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tv   News  RT  March 19, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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the the as late we have different approaches to achieving own national goals, but we have one motherland. lot of the piercing said he should have a cool national face with, with his political contend. this was off the he wins in the slide cuz i have 87 percent of low testing. the russian presidential election by kid leading the nation to 6 more yet been watch relations go in from around the well. supply demand pertains election victory with india and china. i'm, i'm the link to, to send best wishes it comes, install, contrast to the criticism and condemnation will be fine. 0 scrambles to restore relations with news uh, dispatching a delegation to the west african nation off the it was
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a military past with washington telling the american forces that that presence is now in the go as well. that has all the united nation saves northern gauze that is on the verge of starvation is way the defense force is once again school, the al. she's the hospital in the area, the a very well welcome to you, assistant 2 pm here in moscow. and this is all to international, but the next as well news update is good to have you with us as always. now, top story this hour, vladimir putin is re elected for a 5th to another land slide when, with over 87 percent of the votes, as russians overwhelmingly back him to leave the nation for 6 more years. the day off, his victory coincided with the 10th anniversary of the re certification of crimea with russia and president pete to attend to the celebration on red squad. that must
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be occasion that i gave those. yeah. dear friends, from all my heart, i agree to all and congratulate you on the celebration. under unification of crimea and semester pulled with russia. exactly 10 years ago here on red square. on the same stage, i remember the crimea is often cold and unsinkable aircraft carrier. this is what led me to the idea of saying that premier has returned to its native harbour, but crimea is not only a strategically important territory. this is not only our history, our traditions and the pride of russia. premier is 1st and foremost the people, the residents of sylvester, full commands. they are our pride. they carried faith in the fatherland through the decades. they have never separated themselves from russia. and this is what allowed crimea to return to our common families. thousands of people flocked to the red square to celebrate under a celebrating. here's a hint for you. what exactly is the form of reason? it's not just the elections that took place just yesterday. i bought them
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a put in the want them to buy a land slide, but also if you pay attention on the stage behind me and the right thing on top of it says craig, mia, russia civic, stop old. because basically, it's the 10 year anniversary since craig made a resigned and then became part of the russian federation. again, a lot of my food was not alone on the stage when it comes to high profile, gets out of account. it's under his political rivals, joined him and they didn't have a chance to address the crowd as well. so yeah, i have just met with my colleagues who travel their own path in the presidential campaign. they are all here. i have invited them much to their surprise to join you here for the celebration. we have different approaches to achieving our national goals, but we have one motherland, and they are here. yeah, with separate us, all of us, remember how actively vladimir putin has done everything to support the aspirations of crime in people and help them to return home. russia and crimea is one homeland
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where those times were turbulent, but there was no other option, but to return home. as we remember those happy faces in all these 10 years. we remember the sparking eyes and smiles of those who returned home. those who return to the great russia, i will never forget the sense of pride i had for my country and for my president, exactly 10 years ago. congratulations. now of course it was me just a lot of supporters and everybody who were just celebrating, they say occasion also provide them approaches the company dons under is the trustees. many of them were here mingling with the crowd as well. we had a chance to talk to some of them the other today. i most definitely celebrate 2 things that was the 1st is the flawless and undisputed victory of vladimir putin was in. the 2nd one of which is especially dear to me is i'm a crime in is a 10 year anniversary of crimea. and so i suppose reunion with russia. this has
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been a most important event for both cry, millions and russia as a whole. and the most important thing here is that our people have rejoined our one big family and those from crimea feel like a part of it. and you brought up a computer that rushes regions demonstrate great unity. now somewhere vladimir putin. one more of those scales where he won less, but everywhere he's in 1st place. so society is now consolidated people from all new regions voted like that because they understand now after years of being bombed by their own country, that russia is the only force that can and will protect them. i'm in general, i have to tell you basically getting here was the a challenge in itself because the central most go as being completely blocked entirely by massive crowds of people working on the sun has already said you're in most co bucks via all the red sprites has right, as they have to tell you, because well,
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so many people have decided to show up here one thing, but i noticed in the super many don't say trouble to make one, but i want to move in maybe 25 years old. so a very, very young crowd, a lot of, uh, what's the max plus the president, the generation here are just looking at this crowd itself. it, oh, really? i'm here. we're seeing those being fired. so people don't think you've been just kind of thinking on the right thing and very, very, very choose to. so a very 1st the most cold. well congratulations on. it's not the way it pretends re election on his landslide victory of pulled in from across the wells when it places came from india is prime minister in arrange a moody who expressed hope for forwarding ties between moscow. ands knew that a one congratulations to mr. vladimir putin on his re election as the president of
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the russian federation. i look forward to working together to throw those trends in that time tested special and privilege to strategic partnership between india and russia in the years to come a whole lot of country, the congratulated dog dot the met. but then you can just go on and on really, we just heard from the indian communist in the region would be who congratulated automatically within. so there was a lot of congratulation messages on twitter, but also several phone calls people to seen. i'll talk to scott in fact uh i'll reach out and, and basically congratulating bother me within. they're also saying that the whole, the does a hayley cooperation between the 2 countries on the forks. in fact, out of to wish a lot to me i did was the president of when it's been a long term future policy and we've moved in 87 percent of the vote pollutant has completely won the war against the collective west. it demonstrates the values of the russian people who are leading the way for president vladimir putin. this
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victory. it also marks a long road of vindication and recognition for a new russia, a great russia for a multi poto weld and for a world of balance are. so elder brother vladimir putin has triumphed these of good arguments for the world. and for the year 2024. congratulations from windham clinton and russia are triumphing on old battlefront. no wonder your all of these warm messages from across the world for well developed within us causes vest and there's no surprise that which is sort of starting right now. and you can really make that out from the kind of reactions that you're getting awesome. calling it e will the election, some calling it's repression. a some also calling get. he knew some calling you illegal. so i'm calling it's far with the pointer means that wonderful. congratulatory more messages at that. all hoarding in from across the world for about the message and sort of over teaching all of these messages from the west
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soto states. now the indian to us as prime minister that is under the new movie, he congratulated the ultimate put the relationship between india and russia has been very, very strong in the last few years as well. with india was under pressure, had had several strips coming from a, from the western countries to distance itself from what's good because in the continued if bilateral relationship it's costing to ship his friendship with most school. now very interesting with a real force or an election year for india and the movie is seeking a code on the election starts some waiting, april 19th of interest, and the result would be announced on june, possibly in the few months. so we could see that mister fulton my, to congratulate the smoothie as well as my patient has been. congratulations, by much of the wealth, the west with main study, with its rhetoric and spin,
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on addition networks that condemn the election process early. my colleague, rachel, will spoke with unless he's donald closer for more on the story. well, the funny thing about the reactions we've seen from western liter so far is that they've been just as predictable as those same. leaders have claimed the results of russia's presidential elections for it, but before the results even came out, we already saw the president of the european council on twitter saying that the elections were entirely demo on democratic. and then of course, once the results did come out, we saw the same predictable rhetoric from officials across the western world. this was an incredibly on democratic process. and certainly him being president of russia. it does not excuse him, of is of his autocracy. the violin was slammed, the rest of the elections in russia were in the election without the choice. the election process not only shows pollutants necessary, his actions against his own people. and it's also against the or we entered the
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story to bring you breaking news because the president vladimir putin is i'll give you an address at a conference with the russians federal security service. so let's listening case has been government, not just the federal assembly, but in 2023 officers of the federal security services that i acted on the phone to greet you. what was the now system? speaking of this highly, in all of the areas of the where it was over the money or russian football news that makes it doesn't get focused on the, on the internet. so now you mentioned this is the cost of associated with the, particularly for me, for this special military operation. you do run, protects the sofa and 2 countries for to them. so attentive, fearing in the domestic affairs of frustrating so being that the listening presidential election took away, the defended ridiculous guy needs the, the security of the voters of putting a detailed order shaved by them. you goals in enter turner's actual activities and
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fighting extremism. the i see somebody's and i would like to thank the security, the office as the federal see the service of for the heroism of for a future. the hard working you have to spend this boss is very difficult period. i thought on nation to show the solicitation special word of things to those extra were cities compares recently and additional working can we that the song bass and a new regions of russia mean business working and intelligence counter intelligence such that we need it for who will always, but remember on union the officers by jim, you see me get on the federal security service or to just click that or shed. and the line of words draining. see if they should think of. i'd like some of the easiest and most definitely getting sick that would, i'd like to sit and think of the defenders of the fatherland to reset it. then it
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will be an example for future generations on for and we'll see if there's a service offices comfortable suite for the challenges that we face able to get into before. don't develop an inspection require system and work on various lines in the economy and culture and the social sphere this. yep. she's in the institute and defending our and to there's nobody's showing. yeah. above mentioned that it's a social institution as you get this to them. but let's go to the situation. good. have you ever, sir? do you have the primary goal for us is defending of our sovereignty from both foreign and domestic threats. because that is why the people of russia waiting from the federal security service of russia, that's from all of our intelligence services, a high concentration and all the decorations. because it'll certainly have to be attention to the missions that have to do with the defense. and the offensive and
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defensive operation. and of course uh our priority right now is introduce the special admitted trip the ration. there's a lot of working along these lines, including this intelligence counter intelligence of an effective successful operations and on the front line and over the frontline. but i was supposed to get what you know, what i'm gonna do. but i'd like to ask you to continue to work with the new extensively to then you're going to in the area. but in terms of staffing in the new regions of frustrating, don't ask and look on screens. we're just into approach and capstone. but if it is critically important to me for this mission, that kind of lie on the it was get support of the citizens. didn't need to work in close contacts for you. but he met with the you on the east for the students across the world. but i was going to each the, the people on the ground
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a little bit of interest there. but we have seen for different transnational service groups being used against russia, excuse me. and it is noticeable that in the near not the key of regime just the populace. the support of the west at the direct orders has a mirror that started to use. sure. and that we do with the more terrorist like approaches including a tax on a social life, i guess the political office, political leaders instigating terrorist attack at the important facilities. so when you go to the consumer community, i'd like to recall the recent statements by 4 and officials. the privilege of talking about and service defects, potentials, terrorist attacks against the ignition, which is kind of true against our, against a russian civilian issue for your facility. so you must be food,
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we would like to us, the federal security service incorporation with all the other intelligence services and receipts and special services of russia to strengthen anti terrorist operations across all areas. it is obvious that we're dealing with a very dangerous and to me as much mr. who is equipped with the financial and the brakes, no capabilities, we have to do, we know those capabilities. we know how much intelligence capabilities it hasn't. it's for that it has here and then also used and that's the terrorist attacks, including those in the baltic sea distribution was issued to close deductible. and that was through the loop. but we need to continue to defend the constitution. simple. we have seen a times when i was a was
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a little stuff will do use and to russian sentiment, those new rules to undermine submitted to english. all these attempts must be told . it's immediately ordered in a much depends and now come to intelligence services. i'm talking about anti terrorist operations. are we fighting extremism victors, which is often well orchestrated by our, what's an adverb service and that's what i'm talking about. other areas such as acting against various operations that are in that undermining rush, just security, instability. they will get them over with you. we need to use state of the art technology and new approaches in our work because the enemy sees that we are developing it's developing intern, uh, but i really, which is to offset our progress. so is, you know, can you put into some destiny, lots has been done interesting months to strengthen our boat out national bowden,
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including the areas that are near the front line. people need to reach them. so if i were so that even the border service has been equipped mrs. new and wasn't a new service manager to do. and so the results are clear, all attempt the sequel yet i'm gonna choose do, but i've given you literally there's nothing that you uh, by the enemy, by they are army personnel by the special operations. the service meant to keep up with you, kind of one of the pump. sure boldest. they have all been unsuccessful in the construction. you might look for this cause of i'd like to focus your attention. and one thing when i spoke about the doing traits as a we on for working for the enemy, i'd like to make sure that we get to the only stop you always name them. they will always receive the punishment no matter where they are. i'd like you to focus on that specifically and so that no one even thinks of betraying their homeland.
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whatever is the good of keeping you if you see the enemy groups want you to lose storage confidence, they should according to information. we have the plan to organize a terrorist raid in the cities of the cost region. so, but they will rip out fee by our fire at the very start. they have stuff, it's massive losses of building and you can use that equipment and to manpower their handlers. we do not. so that's all. well, i'll go to that it's, i'm not sure we're going to need you to go. so you don't really care if these people die. so the, so the photos were sending them to this blow to, to the, to i'll boulders. so i'd like to thank all the service men working just in the federal security service on all the volunteers from the territorial defense forces
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for their actions to defend against these innovators. i'd like to thank everyone for is defending our national board at this moment. and the you just did their activities of the boulder are in fact started well coordinated. so the best way to structure it, let's duplicate and little continued to enhance our fighting capabilities to help the capabilities of our mobile groups. that not just in terms of land forces, but also naval forces. i'm talking to me primarily about the black sea colleagues comfortably, even so the scope of your work must also include your particular security, economic stability in russian stores and opposing corruption. which like ordering to be that person and coordination with all the national bodies of government bodies, you must think of a drive to increase the security of our banking staff team. so that way, and that's the way we know we're going to continue to help our is our economy,
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spoken new markets as we face and unlawful, illegal sanctions and actions perpetrated by for the nations and the special services. yes, they are creating some temporary difficulties for us. so we, since they talk to the members of the government table, it's thinking about the various national projects that we're currently implementing . yes, that requires additional a to do get you much good. good. looks like money, additional funds being used for that, but you can use that, but no matter what obstacles are being created in the way level. so be successful as to which all of that is split between fulton for the development of russia. i'd like to ask you to continue to fight against corruption by special attention to the state procurement for national projects, for federal and regional programs,
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particularly to see when it elevates its a requirements. so maybe just so currently in place for the defense of our information infrastructure i to infrastructure, you know that there is a growing yeah. but even to move on to say a number of attacks against us in this area. and we must be able to repel those attacks as well. so it's a nation infrastructure must be interested in, uh, upgraded for i'd like to cooperate with our innovative businesses with scientific organizations, to use digital content technologies, a, i, technologist, etc, etc. and i have been receiving reports of that to you have been successful. you know, those areas that i'd like you to continue to do. so i'm a bone, you're a full gully. the officers of the federal security service that he's gonna have to deal with very difficult situation, sometimes associated with the risk for their health and for their lives. russian
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citizens depend on your work we did in the district. i am convinced that all of you will be able to continue to address all the issues that we have to help defend our homeland and this very difficult periods. and you kept what exactly the value of your work. the meaning of your work is to defend the silver and to the rights of our homeland defense, the security of all russian nationals. thank you for your attention miss as well. that was the russian of president putin address and the countries federal security service that with a method of gratitude and sang sweetie. some members today who being actively ensuring the security of the country, especially those working in the new territories. so and especially must have signed and one of home is really to those who have lost that lives in service of
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protecting the country. you said that these people who were described as defenders of the month, alonzo, and example to future generations sales. this is a priority now to protect the russian citizens nursing. the key of is not resorting to more terrorist tactics to target russia. he also said the security in the country will definitely be strengthens, that will be a step up in on the terrorist operations and states of the art technology border security has also been prioritized with new equipment and new service means are really old and or a message that all the gratitude and support the to the members of the s s b. let's move on now with the news ukrainian on tuesdays have a tax the bell garage wage and multiple times this tuesday, 3 people including one child on known to have been wounded. that's according to local officials. the governor of the region announced a ariel a dangerous 10 am local time. the destruction includes the damage to 10 homes,
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5 apartment buildings inside $4000.00, cause windows also blowing out at a local school and kindergarten. and i'll say produce the comment which i have is that and felt this report for us. and then the other day he and goes work region and then all the text a text and the region have intensified grades greatly. in the last days, you can see the call building by the direct heat of ukrainian, aram, 70, multi launch world, good system. actually, russian ministers, the russian minister of defense says that a target to 88 aerial target to intercepted the but unfortunately, not all of them. for the last week, every single day, 2 or 3 times a day, the region is the act and you can, you can literally look at the inputs place. that's the place where you create an organ, has landed, and right behind me, this huge building is a school. one of the 3 schools. he in the village of the resume that they were
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unfortunately wounded there. they were casualties in the morning and the deputy happened at 10. if i'm not mistaken, 10 am including one child. he's his wrist. his wrist has been ripped, ripped up while until you text on the region intensified right before the rushes presidential elections. the initial plan was to it's fullest it fill sticks. thank you. will it just on the board? it with you queen the the entire plan was august. reuters and conduct invite you create in the middle for, you know, to intelligence and the process so called russian roland t a cause they had to raise a flag and above the town, the original sent to the original district center, the town of graver. and they had to raise a flag just for the elections to show everyone the one that rushed presidential elections on north water looks like but will be failed. and now they are just actually they are just flaming the region. these day these, these,
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this morning local governor is announced that 9 solving children will be moved and we from that region to the, to safety. when will it and east the way in question, people asking, but the 2nd question, all of them are confused when the punishment will come to many thanks to your company this hour and fully headlines stories. we didn't get to this now due to an even asked if we can get that important address from the russian president. we'll be back with those as well in 30 minutes. see you then the lease of the russian states. never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community invest. i'll send, send the same assistance to
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progress be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on russia cruising and supports the r t spoke back, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say you requested? the 1934 prance invaded algeria and straight away the friend started inhabiting it to strengthen their position. the column is known as the new. ours did the best land
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from day one, the local population was put into an unequal position and was briefly exploited. this caused mass disk and then the people of l. g area began their long term bite for independence of 1954. the banner of freedom was raised by the national liberation front. a guerrilla war against the occupants broke out. the french tried to suppress, to rebuild you and using cruel measures. whole villages were wiped out acts of georgia and executions of civil people including pregnant women, children and old people took place more than 2000000 people were put into concentration camps. however, these punitive measures didn't help. cl, jerry and patriot managed to induce france to start these negotiations in 1962 heavy and the cords were assigned 14 algeria on the bass towards independence. but
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this was achieved at a colossal price. algeria by rights is considered to be a country of martyrs. according to the calculations of historians, the french colonists are responsible for the depths of one and a half 1000000 algerians. the pop culture impala are predestined to intertwine, and there is nothing one can do to keep them separate. however, what does it say about an electric, which can be influenced by a but dazzled celebrity, or an athlete opinion, rather than a well educated professional. as both presidential contenders continued to speak and boast of star endorsement on this edition of 360 the we're going to look at the role pop culture is going to play the 2024 present.


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