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tv   News  RT  March 19, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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the the russian intelligence claims upfront says preparing to send 2000 ships to ukraine, also says that the french contingent will be considered legitimate targets. maybe about 15 years since they tell us ministry intervention, which was one of the most prosperous african countries at the time. and said decade of 10 miles, we discussed the west and led to incursions, legacy with a full but gives us think that the minute spokesman maybe i became paven. busy international part of the month of august federalism, which later on spread just through this i had to reasons of africa. all of them we're funded on, on, directly by nato. on the international olympic committee speaks out against
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different sizes ation of support. while claiming the athletes of putting themselves at risk by competing us and russian defense. the thank you for joining us early this wednesday morning. one is be just scott's when the all the latest news here on nazi for my headquarters and the russian connect to our top story. friends is prepared to send a military contingency fights in ukraine. well, that's at least as, according to the russian foreign intelligence service, they had a v s v off. so the power is set to send around 2000 troops to the conference. according to data received by the foreign intelligent service of russia, the contingent to be sent to ukraine is already being prepared. at the initial stage, it will be about 2000 people. the french military fee is of such a significant military units will not be able to be deployed and quoted in ukraine unnoticed. it will become a priority,
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legitimate targets for attacks by the russian forces. the russian for an intelligent service is basically sending a very clear message to friends and logic to the in time they to blog. they're saying we know what you're up to and we will do with your troops on the ground. accordingly, they will be rushed as primary targets on the battlefield as they have already become. and essentially, this message is a warning to both nato and france. and the fact is this idea of deploying french troops in ukraine directly. well, it is not very popular with fonts is very own allies within nato. so, according to russia's intelligence this, i'm big unity in microns and rhetoric will eventually has to go. parents not only has carefully hidden the number of losses, but also the very fact a french troop involvement in ukraine. crohn will eventually have to reveal the ugly truth, but he will try to delay that confession as long as possible. i,
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for the release of such sensitive data could provoke citizens to protest, especially against the backdrop of massive anti government protests by firm is across the country. now, russia has repeatedly talking to the front, says, must scenarios in ukraine. its loss is estimated to be at least in the dozens, if not hundreds and that is, well, that's a lot of uh that people and that's a lot of, uh, disgruntled, well, just relatives and friends who want to know the face of the loved ones. and if 2000 proves are to be deployed in ukraine, that means even more heavy losses. so indeed, a nationwide protest is arguably the least that theme of called government might face if uh, if they decide to go through with this plan. because up through mclaughlin was the one who started this room is google when he was 1st to announce that he did not rule out this very idea of deploying french troops and ukraine that did not find
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support neither inside fronds not new within the e u or nato, so the chrome he had to back track on his own was a, but he's, well, he went into semantics. he tried to pin all the blame on that, that he was just badly misunderstood. but the way that it was interpreted by his very own allies and both his people was just as more mixed signals, maybe at some point it will be necessary to carry out operations locally in order to counter russian forces. frances might isn't our ability to do so, we are ready to prepare for any scenario. it would be a mistake not to do so. so he does try to sound very whole cation at the same time, very cautious. and this may be, we will, maybe we won't have to do it. see this in decisiveness is not something you want from a leader who might drive a country and,
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and the world's largest military book into a very bloody or you don't want that. if you're an infancy man, you don't want if you're a strategic ally like any of nato member, so i'm a chrome really isn't helping his cause here. and essentially this message behind the, the behind the announcement from rushes for an intelligent service is, well, we see you, we see what you're doing. you won't have the element of surprise. so whatever you do, think, i'm think hard. now to the latest developments on the phone line in ukraine waiver, some troops have made some advances into the nearest region. as of the pushing ukrainian forces out of a difficult on the village of less thought skinner, for the shows you couldn't use. so just retreating from the positions under rest and fire and i'll see, corresponded reporting from the from line says it. russian troops have advanced over to columbus has passed the fighting defense lines. so must go getting a foothold in the village of love in the done yes. beecher
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moving on. now libby is mocking 13 years since the invasion by nato forces, which resulted in the toppling of the countries lead to walmart, conducting a little south can say, was one of the confidence most prosperous nations at the time. but then descended into chaos and a prolonged magical inflates the still going on today. so it all folded to margaret . i think his last legitimacy to lead and he must leave the we came we saw died to get rid of a new a to is redux. the we heard earlier from the international spokes person for the conducted governments,
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mussa abraham and he says that the libyan leader wanted to unify, i forget, but the west swim is obstacle. as a matter of fact, by the 19th of march 2011, there was a clear tipping of the balance of power and balance of conflict towards a peaceful negotiation and ending of the limited 7 conflict that took place in the country. they've been tribes being religious needed as political leaders, withholding major folks and negotiations that would have ended the conflicts within a few days or weeks at the most. the west understood this very well understood that libya was a solving country. that would be an army was very strong, and the political leadership was very willing to make sure definitely the remains peaceful, strong and silver. and that's why they rushed the 1970 decree by the
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security council. and then the 197, c, which allowed a nato as to attach to the country. this was a direct result of libya's get get duffy's libby at plan 250 from out of africa. france had a major military presence in the west of the continental for us to control the economies of more of the 19 a free can countries all of a freak as wells goes to the french banks. the old africans know this. i'm getting dusky, wanted a free can union to come together, establish the organization for the natural resources of africa, and establish the african unified army to replace the french army. and of course, this wouldn't, has been a major blow to the prophets making machine of the french financial sector. libby,
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i became high even for international from the month of august federalism, which later on, spread through the side of the reasons of africa. all of them were funded on, on, directly by nato, admitted to den by the lead is a funeral. and they, they said just was a mistake and this was not hand drive, but of course, we know that they always liked to have to on fund better as the world's. they did this in libya. they did this in syria, they did this in iraq. i mean, how many times, how many times do you have to make the same mistake before you lie as you making a mistake yourself in the states is by intention of fleets from russian belive who have been bought from participating at the olympic games opening ceremony. the summit in price, that's according to his statements by the international olympic commission. a audience will not participate in the parent parade of delegations teams during the
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opening ceremony since the individual athletes, but the not paternity will be provided to them to experience the event. this will be this, this is the same scenario that was used for independent olympic participants at the let me pick games in boston, learner and 1992 for athletes from the former yugoslavia. secondly, a decision regarding the participation of a i n and the closing ceremony in paris will be taken at a later stage, taking into consideration no toll teams that enter the closing ceremony, but as more old athletes joining together. sadly, during the victory ceremonies, the n a and flag will be flown and the an anthem will be played. sit an eye on sleet when a metal, a lady in special olympic committee slots rushing in belarus, inoculates for the number of restrictions ahead of the party games only around 40,
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but some updates may be allowed to compete on the neutral flag. most goes olympic committee says it will not be fully caught this summer event despite all the restrictions such as the link to commit to issued a declaration against the public to size ation of support votes. in the very same statements, your organization destroys athletes from participating in the russian hosted world friendship games, which is set for september at 1st. yeah. well i will see so the updates could be putting themselves biscuit by competing in the russian event. there is reference to what is very clear position relating to these games with us. it is a non sanctioned event. so for us, we would believe that the nazi that would take pots, and that is actually putting table herself at risk not only from a doping point of view, but also from a propaganda point of view. so we would have to look at that very carefully. they are creating a huge mass because they're basically saying ok, if you want to go and take part in these games, you might not be allowed to take part in wimbledon, or in the word of that assumptive and so on, so forth. this could cause
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a huge fracture within sports altogether. this could be, i believe that we could be seen the energy all you'll see as we know us. it could be very, very dangerous. it could be very dangerous for sports in general because defensive games which beheld so of course, as you mentioned, to me here in russia in september for a couple of weeks to basis moscow, a new cut to reimburse. the plan is then to have the winter games and it to take the next games somewhere else. of the all you'll see knows the gigs of the notice going to be a huge problem and they don't cash. you know, i'm scared to live in daylight. so these people, it'll be all over for them. you know, this is all coming against russia, but there's a number of conflicts happening across the world, including of course, very who high profile, what's happening in gaza with israel's an invasion there right now. but we're not hearing so much about and slides and under a neutral flag are otherwise there's not much to pay to,
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but i will see chips about israel. they will be going to power as they will be competing. i think by keeping is really in the trying to play a one with that all were very good boys and is right. learn so bad if you're going to have one room in forces. but then we would know that for example, us and u. k would not have been allowed into subsequent games after the invasion, but just even a rock alone, 2003. so politics, those come into us. israel has a much bigger lobby with india, you'll see an even though thomas boss to present the receipt is a friend. of course, the heat, those little calling the on russia. at this time, he is fighting for his life and for his job. and i again, like, come back to this could be the last days of, you know, see if they don't guess russia and the, all your nation as a world to back down the course much global sales. but countries around the world, if they don't back down, go see a spanish one point i didn't mentioned there is that the athletes can't even walk
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in the opening and closing ceremonies under a neutral at fly, which i can't remember ever happening before. overall is this. it's been called by the i will see a for and just the 5 decision is it you're going to be honest with you is simply throwing the baby up with the bathwater. it's wrong, it's silly. um, and i think that they, they have no, you know, just made complete, you know, mess that they would not be able to know. because if there's a lot of countries who already have to speak with people um today in different countries from different olympic committees. they are very unhappy with this because they feel that it's, it's not just on fair, but it's also against olympic spares. washington's top general, say the jo biden's order to evacuate troops from. i've got this done in august of 2021. came to lights. the admissions came during a recent hearing for the house, for the 1st committee over the kale sick with the drawer was the last 13 service members dead. the committee, chad republic and michael. nicole said that the white house was also too much our
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investigation and covered the white house for fused to listen to warnings about the situation on the ground. disturbingly, we haven't covered that state department leadership prohibited, prohibited its employees from even uttering the word neo shorthand for emergency evacuation. until as late as august of 2021. too little to wait. while the us police troops from afghanistan after more than 2 decades of military presence in the country, that is peak washington hot over a 100000 troops in the country. that's according to the department of defense. of the estimates withdrawal resulted in the solid bun gaining control of the country again, sparking refugee causes us of guns. civilians fled on mass. let's take a quick look at how that situation evolved. remember the celtic us
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withdrew from afghanistan as cams phoning to that desk from departing plains. the dead we spend pied cobble apples. the suicide government killed fetching us service members at a $170.00 civilians. the full things, the poor planning, the sleep notes from the white house situation room reveals that the us wasn't reading for evacuation. just hours before cobble fell to the taliban job. i didn't did not just fail it. withdrawing from afghanistan, he did not have a plan. and lied to the american people about it. but policies and veteran members of congress began demanding all skiing, practically begging the administration to begin the evacuation as soon as probably didn't bite the withdrawal announcement in april 2021. we was stone, bold and ignored. while they did it in fury, 180 accountability, catholic planning led to a kalsich withdrawal in many lives last the world's policeman should have known
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that existence forces in iraq expects a similar scenario to take place in the country. but the head of the is rocky, has the law security bureau saying it's a need legitimize ation of us presence. that would quotes open the gates of hell comes after iraq. you resistance forces suspended their thoughts on us spaces in iraq and syria. in january, the decision was made to ease tensions as plug that in washington negotiates a us control from the country. the stuff of the yep, the iraqi prime minister mohammed c a l. so donnie for washington's presence destabilizing specing, iraq's desire a quick and orderly x. for how long does this cost live now to has all the jupiter sco unlist who's joining us from detroit? thank you very much for speaking to us today. has. i'm 1st of all their thoughts on the us with joining from iraq. do you think that the country will have lunches, lessons from upcoming stuff?
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i think that the united states says that ample time to contemplate the question of withdrawing, especially since 2021. the iraqi parliament devoted to expel us troops effectively . the us went out of its way to transform its role as a combat operation. interact to one of that advisory role at the expense of the express will of the iraqi people. so if they didn't get the hint, then i struggled to see how they're going to get to hand. now, besides, if of course, the p a math makes some serious moves to ask you late it's, it's attempt to expel us troops by force. the voice then, would you agree with the rocky has blog at the us presence in iraq has been a destabilizing one. i think it's absolutely clear that the us has shown a willingness to intervene with an iraqi politics in order to get what it wants. it's also calling for the removal of certain figure heads within the p enough to
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replace them with the ones that are more and make a bowl to the us occupation. and that alone goes to great lengths to destabilize the political situation internally by causing political influence is there that aren't organic to the will of the iraqi people. and furthermore, there's also rumors and allegations that the us helped us with the formation of the dias in 2014 as an extension of its ravine change operation within syria, which obviously spilled over into a rag well, just needed a bunch of those congressional hearings now has certainly a diamond assessments, otherwise, houses handling of that withdrawal that did anything surprise you in not hearing or is it basically what you expect? it's more or less what i expected. it's another example of the incredible incompetence of the global american empire, so to speak, which, while simultaneously projecting a great sense of power and even so,
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going so far as to attempt to present itself as a world, police can't even get its own house in order. let alone manages foreign affairs properly, the inability to evacuate countries, its occupying, actually has a long history in the united states. we know that the evacuation of vietnam after it was defeated. there was similarly a, an embarrassment, but the extent of the embarrassment caused by the us is evacuation from august and i don't think is reversible. obviously it comes in the run up to the presidential elections in america. do you think that this hearing will have any bearing on biden's presidential bid? will abide in administration, certainly decided to blame its failure to execute a timely and efficient evacuation on previous policies by the trump administration
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there. but as the recent hearing has shown, it was actually entirely due to the faults of the decisions made by the, by that administration and the state department. whether or not this is going to have an effect ultimately on the outcome depends of course, upon the level of how much american citizens are informed about 4 in politics and foreign affairs. and i think most of the from supporters were already aware that the blame squarely laid at the ad bite. and now trump, i don't think they believe the obligation to begin with. so to think this will play into trouble funds, it come the elections and it's certainly a vindication and reinforcement of what his supporters already suspect, which is that the bite in administration lied about the details of the evaluation. okay. uh finally has just one last question. the white house and congress, they've agreed to grant 12000 visas to off guns who assisted the us. what do you
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think the only do not know? it's interesting that recently with the tall up on making trade agreements with china and opening up relations with other countries, it's possible that they're doing this now because perhaps they see these 12000 ask grand refugees as potential sources of recruitment, or at least a soft power base for continuing to undermine the sovereignty of afghanistan, but that's just my speculation, i suppose. well, it has all the deal, but it's got unless thanks very much for your your thoughts and insights and time here on oxy today. thank you. staying in the middle east, thousands of children remain trumps, under the rubble as guys have a gossip as the wall rages on. and that's an estimation from the unicef chief who added to the child's death rights and gaza. the suppressed thoughts of any of the conflicts in the world was the one focuses on the dice. you monetary process. and
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the enclave. besides this in the netherlands field, a cities quote with thousands of shoes installation representing the number of children killed in gaza over the past. 6 months, the action echoes, they stopped the genocide events in both of them. pro posted, you know, it was laid out the 8000 children's shoes in the city streets. i think in the past, every 10 minutes. according to the unicef chief, more than 13000 children have been killed in concert while thousands more are in need of medical age or consider missing because of health ministry estimates of 2000000 people almost inside population of gaza has been displaced. the number of confirmed s most agile, 2000, those continued to grow a new and i states of israel's actions may well be considered a walk on the extent of israel's continued restrictions on entry of 8 into gaza together with the manner in which it continues to conduct hostilities may amount to the use of starvation as a method of war, which is
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a war crime is already citizens are also speaking out against the government's actions in gaza, calling for an end to the war. protesters in haifa, where confronted by police officers who asked them not to take the public, demonstrates as ignore the request, raising the songs, the signs, excuse me, the read stopped the genocide on stop the wall. local say, the government doesn't want the world to know that it varies against that policy. the sizes for the winds are making go of this crime for the emergency. northside is a very being reversed. it says, it doesn't matter. what can we do? how we do it, that they just don't want to do. they just don't want us to, to express our rights to protest. they don't want people to know the, the people here in the, in high funded are against the door and i know and what to be very public about it
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isn't. office is always silence focused against it in one way or another. today we see a mazda c simply because now i feel like the most coveted overall is why isn't that is giving the most and they'll just bring a lot. they'll just be especially especially off with those are best of gentleness may be a way to hide what's going on a gauze as i'll see for hospital. well, those were the words of and i'll just say a report to when asking for the us response to the detention. i'm be thinking of one of his colleagues of the medical facility. and i wonder if she saw hospital the other and go information because that is a resident happened right before this operation started. that's the address to believe that it is a way just to blackout is going on. and she was she file complex. do you have, did you hear from yours lady box knows why the talk isn't this one. so i'm not going to speak to specific military tactics or assessments or operations for i'm up
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here. let me just say 2 things. first, president biden secretary blank, and others have made their points quite clear that civilians at hospitals, medical personnel, patients must be protected. i will also just note that there is plenty of open source information out there that indicate a mazda is use of many different kinds of civilian institutions, including hospitals, to store weapons, to function as command and control centers do a house. it's fighters. well, the 50 people have been killed in many more detained. his idea of forces continue storming the l. c. false, but so in the north of the ink clave. now this video footage, released by the idea of shows its troops conducting well, they called an anti terrorist operation. the sites that you have claims of all the studies that killed them detained to the rate which service, but according to multiple local reports emerging from the instance. many of them with thoughts is on jed list. we heard from a local reporter,
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he managed to escape funded medical complex during the bank, a name was in a small ship, a medical complex in gaza is under a complete siege from all directions to the cemetery. so to ask you if a medical complex wearable though all costs will destroy the courtyards of the i'll shoot for medical complex where both those and the special this building was targeted with several shelves, water cop to drones and cypress are frightened and blew wide spread of course the asked if a medical complex has no electricity or water, the solid power that the shift of medical accomplish relied on has been destroyed. so the situation is catastrophic. in every sense of the warranty. the targeting continues around the us if a medical complex, of course, houses are being targeted because there is no food stores. documentarians timing has not worse than that. i'll shift up. there are patients who need ventilator and the ventilator, as has been turned off the be we heard from canadian generalist on physical unless robots in the cache who says israel is deliberately targeting civilians unless it's a cover of what's happening on the ground. when it comes to journalists,
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israel has killed more journalists and garza. during this conflict, then were killed during the fall of world war 2. and i think that says everything that needs to be said if it's an evidence attempt to cover up what is going on on the ground. and now there are not many reporters. of course, people can always attempt to report, but it's very difficult once the equipment is confiscated and in nor randazzo specifically, we don't know everything that's happening because of the murder and the rest of the journalists on a mass scale in this conflict of many journalists that i knew in the nor by their move, southport have been killed and so it's very difficult to find out exactly what's happening. how many people were killed in an area uh, just a few days ago. many postings, as many as a 100 were killed, was waiting for food aid in northern garza. we didn't know how many were killed until more than a day afterwards because people couldn't approach the sites. and there wasn't any
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reputable journalists that were there on the ground at that, at that time to go and, and count the parties were talking about to deliberate targeting of civilians. there's no question about this whatsoever. lots of rep for now. my name's peter scotts, and i'll be back again at the top of the hour with all the latest news on views. oh, nice. the the thing talks empty words. how else to interpret the contradictory pronouncements coming out of your being capitals on the subject of ukraine, bluster and threats are not a coherent policy. in fact, it is an indication of panic. meanwhile, remember, russia does not love it at the
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we are in north of cities in the caucasus mountains where beautiful people have been coming together to celebrate the ancient traditions. since the beginning of time itself, where everything has a special symbolic meaning. armstrong, thomas, this is in land visions, and today we're discovering of the world of a subject culture. the crime is for almost 3 centuries, it's being a stronghold of russian culture. 10 years ago of the events that divided dependence was history and to before and of the it became part of russia for good. the divorce of this sort of the so we took 2 minutes left store for.


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