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tv   News  RT  March 19, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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a more complex, multifaceted bit, let's stop without please, is that scope out of the bottom of it and wins and a land slide as over 87 percent of voters in the russian presidential election back him leading the nation for 6 more years. the russian president says he shares a port national page. this is political contenders with us as a we have different approaches to achieving our national goals, but we have one motherland. congratulations for and from around the world for blood ever and put in selection victoria with india and china among the latest to send the best wishes. it comes in stark contrast to the criticism and condemnation loved by the west. the us rambles to restore relations with new share dispatching
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a delegation to the west african nation after it revokes the military impact with washington selling american forces that their presence is now illegal. and while the head of the united nation says northern, gaza is on the verge of starvation, is really defense forces. once again, storm that i'll shoot for hospital in the area, the are watching our to international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. our top story this our vladimir put in is re elected for a 5th term winning over 87 percent of the vote. as russians overwhelmingly back him to lead the nation for 6 more years. the day of his victory coincided with the 10th anniversary of the reunification of crimea with russia and president foot and attended a celebration on red square to mark the occasion that i gave the dear friends from all my heart. i agree to all and congratulate you on this celebration on the
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reunification of crimea, and sylvester pulled with russia exactly 10 years ago here on red square. on the same stage. i remember the crimea is often cold and unsinkable aircraft carrier. this is what led me to the idea of saying that premier has returned to its native harbour, but crimea is not only a strategically important territory. this is not only our history, our traditions and the pride of russia. premier is 1st and foremost the people, the residents of sylvester, full commands. they are our pride. they carried faith in the fatherland through the decades. they have never separated themselves from russia. and this is what allowed crimea to return to our common families. thousands of people sloped to the red square to celebrate under a celebrating he's a hand for you. what exactly is the form of reason? it's not just re election is that took place just yesterday. i bought them a boat and want them to buy a land slide, but also if you pay attention uh the,
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the stage behind me and the right thing on top of it says craig made a rush or service stop hold, because basically it's the 10 year anniversary since right me i returned, responded, became part of the russian federation. again, lot of my food was not alone on the stage when it comes to my profile gets all the candidates and his political rivals joined him and they didn't have a chance to address the crowd as well. so yeah, i have just met with my colleagues who travel their own path in the presidential campaign. they are all here. i have invited them much to their surprise to join you here for the celebration. we have different approaches to achieving our national goals, but we have one motherland, and they are here. we have separate all of us. remember how actively vladimir putin has done everything to support the aspirations of crime in people and help them to return home. yeah, right. to and crimea is one homeland wheeler. those times were turbulent,
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but there was no other option, but to return home or the we remembered those happy faces in all these 10 years. and ever since we remember the sparkling eyes and smiles of those who returned home . those who return to the great russia, i will never forget the sense of pride i had for my country and for my president, exactly 10 years ago is this way of congratulations? no, of course it was the just lot of supports and everybody who were just celebrating various occasions. oh so vitamin poses the confidant under is the trustees. many of them were here mingling with the crowd as well. we had a chance to talk to some of them the other today. i most definitely celebrate 2 things. it was the 1st is the flawless and undisputed victory of vladimir putin. in the 2nd one of which is especially dear to me as i am a crime in the 10 year anniversary of crimea. and some, i suppose, reunion with russia. this has been a most important event for both crime eons and russia as a whole. and the most important thing here is that our people have rejoined our one
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big family. and those from crimea feel like a part of it. rushes regions demonstrate great unity. now somewhere vladimir putin, one more of those else where he one less. but every where he's in 1st place. so society is now consolidated people from all new regions voted like that because they understand now after years of being bombed by their own country, that russia is the only force that can and will protect them. and in general, i have to tell you basically getting here was a challenge in itself because central most go as being completely blocked, entirely by massive crowds of people working under the sun has already said you're in most co, but via all the red sprites as bright as the day i have to tell you, because the well, so many people have decided to show me one thing, but i noticed since it saves you many, don't face the trouble to make one. but i want to move in maybe 25 years old. so
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i'm very, very young crowd. is the president the generation and here i just got this crowded stuff it. oh really i'm here. we're saying those being fired so people don't think you find the live thing carrying on the thing and very, very, very used to so a very 1st the most go congratulations on flooding or putting his re election. and his landslide victory have ford in from around the world. one of the latest came from india's prime minister and the render moody who expressed hope for forging ties between moscow and new delhi one. congratulations to mr. vladimir putting on his re election as the president of the russian federation. i look forward to working together to throw this trenton that time tested,
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special and privilege to strategic partnership between india and russia in the years to come a whole lot of the country. they've congratulated dog johnson airport, then you can just go on and on. really, we just heard from the indian communist in the region would be who congratulated. got them f within. so they were a lot of congratulation messages or twitter, but also several phone calls. we've also seen, i'll talk a start in fact uh i'll reach out and, and basically congratulating bother me within there also seem to be hold the desk. haley corporation between the 2 countries. the force in fact uh to wish a lot to me it was the president tools when it's been a few people to see him with more than 87 percent of the vote puts in, has completely won the war against the collective west. really demonstrates the values of the russian people who are leading the way for president vladimir pollutants victory. it also mocks along road of vindication and recognition for new
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russia, a great russia for a multi polar weld and for a world of balance. so elder brother vladimir putin has triumphed. these a good arguments for the world. and for the year 2024. congratulations from windham clinton and russia are triumphing on old battlefront. no one was your, all of these warm messages from across the world for well developed within us causes vest and there's no surprise that which is sort of starting right now. and you can really make that out from the kind of reaction that you're getting awesome . calling it e will the election, some calling it's repression. a some also calling get he knew, sung calling it illegal. sound. calling it far with the pointer means that one of the congratulatory more messages that all hoarding in from across the world for about the americans and sort of a would see all of these messages from the west social states. now the indian to us as prime minister that is a new movie,
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he congratulated uh nothing may put that under the, the relationship between india and russia has been very, very strong in the last few years as well. with india was under pressure, had had several stretch coming from a, from the west and con fees to distance itself from law school. because it just continued if bilateral relationship it's partnership with friendship, with most school. now very interesting with the roof also in election year for india. and the movie is seeking a code on the elections thoughts some waiting. april 19th of april and the result would be announced on june, possibly in the few months. so we could see that mister fulton might to congratulate on this movie. and well, a lot of our booting has been congratulated by much of the world, the west to remain steady with its rhetoric and spin only dissing out words that condemn the election process. or they are, i spoke with
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r t is donald the quarter for more on the story. well, the funny thing about the reactions we've seen from western liter so far is that they've been just as predictable as those same. leaders have claimed the results of russia's presidential elections were, but before the results even came out, we already saw the president of the european council on twitter saying that the elections were entirely demo on democratic. and then of course, once the results did come out, we saw the same predictable rhetoric from officials across the western world. this was an incredibly un democratic process. and certainly him being president of russia. it does not excuse him, of is of his talk or see the violin was slammed. the rest of the elections in russia were in the election without the choice the election. a this is now totally shows pollutants necessary, his actions against his own people and also against the united nations chops up on our shows. presidential election was clearly neither free nor fair. the reality is that present poking is the prisoner of russia. we've had to deal with that reality
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and we will continue to deal with that reality. but that reality doesn't deny the fact that this selection was not something that met any kind of benchmark a being for your fair. despite these politicians having to come to terms with the fact that they're gonna have to be working with put in for the next 6 years, at least there's been no shortage of childlike reactions, like emmanuel macro and then all i've called saying that they're just not going to congratulate the russian president on his recent election victory. that's not to mention the reaction we've seen from the main stream media, which is essentially followed in lock step with what we've seen from these western leaders. article headlines saying that the elections are, were stage managed riggs without any serious opposition and we'd seen basically the same message sent out on the television as well. the outcome was never in doubt. this may have been an election, but it certainly wasn't a contest. it was stage, manage the crime and controls absolutely everything including the elections. so
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what's the point of them? i run a clear enough. moscow says it's the west that actually was trying to rig russel's election, spending over $20000000000.00 to achieve that goal. on the other hand, we also got a reaction from flooding. there's a lensky who, despite actually having band elections or postpone them indefinitely in his own country, has said that vladimir putin now was sick with power in russia. so with this level of capacity in the west, i mean, it's safe to say that it's a good thing that it's not these people, but the russian people that are calling the shots in this country on the west african nation of needs. they're also joins the line of countries across the global south congratulating president, putting on his re election in his congratulatory message. the country's new president noted naomi's desire to continue cooperating with moscow as it defends its sovereignty. the share which is waging a historic struggle for the recall in quest of its software incentives development knows how to count on your personal commitment and cooperation with the russian
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federation to succeed and it's petri or take fight. well, this comes as the pentagon is struggling to restore relations with new share, concerned about his potential ties with russia and a rod, as well as picking up the pieces left after new share tore up a military agreement with washington to quote, seeking clarification in american delegation was sent across the atlantic ocean last week to find out why our t correspondent and all over you can get, has a store, has the story. i'm like, america's tactics haven't worked as planned. it is a has been seen as one of the laws, nations, and the rest, the region that wasted nations could partner with the 2 beats back rowing. do you, how do you use agencies so much? so that's the top us info we molly fee return to the capital of news, the last $3.00 to meet with senior government officials. but that visits expose to the world. so the features of us diplomacy in africa. first, the u. s. does not respect the independence and sovereignty of african countries
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for a lot for lot event that i didn't go through in full part of the arrival of the american delegation, did not respect diplomatic practices. in fact, was, it was unilateral. why note verbale that the american government informed the new jerry and government of the date of arrival on the composition of its delegation as well as the new jersey and authorities to be met without any clarification as to the purpose of its visit. it is therefore, out of courtesy on following our age old tradition of welcome and hospitality that the government received the american delegation america. secondly, for a long time, the united states has done everything possible to go with the countries today. who was of diplomacy is a standard instrument and the u. s. foreign policy toolbox. countries around the world have suffered developing countries bearing the brunt of people, even in this case, music is denied the opportunity in space to choose its own partners and finds
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itself as a battle ground for washington and paris on this new jerry and government regrets. the desire of the american government to deny the silver in new jerry and people the right to choose that partners and the types of partnership capable of helping them to truly fight against terrorism. 30 american military spies across the african continent. because now intelligence from the u. s, and other wisdom countries indicates that as a result of the agreement, iran could gain access to part of these is uranium reserves. united states revealed to have today 1010 you see a day is making in the agreements with russia and iran and had made on face to the nations on miami river might be the new gerry and government rejects the false allegations of the head of the american delegation to maintain that it has signed a secret agreement on uranium with the islamic republic of a wrong. this cynical approach usually used to discredit, to demonize and justify threats against states,
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doesn't pos without recalling the example of the 2nd. the rock will indeed need jerry and people and the entire international community. still remember the falls. they be dense. brenda said by the american secretary of state, before the security council to justify the american aggression against the rock, africa is terra incognita for the u. s. h. a continent to kids, little and understands even less about in fact the visit to off the us to vacation to me is it was only the tip of the iceberg relations between the us and is it shows that you as part of seen advocates, is totally ineffective. and tired, for example, during the crew in these it's the by the administrator shouldn't have condemned the fees all hallway needs. it threatened the withdrawal of all who is age if the constitutional order is not restored, pulled some assistance, and demanded an immediate release of presume, o economic and security partnership with nature, which is significant. hundreds of millions of dollars depends on the continuation
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of the democratic governments and constitutional order that has been disrupted. let me be very, very clear. that support is in clear jeopardy, the quite some and the view on how they want to proceed. and it does not compose with the constitution of news. yeah. so again, we were very frank about what's at stake. we kept open the door to continue talking, but again, it was difficult today, and i will be straight up about that. however, after the june to took a hard line, the case for my colonial power from forcing the wood to the french troops in place for nearly a decade. but you is issued statement saying that washington would not would food soldiers for music, contenting itself, retreat, positioning some of its forces in the country as if it was not threatening sanctions. not so long ago. we want to be good partners with new share, again and the national council for the safeguards of the homeland. most pulse would be a good partner to the united states in our discussions, i come from the intent of the united states tourism security and development
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corporation and phases. it's typically as a cnsp take sections. 6 us stalling to ms. j as in contrast res responses to add the recent international crises and on take over that include the nearby so done would fight to erupt. it between 2 rival generals in april. then american diplomats and security forces among the 1st foreign is to shut down the operations and sit down and fly out. this shows just how the u. s. as he got to maintain its military base in, in the z, the presence of which the, by the way, also correct arises american diplomacy in africa. and she is home in 2017, several american soldiers with children, children classes with military, some send it to were saying they did not even know that you is such as to me. she has questions, the flu, fall to the rate of the kill for you is services. i didn't know there was a 1000 troops and niger they're going to brief us next week as to why why they were
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there and what they were doing. and we don't know exactly where we're at in the world militarily and what we're doing. so john mccain is going to try to create a new system to make sure that we can answer the question while we're there. we'll know how many soldiers are there, and if somebody gets killed there that we won't find out about it in the paper. now ask yourself, what's really list full the you is to do. mumble. we are aware of the statement from the national council for the safe guard of the homeland and usually air which follow spring discussions at senior levels. in the i made this week about our concerns with the cnsp is trajectory. we are in touch with the cnsp and we'll provide further updates as warrant that we heard from an international relations expert who says us expectations that needs jericho reverse this decision to ask military cooperation with america are just empty hopes as it goes on. i do not think it is possible for the cna's speech to reverse the decision to denounce the
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cooperation agreement which links new share with the american authorities. the colonies in between the united states of america and france is obvious. it's true that the united states can seriously and intelligently try to preserve their interests by playing a bit of diplomacy, so as not to give the cns speech the opportunity to chase away the american military. the united states was behind all the decisions that were taken. africans understood that, well, this is why people to they treat the united states as well as friends and others in the same way. the insult them, they burned the flag, gets effect. it's obvious, and it demonstrates the deterioration, the degradation of relations between african peoples. and i was going to say western leaders because deep down people understand the consequences between the 3 countries. first between these year and the united states is the suspension of military corporation. just as this was the case for funds, it is extremely important. the disagreement which has been denounced is an illegal
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agreement. it did not follow any normal procedure. the national assembly was not consulted at the time. people ended on the jerry in soil as if they were in constant territory. need to go on. so now where is really military forces have stormed the else chief. a hospital with tanks and the ground troops in the north of the enclave. the idea of claims to 20 palestinians they killed in the raid were terrace. it adds that 200 people have been detained. however, according to multiple local reports, emerging from the incidents, many of them are doctors and journalists. the idea of spokesperson says the operation was carried out based on concrete intelligence. the adf is conducting a high precision operation in limited areas. a few for hospital following concrete intelligence that demanded immediate action. we seek no harm to the civilians, the commodities hiding behind, which is why we will conduct this operation with caution and care. while ensuring
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that the hospital continues its important functions. idea forces continue to operate in the area of the hospital. we have more buildings to search and there are more terrorists in the area that we know about the st bombing option. we will be more than the idea for at least a video of its military operation that causes l. c. for hospital footage also record at the destination of an improvised explosive device and the gunfire in the area surrounding the hospital. all the ideas spokesperson speaks about care for patients and civilians. we've heard from a local journalist to manage to escape from medical complex during the raid to hear about what he calls a dire situation. the name was a man i'll shoot for medical complex in gaza is under a complete siege from all directions. the salmon trees are the obviously, if a medical complex wearable dose, all costs will destroy the courtyards of the i'll shoot for medical complex where
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bulldozed and the special this building was targeted with several shelves. while they're cop to drones. and snipers are frightened and blew wide spread. of course, they also have a medical complex has no electricity or water. the solid power, the shift of medical accomplish, relied on, has been destroyed. the situation is catastrophic, in every sense of the word for not the the targeting continues around us if a medical complex and of course how this are being targeted. because there is no food stores documentarians time and has not worse than that. obviously, if there are patients who need ventilators and the ventilator, as had been turned on, that well, this footage report of the smoke rising from the destruction in northern. does that mean it is rails and military activities in the palestinian enclave. from southern guns, a local journalist, criminal satari says he is really army is waging a war on hospitals. according to the idea to say, they said they have started that big population in our ship. our area looks like,
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according to the information that they're coming from, the feed that they have not only started because actually of all she's investigated, either targeted a square or around one to the around to see if i area we have to get into parts about form budman and different areas that i see are god bless you. battles dinner inside the ship, it was b as in the army has been fighting on it. and for the sake of just polishing the find, the simian machine, i ship i, i the contents of it the on 5 years publishing all the content submitted over the progress is not the only issue for the but they also targeted. so how the left side of the data since i've already asked if i just come out on one and doesn't know it's a fact because nasir hospice, i'm in san antonio and it looks like i personally called back for the low cost because no international pressure has by far from them from doing anything they wanted to do. know, as i mentioned before, so has made them refund to the position when they were starving. the people who does us know international deficient has for them from continuous beep,
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sound corporation, and no military, no international performance of them from affecting our cfo. any other place. palestinians in northern godsa are suffering not only from israelite attacks, but also from hunger. the un secretary general noted that the starvation crisis is a man made disaster of the world's leading experts on. so the security de clearly document that's famine in the northern parts of casa, is eminence, palestinians. you guys are including fortifying levels of hunger and suffering. these as an entirely manmade, these us to the bottom makes clear that you can be halted. we must stick now to prevent the n sync up by the end acceptable. and the end justifiable. meanwhile, along 2 lines,
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up to receive portions of flower that had arrived, ad and, and the warehouse people suffering were filled with optimism that the situation would improve. we heard from some of them, it's much better here because at least there is no shooting. no one is getting injured or killed, it's easier getting flower here. if things continue like this, things will get better and everyone will get to wait. even if it's just 5 kilos. a flower. this will feed my family of 16 people. this is much better than before. we tried to go to other places like the check point to get paid and came back with nothing. i think god is a god here. no one got hurt. thank god. we used to literally die when trying to get flower. now, god has blessed us by bringing the aid here. we survived death. more than 5 months of war has changed the daily lives of guys, especially children. some young palestinians have turned to st,
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bending and rough in an effort to make ends need for their families. to you, by the way, i come to help my father bringing money, especially since there are no salaries at the moment. so i provide income and other necessities for the household. i come early in the morning to sell my goods and return home around sunset on my way back. i buy things like cucumbers and tomatoes, which i give to my mother to prepare meals for us. and i'm 13 years old and i sell scarves to improve our financial situation in the war as we have been displaced from con eunice. i'm in a muscle, we set up this small stall to have some fun in earn a living for myself and the children. as you can see, we are suffering. there is no aid coming to us. it's all lies. 8 is only given to certain people. we don't see any of it, so we are trying to earn 20 shekels, so that we and these children can live. it will also bring them some joy and help them forget about the war and their fears. and the german foreign minister has
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continued her call for increased military and financial support to keep saying otherwise, the war could spill over. however, officials in berlin have once again voted down a proposal to send tourist muscles to ukraine. and this follows opposition party leaders uniting on the issue of berlin's involvement in the ukrainian complex saying the long range missile deliveries put germans at risk a little bit in depth tops done when the pope speaks out against this madness saying the key of should negotiate rather than drive the country to suicide, even a school they prove control. whoever is following this debate can only aust themselves one question. have you really own law still minds the whole world outside the german political bubble nose, the ukraine is not in a position to win this war. the ukraine has not been winning for a long time, but only dying brutally unluckily every day and that the delivery of tourist missiles will not change the situation in any way. the only thing they will change
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is that gemini will definitely become apology to this war. in the eyes of russia, the question of security is what your playing with se, frivolously and the worst case, even with the lives of millions of people in germany, to come to your senses before it's too late. last week, so a lot of shots, once again ruled out sending the long range towards missiles to ukraine. their potential delivery has been the subject of heated debates in recent months in berlin. some german m. p. 's as well as officials from the cabin pressuring berlin to approve the plan with the german chancellor. it's so far resisting. earlier this month, russia released intercepted audio that exposed the german defense officials funding which targets and rushed at the striking ways to cover up in germany's involvement and also. so i came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets, the bridge in the east and the ammunition depos above the bridge and the east is
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hard to reach. it's a rather small target, but the tourist can do it. the ammunition depots can also be hit we need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. might. i'm exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and we'll drive by call from poland, so that no one notices that's already participation and we won't do that. on monday, do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own? after all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. earlier we spoke with a german politician and a member of the alternative for germany parties to find quite or he noted it's not in the german national interest to escalate with russia and the people don't want to be a part of the ukrainian conflict. we are playing with a life all for a part of the country, the existence of the country. well russia has nuclear weapons.


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