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tv   News  RT  March 17, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT

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the the, the, the russian people, it made the feelings loud and clear. uh, the, loud enough to st. gains a sweeping victory in the russian. a presidential election, securing another 6 year tub, usually came awesome. pay tribute to those in the newly established regions. we pay amounts of both despite the constant phone bod minutes, despite the terrorist attacks and you and i already know this, well, the citizens living in these territories have shown not just civic majority. they show coverage and continued to show it. no one, as i thought, assumed and said recently,
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no one intimidated them and it is impossible to intimidate out people of the opposing kind of it's secure, less than 5 percent of the total was the federal both the child was 73 percent. the phones are close, the official patty has these up the middle belgrade we have had continuous attacks on the polling stations from ukrainian forces because they have no to the to anyone from coming out. unfortunately, 2 people have been killed considering the 10 situation, the feeling of fear was still present. today i gathered all my civic responsibility, courage, perseverance, and pride in russia into a fist and came to the post or
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the . what is this going? 5 am here in the russian capital, and we're staying with you throughout the night to bring the will, the latest twists and turns in this pivotal russian presidential election. i'm the key, aaron, and i want to come on me. and as it stands out to me, a fusion is in size of a landslide victory with 87.34 percent of the votes, according to preliminary results, with almost 98 percent of the. but it's not kansas looking very clear what the russian people want for the next 6 years isn't dates. what about the turn house is reported to be around 73 percent vladimir, who's and has a very strong lead and a preliminary towns. the communist party candidate came in seconds with 4.3 percent . that he was followed by the new people policy candidate deadline cove with 3.8
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percent. and then of course, that's slootsky all the liberal democratic policy with slight de over 3 percent. and he's a new face full that policy. of course, this to get head is always been 0 and all ski and for say, many years. but he saw the died 2 years ago when i was the countdown prose disney this conclusion. now vladimir putin did hold a press conference at these, his election headquarters, and he did talk about the continued ukrainian attacks on posing stations and buses, new regions, and how this didn't deter russian vote is from coming out to have that se to get at least just get back despite the terrorist attacks and you and i already know this, well, the citizens living in these territories have shown not just civic majority. they show coverage and continued to show a video as no one, as i thought it assumed and said recently, no one intimidated them, but it was impossible to intimidate out people there. i'll turn out to both in the new territories and in the border areas to make the turn out is even higher than in
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the rest of the country. and it's simply a response from the people to the actions or trying to intimidate them. do you have condition those and do it? don't understand who they're dealing the most of the of that you can put in part. maybe it's a good thing that they don't understand. because in this case, of course, they will be defeated. now they are trying, again, trying to get someone back to enter. do they were destroyed. almost 100 percent of them were destroyed and they moved forward by 100 meters. $25.00 tanks were destroyed because the enemy has concentrated a group of around $5000.00 in the border area. not directly on the state borderline, but somewhere in their medium here. but the overall loss is about 40 percent. of these about 35 percent are irrevocably up to $25.00 tanks, dozens of armored vehicles and so on. if they like it that way then in principle to show it suits us the families because they mindlessly attack, it's such a me trying to for them. it's either been official for us, let them try. no, he did focus heavily on the military operation in ukraine because of the rule. even
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though he has schooled a landslide victory here in russia, in the so called new regions, is that have just recently become part of the country that he's figures in the 90 percent territory like and then that's gonna look guns. republics, for example, and allowed them to put in the russian liter has well made it very explicit. that he realizes what it means that he realizes that people are happy, that they are approving of the fact that flatter my booty, decided to take this step and defend them and send the russian army to defend them against the key of regime. and so he really is, is the version that it towards, on his shoulders at the same time, the voting in the russian border regions. and i'm talking about the border with human brain. very happened to the tune of terrorist attacks that how well they range from terrace trying to reach and to, to in then to russian, tad for you to just real emphasis shillings, terry showings of strict disability in areas in towns like the town of belgrade and
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flat them approved and he did not say explicitly, but he did do kind of hinted at the fact that the, if these showings continue, if ukraine continues in this, with its terrorist ways than well, a time will come when russia will have to create a buffer zone. he, again, he abstained from saying that russia would have to grab any more land, for example, in the heart of region which borders the russian style. good region. but he did say that the need for this buffer his own the well, it is growing by his in minutes. he also talks about into an old russian affairs. he talked about his political opponents and his vision full rush at the same time. let him approved. he was confronted by western journalists by an american journalist with a question about the death of alexi, nevada, a political figure in no position figured who in the west, many viewed as of latimer pollutants, key political opponents expected. it was
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a few days before mister and i've only passed away. some colleagues told me not administration officials, some people said there was an idea to exchange mister invalid me for some people who are in prison in western countries. you can believe me or not. the person who spoke to me had barely finished his sentence, but i said, i agree, i mean, but unfortunately what happened and you happen to get the only on one conditions that we exchange him so that he doesn't come back, let him sit there, that's all. but it happens, there's nothing one to do about him, that's how much referrals when you look, which is go. if you want to know my opinion on whether our elections are democratic or not, i think they are democratic. conversely, in some countries, for example, in your country, the blooms was going to be considered democratic to use an administrative resource . and it was an issue in order to attack one of the candidates for president of the united states, including using traditional authorities truth. we have no preference for any of the candidates for president of the united states of america. we will work with whoever the voters truck allergies, but the use of administrative resources, the traditional system. it's just me become an addictions under disgrace to the
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whole world for getting either states, unanimously or democratic or on a so called publishing system. as you're more than interested, i have every reason to believe that we do not see any diversity for at least have during the electoral process. i know some western countries including the united states today, therefore accept the return part. please visit the on 12 foreign relations came into focus as well. and especially russia's ties with china. vladimir putin stress the cordial nature of relations. and he made it very, very apparent that he is intending to stay on this course and to, to continue to strengthen the ties between the most cool and big ging at the same time a lot of my food and also acknowledge the fact that the western partners they have been doing their best to right. so the internal political situation in russia, in fact this was something that russian politicians of various colors had been cooling at the western partners out about and likely the russian foreign minister
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surg, elaborate accusing, openly accusing wesley diplomats over taking steps towards meddling in russia's internal affairs this was something that i asked vladimir putin about because that fool, after all these efforts, he gets this mass of land slide when even bigger than during the previous elections . so i asked him if he believes western powers would draw any conclusions out of the situation, that all the evidence terribly, terribly backfired for them. the reception after all, these are not completely stupid people sitting in all the instead. sions that have been working against our country for decades. you know, when their problem is, in my opinion, it lies in the fact that after the collapse of the soviet union, there were a very large number of specialists on the soviet union who could not do anything else, but fight the soviet union. and then with the russian that arose in part of the territory. so they began to convince their political leadership, them, and public of their countries that they need to continue finishing, rush off,
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and in such a way that they themselves will not be left without a job. but still new generations of specialists are coming. they realistically assess the events taking place. i think they will be more sophisticated, but they will not change their goals with regard to russia. paula, the media conference was rather expensive and lengthy. but after you wrapped up, we just had a chance to pick your brain of the trip as carver who was the spokesman for the russian president. and he reveals that vladimir putin does not intend to celebrate simply because he has no time to do so. his schedule is passed and he already has several meetings, blonde, including the meeting with rushes, military leadership. at the same time, he reveals that they are working on a 4 and the visit on a, for in trip for a russian president. he hasn't had too many of those uh, in the past. in the past few years, he even went as far as saying that the know what country vladimir poor do is set to
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travel to. but he stopped just short of revealing the name of the country. we will, of course, we'll have her to see, but vladimir prudent, of course he has 6 years as ahead of him as president. so he has a new tab and with the new figures of support, with the growing support he is bound to keep the country on the course, he has received confirmation that the nation is very approving of what he's doing. so he will carry on doing so. but maybe with renewed vigor. well, while the account hasn't officially been officially ended calls for congratulations to present about them, it doesn't have because begun. we heard earlier from the prism of venezuela, of course, nicholas murder. here's what he had to say. a minor trim, c, c, c. and we've moved in 87 percent of the votes. clinton has completely won the war
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against the collective west of toiling. it demonstrates the values of the russian people who are leading the way from the rest of the clinton's victory. come out of come the most, i'm on the long road. a vindication here. recognitions for newman, russia, a great russian, or with the multi polar world and for world apartments. so our elder brother vladimir putin is trying out so they can be these are good arguments for the world and for the yeah, 2024. congratulations from windham, but it's not in russia. on financing on old battlefront. certainly, an exception of the will message there from nicholas medea wrote, and i think it's going to be any stokes of surprises when it comes to who comes forward to congratulate document present. and who doesn't. of course, many leaders from the global south of a home ready congratulated putin on his face the term, another 6 years at the helm of russia. the west hasn't been quite so full come 1st coming. of course, even before the election was held, we had those sarcastic headline sarcastic responses from some westgate,
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they don't know the else, but it's a do other than, you know, look at russia cost and try on what they're doing and basically whatever rush it does say, the complete opposite because honestly they want nothing better to do. we should be focusing on their own domestic issues. here. russia as the, the great country, big one of the biggest, or the biggest country in the world. that inputs and clearly has a lot to take control and you were saying earlier how it, how different it was in 1999 to how different is out. i mean, the people over russia really behind. so it's an and they want him to take them forward for the next 6 years. they think, oh, well, absolutely. i mean that the figures speak for themselves started a russian, people made that choice. they want less than may pretend to stay the ship for another 6 years. however, we've got the west such as germany, calling this whole election prose as a pseudo election of the us that the russian pose wouldn't need any but free no 5.
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so earlier we did speak with us politician die on said she said that these accusations of just simply the examples of hypocrisy. and i saw an article in the new york times to denouncing russia for extending the elections to 3 days, which i found quite hypocritical, because here in the united states, now we have an election. he's been, it's not 3 days, it's weeks on and an accounting is weeks on end. and i found it somewhat humorous that they, he said, having an election period over 3 days made it easier to commit to front when our election season now extends over many days or even weeks and months. the western main stream media has become simply a propaganda machine. for more and let me also express my concern of that,
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i understand that russia had to stop or successfully intercepted 35 different drone attacks coming from the direction of ukraine. i believe even a couple of civilians may have died in belgrade. so the kind of harassment of the electoral process there i, i think is just out of reach of the western media also by the way has lost many of its listeners as you may know until they manage to stop the people from being able to access our tea very well in the west uh cnn. these mainstream oregon, hardly any, wouldn't even listen to them anymore because they have found them to be so remote, for most people themselves experienced or believed using their own judgment. what must be occurring in the world and in their own lives. and i think the election
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with this. busy over whelming show of trust and support for putin indicates the situation in russia, at least it's stable. i think that's good because it does. it creates the conditions for this crisis, this situation to be finally ended in a calm and irrational manner. unfortunately, it doesn't appear right now that there are many people in the west who are prepared to do that. now the police will come and take the books on. oh boy, all the worlds apart. small t shirts homeless, but the russian elections are in front, a sign of change, not only for russia, but for the rest of the world to think russia not only survives on a diversity reaches the typical uh, explanation of many of russians with foot forward. i think right now russia is also driving on its own sense of agency. i don't take it as
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a protest. suppose i take it as the self actualization of both. because over the last couple of years, in the many years before that, russia has to, you know, come to transfer it. what it is, is a country what a sense for how it wants to develop volts values believes to be its own. and what's alison dawson on believing? and i think what we seen this vote both in the turn out and the level of support for large and i put in as well as for other candidates, demonstrates that the russians that actually, you know, taking destiny into that own hands. i think it's very important to keep in mind that every nation and we know that from political science with no that's from collect to psychology. but every nation has its own sort of basic needs just like individuals. nations also have it, and one of them is special dignity. and i think those figures that we're seeing coming up demonstrate that the russians are no longer ashamed or shy to claim the
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national dignity. it's not about, you know, pushing something on the ukraine or the rest of the world. so it's about spreading your ideology, but it's about, you know, being yourself and, you know, taking pride in, being yourself that may also encourage other nations to stand up for that own national interest and for who they are ultimately felt about, you know, leading the world to some unknown destination that's about being clear what you need for your development, using your own resources and the fair way and dealing with others on that, on an equal basis. not as a sort of 3 church, you know, some pupils but rather on the, on an equal basis. and you know, that may have, or if occasions for the west cells, because i think many people on the west side tire, those are the kind of politics that the they encounter ones that own basic interest . i'm not considered one, it's all about abstract ideas of some,
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undefined leads rather than, you know, materials, things that matter to all of us. you know, how hospitals around, you know, how schools around whether you have normal, public transportation of whether, you know, the government takes care of the, you know, public services, etc. i think those are the most important things. and those are, you know, big issues, the ultimate, the people vote on in every country as well as live now to and nelson and walnut. i'm so gives me it's a long time delay vice chairman of the shanghai center for rim pack. i'm into the national center studies vaulted club x, but that was that as always, a pleasure. thanks for joining us here today on this beautiful as you can see, day in mazda and now nelson. we can see that both we can see, continue and see basically, continuity is what's important and vital inputs and of course now going into his face to seizing think i'd rather be opposed to the both of the monks. they feel
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like the democracy in the western countries moving forward. how important is this continuity for both leaders to well, thank you for having me. and i know it's pretty early in moscow at this hour, but yes, as i said, it's a beautiful day. we have a beautiful day here in shanghai as well. uh, all the topic of, uh, the new election, the russian accessible i have to congratulate, uh, friends in boxes of people, of russia. uh for that choice. and uh, so it actually shows that the, the, the boxes of the people of russia about, uh, who they both for and what kind of, uh, a leader they are expecting. so putting has proven himself to be a strong and a good lead. uh, uh, for the country of russia when you have, which is you, i think it is quite important because the ability is me to so critical to the
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countries or economic and political development. i'm particularly under the circumstances that you know, where is the ongoing restructuring of like, new political realities about the world and we're talking about the moving into the new multi, paula will well, or probably centric world, whatever you call it, that a loved one casual installment the well is off the policy so. ready and i think it is very important. and so when you said little rock about the stability about the 2 countries, china and russia with the most of the, it is very important that i think the people kind of off to countries of both made our choices of, uh, you know, to the, the supporting our leaders to, to have us
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a stable society about the unity of the country. and, and this is something that, and i think the rest of the world will really have to, to understand and to, to face the reality of the mr. wong. you, we speak about the, the new a multi poet. it was, which seems like it's already arrived with the growth of bricks and so on. and now the russian people have decided that they won't post and who has been a driving force behind this new world order to continue with this pause. but there's so much resistance of from western countries to this new world order. how do you see things playing out when not everybody's on the same page? absolutely, because a, which was a changing world. things like in a web talking about bringing something new. uh yes, you said you said it absolutely correctly that uh,
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a brakes is as an indication that we are entering into a new world. and this year russia is going to be the rotating chairmanship of the brooks. and the rest of the world has a lot to expect, but we also have to face the reality that things like this do not change overnight . right? uh, we're talking about the possible decline call the decline of the u. s. m 5, but it doesn't mean that the, the united states of america is gone. no, it is do the most powerful country on us. and so the multi point of world is not just that i am leaving the world. you are not know, this is not in a multi paula world. this will become a computation fighting for supremacy. so i think so what we are expecting
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is how the, you know, the western world and some of the emerging powers of the world can eventually come together to reach a consensus of how we can move forward. and only that, only by that. and we can talk about a real multi paula other than that, we're just in the middle of a competition in a mineral struggle and sometimes even come from the day. do you feel like that's a realistic expectation that mr. wong, in the next, the end of a stable future. do you see these great nations coming together to negotiate to be a part? so it's to be to be a unified, ready to be a multi problem? well, so what is the best for one another? but on their own times, well, it is something not easy to achieve. of course, i mean when you are the big brother, you don't want to give up your uh your,
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your power. so that's something that can be expected with. sure. so it's a matter of bringing people to a reality to face the reality it takes time at so this street will prove that who is on the right side of history. and i believe that people are friends in the west. a lot of them are coming to this sense is that they see what is going on. and i've said in different occasions that the emergence of organizations like the brakes and the shanghai cooperation organizations are indicated enough to suggest that the rest of the world is most happy about of how the world has been governed. i'm to now with one superpower, particularly after the collapse of the soviet union. nelson, let me ask you a quite
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a slight different question. how important our global or how important our resources, you know, russia, a massive country, china, also a very rich in natural resources. these that so resources from nicole for this awful, that's going to control the electric vehicle markets visa today. and i mean this, i think was around 5 to 10 percent of the wolves, nickel. uh uh, products. but how important is natural resources in the next coming years? natural gas call, of course, of the medium up there as well? well, they changed the way the thing about the way that the world looks at the multi polar world. what, what natural resources, those old where is an important element in the development of any country. but we also have to realize that the global economy has developed into such that
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countries economies are into what we cannot expect. the countries, particularly big countries like rupture, like china, to isolate themselves from the rest of the world. it is absolutely impossible, i think. so the, the way forward is actually for all countries to come to get to talk about the reciprocal arrangements to talk about development with mutual benefit. it's not just you have, you can develop, you cannot develop only, i can do whatever size like these days on goal for. but again, at fault for countries like russia and i think yes, it is at a, a difficult time or a different time actually seeing. so the, the outbreak of the conflict in your brain was all the st. jude some more than
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10000 sanctions imposed all rush about the breakfast do so by the end is to develop the quite well. so this is something that i think of friends and these are western world war not to face. and they have to come for the realization is that the old way is the bad old way of looking at how that works with the government that need to change actually. so it's something that the, they, they really have to think carefully. the always using this uh, you know, sanctions uh we can force you to, to, to bile down to do whatever we like. i think that these days are gone. well, he's hoping for more peaceful and prosperous times. so old has many thanks for speaking to us and that nelson wong advised him to be signed by sense of, of impact on to international studies. always appreciate your time. thank you so
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much and it's thank you. well, the russian president is please secure, of course his, well, no, that's of 6 the, there's a 5th of my bank of my, his 5th the, i'm up there. awesome. so the reason is behind it now, will it we spoke with our teeth seen yet. correspondent broad goes. yep. yeah. if you spoke with our colleagues, you didn't o'neill and suffocate taylor. let's have a listen to what he had to say. look back to when vladimir putin came to pals. russia didn't have enough food to feed itself. we depended on humanitarian aid. from the you web from the united states. everybody still remembers bushes, chicken, chicken legs that they would bring over from the united states and all of the markets. and in most google before the, there's not enough gray. not enough. me there is, that was the, we're huge problems in much that meant boot and came in 2000 and said, i will do this by 2015. russia is the world's largest weak export. for
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example, this is for example, so people have trust in put look, what he says he will deliver on. and there is a track record to prove that she delivers on what he promises this time around. he has promised a new industrial revolution in russia. now it has the money, it has the money, despite this conflict, it has the will and now moves the essentially vladimir putin has the support of the people you, you mentioned in germany, in e, in, in great britain. then promising you to the few months, i had the few years ahead that were putting came back from promise plenty is ahead . these are programs 20 years ahead. they are populous that they're using, coming out and say, you know, everything will be cool in a couple of years. everything will be done.


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