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tv   News  RT  March 19, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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a deep cleaning and so it also has come up with the russian intelligence reveals that from says, preparing this in 2000 troops to ukraine law school saves the french contingent will be considered a legitimate target. libya marks 13 years since nature was military intervention. which blinds one of the most prosperous african countries of the time into a decade of turmoil. we discuss the western live incursions legacy with the former good duffy governments. maybe i became even more international from the month of august federalism, which later on spread through this, i had a reason of africa. all of them were funded on armstrong, directly by nato and the cuban foreign ministry. so means the usaa,
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i'm positive or is i've found the slums, washington for allegedly fueling, and i'm the government protests and mentally violent nations with domestic affairs . the across the world are run the clock. this is our team to help you with this for the news our, my name's you the front is preparing to send the military contingent to fight in ukraine. that has been revealed by the russian foreign intelligent service. the head of the s b r said part us is that this in 2000 military personnel to the conflict. so according to data received by the foreign intelligent service of russia, the contingent to be sent to ukraine is already being prepared at the initial stage . it will be about 2000 people. the french military fee is that such
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a significant military units will not be able to be deployed and quoted in ukraine unnoticed. it will become a priority, legitimate targets for attacks by the russian forces. the russian for an intelligent service is basically sending a very clear message to friends and logic to the in time they to blog. they're saying we know what you're up to and we will do with your troops on the ground. accordingly, they will be rushed as primary targets on the battlefield as they have already become. and essentially, this message is a warning to both nato and france. and the fact is this idea of deploying french troops in ukraine directly. well, it is not very popular with fonts is very own allies within nato. so according to russia's intelligence this i'm big you, it's the, in the crumbs rhetoric will eventually has to go. parents not only has carefully hidden the number of losses,
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but also the very fact of french troop involvement in ukraine. crohn will eventually have to reveal the ugly truth, but he will try to delay that confession as long as possible. i, for the release of such sensitive data to provoke citizens, to protest, especially against the backdrop of massive anti government protests by firm is across the country. now russia has repeatedly targeted uh 5 fronts as met scenarios in ukraine. its loss is estimated to be at least in the dozens, if not hundreds and that is, well, that's a lot of uh that people and that's a lot of, uh, disgruntled, well, just relatives and friends who want to know the face of the loved ones. and if 2000 proves are to be deployed in ukraine, that means even more heavy losses. so indeed, a nationwide protest is arguably the lease that theme a call and government might face if uh, if they decide to go through with this plan because up for macro and was the one
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who started this room is google when he was 1st to announce that he did not rule out this very idea of deploying french troops and ukraine that did not find support neither inside fronds, not new within the e u or nato. so the crone he had to back track on his own was a, but he's, well, he went into semantics. he tried to pin all the blame on that, that he was just badly misunderstood. but the way that it was interpreted by his very own allies in both his people was just as more mixed signals, maybe at some point it will be necessary to carry out operations locally in order to counter russian forces. frances might isn't our ability to do so, we are ready to prepare for any scenario. it would be a mistake not to do so. so he does try to sound very whole cation at the same time, very cautious. and this may be, we will,
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maybe we won't to begin with the vision. decisiveness is not something you want from a leader who might drive a country and, and the world's largest military book into a very bloody or you don't want that. if you're in infancy mind, you don't want, if you're a strategic ally, like any of the nato members. so i'm a chrome really isn't helping his cause here. and essentially, this message behind that the behind the announcement from russia's for an intelligent service is, well, we see you, we see what you're doing. you won't have the element of surprise. so whatever you do think, i'm think hard. a gracious, i don't know if explaining it to us though the french defense ministry was quick to blame, must go for spreading, quote, mass, this information in its reply to russian intelligence, revelations, but many others expect shock over the potential of the appointment, including the leader of the french political party, patriots monstrous. 2000 french soldiers leaving for ukraine. the french military
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must refuse it will cost to follow this order with risk triggering weld will free in college for our country. a former senior list in the us department of defense, mike on the list told us that people in the u friends, notably will not take kindly to being enrolled in the ukrainian conflict of their own domestic problems run pump or you don't hear any other type of being this forward with that in advance, and the notion of introducing troops as, as mccaul is even the holes have backed off from their threats. and certainly other members of the alliance national alliance will not favor this. and that this could actually represent the 1st crack in the, in the cohesion of nato itself. this could be the beginning of the, of serious seizure was in nato itself. if this is allowed to go forward,
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but so much further. and i, i think the europeans will not be we're not supported. and as it is, they have their own very serious economic issues now that they've got a contin with and, and they, they have to, they have to their own standards of living have. but each period, it's going to take them a generation. they've got to find alternative fuel sources. they, they're all ex, 40 countries, and their factories are down. yet. if you're going to go on a wartime production, that means you've got to ship your, your, your, your economies from piece time to wartime production. i don't think the europeans have a stomach for it, and they certainly don't have the resources for it. and it will take a quite a long time to do that on the one hand. but russia is far ahead in terms of its own production and would be able to do cuz sizable damage in the process in the
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meantime until and they, they were able to get up and get get going. if it came to that point, i doubt that it will. i doubt that it will maybe is marking 13 years since the invasion by nato forces, which resulted in the toppling of the country's leader in the market, duffy the north african states. while it was one of the continents most prosperous nations of that time, but this sent it into chaos and a prolonged military conflict which is still ongoing. today, this is how it all unfolded. a margaret, i think his last legitimacy to lead and he must lead the. 0 the we came, we saw, died, shows the world you would get rid of a time to do it to is freedom be
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well, we heard earlier from then international spokesperson for the get delphi government . most of it, but again, he said he's the libyan leader. wanted to unify africa, but believes the west only saw him as an obstacle in their efforts to make profits of the confidence. as a matter of fact, by the 19th of march 2011, there was a clear tipping of the balance of power and balance of conflict towards a peaceful negotiation. an ending of the limited 7 conflicts that took place in the country. they've been tried being religious needed as political leaders. we're holding major folks and negotiations that would have ended the conflicts within
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a few days or weeks of the most the west and the student. this very well understood that libya was a so big country that i've been out of me was very strong. and politically the ship was very willing to make sure that the video remains peaceful, strong and software. and that's why they wash the 1970, a decree by the security council, and then the 1973, which allowed the nato as a 2nd to come to this was a direct result of libya's get get duffy's libby at plan $250.00 from out of africa from had a major military presence in the west of the continental frogs controls the economy is of was on 19 a free can countries all of a freak as well goes to the french banks. the old africans know this. i'm getting dusky. wanted a free can union to come together,
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establish the organization for the natural resources of africa and establish the african unified army to replace the french army. and of course this would, has been amazed a blow to the prophets making machine of the french financial sector. libby i became even. busy international from the month of federalism, which slate the wrong thread to the sy, reasons of africa. all of them where funded, i'm on direct 3 by nato. admitted to a good by the lead is a funeral and they, they said just was a mistake. and this was my hand, the drive, but of course we know that they always liked to have to um, on fund terrorist worlds. they did this in libya. they did this in syria, they did this in iraq. i mean, how many times, how many times do you have to make the same mistake?
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before you realize you making a mistake yourself in the states, is my intention. or i to another part of the world now on cuba, where the countries foreign ministry have someone in the us some boss of, or it follows the cuban presidents accusations that washington is meddling and its internal affairs on fueling anti government protests which erupt it in several cities on sunday of the infamous truth wanted to go all just a to dance, showing the pain of the cubans, mediocre politicians and networks. terrorist lined up from south florida to heat up the streets of cuba with interventionist messages and calls for cows. they were left wanting. so as we just heard nikki cubans is undergoing mass of protests, hundreds of people have taken to the streets in santiago, the cuba, it's one of cuba is major cities and people have been processing food shortages. the supply shortages and of course are also undergoing a worsening food prices. now protestors had chanted that without electricity or
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food, the people get hot, which is understandable. the cuban government itself has some in the us and basset, or however, blaming the us, saying that they are the ones that are still doing this protest. attention was also drawn to the us government's direct responsibility for the difficult economic situation. cuba is going through at this time, and specifically for the shortages and difficulties faced by the population on a daily basis. with the suppression and in sufficiency of supplies and the central services under the weight and impact of the economic blocker, they decided to destroy the economic capacity of the country. now this is just as the u. s embassy actually tweeted on acts that they urge the cuban government to listen to the people's concerns. so it's no surprise nikki, that the cuban government reacted this way. and so what has the us reaction been to these activities while the us uh, it comes as no surprise,
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has said that they have absolutely nothing to do with cuba is process. let's have a listen to that. the united states is not behind these protests in cuba and the acts, the accusation of that is absurd. i will note those and you asked, we are closely following these reports protests across several cities and to me yesterday called for electricity, food, and fundamentals, freedoms. i think that's what we're seeing is reflection of the dire situation on the island. well, and this isn't the 1st time that there have been protests in cuba in 2021. the cuban government also accused the united states of meddling and actually went as far to say as they the united states was funding these protests. and now, here we are again, but as the cuban foreign minister did say, if the united states is so concerned about the well being of the cuban people, why are they removing the fuel supplies? that makes it impossible for them to get, they need an oil. it is extremely expensive to get oil in cuba to get gasoline.
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you'll see lines of gas. that's also a huge issue. they also are persecuting anybody that wants to do business with cuba . and of course the obvious thing, the us uh 60 plus here blockade and saying since of cuba, when we looked at venezuela, for example, a country that is also under here on mass of sanctions. we're talking about scaling that as well as bull. we're talking about food shortages as well. the attempts to destabilize that, as well as to over throw both of chavez and major redeems, were also evidence as well. you could even point to central america and on doris. and what happened there that led to a to that led to gain violence and civil war essentially in the country. and even now in nicaragua, where the government is accused of not having fair and democratic elections. where have we heard this before? so the ultimate question is, why does a us get to decide which country is democratic and why are they using these sanctions? an active siege war 2,
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continuously these stabilize the economy of these countries turn the populations against the government. and then of course, be able to interfere and metal in their way of giving into this sort of humanitarian aid. and democracies is no evidence of biological abnormalities. that's the findings from the us national medical research agency, the n h i on the mysterious have bama syndrome. it comes after a 5 year study into the a part entail meant that allegedly, tara, lies the american overseas personnel. the results show that quote, affected us government personnel did not exhibit any physical symptoms, different to healthy volunteers. using advanced imaging techniques and in depth clinical assessments or research team at the national institutes of health found no significant evidence of an mri detectable brain injury nor differences in most clinical measures compared to controls among
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a group of federal employees who experienced anomalous health incidence. a tries, the researchers were unable to identify a consistent set of imaging abnormalities that might differentiate participants with age eyes from controls. so what is it? well, have on this syndrome was this set of symptoms? periods dollar fee reported by u. s. government officials mainly serving in the military or as diplomats it had some serious political implications, like the delay of camella horace this trip to vietnam in 2021 with special inquiries launched into its origins. despite the lack of clear findings, president biden signed the last 2 years ago providing some victims with just under $200000.00, a piece in compensation. here's a closer look at how have boundless syndrome begun to make headlines. there. say serious illnesses has been targeting us officials and bra since 2017 causing hearing unexplained sounds. headaches,
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10 noises. facts of an invisible enemy. secret microwave weapons of honest syndrome flooded by russians. apparently not. ca, rules out for an attacks after probing for a year. we assessed it is unlikely that a for an actor, including russia, is conducting a sustain worldwide campaign, harming us personnel with a weapon or a mechanism finds a closed the case. i think again, with 2000 unexplained cases, there's still room for conspiracy theories. well, the spiked the c i a is claims, no hard evidence to support the 3 was ever provided. some american officials were convinced that russia was to blame for the mysterious events yourself. a number of western media outlets covered the story. they have bolstered the long standing hypothesis by the intelligence community. that this is likely the russians because the russians have a history of studying this technology. politicians have pointed their finger at
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russia as possibly being behind the attacks, a directed energy weapon, and potentially some involvement by russia, perhaps for a series just by on us embassies, but now being used as a weapon by one or more hostile countries current and former us officials believe russia is to blame less draw slot. i've know to us talk radio veteran, trial lawyer line or for his take good to see you line on the account and see why the main stream media was all over this one. that's to see cold war as mysterious weapons targeting us figures. it's just so annoying when the inconvenient truth puts in a you know, my good friend, 1st of all, let's, let's look at the nomenclature here. now i am not a physician, but i play one on t v, and i'm going to a stablish myself as interested experts, which is what people on television in talk radio do. let's talk. i love this
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anomalous health incident. what does that mean? i don't know, but age eyes doesn't that sound interesting? not doing it. what this is called the van a syndrome. havana, balmy beaches in palm trees. it doesn't sound um it's changed that to my scouts and drum beijing syndrome. you know kremlin, it would change completely and the reason why i bring this is these, um, i don't know if they will be called upon them as but, but whenever you have the low ation of a name, remember the little hind foot? what don't say that, that race is that side, you know, phobic, isn't that interesting? when ever, at, at one particular point when they were attributing coded to somehow being and i don't know where they got this from, but sometimes somehow connected to china here in western media left on it as being races and the like. if however,
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you not only name and some of the russian or chinese, but immediately attributed to what that's quite all right. look at the symptom atalla, do you hear any old patrick symptoms? what does that mean? we don't know leaving to the medical community to come up with a video, patrick, which sounds a lot better than beach the heck out of me. then we have persistent pastoral perceptual dizziness. what does that mean? dizzy but it sounds good there and they were talking about couldn't just be psycho genic, socio genic kind of like a mass hysteria. i don't know if you have this, but in our country every i don't know, 5 or 6 years. there's a small town where all of the high school students are frozen in some type of grimness, and they believe that maybe they're there for language. but that's a, that's a hysterical or hysteric reaction. then they jump to microwaves. immediately they said it could be microwaves or directed energy weapons d e w,
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when it went out. so that it now unit, if you read the results to report, it's one of the, i don't wanna say it's funny, but they go out of their way to say what, it's not, not what it is. if i'm your physician, you came to me and you said, listen, i'm having to start with him having ringing in my ears, i'm hearing noises. it's almost like tinnitus. i'm having persisted in pastoral perceptual dizziness and i said, well, you and your not pregnant. you do not have any kind of liver disorder, you do not have any broken bones and you do not have any dental problems. you're fine. you said wait a minute. you're telling me what i'm not. but i'm feeling this i'm, i'm, i'm being affected by this. well, of the particular parameters that i've looked at, you don't have that, so have a nice day. so what i and again, we're just kind of guessing what's not there. if it's printing something, microwave, or directed energy weapon or some kind of, you know, laser beam,
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does it necessarily lend itself? does it leave a radiological or neurological mark? we don't know, but let's see what happens later on because i'm going to suggest something which is again, there's that word, the conspiracy theory. and there's a great gore of analysis. i'm not a conspiracy theorist. i'm a conspiracy at the list. what i would not rule out, no matter who the country is, is, how do we know i'm just being james bond is please bear with me and my good friend . but how do we know that something that is presented is necessarily being presented by another side, as opposed to you introducing it to blame. i don't want to use a word false flag or anything like that because that's of course, in the parlance of conspiracy there is. but this is a fascinating subject. and if i read it, if i was the doctor filed she off of and this syndrome i would let me just for your
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side to pick on. not just for a moment, if i can. because a few years ago, the by the administration vowed to work quote, at tirelessly to taco, have all this and drum gave money to those who suffered from it. why would funds be paid before the studies had even been released? well, put it this way. that's a great question, especially if you don't want to acknowledge any type of complicity or any kind of diagnosis. i can be see where if somebody is claiming something like flood really. but you didn't, isn't it interesting that when you give them money for something that you're almost establishing that there was something there to give money for? right. and knowing most bureaucracies are this a, they don't normally hand out money. you know, if you walked into any government agency, say, you know, i'm feeling i, i can't really put my finger, here's a $100.00. you don't see that normally. well,
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what's fascinating about this is look at where these just wasn't just how bad that, but it was in washington and elsewhere. and let's go a step further. let's assume there was something to this. let's be james bond or let's be safe. i can deal with a magic why that would be to perhaps have some type of a weapon or a device that you could point at people or troops, or groups of people or city use or areas. and you could affect them psychogenic lee. so she would get equally in terms of their outlook, their feelings or disposition. if instead of shooting, i'm really going crazy, but i'm just, i'm just watching fanciful here. but instead of a one day having battles where we kill people, we just have them cover their ears, it and they can move. it actually might make the whole notion of warfare be, quote, more humane, more effective, and less expensive. which of course,
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would be eliminated completely by virtue of the military industrial complex, right. which isn't going to make any money on that. even though the c, i a is issue, the reports saying it's almost like play about any potential adversary's could be connected to a bonus syndrome. they did come out and say that some of us politicians, us media outlets couldn't help, but blame it all on russia. and oh, sure will the apologies be this week or next week. uh, how about the 12th of never, you know, after a while, uh, you know, you think we get to, you know, blame ratio or by and try to whoever it is. there you, you, you would say there will be a certain degree of metal fatigue after while were there was, oh no, please, not a good give us something different. give it we, we've heard this, but it, and it's also interesting that what we're doing that then not only in, in, in the same breath, can i tell you,
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i don't know what it is. there's no evidence of it. it doesn't exist, but i'm blaming argentina for what for the thing that you have no evidence of. precisely. it's kind of an interesting watching you're blaming rusher for what exactly for this, but you said there's no evidence of it. yes. perhaps i did, but if there was, you know where we'd go, but you said nothing. is there? yeah. which craft, let's try that. blame china for that. there's no evidence of that either. this is if you really look at this, i don't mean to, to mock it, but i guess i am read any of the findings. it is the most interesting way to say that there's no evidence of something by providing so much evidence of nothing . it's interesting, it is, they eliminate what it is not, but still we don't know what it is, and i don't believe all of these people from various parts of the country or the world read it are making this up. i don't think they're just,
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they're part of some acting crew, some type of a theater brigade. pardon the, but it getting put a ton, be something sometimes as you well know, it can start office something mysterious and then it starts to become a social contagion. people think, oh yeah, that was something that happened me as well. and, you know, possibly thinking, well, i'm under attack here. i got to make it public. it has affected people often and hostile environments carting. i high power jobs. is this stress we're talking about in the 1st place? and that's another thing. i'm glad you brought that up in the some of the reports. they said, it's interesting in some respects when they're saying nothing was there. but if maybe there is this something mythology, this, if you'll pass a symptom apology again, which means we don't know what it is, might be attributed to the fact that the very types of jobs involved with these people are very high stress to begin with. and maybe it is because of this,
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that either exacerbated a preexisting, invisible condition or creating something. so are you suggesting that maybe people are, are they have kind of like munchausen that they're imagining there's this is some type of psycho sematic. oh no, no, no. but it might be the stress, what if you were complaining? and i said, well, that's that, you know, and then, you know, he's under a lot of stress. oh, that's right. it's almost like you're, you're trying to be sympathetic. but you're saying maybe it's just the nature of the job may be the types of people who are involved in intelligence type of, of roles tend to be more prone, more amenable to this type of condition, which is a lot of that situation. and it's fascinating. well, again, we don't know anything, it's ariel pass it. thanks so much for airing, and i with us as well. good to see you live from new york city vinyl legal on media
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as many thanks. thank you sir. us a lot is where we even use run off for now. i will be back in 30 with more of the stories, not always being highlighted elsewhere, are to make sure you don't miss any of the updates. the what is part of the, the employee would post that isn't the deepest view of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present to that stuff without collision? is that stuff part of.


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