports from the election. he heads up that so far, despite any attempts to have trucks to the voting process, like you just saw in russia's new regions or some of the incidents that have taken place at some of the polling stations in, you know, the regions of russia and millions of people have already cast their ballots, and this is only the 1st day of the election. like you said, this is the 1st time that russia is holding a presidential election, which will last for 3 days. and that's, of course, done in order to provide everyone with an opportunity to be able to cast their ballots. we expect some more development, the same prosperity in the country, and then everything will turn out better for our people. the faith of our country
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is being decided for 6 years. the president is elected for 6 years, our entire system, the structures of government bodies and our life in general is the decided everyone should come and vote for you. but the collections are our lives. the president and the people are united, our victory depends on the president and the people, though i believe that elections are mandatory. i think that this is one of the most important events for every person, for the citizens of our country. we must take part because the future of russia depends on our voice. we all love us, citizens of russia. i think that the clergy is the advance layer of our society, so we must actively take part in these events. unfortunately, several troubling incidents have been reported in the different parts of the country authorities already in our already investigating them and several criminal investigations are being conducted. uh,
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a few people actually forward ink into the bad boxes. one woman tried setting up boiling station on fire by throwing a mazda of cocktail in it, but thankfully, no one was injured in that incident, and about the boxes weren't damaged as well. but we have heard now from the head of the whole committee, all up on zillow. and we said that this is quite a serious all sense still, from those who are the say and from the, from their explanations. it follows that this is coming from abroad. this means some kind of scheme, a connection, these us elements of federalism. they admit that they do this for money, but they said they will be less off that business just bedding hooliganism. this is section 141 of the criminal code up to 5 years in prison. this is not or now talking about international attention to these, this presidential election, then a 106 countries sent their observers to russia to monitor the vote. i think all in
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all about 200000 people, including russian citizens and no foreigners are monitoring this election. they tap to chat of that and a lot of it noms foreign affairs committee. unclear and montana isn't had a tour of salva in boston for the 1st time. he said it was important to save himself the reality on the ground. uh uh, my 1st feeling is uh is uh less than uh, communities, uh, very well organized and randomized, uh, great, uh, on uh, february, but inclusion for us one woman about 87 years old. i ask who i'm ask, who is here? how about this, the listen to your told me that it's a very convenient, very safety and very, very easy for her. she like a lot of the voting during her life. but this listen
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full is easy. uh, i think that's uh it is very important and we bought them for me get to know how is it was uh voting process in russia? is it because the problem is in that i have a question. he does have already dismissed the election brand to get on democratic . however, they was suspiciously quiet when presidents lensky, cancel the presidential elections in ukraine, which would you take face this? yeah. well that was the message of rushes and voice conveyed to a session all the un security council do you see deserves cuz i want to us cold, less than colleagues. you have assembled a whole security council meeting just to critique across several holton democratic collections on the territory that is administratively politically and economically . a pause of all country, whether anyone likes it or not. and then terms of your boast of democratic standards, how can you characterize the single handed constellation of elections by the head
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of states? zaleski still hasn't figured out how to stay in power, but he has already shown that he's ready to draw on the whole country in blood and sacrifice every last ukrainian to achieve this goal. meanwhile, the region in the south, which became part of russia a decade ago, was making its choice to funk in 2014, the people of crime may have voted to join the russian federation. and this selection is the 2nd time they'll have the say own who gets to be that president among those, burton was the head of the peninsula. so they have to on us who watched his compatriots not to be indifferent to the countries future. probably, but really nice you by the most, that's a beautiful day with voting for the future of rush hour. so you don't be in different in all stand aside from cost joel, but for the future of our country, the security for development for the lives and health about children and grandchildren sees that really, that's what you do. me walk
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a french president's mind. well, not cro. headsets at the peninsula, i should be seized from russia, and we'll just springs to policy and last in peace to the region. what did the quite man's themselves think? well, auntie is donald quotes has been looking at how much life and that has changed over the last decade. it's been 10 years since crimea took its fate into its own hands, voting to become part of russia and the peninsula has undergone a dramatic transformation. all despite the western nay sayers who did everything in their power to see were unification, fail. once he grabbed crimea, pretended deployed a move russian forces in the peninsula, turning the territory into an armed camp for which to threaten the rest of the ukraine. we will continue to hold russia accountable until it returns full control of premier to ukraine and completely withdraws its forces. it is also important to acknowledge that the situation indeed alternative is republic of creighton year and
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the city of citrus. the pope has further deteriorated. a new crime is most grandiose project was likely the crime in bridge. russia's vital artery of transports through the curt straight. a similar accomplishment was the construction of the to read the federal highway which sides grand opening in 2020. these are just 2 of many new pieces of infrastructure across the peninsula, and that's done wonders for people. standard of living is the possibility of good news. a lot has changed over the years. first of all, we feel supported by to ukraine has tons of us to poll into the backwards. and now that the city is blooming, that you will do take a look at what the odds we have now. i see to you, we have an excellent tool to supply during this time. here is i have received the russian citizenship. i have my own business. i bought an apartment and my daughter grew up here as a rush and thought to us,
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we can see for ourselves what has happened in these 10 years. pardon me, are officially left ukraine and joined to the russian federation in march of 2014. after over a whopping 96 percent of the population voted to do so in a historic referendum. it's a come as little surprise since both ukrainian and russian statistics show that russians have long made up the main demographic group on the peninsula as lot of air pollutant mentioned in his 2014 crime in a speech, many of the seeds of chaos were found decades before like when former soviet general secretary, nikita khrushchev arbitrarily transferred crimea from russia to ukraine, it became clear the russian presidents that in action would be a betrayal of his own people. those who resisted the push were immediately threatened with reprisals and punitive measures. and the 1st in line was of course, crimea, russian speaking crimea, that's when the residents of crimea, and say were still flu, appealed to russia to protect their rights and their lives. of course,
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we could not fail to respond to this request. we could not leave premier and its people in trouble, otherwise it was simply be a betrayal. it was necessary to help create conditions for a peaceful, free expression of will, so that the crime millions could determine their own fate for the 1st time in history. but even after cried me a returns to its motherland, struggles continued to persist like he has block aid of nearly 90 percent of the provincial is clean water supply presidents, the lensky who thinks crime, he actually wants to come back to ukraine, was making jokes about the water situation back in 2015, but i was just gonna pick out what was the teachers the notes of grim oh, my god, what, what what
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then there were the blackouts that would run for months on end, caused by kia backed extreme is to sabotage power lines running to crimea, it was only have to rush it was able to commission to new power plants, but the energy problem was solved in 2019. the whole country helped us in the shortest possible time and energy bridge and new power plants were built, as well as an upgrade to the existing power generation facilities today. for the 1st time in history, cry me a not totally has ceased to be a region experiencing power shortages, but can also supply subclasses of electricity outside its territory if necessary. there were new sanctions as well that the west targeted specifically a crimea, but that didn't stop countries like italy, greece and france from continuing to cooperate with the peninsula. on top of that,
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the republic is heading towards its 2nd presidential election in russia with a new generation of young people heading to the polls. so the since 2014 political activities in crimea has appeared because before 2014, there was no use political agenda on the peninsula. only up to the common impulse of the russian federation did young people in crimea actively begin to be interested in politics. for mentors began to appear, assisted in gods in young people. i think it is the duty of every citizen to vote and every vote. as in paul 10, the crime in us hold the same opinion. i see only a positive direction for the development of pri, me and i use as i am representative of youth. i think the tour is mode develop very actively and try me as well as the republic is. there was a miniature and if you can find everything he had to order for supplies, despite pressure from the west war violence, sanctions,
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democracy today is alive and well in crimea, just as it was in 2014. but once any updates has coverage on the presidential election headed to our website, ok, you don't come on a on line. we have what you've called to do or the last time to all the news now. and the latest from central garza, martin's 36 civilians have been killed overnight and don't belong to local health ministry confirmed that is where it is targeted. a residential house with many children victims of the a top. well, the area has been under heavy bombardment recently. this footage from friday shows the off to myself. those attacks locals along with rescue, as desperately touched the russell the victim. meanwhile, the total power to send you in death toll since october has now reached $131490.00
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. moving to the south of the enclaves now was several casualties have been reported following strikes on friday on the most densely populated city. that's rafa houses as well as tenants located nearby have been totally destroyed. local say they have reached great some point with no us enough to shelter. while disease hung on, on going from apartments all came in the life self that loved one every single day . and this, if people were sitting at home during ramadan and southern the, there was a strike in the neighborhood. when we went out to see, we found that the building has completely collapsed. there's no safety built into rafa. or anywhere we used to consider rough ought to be the safest place in the gaza strip. about israel is not very us, but then i mean, some of the money we don't have weapons resistance for this. i didn't fear what open, what is the don't to us. so this is what new york as the new,
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the see the impact all your actions. i civilians and decide where the struction, the home, my husband. meanwhile, b is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has given the green light for a full scale round to salt on rafa, a town bordering egypt. and i was from says criticism from cairo which won't against any invasion to cover the roster operation on the risk of the lives of $1500000.00 palestinians that even appears to be repealing cracks and the previously sped pulse support of as well as close to starlight, the u. s. all tease middle east bureau chief, griffin ocean, it has to be looked into what the 6 month said is. we're all complaining that it's operation has been a success. it is real calls. it's offensive and does i'm a success. i'm on it's arguments, and relatively low dest told them on the idea of less than $600.00 phone soldiers. what's about tens of thousands of palestinian lodge, most any fish is real,
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keeps ignoring them as well. this is the biggest concern for the rest of the world . if was too violent, even towards the civilians when you have ministers in the. ready here's where the government saying, oh the people of guys are nazis. if i'm a soldier, if i shoot everybody because that matches, right. so this what our leadership told the army. no, you know some people who does what we have. israel believes gaskins should share responsibility as they elected him, us back in 2006 and it's roderick and then says israel, i run it, can we? yeah. coach the militant group. it is fine. 10 against this. the government is terrible because they think that, oh guys are even children. they said children altura, it's not on children. i don't know if there was okay. they say they will go up to be terrorist. this is exactly what some us is telling about is what a babies. they say he's nothing, maybe he wouldn't be
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a soldier and we'd kill us so well, black to, to go in and kill him. so now we need to become like home us, even when is really rest cuz it's kills. this is what happened when to is really captives received last month from guys on the mission. however, it claimed around 100 palestinian lives has reported by the guys in health ministry in december and now there hostage was killed during the failed idea of rescue attempt. a week later, the army killed 3 more hostages after they were mist identified as a threat. differentiating between civilians and fighters requires determination and intelligence going in a form is really sick research. his agent, almost 30 years ago, was the key handler of messiah abusive. the son of a high mouse co founder and the group's prominent spiritual leader massage served as an as really intelligent stores for 10 years. it helps prevent numerous
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potentially deadly attacks. bonanza is natalia who limited the practice of recruiting palestinians as collaborators, calling it a say to a mistake. even if we had one a good asset source and doesn't want someone to to say something bad. is it happening? not 10, not 100, and also thousands. one, then you can stuff if the 2nd semester within to have even this one because the head of the states may still nothing, you know, convince everybody. don't worry. we give the money, we pay them and everything would be okay. as a result, and the 7th of october happened, and now israel is waging war almost blindly. when you see that the as well is bombing wides bombing in, in the populated area. now i'm asking myself as a former intelligence officer, i am i,
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i'm capable of giving the exact intelligence thing in this apartment, the terrorist and this apartment, the civilians killed one of the leaders in colorado and not killing one another 10000 people in garza, which are civilians is ro, is of to have mass leaders, nothing. doha, the which also raises some questions in january, solid, irate, 2nd in command of how much is political wing and the founder of its military division in the west bank was assassinated in a drone attack in the root days ago. and it them, yeah, who claims responsibility for the 1st time since the killing? he refers to the man as number for the we are on the way to absolute victory. on the way to this victory, we have already eliminated a mazda is number 432, and one is on the way. everyone is mortal. we will reach everyone. good splits the or is all the to many will die on the way when, and that's
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a now talks about the assessment a thing. and if it's in a while, you're not going to be a genius to understand that this as in why has the safety built around him? of is where the hostages, how are you going to assess the night? seen why without being back the hostages. oh, maybe you say, i don't care about the hostages. 134 people remain in captivity in gaza. the faith is a known as israel prepares for an incursion into the southern guys and city of rough or where those hostages could be kept. the chances of survival of fading the lives of about 1500000 internally displaced thousands in the area a role. so on the threat, his role doesn't seem to care about more casualties. and gathering evidence biggest supporter, i sat with them and i sent with a work camera. i said, look, don't make some mistake. american american made a mistake. we went after ben lot to we got but we shouldn't have gone into ukraine
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. probably we should, we should, should have got into know the whole thing in a rack and afghanistan. it wasn't necessary, wasn't necessary. it was just cause more problems in the race and the cure and let them you. busy thinks about things, politics about his political survival is not the very eager to finish the war. man, if you will finish the war, we would stop. we as citizens of state for the style start asking questions about what happened. it seems that the war and gaza is indeed an act of self defense, but it is not the country that is defending itself. despite the rising criticism of both domestically and abroad, including from israel's biggest ally across the ocean, as well as many others throughout the world. these really military campaign in gaza is going on and on, claiming thousands of innocent how mazda is still there. hostages, remaining cafeteria t and israel keeps trying to convince the world that the victories just around the
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corner was 5 months on the question is becoming louder and louder. what exactly would that victory be? and most importantly, how many more desk will be inflicted? raven auction a r t reporting from israel and finding nato say it's all set square each a so pooled coalition to help supply ukraine with my weapons. as i put into the job and johnson, i spoke often a try last for meeting with the french president on the polish appointments. the i'm a sort of, i think it should be a problem. we've agreed on a number of key points. among other things, we will immediately procure even more weapons for ukraine on the global market. secondly, the production of military equipment will be expanded also through cooperation with partners in ukraine. 3rd, as part of that, or i'm starting format, we will establish a new coalition of capable people for a wide range of missile artillery. shops out there like that guy,
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the nightclub who can't make a trip to the washroom on his own, he has to drag his whole posse along. they all need to hold each other's hands. so no one sticks out as being particularly escal atory in this conflict. because as michael said, their quote continuing, as them done since day one to never take the initiative of any escalation. we're talking here about the same guy who acted like french opposition parties were a bunch of what says if they didn't agree with his idea of sending frank soldiers to crate using the coffee to indulges. and for not for the on board that passed fantasies against russia. yeah. germany sending long range weapons to be used in ukraine talking about sending torres is over there, the 500 kilometer range against russia. and my goal is to staying on sending french troops till holy or any kind of a splits where it is at all right. of course, they can always just conveniently say at some point of their choosing that it with russia, the escalated the complex. so they just didn't have a voice right now,
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like they haven't already done a bunch of things that they said they absolutely never do in this complex. so at this meeting in berlin with mac home thoughts and post prime minister dial task, schultz underscored that the 3 countries are not at work with russia themselves. oh, excuse us, while we just use this whole conflict as a pre text to ramp up our military industrial complex is as though we actually were at war with russia ourselves. germany's going to increase production artillery in ukraine. it's weapons of what make or ryan metal really is never had it so good at making hardware that can get the loan up pretty much right on the battlefield, coming straight off the assembly line. so no need to even spend any money shipping it to where it can actually get blown up started there. it's a wonder that their weapons production facilities and ukraine are you still operational and haven't been blown up themselves, homes all the.


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