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tv   News  RT  March 17, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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the, the deadlines went off the international us, the russian that the city of belgrade comes under attack for the 2nd time. this sunday, after a teenage girl was killed in an earlier strike. despite the dangers, however, the local saying they are on the toad from voting in the presidential. considering the tense situation, the feeling of fear was still present. today i gathered all my civic responsibility, courage, perseverance, and pride in russia into a fist and came to the post at home and abroad, the russian citizens of around the world of phoenix, exercising the fundamental democratic rights as well. but also in the program here on ok, so you can, so now i'm phone number is on. so instead of lincoln, none of the above is america. i bottom put it on america. and yet
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it's a strong message from locals in egypt celebrating the government's decision to sleep sap a military tides with washington and officials holding the presence of american troops on that soil and illegal. the 5 i allowed from most go on this. the 3rd and final day of both treat and the 2020 full russian presidential election. but before we get to those voting numbers for you, we do kick off this out. now with the latest news when the russian city of belgrade, where ukrainian attack takes aim of the local population for the 2nd time this sunday, a residential area took a direct hit, setting a commercial building on file. earlier today, a teenage girl was killed in a previous strike. who had this report, which was the producer megabyte, which i a hi re, yes, this is the 2nd story from the city for the de la. i think days ago,
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16 year old girl and her father was hit by you. queen anne miller was broken girl was going to live in her house while her father was concussion was delivered to the hospital. i'm actually in the very middle of build for the city. he around me on just residential buildings, houses right behind me. you can see flaming building. just 2 walks away. the keys in the garden is little feet and this is a component list of your civilian era mil military targets can be located here. the russian ministry on defense published an amount of losses you create inside has suffered. it's 6565 dead soldiers. and if you are to arrest systems, it is the so deal for us for the visual election. some people see it in bills or even now on the show. and we think that the only the, the main thing they can do is to fulfill the civic, the civic duty to bill. and to vote. nothing is on that, that one got that will choose. plus, there are lots of emotions,
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considering the 10 situation, the feeling of fear was still present. today i gathered all my civic responsibility, courage, perseverance, and pride in russia into a fist and came to the post. and i filled my civic duty. it was scary to go because of the situation. i listened. there were no sirens and went to luna. i always go to the polls. i haven't missed a single vote. i decided to go because the future depends on me. i had to vote for the presidential candidate. i'm glad i did it. this is the so they are for us with presidential elections like final. they are for us print presidential elections the last day when people can vote. but despite the freight they are willing to, so if they are willing to, besides the future, while they are constant attacks by ukrainian forces, comments, russia is in the final stretch of a serious ballot. it's the last day of the presidential election as there are still many paulding stations across the country and keeping the doors open with the nations far east, while the decision to settled about 6 hours ago, 11 time zones,
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of course. now as of thousands, the federal turn out is over 70 percent of eligible voters. so putting that into perspective, it basically translates to over $78000000.00 people that cost that balance. and that's not even including the choices that have been made online. the interruption as far east, the central part of the nation counting is now underway. first results expected in the next few hours. now, admittedly, the election is a big challenge for rushes and buckled new regions where millions are causing that balance. despite the dangers above their head, so all these shape bows filed this report on how officials that are ensuring that the people's voices can be as well. she prepares to go to the polls. this
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presidential election will post unique challenges in russia's new territories. these areas are court, the under martial law and cynical ukrainian attacks on pulling centers are always a trust, but it's the solutions that are critical and those solutions must take into account the reality of the situation on the ground. for example, one of the voter has yet to receive the new russian documents screens kind of possible samuel noticed where people will ukrainian passports. i'm not able to vote in unit labor, right? said territories. but those are the rules and laws. but at the same time, people want to vote and have expressed such a desire. therefore, we are speeding up the process of issuing documents and helping them to obtain russian passports. this is the daily process. moreover, we are looking at how to organize it even more quickly because there is not much time left before the elections. and people want to be involved folder, innovative ways to ensure the safety of voters are being considered including
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restricting information regarding the location of the polling areas. and even moving the voting places from where risk a merge. the duration of voting may also be reduced to protect the voters with the local election commission is ready to use the valuable experience they gave in september 2023 during the election of deputies to the regional parliaments, still concert. so that's where the polling stations we also have technologies that allow us to ensure security, which is new regions will also have the possibility of early voting at pony stations located in an accessible or remote areas. in addition to these voters would be able to register to use mobile vote or mechanisms. this will all avoid large congregations of voters which are prime targets for ukranian strikes. a variety of forms of voting will ensure the separation of people flowing into vote. in this way, it will be possible to avoid large crowds of citizens in one room. and of course, no risk can ever be entirely eliminated. and last year's local election showed that
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the ukrainian army was determined to disrupt the democratic process as much as possible. now you're probably wondering why i'm wearing this protective vest and helmet 12 foot quite simply. it's because pointing stations under the threat from ukrainian attack, this posting station, in fact, itself was struck during the referendum and 2 people were killed. but as you can see, it hasn't due to the people from taking part in the democratic process. so this year, as russians from very bus stuck to belgrade, head to the poles, they'll be joined by the people have done bus, eager to exercise their hard won democratic rights, and to find their own future as part of the wider russian family. and while ukraine may do all in its power to prevent it, this selection will go ahead on the free voices of don bus will be heard. so it was, i found the item it booted and who are the other contenders in this presidential
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race? let us live defining coffee. so from the up and coming new people party from a businessman saying he's got the young, fresh face that russia needs. as the last of the full candidates to fill out his availability of this sunday, he urged russians to cost the choice for the future. with this that you have the left loose the today, i am voting in my hometown of somebody else in my school. in that urge, all those who have not yet had time to come in vote for the future of russia. today, i will with, with my friends, and we'll wait for the election results. the next up nickaligha tunnel from the company. this body, i've actually written of the russian parliament and a very familiar face in the world of politics. here he's been around for more than 3 decades on the whole topic of ukraine. he says that can be no more good will. gestures he was either on or off when he lost it for the presidency in 2004. this year he cost is voted of most of folding stations in carriers. those who haven't yet done for themselves to take part in deciding that countries future i
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encourage everyone who has not yet voted to do so today. the elections are taking place in difficult conditions, but as an old, difficult times. today, the multinational people of russia have co solar data in all parts of the country. people are willingly going to the polls. i have met with international observers from the c i s, and the c s t o from dunbar to the far east. they have no complaints about the conduct of the elections. this is yet another confirmation that our elections, outgoing well. and finally eliminated. sort ski who leads the liberal democratic party is been a politician for a good 13 years. it was also a member of the russian delegation of the sample piece pulse with ukraine's back in the spring of 2022. on top of that, he added to a polling station in moscow. the cost is with lines of stretching out the doors of various russian embassies across the world from asia to europe, spain, south korea,
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germany to malaysia. people that making sure that the voices of counseling supporting stations are open until 8 pm locals. time. however, it's not entirely being smooth, say anything everywhere. one man arrested by police by throwing a fire bomb over the fence of the russian embassy in them, all those and capital quickly detained by police, but not the casualties or damage reported to the embassy condemned. the attack quoting for justice to be so if against the perpetrator and back in russia and the donate script public one local family has been mocking the events with music the 1st time the regions taken part in a russian. the presidential election, which for this group was a reason to celebrate with the song. meanwhile, the group of taking part from the election or from a mining family with roots in the region stretching back 500 years. but they say the vote is all about looking to the future or yeah, i might have some yeah, if some, i mean the family have been actively involved since the very 1st minutes of join in
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russia. they really loved the g at the 3 a part of the greats of russia. we have participated in various festivals and counselors that took place in vasa, in support of the new regions. this is probably the most i can do is mother to force the best truancies and in my children as my senior. since we came here with a whole family, of course we will vote for families to grow even bigger traditions, very important to us in the future. we hold this, things will only be better. we hope a bright future is not far off. and this local strong man certainly had the pulling power quite literally drew cranking voters to the boots in the city of my case. it wasn't because people didn't want to go. it's rather part of a special right to the election publicity campaign i hear along with all the locals . believe this is a historical day. the reason i'm going to send you this because i obviously we joined this campaign to lighten up to day so that people can go to the polling
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stations in a good movie. today is a historic day for all residents of done by us for the new territories and for russia as a whole. because there has not yet been such a unifying vote that most of what today is not just a festive mode for us, but to very fast if event overall, every one of us has to make a choice. this choice is our future for our children and the clear sky above our heads. you see what is internet do. today is a significant day for us as we are choosing our future. it's such a positive atmosphere here. people are willing to go to the polls. the motions are overwhelming. well, people in rushes for new regions have been causing the votes for the 1st time. washington has decided to weigh in on the democratic process in the united states condemns. russ has continued efforts to undermine ukraine, sovereignty territorial integrity and political independence through sham elections, held in occupied ukrainian territories. the united states does not, and will never recognize the legitimacy or outcome of these channel actions held in
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sovereign ukraine as part of russia's presidential elections. to be clear, lou, hans, don't yet separate reesa. her song and crimea are ukraine. the results of these potemkin cell exercises will be dictated by moscow and cannot reflect the free will . the citizens of ukraine were being compelled to vote in them. however, the u. s. hasn't always seen russian electrons and such a dock light. all these even is donal folks back to a time and washington was frankly, most unhappy about who democracy was putting in the crypt i had. if it's presidential election rush, i had one message to the west. don't metal look up lou, we have sent accumulating a lot of materials about how the european union embassies in moscow or preparing thoughts, our presidential elections, what intervention mechanisms and supporting projects for our non systematic font position is our be prepared in general. seems that the embassies have no right to
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do. having collected such information, we invited all the ambassadors of the european union to a meeting with me, which i wanted to tell them. we simply advise them in good faith. not to do this 2 days before the scheduled meeting. they sent us a note saying that you had decided not to come. can you imagine relations with states at the diplomatic level who's in passengers are afraid to come to a meeting with the minister of a country to which they are accredited? where has that been seen? that's the manners of the sworn partners. this might sound out of place to some given the 2016 russia collusion hysteria in the us when the roles were reversed. but it makes perfect sense to those who pay attention to america's intelligence routine overseas. we've been doing this kind of thing since the c i a was created in 1947. we've used posters, pamphlets, mailers, banners, you name it. we planted false information in foreign newspapers. we've used what the british call king george's cavalry, suitcases of cash,
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and the russian battlefield in this war for the hearts and minds actually saw one of the biggest victories of the c. i a, it all started like this. it doesn't take collusion from the trump campaign. right, for russian active measures to mess with our elections. was we messed with the election? the funny thing, the thing is i was sent in 1994 to russia by the clinton administration to get involved in their elections, seeking what outcome and from the other re election of boris yeltsin, boris yeltsin inherited the shambles of the soviet union, which smarter in russia used to be in the early ninety's. he didn't do much for the country during his 1st tenure, the country. so a bloody coup attempt suffered from monstrous terrorist attacks. organized, crying flourished. the economy was in ruins and the population was stricken with the round pond poverty. but all that didn't matter to washington for them, hilton's keep straight and achievement was, he's absolute,
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a dollar fee and salvage you to the us. so when the polls showed he was likely to lose to his communist privacy in the 1996 election, it was time to take action for none other than the american president himself. no one will be able to succeed except to myself and 0 gone off. all others will get no more than 10 percent, but they can add the votes to his or subtract them from mine. so now i have to work with full candidates and make them favorable to me, especially if we go to a 2nd round. i have set firmly the task of winning in the 1st round, so i would ask you not to embrace, you've gone off in advance. you don't have to worry about that. we spend 50 years working for the other result. soon off to 3 americans landed in russian 3 and for per now as in the business of the most cutting edge, most market innovation of the time, flat screen tvs or so was the legend. in reality,
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they were political science heavy weights on admission to tip the scales in yelton's favor the communists had to lose. first is done to prove that the job yeltsin is doing 17 things will get any better. i prefer the communist approach. there exists any one very simple strategy, but winning 1st become the oneal alternative to the communist and 2nd, make the people say that the communist must be stopped on costs. the us administration displayed a very little understanding of this at all costs or the the agents what teach paid $250000.00, and basically had a blank check to cover any additional expenses. but given yelton's public support, the task at hand was truly ga, again joined. in the us, you would advise a pull with those kinds of numbers to get another occupation to get america's favorite sons rating out of the got to event, president clinton was ready to spare no expense. i'll check on this with the ins
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and with some of our friends and see what can be done. i think this is the only way it can be done. but let me clarify this. i had understood that you would get about $1000000000.00 from the i m. s before the election. no, no, only $300000000.00. i'll check. okay, apparently it was president clinton to convinced his russian counterpart to appear in a campaign video. and when the selection results came in, the 3 american political scientists actually sat in the election commission building the kid. they did it, it worked, at least for a while. now russia is in a fight against a us dominated world order. and this time, washington doesn't have the yeltsin way out over the very latest coverage of the presidential election. we've got you covered on air, on the on line and about a 45 minutes or so. we'll be starting our lives special coverage from our election
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studio in the heart of most go right along side the crack. the . all right, so with the west african nation of needs uh us military assets including its $100000000.00 drone and base need to pack up and ship house right now. the chair has announced it is immediately ending old military cooperation with united states . the comments are 2 days after and american delegation was visited, the west african nation for quote, higher level tool. the governments of these, you have address, the will of the american delegation to do not the silver and the chevy and people's advice to choose the partners and the type of partnership that can help them truly fight terrorism. even though the united states of america has, you know,
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lots fairly decided to suspend the old cooperation between our 2 countries. therefore, the governments of these yes, strongly denounced as the condescending attitude, accompanied by the tribes of reprisals on the part of the household. the american delegation, the base of the government, and the new jersey and people. the american presence on the territory of the republic of nisha is illegal and violates all the constitutional um type of credit rules that would like the silver people in particular through select as representatives to be consulted for the installation of the forwarding on a, on the national territory the declaration of course, comes off in 4th and you dig ation and box under visits to see a few days ago. and the vision mission was to do things in discussions by for a profession and building on tv choice would be, jamie indeed is, was in the statement. the agents have goals as far as saying, that's the use of pictures i'm buying and says digits. ready metric protocol and did not notify anatomy about the ministry of off did any decent stage with arrival,
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even the agenda, adding data. besides discuss the issues of regina changed because they administer a couple of issues between the 2 countries. that according to the venue reports that i've had to reset the think, the american delegation made by assistant secretary of state for american african affairs brought the money feed was unable to lead to the hedge of off the minutes she machine. the jews also rejects the watch. it says, what are the cases of a secret deal made between museum 0 state. russia and robs is low on the po box. so this is why the governments of these rejects the false allegations from the house of the americans negation which maintains that it's signed a secret agreements on uranium with this law make republic overall. this cynical approach usually used to discredits demonize and justify the thrust. so again, states fails to recall the examples from the 2nd iraq war. indeed new jerry and
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send the entire international community to still remember the false evidence brandished by the american secretary of state before the security council to justify the american aggression against the rock. and that's, in this case, the governments of president tom john had been falsely accused of having supplies uranium to the forward to send back that, even though the exportation of new sherry and uranium is public knowledge dates. so space is about a 1000 stuff. they choose the machine and it is a german base. you also know that the movements the have been talked to them. it said since the change of kids are pretty cool, can be you, it's really go to that to process the to go from. she was a get to them. i think you just called those tables that said right now, and the total of these is all the batches to you is crazy. in the as has a negative effect on the countries that you received. we know that the tests have gone up to magic the to the you is began to operate supervision. and if he's
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a 5 for off and you said he does receive training from the you. it's been a huge, suggesting that american influence has done little cover to speak to for democracy, and indeed the chevy involved. in fact, to the, has been acting from the state of popular spokesperson of the united states. that we are aware of the statement from the cns p a new share which follows frank discussions of senior levels in the may this week about our concerns with the cnsp is trajectory. we're in touch with the cnsp and we'll provide further updates as warranted. so i'm not saying that the high deduct that they use will be willing to vacated space, even though the news, every investment could officially in after this be the money. that's the leave. what are the kinds of things that to the u. s. a whole need without any to us. meanwhile, to put it lightly, some locals have been celebrating the decision to end the military cooperation with the united states. but it sounds to me that i really didn't know if they eyeball is
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america. i bought up the american know news, a view, lovely by live video least i'm it again, i'll follow it, but it's up to them. i bought a new done. i bought the 1st you mother can do the contract. the videos are circulating online, showing people buying the american flag, basically saying, yankees go home. the story continues online at auction, dot com right now. for the meantime though, looks like the french president really has a b. in his bonus these day seemingly keen to pull more fuel on the fire when it comes to ukraine in his latest interview. emmanuel macro now says that a ground operation against russian troops, maybe an s maybe at some point it will be necessary to carry out operations locally in order to counter russian forces. frances might is in our ability to do so. we
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are ready to prepare for any scenario. it would be a mistake not to do so. these are very serious comments by a fresh president and even my con, what's behind all of those who really knows. but well, it's very dangerous when you have the president of a natal country is stating a potential direct conflict with vol showed that is literally the definition of an escalation here. but at the same time, it might just be old. poke because in one of his recent comments, the 1st president make made of quite unclear on where the situation sense present don't like to reach the president of the republic is responsible for national standards if he makes decisions for the safety of the french camp and makes the decision because after 2 years of the war, we systematically did what we said we weren't going to do. 2 years ago, we said that we would never send pay bullet holes. we sent them when you only have 2 years ago, we said we would never send medium range missiles this. that's what we did was we
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said we would never send playing it. yeah. now some are doing it. we have set too many boundaries, so to speak, move in our vocabulary, and then your best. we are not aggravating things either. we are not at war with russia east, and we just have to clearly understand that we must not allow russia to win on all the other show. so what he's saying here is essentially doesn't really matter what western politicians say, because their comments don't align with their actions. the philosophy that they have here is we're not, we're with russia, but we will keep on doing everything we can to make the conflict even worse. so we don't know, maybe he's just trying to show that france is in it's for the long run. but then again, you know, given ukraine, all these empty promises is not really helping kids in any way, shape or form. it's really concerning to hear my crohn say these things. has there been any reaction from moscow to this? no, not yet. but we, i previously hear from most goes on most close views when it comes to my call statements. now, the criminal and spokes person to meet your best call did state that france is not
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against increasing the degree of its involvement in the conflict. then we read macross statements. the fact that russia is an enemy of france is obvious, because paris is already drawn into the war and ukraine, and is taking an indirect part in this war. and judging by the president statements, frances not averse to increasing the degree of its involvement. so it wilma is mac crohn alone in his assessment of the situation on the ground. he was, but i suppose your, the rest of europe doesn't really want to be left out because you have, your ukraine says, 2nd biggest donor in the 1st biggest donor in europe, which is germany. now, germany is making a whole scenarios on how russia is planning to take over europe political listen, you can't, you know if i try to even talk every day ukraine defends the peace of pose boats, fins, romanians and no regions,
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none of whom are located in the heart of europe like us, but whose countries for directly on ukraine or russia. we haven't taken that concern seriously in germany before. that must not happen to us again. it's payton is not stopped by the ukrainians in east and ukraine. the will will come right to a do step double to can polish friends. keep reminding us of this a decreasing support would bring the will close to to us, and we must and want to prevent that together. now this also comes, i meant a risk between german chancellor and his ministers on whether to send towards mrs. hawes to ukraine or not. so the officials loaded down another resolution which proposed to send these tours missiles through crane and opposition party leaders. fear that the weapons may just make germany defacto, a part of the conflict. and on the wednesday, the chancellor once again ruled out sending these tours smith's house to ukraine. the delivery also has been subject of heat is the big it in berlin and some german parliament members, as well as the u. k. has been pressuring berlin to just do so. plus,
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we also have earlier this month and intercepted audio of that show in german defense officials discussing multiple targets in russia to strike. and i came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets, the bridge in the east and the ammunition depos above the originally east is hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the tourist can do it. the munition depos can also be here. so we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us top of the conflict mind. i am exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland from all. so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that on monday and do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. now if you're up continues in this route,
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instead of just negotiating, there is a very high chance that this conflict will escalate, not only to in ukraine and become even worse, but it may even go even further than the borders are frame with us just about it for now, however, we're not hoffman hours time we resume a special election coverage ma downtown studio next to the kremlin unit, o'neill and stuff. you're tired of the hosting for the final evening of both of the 2020 volt pressure presidential election. i do hope you'll join them the top of the meantime. i'm go reception. thank you for sharing of sunday with us here not to get to the the .


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