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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  March 17, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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would be able to pick apart the pieces and use our resources. it was only later that this realization came to me that are like the never, well now he knows without a doubt that the west cannot be trusted. just as the west now knows, the bladder were approved in means business, and he'll stop at nothing until he gets the job done for the very latest coverage of the presidential election to visit our website, our t. com on air and online. and we've got, you covered the right, let's return to our top story now that, that announcement by new share that is ending all military cooperation with the united states. for the very latest on this, let's cross live to r t correspondence and all of where you can get another view. the statement has
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seemingly come out of nowhere and caught quite a few people by surprise. take us to the details. rachel, this evening. government has indeed, as the musicians decided to induce level to finish the united states. the thing off to the u. s. military prison in the country is no longer justified. the declaration of course, comes off even forces, use deviation and box under visits to see a few days ago, the delegation mission was to be discussions by for a profession. and those are going cheatam's. choice would be jimmy indeed is, was in the statement. the agents have goals as far as saying that the us officials that i'm buying and says digits, electric protocol, and did not notify anatomy about the ministry of off did any decent it states with a rival. even the agenda, adding that besides discuss the issues of regina changed because they admitted she cooperation between the 2 countries. that according to the venue reports that i've
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had to reset the think, the american delegation made by assistant secretary of state for american african baseball de monte fees was unable to lead to the hedge of off the minutes she machine, the juice. i also reject the watch. it says, what are the cases up as feature deals made the treatments, use different safety city, the russia and the rods is low on that's a default. well this is why the government's of these uh rejects the false allegations from the house of the american delegation, which maintains that it's signed a secret agreements on uranium with this law make republic overall. this cynical approach usually used to discredits diem on the ice and justify the threats against states fails to recall the examples from the 2nd iraq war. indeed, new jerry and send the entire international community to still remember the false evidence brandished by the american secretary of state, before the security council to justify the american aggression against the rock.
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and that's in this case, the government to the present time, john had been falsely accused of having supplied uranium to booth or to send back that even though the exportation of new jerry and the uranium is public knowledge, not the states. so a space is about a 1000 substitutions g at a visitor and basically also know that the movements they have been tied to them. it said since the change of kids are pretty close, you is 6 with use of space. anthony lincoln's page a visit not so long ago to me in hopes, fox following up on present as the last year at that time between texas and the hotline to do for my father's such as balls halting the withdrawal offerings shooting space for nearly addictions. and that was followed by a united states and seeing that it would knock the door from new z content to itself from repositioning some of his forces in the country place. official
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described watches his attempt to open a diplomatic dialogue with the minutes you'll have to do, sir. is it at that time as a stab in the back can be you. it's really go to that process the to from g was a get to did i think i just called those tables that said right now, and the total of these is also the batch of the who is present in the as has a negative impact on the countries 6, you receive and we know that the tests have gone up dramatically so that you is began to operate to the vision. and it's nice, a thoughtful off. did you said the dispute training from the minute you suggesting that american influence has done little cover to speak to for democracy? and do you agree in that? in fact, to the has been asking from the state department, spoke to some of the united states that we are aware of a statement from the cnsp and this year which follows frank discussions of senior levels in the may this week about our concerns with the cnsp is trajectory we are
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in touch with the cnsp and we'll provide further updates as warranted. so i'm not saying that the high deduct that they use will be willing to the case is great . even though the news, every investment could officially in after this needs the money. that's the div. what are the kinds of things that to the u. s. a whole need without any to us. all right. are to correspond to another way you can get another volume. thank you. all right, stay with archie. up next a bose and as team of moscow meals. bye a. the the
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. hey buddy. welcome back to the most cool mules. i'm shaped bows. tonight we're going to be lifting the lead on some of the stories that the main stream media would rather we left, right where they are in the dark, i'm joined by my pile. i'll get who's going to help us to some of the stats and figures as we take there was the stop tour around the globe looking at these really fascinating stories. and we're starting a course the mile pile, sleepy joe, the state of ukraine address. i'm sorry, the state of the union address, he did mention america in the speech, didn't you know you? i think at one stage. yeah. so of course this guy is a sharp, his opinion. he's not 81 years old. he doesn't mix up israel, egypt. he knows up and down and back and forth, and he definitely would be able to find his way back from the facts if he got lost . i don't know. but we're going to check out a part of his speech where the house leader might,
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johnson was just really he was chewing on his own lip. as this tude really made him feel uncomfortable. let's, let's run it. the. so this, oh, you might be of like a part in marriage counseling when the husband is told. okay, mike, you've got to stop and listen to what denise has to say. this is, this is, this is her time. you're going to listen and he's just kind of jesus, no, you know, you, you, you insulted me at the mother in law. so uh, you know, uh birthday you beat the horn in the car when i'm outside the shop chick shows it's its own real own real. of course, another sort of take on it was from the big dom donald, i mean, look at, look at this, the circus. i mean, can you imagine that the united states that a bite and, and trump are the 2 front runners? these 2 guys, i don't know what, what, what did they add up to to get if you added the rages together? you'd be back in the civil war. right. i'll put, imagine,
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dolls of run this video during the speech. actually turning a bite and into a googly eyed freak show. check this. oh, you wrote it down by a mirror. let me look at how similar is it actually looks better with the law since 1933. 0. 125 is good. by the way, to look for the nose expires in 2025. is your new electric bridge? the progress of a cheese this month? i mean, it's really as if, you know, of course, you've got to really ask yourself nowadays it cost about a $1000000000.00. i think i'll need to run for president the united states. you know, i read this in in us media. so is that a reflection of the representation of the, or be work or ordinary people? i don't think so. there are billions be spent by corporate donors, weapons manufacturers, big firm, of course,
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and all sorts of media groups are funding the american political machine. how much was spent this year for 1000000000, but for $1000000000.00 was declared bush. that's not all. if you look a bit deeper, there's a lot of what they call dark money right on the, on the dark money. nobody seems to know where it comes from, who donates it. and that's influencing on the other side of the big corporate donations. so you can really ask yourselves who is in charge of you you get to keep the binding effigy. if, if you're really disgruntled, you can always take it all your frustration, dial this number now, and by your own effigy of sleepy joe, you feeling frustrated. the husband is being a kind to the mother in law dialed his number by your own sleepy joe doll and beat the crap out of it. oh, you wrote it there. i'm sure this is,
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this is all joe. she really don't like this here. oh. what did he do to you is just as, as the investigator said, when he left all the documents like around like the nuclear goes, he's just an older he doesn't really know he's doing it. don't need to beat the crap out like that. oh, okay. so we're saying stateside we're taking off open. well, if we're in a boeing, we may be coming down. but we're going to be joining boeing up in the clouds for a beautiful drive and fly to the realities of corporate. but when you check out what some people it was becky style, so when they're on the ground about to take off on one of these boeing jets. now remember, these do to make a huge amount of money, billions of dollars in profit. i'm actually looking at the window of your plane and seeing this all the room this. now it may look like my 4 year old went out there with a bowl of harage to repair. if you hold on the waiting because this what it looks
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like, the boeing actually says that this is actually the normal that there, i think a bit more plastic to the mix approach of a few holes to keep the paint on mine. and i, you know, you, what do you expect to see next? the pilots and up there with a beer and a sick are waiving packages, they take off. it's a complete lead show. and what's most important, even more interesting, is how much money is being spent by the aircraft industry. remember, these planes are dropping out the sky. literally, doors blowing. i hope it means you'd wonder, has a lego in denmark being involved in the design because more bits fall off of a boeing aircraft of things and then in the lego sets. but anyways, so what do you see? what's actually happening? see how much money these guys just been in the aircraft industry a spend, i think 68000000 dollars this year alone in the states to help politicians understand that safety isn't really all that important to you. ready you don't need to worry about that. let's move things along
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a bit. at least the same guys who have voluntarily stop using russian titanium. probably the best titanium you can use in plants before they were told not to. they were 1st and the cube. we don't want russian titanium titanium, they don't need it anymore. their planes are, as you can see, are completely safe. you'll have to worry poweredge on the wings pilot on the other way, and having a beer pair of high heels on heading to a pray prayed and mexico. but the reality is, a lot of politicians are making some serious notes from the aircraft industry. one of them i miss cantwell, you can see beside me, choose to happen to be involved in voting to loose and the safety regime at an aircraft in the states. can you believe that this woman lobbied and voted to loose and they're quite strange and safety rules regarding building aircraft and something else about all this lady also seems to have got $200000.00 in cash from the aircraft industry. completely coincidental. my friend completely coincidental.
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keep your eyes on the wings. and of course somebody you won't be seen sitting out in the wing and enjoying a cocktail. and a cigar on your bowling flight. is john barnett, who's john burnett? well, i can tell you, john burnett is john burnett, is the man who's the engine of all the scrutiny. the boeing is now owner. maybe boeing of taking the right off the ball actually building safe aircraft because they're so up to their tickets in the weapons industry. and maybe they're completely preoccupied. what's in a weapons to ukraine, but parole john barnes managed to suicide himself in a tragic case of a completely coincidental debt, you become the center of attention in a huge investigation and a multi $1000000000.00 company, which is flushing hundreds of millions of dollars. a cash into the pockets of the lead in the united states. and of course you just happen to wake up one day with a sun roof in the back of your head. not the see here boys. okay, so we're gonna fly back across the you're not on a boeing aircraft. and i'm,
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we've arrived back in ukraine, the center of freedom, democracy, liberty. these are the boys fighting 1st level under liars, absolute vision of the alice in wonderland. golden global ward at happy days of reality. not these per, due to got caught in a vine trying to escape from all the ukraine is such a wonderful place to be taking a fair amount of military service aged that they come into a vine. and they have a little party talking about how excited the driver. yeah, i'm going to be a challenge or driver. i'm getting an f. 16. let's have a party in advance. and now it's not really. these are, i think of a turkey men of military service, a true voting with their feet, and they've decided that they're getting that out of dodge. and this is what it looks like in ukraine right now. pretty, pretty chilly stuff. so you got all these guys, right, and apparently they were all charged get this $10000.00 us to get this
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when we take it out. it's a bill. now imagine in ukraine, a country rife with corruption, you know, $10000.00 a lot of money. in many cases, a lot of people's life savings and their mothers and fathers live savings went into getting these man out of the meat grinder. and it's really, really, really, really powerful image of these men stacked up and the next stuff for these boys. unfortunately, all the is not, is not going to be at the playgrounds of europe. it's going to be the trenches of the, of get pretty messy stuff. also in ukraine, you've got a, an almost civil war rooked in between these recruiters or an ordinary people. check this out. here we see a putney, these guys are foresters, go to work in the forest in western ukraine and they had been stopped and they're getting pulled out of our work places into the meat grinder. but one of the guys here has a different di da decide take at the law into his old hands and he decides to play skittles. one is a lend skis boils check this,
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the bill was the able to see that dude. on the, on the 4th flight the guy likes the yellow bar knocked old one of the guy. yeah. you know, they're funny. access out. he knocked him over which took the axe so and then he goes to work on the recruiters car. he puts all the windows in and then he tells us paul, to get on his horse. literally on your horse, bro, getting out of dodge and the boys ride off into the distance. and more more, these videos are surfacing where people are really behind these on the dodge all
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the people that just don't share this vision of dying 1st live on the lawyer, sleepy joe and yet still are in burke. okay. just across the border, of course. uh, just be on poland. a we're back in the land of absolute, sweet. oh, sorry. we're back in germany. we're with uh, eva brown's grandmother. no, it's not. is it? what's her name? money start to see merriman. molly's thought zimmerman has been very upset by the fact that someone has called how long ago a lot of all amanda latrice mega yavari mr. b, as indeed clicks ty, but so not using the fleet and supply the pair on vega now in there. and so, you know, and i feel like i'm back in new york within the about one sweeps that i bought out with in moscow animals. what are the reasons the, what is the car? you just pull up your grieving story but a piece longer. she's a sweet sweetness bible. i usually pay extra for
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a bit of freed this bible. so this woman kind of defines this liberal, hawkish, green party. i'm p human and politically that seems to be populating jeremy as like a, you know, this bareback woman that talking about the guy on the horse. you know, these are just really know most people that don't to be a states man or states woman left and you bring back marco on as far given style. martha coleman. so you people, i remember meantime, the head, obviously a job on north to offer very uh, you know, uh, awkward name. you think they would re brand it after little thing called the 2nd world war when they destroyed the whole planet. let's what, what do we call so no air force. ok. let me see. yes. why not? the last offer? oh, great idea. so meanwhile, miss uh, you know, uh, what's her name fro sent some stuff on there. what is the most taxi? minimum yeah. easy for you to say. meanwhile, follow the steps in front of me. the minute is telling us that she's
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a peace of mind. got her boilers up the street in the air, air force h q, or plan to blow up a bridge and it's going to walk you me a break. this is joe. ok. so, stateside, we're not taking a plane, you know why we're heading back to germany. and in germany is a home, uh file. assume a flaw on the luftwaffe or it's also the home of a very liberal, revising way to look at some of the most misunderstood people. in our society, yes. the t to files. okay, run the video. most of us feel discomfort when we think about pet a false. but just like how the false. we're not responsible for all sealants. what do you do not see of them, but we are responsible for how actions and we must make a pre to for us just do this on the short guard seat, just like i'm glad or hey watson thought that he built samantha as well to brad. you probably didn't mean to kill all those people. he got such
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a shock when he got the gas bills or people who have no service or peters such policy don't get on like most of us will never have to live without free. they, if they want to lead an upright life walk up, we should accept the pet ophelia as a sexual preference. so here we go. this is the, the, the live card. you know, who will sign if you've got a human being standing up in front of a room full of people and not being beat. not for saying the p, those i have the bad guys. the bad guys are the russians. because remember, by the way, it's easy as you can see. now it's even safer to be a part of the germany than to wear a russian baseball cap. would you would get that owner crap kicked out you for the we are really screwed. we're read the wrong to say, oh, you read and the wrong direction. well, you have been since long. do you know about the,
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the file information exchange or the pay the file information has changed. yeah, this is just great. so, you know, feeling down ring this number, the beautiful information exchange don't feel left out. you are having a lovely day as a p, the file you run out of the videos to watch. check out the piano exchange and exchange some information with your fellow p. those because p, those are people to p. p t. get the hotmail april for peter's or people to the what was the last like make rate funny again. so guess what? it ain't just the germans who i appreciate the peters, pearl peters. i have it all wrong. i feel so bad. i used to dislike pete a fee. i used to think it was a completely revolting thing and now i feel so bad because those means to pay those . so sorry, hey, let's have a parade and dress lots of kids up as prostitutes roll it there. yeah, this is real. it isn't made up. it's not a fake. this is
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a guided kids dressed in suspend or belts. s, and them kind of bonded you a bit in a gauge parade and inclusively parade in espanol guess who paid for most edition? yes, you did. if you live in europe, because you are the oldest, is to hold this child, check the so what sort of free once the dress of little girls workers didn't feed them jellies into them, outs, enticing them along the street with this gay flag. is this normal in any reality? i mean what the name of jesus is your of doing to itself. the tail is wagging the dog and the dog as golf. and we're a beast. mean this is it so removed from spain to another place where they speak espanol. uh and that's locked in america. no lighting americas a place that r o. paul, the emperor account. do cool, cold door shut off. oh, george isn't too happy with latin america because it's kind of traditional manner.
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man, women, a women, jesus have terrible. but george has decided to pump in seventy's $8000000.00. 73000073. i added and 5000000 just donated it myself. to influence something dark and what are we talking about building this doc money where the sources money come from, who elected them or use the ever elected citizen who appointed us on the boss of the state. and that was good. yeah. but i mean, who, who is this dude and exceptionally influential good. who recently launched a big hit piece to his over the ccrpi and on a couple of mates in line here in russia who are big films criticizing him. interesting stuff, but over in latin america, millions of dollars getting funded in and this is really interesting to you. let's roll the video women's day at 8 of march a big day across the world. now getting more and more popular or the people were celebrating and buying flowers for their moms. there was the girlfriends with the feminist, supported by john ross decided that they were having known of roland the
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the so say how to protest against women say, we don't want flowers. we don't want to be a boy. we don't want to be objectified and thanks for all the hard work we do. we want to be special. we want to mean check it out. so what happens is, this is the most, it is the modem like decided to plus to the phrase. let me just check this out. there we go. nice about it. you just want the close to probably it was way to give him the books and shots. that's 2 is the mom or granny. check out what the, what the feminist did to him. well, so that he stands up and says, okay, let's have it and he steps. lincoln rouse like wrestlemania, it's feminist mania. obviously, blitz who cogan look at this real super stuff. so really tonight the
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fred is all been about dark money, dark money. that controlled influence is a very small elite that seems to be at the center of a lot of wheels in a big machine that you pay the taxes to run. 84 percent of people in the united states think that big money has of influence. a lot less people have confidence in the mainstream media, old man, old women for low seats saw us bite, and even trump, these guys are dinosaurs and a room in your world. i'll see you next week. the
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of the, with the end of world war one, the move in for an indian independence from the british empire flared up with renewed vigor. the british responded to the growth of the national liberation movement with arrest and brutal, violent repression cause active resistance. in march, 1919 at the call of mahatma gandhi, peaceful strike began in the country. but the british responded with a new round of violence and far bade the indians to gather more than 4 people on the day of the sea bass at t festivals. a huge crowd of civilians gathered in the center of the city of i'm to
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start in northern india. seeing these as outright defiance. general reginald dyer gave the order to open fire on the on arms people's barbaric execution claimed the lives of at least $379.00 indians. including 40 children, the youngest of who was 6 weeks old. the indian national congress considered the official figures to be underestimated and announced the death of more than $1000.00 civilians. the well known greatest newspaper, the morning post called dyer, the man who saved india, gave him a sword and 26000 pounds sterling as a token of gratitude for the massacre. the amorous dar massacre wind down in history as one of the most brutal crimes of the british invaders, and only escalated the affair. struggle of the indians for liberation from the
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colonial yoke. the tip was, as your country, they want to possess your you around noon they want to possess your gas. they want to at least share why you know, to and was good for them because he was just opening all the doors. but the problem with them is they do not understand that the connectivity, 6 of the people who they are dealing with as much as you press the bear bear with come out the proverb, it'd be hard to put the bear back to his face. the crime me for almost 3 centuries, it's been a stronghold of russian culture. 10 years ago of the events that divided dependence
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was history and to before and after. it became part of russia for good. the divorce is sort of so we'd love to see the fitness, the superficial. if avoid the fact just here, it was more or less to about that bill jeffers to do some with you. the, with the station trista can look better. what i think within the midst village is the list of what the quote was pretty crossed and the good person it says gets, it was a, it's and this it lit up the floor, federal it as data, not only just the internet to the what the spit i do, and i suppose by us and probably the coolest side of it and just put in those simple stories it to chipped over to vehicles. because danielle, could we move in,
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you versus the talk of war? the french president, once again, ups the ante with his hawkish rhetoric over you frame this time saying a ground operation against russia may be necessary to the american presence on the territory of the republic of felicia is the legal and violate solve the constitutional and democratic rules. pulling the plug needs, their unexpectedly cuts all military size with washington saying the presence of us troops on it for a while is now against the log into the final stretch as the last day of voting and rushes presidential elections. and as the country decides its future r t is there every step of the way to.


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