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tv   Documentary  RT  March 16, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

6:30 pm
i balls the, the, the question of you. ok. so we see that's our, it's the same, the fractions, lights, the a lot of my fellow, some companies where the original fault be a and the, this feeling, this feeling of, of the want of food or we can say is certain. and some companies like keep the lead and the critic to say that as for example, immediately they tell them people don't want the war. the open war against that actual nobody know what's can happen in the future. if he's one of the account, 3 can be in the situation where i 5 smiles with same shown. so with problems for us on the cc, on in the for him politics thousands of protesters had the streets of israel on saturday, and the closest was all things benjamin netanyahu from whose mishandling the
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hostage crisis to the hopes of getting him out of office with new elections, so here from tel aviv as demonstrate design, please mix it up on a highway. law enforcement have the hands of full pushing out fine as well. posters of all sorts were high house, including some that you can see here that evidently had the is where the prime minister with the missing drug, the same thing. pablo escobar, what was it kind and was eventually deployed to keep the crowds and say, i will protest who are forced into verse of them. they government buildings. the so many things we accompany here on, on the international investigate to keep an eye on the websites all to you don't come for all the night. this update the,
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[000:00:00;00] the to possess your country. they want to possess your you around noon. they want to
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possess your gas, they want to at least share why, you know it's, it was good for them because he was just opening all the doors. but the problem with them is they do not understand that the connectivity sticks of people who they are dealing with as much as you press. the bear bear will come out. the problem will be how to put the bear back to his face, the pool some for a month. so you're welcome to see on continue comes on. so look at the sort of prescription of them all on that. i pretty much it on the all set. i start looking to keep on the list securities woocommerce. those are missing something about going to make much of it my just because your logic has the ability to imagine the plug davis, if you have a miser that they're free, i learn a little more to remind you to say today, i'll come up with on the menu,
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so the composite kind of what it is that the kind you sound like each level of entity in it and then they're focusing on it and then come on buddy to the board show up. i see some of the better method are due to do the death of both of them. the, the, the casino sits system to set the money on the fact. let's say some of the pleasure to let be. i think i know some of the amendments on, on what's going on boost by a be stuck on a or so for us. so gladly or software us it up a bradshaw old wants to come in front of you to say to the latest i, you don't know that is the gentleman nice. somebody visited me, i click the database, isn't they try to go to the bottom? that is, i'm in a list, i'm between 4 and a quarter. okay. well,
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to ask you the new name. let, let me the address here. well, it as it is, it say my name is cynthia, just a minute to do any process. so book i would really want to get totally good on these off so you can use all of them as soon as the process i sent to some of them on it, on, on the as of documents you posted, you know, say, say, and that's what the additional 2 said, i mean shows google says that show can was on page do for she's going to set up the shock and was on page data for us. you can do moves on page, do what? um, there is a copper chef, middle updates on that inc. i'm for naples, our best himself to, you know, sit back to assess the don't political them is the
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social security question right now. we know this. we've got to remember is, i mean it's and make up what to do with to deprive a country of summer to use to arrange its memory. and that's not only cultural heritage, it's also about it to use the circle level pointed to not to be gone. was that john called on the one the is good. or do you think there's only a couple in this? is i'm the only thing is i've been on the list and she'll see anything more on. i look on the plane, it was on the phone. they found a month the associated with aspect. you're dividing this i have on file via associate dot things up in april. so it will say law id routine in your system.
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introductions anyhow. glossy by milton. would you communicate bob? really every day, while odd to choose the key on the going to be uh, i'll read it off the she lost the money. that's also going to mess around. i figured i'd love to you. it is a lot better me new boss 3 day nissan cn. paypals on into it. i'm on eastern this nonsense for about 2 and one me. so i'm not positive on our adults. french school children joined demonstrations coming down with friends, black guns, from since colonial cliche, turned out to be more important than the humanistic and universal value is a french culture tends to an ordinary malia from system to associated with will go and send x ability. but with macro on poland and the 3 on the culture of science have been replaced by on principles in neo colonial demagogy. they say it's time for friends to leave somebody's voice when to describe d. o. 16 on so you can set it off. so you're not alone. frances pasadena donasia
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was going to speak latest the hall on frances is, you know, monday, the soonest. date is a long distances. the notion, if working is up enough. finally, getting up on the go through just yourself the case or dimple. the characteristic give us a new one with the teacher, so she'll be able to make it so set up. is there something it's going to oh goodness on it. if we're there we go on it. it's almost 20 percent below the font is on the island by mid threes. disconnected it move in, ready to put a new set it on god by made from set before. and also when it's the greatest saw offices get a nobody put him on the form is your degree. so it looks like i mean it all over. is it? did it still settings it because that's i kind of put them at the most. okay. yeah . does it take engineering school for us to? that's initial a faucet and by the because your father is and in that off i mean an electrician of the game though and like the and then assess,
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gets worse and i'm seeing what's the song dollars that don't fill out the thing on the phone after the long cushion, right. so finally kicked lena instead of obama. passing that along with us. all i was wondering, they are the only for boy on the sun was on me this technology thousands on and then getting them in california is a song phenomenon. you know, son, i'm in canada as it might be, the the office of from zone say, sadly, put on the notes is that, you know, to,
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to set up the potentially, i mean, most of them go to find stuff that nothing really for me to get up in beautiful, it's this last a bit of house. in most i let them nickel the rest of why the legend mouse and grew up is it didn't have enough at the board on monday. those are for the substitute drug say right. and the, the, the most recent page in molly's history is an operation set of all for that and
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implemented in rankled time to preserve the country's state code. it's a simple trick. the operation was prepared in advance and waited for flour in groups formed incidentally with french health to get from libya tomatti. the operation has several symbols to any of the objectives. a french military contingent entered the country, demising the pro french government, and the flags were put in that place. the little guy did to the b. c. s, bus out the exact same way and keep going team so far as the glass of each there at the 2 brand easy. let me pull the data said take the bark, going back cuz she gave me difference. it didn't while the display. sure. c v like victor,
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let us on the new but that's been it up. can you see what the buttons use of the view w? i said we used to do the symptoms, then the site to go to, i mean, for us of income for the, for going was seen by the, the lead me so use to i the lock so that they can. but the key designed for your team was what funding linking for dealing with. the next operation of hon allowed friends to take control of the whole region from send a goal. so so done. next, the curious path in the terrorist threats continue to grow and the area of of terrorist activity expanded 12 friends, business affairs, and molly improved and profit, good click unsafe for shoulder 49 french soldiers died. not for molly, but for
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a french trade interest. frances, i made to accompany independent and extremely advantageous inconvenience position. and molly of okey by us fell. many molly and civilians died at the hands of the french doesn't care about that. the better a phrase to go front has no friends, only its own interests. the history of relations between friends and its former colonies should serve as an example tool defense treaty with france. does it deal with the devil? so no, uh uh, people do or is that on to live with the last on monday i'm going to say that i'm going to donald notifies a pool. the l. uh reset uh reset dot p. the 1st phone says, oh,
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for somebody in the computer that is on the mac, david laptop to lukea, does that folds up my, my them onto the test it next, cynthia nipple. so monday nobody clicks to develop on the link below the so a backup of the davis instead of any of that is on all the also on luke on good a lot of new concepts, a new study and do not a lot of listen to the 2 of us live, but i picked them up or something didn't pay for a ton of them. then let's see the address, the,
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the russian states. never as tight as on the phone in the most sense, community best. not getting all sense of the in the 6595 and speed. what else calls question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say even closer to the girl, to be alone?
6:46 pm
for elizabeth, i saw fine says a for my leave, a lot easier to do the to the diesel, the net month, negative plus 2. this is a but i saw nobody on the it was locked on the popular. so surely the classic you need to is the good luck please. also because of the force at the most of my or my late don't. for now i need to model honesty. don't cause your data to belong to by them. i didn't need that this new call to not as fast as a new other than that, but the one other difficult and do want to know to put a to a policy for me. i don't know to put it that i thought you knew full while upon those who look last i area and then we'll do the as i call the, the blizzard for and i've ended up in a little could be that. i assume that uh, that i saw it is i'm going to done this on to the us what that is. so the best on the agenda that i set up
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a set to move onto to this uh another plus the best on the so all of the new to know don't accept full glass. uh, usually deals with the the date on clear on the dispatch fee that this the 2nd week of the pay not long of the, the whole fucking that. yeah. that pacified amount fell out of the say it has to sign up for a loan to you. how long does a month? the uh, the last 2 months. the good uh, let me tell my the home 3 for the month for the most is uh, 2 days and my uh, did not to pay the carpet. i saw i work a lot of receipt sooner, but in corporate i so put this on well, send it back in. good that i see all the pet fees for less than that. but input that i saw
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a lot of pay phones in moses on the television. good deal. good luck with that. i submitted to uh, the collaboration same quote that i saw on going on right now. sure. in. oh, good, good i. so you said its i believe down the civic to aspect theres uh it does a as in good. good. i. so keep that in mind. the naval forces are newmellon as it issue. does it kick month? uh, safety dates on them. uh to a lot of the photos out of them by the end of the warranty. um too, so the uh, looks at the, this is june 22nd filter, the diesel,
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the are you having to type in the was, you know, to be performed on the funding. ok to get it, which is each of the key decided to us i'm saying some of the some way to shoot you the $0.70 depending that makes sense to you to keep the cecilia into effect if it is increasing the environment. inconvenient for we meet the activities in the business, see something listed in the interest sheets or simply asset in the future. once he moved, bear with me for 7 days and that's the to so i'm p collision so so for the minutes of home products,
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so done by the way the says best weight. yeah. the puts it into the totally please enter the above. the lender was under the news for them that the pain and it doesn't that that zone. so kind of design being said, lizzie, open leave a sure is it the surface that's on the front end of it? didn't buffer so sure. sorry about that stuff. and then to set really into a new laptop, it has to be the 2, but the stuff from the lessons to empty, the victim distracted on this, i have to see that estimate isn't that in between 90 to service, quasi. i didn't use it so you might still have to remember to the lesson. what is your
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b a plus 7000000 since i'm thinking about that i sent you literally just competitive menu on the homepage and you guys are on cheek. you saw on g b live and there was no impede economy delta, so i don't even begin to change my email on the internet says, you know, same bus and the tip toilet seat on. we have to get rid of the same for us, or can be too much to sit on the puppies ended and good things, you know, who said what the dental visit premier fees and as long as it was only to be met. elicited for was that i'm at least i see the low doesn't do you guys have to and some and more do more literacy to do there and you ready to get through is talk see list of the domestic demand involved on
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this policy done on what you see if it's an old place for the new car, that's what they do sets every time done by the end of the path. we'll do this. let's see, no finding. what was the intent message to give me new, by the way, sometimes we need something that gave you. so let me put that in the left, but then you can fit it, send it to this. so this is really something that you didn't even after being ousted from molly, from still somehow pressure, the regional union of african states. echo us with the goal of isolating molly foods, sanctions, and close boulders by in essence, imposing a blockade. a huge number of its goods are imported and molly has no c access. these measures extremely unpopular among the population. not just in molly, but throughout the region. that the wallets of ordinary citizens held an even ruin some friends has already not to lose africa enough competition. in particular,
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this is shown by the narrowing range of goods and foreign companies based. and molly, from content doesn't want to change its power dime by taking equal partnership relations into account literal names. and it's as simple as the methods of direct colonial influence. but money is a software in the country with the right to its own history, traditions, values, and the cool relations. it has the right to choose the, the walk or ms. chombo. so we need to get him to put him on getting k, you know, the minute, for example, tom sick or let's think i do any less pain doing that. so that means when you buy through a chase, i also do a pair bonded chip will bundle you and they share collaborative migrate to the money bring us, the only thing is block problem money bring us throw in there. no one wants you to somebody, they sold it as the company that i don't even want to put it to the simple blog
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definitely, and emotions about the 22nd. again, this is what i gotta do. nothing. i need to do that too many people must finish it, but couldn't peter's just sound for me, no one mr. casual or to say to the money is performed a lot of the sheets list of it into softball for the long adult shape. i love that dog se, se buys do nice blogs to buy stronger deals, and they, me, it, in me, you know more so kind of a lot of the politic teens bought them in and divide house. no, may, 10001000 is bringing them once you've got your dog dog dogs in this be your boss here. it was, you know, the audiologist was so controlled in a song official. the really the,
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the why that is all just on the is a lot prove can nobody isn't say it was a new money. i don't understand what the say of a lot. i'll send the money on thing to know but to you. so. so do you suppose to, to show what to do things, i'll check a little mistake it taking a board, or do you see why your internet from your house? no. no, cuz you don't know my busiest joiner money, se fosgate the money on this. indeed, the problem a little for me make us feel a love look, was only for me, cash on something, getting on the bus, getting onto this one year on the line, and will follow up on the s nicole and it shows about a little panel here. these are bump the legs on the bumper. i mean, for the men, i've actually slight, i've actually been, i've actually thought i was wanting to alex, let me notate it. ok, along with the dog on the
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move them. i leave him money. does that the same money, the device 100 new v dash the last week total of putting in for last to see if this evening and not a nice show any it's best phone to the song? no, it won't be me. this is sure me. it's a fact and fiction, and these are the pain due to the 1st all set to level the songs on sunday. last point you need is a peaceful tim deluxe. the show or a quarterly does show um, april, great to g. uh, does i live in the bundles that are within symbol? that's and that's in there. we're got suddenlink. she'll so would it or the wise
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and the what is the test using is good candidates in wouldn't that i showed you had to live streaming function to, to each to speed so that the more money fair and then move it as it should go left off a love seat, then all complete can go to the flow on vehicle. then you got to ship the chevy. know to clean the rest motor serves to notice she was as if someone's even under that or somebody else, they really remodel. wonderful, cuz they gotta keep premium to be able to operate before, but it's not last. somebody assumed or shoot,
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the look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is a conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create
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a trust. i rather than see it the various thing with the artificial intelligence, we have so many with them in the most protect this phone existence was on the to possess your country. they went to possess your you around noon. they want to possess your gas. they want to at least share why you see and was good for them because he was just opening all the doors. but the problem with them is they do not understand that the connectivity sticks of people who they are dealing with as much as you press to bear. bear with come out, the problem going to be how to put the bear back to his face,
7:00 pm
the the, the, the american presence of the territory of the republic of asia is illegal and violate, solve the constitutional and democratic rules on american fib stationed. and it means that a must leave the nation effective immediately as the less offer than concrete cutting inside us was it for about another youth training attempt to reach the border region of belgrade, where 2 people were killed. inappropriate strikes earlier, sensitive professions across the biggest countries, the well to being heading out to cost of votes for the 2020 for presidential election. and as we understand so far,


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