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tv   News  RT  March 18, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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the the lot of it put in secure was a long slide victory of the russian presidential election, winning move and 87 percent after all. votes have been counted, feud font the nation for its support, while paying special tribute to those who passed the ballots. in the office in buffalo, new regents despite constant attacks of by dradian force and his mother in the deities dispute. despite the terrorist attacks and you and i already know this well for citizens living in these territories, have shown not just civic majority, they show coverage and continued to show. no one, as i thought, assumed and said recently, no one intimidated them, and it is impossible to intimidate out people. the 3 of our candidates only managed just over 10 percent between them. the communist party is nikolai, had
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a ton of was gone and rob with the new people parties a lot is lot in the deadline calls and who is wanting for the 1st time came out of india and china have become the latest countries to congratulate them, to put into hundreds elected victory, and that's in contrast to the condemnation coming from the west. the other bizarre to international reaching you live from moscow. welcome to the latest updates from the presidential election and much more this out. i have my club project a welcome back to a special coverage all the russian presidential election after 3 days of voting with 100 percent of the village counted. so i didn't put in has one more than 87 percent, meaning she will leave the country for the next 6 years. because i had a tunnel from the communist party came in 2nd with just over 4 percent of the vote
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and lauded lava. dab on college, has placed foot with with close to 4 percent. we want investments. keith trailed at the park with just over 3 percent, and this year has reported record turnout with over 80 percent. 87 uh, maybe in russian citizens casting the vote according to the head of the central election commission. yes, cool. well, most 10 is a direct cause breaking unprecedented. it is 77.44 percent for russia. this is a high 10 of these has not happened in mold and russian history. to explain this, of course, there's several components here. it says the political one here is all the time in the west. the elections aren't on democratic and so on. and these have been in pays for many as the elections in russian up free that everyone is forced. and that's people as actually go into the polls at some point, this shows how permits is such thing, can, is on a say
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a to understand the multinational people. so this is one of the reasons political as for the organizational one, of course, a 3 day vote. it's allowed people to plan their time. and there are opportunities in many ways. what we can confirm, hey, from the h q of the election commission that this was our rank code. so now it's in terms of those who wanted to vote in this presidential election of but 77 percent of those who are registered to vote to have done exactly that. over the last few days. i just use some comments. we taught them from the try person on the election commission. this is ella pumps available who's talked about the cyber attack. she said that they have been 12000000 times over the last few days to the degree of external influence. this time, the desire, if not to disrupt but to discredit the election was unprecedented. in addition to traditional method, several new technologies have been used including the d. o. s attacks. there were
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more than $12000000.00 cyber attacks since the beginning of the presidential election campaign. this is $150.00 times more than usual during an election. and she also talked about the terror attacks that have been taking place, particularly in some of the newly rated regions in russia, saying that this was used to subtract detroit intimidate boosters to make them stay away from the polls. and she said, actually it had the, its impact, new people turned out because they were determined that makes the voices heard in this election. and well, they did. we knew that there was an overwhelming support for the incumbent president slot made preteen, who is now secured himself a 5th to him as president of the russian federation. he will not be in office until 2013 with wants of 87 percent of the election voting. the black, booting the hand as voting was wrapping up on sunday evening and brought them and
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put in a dressed around russians from his election campaign headquarters. here are some of the key points he raised did at least just get back despite the terrorist attacks and you and i already know this, well, the citizens living in these territories have shown not just civic majority. they show coverage and continued to show it. no one, as i thought, assumed and said recently, no one intimidated them, and it is impossible to intimidate out people. there are turnouts, both in the new territories and in the border areas. the turn out is even higher than in the rest of the country. it's simply a response from the people to the actions, trying to intimidate them. those who do it, don't understand who they're dealing with. but in part, maybe it's a good thing that they don't understand. because in this case, of course, they will be defeated. now they are trying, again, trying to get somewhere to their, to enter. they were destroyed. almost 100 percent of them were destroyed. they moved forward by 100 meters. 25 tanks were destroyed. the enemy has concentrated
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a group of around $5000.00 in the border area. not directly on the state borderline, but somewhere in the remediate rear. but the overall loss is about 40 percent of these about 35 percent are irrevocable, $25.00 tanks, dozens of armored vehicles and so on. if they like it that way, then in principle, it suits us because they mindlessly attack. it's such a meat grinder for them. it's even beneficial for us, let them try set to go. it was a few days before mister nobility passed away. some colleagues told me, not administration officials. some people said there was an idea to exchange mister development for some people who are in prison in western countries. you can believe me or not. the person who spoke to me had barely finished his sentence, but i said, i agree. but unfortunately what happened happened only on one condition that we exchange him so that he doesn't come back, let him sit there, that's all. but it happens. there is nothing one can do about it,
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that's how life is. if you want to know my opinion on whether our elections are democratic or not, i think they are democratic. conversely, in some countries, for example, in your country, can it be considered democratic to use an administrative resource? in order to attack one of the candidates for president of the united states, including using judicial authorities, we have no preference for any of the candidates for president of the united states of america. we will work with whoever the voters trust, but the use of administrative resources, the judicial system. it's just become ridiculous and a disgrace to the whole world for the united states and for your democratic so called in quotes system. i have every reason to believe that we do not see any democracy, at least during the electoral processes and some western countries, including the united states today therefore accept the return book please. i don't think it's just that simple. after all, these are not completely stupid people sitting in all the institutions that have been working against our country for decades. you know what their problem is,
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in my opinion. it lies in the fact that after the collapse of the soviet union, there were a very large number of specialists on the soviet union who could not do anything else, but fight the soviet union. and then with russia that arose in part of the territory . so they began to convince their political leadership and the public of their countries that they need to continue finishing, rush off, and in such a way that they themselves will not be left without a job. but still new generations of specialists are coming. they realistically assess the events taking place. i think they will be more sophisticated, but they will not change their goals with regard to russia. but my colleagues were joined earlier this morning by our to senior correspondent, broad guys, be ever who outlined the key reasons why a president put in his, getting so much support from the russian. people lied to me, a tutoring is a brand name, carefully cultivated, carefully cultivated something let's good of the is. but why you shouldn't a russian vote for me? let me look outside the city. the city of the country is growing. the
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g d p is growing wages of growing good europe, recession single digit, less than single digit growth in your a point. northwood 6 percent b, e in fraud, sol, recession recession in germany, and then they ask why people voting for food and in this environment. bosh sang should help you. that is what they call them. factions from help rise and they wonder why people are voting for people because you was sending me cells to be for the bison cities. there is of course, a national spirit. people want a strong leader, and this is in every single country in the world. you know, a presidential election is always a popularity contest in it who will be a strongly there. i must say. here vladimir putin has a huge advantage over the other cabinet. it's absolute that huge advantage,
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and that is his track record. when he says something he delivers it came to about russia couldn't feed itself. rush. it depended on you when she met at the area and then aid in 2000 feet. it's population now. 20. uh oh gee, is vladimir present? came to power. russia is the biggest export of food products, food stuffs, in the world. not everyone voted for booting. though i do want to talk about the other candidates. nikolai hard ton of was the runner up, representing the communist party gains more than 3700000 volts, 3700000. that's good. that's quite a lot of people who voted for him. we've seen throughout russian's election history, the candidates from the communist party do tend to come in 2nd. can you talk a little bit about cartoon off and why people voted for him? well look up of course, eat, eat the it would be a very strange will this,
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if everyone agreed the caught me in this, whoever ton for, for the, for the other old, you know, who want to try again, who, who will get this capitalism that has a prospect didn't buy shop in the in recent years and they feels disgust. they feel it, it isn't fair. that there are the one percent to us sue, which you knew who else to prosper us. and then there's everyone else, the 99 percent, who, who we have to wake up every morning work and, and you know, they, they didn't see that way. just go with the same pace. there are uh, the liberal democrats who, who uh, who have their own ideas about the future of russia who, who, who have a much more populace to, to them. but ultimately subsets, can you talk about linens slootsky live? what about the bunk of what, what about the vancleav? because he also got what 3000000 votes of, of the blood us off the phone calls. i mean, i think 3200000 for him. 3.7000000 for nichol. i had a ton of, i mean,
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like rachel was saying these are not small numbers. you know, 3 minutes of this got this party 3 beat into this party. it does say something, right? it doesn't say a lot. there are, as i mentioned, that said, they sell millions, tens of millions of, for example, pension is too large, and the so the period who remember the pride that they felt when you read the gar in month of space. the of, of the soviet union's space program over the equality that, that was, of course, they, they, they, they, they have the style just about the soviet period. they want that with tons with they remember the price of the brides about the, the pots that stood out. you have the younger generations, the younger generations who believe the younger tied to the large me approved least off the rule of the 70 years old. they see this, this devoted gulf, this cabinet is who was 40 years old, who, who publishes a much more prosperous business oriented future in which every washing could be in the end trip. and uh, uh he,
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he wants to end this conflict as quickly as possible. and they see him as a best candidate and they cost. busy vote for him, but ultimately, ultimately it was old, old promises people. so there is no track would to any of these cabinets that they haven't seen about which is a huge disadvantage for them and the selection and ultimately the russian people and the russian people made their choice. yeah, 87 said as the while the west continues to hold back any positive reaction to put things. landslide victory, congratulations on coming in from around the world, including venezuela, bella rules, north korea and china with the indian foreign minister under under him or the also sending his best wishes to president, put in the one congratulations to mister vladimir, putting on his re election as the president of the russian federation, i look forward to working together to further strengthen the time tested, special and privilege to strategic partnership between india and russia in the
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years to come congratulations of poor and then from all around the world from russia has many friends and allies including economic power houses, for example, versus partners in brick. and aside from congratulations, they all seem to have a once the income and then that is that the really ridiculously high voter turnout as well as the overall bombing support for vladimir putin shows that the russian public doesn't only support vladimir fruits and, but they trust them to lead russia into the future future policy and we've moved in 87 percent of the vote boots and has completely won the war against the collective west. it demonstrates the values of the russian people who were leading the way for president vladimir putin. this victory, it also mocks along road of vindication and recognition for a new russia, a great russia for a multi poto weld and for a world of balance. so our elder brother vladimir putin as tramped these of good arguments for the world. and for the year 2024. congratulations. clinton and russia
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are triumphing on old battlefront. as for the west, we are here and nothing. there is mainly silence. just to read you some of the headlights of fresh off the press right now in the u. k. for example, all these people that are sending the congratulations of the leaders all of these countries. apparently they're just sports because this is what the headlines states, despots of rushed to congratulate boots and after his sham election. victor, of course we've heard that this is a slight sham election before the election. they even started with the president congratulating vladimir preaching before the vote. and event started, as i said with a landslide victory, but of course, even they probably could not expect that the results with the so high and that support for a lot of everything would be so hot. but again, they claim that this is all ashamed that the elections are fake. and the other headlines that i'd like to read this one. so leaders dismiss of hooton's, illegal pole victory. there's also lot being said in western media about this awkward silence were in fact this really awkward for the was not, it was not so much for russia because there's lot of everything said last night in
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his victory speech. he said, well, what do we expect the west to be signed off in applause? no, of course not because they are fighting us militarily. so russia is not expecting to hear congratulations from the west, but in fact, the headlines likely to show exactly what is going on and to be quite frank, diplomatically speaking, is awkward for the west. because when it comes to diplomacy, they should congratulate the presence of the country regardless of their feelings, if they want to continue their relation to the forward. and they will have to, because a lot of my boots and will be in power for the next 60 years, so they'll have to sort of speaking eventually. so perhaps congratulations would be a nice start, but that's just now my humble opinion moving forward. i'd like to also point out something that maria's a harvest set when she called out the double standards of the west. because we have heard from the german foreign ministry again, that the elections, of course, are not fair or not free. but the main issue that there are so i think is the fact that a lot of work with them is in power, once again for the 5th term like this is the 1st time this happens in the world. we've seen this time and time again. benjamin netanyahu in germany themselves. they
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elected angela merkel 4 times. so it seems to be a problem when this happens in countries that don't do what they want them to do when they don't play by the rules when they don't play long. so no, we're not expecting to hear anything from the was just more headlines like this about a lot of my of who's in being a desperate. the fact that this election is all assigned, but we are expecting to hear more congratulations from the rest of the world. was little, as we know is very, very large. now we spoke with i nearly chicken, i at former ambassador and the distinguished fellow all the canada international foundation. he believes that attempts to isolate russia by the west seem to be fading as moscow ties with the global south remains drawn. you know, this, it says shipping brakes of the countries. what do we do to drive it? so you can say that i submit my there full courses for, from georgia to, uh, i would say issue uh that has gone for the shop,
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which is where in fact the economy which is boeing. and so i don't say that it is possible to actually decides as far as i understand there's to frontier no good director meetings for rep as well as stand up for being exposed to trade. this is to some extent to some continuing to spread sentients at bestbuy, despite the opposing viewpoints. to dealership the english western countries often fee that the custodians of democracy because they do have a problem with their own democracy. and that's all for this example as a, as an auto body and paint, and that's when it comes up. but it is sort of people who rush and my view to decide exactly who they want to be doing. the kind of morgan and poverty 1st is there truly the project democracy. so that's a difference. you see there is a best minister's time of democracy. they think that those who should, you should have a cab isms on their own best they are van or the not upset of most of the risk for the victims. the election is going to be out of the free and say, and by that,
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that's what it's going to criticize. that's what they have double up there on the standards, which are actually the, the, the, the father, the less for the style of the credit system. so, but every country also has its own discretion to use the sort picture americans. and i think that those particular because i also did the outcome and the kind of governance barbie's of those countries have in many countries you have private systems. so that have to be entered into this, that honestly my view, really and sofa a developer to institutions. right, let's discuss the reaction to the election results. now with a no time in senior fellow, how the tie he institute is nice to have you join me right now. and now the chinese presidents, you aging thing, is among the world lead us to send congratulate 3 messages to a lot of it, put in on this lawn slide and boost sounding victory. now speak to us. how does this resounding victory shave the relations between russia and find that going
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forward into a new administration in, in russia? well, at least for the next 5 years, you're going to have the same leaders in russia and china. they have already formed a very close economic relationship, and obviously they're involved in bricks. and because of the situation in europe, russia has moved much closer to try it. i've tried and so i mean at the, at this point, a lot of people are watching. you hear all this stuff about peek china, that russia has somehow is involved and shall be. these are all narrative sort of being pushed. you know, obviously the us has a very loud boom box. they're able to use it, you know, and it's set that they use $90000000000.00 a year and this information and, and spying this group probably part the part of that. but you,
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you hear the same things. anything that is not blessed by the u. s. is therefore evil. you have a bite and administration who believes that they are the shining city on the hill. although i think most people, even a united states would dispute that. so it's sour grapes at this point. i don't feel between. but between china and russia, very, very powerful alliance. russia around 13 times zones. incredible amount of resources, china has more manufacturing than the next 9 countries combined together. given that they have a share border, they represent an overwhelming threat to us hedge enemy, by at least economically. now why lead us from across the globe by sending good wishes compounds in the west or falling short of being congratulated 3 to put it mildly, what accounts for this very different reactions?
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well, i think uh your previous, uh, uh, yes, said. so. i mean, the, there is a state of, of conflict going on between russia and europe and the united states. they're hardly going to say that he's the legitimate leader, and that he expresses the voices of, uh, you know, the sentiments of the united russia. they're going to, you know, picking pride what they perceive or want to, uh, you know, it least create this narrative that he's a legitimate leader and that what they are doing is legitimate in terms of supplying weapons and bombs. now the western media has been blatantly calling the roches election. rigdon questioning the result of the month before the votes webcast. now just next to the neighbor of roster, here will you claim is cancelled the presidential elections and the west is still just ok with it. when the face of democracy would you say there's almost done,
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that's all one. well it's, it's a popular see, but i mean the, this is the least of them. when you look at a country like united states, which she continues to say that it holds the okay, international law. you know, the rule of law, the international standards and, and bodies when they have refused to allow w t o to work with their supplying guns. and ammunition to the israelis who are slumbering people in gaza. you know, when they continue to break treaties, you, there's no way to talk about this because it's become a most your, the us believes that, you know, everyone's out to get them to the level of paranoia and their responses to accuse others of doing exactly what they're doing can guns and now forwards pod, moscow has a keys, the western countries of attempting to sabotage the election process. now what,
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what, what the west hope to accomplish with, with a, a move like that. uh, well, i like, uh, i mean there's a certain amount of interference. i mean, everybody is buying and at the us lights to say that, you know, it doesn't interfere in other people's elections when, you know, quite frankly, we could just, uh, what was it uh, to a couple of days ago. uh, a report said that the us president a couple of years ago had ordered a hit job on uh, on china to be done by the c. i a, these things go wrong. this is just uh, an effort to add to this narrative, but that somehow the election is illegitimate because there are interference. campaign didn't work. all right, what would it take to have the west and russia sit on the same table to discuss how every part of the world can prospect? because this do have what it takes to leave the world and leave the globe into
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a platform of prosperity. what would it take a browser there's, there's nothing that i can think of right now other than the age as a radical change in leadership on the western side. and that's, that's probably not going to happen. what you have going back to the speech that prudent made up munich security conference, i believe in 2007. he realized that the west was never going to assist, particularly us, was never going to allow russia to prosper. and that the only promises made that they wouldn't expand that economic areas would not expand had been lies. and he said, look, you know, we can't exist in a us led order. and since that time he's been pursuing that. so until the us order changes either internally because of the government or uh by, you know, it's
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a little, you know, force of nature. i mean, we're in the midst of a change where you see the global south, the people who had been the victims of colonialism rising up. there's a real, the greatest fear that the washington has is that countries we'll see that russia, china can, you know, expand that they can do well, and it's not using us system. and that despite in bold and a lot of these developing countries which control the major resources together to together much the way opec did and started setting prices for their materials that allow them to develop, to take care of climate change and to have their own future of them, how to dictate as or pressure from foreign capital such as the united states. right . we have to leave you here now. hey, not time getting
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a senior fellow at the time these big bank duyka institute. thank you so much for your insight. thank you. great, a as what africa has also been closely following the rocks and the election local douglas after you don't got at this cross of the result in how we could influence events on the continent with a panel of experts. if this became vi congratulating the people that i should fully successfully the, to coordinating, i have moved into money and they just did voters in the last year. and 1900000 abroad is quite a phenomenal feet. there is a sense of, of integrity and fairness, and then the extra and the use of technology, i think as time goes a whole lot of countries are going to start, you know, deploying more technology in jamaica elections. easier to count to include a whole lot of people because people wouldn't be able to stand in line to vote that
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able the other mckenna isms to participate in the democratic process. so what do you make of international observers and the importance and being part of the nixon, russia, they will come to more than $56.00 countries as opposite of us into the election. because with the sanctions, that's what this arbitrators functions as i going on, i guess russia, russia needs to have this type of service. no, to say that it was controlled by the states or each was it because she for whatever they'd like to call it is to prove that these were fair elections. these with democratic elections invest. how may i bring it in this them? so me, some reaction from the west also includes them calling these russian presidential elections. he legitimate when you see reactions likes that from the west, legitimizing the presidential elections in russia. what do you make of that? well, of course it is again with the argument with the observance. that's the way i see
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it. the reason why they also don't want of services in russia is because think about this situation where of the service go any say no, the rushing it elections are free and fit. now this damages the whole image that has been created in the western world about what russia is, that russia's this dictatorship and, and then in this situation, that's not reality. so it will be counted to the narrative that they've been trying to paint all these years is not do i have to, i agree with a u. s. and some wisdom countries in that, and the, and then definitely sanctioning those to put up by display that, you know, observing is not that i don't for anybody to stop. so, and i know that those people and i hit and then they did participate in the opposite visions and good for them. and, and then that's in this mode to point out where that, where you're new for the motel that's on a list of just so that needs to be built, cannot be booed to is by one person or one powerful individual. unfortunately,
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in many countries, democracy has been influenced by external, the democratic outcomes. it's been influenced by external forces and that is dissolved in people, losing confidence indicate ability of, of evictions. and none of this is a tool participation. the participation of peoples of the voice of the people is very important, but we must be conscious even if we look at. so that's because the issue is that now, the way the ways decide to manipulate our elections the way that the way society to manipulate out economic policy, the way they typed in manipulate outside and policy, unfortunately was in africa. we have to be cognizant of that kind of influence. and of course, as one do this pointed out they even try to undermine the elections in, in that i should deal with the u. s. was trying to easy jimmy to make those.


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