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tv   Documentary  RT  March 17, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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on this is low on the po box, this is why the government's of these uh rejects the false allegations from the how the american delegation, which maintains that it signed a secret agreements on uranium with the swamp republic. overall. this cynical approach usually use the discredits demonize and justify the thrust. so again, states fails to recall the examples from the 2nd iraq war. indeed new jerry and send the entire international community to still remember the false evidence brandished by the american secretary of state. before the security council to justify the american express and against the rock. and that's, in this case, the governments of president and john had been falsely accused of having supplies uranium to the forward to send back that, even though the exportation of new sherry and uranium is public knowledge was states. so a space is about a 1000 stuff. they choose the machine and it is a german base. you also know that the movies,
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they have been types of limited since the change of kids are pretty cool. can be you, it's really go to that to process the to go from. she was a get to them. i think i just called those tables that said right now, and the total of these is always have to be. that's what they do. it's crazy in the as has a negative impact on the countries that you receive. we know that the tests have gone up to magic the to the u. s. began to operate supervision. and if he's a 5 for off and you said he does receive training from the minute you suggesting that american influence has done little cover to speak to for democracy and then immediately jadrian that in fact, the has been acting from the state of popular spokesperson of the united states that we are aware of the statement from the cnsp in this year, which follows frank discussions of senior levels in the may this week about our concerns with the cnsp is trajectory. we are in touch with the cnsp and we'll provide further updates as warranted. so i know saying that the high deduct that
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they use will be willing sophisticated states, even though the news, every investment could officially in after this be the more and that's the leave. what are the kinds of things that to the u. s. a whole need without any to us? how early are we spoke with a political analysts from these? eric, this is naomi, should look beyond america for nations to cooperate with. and the americans are interested in their military base with more than a 1000 soldiers who do not make any decisive contribution to the fight against terrorism. i do not think they have any reason to be here anymore. i think they shall draw their own conclusions. were at war, why did we abandon the french? because they were useless to us. the only complicated the situation, our prime minister said that we need the american sponsors or investors, not the american soldiers. if they cannot help us eradicate terrorism, then they should leave. they have to take responsibility for themselves. our country is now part of this
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a how alliance of states this alliance. there's 2 fundamental principles. i think the best choice for you here in all the countries that make up this the hell alliance is russian. in addition to get in the wrong can be considered, we welcome any country that pursues and on this policy is able to assist us ensuring the security of our country. right to stay with our to international up. next, the documentary molly, overcoming the french colonial legacy by the, to some promo. so as you're welcome to see on, continue comes on. so look at this of discussion that i'm on, on that are pretty much it on the all set. i saw it looked at the q running the list, securities equal minus. those are missing. do something about going to need much of in my just because your logic, i stipulated to remind you in the plug the rest. if you, to remind you that the free i learn a little more to remind you to see today i'll come up with on the menu. so
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because it kind of what it is that the kind you sound like a solo for that and today it ended in their focusing on it. and gum gum. i'm ready to book it. show up. i see someone we have met, the deductible. the of the the most of the casino sits are to set the money under the fact that it says i'm going to cover a lot by a to let be. i think i know some of the amendment or some on most by, on the most, by a be stuck on a or so for us. so gladly or software us it up a brush on old months. so coming from the views here, cuz i'm going to leave it as, as you don't know, that is your intimate, nice. somebody visited my click to the debate. there's anything they try to go to
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the bottom. that is, i'm in a meeting for the good. okay. well, to ask you the new name, let, let me data to see why they ask you to say many of the table, genuine to do in the process. so what do they want to get? totally good on these awfully can't is all, i'm not sure the process i said to some of them on it on, on as of documents you posted, you don't say say that could've additional to settlement shows tools or says that additional keywords on page should do for she's going to set the shock in was on page data for us. you can do those on page 2. what um, there's a copper oper, chef middle updates on that inc. i'm point nipples our best on salty x i don't suppose to. so i said, don't political is the
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not social security question right now. we know this, we've got to remember is, i mean it's a couple of do with to deprive a country of summer to use to have any is it's memory. and that's not only cultural heritage, it's also about to, to use the, the, the circle, the point they did not you, the gun was that you on call it on the one the or the, the, there's only a couple in this is i'm, you know, say again, as i've noticed, and she'll see anything more on the play now was on the phone. they found a month the associated with aspect youth on doing this. we have on file on the volume associate, the things up in it. it will. so it goes to law id routine in your system.
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introductions anyhow, across st. milton, would you to notify top nobody entity while odd to choose the key on but they're going to be i'm reading it. i thought she loved most the money. that's also going to mess around. i figured i'd love to you. it is a lot better. me new boss story didn't. nissan san paypals on into one eastern this on sample. but you might need some of the funding power adults, french school children join demonstrations coming down with friends, blackouts, frances colonial cliche turned out to be more important than the humanistic and universal value is a french culture. and 2 and a working remotely from this isn't associated with go and send x will be with macro on poland and the 3 on the culture of science have been replaced by on principles in neo colonial demagogy. they say it's time for friends to leave their somebody's voice. when to describe d as it turned on. so you can settle, see your law offices?
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pasadena did a new job and i was going to just pick minutes. the harlem forces is if, you know, monday, the soonest date that's due to a long distance seems to file a new version. if something is up enough, budget, and up on the, on the, go through this yourself. that gives you dimple the clear to the circular certainly won't see the future. so show pointed to the point of me initial set up. so this is something this going to be going into something different is always only as a 13 percent below the font is only the bottom of imagery. this will not fit, it pulls in the pool. you said the by made from set before? no, it's going to stick with the sort of losses. get a no money for him on a former degree. so it looks like, i mean it's all numbers introduced yourself settings because circles have that kind of point him at the most. okay. and is he led to the engineering school for sure? that's the date and initial foster on by boy that along because your boss advocate is and in the funding set electrician under the la
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d val. and i do not want the assess gets worse, and i'm seeing what's the song dollars they've told me to fill out to the final thing on the phone that long cushion. right. so finally, a case line instead of i'm a customer of the long run with us, although when they are very, the only for my own go off. so it was on me this technology thousands on and then when that women tell the careers that's all i meant on, you know, son. i mean, canada as it might be, the the office on his own c side, they put on the notes as sony, cuz you know, decide is all set up on
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the, the new episodes, most of them go to find stuff that nothing new for me to cut off in beautiful, that's the less the pretty house in most i let him nick off the rest of let me let him ask them, grew up is it didn't have enough of the board on monday, tuesday not for the substitute drugs a ride in the in the most recent page in molly's history is an operation sort of our for that and
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implemented in rankled time to preserve the countries staying code. it's a simple trick. the alteration was prepared in advance and waited for 12 or in groups and incidentally with french health to get from libya tomatti. the operation has several symbols, and he a subjective a french military contingent entered the country due to isaac, the pro french government. and the flags were put in that place. the little guy, the, to the b. c. s, bus out is the same way and keep going team so far as the glass of each there at the program using the data. so they took the box in the complex. she gave me deference, it didn't. why that's blue. sure. so that was
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a memory like to learn something new, but that's been the case of a buttons use of the view w. i said we used to do the symptoms, then the site to go to, i mean, for us to then get to that premier for going was seen by the the lead me see. so i think that it'd be on lock. so that deck that the keep this on for the team. the divorce should be the what funding glen, looking for dealing with the next operation of hun, allowed friends to take control of the whole region from senegal to sue, done. most of the curious, patton, the terrorist threats continued to grow, and the area of terrorist activity expanded 12 french business affairs in molly improved 10 profits grew. click unsafe for charlotte 49 french soldiers dying. not
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for molly. but for the french trade interest. frances are made to accompany independent and extremely advantageous inconvenience position, and molly occupies, tell many malia and civilians died at the hands of the french doesn't care about that phrase the girl front has no friends, only its own interest. the history of relations between france and its former colonies should serve as an example tool defense tweeting with france is a deal with the devil. so no, uh uh people do or is that down to the put the last on monday i'm gone so so i'm going to donald notifies a full the a reset, a reset that pete the 1st form says oh for somebody in
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the go to the left is on the female, i leave it a laptop to repeat the photos of my, my them onto the stuff that next suitcase and the popular. so monday nobody concludes to develop the so all of that kind of key david enter, it is all done that is on the deed. so on new guns, good. a lot of new concepts to me. it just g. and you know, i'll listen to the 2 of us clip, but i picked them up or something did pay for. at the end of the men, rashid in the us, the defending their juvenile rivers, the incredible proportion. only my
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turn now to the latest on russia's presidential election. well, well, well, at least turn it up the road to the dealer on 4 legs a bit. i so far says of, for my leave, a lot easier to do the, to the deal. the net month need got this bus to the seizure, but i saw nobody on the it was on down to the popular. so the sooner the classic you need to is the please also because of the force at the most of my or my late don't. for now i live into my long see don't cause your data to belong to by them. i didn't need that this new call to not to as fast as a new other than that. but the one of the difficult and do want to know to put a, to
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a policy for me. i don't know to it that i thought you knew for the upon those who look last i area and then we'll do the event call the the blizzard for another develop in a little confused. assume that the, that i saw it is i'm gonna need done to sort of us value the desk of jim that i set up a set list onto to this uh, another plus if this on the server i looked at near the notes, don't accept full glass uh, usually deals with the, the data on clear on the disk disease that this the 2nd page. uh, not a lot of the fact in that yeah that, but i see problem. i have a lot of the seats in there. they have to sign on to you. how long does a month? the last 2 homes. the good uh, let me tell them my the home 3 for the month uh, boosted,
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so 2 days and my uh, did not go to the corporate. i saw i work a lot of receipt sooner incorporate i so put this on well, send it back in good fit. i see all the fees while i send it by input. i saw a lot of bands in moses warranty. uh, a lot of things you need a lot that i submitted to uh, the collaboration saying that i saw on going on right now. oh, good, good i. so you said its, i believe, done a civic through us, but there's a, there's a, as in good, good. i. so keep that in mind that an april 1st is our new model in as it the lack of the issue. uh, does it keep them on a safety data for them uh to a lot of the photos out of me and my them on the monte piece. all the
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looks that this is june 22nd children. i'm not sure only what to ties. valenda actually in the was you can look to the front on the front, is it ok to get it? which does it need to think he decided to us. i'm saying some of the some way to shoot you the certainly says apparently that makes sense to you to keep the sensitive on that into affecting if it is. if you seem to been invited, inconvenient to lead me to that disease, the, the assistant elicit another into sheets
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or simply that in the future once he moved there with the same committee for 7. my name is and let's see to so i'm p collision. so as far as i minutes of home products, so done by the way, the says best way, the other parts of the city totally piece under the lender was under the news. but then that it kind of hit the submit button zone. so kind of designing being said, listen open, leave a sure is it the surface that's on the, for the end of it, due to the buffer. so sure, sorry. so by the minute, delta dental said really and can i do this? but i didn't talk, this would be the 2, but the stuff from the lesson to empty feedback to
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distract the button this up to see that estimate isn't that it didn't make any decisions quasi. i didn't use it. so my thought was to remember to put the lesson was your b. yeah. plus the money instead of think you left that i sent you. the task literally is compare to the menu on the home, feed into you guys on cheek. you saw g, b live and there was no m p did come read that to. so i that even begin to, to my email of on the internet says, you know, same bus and the tip for that, for the given that it's the same for us or can be 2 months that on the puppies ended and good things. you know. so what exactly does it mean visa ending long? so why don't any other gmail let's look for is that i'm at least i see the
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low, the 02 and simon m y the see to do there. as you go through, we start to listen to the message, the man dimple, and on this policy the what you gave it to the old place was a new car that but a do sets every time you done by the end of the path to do this. let's see, not finding one plus the the intend, messer gimme new, but that's what with nick, you know, sometimes we need same i gave you. so let me put that in the left, but then you have, i bit a sense of this. so this is us, at least the tv even off to being ousted from molly, from still somehow pressure, the regional union of african states. echo us to the goal of isolating molly foods, sanctions and close boulders by in essence, imposing
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a blockade. a huge number of its goods are imported and molly has no c access. these measures extremely unpopular among the population, not just in volley, but throughout the region. that the wallets of ordinary citizens held and even ruined. some friends has already started to lose africa, enough competition. in particular, this is shown by the narrowing range of goods and foreign companies based in molly . but fronts content doesn't want to change its power dime by taking equal partnership relations into account literal names. and it's also other methods of direct colonial influence, but money is a software in the country with the right to its own history, traditions, values and the cool relations. it has the right to choose the ongoing, the stronger. so we need to put him on getting k, you know, a minute, for example, tom sick or let's think i do a this pain to and that's what i need to know. but through a diesel,
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i've also committed to providing sharepoint, but now you can just check it out, but it might be uh, the money bring us, the only thing is blah blah, money bring us 104. and once you submit somebody, this order has the i'll create that, i don't even want to put it to the simple blog estimate of motion for about 20 separate again, that is what i gotta do, nothing. i need to do that too many people must finish it, but couldn't peter's just sound for me one, mr. casual or to say to them one, yes, performed a lot of the she alice of it into some go for the lot of the shape of the i don't say say much do these blogs to buy song but deals and they, me, it in me you don't wall, so kind of a lot of the public key and bottom line here in devise house,
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no may $1000.00 in the spring, but once you've got your dog dog dogs in this be your boss here. it was, you know, the audiologist was so contained in the song vishal the really, you know, why that is also fun to say, does that prove can nobody isn't say it was a new money. i don't understand with the same valid option or the money i'm trying to know about $10.00 so so visual, southwest additional what to do things i'll check able to just take it, taking a board or do you see why your internet from your house? no. no, cuz you don't know. my mom, this is julia money safe musket. the money on this and the problem a lot for me make us feel a lot of look was only on the castle. something happening on the bus getting onto this old one year on the line. we'll follow up on a real s nicole and it shows about
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a little panel. your dish bundled legs on the bumper. i mean, there's only men of it can be slight. i've only been advocated bought an article just wanting to alex. let me notate it. ok along with it on, on the move on my lease in money. does that mean the same? i mean the device 100 new visa should be last week. total of putting your 4 last full see if this seems not a nice short move, it's best phone to the song. hello is this shipment is a side config. good. and these are the pain due to the 1st all 50 level for those phones aren't under locked point. you need is papers for tim deluxe, the show are included and he does show april,
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great to she does. i live in the bundles that are within symbol. that's and that's in there with a sudden like she'll so would it be wise and what is the test? it's good candidates in wouldn't that i showed you? gotta do this to me, function to, to each to speaking so that the more money fair and then we'll say should good luck falls in love. see them all complete. can go to the flow on vehicle, then we have to ship the chevy. know to clean the rest motor, most of the issue was because that's what i'm seeing under that moment. i'll say really remodel. wonderful because you have to keep him in to develop shabrika for
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that. it's my last somebody as soon as you the the, the
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to possess your country they want to possess your, you around noon. they want to possess your gas. they want to at least share why you know, to and was good for them. because he was just opening all the doors, but the problem with them is they do not understand that the characteristics of people who they are dealing with as much as you press to bear bear with come out the problem. it'd be hard to put the bear back to his face. the crime is for almost 3 centuries, it's been a stronghold of russian culture. 10 years ago of the events,
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the divided dependence was history and to before and of the it became part of russia for good because the divorce is sort of the. so would you like to me, the store for the students, the superficial i have couple of different shows here. it was more or less to about that bill jeffers to the u. s. i'm with you the with the station. and then if you choose to cause that will work pretty good and there's nothing that the missed book, just a listing of what the quote was pretty cross. the person it says get says, possess and disagree. the floor that i was doing that i need you to the, in the spirit i didn't, i suppose by us then probably the coolest side of it. and just put a little simple story to chipped over to you because then you're going to move in
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your verse. so the tops of war, the french of president, once again up the anti with his hawkish rhetoric over ukraine. this time saying a ground operation against russia may be necessary but those strong words about taking the fight to moscow comes as a 16 year old girl is killed and the latest ukrainian shelling of brushes build a rod region into the final stretch as the last day of voting and rushes presidential elections and as the country decides its future archie, is there every step of the way? so from what i say it was so great for you to join us for our special coverage here with our lovely studio in the heart of most go with a beautiful crescent in the back job of special action coverage will continue here on archie and center and.


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