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tv   Direct Impact  RT  March 17, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EDT

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the post isn't they had to have a caller id, please you, you need to eat some more beat because a, you hide the, this, you should be v. let's be a not sleep plaza to have you with us here on all the international as we close the photo this historic, both across the walls, biggest country and then go away. we will be back at the top of the i with the latest news updates and analysis of as my colleague nick, he said his voice. my pleasure. so have you with us. so you see the
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entire body? i'm right, sanchez and this is direct impact where we share the type of truth bonds that are too often to impactful. for many of those in the western media, we have lined up 7 of the top stories that have occurred over the past week. and we're going to be talking about many of the us, what it's doing or isn't doing right in, in gaza. i was kind of bizarre, by the way, also don lemon. got a talk about my old pal dunlab and he decided that he should interrogate, interrogate the law mosque lots to say on that and much more starting right now. the nothing like starting with a very deep, husky voice to do like that. okay, here we go. joining me now to talk about the issues of the day are at martin,
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and he's the president of the village. lastly, eagles, dr. wilmer leon, he's a political scientist in the co host of the critical our on radio. sputnik and the other co host who happens to be gracing us with his presence. today's political analyst, garland next. and my thanks to you gentlemen, for being here with us. and we're going to start. well, with i think one of the most bizarre stories i've seen in a long time. i want you to tell me what you make of this. this is the us government . under the leadership of president joe biden, dropping shipments of food to feed the palestinians in the area of gaza. but something happened when one of those big giant shipments fell on top of the people we were trying to feed. and we killed 5 of them. the right, let's watch this video now. you're ready. this is uh, pretty much the way we're dropping these things. you can see from the size of them . apparently they have like little box lunches. i mean,
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for all we know we're dropping tuna fish sandwich. is it the guys are so that people can be fed and they dropped from the sky. and apparently there's enough there to feed maybe one family for one day of the week kind of stuff. so truly not a lot, but we're doing this and then we're also supposedly establishing a bridge off the coast of the sea there so that we can have our troops do this while we're. busy so giving them billions of dollars so that they can kill the palestinians. it's a bizarre policy and i don't know what to make of it. so i'm going to let you kind of get us started. dr. wilmer leon, go, well, i think it was a 124000 meals just to feed a 2100000 people that won't go along with that. does it at any drive through that's not gonna work out well for you. why did we have to drop the food in when it could have been driven in the pictures optics? they were impressive. did you see the it looked like the marines landing but they
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were at a. ringback lot of it, a lot of a lot of the, the pallets seem to go into the mediterranean sea as opposed to that's how people swimming out to try to retrieve the so this was a really poorly framed photo op. and once again it's, it seems as though the, by the ministration is trying to have both side. yeah. argument at the same time. yeah. what do you make of that guys? the idea that i have we have, is there ever been a time in history where a country has been killing people and then try to feed them at the same time? i, i can't think of it, but i would say this, you brought something up. the competency crisis is stunning, is nivia, whatever the messaging was supposed to be. it wasn't clear to anybody. and as you say there's, there's killing on both sides. i mean, meaning both sides. it's all happening and dozens of people and gods or but the competency the messaging, all of it is like, like, they're not even trying. it's as well. i, i know what they're doing. i think it's political. yeah, absolutely. and what we've got here, i mean,
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i'm worried about the guys pulling numbers and they're saying, okay, yeah, you've been given all this money to help, but you don't kill the palestinians 30 some 1000 at this point. which that same over the top to use the president's own words, but now he says ball and you know, i know on helping to kill them. but now i want to feed them to. and interestingly enough, is it protects that atmosphere of weakness. you know, the by the administration is always talking about looking strong versus looking week. we want to so china, right, whoever that we look strong. however, in this instance, how we do, you look when a government that use supports materially can tell you where you can go and when you can go there, we can't even drive in. israel says, no, you can't come in, we can come in. so how can you, we to strunk to pool or try on, or whoever, if it's uh, benjamin netanyahu is orange you around like us ladies said your thoughts on that? because i have something i'm going to share with you how to do with what you just said. but right now i want to go to my other friend. busy mark, i want, i want you to hear something. this is bill mar with a guy named dave reuben saying, but they literally say this they, they literally say this,
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okay. they say that the white house should fire all the staff who has protested or spoken out in difference with the president's policy stimulus. 2 weeks ago, members of the white house staff protested against their own president. we are congressional staffers on capitol hill. also, we are no longer comfortable staying silent. will your staff or if you're supposed to stay silent, what are you talking about? yeah, my boss is doing a job and i thought i'd go public with it. i mean, this is hundreds of people inviting staff and on an a, congrats, democrat, congressional democrats that for publicly going against them because they're not supporting homeless enough. you fire them, period. you fire all of that. how barrier does agree with the king. do you know mr . barton, well, i've got, obviously i'm going to disagree with you. of course, of course. yeah, you're, you're this just like when you are a marine, i'm all right. my brother the marine, i said, what happens when you become a range?
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you have free speech. he said, no, they take your free speech on the way and you don't have free speech when you're a staff or, you know, we talked offline, i think a blanket famously had the team of rivals. that was a cabinet secretaries. those are political entities. stella are me, ask you is why i was i'm not, you know, i, we're here on this very sat during the administration of. busy one donald trump, yeah. when i was hearing every day from members of the media, why isn't that enough people in his cabinet enough people in his staff? why don't enough people in his administration stand up and protect us from this map? ma'am, that's what they were saying. now the same guys are here saying we want them fired if they criticized. we all positive i, i'm your, i'm not defending bill maher and ruby, dave reuben, in their consistency. i'm saying if i ran a staff and it was that kind of step, it's like your team, right? so for in, in regards to your work, you've got to have some consistency and other what, sorry, you're saying it's okay to criticize, just don't criticize publicly good. here's what else, of course you're going to whistle blowers. what's a bar is
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a different thing that somebody comes up for protection. but i mean, in terms of a staff are going to a protest about, you know, and by the way they have things to do is quit. if you can't take it, i have to work for a political elected official. if you change your position, i can't stand it. you should quit. i do disagree with you, but go ahead. i kind of agree with him on as a, particularly when it comes to the organs one. let's go to the next step, but when you put it in context, here's the thing. these people also agree with 77 percent of the democratic party. well know who are you going to fired? 77 percent of it all situated. did you want to vote for us also? that's the context. it looks like we have to evaluate 70 percent of the policy. yeah, i just got the right to crane. it's got a whole bunch. everything right. the 2 things bill more is supposed to be the counter culture guy, isn't the bar is supposed to be the one that okay, why do we go? yeah, and the other point here is we're not talking policy on social security. we're not
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talking about people having a problem with tax policy. these people are opposed to genocide. mm hm. they're speaking out about genocide. mm hm. wow. how could they be so far away? you know, but i'm going to say this because i'm, i know you're going to disagree with me on this, but i have a pretty strong faith. i've been a news reporter all of my life. i've covered disturbances, sometimes we call them riots. i covered deliberately, city ones, i covered the ones and over town i probably covered throughout my life. been seen bullets with by my had seen fire, seen police officers, industry trying with people. i have seen so much of that in this country. and i just think to myself and i do believe this is analogous and you guys might tell me i'm full of crap on this. but i believe that if you have a community which is in defiance of the society or the government, as we saw in over down as we saw during the george ford incident in minneapolis, for example, it would be very easy for the us government to bomb minneapolis on that moment or,
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or the neighborhood world or the african american people lived, who we knew were more with george ford, an anti police at that time because they had an argument to be made. you can make the same argument that israel should be finding a way to get those sons of guns who did what they did on the 7th, but not to be bombing indiscriminately, all of the civilians. and it's the same as if the united states, during any one of the disturbances that i had covered, had just gone in there and bombed american communities, which i can't remember. we doing wants to take that. well, we have uh, the defense secretary in israel just today appraising a soldier who shot such a 13 year old child. yeah. and saying that that child was a terrorist and that that so major was a hero. and we were talking about this earlier today, that dehumanizing language of calling a 13 year old child, a terrorist and supporting the soldier that struck that kid shows you how the
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palestinians have been totally the human eye. mm hm. and that you might as well, in fact, i hate to use the term the because if you shot a dog like that, you go to jail. yeah. and what we're talking about, by the way, is a policy. okay. i, i get angry when people think, how dare you criticize israel. i criticize my own country's word policy, how their eyes are not criticized my. we shouldn't be having these conversations and i think they're important. i'd like to button this up for them. well, one thing i want to say language is so important if, if, if you believe that it's genocide and i take that as your argument, then as a staff or how can you go to work for a guy who is allowing genocide. i think it's just like, by the way, i would say this is one of the dangerous things i happen to support present trouble out of his policies. when people call trump hitler. if you have a hitler you're morally obliged to stop hitler. i mean, this is, this is the words mean and so if someone says that god, donald trump is hitler, you have to stop and you don't have a choice. let me let you hear something real quick. this is an interview with us
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making a president biden to present united states as sits down. and he's told by most of the people who are now handling his political situation. his pulls are way down. i mean down to almost 60 percent in terms of in terms of favorability is and he's losing to donald trump in most of the elections so far are most of the polls that they've done on the election so far. so they put them in front of the camera, they supposed to say, okay, one of the ways you can get back some young people young voters is to talk tough on israel. so here he is attempting to do that. do you have a of a red line 3 instance? would invasion of ross, i would you have earned him not to do with that be a red line is a red line, but i'm never going to leave israel to defensive israel is still critical. so there's no red line, i'm going to cut off all weapons so they don't have the iron. don't protect, they don't have puts these red lines that are too crosses and they cannot have 30000 more palestinians as a consequence of going out. there's other ways to deal to get to deal with the with,
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with the trauma caused by a moss. the 1st time i went over, i set was the man i set with the work and i said, look, don't make the mistake. american. american made a mistake. we went after ben lot to we got off, but we shouldn't have gone into the training. i mean, we should, we shouldn't have got into the whole thing in a rack in afghanistan. we should not have gone into ukraine, says the president of one and 2 ukraine, but that's not really what i want to talk about. anybody can make a mistake. stop laughing. i'm kidding. this is now to your point, garland, right after he's done saying that and a truly political posturing obviously, you know, people do that, right? republicans, democrats, or they told them you look, you've gotta, you've got to come off and say something a little harsh, or you're gonna criticize maybe that then you know what you really didn't do, but apparently didn't take it as a criticism because he comes back and read it kills the president of the united states. that goes, well, i don't know exactly what the president man,
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but if you meant by that and i'm pursuing private policies against the majority, the wish of the majority of israelis. and then this is a hurting the interest of israel and he's long and both counts departments. and so he, so for this decision, you 100 percent. sure that you go into rafa. so we'll go there. we're not going to leave the you know, i have a red line, you know what the red line is that october 7th doesn't happen again. you know what, i think what he said. busy to mr. biden. there is, i got your red line right here. let me share it with it. let me show it to you and doesn't a get back to my earlier point of the bind administration. looking just completely, we can feckless, he doesn't know what to say and, but then if you look at the 2 of them, joe biden, stumbling and stuttering, i will defend him for getting his country's mixed up. because when you've supported in invading as many countries as joe biden has, it's not the one. yeah, the big with a rock razor, me any of a dozen countries. but the fact of the matter is that you see one person who says, i'm in charge. i'll do what i want and the guy who's supposed to be in charge is
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stumbling in bumbling but what we, as americans like maybe has a strong personality. i think his leadership and what he's doing to his country is hurting his country. however, i do question do, i'm an american citizen. my taxes are going to you to the tune of billions and billions of dollars. you are there because of our support. you are getting bombs because of our support and you're going to turn around and tell us these, you're going to set the rules. i mean, somewhere along the line, this whole thing just became little dysfunctional to me. well, because joe biden was very clear when he said, whenever, however long ago we said it, i am a zionist. so your argument puts it as though it's a binary or that, and they are opposing forces here. when joe biden was very clear, he also said after he said that, as you recall,
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without is we all know you in the world would be safe. so what, so that, so there is, there is no line of demarcation here. there is not american policy versus is rarely policy. it's the same. so it's real easy and it's our 51st state. that's another way. why don't you think that i'm just thinking at that what israel is doing is making most jews around the world unsafe? i think it's the opposite of what the president said. oh i said or no, no, no, i agree with that. i get back to language. the high ground for the jewish people was to say, never again. what happened will never happen again, and unfortunately they're in a position where they're being, they're morally being put where they're doing something again, and they have a right to the site. and that's right. i mean the 1000 dead, right? october 7th, if that's your red line and you're going to act again language one such a red line. you're going to act in such a way. they're losing to your point. what i think has all been since the horrendous this of a holocaust, their moral high ground and coming down off the moral high ground. they become then
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a political actor, another nation like others. and that's not what they've had for the various extra years. maybe it's better in the long run and it may be, but it doesn't feel better either biden, or somebody's role to say baby. yeah, hold on, exact. let me tell you something. i know we're going to help you, but you know what we're in charge here. now, you know, i'm going to college and it, well, and if you do this wrong, you can do it. but if you do this wrong, yeah, you're coming off the moral high ground in a way that you can clamor up. again, i see that, you know, based on the actual law, they don't have the right to the well, right. but when we come back more with parts team, the panel, this is a, there's some fascinating conversations taking place on some of the things that are going on. it's been a hot week. we're going to be right back. the
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of the daily news cpd with the story on page go level the use of solutions stuff. you see the shifting. it's because each time she will collect the cpg for could be susceptible to discuss the dizzy on this before they have to do is make sure that you create, excuse that ideas which historical spurious was disposable green. some the doors not say that the dots conflicting the website by pushing of centuries ago. your for bears name this country ukraine or frontier
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because you're steps blank, europe and asia, the ukrainians, that become frontiersman of another story. the people who done this, there was a series of this one was which i liked most of them, there's always, you know, going to try to jump to the most goals. they would have been there. and i said, let me know which is cool, man joe, point on your post roll. case gift to suck you the crazy stuff on the the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're such orders at conflict with the 1st law show we live in to the patients. we should be very
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careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to great trust, rather than to the various jobs with artificial intelligence. summoning a robot must protect this phone. existence was the shooting me once again. here on our paddle, i'm rick sanchez. this is ed barton, president of the village leslie eagles. we got the doctor ro, wilmer leon, we have dr. wilmer leon, i'd tell my kids not to say got political scientists and goes to the critical our video. sputnik and his cost political analyst, garland. next, a gentleman,
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thanks so much for being here. let's get right to it. i want you to take a listen now to our steam secretary of defense. his name is anthony blinking. and suddenly he's decided that one of the most important things in u. s. foreign policy is 80 given this is increasingly urgent need. i'm announcing today that the united states department of defense is doubling its approve support for the mission from a $100000000.00 to $200000000.00. and that brings the total us support to $300000000.00 for this effort. i'm also announcing additionally monitoring assistance for the people of $8033000000.00 to further support their health and food security. the $33000000.00 compared to at the $115000000000.00 that we're sending the ukraine. and apparently all of this because we have to go in there because we need a when and the guy we're going to win against as a guy called barbecue. here's mr. barbecue, by the way, i'm gonna let you see what he looks like. apparently you're not caught into the united states, intel,
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this guy is going around eating people killing people and doing all kinds of assorted other weird things. so our new foreign policy emission, after what many described as failures in both the, the middle east and in the ukraine is to take down mr. barbecue gentleman, what do you think? well, mr. ste. sure is he a, is a patient patriot who is defending his country against another episode of american international intervention. the united states feels now that it has to dedicate these hundreds of millions that they couldn't, they couldn't pay, can you to do it? so we now have to double this military intervention to saw. busy of a problem to quell a disturbance that we in fact started me. so this goes back to the saying on the corner, if you don't start and then won't be not. and somebody needs to let tony blinking though we never should have started this mess and the 1st floor it's quarterly say
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that i want to go to the table here after the show, the to the board to go barbecue. how much of this gentleman do you think is a political positioning where they need a when this is ministration, needs a when and eighty's of easy when for the we're trying to be, i think that's a big part of it. and the other thing is this. if you that i would recommend that people go online and watch on youtube as a document to recall another vision, 90 mobs, and a couple of other people. what do you find out? is this recent documents have come out the edit do it that showed that the c i a was intricately involved in over throwing the government of haiti in 2004. the people over thrown the government of aides. they're not coming back to do good things. but the people of haiti, it's like, we say ends in if there was a money puddle. the only way to make that puddle clear is to leave it alone. me. i think a street corners and money. how does the se is very simply,
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obviously it's another money laundering scheme if you really think the hatred going to get certain. 4 bars are going to get served by these people, blanket and others. you have a not, as you said, the c i is been doing this for decorating cyber cleanser over there. i hope there's free cell phones, obama phones, i mean, got it shows, i actually think it's the opposite. they already the success. they need to move more money. they're stalled on moving the product. they gotta move more money by the end of the day. it's figures by the way, i was the correspondent who coverage for nbc news, but take down and cetera during the clinton administration and i was always there was. busy still there for the transfer from baby dar from papa dot in to a baby doctor. i spent a lot of time in the streets of state. that's all i thought i'm oh no, i haven't suddenly the he sits down with the heel on musk any asks him about something called kind of mean you're talking about your kind of menu, some interest and hit view. you also have said, and for the reason i should say likely the like,
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the reason i mentioned the generation prescription on the x platform because i thought maybe this is something that can help other people. that's why i mentioned it to us. i'm not a doctor, but i would say if someone has depression issues that you consider going to the doctor about academy and instead of essence, all right. so then donald, i'm going to comes out and he says, i had to ask that question because he mentioned it once. so they didn't basically, alexis next a search on the guy. and then they basically interrogated them with a lot of questions. you know you interrogate murders. i think you interrogate, you know, child molesters. it seem like he was treating him like he was the enemy. why does he do that? and i look, you was on cnn within about an hour, wasn't it? i mean, he finished what is the well, that says this was all i mean dunlab and had a plan. look, i'll tell you my quick say, how do we we should tell we should tell them you are the big part of the story. after that interview, diamond was essentially fired by a long mosque and he'll on much said, look, he talked to me, but it just sounded like he was trying to do cnn on the, on, on, on twitter. right,
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and right. and then the online to your point goes on cnn prism right, exactly. and, and most fires of my quick cnn store. i was hired by c and i got an offer, and i called, i was on a phone call with roger stone. and i said to roger, i got this offer from cnn, should i take it? and he said, of course, take it and plan for what you get fired. and within about 3 months i was fired. and i, i've done live in, obviously had a plan to go on and get fired. he was a must cuz you're not going to say, 0100 degree. i think this is what the online month. one of those guys who has a view of the world that's very different from most of us who now i've been in lighting the little bit more. i think he really thinks everything the state department does is great. everywhere we do is great. democrats are smarter than republicans, etc, etc. i really believe he believes that and things must continue crap. well, there's also a reason why don lemon was voted one of the worst journalists. and because he makes his personal agenda, seemingly journalism, he should've asked the alarm us. why is he afraid to fly on airplanes when there
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are black pilots in the cockpit? and that would have been a relevant question to ask. did he said, you know, most of the absolutely. wow, that's interesting. absolutely. so he should've asked, he should have asked him that question. instead of asking him a question about the enemy. yeah, i didn't understand the whole, i don't even know what kind of mean is what is kind of mean. and by the time you cash, uh your point. yeah. well here's what i'll say. and it's, it goes back to tucker cross ins interview with vladimir putin, and that is in the main so needy today. it's advert they, they, they push for adversarial and confrontational on interviews against anyone who's not part of the gang. if you're interviewing joe biden, when he stumbles and novels and forgets everything, you have to pretend like he's stuttering. if it's vladimir food nor eli and moscow, trump or anyone else, you're supposed to come into the interview with a baseball bat. that's not what people want to see me. you know, it's funny uh, i back in 2000 and early, 2, thousands, nbc went out and they said, you know, we need to hire 3 more people to start this network. they were starting something called amazon
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b c at the time and they hired lester hold. they hired my friend donovan and they hired rick sanchez. i am glad that i am here. guys. thank you so much for visiting and thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge on these unbelievable topics. before we go, i want to remind you of really what we do here. it's a mission to try and de silo the world. you know, we gotta stop living in these boxes truths. don't live in box. i'm like sanchez and i'll be looking for you right here. but i'll provide you with a direct impact the the deal low as possible for you guys the
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the, the dealer to a vehicle currently in the motion store submitted for the money. and douglas william, which was seeking to stay on the the hello and welcome defrost of full warranties here we discussed some real name
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the of the day. the 87 percent of the vote is looking like a landslide victory. full vladimir to sandwich will prolong his tubs at the helm of the biggest country in the world for another 6 years. earlier, he paid tribute to the people in the new russian territories who came out to make their voices huts despite cranium bombardment. despite the terrorist attacks and you and i already know this, well, the citizens living in these territories have shown not just civic majority. they show coverage and continued to show it. no one as i thought, assumed and said recently, no.


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