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tv   News  RT  March 17, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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the the top headlines 0 nazi at the russian city of belgrade comes under attack for the 2nd time and 5th, son, date of for a teenage girl was killed in an earlier striking by the dangers the local say they are on the touch on voting in the last day of closing, pulled up presidential election. considering the tense situation, the feeling of ca was still present. today i gathered all my civic responsibilities, courage, perseverance, and pride in russia into a fist and came to the post. at home and abroad. it's russian citizens from around the world have been exercising the fundamental demo project. also to come in this program, the top to bottom up results and the job in on a pallet is upgraded to pop up presents. i mean, you can use it as
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a fire or a message from locals in the chair, celebrating the government, the decision to step a military ties with washington. that is called the presence of us troops on us soil, illegal the or i from the entire news team here the all the mothership in moscow will continue latest world headlines and an awful lot to talk about today may kick off the news hour from the russian to the city of belgrade, where are you creating an attack takes aim at the local population for the 2nd time . this sunday residential area took a direct hit, setting a commercial building on fire and made the destruction earlier today, a teenage girl was killed in a previous stride open. i also want to produce a malcolm. i put the child with this report. hi re yes, this is the 2nd story from the city for the big deal. i think days ago, a 16 year old girl and her father was hit by you. queen anne miller was broken. go was going to live in her house while her father was concussion. was delivered to
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the hospital. i'm actually in the very me the milk, let's say to me around me, odd, just residential buildings, houses right behind me. you can see flaming building just 2 walks away. the keys in the garden is located. this is a component list of your civilian era mil military targets can be located here. the rest of them is fluid defense published an amount of losses you create inside has suffered. it's $6565.00 that sol just and if you are to over systems, it is the so deal for us for the actual election. some people see it and those are even now on the show. and we think that the only the, the main thing they can do is to fulfill the civic, the civic duty to bill. and to vote. nothing is on that, that one got that will choose. plus, there are lots of emotions, considering the tense situation. the feeling of fear was still present. today i gathered all my civic responsibility, courage, perseverance,
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and pride in russia into a fist and came to the post. hi, i filled my civic duty. it was scary to go because of the situation. i listened, there were no sirens and went to the i always go to the polls. i haven't missed a single vote. i decided to go because the future depends on me. i had to vote for the presidential candidate. i'm glad i did it. this is the so they are for us with presidential elections like final. they are for us for presidential elections the last day when people can vote. but despite the freight they are willing to so if they are willing to decide future will they have constant attacks while you're granting and forces. com, mass rushers and the final stretch of issue is valid. it's the 3rd and last day of the presidential election as a holding stations across the country are in the final hours of keeping the doors open. the nation's far east decisions settled 5 hours ago. we're ready. it is the final john. so a reference to decide on who will govern the world's largest country for the next 6
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years. now, as it stands right now, the official turnout is over 69 percent of eligible voters. that means that of a $78000000.00 people have cost the votes. and that's on including the choices that we made online. the story with the far east. the accounting is now underway. the 1st results expected in just the next few hours with the election is a big challenge for rushes and buckled new regions where millions are causing the ballast. despite the dangers from above all to use, the shape of it was filed this report on how officials there are ensuring that the voice of the people can be as well. she prepares to go to the polls. this presidential election will post unique challenges in russia's new territories
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. these areas are court, the under martial law, unfinished co, ukrainian. the tax on pulling centers are always a trust, but it's the solutions that are critical and those solutions must take into account the reality of the situation on the ground. for example, one of the voter has yet to receive the new russian documents screens kind of possible samuel noticed where people will ukrainian passports. i'm not able to vote in unit labor right to territory. so, but those are the rules and laws. but at the same time, oh, most people want to vote and have expressed such a desire. therefore, we are speeding up the process of issuing documents and helping them to obtain russian passports. this is the daily process. moreover, we are looking at how to organize it even more quickly because there is not much time left before the elections, and people wants to be involved folder, innovative ways to ensure the safety of voters are being considered including
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restricting information regarding the location of the polling areas and even moving the voting places from where risk a merge. the duration of voting may also be reduced to protect the voters with the local election commission is ready to use the valuable experience they gave in september 2023. during the election of deputies to the regional parliaments, still concert. so that's where the polling stations we also have technologies that allow us to ensure security rushes. new regions will also have the possibility of early voting at pony stations located in an accessible or remote areas. in addition to these voters would be able to register to use mobile folder mechanisms. this will all avoid large congregations of voters which are prime targets for ukranian strikes. a variety of forms of voting will ensure the separation of people flowing into vote. in this way, it will be possible to avoid large crowds of citizens in one room. and of course, no risk can ever be entirely eliminated. and last year's local election showed that
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the ukrainian army was determined to disrupt the democratic process as much as possible. now you're probably wondering why i'm wearing this protective vest and helmet 12 put quite simply is because polling stations are under the threat from ukrainian attack. this posting station, in fact, itself was struck during the referendum and 2 people were killed. but as you can see, it hasn't the to the people from taking part in the democratic process. so this year, as russians from very bus stuck to belgrade, head to the polls, they'll be joined by the people have done bus, eager to exercise their hard won democratic rights, and to find their own future as part of the wider russian family. and while ukraine may do all in its power to prevent it, this selection will go ahead on the free voices of don bus will be heard. so it was hides from a platinum, a person who, while the other contenders in the race,
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that man, right, the if let us law the divine call from the up and coming new people party for my business. been saying he's the young, fresh face, the russian needs as are the last of the full candidates to fill out his ballot earlier this sunday, he judged russians to come and cost as the choice, not for the special sec come all the one. yeah. yeah. and also so what i'm going to do the, i'm boarding in my hometown of somebody else in my school in that urge, all those who have not yet had time to come in vote for the future of russia. today i will with, with my friends, and we'll wait for the election results. well, next up is nickaligha thought off from the communist party, a venture, and of the russian parliament of familia, face and the well, the politics for more than 3 decades. and of course, on the key issue of dealing with ukraine, he says that can be no more good will gestures. he was the runner up when he lost it for the presidency and 2004. this year he cost is voted of most kind of holding station, encouraging those who haven't yet done so themselves to take part in deciding the
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country's future. i encourage everyone who has not yet voted to do so today. the elections are taking place in difficult conditions, but as an old, difficult times. today, the multinational people of russia have coast solar data in all parts of the country. people are willingly going to the ponies. i have met with international observers from the c i s. and the c s t o from dunbar to the far east. they have no complaints about the conduct of the elections. this is yet another confirmation of our elections, outgoing well. and i finally this was that lee and its sort sky leading the liberal democratic party. it's been a politician for about 3 decades. there's also a member of the russian delegation of the assembled peace folks with ukraine in the spring of 2022. those folks, of course, was discovered by the former british prime minister boris johnson. on saturday, he headed to a polling station and must go to cost his father. then people have been gathering
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outside. our russian episode is a worldwide from asia to europe. you can see some of the lines there are different locations, different confidence opponent stations will remain open from 8 p. m until i should say atm local time. nevertheless, it's not entirely smooth sailing across this process. so 19 through a fire bomb, over the friends of the russian embassy and the molder from capital. it was quickly detained by police, and no casualties of damage from the embassy condemned, the attack and coles of justice against the perpetrator of staying with them. although the pro western government has placed up more than a few hurdles prior to people who want to vote, as on his mind, the e shop except the stone, it seems that russia citizens living abroad are stripped of their rice to vote something that the most open foreign ministry admits default. the no, i mean that is this organism. we have banned holding elections in any place except the embassy committee. if there are attempts to hold elections in other places,
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these actions will be counter productive because i cannot inform about all the measures we can take and stuff. but we will try to prevent actions that contradict moldova sovereignty. so because you refused to normalize relations with ross, so that should imply not allowing russian citizens in your country, their rights doesn't sound so democratic after all, maguvvin authorities have made it evidently clear that they will stop at nothing, trying to prevent the organization of fully stations for the russian presidential elections, i mean, i can see they do legal and incorrect to open public stations in a territory that is not controlled by cation now without the consent of the republic of montvale. russia used to open lots and trends. nice stuff, but these happen before us that will need human resources and these people will have to get to us somehow. we need to show a character and act decisively. in other words, trans nestor, an unrecognized republic that split for mobile by 1991, a region under mold dove and economic blockade. an area that hosts over $200000.00
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russian citizens is not allowed to prepare for the elections. weird, although this whole ordeal wasn't always the case, 30 pool is patients were opened in little by including 27 in the trends, nest or region for the 2021 russians. they do my elections, which $57000.00 citizens cast and they're both in the whole country, including transmitter. all their bodies stations were again opened for the 2018 russian presidential elections early 724000 boats. so why now? why is that the all of a sudden the complete opposite is happening is either way. so i don't think my assigned to is being asked to do is by washington or brussels. europe has no problem, opening potency stations for the russian presidential election. i think sounds and wants to please her wisdom to re there's so much that she's trying to create a problem here as well. his idea may not be so far fetched,
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considering that the current government has been so keen to chase a membership and therefore embrace its democratic ideals. despite the 9 democracy to russians, living in the country strangely, that's something brussels has during the blind eye to, even though it's always so quick to call out moscow. if it views anything irregular in voting there and was that years, moldova has been taking anything recently unfriendly position towards russell is also no secret that the country has stood by kids. and it's ongoing conflict with multiple and well rubbing salt into the one i'm old of and deputy is essentially china forces russia speaking colleagues to stop using the language so openly as the simplicity of their city on the left today is the 33rd anniversary of the adoption of the declaration of sovereignty, of the republic of multiple buttons. and after 33 years, a small part of this parliament discriminates against an independent states, the republic of montalvo and its official language romanian. but
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a large number of people speak russian. please tell me how long do you think we will have to wait until this group is with the rest of us? could somebody do you have any mechanism to solve the problem? i have one and it is of an economic nature. however, let's not forget that russian was spoken by a majority of most of us population for a very long time. in 1989 people demanded from old over to legalize watson together with mold oven as a state language. at that point, russian was spoken by almost 90 percent of the country's population speaking russian or be an ethnic russian and moved over is not breaking news and especially not interest minister. the latter gained a lot of confusion surrounding his status. hence why several elections took place around in the topic with the last one in 2006, we're over 97 percent of voters supported the course towards reunification with russia. but we've been increasing pressure from the models and government,
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which trans nister's authority is described as an economic blockade. the region recently requested assistance from russia. russia is still closer to us. our roots, our people, are closer than the west. moreover, so much nasty stuff came from there. it simply seems to me that my us and do is someone's pop it from there. so she does what she's told me. fortunately, ships, it is important for me to participate in the russian presidential elections because i have a russian passport. it is important that we have stability and trans nice to or that rush are prosper and that the wars and, and all of this instability, all of this plays into the hands of the west. and they are so proud that their rights are protected. they don't defend themselves at all, they have it much worse than us. you have to move to the west is the west. it is always fed at the expense of someone, and it would be bad for the rest. and they would roll over the rest of the world, but they won't succeed. now, there will be a re shuffle of the entire world order this. we have the most diversion to put them
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to i think that now those policies to oriented towards the west, the full probably, the russian speaking population, fulls of some kind of ginger people leave before and communicated in this thing. beach and understood each other. the full, i believe, was still needs to leave in peace and harmony for a spark. russia stated that it cannot let its citizens in the region be victims of a new responsible plan by the western leaning most open government. some old open leadership is not an independent actor, but just another geo political project promoted by the collective wes, as represented by the united states and the european unions up to the my assigned to in her cabinet including the newly appointed for administer me. i pop so i demonstrate complete obedience to their masters on a daily basis in their doctrinal documents. the western countries refer to the transistor region as a hostile pro russian enclave. they are unwilling to resume equitable and
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settlement oriented contacts with tier, as quote regarding gar got was the they have made it clear that regions opposing reproach mt with the you are not eligible for subsidies from the state budget. what kind of democracy is that? this region is home to 200000 of our citizens. we are concerned about their fate and we will spare no effort to make sure they do not fall victims to yet another reckless scheme of the west. trans, mr. continues to be painted with the image of it, the written in an aggressive pro russian region. and that will only lead towards the unfortunate deterioration of the lives of its citizens. most of all, and maybe even another on the conflict between transmitter and mold oven authorities, applied carefully crafted by the west, in hopes of spiting russia. but one of those uh, having, i say in the contradictions, is a french john list of castille my own. who's a, the editor in chief of the don't boss inside. she's been covering events of the region since 2016 when she moved to donate city,
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saying she was motivated to give the other side of the story. i move to don bass to refute what's written by most media outlets. they publish a lot of nonsense in plain lies about this conflict. my goal is to show the reality on the ground. i wanted to listen to and give voice to the don best residents whom the regime and key of calls terrorists simply because they refused to recognize the maid don qu data. i want to stay here even, and especially after the war, i have met wonderful people here who defend the same values as myself. people with big hearts who have become like a 2nd family to me. what i'll do is remind cause it recommended to speak to chris styles himself as voting the gun in the bridge presidential election. continue here, the next people's republic right now, election committees, he's traveling across through a public and i'm making sure that everyone who wants to vote and get to exercise
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their rights right now. we are in the, one of the neighborhoods here in had done that square. there is a mobile can be 0 right here. but so we have a very special person today who's voting wholesale for the 1st time along with the residents have done pos. okay, so it's unfair writing down my passport details so that i can vote there also checking my name against the list. then i will be able to put my ballad in the ballad box and what we would need today. we are witnessing an extraordinary case. we didn't know christo personally, but she is known to us or style has come to our posting station to vote before. of course, this is a very unusual case. she moved here from express to civic position and fully supported our public and its inhabitants. and now having the status of a russian citizen, she is choosing the country's president. is chris still now on her right here and on boss?
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back in 2016 from france in order to find out what it is exactly that is going on here. and she's sold with her own eyes, the aggression of the key of regime against local residence here in done that since then, she became a journalist and then very well known person here. and of course, she's known locally here in the village is a farmer. she has golds she has chickens and other things as well. so for now, this is her life here except for journalism. of course, we spoke about the presidential election in which sheet along with other millions of residents, and i'm boss is taking part uh crystal. so you just voted for the 1st time along with the on the residents of done boss in the presidential election. so the 1st question is probably what's in your heart in your soul at the moment, but it should, i'm really glad i was able to vote. this is my 1st election and for the 1st time i have the opportunity to cast my vote for the candidates who in my opinion is best suited for the role of russian president. i'm very pleased and the doubly please
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that i was able to vote at home in general the election, which is taking place right now. it's not in ideal conditions. that's why we have early voting. and certain things that don't happen in the rest of the world. can you tell us about the situation in done boss in general right now as it relates to the election? we on delegates in attempts to disrupt the elections. whether by showing away propagation and fix published in large numbers by the media, it is encouraging that the front line is gradually moving away from the nipples towards the west and it is lachelle. and unfortunately, we can assume that on march 15th 16th and 17th, when people go to the poland stations to vote, there will be new publications. i very much hope that this will not happen, but unfortunately we need to be prepared for it. how do you feel in your heart about being a russian right now? she to the, i'm very happy, which is why i wanted to become
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a russian citizen. i feel russian, this realization came to me even before i came to don't boss. and here i was only once again convinced of it. i really like being here, living in don't boss in the russian don bus, which is spot of russia. i'm very proud that i am a russian citizen and i have the opportunity to vote in elections and participate in determining the future of my country. do you have any hopes and dreams about your negative homeland or friends for the future? just been, i hope the funds will return to more neutral positions withdrawal from nato and the e. u. and then you good relations with russia as they were before he is given your posted on the very latest of this, the 20 full presidential election of all of the russian federation on air online. you can go check on the
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yeah. as we look at the west african, the nation of new jersey where us military assets including its a $100000000.00 drone bodies need to pack up, ship out immediately and each it has that house. it is immediately ending. old military cooperation with the united states become just 2 days off through an american delegation visited the west african nation for should we say um, high level talks, the reason why do you deserve it? as of these, you have address the well of the american delegation to do not the silver and the chevy and people's advice to choose the partners and the type of partnership that kind of helped them truly fight terrorism. even though the united states of america has, you know, lots fairly decided to suspend the old corporation between our 2 countries. therefore, the governments of these yes, strongly denounces the condescending attitude, accompanied by the threats of reprisals on the part of the household. the american
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delegation, the base of the, the government, and the new jersey and people, the american presence on the territory of the republic of nisha is illegal and violates all the constitutional um type of credit rules that would like the silver people in particular through select as representatives to be consulted for the installation of the forwarding all me on the national territory in while some locals have welcome to decision to swiftly and old military cooperation with the united states. but i presented to me that i needed to none of that. as well as america, i bought, i put it on america and use it. very lovely. i bought live video at least i'm it again, i'll follow it, but it's up to them. but we've done. are about to close. do you mind me doing this and visit online, basically showing the people budding, the american flag basically saying yankees go home, the executive secretary of the african legacy for most an equal to he. and he
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believes what's happening now with actually echoing a broad and move across the reach. i had that you the privilege of living in a god this the very city that and now horse, the biggest military base american military base and the whole continent. i could see with my own eyes how people with, with your us, even before the establishment of the military base, with the a presence of the french soldiers, american and the what the government of news as 2 of nice guys doing that is just the responding positively to the popular feeling of the people of the country who want demand that the country finally in 2024 become truly independent, truly sovereign. and that it controls its natural resources. uranium economy not to be under the some. a name of, of frowns on the, on the states i as, as i only was a stress, this is a part of a lot as a movement,
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as the executive secretary of the african legacy for him. we follow these liberation trends around the continent, and we support them because we seek a truly liberated africa. what happened in book, you know, fast, so natalie nyja and what will happen in the silver of the countries in the very near future this year, i expect is an expression of this philosophy of liberation. just remember that this does not remain on the police because, or even ministry surface, but it goes down deep down into the economy, the very livelihood of the people of these countries. because when these african countries not able to have the sofa empty bag from the french close is the american military bases. they are able to control their natural resources, whether they are oh, you guys,
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uranium and i in goals and many other natural resources. i'm not able to sell them and trade them in the market for federal prices. that was benefits for all of the nations of the africans had reason to be. all right, now are approaching hop pos for on sunday afternoon, which means in moscow and the rest of the western regents is only about 3 and all file turn off hours left to talk about the presidential election. it's a folding sessions closing at to 8 pm. local time, so we'll keep you posted here. our special coverage continues on ology international who is going to win the 2020 for presidential election. here at auction. the the the
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the what is part of the employee would post that isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present during that stop without collision? is that still part of
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the the no one? no, no, no, no, no,
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not for to most of the location of the unit 731 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now through you know, to production with it. so it gives you a shift of the great deal to been doing it. so i knew that sort of thing. people on my mazda thought this minute noon, and one of, of, from the sale of that i don't understand. i've wished enough about doing so need.


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