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tv   News  RT  March 18, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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because it might just change the way inside the 87 percent of all the photos that is the big probably number going to the restroom credit and let him get food. and he's basically winning it by outlines by putting destined to be at the helm for another 6 years for the biggest country in the world . he's already come out fine things, a nation for its support. and particularly those who are dead to go out to the posting stations under the threat of ukrainian showing in russia as for new and baffled, reached his mother in that series, despite the terrorist attacks. and you and i already know this, well, the citizens living and these territories have shown not just civic majority. they show coverage and continued to show it to no one as i thought assumed and said recently, no one intimidated them. and it is impossible to intimidate out people it's
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an election where the winner takes on vladimir putin has left all of his opponents far behind the 3 other candidates, each winning less than 5 percent of the vote. the communist parties, nicolai's hearts, and off is in the 2nd place. but the new people's party thought us love devin, a copy fronting for the 1st time. it's really insert. that being said, the parties, they still, it's got about $3000000.00 approximate votes each, that will die with the food in party takes to buy a land by the other guy didn't do that badly. a reaction to force coming in from all around the world, particularly from the global cells. so the break, so the asked c on less than america, africa, asia, you name it meantime, because the west is only issuing was of calling them pace and surprise, surprise. anyway, we're bringing you the coverage here for this the biggest presidential election, actually in this country's recent history, 3 days of voting and tens of millions keeping the phone
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the . it was a very well welcome to you and welcome to our special coverage here in our lovely special studio in the heart of most go. i'm real research a with rachel group, both after 3 days of counting the election results are in and we know the winner is vladimir putting over sounding 87 percent of the votes. a real land slide, meaning that he will leave the country for the next 6 years. that's a check in with the central election commission headquarters. now all these shot to do been sky has been a wellbeing truck in the numbers all. ready night charlotte, i've done that. how your still standing? well done. you tell us about how it's being on the overnight hours, but also clearly there's no question to who the winner raise, but to bring us up to speed please. john, it will plenty of caffeine is keeping us all away, carrots election,
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h q as well as seeing the numbers go up, but we're getting closer and closer to a 100 percent of the food being candidate now spends that 99.72 percent of all the pilots have being candid that tallies up to around $86000000.00 votes across the country. as you mentioned, let me present as a land slide when he's taken almost 76000000 of those votes, which means almost 10 millions of votes went to the 3 of the candidates in the selection of the 2nd largest policy in the selection was the communists. they took something like 3700000 votes, just over 4.3 percent of the people who went to the polls. people went to the polls in person, they rotate electronically some 5000000 people were actually registered to do that online. and they were a tax on the system, according to the chapters, know the central electoral commission blaming those attacks on the west,
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but they didn't do to people. they turned up and they drove they bluetooth to vote . this being an election that's made history for a number of reasons, including the it's the 1st election. what we seen the for nearly incorporated regions into russia. voting for the very 1st time. so some $94000.00 coating stations all across the country that were required to be busy over the last 3 days. and there's been a huge amount of work that was put into securing those sites which the failings taking place. so hey, with the election h q, the commission h b, we could actually watch what was happening. we could see people going in and carrying out the process of, of booting up the not seeing how they visited those on one of the funds, the fax to you, right? to the movie the i thought was really interesting. i'm coming from a british person. i didn't know, but i found out that the russian prisoners have the right to vote at the turn. not in prisons was a 100 percent. and apparently around age send to prison is voted for vladimir
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preaching. that's very interesting to me as a brick because in the u. k. a, those who are in prison on the friendship has been unable to vote. so that was one of the fun facts that i've picked up from the evening. here we all waiting though in about an hour's time for an official announcement quote, from the election commission confirming what we already know. the block me preteen is the president of the russian federation for face 10 for the next 6 years. all right, all of these are charlotte to be see that live for us as a rush or as a central election or commission headquarters in moscow. thank you, as well as the vote was wrapping up sunday evening by the way of putting a dress directions from his election campaign headquarters here some of the key points that he raised a database to just get that despite the terrorist attacks and you and i already know this, well, the citizens living in these territories have shown not just civic majority. they
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show coverage and continued to show it. no one as i thought, assumed and said recently, no one intimidated them. and it is impossible to intimidate out people. there are turnouts, both in the new territories, and in the border areas, the turn out is even higher than in the rest of the country. it's simply a response from the people to the actions, trying to intimidate them. those who do it, don't understand who they're dealing with. but in part, maybe it's a good thing that they don't understand. because in this case, of course, they will be defeated. now they are trying, again, trying to get somewhere to their, to enter. they were destroyed. almost 100 percent of them were destroyed. they moved forward by 100 meters. 25 tanks were destroyed. the enemy has concentrated a group of around $5000.00 in the border area. not directly on the state borderline but somewhere in their immediate rear. but the overall loss is about 40 percent of these about 35 percent r, irrevocable, $25.00 tanks, dozens of armored vehicles and so on. if they like it that way, then in principle,
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it suits us because they mindlessly attack. it's such a meat grinder for them, it's even beneficial for us, let them try except to go. it was a few days before mister nobility passed away. some colleagues told me not administration officials. some people said there was an idea to exchange mister invalid me for some people who are in prison in western countries. you can believe me or not. the person who spoke to me had barely finished his sentence, but i said, i agreed. but unfortunately, what happened happens only on one condition that we exchange him so that he doesn't come back, let him sit there, that's all. but it happens. there's nothing one can do about it. that's how life is . if you want to know my opinion on whether our elections are democratic or not, i think they are democratic. or conversely, in some countries, for example, in your country, can it be considered democratic to use an administrative resource? in order to attack one of the candidates for president of the united states,
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including using traditional authorities, we have no preference for any of the candidates for president of the united states of america. we will work with whoever the voters trust, but the use of administrative resources, the judicial system. it's just become ridiculous and a disgrace to the whole world for the united states and for your democratic so called in quotes system. i have every reason to believe that we do not see any democracy, at least during the electoral processes in some western countries, including the united states today. therefore accept the return book please. i don't think it's just that simple. after all, these are not completely stupid people sitting in all the institutions that have been working against our country for decades. do you know what their problem is? in my opinion, it lies in the fact that after the collapse of the soviet union, there were a very large number of specialists on the soviet union who could not do anything else, but fight the soviet union. and then with the russia that arose in part of the territory . so they began to convince their political leadership and the public of their countries that they need to continue finishing, rush off, and in such
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a way that they themselves will not be left without a job. but still new generations of specialists are coming. they realistically assess the events taking place. i think they will be more sophisticated, but they will not change their goals with regard to russia. that's just so difficult to argue with lot of effort and when he speaks like that in measured, logical, understandable, unbelievable statements. by the way, they will come back to us special continued coverage it for the russian election. 2024 role research a rachel ruble. and caleb, up in a senior us correspondent if you're not in washington, you're in new york. if you're not in new york, you're in washington, you're always up and down the eastern seaboard made. look, it's a predictable 1st question because you're the best one to ask it to. how is the russian election result going down in dc? well, they're not thrilled, as you can imagine in the lead up to this election, it was pretty clear they didn't want it to happen. they don't consider it legitimate. we actually heard the us state department go as far as saying that they
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would hold accountable those who observed it like myself, i was an observer of the election and it's pretty wild because uh, the argument they have against the election really just comes down to the fact that the russian president has been in office a long time and i always remind people that in united states we have a very beloved president named roosevelt. and he was elected in 19321936 elected again and 1940 and elected again and 1944. and why? because one, he and acted a lot of economic reforms that really improve people's lives. and number 2, he unified the country to defeat denazi's and you know, stand with the soviet union and china against fascism. so he was widely loved and you know, both of my grandparents on both sides. uh they were republicans, but for them roosevelt was just the president. he was about politics, he's kind of a symbol of what have gotten them through the period of the great depression in the 2nd world war. and so if you look at that and you look at bad history, you know, we're not taught in the united states that roosevelt was
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a dictator. no one considered him to be a dictator. it's just that he was a leader that stood and you know, sees the moment and delivered and achieve great things and became kind of the, the symbol of, of national victory national recovery. and i think that's a way we can look at this election when looking at it through an american. lance, of course u. s. leaders don't want to put it that way in putting has been in power for a long time. this will be his, his 5th presidential term. i know that you tell him you took part in the world use for him. um, earlier this month. and so she, a lot of young people, they don't know russia without putting putting, let's be honest. he's not a young guy, he's 71 years old. how do you know people feel about him? well, i got to tell you when i had the opportunity to be in the room with the russian president, with the $300.00 other young people in the adam hall there. and so g at the world, the festival. and i got the opportunity to ask him a question. there's just something about him. he has this way of engaging with people. he has this charm that it's really hard to put your finger on. i don't think it comes across through television. you have to be in the room with him. you can see this is somebody who really takes politics seriously and has
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a really deep understanding of how human beings relate to each other and how our society is develop over time. i thanked him for his very dynamic interview with tucker carlson because i said it showed a different kind of leadership in the united states. politics is all about sound bites and scandal gossip. that's not the approach he takes. he draws from the history of this country and of this region going back thousands of years, you know, developing a more scientific view of state craft. yeah, i mean, i'll just jump in quickly because, you know, when you go to tucker calls and sitting down with boots and one of the things i think one of the big tsunamis that came off that was, it was the fact that steeple in the west, particularly americans were given the opportunity to realize opinion as a very well spoken mind. he's a very intelligent man and very well educated. he knows its history, he knows all of his economics. he throws out numbers all day long, and this poor old joe biden doesn't know what he had for breakfast today. right? indeed, i mean, it's frightening to see joe biden and also what's even more frightening as his vice
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president, pamela harris is less popular than he is terrified, which is, is how can you be less popular than joe by? so, you know, it's, it's very frightening to look at and, you know, you have comma harris and you, you see her on the cameras where she's just kind of repeating these phrase. ling eh, yeah, i mean, this is very disturbing. i and, you know, people look at donald trump and you know, there's a possibility that he could win coming up and it's a very big possibility. he could win at the polls, but it seems like our political establishment of the united states has circle the wagons and said that won't happen now. a lot could change between now and november when we have the us presidential election, but it's not looking good. and you know, being here and seeing the election here and then contrasting it to the election. i'll be covering in a few months in the united states. it makes one do a lot of thinking about different types of civilizations. you know, caleb, the, the communist party candidate and the selection came in. second, i know in the west when we hear the term communist or communism legal to bad, scary. but i'm just wondering, what's the appeal here with the communist legacy in the country? i mean, is it, is it the legacy really, or is it, was there a new appeal to this?
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well, you know, it's interesting because the communist party is one political party. but you can see, especially in light of the special military operation, there's a lot of nostalgia for the achievements of the soviet union and defeating the nazis inventing space travel industrialize in the country. it's funny because the united states, so you'll, you'll have people say, well, haven't you ever talked to anyone who actually lived under communism? well, if you're here and in russia, many people refer to the communist party as being the party of the pensioners and the retirees. people who do remember uh, and that the fall of the soviet union was certainly a devastating moment and right such as history. so you can understand the widespread nostalgia. but at the same time, you know, i mean, this is not the soviet union anymore. i mean, that's very clear, mean, and i see a lot of religious imagery here to the soviet union was a very easy istic state, but i see a lot of love for christianity. i see a lot of religious imagery. a village graphic was all over the absolute law. just churches. yeah, absolutely cut. yeah, sorry, carry on carry. oh no, i just, i was just saying, i mean it's, it's, it's interesting that i mean, that russia draws from many aspects of its past that really does present itself.
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yeah. our time. yeah. and you told me in the past, but you know, the present in the future you were down at the the annual used for them festival down insult you. i was there as well. $30000.00 students basically. and 5000 volunteers. it was an a no, all of us turn out, do you think was it 10 years or more ago? you had the winter olympics down there and thought you so you have all this infrastructure, the stadiums and all this. so you can send thousands of people. the one thing that touched me was that when i was speaking to the students that weren't just russian, they had come from all over the world. but always i was speaking to them, but they was this, this energy i could feel this kind of a fuse. yes. and this, this up to him is a bit was like, they were looking at like a sun rise. they had this amazing excitement for the future. where is that coming from? how do you read into that? well, i would say that probably a big source of that was the crew of young russian volunteers that were there. they mobilized young people from all over this country. for many different regions to be
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there and guide us around and take us to different places and to be full of enthusiasm and giving us high fives every morning as we're on our way to the festival. and i thought about, you know, in the united states, i don't know if our government would be able to get a crowd of young people to be that way to work together to deal with the stresses of that fast of all because it was certainly, you know, i can imagine when you have, you know, a 188 different countries of delegations from them getting them everywhere, getting them where they need to go getting everyone their food and getting them to the hotels and getting them or their badges and their identifications can be very stressful. button that crew of young people, thousands of young, patriotic russian volunteers who made it their mission to kind of solidify russia's friendship with youth from different countries around the world. i was very, very impressed with the enthusiasm with the endurance, with the patients of those volunteers here. well this, this, of course the selection is very important. big election here, of course. but of course we have the, the us presidential election coming up later this year. do you think the result of this election will have any impact on the us presidential election and how will the uh, the us election um, have an impact on relations with russia? you think?
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well i think one thing that's very clear and i think a good sign of this has been victoria newlands recent resignation. uh huh. yeah. good bye. uh is that uh this ukraine conflict is not something joe biden wants to take to the polls with him in november. the american public is just not with him long as billions and billions of dollars for ukraine. well, our roads and bridges are falling apart, while our education system in the united states is a joke. this is not something joe biden wants to be a topic of conversation in november. now i'm curious because donald trump seems to be having it both ways. he says, well, the, the conflict never would have happened if he had been president. well, mean it's happening. so, you know, that's kind of a moot point. he says, well, he can resolve it. but then other times he's saying he wants more weapons and you, but it's, it's not clear where trump really stands on this. but what is interesting to me is that the american foreign policy establishment has decided they don't like donald trump. john bolton said that a donald trump forever re elected. that would be the end of the nato alliance. so
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as shocking words demand, well that there may be, there may be some truth of that frankly trumpet said you're gonna pay if you don't pay your part, then what was the point? but you know, this is one of the things are, i'm not gonna sit here and say, i'm a fan of trump. okay. but i, i'm going to say this when it becomes so blatantly obvious to the establishment. hate. so if the establishment hates trump, then you know what i like. yeah, i yeah, and that's a good way of putting it when you, when you look at it, because at this point we have an establishment in washington that is so out of touch with, you know, the american people want and is so determined to antagonize and isolate and do everything they can to hurt russia. so anything that might hurt that establishment has a strong argument in its favor. you know, along those lines. putting kind of made a bit of bit of a dig in his speech last night say that the russian election was more democratic than the us election. is there any truth of that? well, yes, i would say, you know, in, in this election, every region was included, every single one, every part of russia got to vote in the united states, our presidential elections,
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puerto rico has no say and who the president of united states is why american samoa us virgin islands, there's millions of americans who live in these territories. they have absolutely no input for and also let's, let's add that. the voting for the present was direct. every vote was counted. where is the united states? we have this thing called the electoral college where you vote for your state and then your state cast their vote. ah, so it's not a direct election. and i also was surprised to know that here in russia, if you've been convicted of a crime and you're doing time in prison, they have a special voting boost in the present deal that you can vote. yeah, if you're in the hospital getting medical treatment, have a special voting booth in the hospital. we don't have anything close to that in the united states and many states and united states, if you commit a crime, you can't vote for the rest of your life. just forget about voting for the rest of your life. now some states are, are changing that it's different by state. so this election was far more inclusive and, you know, it was just basic thing. yeah. it was a national holiday and a weekend. right. you had 3 days to vote national holiday weekend. the i'd say it's, we have one day one day to vote unless you want to vote absentee and that day is
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a tuesday and it's not a national holiday. it's a work day. and in big cities, there's huge lines in the morning before work, devote huge lines in the evening. rush out, wanted participation on the part of its popularity. something doesn't. yeah. it really does. it really does just quick. let me ask you this kind of, you know, you live in america, you work in america. i know it's not your 1st time here at russia, but flying in from united states a, getting into the app or going through immigration, possible control. have you had any issues? have you had any problems, any complaints, any eyes wide open moments? well, when i uh, when i went to the planning meeting of the world festival in november on the way back, i have my bag searched and got the special treatment from us cost. well the yeah. right. you know that us officials made it clear, they don't appreciate the work i do it. okay. and they don't appreciate the fact that i'm coming here. and i mean, we just heard the state department saying how much they, they really appreciate our us observing of, of this election. and i think it's really great that other americans have, have come here to observe, you know, dance of all that congresswoman cynthia mckinney and others. i think it's really great that we're here observing this election and telling the truth about it.
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because when you really get down to the details of how the election was carried out, this was very clearly a legitimate and fair elections. they want to just kind of cast innuendo and present the story of all pollutants been in office for so long that can't be democracy. but, but if you look at the details, this was a very, very clear, fair election, very transparent process. i was in the civic chamber, i saw out every polling station has cameras and a 2 cameras in it, monitoring it 24 hours a day to make sure there's no foul play. i mean, there's a huge level of transparency here. us officials don't want that version of events out there. yeah. they don't want anyone seeing through cameras who stuff in the bottom is an oldest kind of stuff ritual. any more questions you have a minute just really quickly wanted to ask because it's not a surprise that we have not had words of congratulation coming out of the white house for president is victory. i do remember when the last presidential election, when when put in was like re elected. trump's staff gave him a note saying that do not congratulate and then the trump got themselves and called
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to them, congratulated him. i mean, what are your thoughts on the difference here? well, i, again, there are differences within the us establishment when it comes to russia. now, there are a lot of folks in the trump camp that say the usa could get along with russia and then team up with russia against china. but anyone who knows anything about economics knows that's not going to happen. russia in china are closer than ever in terms of economics. right now, it's a base the relationship based on trade. you know, during the cold war it was a political difference and, and the sign of soviet split and henry kissinger, we can talk about that in history. but right now, rush and china are economically closer together than app or uh, and that bond has been solidified by us sanctions on both countries. right. you cut off both countries, they're going to trade more and more with each other. so there are differences within the us establishment about how to deal with russia and some of that could just be basic. i think, you know, china is an industrial manufacturing hub. so the manufacturers in the say is the china as more of the arrival where as rush is an energy giant oil and gas. so i
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think maybe the big oil companies and the natural gas companies, the russia, more as a competitor and more of is more of a threat. so it's just a question of who's paying the pipe or which sections of the establishment or are having the upper hand. but at the end of the day, i mean there is a faction in the pentagon and you have the neo cons. now there's that they just want us dominance period. they don't care of, it's russia, china, venezuela, around north korea. they don't want any country around the world that'll challenge them and the bricks, the rising new economy coming out of the east and coming out of all these different countries that are trading with each other. and kind of saying no to the sanctions regime and international finance. this is the future as a future that i think us leaders need to just kind of come to terms with the new economy rising and we'd be better off traded with it. i think that terrified, made, and just just quickly, china was the factory of the world. russian energy is fueling the chinese factories basically. all right, so, you know, we see the, the, so into twice now. but you talk about the multi poto world in the global south and how it really is, you know, i mean, look already the breaks group already represents more in global g, d, p,
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and the g 7. and yet there are now 20 or 30 more countries that want to join the brakes. so forget it, g 7, you're done, you're done. invested may, is a whole new multi part of weld. and good luck jumping on the train that's already left the station. kind of open as our senior us correspondent, boys up and down the eastern seaboard. it's so good to have you here. have you kept the mother ship in moscow? called them up and to stick around? we'll speak you soon. all right, sounds good. thank you very much. thank you. well, that's what you're saying. rushers and baffled new territories or story, particularly heights on out for this presidential election. and we heard from leaders in the heart of san don't bass that on. yeah. it's going to is that, but all she reads and basically saying this is a, a new time for that part of the world. and that's very, very optimistic. we bought a mustache and let me on the russian presidential election right now. highlights what will happen in the coming decades. not only even during the next term, but how russia will develop and how the dom, that's group public will develop as part of our country. of course,
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this is exciting for us, but such a high result, both in terms of turn out and directly in terms of the percentage of votes cast for president vladimir putin also means that for us on the one hand it is expected. but on the other hand, that of course, emphasizes the self awareness of all the residents have done best in the sense that we understand that a lot depends on our choice. and we have learned to understand and realize this since 2014, we influence our own future. and a lot really depends on our choice the ground that does that lead just as much. the main thing is that people came to vote not to not, not simply consciously, but even happily exercising their democratic right and duty, a civilians doesn't. you know, it's even more than that. actually. it's a patriotic aspiration and duty. and you know, people voted for the candidate they really trust and there's really only one such
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candidate to it though not all 4 candidates are decent people. but the main candidate for the people of kirsten is the one who made the decision to re unite us with russia to it was along the way to a decision for us in western countries may pretend they don't care. they may try to turn a blind eye and refuse to recognize the results. but the reality is that they have no other option saying, yeah, there's not, but like a gift, it's just um unless there's reason in which there is no participation by them in our lives. but when they supply tours rockets, when they supply hummers, when they supply artillery and everything else. so candid all flies at us is go, our children are dying. our people are dying upon our infrastructure is being destroyed. and do you think i have an opinion about these bureaucrats? therefore, we will establish our own people's legitimate government on a russian one on our land. their opinion, as well as the opinion of these officials, is absolutely irrelevant to the residents of this upper rosie region. we have made
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our choice, we are forever equal with russia and among equals so as of the international reaction keeps coming in and the results are still poor and yeah, let's have joined the autism or in a culture ever to get more details on this. hi, good morning. again, marina bring us up to speed. what are people saying? what's the latest? but you know it, what is it now? it's nearly half past 10 now in the morning in moscow. a good morning, boy. good morning, right. so now we've got our sound fixed, i hope so. we can actually have a conversation. yes. so it's early hours right now at the moment, but congratulations already poor. and then for a lot of our present from various corners, all of the world, not the west. of course. we'll get to that in a 2nd there for solving. this is not a good day for them, but we are getting congratulations library put in is inside from bolivia, from nicaragua, from north korea to jacob st. on whose breakfast on, on doris comments that we're getting is that this is a convincing victory. also,
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we heard from the cuban foreign minister who said that a lot of it with his re election is a reliable example of the recognition of the russian people of his management. and this is exactly what the veneers while impressed that have to say as well. in the future, we've moved in 87 percent of the vote pollutant has completely won the war against the collective west. it demonstrates the values of the russian people who are leading the way for president vladimir pollutants victory. it also mocks along road of vindication and recognition for a new russia, a great russia for a multi polar weld and for a world of balance. so our elder brother, vladimir putin has triumphed. these are good arguments for the world. and for the year 2024. congratulations. clinton and russia are triumphing on old battlefront. and just now we heard that china has congratulated vladimir, put them with his re election for the 5th term. we're also expecting to hear from
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russia's bricks, partners. there are other partners, brazil, of course india were also expecting to hear from the african come to the global south asia of course as a whole. so we're still waiting for those comments to come in. but definitely we're not expecting to hear much from the west because they of course see there's an older headlines and less for media today. i've read about the fact that these were sham elections. and we even heard that before the elections even began with the president, congratulating vitamin bruce and ahead of time with a landslide victory. well, it was a landslide victory, but i'm sure even they didn't expect that it would be as much bought or turn out of itself so that russian people do trust the electoral process on the electoral system in russia. some of the alignment puts in f, besides the gun in his victory speech. and something else that he said was of the fact that russian people have shown in their over whelming number and support will vladimir putin, that they support his decisions and his actions. and this of course, gives him renewed confidence to continue on to make sure that he builds, as i said,
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his dream is for russia to be a strong, independent, and silver and country. and as for the west, again, you said global, do you expect the west seduce signed off on the plot? of course not. they are fighting russian military, so they will not do that. but just as a side note on the double standards of the west, they seem to have an issue with the fact that a lot of air pollutants we selected for his 5th term and comments such as those that we've got from the drum and the foreign ministry. table these elections on a free or fair because a lot of everything has been elected once again is of course smacks of double sanders because they themselves in germany elect a dangling merkel as the drum and chancellor a whopping 4 times. so marie, is a harbor said the russian foreign ministry spokesman, no, no doubt that the russians actually stood up united and sold bags because enough is enough. and this is what the majority of russians feel. and they have spoken clearly. yeah, i mean you know, you mentioned how i'm going to michael, don't forget uh benjamin didn't y'all was way.


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