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tv   News  RT  March 18, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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of that stuff without please is that spelled part of the the kind of very warm a welcome to your continued special election coverage here from a particularly special studio here in the heart of must go with the kremlin so close to us. it is looking like an over whelming victory for the russian president vladimir food and numbers looking at it. he's getting 87 percent of the boat and he's already come out to sign those who, who costs that vote on across the biggest country in the world. but also i put in may dimension to acknowledge and appreciate those would cost the vote and then you and baffled region so fresh despite the terrorist attacks. and you and i already
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know this, well, the citizens living in these territories have shown not just civic majority. they show coverage and continued to show it, no one as i thought, assumed and said recently, no one intimidated them. and it is impossible to intimidate out people that is winter take all of courses. vladimir putin has left his other opponents behind the 3 other candidates. each with less than 5 percent of the votes. communist party is nikolai hard enough is in 2nd place. both parties lot of stop that in cobb fillings . in the 3rd living, the last thoughts related to see how some of the for the reaction has been coming in from whole around the world of course of food and is come out to say thank you to so many worldwide. but also the reaction coming in from latin america, the global style. so the bricks, countries of course. but also though, as one might imagine, it's already been a quick game of condemnation. i'm fasting from southern professional partners in
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the west the on the start. well, thank you so much for joining us here at our special studio at odyssey international. we have been given you now what 3 days of a special election coverage for the russian president election 2024. this is a rather scenic studio from just outside the northern gate of the criminal right, just past 8 am and the russian capital a beautiful start to the day. the sun is up though not quite out, but nevertheless, the a wonderful start to this monday. the morning after the election here in rush, after 3 days of voting was nearly all the ballots counted. vladimir putin has one of his sounding victory, a land slide, 87 percent of the vote, meaning that he will leave the country for the next 6 years. yeah, it's been, it's been an amazing turn out and it's been an amazing time here at all. it's international with so many international election observe and stuff. and by this judy or they've been overwhelmingly positive with, with,
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with their reactions so far. but let's get found out throughout your central election commission headquarters onto charlotte duban. steve has been having a very, very long night. certainly a busy morning where you are as well shot at about the balance is still being counted as we speak, but it's pretty clear who is going to be mounting the helm. what can you tell us? yes, that's why the account officially tell you now that 99.67 percent of the pilots have been counted a been counting the numbers up myself looking. the votes is coming in. i can tell you around 82900000 people moved it in the selection, not just across the 11 times and say in russia, but also embassies across the world. people getting up to make sure that the voice was heard, but it is pretty clear with almost all of those folks can see that the plug me preaching has one a line slide election and will be the president for
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a face to an incumbent. being allowed to run again for that 1st time due to changes that were made in the 2020 come or did ation the russian constitution ceasar exam. as i made this election a 1st. now, in addition to that, he took over $75.00 and a half 1000000 of those votes. but who made over the last 3 days, whether that was in person at the polling stations or by the electronic voting systems. as many, many people did vote via the electronic voting system at some 5000000 people registered to do that. and that was one of the reasons that we were told last night that they was such a quick turn. not, not just though, because of that, but because of those different time zones in russia, it meant that poles in the east and central parts of the country with busy counting that votes up so that we can get them pretty much as soon as the polls closed in colleen grabs,
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i just want to talk you through some of the other details because as you said that rachel was talking about the of the candidates uh, block me putins closest arrival in this election was on the communist party taking 4.3 percent of both that was around 3700000 votes overall. then we had to the new people in suited place at 3.81 percent of the votes of 3300000 votes. and then of bringing up the re, it was the liberal democrats who took 3.2 percent of the votes that tallies to around $2770000.00 votes. so even though very small percentages still a huge number of people voting for the 3 of the candidates in this election and they voted across some 94. i was in the polling stations. um, one of the things that really interested me is that people go into the polls in russia, not just by foot to a bike car will get to me up on metro. but also apparently,
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according to the central election commission, going that by horseback and own skis, that gives you a sense of just how right this country is. but of course lots of the country still pretty much and not permafrost is the snow hasn't quite melted yet. and i thought that was kind of interesting. we also heard from the chair of the central election to mission overnight talking about some of the problems that had been with the electronic voting system. she said that that voting system, that being attempts to attract bath and she cooled there's a tax is coming from the west. but despite that a rule, we've been told that the system held up and worked very well. and some 5000000 people who registered were able to vote electronically in this election. now will re, rachel. this was an election of 1st, not just the 1st since the constitution was amended back in 2020. but this was also the 1st time and election has been held on but 3 days and it does seem to be
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a rezoning success because we have been able to get those bugs in very, very quickly and get a sense of how this election turned back up but this was also the 1st presidential election where those citizens from the new incorporated regions into russia was able to vote to an election on a historic scale. but it's particularly if left me, a preaching will serve system as president for the russian federation at gaining over 87 percent of a vote. and i'm told by the electoral commission he was had the highest to not ever with those with 74 percent of people who are registered to vote actually making it to test the boats at the ballot box or possibly online.
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yeah, i think i think it really says a lot charlotte, when you talk about the success, so all of not just the contenders here and the uncomfortable quotes, but also the success of c everyday. russian who's been having the chance to go out and vote for us that you have a 3 days of voting, but not just the traditional ballot books smoking. also you can do it online as well, so. so far, looking very much so good on. these are shot to do put together live at the brochure as a central election or commission headquarters. thank you very for excellent. point there with the voter turnout. well over 70 percent, where is in the west. we often see well below 50 percent of all right. well, as the count on process near the conclusion, president vladimir putin held a news conference at his election headquarters saying ukrainian attacks during the polling did not intimidate russian voters a database to just get the despite the terrorist attacks. and you and i already know this, well, the citizens living and these territories have shown not just civic majority. they show coverage and continued to show it. no one as i thought, assumed and said recently, no one intimidated them. and it is impossible to intimidate out people. there are
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turnouts, both in the new territories. and in the border areas, the turn out is even higher than in the rest of the country. it's simply a response from the people to the actions, trying to intimidate them. those who do it, don't understand who they're dealing with. but in part, maybe it's a good thing that they don't understand. because in this case, of course, they will be defeated. now they are trying, again, trying to get somewhere there to enter. they were destroyed. almost 100 percent of them were destroyed. they moved forward by 100 meters. 25 tanks were destroyed. the enemy has concentrated a group of around $5000.00 in the border area. not directly on the state borderline but somewhere in their immediate rear. but the overall loss is about 40 percent of these about 35 percent r, irrevocable, $25.00 tanks, dozens of armored vehicles and so on. if they like it that way, then in principle, it suits us because they mindlessly attack. it's such a meat grinder for them,
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it's even beneficial for us, let them try. no, he did focus heavily on the military operation in ukraine because a fool, even though he has schooled a landslide victory here in russia, in the so called new regions, is that have just recently become part of the country that he's figures in the 90 percent territory like in the den that's can look guns, republics, for example, and allow them to put in the russian leda has well made it very explicit that he realizes what it means that he realizes that people are happy that they are approving of the fact that a lot of my booty decided to take this step and defend them and send the russian army to defend them against the key of regime. and so he really is, is the version that it puts on his shoulders at the same time, the voting in the russian border regions. and i'm talking about the border with human brain. very happened to the tune of terrorist attacks that while they range from the terrace trying to reach and to to and then to russian,
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tad for you to just relinquish shillings, terry shillings of strict disability in areas in towns like the town of bell. good . i'm glad i'm approved and he did not say the explicitly, but he did do kind of hinted at the fact that the, if these showings continue, if you creating continues in this so with its terrorist ways, then well, a time will come when russia will have to create a buffer zone. he, again, he abstained from saying that russian would have to grab any more aloud, for example, in the heart of region which borders the russian belgrade region. but he did say that the need for this buffer his own. no, well, it is growing by his in minutes. he also talked about internal russian affairs. he talked about his political opponents and his vision full rush. at the same time latimer pooty was confronted by western journalists by an american journalist with a question about the death of alexi, nevada, a political figure in no position fig. who in the west,
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90 viewed as of latimer pollutants, key political opponents set to go. it was a few days before mister nobility passed away. some colleagues told me not administration officials, some people said there was an idea to exchange mister development for some people who are in prison in western countries. you can believe me or not. the person who spoke to me had barely finished his sentence, but i said, i agree. but unfortunately what happened happens only on one condition that we exchange him so that he doesn't come back, let him sit there, that's all. but it happens. there is nothing one can do about it, that's how life is. if you want to know my opinion on whether our elections are democratic or not, i think they are democratic. conversely, in some countries, for example, in your country, can it be considered democratic to using administrative resources in order to attack one of the candidates for president of the united states, including using judicial authorities, we have no preference for any of the candidates for president of the united states of america, we will work with whoever the voters trustworthy,
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but the use of administrative resources, the judicial system. it's just to become ridiculous and a disgrace to the whole world for the united states and for your democratic so called in quotes system. as you're more than interested, i have every reason to believe that we do not see any democracy, at least during the electoral processes and some western countries, including the united states today, therefore accept the return book please. 12 foreign relations came into focus as well, and especially russia's ties with china vladimir distress. the cordial nature of relations. and he made it very, very apparent that he is intending to stay on this course and to, to continue to strengthen the ties between the most school and big ging at the same time a lot of my food and also acknowledge the fact that the western partners they have been doing their best to right. so the internal political situation in russia, in fact this was something that russian politicians of various colors had been
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cooling at the western partners out about and likely the russian for administer surg, elaborate accusing, openly accusing west the diplomats of uh, taking steps towards meddling in rushes internal affairs, this was something that i asked vladimir putting about because of the rules. after all these athletes, he gets this mass of land slide when even bigger than during the previous selections. so i asked him if he believes weston powers would draw any conclusions out of the situation that all the evidence terribly, terribly backfired for them. the use of simple, after all, these are not completely stupid people sitting in all the institutions that have been working against our country for decades. do you know what their problem is? in my opinion, it lies in the fact that after the collapse of the soviet union, there were a very large number of specialists on the soviet union who could not do anything else, but fight the soviet union. and then with the russia that arose in part of the territory . so they began to convince their political leadership and the public of their
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countries that they need to continue finishing, rush off, and in such a way that they themselves will not be left without a job. but still new generations of specialists are coming. they realistically assess the events taking place. i think they will be more sophisticated, but they will not change their goals with regard to russia. paula, the media conference was rather expensive and lengthy, but after you wrapped up with john, let's how to john. so to fix the brain of nature, bas cobra, who was the spokesman for the russian president. and he reveals that the flat of my putting does not intend to celebrate simply because he has no time to do so. his schedule is passed and he already has several meetings planned, including the meeting with russia's military leadership. at the same time, he reveals that they are working on a, for in the visit on a, for in trip for a russian president. he hasn't had too many of those uh, in the past. in the past few years,
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he even went as far as saying that the know what country vladimir pooty is set to travel too. but he's still just short of revealing the name of the country. we will of course we'll have her to see but vladimir pollutant, of course, he has 6 years as ahead of him as president. so he has a new tab and with the new figures of support, with the growing support he's bound to keep the country on the course, he has received confirmation that the nation is very approving of what he's doing. so he will carry on doing so. but maybe with renewed vigor, you know, it goes down over boarding it, right. as we have. uh, we continue to have all the correspondents and i guess to basically scott that across a little 11 times onto the biggest country in the world here real research a rachel ruble and a senior correspondent motor added guys, do you have finally, we get the chance to whisk you away from the front line to bring you back to the mothership here at moscow. but like go, i mean, look at this made histories being made
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a massive election here over whelming results. why is it that it's so overwhelmingly seems the russians love potion more than anybody else? why is this? well, i did a very good job as a trusted representative of food, which is due to what i've spent during the past the past month. we 5 russians will have to take unpaid, unpaid lead from what, but i can tell you, it was very easy. so, so my, my, my job or the, the responsibilities or how does in the past month, the national televised debates, you the talking to russian citizens, voters all over the country and convincing them to the expense. speaking for vladimir putin as a trusted representative graduate. convincing them what, why vladimir putin is better than the other cabinets, which is of course, what little the other cabinets had with the delegates, arguing about. but it was very easy because there isn't much we have to do. so 2
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victims was so it looks that the west didn't, you know those jobs. yep. for him. because they convinced russians for like that they hate the assume you the that is essentially in the russian russians, one of the country they've, they've find the understand these is punitive measures the sanctions, many of them humiliating. you know, you're not allowed to drive a car with wash, and number plates, things, things like that. new bank accounts, know who tells of bookings for, for russians. they find me understood that it is time to vote for someone who will stand up. it's like, i mean, this is the thing, you know, the story sort of jump in quickly, but it's something that mockery to someone. yeah. and all top balls set a number of years ago, you know, back at the end of the 90s in the early 2, thousands, a lot of russians wanted to identify with a western style of life. a lot of our colleagues, you remember used to fly to new york with m p suitcases. go shopping on 5th avenue and come back to most go happy with all the latest brands, right. it used to be like that, but now it's tough. it's almost like the russians here have internalized. they've
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realized, you know, what if they're not gonna like us and they gonna talk about us like that. then we're going to stay here. you know, it's like you more than tell me, tell me is 30 years ago. so there about, when the soviet union collapsed and bunch and solved themselves adrift they, they honestly didn't know who they were and what they stood for. and what sort of future they bought, that they would give a one of these values by the west. they would told the democracies good voting these ways. good you to accept installments and all that down with religion, down with traditional values down with culture and hello, iphones, low new microwaves, whatever you bought, the season bought by sons bought, that it never made them happy. what is happening now is a reawakening of the russian. so, i mean, it is very difficult to explain to someone who is a bison,
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but priorities of changed drastically. the past 2 years, it is once again a good deal of the tried and tested it. is it is face, it is family, it is nation, it is patriotism you, i, as, as a trusted representative i, i went to matter of books and facts about you. what are these, the offers the russian people, he's a just just one statistics out of hundreds. so in 2012 during a national pope of students. so this is pupil school pupils, road suite. 60 percent of them said that they were proud of the country last year and 2023. it is up to 95 percent. you know, stop here and it tells you some people say that they are proud of the country and that is the shift that is taking place and much of a realignment of what people want, where the values are and what they see in the future. mm hm. all right,
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let's talk about the other candidates for, for a moment because there were other candidates who will often hear that in the western media. but there were other candidates that people could choose from. nikolai car tunnels was the runner up representing the communist party. he got so the 3700000 votes, that's quite a lot of we often see the communist party come in seconds in russian. alexis can explain to our international audience why that is. well the of course, off of the collapse of the soviet union, the communist party was, was much, much more popular. i believe in the elections around around 2000. they had something like 30 percent of the vote. 30 percent of the vote, of course that that is full of 10 fold now, but there are, there are many people who have the style just about the soviet period. true. who believe the get of it was the right way says of social equality. none of this uh, you know, a tiny minority, the one percent driving rolls,
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royces and atlanta movers and everyone else having a difficult time. this is a, this isn't specific. the rush of this is specific. so do you happen a lot of it? it will. but there is, of course, a segment of the population that is disenfranchised, but by capitalism and they will vote for, for, for a company that's an, as these that right. i will tell you these, the caught me this during the debates i took boss and e in motion cds. they were the most critical, critical of, uh, vladimir putin and the day of the golfing. so yeah, by fun. yeah. i thought it was the caught me this they, they kept on saying you look at the seventy's, look, look how we will live that and look how, how we live. now, why is it that these people are the last why they ins too much and, and the rest of us don't. and the, the, they had many arguments they showed you to, for, for, for, for, for very harsh punishments, against, for corruption, for, for, for, for risk, for the end full of clothes,
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bribes. but they have the position they have the boots is, but that wasn't honest, gave the surprises. i think the surprise was that the new people, the pod to the new pods, you the new kid on the block that they achieved that they got almost as many votes as the communists. yeah, it says a lot. doesn't that all of us? yeah, honestly. yeah. it really does mean, so, i mean, so, i mean i've, i've had some analysts to on this program over the past few days. and, and one or 2 of said, is this the best time to hold the presidential election in russia? let's think geopolitically speaking. let's see what's, what's continuing on in ukraine these days. some people to say, not a good time for an election. all these people say actually it's the best time for an election. right now. we've seen an over whelming turn out. we've seen huge numbers proven, is just taking it by storm, and yet predictably, immediately, the western political, the major establishment. the last thing it's a piece is quoting the election invalid illegitimate, particularly in the new in baffled regions where those people have been,
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have arrived for u. c. c, rory, this. this is a problem that the west has had for many centuries, but many, for many centuries. it doesn't on the side, the russian. so you cannot get a russian by force of arms in to doing moves in the way you want only uh you, it's the opposite. if you try to flash or russian to squeeze him, he'll do the opposite also. but he'll dig, you feel that as he will do the opposite and you can see this be yourself and bill . good. the russian 50 here. how this by surely web blood casualties. you the amounts of every single day kids at the and this is far from the front blood shell shelves raining down residential neighborhoods, one of the largest showings to put across the new regions as well. one of the largest showings for people that is where people are being, you know,
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show what the west offers. yeah. that, that is what they see. what they imagine the west is as being how i'll be able to have the, in the far east and some of the reasons where uh, rushes, far east with you to far removed from the boat the, the views of much more towards the opposition. so this is a miscalculation on the part of the west. i honestly don't know how much money they spend on the opposition, that punk is opposition. tried to divide russians, but look at the results. and yeah, well the season, what i've got is if you are a senior correspondent and it's, it's just so good to get you out of the front lines. bring it back to a little sensible malady here, but you're going to be going back, send it off. i'm sure about it, you know, it's of you know, and because, because you loved being on the front lines that you loved it, breaking news, weather, honestly, extra and it's, it's harry's stuff, of course, very dangerous, but your amount of action motor out, and we appreciate the work you do. thank you, but thank you. thank you. all right. what countries of the global south,
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including venezuela, nicaragua cube olivia under as to jacob, stan and north korea were among the 1st to pass on congratulations to vladimir putin with the venezuelan president nicholas medulla. the dora hailing what the result meant for the wider world might have 1015 people to see him with more than 87 percent of the votes, boots and has completely won the war against the collective west of toiling. it demonstrates the values of the russian people who are leading the way for president vladimir clinton's victory, america. it will say marks a long road of vindication and recognition for a new russia, a great russia for a multi poto weld and for a world of balance. so i'll elder brother vladimir putin has triumphed. these a good arguments for the world. and for the year 2024. a. congratulations from one to 2 and then rush out financing on old battlefront. all right, let's get to our next guest now from geo political, military analyst, and indian army veteran that colonel ro hit the colonel. great to have you on with
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us. talk to us about why do you think the 1st time graduations for putting in his election victory came from the global self of plus the built it with. right. and i think it's a fantastic, good day before russia. it's a great day for indoors sion step up to happen in the next 6 years and we've had that across the road. so man, a, india can compliment the russians of what's quoted for having that mandate established with a lot of force with 87 at the bus. and one thing. and i think the goal that sought to is the, the new best in for a growing, the start as existing ship between russia and them. and that comes to a lot of the box and other countries specifically like india. uh you have a lot of good will coming in from even china it on and of that neighborhood as well . but it is a great facilitator for the global. it's how it's connected, given the economic progress of the mock and we shared reward. and the problem is we
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hold without bach most likely shot to our children, but those standards of living technology going into a global child. so i think that the goal itself has been following the edition elections and the in, on the happenings which have happened posted you can walk in. there has been very, very good. i got it in staying and stating the partnership and the furniture. but the shape of going to new, so i think from that perspective rolled us out in terms of the economic viability of the future. in terms of alternates, which i shall needs to create in terms of these sanctions against the, shall by the rest of which needs to be integrated. add to ensure a higher domestic satisfaction level in the us. yep. which is sort of was goodly. just off of the ukraine board and it is taking time for that to stabilize. i think those are the bad. i mean those are lead into a share. i would look at to approach a new or new or partners to start to dig partners. geopolitical alliances, economic alliances, and to be able to do trade with these countries in the future to establish
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a brighter future for that. i stand for it, i send it. so i think from that perspective, it's a muted test, which is a lot of being and developing the shot. and the global risk. do you think things are really re good, great color for you go no, i appreciate you saying that because at the end of the day you're absolutely right when it comes to rush or the global south is new, multi polar well, but it is not being born it's not starting to blossom, it's moving towards adolescence these days where we're seeing such a coagulation of these strategic families worldwide. right now. who, who are essentially rising up against what is a uni public hedge? i'm on, i hate to say it, but it is absolutely true. why do you think it is? i mean, venezuela's president, my daughter said the putins of victory in this election. it's signals of victory over the collective west. and the further recognition of the multi potable old colonel, a pretty strong statement that from a daughter your thoughts. this is that, that's, that's a strong statement to observe. but i think it is the, you know,
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a very pondered statement coming from him. because if you look at the jupiter to go situation, there is, so i'll stop on the epic. so we have a you and right, and add the you in that as a restaurant as well. and there are others except china and the view points are controlled in terms of policy and insulation. that other border bodies, including the real deal. there are other friends of the west who actually are in gwinnett line, so they don't have any major sort of say a opinion or wait out from the entangled the i didn't do. so from that perspective, i think the, the, the, the edition, the president has had to make a doors guess would make it very hard toys to consider his country's interest to consider to be a jupiter. they can afford fully all these institutions. and i think he has understood that also in the future these unilateral is to do it's not gonna play as far as she ought to edit towards.


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