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tv   Direct Impact  RT  March 20, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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from the country at the start of the year, a rocky prime minister mohammed, she also dining, called washington's presence, the stabilizing, emphasizing a rock desire for a quick and orderly exit. here again is j. a political analyst has l. dean, who casts doubt on such a possibility. i think that the united states has at ample time to contemplate the question of withdrawing, especially since 2021. the iraqi parliament devoted to expel us troops effectively . the us went out of its way to transform its role as a combat operation. interact to one of that advisory role at the expense of the express will be a rocky people. so if they didn't get the hand to, then i struggled to see how they're going to get the end. now, besides, if of course, the p a math makes some serious moves to ask you late it's, it's, it's, and to expel us troops by force to stay with our to international f. next,
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rick sanchez and his guest discussed the western media meltdown over president put in are sounding election victory bye for now. the the driver buddy remote bar in the holidays and occasional family days. we now post to show every single day, not weekly. we are now daily, so make sure you look for us truth pump number one. yes, p one and he one big but for some reason that is making the western media apps. so we and sort of fi ably because there are goals. we're going to show it to you coupon number 2, the f b,
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i admits the old tick tock square is mostly conjecture as in what a quote uh sure. uh, do they mean if somebody is just making some of that stuff up home trip on the 3, at least one country and out for guys just told our u. s. military our u. s. military to get out. who did that? which country and why we're going to tell you i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact the this is of seismic event and global politics. lot of our pollutants victory in the russian presidential election wasn't just a when it was a land slide. mr. po, not secure, and another 6 year term is russia's president solidifying his grip on power for the foreseeable future. this when, by whopping 87 percent, there's
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a big number, which naturally makes one ask, does he really favored by that many russians? so i think you know what, that's a fair question. so let's check the numbers. and the only way to really do that is, is to look at what legitimate poles have been taken. right? real polls. what, what did the pay? in other words, what did the people of russia say before the election? okay, here it is. we've got a graphic for you. take a look at this graphic. this is from a statistical one of the most respected worldwide researchers and page stairs. they conducted their poland, russia in february of 2024 a month ago and found 8 of 10 russians approved of mister peyton. they seem to think that he's doing a good job and inside his like abilities, the number of people like them has gone up by 9 percentage points over the past 2
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years. now, obviously, if you live in a western country, and you may be hearing the sound of my voice right now, say you're in europe or something and let's say you were in north america or united states had come right next to the us capital here. you're probably saying watch really why? because the only thing that you ever hear about putting comes in the form of a steady tide of negative stories, like he's site and there's something. so let me remind you one more time because i know what you're thinking. that poll that i just mentioned, it was not conducted by russians that paul was not conduction by the kremlin. it wasn't conducted by mr buttons campaign team. it was conducted inside russia by one of the most trusted global posters. that is based by the way, in germany, not russia. of course, that poll doesn't even get mentioned in western media. why would they write this?
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what you're about to see here is how they covered mr. pollutants. when or the outcome was never in doubt. this may have been an election, but it certainly wasn't a contest. it was stage managed to crime and controls absolutely everything including the elections. so what's the point of them? i mean, i got to tell you, i was watching television. that was all day long. every channel everywhere. so they were terrible about this. and you'll notice as you watch most of those, and we can go on forever, but it would get boring because they basically all saying same thing as you'll watch those reports to is when is presented as cheated. by all of that, he's accused of authoritarianism. he's accused of electoral manipulation. so let's talk about those 2 things. what do you say? what do you say we start with? so let's pick the electoral manipulation. fact,
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when our now president joe biden was running for office in 2020, he wasn't considered to be a top candidate. you probably remember that maybe you don't. i certainly do. she was getting crushed in the debates. any way behind bernie sanders and behind elizabeth worn and behind the boat, a judge. but then, you know, a funny thing happens. so the democratic party gets together all the officials kind of pull a fast one. so they consolidated me try it again and they consolidated the pledge delegates kind of played with the numbers to stack them up just right then the party at projects went out to people like people to judge, for example, who was the time or popular the mr. button and they got him to quit the rates. they've got to get out and endorsed by essentially turn over all his delegates to buy. and then what a surprise, what a judge ends up with
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a big job and the bite and cabinet used to be the mayor of a small town. now he's a cabinet member. i wonder how that happened. now you want to talk about a 3rd period of time we can go there to, let's talk about the republican party that you know, what happens there. it's pretty simple. and here, republican elected official and you criticized donald trump right now in america. you go out and you criticize donald trump, you're elected official, and your republican, you know what happens pretty much by, by 1st trump goes after you and what he's going to say about you a pretty, i mean this guy, he plays for kate's. right. and then his talk radio and his conservative media base goes on the attack and they let everyone in the audience know that you are not loyal to donald, drop it after that, you're done or worse. what does that sound like, terry? and isn't me. see, i don't make these points cuz i'm trying to take sides is either by nor trump this it doesn't matter who you like row, you don't like. i definitely think that the,
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if we're going to be throwing stones at somebody else as a so called electoral manipulation and authoritarianism, that maybe what we 1st should do is board up our glass house. what do you say? by the way, if your show, if we are so damn determined right now, to be the electoral police of the world and judge who are the good democratic leaders and who are the bad democratic leaders and who has chosen correctly and who is not chosen correctly. then, you know, we may also want to do was thinking about this, we may want to take a better look at some of those people that we call the good ones. i'm going to give you an example to see that dude right there. that's the junction president bell of pi l c. c. the very people who call out president put in question, here's electability and then something very interesting this weekend, 6 of them including our so of on darla in the present of the european commission.
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they went to egypt to break bread with mister stacy. they were there giving him ceasing 7400000000 euros, 7400000000 with a be help egypt economy. in other words, they got his back. they're gonna take care of it. they like their friends. but here's what they may be conveniently forgot that you need to know about cc. as recently as 2014 egypt had a democratically elected president. that guy's name was mohammed morsey. suddenly he got, he's asked it. he's replaced with cc, will somehow get 97. let me say that again. 97 percent of the 97 percent. now isn't that interesting? think about it. winning almost all of the votes in the case of egypt did not set off any dictator. alarm bells throughout europe or the united states or the media. nor has it prevented close military and economic ties with the country. but when it
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comes to russia, it's just the opposite. i'm not trying to judge one side or another. i'm just telling you what it's like. so let's talk about this. i want to break it down that way though, steve go, he's in moscow where he served as a, an election observer. and we're also joined by lodge. i might be a, who is a veteran war correspondent and a journalist, steve, you're there in moscow. you saw things for yourself. so i'm gonna start with you. by the way. i want to show you some video. this is almost laughable, but there's all this video out on the internet. i don't know if you've had a chance to see some of it. you probably haven't because you're there. but uh, i don't know if we have that. if you can see, if you can put that up, it shows people who are uh, election officials, soldiers, for example, who are going behind the curtain with like with machine guns too. apparently checking to see how people are voting. and they're apparently there to intimidate
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voters, etc. etc, now, i got to tell you, i've been looking at some of these pictures and they looked like they're the doctor . they looked like the effect, but there appeared all over the internet. so i'm just showing that, showing them for the reason that you're there. did you see anything like that? can you confirm anything like that? or what did you see while you were monitoring the elections there in russia? i saw the exact opposite of that. that's not real. that's fake. i was in uh don bass and don't ask in mary opal in september for referendums where they were voting for the 1st time. for members of congress to go represent them in the do mazda congress in moscow and in their local officials. people were bringing their kids, there was no intimidation, and that was near the war zone. this time i was in a place called tamara. it's a of a providence of about 2000000 people tomorrow. the city is the capital of about a 1000000. and again, people were bringing their kids, they weren't coming in at gunpoint, there was no intimidation. there were some police officials at most following
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places like they are in the united states. they're for protection and to provide to some measure of security. but there was no intimidation, in fact people works, thrilled and excited to vote. i had one guy because i asked him, i said, why are you turning out what it's clear put is going to win. and he said, it is my patriotic duty as a russian to vote to exercise my civic duty. and i support what present britain is doing. and my vote for him is like shaking his hand and saying, thank you, keep it up. it was not a civil election where you're choosing left to right. it was a full speed ahead because the economy is booming. despite the sanctions. 2.6 percent gd, page 7 percent inflation with sanctions and the rest of the percent. and state of course, sounds like you're doing a commercial now for the russian government. it does sound good, i understand. but i have to ask you some of the top questions, the co workers, did you see them leaning towards who did you see them? helping people at any time. you know, on the contrary,
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there was one elderly gentleman who actually complains that just because he didn't bring his glasses, he couldn't read the uh, the ballot, the the paper ballot. and one of the co worker says, i cannot tell you. i cannot point to which name you're asking for, asked another folder or go in there and do your best. they are meticulous about doing that. and keep in mind that they have video cameras in every precinct where in tomorrow there's a whole bite of these camera views that people can be reviewing as it's happening live stream views for the 3 days that people are voting and during the counts. in the same things happening at tens of thousands of precincts across brush or 11 different time zones. everything is available for people to see in real time, including people at home that can go online and watch any pre sites across the account. that's fascinating, and i have to ask you the final question, just to be fair of a journalist that i have to ask this question, did you see people who were a gets put in, who tried to get into public places or somehow denied,
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or we're told about the vote, or did you see any kind of the opposition, for example, and how were they treated, you know, and it's this thing they have the day of silence the day before the 3 day voting theory starts. so television commercials, radio spot, stop, which i've been involved in politics since i was about 12. and i'm looking at the whole time and how would i cheat? is it possible to cheat? i gotta tell you, i can't see a way. but more importantly, there were opposition candidates. one of them was a man named slootsky is one of the larger opposition parties. i actually was with his chief deputy last night and i asked him what, what's next for mr. slootsky? they were not claiming that there was pressure, they rely, objected to the results, and they got stuck between them about 1011 percent. there were opponents, but you're not going to run successfully against the guy that a the people are surrounding and wanting to, to back in part. but those are countries under attack. and 2nd, which is the economies that people are not going to vote against their own interests. and these other guys were legitimate candidates. the communist party got
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about the lowest level. they've got to use a lot. so let me bring you into this conversation. i find it fascinating how the u . s. media and other western media around the world. treating the story. it's almost like, i mean, 87 percent. that's a pretty big knot. i can see if it was a 1640 your be even something smaller than that. but they have been, um, they have almost been absolute in their determination to tell the world that there is no way that the putting could have won this unless you cheated. what do you make of that? what actually, what is the difference in the election and watch is because the model is new to the, to the western way. and what i mean by a new model is if we take and the boss, for example, after the 2nd was more at the turn out,
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the general and the frame general was responsible for the, the resistance. so the shuttle good fade in the presidential election because off the war people want can you faces, if we take the, you run your rock goal, for example, president how generics and johnny also said, but that is due today, failure of boosting the economy because the economy was doing very bad in the russia is completely different. we have the president who won the wall on the crane, who managed to gain the tree home, at least to defend directions in ukraine, and then he boosted the economy. and i called the other countries in the west will have a very high inflation. and doing very badly in the economy and the suffering from the consequences of the war. so the combination of a winning militarily,
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boosting the electra, the economy, and the also the dignity of the russian people. it is what gave the vote to president booth and pop and for him to get the 87 percent. how much of this is historical? how much of us has to do? and let's think back. now i know we as westerners, we can never think of history. we, we think history began this morning when we woke up, but the russian experience has been one where post world war 2 russians have generally felt like they lost some of their standing. and there's this narrative that exists so that they feel like poor who has given them back, that very thing that they felt they lost, which is why the. busy show that is, numbers are actually going up. i want to ask you about that because i think that that historical determinative is important. on this day, we're going to take a quick break. we're going to talk about that. i'm also going to tell you about
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something else that's going on with tick tock or some intelligence officials are not come out. and they've said much of what we're talking about with the talk is conjecture. we'll talk about that as well. stay right there will be right. look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept we're such short or is it conflict with the 1st law? show your identification. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various job with artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme and the robot must protect this phone. existence was alexis
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the garage of business and the system of the screen of the boss can do either to speak with key at the washington state. the bruce is the computer assistant phone at 76613. thank that. the city and the one you for the list of all but huge because they use the
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let's get back to that. i'm so glad you're back. i'm are to inch as a direct impact, elijah, i want to bring you back in because i wanted to ask that question. as i was hearing you speak, i was thinking about this. it's a narrative that most people in the world don't understand, but it's uniquely russian. it's a narrative that say is something like post gorbachev, post gibson, we kind of lost our way. we didn't, we weren't considered or we didn't feel like we were that country again. that was one of the most important countries in the world that has been a very important part of europe. how important is that narrative? can you take us through that? i would say the a and the west to understand the culture of the population that to the fadia of the for was that the americans and nato allies have conducted. and that's gotten this done in the rocking syria, maybe a every way and the culture that we praise and all the russian people of
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dignity. but this time, it is not only about dignity, it's the victory of president fulton, is talking to different people, different goals of the society that look at pride, dignity, loyal victory, and also pragmatic aspect. so that the pride of the russian people to hear that the west has got the woods 15 nations in germany to defeat russia. and to break the russian economy. and to spend against a superpower that credit improved in mileage after president jensen and before him go by chance to bring back russia to the left, the officer put pilot and seek the friendship of the waste on equally bases. we see how the west, since the war in syria and 2015 tons the bad on russia and decided
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that to us i should not be left some and should not ring true level of that. so football again, that dignity when the russian people heard about how the west is gathered to defeat russia and put the mileage to when to the war and stand up to the strongest armies in the world, gather to the fee structure and put the managing to do that with a good economy, because this is way, i think they're still heading to the front market correction. now this combination managed to bring. if i didn't put into bala with this percentage with this high percentage, it's not like there's no surprising for the west to stand against these result. i've been in the election and been this way that and i so when president my daughter was elected in the house, the west already gave the result before the election. that that wouldn't not recognize it because he is not part of the west thing club. so that is very obvious,
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the reaction of the lex today. i think the word and if we were to choose a word the, the word that fits what is now in the russian sold, it may not have been there some. what are you as a narrative is pride? i think it's pride and i think pride is important for all peoples of the world. i want to change the subject. i want you guys with something on tick tock. here we go, tick tock up. well, apparently you heard the accusations coming mostly from the old middle aged man and women in congress seem to believe the tech talk like the beatles and rock and roll music will destroy their world. so. so what's the deal here? well, at the core of all of this is the fear, the tick tock, chinese parent company by dance will undermine those by collecting and then sharing our secrets and spying on us. and so it goes to what we're doing is changing our chef and removing a provision that concerns us that the chinese communist party could potentially request as a pop is used as a new source,
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huge numbers of young people. we really want in the age of a i kind of power given to an adversarial nation. yeah. all those young people spoken as a man who probably doesn't even know how to use his own e mail. you notice that they say it all about what could happen, what might happen not what actually has happened. well, let me tell you about something that actually did happen according to a report. in intercept us intelligence has produced no evidence that the popular social media side has ever coordinated anything with beijing. the fact that that hasn't stopped many in congress or even president joe biden from touting legislation that would force the sale of the app. but most intelligence reports say, most of the accusations protect presented so far is being done. so in the form of hypotheticals, in other words, what china might do in the future, what china possibly could do that is what they're saying right now about tick tock
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. let me stop right there and ask you guys, see, let me go to you. what do you think is behind this whole tick tock, skier? for the 1st fall, i'm devastated at my dance reels may somehow be blocked and people won't be able to see the 2nd. these are the intelligence ages. these are the f b i to see i and others who, who told us just before super tuesday, the russians might put nukes in space, no evidence that they were no evidence that it was planned. it hasn't been done. but again, it was a scam, people to doing whatever it is they want them to do the same thing with this. tick tock, fear. as you point out, there is no basis for it other than to create that climate of fear to drive people in the direction that unfortunately they want to drive a st when intelligence officials are. and this is mostly conjecture, we got a problem. all right, now watch this. a lot is off, i need to go see the us presence on the territory. the republic of nisha is illegal and violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the
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suffering. people in particular, stewart's elective representative to be consulted on the installation of a foreign on the, on his toe tray us. and that is a spokesperson for the new military government in new chair. essentially telling us the us that he wants us out of his west african country. he is ending the military cooperation agreement with the united states. the state department, the u. s. has had a lease on his territory in new share, which is essentially a drawing based right. but there's, your leaders are now saying that you, it's just taking advantage of that opportunity and that hospitality. apparently, and according to the sources that the u. s. gave new share government on ultimate i'm that it most cottage ties to other nations. for example, russia and the ron this year feels about might be a bridge too far. and those now told us it's they who have to leave elijah. let me throw that one to you. what's going on in africa where perhaps, and maybe i'm overstating this. our own country is losing up. it says losing control and other countries like russia are gaining to this is the result of the
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war and ukraine. they said you would, that these are rising today, everywhere in west asia, in asia, in the middle east, in africa, and in south america. so, and before the united states, friends who has picked out a book, you know, 5 to mining and the jazz. and now the weston take focus in the stand that a so expose with the war on guides. uh that the what the seeing how button the button is the west and how that was done that the west is beating with the rest of the world. yeah. this is why immediate is coming out and saying to the americans, we don't want you and we can live without you. and we can have friends on equal basis, but not my so to say basic i wonder where it's used to deal with the one wonders how many other countries might come out in the set do the same thing, steve, elijah, you guys have been great guess. thanks so much for all your wisdom and for sharing
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your ideas and stay safe there. uh the steve go and. busy enjoy yourself and if you do have an adult beverage have one for me. before we go, i want to remind you of our mission is simple really. i wanted the silo the world and we've got to stop living in these little boxes truths. don't live in boxes are everywhere. i'm rec, sanchez, and i'll be looking for you again, right here for it's time to provide a direct impact the to take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shepherd, reality distortion by power to vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills,
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and then it just as a chosen for you. fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the
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the moscow warns paris that its troops will be legitimate targets in ukraine, as russia's foreign intelligence chief says, 2000. the french soldiers are gearing up to deploy their parents report on the joints in warsaw and calling to limit import to the printing grain. mid escalating protests by farmers across the u. the international olympic committee claims to oppose the politicization affordable warning. the athletes might put themselves at risk by competing at the upcoming world friendship games in russia. plus, we hear from a descendant of a slave from nigeria who says london still owes reparations to the victims of the british empire. the corpus.


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