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tv   Documentary  RT  March 17, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

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this by 2015 bucks, that is the world's largest weak export. for example, this is for example, so people have trust improved. look what he says he will deliver on. and there is a track record to prove that she delivers on what he promises this time around. he has promised a new industrial revolution in russia. now it has the money, it has the money. despite this conflict, it has the will and now loops the centrally large may appear to have the support of the people you. you mentioned in germany, in e, in, in great britain. then promising you to the few months, i had the few years ahead that were putting came back from promise plenty is ahead . these are programs 20 years ahead. they are populous that they're using, coming out and say, you know, everything will be cool in a couple of years, everything will be done to you, you will be prosperous and everything will be wonderful. now, he says, there's
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a difficult pause for decades ahead. but you and i, we can do it together and that is what he said. and look at the numbers. he has one move of the russian people. absolutely one to move the ukrainians of the west with the sanctions in the end, the bands and the restrictions that for uprooted and the high ton up. what this means is, is an incredible amount of legitimacy, legitimacy. i can tell you that the ton of itself lends credible incredible credibility to the vix. always spoken about the record high turnout. so all of those who is in this election and there was a particularly high turn out to have for both is in the new russian territories that we spoke to. but he does a test on as i for those. yeah. and that the don't, yes, republican did. they said that this election was so long the wasted for the people that of the probably,
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but most of the us and let me on the russian presidential election right now highlights what will happen in the coming decades. not only even during the next term, but how russia will develop and how the domestic republic will develop as part of our country city, lead to of course, this is exciting for us 1st of all, but such a high result both in terms of turn out and directly in terms of the percentage of votes cast for president, vladimir putin also means that for us on the one hand it is expected more. but on the other hand, the state of course stop emphasizes the self awareness of all the residents have done best. and in the sense that we understand that a lot depends on our choice with the man we have learned to understand and realize this since 2014, we influence our own future and a lot really depends on our choice. it just looks like get the budget, but the main thing is that people consciously and subconsciously, but gladly came to the following station for ship and carry out their civic duty
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lives in general. this is not even a civic duty for everyone, which is a patriarch. duty with the patriotic feelings and as much as they express their attitude to the elections and the election of the candidate, they count on the doors to. but then we have only one candidate in them is that we have one main, one in the other 4 candidates are all decent people that goes. but the main candidate for occurs and residents is the one who made the decision resulting in us joining to leave up to say this is a long awaited event in the russian federation and get the so the attitude of the west or some other countries that pretend they do not see and do not recognize this, but in fact, they admit everything because they have no other option to get the position. so let's just leave me a quick check. there's no participation by them in our lives. but when they supply tours rockets, what, when they supply hummers when they supply artillery and everything else was open ended, all flies in us are, is go, our children are dying of star. people are dying on our infrastructure is being
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destroyed. starlette, do you think i have an opinion about these democrats, daniel? therefore, we will establish on people's legitimate government to the russian one on our latter, their opinions, as well as the opinion of these officials, please, absolutely relevant to the residents of these oper, rosy regions. we have made our choice of a state, we are forever original with russia and the money while it's being quite a we can for the people left russia as they determine what they want for the future of the country. thank you so much for joining us here. i don't see international for all continued special coverage. we stayed with you through the 3 days. we were here at sunset and we'll be here at sunrise. we'll see you again at the top of the see that the
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the to some from the is it. what could see on continue comes on, so i got the sort of prescription that i'm on on that are pretty much it on the all set. i saw it looks as though you run the list securities equal minus those you miss, you do something, but functioning much of it. my just because your logic, i stipulated to imagine the plug davis, if you have a mazda that they're free, i learn a little more to remind you to see today i'll call novice on local menu. so the composite kind of what it is that the kind of easy is on like a solo for that, entered it into the bucket. i'm on it and gun come on buddy to the body shop. and let's see someone little bit a method to do, do do the death of both of them. the
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no to the car seat sits system to set the money order to fix this isn't going to cover a lot pleasure to let be. i think i know some of the amendment or some more stuff on the boost by a be stuck on a also for us. so i noticed on foss, it'll blush all of the month. so coming to the views here, cuz i'm gonna leave it as, as you don't know, that is even intimate. nice. somebody visited my clear debate. there isn't the electronic warranty. but the problem is i'm in a long time between 4 and a quarter. okay, well to ask you the name, let, let me data to see whether it as it is it said my editor, diesel, genuine. it to do any process. it's a book i was, i didn't want to get toilet guns, he's off. he can't, is all, i'm as soon as the process was, it was something more that going on as of documents. you push a, do those have say, in the shop to sell. i mean shows google says that additional keywords on patient
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data for she's going to set up the shock in was i'm president of the machine came to mos on past due. what um there's a cup bumper chef. the middle of this income. i'm pointed both all impressions of the account don't sit back to. so i said, don't political is the, is not socialist, is the question was not what we know this we've got to remember is, i mean it's, and make up on through with to deprive a country of sovereignty is to arrange its memory. and that's not only cultural heritage, it's also about it to use the
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circle. let me call, i'm located and not to the gun was that you on call it on the call, the is the or the reduce. i'll make a point in these agreements. i've noticed and she'll seem to get more on record record for them on the play now was on the phone that phone to month. the associated little has spent youth about doing this. we have on file live volumes to see it does things up in it. so it goes to lot, i do routine in your system introductions. a, how could i say by milton, would you give me a little trip up really deep while odd to choose the key on the quantity be uh, i'll read it. i thought she loved most the money. that's also going to mess around . i figured i'd love to you. it is a lot better. me new boss story doing this on seeing people who need to little more
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news during this nonsense phone. but to the time when we set it up by the front of our adults, french school children joined demonstrations carrying down with friends. black guns for this is colonial cliche, turned out to be more important than the humanistic and universal value is a french culture. and 2 and a working remotely from system to associated with go and send x ability with, with macro on poland and the 3 on culture and science have been replaced by on principles neo colonial demagogy. they say it's time for friends to leave. there's somebody for you when to describe d o suit turned on, so you can set it off the law offices. task innovative, new job role is going to speak very so holland crosses is you know, more than the soonest date. that's due to a lot of them is policies, if i don't know mission, you 14 is up enough knowledge in on the, on the go through this yourself. the case example vicky larry to the fact that it's a new one with the teacher. so she'll be able to make it so sad. is there something
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is going to be going into some of the things that we don't need as a whole 20 percent below the font is only that i look by imagery. this will not fit . it pulls in imaging for me to hold a new set long guard by may from step a for this one is speaking to this officer, get a no money for him, for the former is your degree. so it looks like i mean it all over. is it do need to search those settings because it sounds like kind of for them of the most. okay . and is he led to the engineering school for sure. that's that the missile across the board that long. because your boss, i think it is. and in the find me an electrician, i'm a teen though and a book and i went down and assess, gets worse. and i'm seeing was that for some dollars that don't feel wants to more than i thought a thing on the phone that long cushion right saw finally kicked my new said the cost center languages. although when they are the owner for boy on the left side,
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it was on me the stick all the 1000. and then when that women tell the careers that's all and i meant on, you know, son, i mean canada as it might be the, to the office of funds on see on the south side they put on the notes is. ringback that, you know, going to side is all just, you know, the
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represent, you are the most of them go to find stuff that nothing new for me cut off in beautiful that. and then we'll have to pay the calls in most i let them take off the rest of lenny legend. now some grip is it didn't have enough of the money to get enough for the substitute drugs. a ride in the, the most recent page in molly's history is an operation set of our for that and implemented in rankled time to preserve the country state code. it's a simple trick. the operation was pretty bad in advance and waited for to are in groups and incidentally with french health to get from libya. tomatti. t authoration has several similar to any of the objectives. a french military
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contingent entered the country, demising the pro french government, and the par eggs were put in their place. the on the little guy, the to the b. c. s, bus out the exact same way and keep going deep so far as the glass of each layer at the 2 brand new zealand. let me pull the data said to the bar in the complex she gave me differentiate the display. sure. c v like victor, this one's a new book last didn't it up. can you see the buttons use of the view w? i said we used to do the symptoms, then the site to go to, i mean, for us of them cut for that for the, for going was seen by the, the lead me so used to either the or not so that they can,
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but that keep this on for you think it was due to act on the glen one can produce even with the next operation of hon. allowed friends to take control of the whole region from senegal to sue, done. most of the curious pattern, the terrorist threat to continue to grow, and the area of terrorist activity expanded, while french business affairs in molly improved non profits grew. click unsafe for charlotte 49 french soldiers died. not for molly, but for a french trade interest. frances, i'm a, took up an independent and extremely advantageous and convenience position in molly occupies, fell. many molly and civilians died at the hands of the french. doesn't care about that. phrase, the girl, friends has no friends,
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supposedly its own interests. the history of relations between france and its former colonies should serve as an example, who of the defense treaty with friends is a deal with the devil. so no, uh uh, people do or is that down to the put the last on monday i'm going to say that i'm going to dunlab pretty notifies who the a reset reset that p the 1st for us as a or for somebody in political k that is on the audi event, a laptop to lead to the the photos of my, my them onto the test page next, cynthia nipple. so monday nobody concludes soon on the so i'm back on a t david instead of in
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a have done that is on all the also on luke on good a lot of new concepts, a new study and do not a lot of listen to the 2 of us clip, but i picked them up or something. didn't the pull at the end of the men? rashid into us, the hello and welcome to the cross stuff full born. here we discussed some really the rule to the dealer on 4 legs a bit. i saw farm says a for my lead, a lot easier to do the, to the does all the not month need got a bus to this is
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a but i saw nobody on the was that down to the popular? so super close. think you need to is the police also look to is that of the force and the knowledge of my lease, though, for now i lived in my lungs the don't cause i did that to belong to by them. i didn't need that this new call to look at it as fast as the new it is in that, but the one of the difficult didn't do one don't know to but a to a policy for me. i don't know to put it that i talked a new pull out the upon those who look last i area and then we'll do the event go to the the blizzard for not ended up in a little could be that. as you let you know that i saw it is i'm going to done to sort of us to tell you the best on the agenda that i set up a set list, auntie. totally. so i'm not to plus, if that's on the so i don't know if a new to notes don't accept full glass,
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is you dealers will do the day on clear on that the this, the fee that this the 2nd week of the pay not along with the the, the new whole fucking area at the bottom of that, a lot of the se in you'd have to sign on to you. how long does a month? the last 2 of the good. uh, let me tell them my, the home 3 for the month for the most is for 2 days and then that would be the corporate. i saw i work a lot of the sheet sooner incorporate i so put this on well, and if i include that, i see all the pet fees for less than that. but include that, i saw a lot of all found in moses on the top of the issue of the data that i submitted to either collaboration sample that i saw on the young guy. no. soon we'll go to
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that. so you said a tablet down the civic to that aspect. there's a, there's a, as in good, good i. so keep that age. the 1st is our new model in as it is easy on this and kick month, a c p data that amount to a lot of the photos out of me and my then on the monte, i'm to so the looks that in this region and kinda kills things only 2 times and actually in the rooms you know to be
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performed on the coupon. is it ok to get it? which is new to think he decided to us on $600.00. right? so way, shoot, you certainly says, depending that makes sense to you, to, to do the cecilia and to affecting if it is. if you see the inconvenience of the team that deals in the, the see something listed in the data sheets or simply asset them. if you show the news that was not really simple mean for some numbers and that's it too. so i'm p collision. so as far as i mean, some of the home products. so all you're doing by the way, the says based on weight and inputs and into the total repeat,
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the lender was under the news for the end of the payment to pursue that. that is also kind of designed to say on the list the open, but they leave as what is it the search best on the front end of it. they've been doing a buffet which was search engine. so, but that stuff and i'm willing to do that, but i didn't talk this would be the do, but do stuff on the lesson to empty events in the 2nd part in this activity that estimate is intended then between 90 to service quasi i didn't use it so you might still have to remember to collection what is your b? yeah, plus the incidence of thinking about that i sent you to task literally is competitive menu on the home page and you guys are on cheek, you saw on g
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b live and it was low and predict, come read that to so i that you've been begin to, to my email on the internet says, you know, c bus and new tit for that hosting. and we have to get rid of the same price or can be 2 month 6 of these ended and doing things. you know, because of what you've done to the zip for me please. and as long as it was the only other human feel, elizabeth for was that i'm at least i see the low that you guys have and simon m y 2 more literacy to do. there and you read, go get through his talk. she listened to the man, didn't bumble on this policy done on what you gave. it's an old place for that, but i do sets every time done by the end of the above the subject. but seeing that
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finding, when i see the intent message to give me if i've ever read it, nick, you know, sometimes the same i gave you. so let me put that in the left. but then you know, if i be good, a sense of this. so this is a significant net tv, but even after being ousted from molly from still somehow pressure, the regional union of african states, echo us with the goal of isolating molly foods, sanctions, and close boulders by in essence, imposing a blockade. a huge number of its goods are imported and molly has mostly accessed these measures extremely unpopular among the population. not just in molly, but throughout the region that the wallets of ordinary citizens held an even ruin. some friends has already started to lose africa in a competition. in particular, this is shown by the narrowing range of goods and foreign companies based in bali. but from content doesn't want to change its power dime by taking equal partnership
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relations into account literal names. and it's also other methods of direct colonial influence. but luckily, as a software in the country with the right to its own history, traditions, values and the cool relations it has the right to choose, the ongoing is stronger. so we need to tell him to put him on getting k, you know, a minute, for example, tom sick or let's think i do a less pain to and that's one that needs wonder. but through the days, i also think that it depends on the sharepoint, but now you can just check it out, but it might be uh the money bring us. the only thing is block money. bring us throwing the info. and once you get somebody, this order has the, i'll create the allow me wants to put it to the simple blog definitely, and emotions about 20 separate. again, the new sort again did nothing on each end,
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but the label is on the patient barcode repeaters to supplement one. mr. casual or to 2nd, the money is performed. a lot of the sheets list of, into some pro, for the lot of the shape of the dog, se, se mazda and his blogs to buy song, but you'll find him, he didn't mean you don't. wall. so kind of a lot of the political, the bottom line here in underbrush. house, you know, may $1000.00 in this be the, watching us, you all the dog doesn't. there's any new boss here. last, you know, the only difference are contained in the song vishal of the really don't know why that is all just to say, does that prove can nobody isn't say it was or the money. i don't understand why don't we don't understand why let us in the money i'm trying to know about to you.
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so do you suppose to case you don't want to do things all check able to just take it into a board or the single wire near from the house? look, so you don't enrollment on this is only money. say boss, good. the money on this in the problem, i may look for me, make us feel a lot. look, we're only pulling the car. so some people getting on the bus, getting onto this old one year on the line. and we'll follow along on the s nicole and it shows up in a little panel. is your bundle like somebody but i mean with as on demand of equity . so like, i've only been audited and bought, i was just wanting to i think let me know the ok along the date on the, on the move of my lease in money. does that any same money?
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uh, do you guys charge it new visa should be last week? total of putting in for the last 4. see it the same. mm hm. yeah. not a nice short move. its best phone. the phone? no as well. is this shipment is a side config. good. and these are the pain that the, the 1st all set to level those phones aren't under lock onto need is papers for tim deluxe. the show and quarterly does show, april greet the g i does, i live in the bundles that are within symbol. that's and that's in there we go suddenly too. so would it be wise and what is the test? it's good candidates in wouldn't that i showed you? gotta do this to me, function to, to each to speaking so that the more money it
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and then we'll say should good left off a love seat done or complete to go to the flow on the vehicle. then we had to shoot the chevy. know to clean the rest motor serves to she was that's what i'm seeing under there. let me i'll save you the more wonderful cause any you have to keep premium to operate, go forward. it's my last summer that super shoot, the
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the, the more expensive and i'm here to plan with you. whatever you do, you do not watch my new show search like why watch something that's so different listed of opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do you have the state department, the c, i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't marshall stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again,
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you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the almost 100 percent of those now counts. it is looking very clear what the russian people want is allowed. that slide, big way for the russian president vladimir newton who i think at the helm of the largest country in the well, that speaking earlier homage to the people in the new territory came out. cause that's all that to make that point. this hudson slide the concept from boston despite the terrorist attacks and you and i already know this way.


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