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tv   Documentary  RT  March 16, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

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of the 2 big national policies, the competition really is between 5 minutes. so knowing the will be his violin markers on the policy and giving competition to him would be the opposition leader ra, who's gone from the indian national congress. but there are also probably regional policies, as that could be a closer door in case alliance is off to be formed. and that is something that is already happening, both b, u b and the indian national congress. the are seeking golf alliances with a regional father. he's in case one body is not able to reach that to 72 number. then they can form into lions and form of government. but who is going to lead india for the next 5 years? we only know that to the very last full discount it on the 4th of june. but this is going to be crucial, especially for the bar fusion the party, because that means a movie is seeking a thought and this is going to be the faithful. his time of that a government is going to stay in 5 or 415 long. yes, that's of course,
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if the parties are on the policy when the selection be enjoy a lot of confidence at this point. but of course, the very last for discounted one would never know what's going to really happen. but while the nation's government has simplified the post as for religious minorities to get citizenship. and now washington has step 10 with alleged worries about the accent, the mentation, and as a condemned. the cummins, the nation's foreign ministry spokesperson, want the united states against meddling in new dallas business. as regards the us state department statement on the implementation of c, and that have been comments made by several others via the view that it is misplaced, misinformed, and unwarranted lectures by those who have a limited understanding of india's blue mystic traditions and the regions post
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partition history of best not attempted. we are concerned about the notification of decision shipping them and act on march 11th. we're closely monitoring this act. how this act would be implemented. respect for religious freedom in equal treatment under the law for all communities are fundamental democratic principles. ship amendment act was passed by parliament in 2019, but it's only now is set to be implemented the bail. expedites indian citizenship for members of the han do sig, buddhist, patsy and christian religious groups who have fled persecution. the surrounding mazda majority states that will now be eligible for a passport after 5 years of residence, rather than 11. the opposition parties in human rights groups say that the bill discriminates against moslems and undermines the secular constitution. dod protests of people cold. the new measure is the muscle big, and several arrests were made of the ruling indian body claims that the opposition
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is trying to. so here we're here. we've heard from an international the side expert from new delhi who displayed how washington patches of a nation. i think visual got lecture in the or without understanding the beauty of this legislation. and i think this was not looked at india uh on the shoes of religious freedom because india has a history of neighborhood attacking any other country. india has a history of all is being a champion and a massive that will cease and light dismiss. whereas some of the restroom countries will be no one they have done and don't do it in the name of freedom of speech and expression and democracy. we all know how many countries being very good on what kind of war and do outpatient that is i said into so i think united states the us, the united such as was paid out of a good friend of india. gotta start a new partner. but on many issues, we have seen some of the rest and power act like whole style spreads. the us
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commission for the international religious veto has always use really just religion as a 5th tech school pin down countries for bits 15, but not to include that body comes i. we are not going to accept that wide, stay with all the international for the latest on the russian presidential election . they need with much moved from around the world as you get the summer months. so there's a walker see on continue. comstock. so like as of prescription, not amount, a lot of pretty much it all set. i saw it, they looked at the key on the list. securities woocommerce, those. you may see some people don't you think much of it might just because your logic has the ability to remind you in the plug davis, if you to remind you that the 3 i learned a little more to remind you to see today of all
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a call number from the menu or to the composite me kind of what it is that the kind of easy use on like a follow up with him today instead and then focusing on it and then come on buddy to, to book it. so i'll see some of the better method are due to do the death. it'll put them on the go to the seats and to set the money order to fix this isn't going to cover a lot pleasure to let be. i think i know some of the amendments on, on what's going on most by ip sec on it also for us, so gladly or software us it up or brush all months. so come in front of you to say to the latest, as you don't know, that is your intimate life. somebody visited likely to be present. they try to go
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to the bottom. that is, i'm in a liaison between 4 and a quarter. okay, well to ask you a new name, let me day to see whether it as it is it say my name is indeed jenny van in to do any process. it's a book i would really want to get to the for the can't, is all or most of the process. i say to some of them on it on, on those of you person, do those have say, and that's what i'm additional to said. i mean shows google says that additional keywords on page should do for she's going to set up the shock and was operating data for the she came to me. it was on page do what? um there's a cup bumper on a chef, middle updates on the income file for naples, i'll look back some stuff to you so you don't sit back. as i said, completely clueless. the
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social security question was not what we know that, you know, we've got to remember is, i mean it's, and make up to do with to deprive a country of sovereignty is to arrange its memory. and that's not only cultural heritage, it's also about it to use the circle locally data not to be gone. was a town called on the one the or the reduced on a couple in this is i'm, you know, what's happening is i've noticed and she'll see anything more on the play now was on the phone. they found a month. the associated with expect you to do this, we have on file on the live volume associate, the things up in it. it will. so it will say
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a lot id routine in your system and you've got to any, how glossy by milton would you communicate? bob? really easy to while odd to choose the key on the going to be uh, i'll read you the outer sheet love most the money. that's also going to mess around . i figured i'd love to you. it is a lot better. me new boss really didn't. nissan, san naples, on into a little more news through this nonsense. going back to the time when we set it up by the front of our adults, french school children joined demonstrations coming down with friends. blackouts from since colonial cliche turned out to be more important than the humanistic and universal values of french culture tends to one remotely. francis and associated with we'll go in some x ability with, with the background and underground culture and science have been replaced by on principles in neo colonial demagogue. they say it's time for friends to leave somebody's voice locally to describe d, so soon on. so you can send it,
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i'll see you tomorrow i left francis pasadena donasia responded to speaking. they saw holland. frances is if you don't mind, it assumes date is a long as policies there. file a motion if looking it up in a file and you end up on the go through just yourself the case example. let's do a search. it says you won't see. number 26, those 2 pointed people to me in memphis. jetta is there something is going to be going into some of the for that we don't need as a whole frontier for something a little funky sony that i love the imagery. this will not fit move in. ready to go . you know what? you set it on god by made from step before just going to stick with the saw forces yet a nobody put him on a former is your degree. so it looks like i mean it all over is it didn't do, sir, so settings it because of course that's not going to put him at the most. okay. it is it, it becomes useful for us to initial a false to come by for that long because your boss, i think it is. and in the find me send a technician out of the la
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d val and let them then assess, gets lost. and i'm seeing what's the song dollars they told me to fill out the final thing on the phone at that location. right. so finally kicked my new set them up. as soon as i was all i was wondering they are the owner for my little son was on the district all the 1000. and then when i'm in california, is that so and i met on, you know, the son i'm in canada as it might be, the the funds all said they saw on the south side they put on the notes is. ringback since you know, 25 and is all just you know
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the booth is digit. i knew most of them go to the 1st of the nothing related or preferably cut off in beautiful. it's the last a bit of house. in most i let them nick off the rest of why the legend now some grip is it didn't have enough of the money to get enough for the substitute drugs. a ride in the, the most recent page in molly's history is an operation set of our for that and
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implemented in rankled time to preserve the country state code. it's a simple trick. the operation was prepared in advance and waited for 12 or in groups of incidentally with french help to get from libya to modify the operation of several simple if any of the objectives. a french military contingent entered the country, legitimize the pro french government. and the plastics were put in that place. the little guy did to that would be c s. most of these assume i can barely keep going. deep so far as the glass of each, that deep blue black diesel, the magnet said to the bark in the complex she gave me differentiate to the display. sure. c v. like victor, let us ones a new but asked didn't it up?
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can you see the buttons use of the view? doesn't the 70 you see the symptoms then the site to go to, i mean, for us of them got set up a little for going west to see by the, the lead me so used to i think that it'd be opened up so that they can but that keep this on for your team to do boy should be what on the letterman can for dealing with the next operation of hon. allowed friends to take control of the whole region from senegal. so so done next. the curious path and the terrorist threat to continue to grow. and the area of terrorist activity expanded, while french business affairs in molly improved non profits grew. click unsafe for
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charlotte 49 french soldiers died. not for molly. but for the french trade interests. frances, i mean, he took up an independent and extremely advantageous inconvenience position. in molly bulky bias. tell many molly and civilians died at the hands of the french facts doesn't care about that. it's a better price to go. funds has no friends, supposedly its own interest. the history of relations between france and its former colonies should serve as an example to defense treaty with france. does it deal with the devil? so the boss the or is that down to the last on monday i'm gone, don't say that i'm going to donald notifies a full the a reset, reset that p the foster for us as a 1st monday in political k,
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that is on the audi event. i love the opportunity that the focus of my, my, them onto, to stuff that net city level be less all my then nobody concludes to develop on that a little bit. i so a back on a g davis, instead of in a have done that is on all the also on luke on good a lot of new concepts to me. it does the study and do not a lot of listen to the 2 of us live, but i picked them up or something didn't pay for a ton of them. then let's see the interest, the
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there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the madness of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also of soon, this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing press for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to help me living on that. we have a very close propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask a better. the answer is will be a rule. cuz the loan for elizabeth so far says of, for my leave, a lot usually do the to the diesel, the not to month need got a bus to the says a, but i saw nobody on the what was that down to the popular?
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so the sooner the close think you need to is the police also look use of force at the some of my late don't. for now i'll into my long don't cause your data to belong to by them. i didn't need that this new call to know to as fast as the new it is in that box. so for another 2 to the difficult and do want to know to put a, to a policy for me, i don't know to put it that i thought you knew for the upon those who look last i area and then we'll do the event, go to the the blizzard for not ended up in a low could be that as soon on. the gallery. all right, sorry man. what we are continuing on, especially we'll have coverage here with the oxy international. i do apologize,
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but jumping in all of a sudden here, this is of course they to of the voting for the russian presidential election and it's fluid numbers and a lot of news coming in by the 2nd. so forgive me please. if we do some of the erotic going this way all that way, but this is the russian presidential election once every 6 years, also now. and it's a big deal for the biggest country in the world and cost a thing called at the office. now joining them, they had live at our special election studio here in the heart of most of the russian federation council by speaker. it is so good to have you here a very welcome. thank you. this is an interesting time to be having a presidential election. let's discuss some of these in baffled regions, the for new in baffled regions of russia. some people might say, it's a bad time to have a presidential election. others may say, well, that's a time then. now, how significant is it for those in these full in baffled regions? i believe it is equally important for people leaving can these for the just for the
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hell population of russia as well as it is really important for the whole world because these elections take place uh approximately 2 years after the special midway through theories and started and reacting on these events on this uh, process our western neighbors. uh, i believe, uh, a tried to achieve 3 goals to inflict the military defeat in the front line. to inflict an economic defeat by imposing sanctions from the russia and to inflict their political defeats, hoping to separate the routing, assorted this, the president to flash or on one side of the civil society. and you know, what is happening in the front line. you know what is happening in the russian economy in both cases v r. it's moving ahead. yeah. and these are the actions are
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perfectly in time because the are to show our western neighbors and the whole world . there is no gap between their link assorted this and the population of the civil society overall. so they turn out seems to be unexpectedly high. attorneys are unexpected, at the high 50 percent on day 2, and hopefully the outcome of the, the extra so we don't know yet, but hopefully the outcome of the elections will not create any possibility for any but if the question the result and then this is really important, you know, know the end of the 3rd story. we don't know the, the end of the 1st story. yeah. front line. yeah. but you know, the end of the 2nd story about the economic development of russia and we will get an answer on the 3rd question. whether it's disposable or impossible to create some political diffuser and interests it, it, it will never go. well, i think it's fair to say that the people of russia have become galvanized,
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they've become in bold, and they've become stronger and optimistic as well. rush has been full funding now . more than 15000 sanctions. and this country is not just dividing. it is thriving, these days even weston, a analytical companies are saying that the rushes of rushes economy, the gdp is now positive, positive $2.00 and going up to 3 percent. europe in america, going down the drain these days. and yet we're the ones living in the country with over 15000 sanctions above our heads. let me, let me ask you quickly if i can. we talked about these before new and baffled russian regions where people are coming out to cost that balance to make their voices heard. but we also know the in the bell, good old region, and course going up and down the border line, the west and border of russia. the key of regime is showing civilian paulding stations. now i just wanted to ask you, there are no military targets that these all civilian towns and villages would people coming out generations of families who want to vote for the presidency?
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why is key of targeting civilian areas, particularly civilian polling station? well, i'm not in a position to explain the excellence taken by the key for thought it is, but i believe that they understand perfectly well. they cannot do anything more than the front line white once again, and they can not defeat the russian economy. and this is called the, on the hopes of the they have used to try to, to create it to promote and if much fear of fear in the russian society of it will never go. because the russian society is absolutely consolidated by now. and the rest of the citizens know perfectly well what these story is about. yeah, it's about our so they ran it. it's about our security, it's about our independence, and then it's about our future. and they've been able to, people feel the same way here in most go somewhere in the far east and in the u. 4
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regional. so for us, it in the best and part of the public. i mean, if i, if, if before i let you go, so i mean, just just quickly, already west and politicians and the media landscape, they're already saying anyone voting and the new russian regions. it's a shy and it's a scam it. so it's, it is not legitimate, they're also already saying if person wins a re election, that's also a legitimate why all day in this position. why must they be a so russo, for they can be just so i guess, hateful, frankly, once again, i'm not in the position to explain these uh, these spirits uh nicely, but i believe that these patients have made huge mistake trying to inflict a military strategic military defeats on dresser, once again, they know perfectly well that it will never work and they need to have certain explanations. and one of these comic explanations would be i believe the elections
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are illegal, the president easily legal and the cisco. nobody has any possibility to have any deals with these about so they will continue to try to isolate dresser. but russia is definitely not isolate the f for now. the less than come through, this is m, i noticed and nothing majority of the world and the global installation. of course i have absolutely 100 percent failed and this will develop the same way in the future. now what do you think just just quickly, i'm sorry to keep you here, but do you think after all these years and all these thousands of sanctions, or would it be so to say in one way or another that the russian federation is actually doing better. now than it was 10 or more years ago, you know, well the, so the recent started, i believe this, mr. pulled him the president to for us and he's government 1st, the initial they want to change you create. now me see the probably you claim as for now is not changed yet,
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but they have succeeded to change the world because now they have these phenomena off the global majority of congress and opposing domestic and politics. and they have succeeded to change our account that we have succeeded to change the residency generations. we are much stronger now the believe in our sales and to know better that we can, we can and we probably didn't know that just 3 or 4 of them years ago. know, even though it cost i think closer to of the russian federation council by speak, it's so good to have you here, especially on day to the presidential election. the real pleasure. thank you very much, but thank you. thank you very much. well, so it is day 3 of the turn out so far on the bottom line is we're now looking at the voter turnout, surpassing 50 percent at this point, that's not including all the votes that will cost on the line. so who are the candidates here? who's running, who's buying for the top spot of the russian federation? of course, there are full candidates. you've got the incumbent,
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russian president vladimir putin. he's being at the helms is 1999. the other 3 kinds of it's a current national lawmakers of let us law define costs the of the new people's party, a veteran russian businessman. leah need slootsky, who now leads the liberal democratic party. previously, he was the country's diplomat of the parliamentary assembly of the account, sort of europe and communist nickaligha donald, who has been a member of the state do much since 1994. also heading the parliamentary committee on russia's arctic and far eastern development. now i think is what saying that from the very west of the country, all the way to as far as just upholding stations nationwide opening up now what 8 am to 8 pm local time, a tens of thousands of site to spread out across the largest country in the world, of course, at 11 time zones, i, one of the many international observers across rusher was an asian se on the into parliamentary assembly representative. he told us so far, things look pretty good. yesterday we were indeed treat places and
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we are very happy and very uh, surprised the people i were at the and the a replaces. they was a very well saved god and a replaces. and what do you will include the theme goodies because of the central election commission. they have prepared a good job for the restaurant is a big country east of all over the country before. and now of course there's this onto plans, but resend the russia. become more and more strong. we as a of a last, that'd be cool friction with russia. we have a longstanding operation and especially with lyle pd. uh. we have 60 years of cooperation that together now we need to have a very good present to for the, uh,
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healthy and follow the russia. then i am sure that russia will get success with the election. we as an up. so we will go to new a, so called russia. so after ease we've been discussing here during our special coverage of the president election, 2024. all these new people in these new russian regions full in baffled regions. they are all heading to the polls to spite what is essentially a daily threat of the ukrainian shutting as announced by key if no one holding station in this approach, he did come under a drone attack that with no casualties, reported a key of child upholding station in the neighboring have saw in the region on friday this saturday, ukrainian stripe in the same area, killed at least one civilian despite all of that, the citizens. and they certainly appear on the tut. i mean, they keep going to the post. i mean, you, you go to imagine they're looking for a new lease on life, these red residents down there. and as i understand from our people in the region, optimism is running very high at the don't pass republics of elegance with don't
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yet, the locals, that voting for the russian president. for the very 1st time, a 1000 folding stations are open. and here's what we've been hearing from some of the citizens. interruptions done by yeah, i might have some yeah, if some, i mean the family have been actively involved since the very 1st minutes of june in russia. they really loved the g at the 3 a part of the greats of russia. we have participated in various festivals and counselors that took place in vasa, in support of the new regions. this is probably the most i can do is mother to force the best truancies and in my children, my senior. since we came here with the whole family, of course we will vote for families to grow even bigger. traditions, very important to us. in the future we hold the things will only be better. we hope a bright future is not far off as a. this is very important because we have given the opportunity to express how
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position to show what we want. we believe in the person we vote for. this is a huge holiday, the choosing elidah, who will help old people throughout the country. the motors festive disable goes down in the history of all of russia. i believe that for us, the election of the president of the country is the primary task. the main thing is to choose the right and necessary person. therefore, i urge everyone to vote while meanwhile, and the crime in the city of separate stuff, all of which of course, were united with russia off to a referendum a decade ago. locals that are also costing that votes. in fact, it's the 2nd time russians there and that strategic stuff in city of voting for the countries president and the form, uh, excuse me, the current for and administer of russian. mr. so get off or off. he's actually hailed the election the saying that the crime in peninsula is not just a part of russia. it will always be a part of russia. we'll see if we will remember that disturbing a terrible spring when they are not c c. how.


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