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tv   News  RT  March 19, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the, the just behind me is the very hall of this fall country at home. it's music festivals, christmas mall kids victory day praise. and today, it was hosting a concept to celebrate the 10th of last 3 of crime is reunification with russia, with sliding met through 10, congratulating the nation on this historic date. crimea is 1st and foremost the people. they carried faith in the fatherland through the decades. they have never separated themselves from russia, and this is what allows crimea to return to common family. prussia as president, has special praise for those who cast their ballots and regions coming under constant attacks. but ukrainian forces push didn't stop even after the voting
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wrapped up. and congratulations on vladimir, put in selection victory, pour in from around the world with india and china among the latest to send their best wishes. it comes in stark contrast to the criticism and condemnation heard from the west. the you are watching archie international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow were covering the top new stories from around the world. that accounting is now done in the russian presidential election and it is vladimir put and who will officially lead the nation for the next 6 years after securing over 87 percent of the vote. my colleagues saskia taylor and the r t team in central moscow take us through all the developments surrounding that on a day. also marking a special anniversary in the countries recent history.
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the very welcome to all the international um 12 beautiful panoramic studio, which is of course just outside the kremlin rules. it's from here that we have been keeping an eye on this 2024 watching presidential election. so what do we know? 3 days of virtual balance accounts counted automated suits and has secured his victory with more than 87 percent of the vote. so he will be up the home of this false country for the next 6 years. people across the russia today also celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the reunification of the black sea peninsula of crime male with russia. and a huge celebratory concept was held on the state. you must couples of red squad
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just behind me was like my boots in himself making a surprise, a parent that i gave there was yeah, yeah, thank you my heart. i agree to and congratulate you on the celebration under unification of crimea instead of us to part with russia. exactly 10 years ago. it's here on red square. on the same stage is i remembered that the claim, you know, is often close to an unthinkable aircraft carrier. this is what led me to do. the idea of seeing that creamier has returned to its native harbour, even though what crimea is not only a strategically important territory. this is not only our history, our traditions, and the pride of russia cry me is the 1st and foremost, the people who are the residents would save us a couple of cry me and they are our pride because they carries faces in the fatherland. who, through the decades, we have never separated themselves from russia. and this is what allowed. what could i mean to return to common beautiful families, thousands of people slopes to the red square to celebrate and they're celebrating,
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here's a hint for you. what exactly is the form of reason? it's not just the elections that took place just yesterday. i bought them a, put a new one. them to buy land. but also if you pay attention uh the, the stage behind me and uh, the right thing on top of it says craig made a russia civic stop hold, because basically it's the 10 year anniversary since craig made a refund on that became part of the russian federation. again, a lot of my food was not alone on the stage when it comes to my profile, gets all the candidates and a he's the political rivals joined him and they didn't have a chance to address the crowd as well as what they had to say. we're ship it all of us. remember how actively vladimir putin has done every thing to support the aspirations of climbing and people and help them to return home. and yeah, russia and crimea is one home language. really. those times we're turbulent,
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but there was no other option, but to return home for the we remember those happy faces in all these 10 years and it was just we remember the sparking eyes and smiles of those who returned home. those who return to the great russia, i will never forget the sense of pride i had for my country and for my president. exactly 10 years ago is this way of congratulations? no, of course it wasn't just a matter of support. then everybody knew how were just celebrating the occasion. so vitamin conky dogs under is the trustees. many of them, roy here, mingling with the crowd as well. we had a chance to to, to some of them the other today. i most definitely celebrate 2 things. it was the 1st is the flawless and undisputed victory of vladimir putin. and the 2nd one, which is especially dear to me as i am a crime in the 10 year anniversary of crimea. and some, i suppose reunion with russia. this has been a most important event for both crime eons and russia as a whole. and the most important thing here is that our people have rejoined our one
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big family and those from crimea feel like a part of it. and you brought up a computer that rushes regions demonstrate great unity. now somewhere vladimir putin. one more of those elsewhere he one less but everywhere he's in 1st place. so society is now consolidated people from all new regions voted like that because they understand now after years of being bombed by their own country, that russia is the only force that can and will protect them. i'm in general, i have to tell you basically getting here was a challenge in itself because most to as being completely blocked entirely by massive crowds of people floating under the sun has already said here in most colt bucks via all the red slides up as bright as they, i have to tell you because well, so many people have decided to show up here one thing, but i noticed didn't take you off the super many don't trouble to make one but
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maybe 25 years old. so i'm very, very proud. and here i just got this crowd, it says, oh, really i'm here. we're seeing those being fired. show. same people dancing kind of thing carrying on the right thing and very, very, very to so a very close to the house of most go it. but on your own, we sat down with all to contribute to tower read, to take through the west, escalating or rhetoric on cry. man, you know, because of the location of where cream crimea is, of course, and some of the other locations of the new regions. and they don't recognize the history. i, me is russian. the people are russian, they speak russian, the culture is russian. they voted 94 to 97 percent of you with russia. and to be,
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you know, under the russian federation, there's just no question. but that's a mandate, you know, it's part of russia. so it's really something and it's really a reach when the western, you know, again, tries to impose their views on, you know, other solver nations like the russian federation and telling them what they're, you know, and one of my concerns is they're going to target crimea. you know, and i had said this last spring and i was worried about the things that i had heard from, you know, the biting administration that insiders there is there was even discussion about trying something with the spring of 2024. so i'm hoping that that information is wrong and i'm hoping it will be forwarded. and i'm hoping that that cooler heads will prevail and late because that is a red line. and vladimir putin president who made it very clear. if that line is cross that could lead to possible global conflict. searching, wrapped up the russian border region of belgrade was, again showed by ukrainian full says 4 people were killed and 4 others wounded in
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monday. on monday, a lawyer and the governor says that as always, it was civilian infrastructure that was targeted with at least 10 residential houses, a damage you can see for yourself on the screens that of to secure. and his convincing victories, adamant did meet with the 3 of the candidates who are in the running alongside him . saw the 3 congratulate said, the president elect. i may express that they will absolutely willing and ready to contribute in any way that they can and to help address any issues that they talked about and raise during that road campaign, unlocked the legs and breasts of his foster country. just to recap, the latest on the results all bought, it's counted. it's not in my opinion, has secured oh, but 87 percent of the vote. communist policy content and apply hard tunnel. he spoke 1st off the page and he took 2nd place around 4.3 percent, but you can see on your screen. so i've got this off at dublin. cough you came in. it's sad, perhaps this pointing, but a new phase, not
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a bad showing for an incredibly young and kid is very vicious pass and someone to watch out for in the future. and then of course, rounding ourselves to full place that was to otp, also eliminate slootsky audio. i was joined in the studio by don cathartic, who himself was an international observer of these elections. and he gave his take on the west and the accusations about the lack of democracy in the vote. it seems like it was a great exercise and in democracy, i mean, 1st of all you had a turn out of something like what a 77 percent. that's extraordinary. to put it in one way. at 3 capitalist candidates, they add a communist candidate that came in 2nd. so in the united states, i don't have a socialist candidate to choose from. i have to capitalist candidates who are basically the same. i can choose from one who's completely senile and the other
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who's basically a carnival barker got a soft oven cough expressed some movements uh, concerns about the on the well and ukraine. but the people who criticize the make it sound as if in their own nations on to will crap true and people can't do that. so just to, to a penny that just, you know, put the club not pop pays months. right. but i mean, you're an american, see, you know, american politics. it is literally about the big box. it's about the lobby as a super packs. the donors, if you put the money you've got a child's to run, can you ever imagine in america a true, someone who speaks against idea fox and somebody says, i think we should bomb syria occupied those oil fields who palm young men with a true on to vote can to that have the opportunity to run for office in america. no, i mean the one candidate. we have a couple of candidates that are running on those types of platforms. one is cornell west, who will not make a dent in the elections and he's getting notes coverage. bobby kennedy is running somewhat on a piece platform. he also is getting no publicity. he also will have
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a hard time even getting on the ballots. in all 50 states, but even he is very unconditionally supportive of the i d f. but amongst the 2 major parties, the 2 parties that have any chance of winning. and the last candidate that really try to counter that are the last president who really tried to book that was named john f. kennedy and he was murdered. and i really think, and i said this last night, i think that the republic died with him. and we really have been run by what president and president eisenhower termed the military industrial complex. there was some criticism of putin's election in the west re election, landslide victory, congratulations. so all still coming in from of the pockets of the world web. that's china, venezuela. nicaragua, was by john batteries just among the many nations, the latest to throw in his little message about my boots and was the indian prime
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minister run for moody one. congratulations to mister vladimir putting on his re election as the president of the russian federation. i look forward to working together to throw those trends in the time tested, special and privileged strategic partnership between india and russia in the years to come a whole lot of country, the congratulated dog johnson airport. then you can just go on and on. really, we just heard from the indian, so i'm going to send a new movie who congratulated all the americans then. so they were a lot of congratulation messages of twitter, but also several phone calls off. we've also seen off off castanan fact uh i'll reach out and, and basically congratulating bother me and put in there also saying that the whole there is a hayley corporation between the 2 countries. one of the 1st in fact us to reach a lot to me was the president when it's been on the few people to see if we've more than 87 percent of the vote pollutant has completely won the war against the
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collective west. it demonstrates the values of the russian people who are leading the way for president vladimir clinton's victory. it also mocks along road of vindication and recognition for new russia, a great russia for a multi polar weld and for a world of balance. so i'll elder brother vladimir putin, his triumphed piece of good arguments for the world. and for the year 2024. a. congratulations from windham, but it suits in russia. i'll try and sing on old battlefront. send your ribbons. no one who is your own of these warm messages from across the world for well developed within a cause this vast. and there's no surprise that which is sort of sort of king right now. and you can really make that out from the kind of reactions that you're getting some calling get evil the election, some calling gets repression. some also calling get, he knew some calling you illegals. i'm calling it's far with the point to means that one of the congratulatory messages that are holding in from across the world
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for the future. so sort of taking all of these messages from the west social states, now the indian to us for as a prime minister that is needing to move the he congratulated the ultimate put, the relationship between india and russia has been very, very strong in the last few years as well with india was under pressure, had had several stress coming from a, from the western countries to distance itself from was just cause a discontinued if, by laughter relationship if partnership essentially with most cool. no, very interesting, but the roof also an election year for india and the movie is seeking a code on the election starts some waiting. april 19th to be addressed and the results would be announced on june a possibly in the few months. so we could see that mister fulton, my, to congratulate on this movie. well,
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the congratulations to boots and coming in from the global south are and somewhat stark contrast to what we're hearing from the west. the outcome was never in doubt . the kremlin controls absolutely everything, including the elections. so what's the point of them? this may have been an election, but it certainly wasn't a contest. it was stage managed and says the election to place in what it called a highly restricted environment. such a reaction from, uh, western officials and even in western media didn't really comes as a surprise, especially after pumping so many billions, so severe taxpayers, money into ukraine and into the turing versus efforts and ukraine. i mean, it would have been strange if they started celebrating, putting this real action. just if you look at some of the headlines and what they say, calling this election a sham, a fraud, you know, fake illegitimate and so on. you kind of get the ad should really quickly of the
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vibe around the selection. if we look at some of the official comments, i'd say they wouldn't really different much from this general tangle of media coverage. this was an incredibly on democratic process. and certainly him being president of russia, it does not excuse him, of is of his talk or see, there's also been a reaction from brands. so for instance, the french foreign ministry. you said that russia failed to create the necessary conditions for a fair and free election. the head of the european union's diplomacy is rosa barrel . he said that you action lacked fairness and openness, and he said that it quote unquote, it was backed by repression and intimidation. which is kind of interesting because just a few days prior to the start of the boat, the european, the parliament officially said that they were not going to look after the selection not get there. we're not gonna pay much attention to it. but i think mr. bottles us the remarks they just prove that it is simply impossible. i mean,
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if we're talking about some random tiny, exotic state somewhere in the, i don't know, pacific oceans and sure you could probably ignore a presidential election there. but we're talking about the biggest country in the world with a nuclear arsenal. it's simply impossible to ignore the election of the next. the president, the french president crohn his extra we made some comments. now he says that he can congratulate food in on his victory because of the recent debt to offer us as a opposition activist, so that i'll exceed the bombing. but i think the more the most um, i'd say what you should comment and i would range these comments actually from a plane from disapproval to condemnation and then just plain to it. so it's a really strange comment that came out of last year. the president of the country says that russian just simply should not exist. i mean,
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how do you actually evaluate that? and imagine if, say vladimir potent made a similar con comment regarding last year, i don't think the reaction would be as bold. but of course there was also a comment from vladimir zalinski, the president of ukraine, who's called this election illegitimate. but he actually has raised criticism from one of the french politicians, the head of the patriots party. who said that savanski, when he doesn't have a saying this, because he actually cancelled the presidential election in his own country just which was supposed to take place with march. the height of the impedance zalinski this morning he allowed himself to criticize the russian presidential election. while he himself had cancelled the ukrainian presidential election, which was scheduled for march 2024 after having already cancelled the parliamentary election in his country last october. just to wrap up sort of the international reaction. i think that the, the, the fact that there's, there's, there's
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a different reaction over there. also support rusher and congratulate inputs put in right now. and those who are basically condemning this election. it just shows that there's a, it shows the by polarity of the world, which is actually something that put him and he's allies are trying to build and it's sort of shows that it already exists, which definitely intimidates a people empowering the west throughout the day. at all to you, we have been speaking exclusively to those who've been keeping a close eye on the russian presidential election. we've talked to ex spots to assess, of course, the process itself, but also to discuss the result as well. of course, as the world's response to it all this to get perspective on how this non mock event could influence both global and regional politics. if the 1st became very complex, relating the people that i should for a successfully diction, coordinating, and losing 2000000,
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they just did voters in the last year. and 1900000 abroad is quite a phenomenal feet. there is a sense of, of integrity and fairness, and then the extra and the use of technology, i think as time goes a whole lot of countries are going to start the, you know, deploying more technology in jamaica elections. easier to account to include a whole lot of people because people wouldn't be able to stand in line to vote that able the other mckenna isms to participate in the democratic process. what do you make of international observers and the importance and been part of nixon's, russia, they will come to more than $56.00 countries as opposite of us into the election. because with the sanctions, that's what these of each other functions as i've going on against russia. russia needs to have this type of service, not to say that it was controlled by the states, or it was at the time sheet for whatever they'd like to call it is to prove that
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these way fair elections, these with democratic elections invest, let me bring you in the system, so me some reaction from the west also includes them calling these russian presidential elections. he legitimate when you see reactions likes that from the west, legitimizing the presidential elections in russia. what do you make of that? well, of course it is again with the argument with the observers is the way i see it. the reason why they also don't want of services in russia is because think about this situation, where observers go any, say no, the russian at elections were free and fit. now this damages the whole image that has been created into western world about what russia is, that russia's this dictatorship and, and then in this situation, that's not reality. so it will be counted to the narrative that they've been trying to paint all these years is not, do i have to, i agree with the u. s. and some wisdom countries in that and,
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and then definitely sanctioning those people have participated in observing is not that i don't for anybody to stop. so, and i know that those people and i hit and then they did participate in the of the visions and good for them and, and then left in this model to point out where that, where you're new for the motel that's on a list of just so that list will be billed, can not be due to is by one peasant, one powerful individual. unfortunately, in many countries, democracy has been influenced by external, the democratic outcomes. it's been influenced by external forces and that is dissolved in people losing confidence in the credibility of, of evictions. and none of this is a tool participation. the participation of peoples of the voice of the people is very important. but we must be conscious of even if we look at. so that's because because i know the way the ways to say to manipulate all relations,
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what are the ways to side to manipulate out economic policy the way they tend to manipulate outside and policy unfortunately was in africa. we have to be cognizant of that kind of influence. and of course, as one do this pointed out the even side to undermine the elections in, in that i should deal with the u. s. was trying to use it to me to make those elections. this is because that's, it's the steps the another 2 steps, the editorial. so i would say that's in a 1st test one. welcome to have pets of disturbances. but thoughts i would like to emphasize on is that as we're building towards, to do more crosses, we must gets into attendance as well, of building our own systems that fits look, i like deals and local conditions. it must be lucian allies of stuff that we've been so also kind of sort of,
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she is going to come from africa itself. now that prisons allowed them to put in is going for another 10. what do you make all the few to a confirmation between russia and pets, africa not to south africa agenda that the continuing on breaks it. do have an agenda that is going to be continuing price. you africa. so i mean, that has been added to the century and, and all of those programs and businesses that have been taken would be implemented because as much small cooperation between africa and i should have done before. and, and what we actually already put them is as proff. let's see the arch to also be all type. and then so that right able then to bring that one to 5 also begin to do colonize also from the way things that i mean. and then begin to move in the way that would make our interest as africa for faded. we are looking forward to the country nation with regards to developing a multi levels of, of
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a multi polled multiple levels. and then also the continued efforts to transform multi latch organizations is very important for us, the to stay with our t international f. next, the documentary quotes to see a is secret weapon. looks at how ukraine became a center for neo nazi colson, who is responsible. the, the russian states never is as tight as i'm sending the most sense community best
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most i'll send, send up the same assistance, must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russia to day and split the ortiz vote net, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the services. for what question did you say to stephen twist, which is the,
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after the end of world war to break, written decided to make up for his losses with the merciless exploitation of its colonies. the plundering of the occupied territories, had malaya, devastated as a result of the decades loan fighting extremely hard, changing, grew ended. 1948. the colonial administration was forced to declare a state of emergency in response patriots. united because of the malay in people's liberation army and began a guerrilla war, london decided to suppress resistance, georgia and mass d port agents executions of civilian n, sprain of chemicals, scale being, and cutting off ads. these were the barbaric methods, the british used trying to keep my la within their empires to the massacre in the village of baton gully committed by this gods guards against b on arm expenses. because that particular stirred,
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the entire male population became victims. trying to suppress the gorilla movement, the occupiers relocated 500000 people to concentration camps. for roses, rule the boards fruits, the patriots were scattered. however, the british experienced the strength of the malay resistance to the full extent, the british army losses in low le, where the largest since the end of world war 2. in 1957, the british empire was forced to recognize malay in independence. the resilience of them a late people put an end to the history of british colonialism in south east asia. the the,
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him so hold on just a minute and then it's getting close to the hey, of noise is shipped to the line. so i should issue a man unless you have lost a 2nd man. let's say skim projects. yeah. can we do it for less while and then probably in you look at, as prosecutors have come to the house, a self proclaimed pasta getting out a month and income. he's been training all for this to serve in the ukrainian army for years. so he did it with that yellow so that they such as lots of good on how to start out today, right on the jacob daughter, the 100 and she was just come to me.


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