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tv   News  RT  March 20, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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ample for millions of the press on the planet, the moscow warns paris that its troops will be legitimate targets in ukraine as russians are. foreign intelligence chief says 2000 french soldiers are gearing up to the point that the parents reported. lane joins warsaw. i'm calling to limit imports of ukrainian rain and mid escalating protests by farmers across the u . the international olympic committee claims to oppose the politicization of sport, more warnings that athletes might put themselves at risk by competing at the upcoming world friendship games in russia. the you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. that appointment of french
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troops to train would make them an easy target that's according to russia's deputy national security chief commenting on revelations from his colleagues that paris is preparing to send 2000 soldiers to the conflict zone. if would actually be useful if the restless french would send a couple of regiments through green, it wouldn't be a problem for them to hide so many troops, and therefore their gradual elimination would not be so hard and a very important task. are they lodge plans in paris? were announced by russia's foreign intelligence chief, he warned that french troops will quickly find themselves in the line of fire in ukraine, according to data received by the foreign intelligent service of russia. the contingent to be sent to ukraine is already being prepared. at the initial stage. it will be about 2000 people. the french military fee is that such a significant military unit will not be able to be deployed and quoted in ukraine
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unnoticed. it will become a priority, legitimate targets for attacks by the russian forces. so the russian intelligence service came out saying that the prizes pairing to send 2000 french troops to ukraine. but that's not all they've also added that front is hiding the truth behind how many of its soldiers are actually killed in ukraine. paris not only has carefully hidden the number of losses, but also the very fact. a french troop involvement in ukraine. crohn will eventually have to reveal the ugly truth, but he will try to delay that confession as long as possible for the release of such sensitive data to provoke citizens to protest, especially against the backdrop of massive anti government protests by firm is across the country. so the french government came out and denied the this information and called at washington, this information. but this is not the 1st time they do this because in back in
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january of friends had also denied that the, it's french mercenaries were killed in ukraine. and that is despite a list of names and information of those very same folder as being released. now, paris gets on rejecting this information, but still the same day where this information about 2000 french troops to be sent to crank, came out. the french army chief postal says that the french army is essentially prepared for, quote, toughest engagements to protect its citizens. now, how are they going to protect their citizens in uh, the, on the grounds of a whole different country. we don't know, but all of this comes after my call repeatedly stated that france is not good, not roll out any options. now, especially this is a hinting at sending his troops to ukraine as well. and the french president in monument my call said that he doesn't want any escalations, but still,
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on the same token he keeps on a call in his allies, courts for not listening to his ideas. but we are surely approaching a moment for europe in which will be necessary not to be cowards. nobody wishes to contemplate the tragedies that lie ahead. nobody wishes to see what is at stake, and i believe that our country is, are aware of what is a foot in europe and of the fact that war has returned to our land. of the fact that powers that have become unresisting are increasing their threats to us with each passing day, attacking us more and more that don't that interestingly enough is all i seem to be rejecting the he's groundbreaking idea because the white house stated that it is not planning to send his troops to crane. germany commented that no european norton natal member would be sending its troops to ukraine. the you k stated that it has no plans for a large military deployment to ukraine. and italy also commented that its support
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for ukraine does not mean that its troops will find themselves on ukrainian territory. now, it seems like france is pretty much all alone in this. but, you know, russia has repeatedly warn nato of its troops being present in ukraine that would essentially mean a direct conflict between nato and russia. so instead of negotiate, and it really seems like the french president here is true, is in the way of escalating things. and you know, worse and intentions even further. on the later of the french patriots, political party, florida, and phillip po, told r t that president micron is using the ukraine complex to distract from issues on the home front. so why doesn't the chrome continue to persist on despite the fact that there are dead and so you don't? yes, he just throws himself into the pool with his head and runs away from domestic political problems. he has a very weak position before the european parliament collections,
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and he wants ukraine to be the only topic on the agenda. this is the 1st moment. then he tends to be guided by personal motives. and in an effort to be the most diligent student with his nato wants to rule the hawk ball with his new friends. the baltic states, poland, the czech republic, and others. finland has also been added today. shake perhaps in pursuit of personal same don't. he wants to become the leader of this small coalition that we don't know for sure. but there are a lot of questions. one thing is obvious. this does not contribute to the establishment of the site at the beginning of negotiation so. so this is extremely risky for france external, it is extremely dangerous for the french military, so may die there in world peace is also one of the threat when it says this could lead to an aggravation of the situation. i know that the french are mostly against the meal of now. everyone should express their opinion. with all firmness, the french people should say no, and the french military should find a suitable way to do the therapy. and parliament has allegedly decide and to
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limit imports of agricultural produce from ukraine. this comes after months of ongoing protests by local farmers across the block. the new restrictions by the you are expected to deal a serious blow to kias income that's expected to result in a revenue loss of more than 1000000000 euros a year for the war struck country. today's decision doesn't just mean a revenue loss for ukraine. it proves that e u leaders support for ukraine. caves under interest group pressure. what space it? there's one thing that personally more important to european leaders and to elected officials in this block then doing whatever it takes for ukraine and that's preserving your very own rear ends. so the blocks reps apparently reportedly decided to table some limits on block wide free trade that ukraine has been
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enjoying at the farmers expense. specifically with respect to poultry turnover, chicken, wheat, eggs, and sugar. so all of this is going to be discussed starting this thursday added to de european council summit of you national years, which is shaping out to be kind of a class of competing virtue signaling in favor of both ukrainian and use farmers interest. we'll see how that pans out. it turns out that france and poland are on the same page with the ukraine import limits. french president, a menu in my home, was just doing his whole not put the on button. i passed the routine of threatening to send french troops to fight russia and ukraine, but it seems like his uh, bottle of water. and he was actually with french farmers at home, who had been running away at the international agriculture fair in paris. and now, because the payments to french farmers are not making it to the farmers on time
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with farmers still missing up to half of what they're do under the blocks common agriculture policy. meanwhile, polish farmers are blocking the border with ukraine. and they also decided to hit the other side of the country and it also blocked the board of germany to the blocks. farmers were really set up with heavy handed, top down bureaucracy dictated by brussels, with their own government, adding another layer to that under the pretext of climate rules, but also their fed up with unfair competition, of course, from the brain in western back. let's not forget corporate big farming, and then what we're suffering from unfair competition. they make us follow specific rules and parameters for production that make it impossible. then they allow imports and other products that have been made with all the stuff they don't allow us to use. and like i did other off of the quality of non and you products does not comply with european regulations. here it costs us twice as much to produce because
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of salaries loading up your ok receive. and because we produce better quality from other countries, they are sending products without controls and ruining salaries because we cannot compete. and on top of that, it is affecting us because they are poisoning, sadly enough, paying for others. it has to be cheap and our way and not under some stupid orders imposed by the you. so with a big european elections just 3 months away, this is an issue that clearly needs some virtue, signalling of its own on the part of european officials. well, if they don't want to hand even more power to searching populace parties across the block. now, already last week, some of those same euro deputies were doing that particular dance. the legislation gives the commission the power to take swift action and impose any necessary measures. should there be significant disruptions to the market or to the markets of one or more e u countries due to ukrainian imports? that's a nice sweeping proclamation. it almost seems like
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a campaign pitch. what's also happening is that the u has been teasing ukraine with a potential future wedding date. hailey's, if a guy told you now in 2024, that maybe he'll commit and say 2030 like european council president shall commission originally said of you brain into your brain. what do you think that maybe are just being played anyway? ukraine has the equally serious response to the you. president shaw michelle named 2013 possible target to yes, i'll fill you in lodgement, but we'll do our best for ukraine that it could happen earlier. immediately off, tell a victory. we'll execute our whole book in a very fast way. i believe that it will take us not more than 2 years. so just as soon as we beat russia on the battlefield lake in 2 years at a rate of minus 2 meters of territorial gain a year, you can pop the question. ok? yes, by all means. let's support that. ongoing tre,
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between you brass and you. frayne. at the expensive really special interests like food i some in the western press over at least support athletes from russia and belo roost had been barred from participating at the olympic games opening ceremony this summer in paris. as, according to a statement by the international olympic committee, aliens will not participate in the parent parade of delegations teams during the opening ceremony since the individual athletes, but to no paternity will be provided to them to experience the event. this will be this, this is the same scenario that was used for independent olympic participants at the live pick games in boston, luna, in 1992 for athletes from the former yugoslavia to secondly, a decision regarding the participation of a i n and the closing ceremony in paris will be taken not to late to stage,
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taking into consideration that not all teams that enter the closing ceremony, but as more lastly, it's joining together. sadly, during the victory serve news, the an a and flag will be flown and the anthem will be played. sit in a i n. s. late when a mental, a star layer, the international olympic committee slapped russian and the metal roofing and athletes with a number of restrictions ahead of the paris games. only around 40 russian athletes may be allowed to compete under a neutral flag. moscow's olympic committee says it will not blake hot the summer event, despite all the restrictions that's, as the limpid committee issued a declaration against the politicization of the sports. however, in the very same statement, the organization discouraged athletes from participating in the russian hosted world of punch of games in september. i will say claims ethics could be putting themselves at risk by competing in russia. there is reference to what is very clear
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position relating to these games with us. it is a non sanctioned event. so for us, we were to believe that a nice today that would take pots in the is actually putting him or herself at risk mother and you from a doping point of view, but also from a propaganda point of view. so we would have to look at that very carefully. they are creating a huge mass because they're basically saying ok, if you want to go and take part in these games, you might not be allowed to take part in wimbledon, or in the word of that assumptive and so on, so forth. this could cause a huge fracture within sports altogether. this could be, i believe that we could be seen the energy all you'll see as we know us. it could be very, very dangerous. it could be very dangerous for sports in general because the friendship games which beheld so of course, as you mentioned that we had a real shift in september for a couple of weeks to basis. moscow, a new cut to reimburse. the plan isn't to have the winter games and then to take the next games somewhere else. of the all you'll see knows the gigs of they notice
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going to be a huge problem and they don't cache it. now. i'm scared to live in daylight, so these people, it'll be all over for them. you know, this is. busy coming against russia, but there's a number of conflicts happening across the world, including of course, very who high profile, what's happening in gaza with israel's an invasion there right now. but we're not hearing so much about and slides and under a neutral flag or otherwise there's not much to beta, but i will see chips about israel. they will be going to power as they will be competing. i think by keeping is really in the trying to play a one with that all where we're very good boys is right. aren't so bad. if you're going to have one room in forces. but then we would know that for example, us and u. k would not have been allowed into subsequent games after the invasion, but just even a rock alone, 2003. so politics, those come into us. israel has
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a much bigger lobby with india, you'll see an even though thomas boss to present the i see is a friend. of course, the heat, those little calling the on russia. at this time he is fighting for his life and for his job. and i again, like, come back to this could be the last days of, you know, see if they don't guess russia and the, all your nation's world to back down of course, much global sales. but countries around the world, if they don't back down, go see a spanish one point i didn't mentioned there is that the athletes can't even walk in the opening and closing ceremonies under a neutral at fly, which i can't remember ever happening before. the overall is this, it's been called by the i will see a for and justified decision is it used to be honest with you is simply throwing the baby up with the bathwater. it's wrong, it's silly, but i think that they, they have no, no, just a complete, you know, mess that they will not be able to pay. no. because if there's
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a lot of countries who are ready to speak with people um today in different countries from different olympic committees, they are very unhappy with this because they feel that it's, it's not just not fair, but it's also against olympics. there's no turning the dies uh now where the humanitarian disaster is escalating. after more than 5 months of the idea of onslaught. the head of the you and relief and works agency for palestine. refugees says israel has created an artificial hunger crisis in the embattled on place. basically the entire population of gaza is now dependent on food assistance. but we have more than have 2 population today, which are leaving in what is qualified to test for feca level of hunger. which means that people know now is bound to enter into a stage of office. i mean, so this is clearly the money made clearly of what my
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move to for. cindy created the hung a crisis impacting more than 2200000 people. according to a food security report, famine is inevitable in parts of northern garza, were some 300000 civilians remain despite these really invasion, every 3rd child under the age of 2 of our suffers from acute malnutrition and then to increased risk of starvation has also been recorded across the entire strip, half of the young players population is more than 1000000 people have completely exhausted their food supplies. or however, the idea is that deliberately preventing the delivery of humanitarian aid, the gaza. as according to the international n g o ox fam, which has accused israel, a violating humanitarian law, back in january, the international court of justice ordered is really authorities to facilitate the delivery of more a to gaza. however,
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oxfam says the situation has since only gotten worse. all right, let's cross that live now to palestine. read precedence those 1st and the buffer sock. she joins us from ramallah in the west bank. and of all the famine is reportedly eminence in parts of northern gaza. by may, what is your assessment of the situation there to the same address and the password and i was and who i thought the continuous boulevard restricted access will lead to starvation. now that you and i also have a confirmed, again that simon is eminence with half of the population suffering from gentiles too big a 100. the population involves are lacking access to add water and older population. additionally, relying on would access those. those situation is more severe in the area of north
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of garza and the city where lived in aid that has been able to leads. they are casa from noise to sell at home. the people, they're suffering every single day struggling to get some little food in low. the to say, said why miss the amount that also the this month is the month available. and when listening to around the words or passes and people the audible so fast the ball up to this moment, they don't know even what they are doing it to beat out how they are going to breathe this process then since there is no fluids, it's amazing destruction now for every civilian there is to find fluids and we are seeing mothers escape needs in order to ensure that their children have something to eat. it clearly is a very dire situation. what are you hearing from your colleagues inside?
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does that as far as for people managing to cope through such difficulties? um, people are so much tired and exhausted, and overland and disappointed as well. and every time i speak to my colleague, they are telling me and they can't even describe what is going around. and they can't even imagine how this is allowed to be continuing. now it happened especially we have volunteers out here in north of garza. we have american pools there and um, but what about and tiers are doing is trying to do the job, trying to save people's life this fine, they themselves and their family is they struggle in order to maintain and how so and it's in fluids. yesterday, one of the volunteers there, i asked them what they had for the head start to bring to the class and, and they are,
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they asked me to at least 6 or 7. i'm the only how i can of beans with some of that that was made from that i need to see if this is the old things way. they hop on the same moment, may or thousands of families and also got the sort of even to having grass or any and trans, just to say instead of buying. and the situation is only getting worse, and worse with at least is 27 people dying. because of the starvation and it'd be hydration, including 23 children songs, others our address of losing their life, especially children, pregnant women, and 6 people, especially those with chronic diseases. i address of losing their lives because of none of the children. and as i said, the situation is only getting a worse even denied of food and clean water has result into infectious diseases.
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i'm on with this, please. people with more than 700000 people really forward as to how infectious diseases and include data strategy diseases, diarrhea as well as skin diseases without even being able to receive a treatment. since the entire health care system is already saying hospitals unable with ones with the one that's being for, that's what it is. and of all regarding that latest idea. afraid on the i'll she for hospital in guys, israel claims to have killed 90 militants, then detained. $300.00 suspects during that incident. have you ever heard anything? is there anything that you can tell us about that? so let's be clear since the beginning of the war and gaza as it has been systematically targeting the whole system. we see this was over 360 and for health care worker has been tens of 32 hospitals out of 36
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and went out of service due to the story, the top getting us when i and you know, i need access, medical supplies and medications i asked for the ambulances and also over 126 ambulances, where i told you that, and we see a health care workers as would be the team. and i can tell you from our experience of the pedestal, under the preference we have a good source because the end of the city in this hospital was taken out of service after it was to seize the theme scenario. again, what i'm supposed to be done and timeliness, which was besieged for over $45.00 days on a lot of destruction happen to the day, which was trying to do it with our tenant or something along with continuous gunfire and the officers as ready, occupation withdrawal, a lot of damage has been left to them in the to the hospital, which also now suffer from the lack of medications and medical supplies. i talk to
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you now still 13 of my colleagues on it. i'm but i asked, was there a way to balance is or knowing. we don't have any information regarding them, including assets, healthcare workers, we honest and strong, anomaly spaces. and of all that, that you on has repeatedly called the famine in the enclave. artificially created uh to what extent do you agree with that statement? i totally agree. um what is happening in the, in a god that is approve the humidity really for you. we see people dying because of a star ration. this is a human made a human call, because there is no natural disaster or what. so i heard, and this is how many now, because of the continuous, is there any, you know, any assets over human nature needs into casa, is right over to just as folks talking,
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the entry of the military and age into gospel strip, and do not need access of this age to the area of north of casa, we continue to call on the international community to apply more pressure on israel to allows thieves of themed and invented and humanitarian these offices to own areas of casa. yeah, that despite that humanitarian disaster and, and i just say as well is deliberately block in a, from entering the enclave. that's according to the ox from and g o yourself as well . i mean what, what is your spect perspective on that? why? why is israel continuing to block aid from been and allowed into the enclave as soon as the beginning of the war? we have seen this right? it is a lucky days from entering at casa, as it is like using the start ration as a weapon. and this word against civilians. one is right and occupying power on the international humanitarian law. how i just finished the needs basic needs of
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civilians. unfortunately, it is blocking the age of probably getting used our region a lesson in this world. we can see this on the ground every single day with more people now ongoing because of distribution and the entire population suffer from severe nothing's of food and security live in the store, base it. why is the international community in particular, the us opting to air drops unlimited supply of humanitarian aid, rather than urging or compelling israel to allow much more of it to be delivered in by trucks. this is the beginning of the world, the international ed community on far particular the u. s. a is not doing a stroll at projecting civilians in casa, and now after the we have tried to start it to see people i'm dying because of the
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star ration in golf. so in order to find any kind of some uses to say ok, we are doing something that they start with the a or a drops. so what we wanna emphasize all of these beer drops or other ways that is absolutely when it comes to internet aid. but we emphasize that there is no alternates of age must be getting, and it's one of the borders. and this is the weakest thoughts. so i know the entry of the military and aids into casa, and us other countries are the mileage to put more pressure on me just to read, to i know the energy over human nature, an aid through all the crossings, and to open a new, a crossing the border so i know the entry of more a this is the most effective way to the end she away. you may need to hear it out in the quickest way as well. all right, well, live with our palestine, red,
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crescent, spokesperson and ball. first of all, thank you. well, the sentence of the british empire is african victims must be compensated by london . that's according to a nigerian relative of a man who was enslaved in the 19th century. i feel that it's extremely important. that's reparations of pe, the sites a victims and descendants of those victims that way that, that literally way kidnapped. and in sleep there's lots of to mapping lots of small, green people. right. and the simple way exclusive, very gore, we reality love them, you know, survive the, the, with the passage, the trans atlantic passage. and those that survive lives, a horrible lives new to on the way the basketball and the free label that built. so most of the, in this industrialized nations in the west, right?
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that me with those that were know, practicing this name, the street on down land have shares. it's had still, it's the funded the ships going to pick up people the had shares and the plantations, which is why you find that england has a p people. that's where 691 of them was the corporate see was b maximize i use somewhere in the west indies and they asked to pay them so kind of a compensation in the u. k. itself, the church of england recently agreed to spend some 100000000 pounds to fight the legacy of slavery, investing in businesses led by descendants of victims. however, a local independent oversight group says the funding needs to be increased 10 fold . charge officials say that would require tow investors, it's
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a chip in the church itself.


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