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tv   News  RT  March 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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and became an important milestone on the weight of final independence. the headlines along with the international russian forces were pell, another attempt by ukrainian troops to infiltrate the boat. at region of belgrade with 2 civilians were killed by selling earlier this saturday. both of the south the polling stations are closed wrapping up date 2 of focusing of the 2024 russian presidential election, towed out has been at least 58 posts. 7th, stand by more details up and come what was the reason the frequency of the of the are among those voting for the president and they don't. yes, we are. public towns across the russia is also new regions for the 1st time. and so, so hard to explain all the good can be induced. here's the past 3 weeks. i've
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already made it easier and we hope things will get even better. not only preparing for the lowest, but i've lost the biggest scale. india outlines as general election plans, which will take 3 months, i guess, list of 7, the hello and welcome to make sound. today. the 16th of mountain vista is on see international coming to you live phone. most goes great to how the weather is almost go say is as follows, is a full today fresh attendance by ukrainian troops to infiltrate russian border regions during photos released by the russian defense ministry shows a group of new crating and soldiers trying to sneak across the board to enter the belgrade region most go safe and sound. besides were quickly beaten by losing up to fuzzy soldiers 3 times on multiple other vehicles. us.
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earlier on saturday, 2 civilians were killed and 3 more wounded off to a residential pause of belle grove. sissy came on the ukrainian shelling, as according to the governor of the russian region and another as high as that as defenses intercepted. 15 checks, applied voltage that was fired across the border by key ups troops wounding at least one civilian auntie produced that montgomery returned of a solid, a report from the feldwood region. another attack has happened just this morning. i witnessed myself local govern assessed, h m o arrest rootkits work and deceptive. but unfortunately it not, all of them are intercepted leaving 2 people dead and 3 more wounded. i was a did all of the places myself and well, pedestrian area, residential building comp walking. it does not look like a meal trip target. actually a tax on the region of intensified great lakes in recent days. just yesterday they were 3 weeks of arrow attacks. as far as i can see right now, this is their main goal to spoiled rushes of presidential elections. people are
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going to the going station at some point, they're afraid, but they want to express their, their concerns. they are believes and basically they just want to win a world, and they said that nothing will stop them from doing. it was a big day for russia as millions of russians take to the polls on day 2 of the presidential election, which is being held across 3 days for the 1st time. as we're continuing to bring you all special coverage of a landmark event from a special vantage point in the house of mosca of the what apparently it's being a really big throwing out already day to wrapping up. now, the polling stations are closed basically across the board of russia, although some of them will be reopening very soon in russia's far east. why? because of all the 11 different time zones across the biggest country in the world and folk to turn out as we understand at least 58 percent,
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which is going to be considered very impressive, especially for the day 2 of 3 days of voting. so here we are downtown moscow, the heart of the russian capital here with the company behind the base and his glory is lights from one of us here wishing you a very well welcome to our special election coverage the . so we're looking at the numbers now. the 3 day election is going to wrap up in about 24 hours or so sunday evening. but at the moment as we understand that the numbers keep coming in by the minute at least 58 percent when it comes to a vote to turn out. but that's not including all the online voting this taken place as well. and just to give you some numbers here, it basically means all of about a 114 eligible excuse mountain 14000000, eligible russian voters. that means over $66000000.00 have already cost that vote,
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but who the voting for? let's talk about the full candidates. say you bought the incumbent, had a state of goals, environment, food, and he's been to the hell them since 1999. but the other 3 candidates are also national lawmakers of let us off that phone calls from the new people's party, a veteran, russian, russian, businessman alienate slootsky, who joined us a bit earlier. he was from the liberal democratic party and the communist nikolai, how to turn off, who's been a member of the state do most since 1994, also leading the the parliamentary committee on russia's arctic and far eastern development. well, let's join a very special guest who's now in our studio here downtown to the heart of moscow, another international election observer, pets. it also will look, you're to guess. it's great to have you. here you are the president of bongo university. you're from ethiopia. sure. you are an election absorber here. sure. is it your 1st time in russia? oh, this is my 2nd time your 2nd time here. now where,
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what posting stations have you been observing or are you based in moscow or have you been in different regions? i have been in most gonna have visited mos on 7 folding station. uh huh. all right . and i want you to be honest with me. don't hold back. i'm serious. what have you seen? is it, does it seeing transparent? does it seem legit because according to western politicians, this whole election is a sham to be on us from my humble opinion i want to express to you is it as well as planned? waiting on the gun lies. i have busy to do the forwarding station. you'll see what surprised amazing is the, you know, the venue, the kind of for boy think, my cottage, which has never seen in the history. that's right. or what i've seen is it very much surprising and that looks extremely excited. you sent me this, this kind of country from your pets at all. so, i mean, i, i find it inspiring. all right, because i've had a number of international election, it was a, was passing through our special studio this morning,
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this afternoon. this evening. they will keep telling me the same thing and i'm a journalist looking for uncomfortable truths and i don't know where you are. you'll call these keep telling me. it actually looks good. it looks, transpired, it seems legit. there are cameras all throughout the posting stations. and one of your former colleagues on it was telling me how she saw the ballots being put in sealed boxes where they have to cut this and clue that and make sure nothing could be tampered with. and she elizabeth a bit earlier he was speaking to outside just to overcome with optimism and, and you share the same sense and absolutely, for one thing i'm christian, i don't need to lie. i'm so sealed or just have seen everything slots is going there. and i have all this out of it in and out. i should ted was to have seen i, i am not able to fly that any one. it is extremely surprising. good. it is the best example which i have had in my life experience. that's incredible. yeah. absolutely, yes, everything is going to be somebody, you know,
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i'm one of my old friends in europe or america who's going to be getting all this guy. i mean, come on, but you're serious. i'm really grateful to hear that they're all over a 1000 election observers and rush them all around the world from a 105 different countries. and every time i speak to one of your colleagues, i say, look, have you seen any things that russia could do? better with the voting process. have you seen any flaws, any problems or any i don't know discrepancies, but i mean, can you, can you recommend any improvements? no, no, i don't have any portals on sides that i want to say is really i begun to write a memo for myself. for my con statement, i am going, you know, back to my home to share the experience. what have seen here. this is 0 flight that a why should i flat the? i'm a bit you the whole that i'm christian. so i should reason his wife to have seen here . yeah. so that's is a very best example. well, i think it's just amazing. you, i mean you're from, if you, if you, i'm authorized from here. um so, so yeah, that when you were growing up a now contemporary times, what did you think of,
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i guess, the soviet union and what do you think of russia now? you've been hit 2 times in your thoughts. i'm so sorry you are making me to go to the taylor for one thing. my 1st degree is history of if i did pay in a defender added about press 3. if i don't go to back to that the state of georgia, but currently what i want to say to you is, you know, we have a very long just your friendship together to visit you up. and, you know, we reside, she vented to appeal, was in a serious problem. rush out was on the right time bill fee to you, a vessel i know what slash you did for the feel. feel you feel if you were just means note, that means that, that i'm not going to make a kind of, you know, a lot that a good i have not. if i did find the force information about the 2 days votes, thank you. on top of the form of friendship, we have just what they call the filament for myself is you know, the selection of egypt as genuine to select rush as a best friend,
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positive lab and friend as dependable friend. you know, because if you, if you, it was the 1st african nation that russia established diplomatic ties with, it was over a 100 years ago. and ever since then, there's a friendship between the different parts of the african continent and whether it was a soviet union or today, the russian federation. it's old getting close. a piece of the grant funds is not only normally that it's his product because they are, you know, bring all the kids from their dad's keeping, therefore them their kind of accounts for education. some of my friends have did the ph. d. of, of course i did to my peers do some of it in year old. but you know, starting from, you know, from 126 years ago, we have a very strong got tied to it to this con, to the yeah. what mix they beat, unique us father, me is kwansa. tell me. yeah, there is one historian whom i love extremely so much name is alex on the black to
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be to have been in my but as placing golf or crib coffee has already generated for the 1st time in this world. right. so that gives to me, i agree with, you know, interest has in to read it to you. if god forbid you think, but i mean push can push. can i mean pushing himself is, if you can, he has a young lady answered bitterly on the side. so one, boy, it's a, it's a full world for small world and he, we all standing on the front line of his blossoming, multi po, world. where do you see the relationship between africa and russia moving towards in the future? what's your full cost? of course, from my form of experience i have had in my life. and as a school of what i'm going to say is the friend to ship, the browser who would watch we have is russia, is genuine from humble. you know me a test phone and do you know the pin?
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this is what i want to say about. flash was a, that's a beautiful thing to say. mean, find the french president, demand your macro, and only has bad things to say about russia like he's kind of say, he's blaming putin on wagner for kicking. essentially, the french troops out a form of french colonies. you've seen what's happening in these. yeah, but again, a fast so, and center goal and fruits and said recently in an interview on the russian television, he said, and it was in the us, the african leadership approached us. they said, we want to work with you. we want to work with the russians, but it my new background in the says, all the russians have picked my boys out of africa. it's just, you know, it's that the contrast in rhetoric you get from one of his feet to the next. it's pretty quiet outrages. let me ask you this. if i come patrols this, if you're one of us 1000 international election, it was, i was here across the russian federation observance from a 105 different countries. and i want to give you the opportunity right now, you are live on network television to the person who's watching you right now. what
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would you like to say to them about what you've seen in russia and what you've seen with today that's ongoing 3 day electoral process guys? slot robes. that'd been me from different corner of the world that pittsville sort of the go to this dish, the whole dining sociology. i'm the president, a phone guy university. i'm from me to help you from my humble opinion. i am 44 years old. i've seen a lot of, you know, i look for on process and i have visited a lot of pulling decision starting from midst of the app to now. it is the same lead, surprising. it is with the plot. it is well organized, the vin, what surprised me is, you know, they give a lot of access for a, for citizens. they come, which i load them to elect from different drum different parts of the dry chef. so
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to me as genuine is because this is a best experience i how about in my life? you know it's, it's a hell of a statement coming out. it's a lot sitting by the way, i'm christian. i, i want to say these words now and then i don't need to lie, i should speak what to have see it. thank you. just verifying that yes it all situated absolute pleasure. i've had it all set. that's it. awesome. well, if you want to get such a dress a beautiful day, by the way, you'll the president a bundle university show. you're also one of the many international election. it was of us keeping a very close watch on this presidential election to make sure it is legitimate and transparent. i wish you the best of luck and you'll continued work on it very well . welcome back to russia for your 2nd time period. when i'm invited in the coming up is to make a kind of a speech it in the most coasted to newest city. so i. com. no, i understand. by the way, this is great privilege. it door enough to me to visit the kind delfino presidential election of the grid thrush? yeah, well my brother, it's a mutual privilege for all of us to have you here. i very,
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very much. thank you. i told shit, don't get his thoughts. stay with me for a few more minutes. okay. all right, thank you very much. it's good to have you here and it. so i have to have you with us here with us special coverage on odyssey international. so when it comes to from the very west of the country, all the way to the far east of russia, the paulding stations are going from 8 am to 8 pm. and basically in the next couple of hours holding stations reopen and rushes far east. i. so confusing because there's so many times ons here. so anyway, 11 time zones, and that's what it is. now, admittedly, that help you know, a couple of troublemakers who have tried to solve the voting process. we can show you some footage, apparently a some employee is that a polling station prevented a woman from pouring green tie into a ballad box. on friday, several similar cases store a total of more than $200.00 pallets ruined across some 20 regions of the country. all the perpetrators, the time they will face up to 5 years in prison because you can't do that. the state property in the fall now election officials say the suspects were
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a piracy blackmailed by people that allegedly, as they say, the election officials are blaming ukraine and some weston countries. now of course, the vote is also being in full swing and the newest and baffled russian regions. despite the constant ukrainian threat of shelling. and one pointing station is that all she recently came under a drone attack with no casualties reported the key of did shell upholding station in the neighboring heart of southern region on friday. and earlier this saturday, are you crate in striking that same area killed one severely and then wounded for others according to local russian officials. and yet, despite all of that, the russians are still going out side. they are still going to the polls. i mean, it really tells you something about the resilience of the russian people, the determination, because at the end of the day, no matter where you're watching us from. if you've been living in russia for any number of 10 or 15 years, even the past 5 years, you have been on the basing end of anti russian rhetoric or across the western
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media and political landscape. we felt it here. we're living on to 50 and almost 1000 sanctions. certain western professional partners have been trying to destroy this country for years. and what's happened. russia is now surviving and driving, and frankly, economically speaking, as well as doing better than it's ever done. now, when it comes to the newly liberated russian territory, is what about the big town of, of d, f code that was a big front line hot spot. it was a lot of islands happening there, but it's been liberated and people are focusing as all kids or roman culture. that's not reports. supposing began and the reason deliberated. city of, of dave car, the people here. most of them are still living in basements because the town was devastated vice battle in the recent years right now when one of the bomb shelters where an election commission will set up voting booth. and so people can exercise
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their rights. now, all of these local residents, they used to have your crate and passports spots. i sense for the duration of the data. global storage is made and did everything possible for them to get their russian documents as soon as possible. and now they will vote in their 1st ever russian presidential election though is still open. i am happy to go vote, but i will have to wait a bit. so they told us to stay home and the people would come help us cost of votes there. so then i'll come home and vote again. ok, i'm just getting the shortages. i'm glad to be here. we didn't even expect to vote . the main thing is that we all vote together. but it's also hard to explain all the good can be in this tiers. the past 3 weeks have already made it easier and we hope things will get even better. after were missing
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some really see are dropping ceilings in the town of have dave co, which was devastated by battles were now heading to done. net square high will be taking part in the russian presidential election. but right now we receive the news that there are drones ukrainians on the fly right above a. so literally from here as soon as possible, the funds that we have made, it's back to the mass safely from of the homeless liens and ask, it's not as dangerous as it is, is over there, but we're just about 17 kilometers away. so but right now i can take this with the fish just off and go and cancel my boat. i'll leave this here. got my passport, microphone. look good. look presentable. that's going about
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the obviously the turn out here in damascus. they're quite high. you can see all these people came out here to vote. so i guess i'll take my place in line right now to most of the best part is sacred secret. i'm sorry for for thursday to vote for the future and have all of us leave for security and peace for all of us through the historic moment. the voting for the president's health rush i here and then this people have voted for the 1st time in
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the presidential and that starting out as my absolutely great and voting will continue for the next 2 days. and of course, we'll be here to cover room on coffer of hard to use the desk for public your but meanwhile in the crime, in city of a separate stuff, all of which of course, were united with russia after a referendum about a decade or so ago. locals, they've been out all day today, costing the votes yesterday as well. the 2nd time inside the russian citizens and that strategic southern city of voting for the countries president and the foreign minister of russia. so get a lot for office hail the election day. i would also say the crimea the pulpit in so there's not just a part of russia. it will always be a part of russia, which you will remember that disturbing a terrible spring when they are not c. c. how in key of as a result of a bloody included tom. we also remember the notorious friendship trains which way equipped with the ideological follow as
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a vendor to suppress the inhabitants of dependency that who did not want to give up the values that culture, that history and the centuries old traditions of the ancestors, the subsequent mc crime in sanctions, the undermining of power lines, transport, energy, and votes have blockades. only convince crime means they've made the right choice. the issue of ownership of crime, the answer basketball is closed, the peninsula is an integral part of the russian federation issue. well, however, the french president to a manual macro and whatever you'll say about that very little 9 he's being really just going off to rush. i mean, not just, ever since you cry and kicked off a couple of years ago, but he's really just been lambaste thing the russian federation. also the new territory is also the crime. and of course, i mean a manual macro and he's got to be in his bonnet these days. what can you do about it? he's been saying that crimea should be seized. he said, seems crime. you take it away from the russian federation and then that will be peace and stability that well, let's see what the people have cry me
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a thing as our correspondent oddities donald colt. it does some good investigative like walk. it's been 10 years since crimea took its fate into its own hands. voting to become part of russia and the peninsula has undergone a dramatic transformation all despite the western. nay sayers who did everything in their power to see where unification fail. once he grabbed crimea, pretended deployed new move russian forces in the peninsula, turning the territory into an armed camp for which to threaten the risk of you crazy. we will continue to hold russia accountable until it returns full control of premier to ukraine and completely withdraws its forces. it is also important to acknowledge that the situation and economists republic of crayton year and the city of citrus, the pope, has further the terrier agents. a new crime is most grandiose project was likely the crime in bridge. russia's vital artery of transports through the curt,
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straight, a similar accomplishment was the construction of the to read the federal highway which sides grand opening in 2020. these are just 2 of many new pieces of infrastructure across the peninsula. and that's done wonders for people standard of living. we didn't have good news. a lot has changed over the years. first of all, we feel supported like ukraine has tons of us to pole into the backwoods. and now that the city is blaming, we'll do take a look at what the odds we have. now. we have an excellent tool to supply. during this time here is i have received the russian citizenship. i have my own business. i bought an apartment and my daughter grew up here as a rush and thought to us, we can see for ourselves what has happened in these 10 years. grimy are officially left ukraine and joined to the russian federation in march of 2014. after over. a whopping 96 percent of the population voted to do so in
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a historic referendum. it's a come as little surprise since both ukrainian and russian statistics show that russians have long made up the main demographic group on the peninsula as lot of air pollutant mentioned in his 2014 crime in a speech, many of the seeds of chaos were found decades before like one former soviet general secretary, nikita khrushchev arbitrarily transferred crimea from russia to ukraine. it became clear the russian presidents that in action would be a betrayal of his own people. simple somebody, those who resisted the push were immediately threatened with reprisals and punitive measures. and the 1st in line was of course, crimea, russian speaking crimea, that's when the residents of crime you and say we're still flu, appealed to russia to protect their rights and their lives. of course, we could not fail to respond to this request. we could not leave premier and its people in trouble. otherwise it was simply be a betrayal. it was necessary to help create conditions for a peaceful,
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free expression of will, so that the crime eons could determine their own fate for the 1st time in history. but even after crime me a return to its motherland struggles continued to persist, light keeps blockade of nearly 90. percent of the provincial is clean water supply . presidents polanski who thinks crime, he actually wants to come back to ukraine, was making jokes about the water situation back in 2015. the, the, just the 1st thing you what time you're going to need to pick out what was the features, the notes of clearly oh my god, what, what what
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then there were the blackouts that would run for months on end, caused by kia backed extreme is to sabotage to power lines running to crimea, it was only have to rush it was able to commission to new power plants that the energy problem was solved in 2019. the whole country helped us in the shortest possible time and energy bridge and new power plants were built, as well as an upgrade to the existing power generation facilities today. for the 1st time in history, cry me a not totally has ceased to be a region experiencing power shortages, but can also supply surpluses of electricity outside its territory if necessary. there were new sanctions as well that the west targeted specifically a crimea, but that didn't stop countries like italy, greece and france from continuing to cooperate with the peninsula. on top of that, the republic is heading towards its 2nd presidential election in russia with a new generation of young people heading to the polls. so this, it just says 20 fold. same political activity in crimea has appeared because before
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2014, there was no use political agenda on the peninsula. only up to the cabinet. part of the russian federation did young people in crimea actively begin to be interested in politics or mentors began to appear, assist, and in garden young people. i think it is the duty of every citizen to vote and every vote. as in paul tensor, the crime in us hold the same opinion. i see only a positive direction for the development of pry me and i use as i am representative of use. i think the tour is mode develop very actively and try me as well as the republic is. there was a miniature, you can find every thing here. despite pressure from the west war violence, sanctions, democracy today is alive and well and crimea, just as it was in 2014 to and so from russia as far east, all the way to the western region, all the colored ink rad. so many russians have been going to the pulse of both of
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the 2044 russian presidential election, in fact, over the past 2 days of buzzing. now, $66000000.00 russians have cost that votes, at least, does not even include all the votes made online as well. 71 of i say it was great for you to join us for us specialist coverage here with our lovely studio in the heart of most go with a beautiful comment in the backdrop of special action coverage will continue here on our end of the many things to vary on the team, now middle, the election, faith in russia, india is preparing to go to the polls as well. it's now outlines the schedule for the 2024 general election, and what will be the world's largest democratic exercise, the malware, the 7 phase, a 6 week votes will kick off in april. know that the results will only be the cloud
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in june. with all the details who's on the days when ginge alma, the dice of democracy will just begin. it's a huge task for india to conduct the poles. in fact, uh, this is going to be the largest election in the world. in the largest democracy in the world, they don't around you any, in fact, 970000000 eligible goals. and they are in fact, going to be watching from the 19th of april. that's the, that's the 1st day of the forwarding. the boys are divided into 7 phases. the last few forwarding is going to be, 1st of june, the result will be going to be announced or full of insurance. now it's a mamma task that are going to be over $1000000.00, warding stations. that would be a put in place across the country which would be monitored by joins, especially in the border and as they're going to be around $15000000.00.


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