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tv   News  RT  March 20, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the, the breaking news ukraine have lost 71000 troops. and since the start of this, yeah, and that's according to the russian defense minister. so they show a good the conflicting statements coming out of the u. s. as washington stays, the protection of pol us to be and civilians must be a priority on a continues to support it as well and going more in cost plus the you with the good to do is 90 percent of the revenue from frozen russian assets as a new funding policy, the ukranian conflict of skill reacts with home support system and
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very well welcome to you. this wednesday afternoon is test on a full pm here in moscow, and this is on the international with the latest well, need to speak to happy company. was dealt with breaking news this out as the russian defense minister has made some significant statements about ukraine conflicts, including ukrainian armed forces. mounting, it also is which of nearly tripled since last year. he estimates the total in just the last 3 months is more than $70000.00. as long as he correspondence with mountain calls or for the details, or the russian defense minister has really made some revelations, if you will add the administered old board meeting in russia. now let's recap, solve the most important topics. now you create an armed forces. he said that their loss is amounted to more than 71000 people and 11000 units of various weapons. and that's since the start of this year 2024. and that number is 3 times higher as the same period of last year. now the key of who she does,
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it's best to hide the real situation on the battlefield, from the citizens and zip tasks as of terrorist attacks against the russians as successes. and also makes cube increased the force mobilization according to showing go. now he also touched on the united states and its uh, the satellites who are extremely concerned about the success of the russian armed forces, the sugar set. and it's becoming increasingly difficult for them to argue and sell to the western community. the need for further financing and supplies of weapons and munitions, tried to said that the ukrainian command is now forced to throw the remaining reserves into battle and use the most expensive samples offer for an equipment supplied by and these are countries. now since the beginning of the year, sugar says all 4 abrams tanks and 5 leopard sags $27.00, bradley fighting vehicles,
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6 high mars multiple launch. iraq is systems and $11.00 and $2.00 aircraft missile launchers, including 5 base rates, have been destroyed by the russian. now defense minister also touched on the recent presidential election in russia, saying that ukraine conducted targeted attacks on the holding sides where there were only civilians. and the key of western advisors were well aware of that. now total of $419.00 drones and $67.00. miss salas, washed by ukrainian armed forces or shut down or intercepted during the presidential election in russia. well, that and more was said during the war, administer will meeting deployments or french troops to your plan would make them an easy targets bounce according to russia's deputy national security chief commenting on revelations from his colleagues. the power, as is preparing to send 2000 soldiers to the conflicts that it would actually be
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useful if the restless french would send a couple of regiments to clean. it wouldn't be a problem for them to hide. so many troops, and therefore their gradual elimination would not be so hard and a very important task. well, the alleged ponds and powers were announced by russia's foreign intelligence chief . he was the french troops will quickly find themselves in the line of fire when you pray. according to data received by the foreign intelligent service of russia, the contingent to be sent to ukraine is already being prepared. at the initial stage, it will be about 2000 people. the french military fee is that such a significant military unit will not be able to be deployed and quoted in ukraine. unnoticed. it will become a priority, legitimate targets for attacks by the russian armed forces. the french defense ministry was quick to play most go for spreading, quote loss this information and were suppose to be russian intelligence revelation
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. for them, the phone has already post full french, so just to be deployed to ukraine, saying, and they told ground operation and ukraine shouldn't be ruled out of the ukrainian polymers member has just revealed of the french plans in a public state. but in saying that weston the western allies, considering a military mission on the board with the rooster, to free up ukrainian troops. that let's discuss this further. now i'm joined by, i guess, throw the law to a french. do you have musical auditors, many things to be coming and stay? it's nice to see you. she's you. so it's been about 24 hours since the, the news broke from the russian intelligence that phones is planning to send a military contingent to ukraine. how surprising is this news to you and, and how concerned should we be surprising? no, because mark from said since a couple of times now that the know nothing should be ruled out of this. that would be surprising that if he would really do it, that uh,
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that was my problem. everything is possible as sending troops to ukraine will be definitely a red line that will not be tolerated by the russian dollar months. absolutely. um . so i don't know, in which possibility my friend could do this and in which circumstances with which monday you would, it would do that. that would be absolutely dramatic for friends. and it would be also dramatic for the soul jose french soldiers that would be deployed in ukraine. because as soon as they will put a single finger on the ukranian territory, they will become legitimate targets. and with the, with the french government responding to this news from the boston intelligence that couldn't get this information. do you think this might mock a d to, in any alleged plans to send the troops?
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that's the thing. but might have changed their minds while it's easy for the french government to say about the, the information given by saturday, you're not asking, is this information? that's the defense way to do it. but i mean, i guess i missed that. i'm not asking as the power to have information, none of us as and if he is printing this information, that's solid rock information. and then the most concerning, the thing would be, is if paris does decide to send its troops into ukraine, that's nato allies would follow suit as well. once again, the very 1st time is that the microns. so then that the nothing should be ruled out immediately after a lot of countries into european union said, oh no, we don't want to do this. i mean, my crown wants to do it. i think there is both. there is, there are, sorry,
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2 reasons why is, is doing this. but that we can discuss a little bit later regarding the question. one has to know that most of the french population doesn't want french, so yours to be involved in ukraine. it's not our interest. we have nothing to do in ukraine. there is no interest for friends to be in ukraine. we're just fulfilling the orders given by the united states of america. we'll have to step down for presidential elections and it wouldn't be very much active until late january 2025 most probably. and then they get it to friends and european union do what we can do in micro, on the, is a, it is doing it on 4 of the reasons why i'm. so this seems to be a lot of uncertainty about what exactly phones he's doing right now. we've got the french defense minister cooling the russian intelligence cheese claims this information tactic. meanwhile, they've gotten a chrome doubling down on that. he's considering old options and then we've got the
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french national tv i to the air and discussions about trip deployment. democrats, the chief of staff with the french on me saying this week that the armed forces are ready to act with a division of 20000 men that could be deployed within 30 days. so we put this back and forth. i mean that are key was a rush of this information. so i can take is this know at this information site that you have 20 of thousands of years deployed in new crime from friends. i don't believe in this, if we can put 2000 soldiers, we for 3 or 4 days on immunizations, is going to be the maximum that we can. uh we, we can do. we don't have that capacity anymore. the french army is not the french army that we used to having the 1st, the 1st the world war. it's a, it's been, is since the end of the cold war, we don't have any enemy to find. and we've, the way your opinion has been developed, and the fact that successively and more specifically amendment in the con, wants to have more your up in the army than the french army. the state of our army
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is complete the down. we don't have any more come straight. it's a profession, allow me, it doesn't say well, a lot of people are cancelling the contract before the term and it's difficult to recruit. so who is he going to send 20000 from where he puts on the funds for a legion? yes. well, you know, way that would be mean most probably a little bit of a, a space because the french for an agent is mostly field way for in yours. and in case of blood bass, it would be less complicated for, for the french government to deal with family is claiming bodies and uh, and caskets. yes. maybe. but as for a regular army, what i mean, regular army financial needs a regular one, but regular army with french soldiers, rear differential sol. yours is going to be much more complicated. and it's not
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even struck certain that the french soldiers that wants to be deployed over there. and no one is looking for this. yeah, you said earlier that the french people, they don't want this new ones down for, we know how phones, the french people are protesting. but you know, what kind of response do you think we might have in phones and will the government list of people talking about it now? well, the, the situation in france is quite complicated. the economy is down, employment is down, and the french government and the european union decided to impose sanctions on russia that are turning completely on the european union, the french economy. but the blaming mr. putting for this wrongly so micron needs to have track the function on the very specific way to distract uh, friendship,
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people that function to the real problem. now i have a really said this and i strongly believe this is exactly the, the, the, the, the purpose that my credit is most of the european union are pursuing the state of the union. and the state of friends are so bad that there is nothing to fit to realize them. right? but in this left, the union lot of country, even if they don't physically do we do have some of them us thinking about this. and the only way to refill the relies, the european union together used to have come on threats. and this threat is exactly what i shot and they will do whatever they can. the main thing that at these, the french peoples, under that threats and the european union under that threat, to try to reduce the economy by relaunching the company or military industrial complex, which is by the way, what the united states have been doing. now,
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i doubt that this will work because at one point, if my crime keeps saying we're sending, we're sending, we're sending, we're sending none of the points. okay, why they don't wind up so it's a, it's, it's a complex system. the french government is accusing russia of this information for the food. what they're doing is exactly the same. because when you look at the plan that i saw on l. a. l. c, french tv. with that, the, and at least seeing that there were deploying of the would be deploying french pro, but the bother with the lattice and on the other. yep. if you really want to do this, well, you don't, the way you guys are going to be deployed. it's a fox good for giving us the targets and where we have to look for it and do this. no, that's, that's kind of this information for example. um, i would rather believe that if they really want to deploy troops and ukraine,
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they wouldn't do it. that way they would do it through costanza in the romano, because there is a need to bass that is being constructed over there. and then they would use that base as um, i would say a common base because it's going to be accessed by the c shipped. uh, and it's easy to deployed troops to the, towards the other side on the grounds. these 3. yeah. and we all know that the funds nice pretty yeah. for example, there is a huge ammunition that brought from the former ussr and that is boarded by a peacekeepers, russian peacekeepers. and we all know that the crane would like to put that a, their hands on the, on this. so if you know that's, that's also another possibility. so we will, we will see what's going on. but then that's the, i mean, i have to say that, so everything was my quantities possible. it can be what i call that about the area,
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or it can be a real plan and whatever the plan is, if develop out that area is very bad for the french people because they will be suffering for this. and if it is a real plan, this is also very bad for, i would say the whole word, but at least all the european union and the relationship between front and russia. that would be definitely a red line that should not be crossed by the french government. at one point, my clunking to be not believe them. absolute am. perhaps all the confusion is paused at the time as well. thank you so much for coming in to talk to me today. i always love to pick your brain's on every topic. so would a lot try, friendship, difficult, honest, thanks so much. you're welcome. wish i can, civilians must be a priority us. so just as well to delay any military offensive and rough uh without tons windshield the safety of palestinian civilians. at the same time,
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washington continues its weapons flow to support as well. the knowledge from the very beginning that israel has a fundamental right to be able to defend itself. and, and so we're going to continue to support them as a, as they try to do that and ensure that they have what they need to defend their people. but we also recognize the importance of ensuring that people remain safe and gauze and a 2 things aren't mutually exclusive. or we've been clear about the need to prioritize the protection of civilians. so that, that should be a key part of any military, any plan, any, any type of operational planning to for, to account for and protect those civilians that are in the battle space. and again, we've yet to see such a plan, but we'll have an opportunity to engage the leadership here on that. so
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let's call us live now as well as the middle east bureau chief, maria an ocean. and to find that more and the way i get to see you could just tell us more about this risk between is one of the us regarding the operation in rafa. yeah, well is rose as a does have a plan. no one saw it yet, but anyway, it seems that these rolls invasion into rough on is the matter of when not if, despite growing global disapproval, the biggest concern was and remains the estimated 1500000 palestinians currently sheltering in the area. more than half of gas us population, in many swap, the worlds have been warned and against invading such a densely populated region. but isn't it on the whole, these really prime minister takes into consideration any opinion from abroad. that would be america, and america is sending conflicting messages from one hand. it says, don't invade russell and his monday phone conversation, for example, with newton yahoo bite. and according to his administration, said,
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the sold will be at least take the us national security advisor also pointed. it would lead to more innocent civilian deaths and deepen humanitarian crisis in the in place. and yeah, who doesn't have the, nor this criticism. a high ranking is really delegation is off to the us, so want to present and he's really plan off evacuation of gases before the operation and to call the american leadership as well separately is really defense minister also travels to the us next week to meet his american counterpart and clearly russell will be on the agenda, but at the same time, we just heard the us secretary of defense regenerating washington's commitment to our israel no matter what even before they. so n, he's rarely plan or relocation guys is 1500000 palestinians from ross or before the on slot. so why would israel terror at all the decision has been made and there are
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no real obstacles to it. let's take a listen to is really prime minister the whole, the model hucks when we have an argument with the americans about the need to enter off on the go, not about the need to eliminate him off the need to enter rafa. we see no way to eliminate tomas militarily without destroying these remaining battalions. out of respect for the us president, we agreed on the way in which they could present their ideas to us, especially on the humanitarian side, which we have coal share in this desire to allow an orderly exit of the population and provide a to the civilian population but i made it clear to the president in our conversation, in the clearest way that we are determined to complete the elimination of these. that's how the ends in rough, uh, and there is no way to do it. other than the ground invasion is out in tennessee, the setup in, well within the hour, so confidence, in fact, america is divided over washington, support of age, ro, city or figures in the bible ministration,
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manada us officials say israel is breaking the law in gaza with the help of america and using american weapons, making washington accomplish under pressure from congress. president joe biden introduce a new policy last month requiring all countries that receive american military supports to abide by us and international law provided to continue his backing of his real secretaries of state and defense must endorse these roles, assurances, sons, before within the next 5 days, on tuesday, the us and best of it to israel privately told the state department that is ro fulfills as obligations. and that's part furious reaction across the american political establishment with officials calling the ambassadors assessment almost comical, unobserved, unclear, actually, what decision will eventually be made. but in the meantime, 2 human rights organizations submitted to ad documents to the us government, claiming these rarely assurances are not credible. they accused israel or violated
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international humanitarian law and urge the america to stop arman as well. and it joins memorandum base summarizes really violations such as like in hospitals and ambulances, or preventing humanitarian aid, including us, funded from crossing into the guys a street. and here is what they have to say. remodel on the or the ox from an international humanitarian and development organization and human rights watch an international human rights organization together, right. to you to demonstrate that any such assurances from these really government, a major recipient of us arms are not credible, especially in light of the conduct of israeli forces since the onset of hostilities . in october 2023. we urge secretaries blinking and austin to consider the likely violations below when determining the credibility of these really governments assurances in response to n s. m. 20 ox fam, and human rights watch. believe
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a suspension of arms transfers to israel is necessary so long as there is an overriding risk that they are being used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law and us law and policy as well. again, we have to wait and see what decision will be made. we still have 5 days, or rather, the american, the secretaries of defense and state have 5 days to decide. but what is the biggest problem with americans sending the weapons to israel? well, biden, and others supporting honest deliveries through his real se, washington sends weapons to help israel defend itself and protect its citizens. in fact, america supports israel with all kinds of black friends and, and much bigger mountains, that it is needed for self defense in 5 months. of the war,
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washington approved and deliberate, more than $100.00, suffered for an military sales to israel, including thousands of precision guided munitions and bonds. previously, only 2 approved contracts were made public h more than a $100000000.00 worth. and they turned out that the figure is much higher, $100.00 versus 2. and that shows how extensively washington is involved in the 5 month long conflict here in gaza. it has so much criticism about in wards back to you know, we have many thanks to a full that reports done. so in the middle east bureau chief maurice, the notion of speaking to his life from jerusalem. thank you. most go condemns the you foreign policy cheese proposal to take russian money and give it to ukraine . the kremlin site is joseph morales office to use 90 percent of the revenue and on road at frozen russian assets to pay for ukrainian munition will end in decades of
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legal vassals for it to show. no, this isn't of a statement in line with the movement towards the destruction of the legal foundations of europe. in an international law. the europeans are well aware of the damage. such a decision can bring both their economy into their reputation as reliable guarantors of the involve ability of property. because the damage will be inevitable. the presence will be involved in making such decisions. the countries that will decide this, they will become the object of prosecution for many decades. sitting on my let's find out more now i'm doing biology correspondent marina calls are about how many thanks for coming in marina. as we have this very strong reaction from the crime name, what exactly has brought this on? yeah, well, it's basically the you resort thing to assess really thinking to new lows. so fond it's front of ukraine, as we know is the ukraine is really running dangerously low, munitions, the help that it's expect them from the us in terms of money and weapons installing,
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as they can come to an agreement. they're. so e officials said, hey, what can we do vote, let's use the money that we froze from the russians. and this is exactly what they're doing. the proposal right now is to use the prophets acquired from those assets and uh, from the war. and you can now, let's talk a little bit about these as what i was talking about. we have about $300000000000.00 belonging to the russian central bank that was frozen by the west . the majority of that money is held by a company euro clear in belgium, and they have made done their math. and apparently, all this money, this profit could yield them about 15000000 up to 20000000000 euros after tags until 2027. so this is the money that they can use to fund the award decline supply weapons, and all of that, this is what they're proposing right now. so joseph burrell decided to propose this to e member states, and there was supposed to vote on this. there is a growing discontent against fonder. lion for improvising said an
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e u diplomat. diplomat said fonder, lion's approach is particularly disadvantageous for smaller member states that have more to gain from collective decision making. so and so for so there he is. there he propose that we are getting reports right now that apparently the european commission has approve that plan even though there was supposed to discuss this and vote on this after you leaders summit taking place on thursday and friday. but we are now getting reports of the european commission has approved it. let's more of us to move like inside the u over this proposal. well, originally the idea was yes to use these assets to use this profit to help rebuild the ukraine for reconstructions was mandatory in a, and some of the member states were agreeing with this. there were the one along with it, but they didn't like the idea of it being used in any militarily, a sort of ways. and it was, or sort of underlying that european commission president have this really is ideal
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the hey, listen, only use this for him. mandatory and purposes, let's actually use it where we need it most to buy those weapons that you credit bad movies, since they are not able to do it themselves. let's have the russian money, do it for them. and a lot of people, nobody appreciating all these new ideas that are so i've underlined keep simon recently because it's not really benefits and them. for example, we've heard from member states, for example, multiple luxembourg hungry, including the belgium prime minister also said that he's all for season ross and assets and using their prophets, but not in terms of legal aid. ireland was another one that said, hey we, we are, we can contribute funds to print as long as it's used. and normally, for purposes, that's why their money goes towards a clear in line life. and now, or some of underlines ideas, seems to be popular. they're, as there is a growing discontent against fonder. lion for improvising said an
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e u diplomat. diplomat said fonder, lion's approach is particularly disadvantageous for smaller members, states that have more to gain from collective decision making. and now we have all these countries that are not agreeing in terms of these assets being used to help buy weapons. but joseph, well, for example says, well, this is a brilliant idea. why? because it's not, they're not using the easy bunch of this money would go to a special fund that is called the european piece facility, which is a joke in itself to have the word piece in there. and this fund runs off budget. doesn't have to abide by the same legal, sanders or even be approved by the european parliament. and so joseph burrell set forth all these countries that will check the arm and ukraine can use this fund, old, even though it's exactly the same thing. you're sending money to the fund will then the fund has been used to buy the weapons. and so i'm not sure what the logic is there. but also this is really bad in terms of what it does for countries that want
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to your example hold their money in western reserve is because this shows them, hey, if one day in the future, you happen to disagree with the west that can always seize your assets and use the profit, and this is something that financial institutions around the world have once before, and he's in the european central by the sport. they said that the season ross and assets will undermine confidence in the your current c, n, e, you marcus. but apparently now joseph or else as well. they're so back in the pond because it's all in the process that we're using. what's the message and the idea that they're sending through the world is exactly the same. and vladimir putin had set time and time again to not mix politics with finances because then your people, software and struggle. but you are the ones that did it to yourselves, and this is again, another message we're hearing from experts. be careful when you're doing things like that as the short of the global current. and so you can actually
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go further and use its financial power to actively influence international developments. but this spyware must be used wisely. because when, when i think it currents may stimulate dimensions of alternatives. and unless i forget that russian courts can always retaliates because that's a company that holds the majority of the frozen russian assets, the euro clear in belgium. well, actually right here in moscow they have the national securities that add up to 33000000000 euros. so russell could retaliate and then sees their assets. so we'll see how it ends up. and we're still waiting to see whether it was actually finally officially approved or whether this will be discussed and put up to vote at the summit on thursday and friday. so it's another watch the space many thanks for coming in with that. the stat, those details. marina cause with me, thanks to you for joining us here on the international. we always appreciate your
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company, does it get.


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