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tv   Direct Impact  RT  March 21, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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of the 1943 at the height of world war 2, bengal was hit by famine a year before jeff and his troops drove the rate is out of neighboring vermont. and came close to the indian possessions of the british empire. london's response to the threat was completely inadequate. the british actively used the scorched earth policy. while retreating, they turned everything around them into an uncouth deserts, having no mercy on other people's territory. food in large amounts was exported to great britain from the starving provinces. boats used for facing and transporting food along the river system more confiscated from the local population, the barbaric actions of the colonial administration. let the monstrous consequences
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can a year. i've got 3800000 people die from starvation and disease caused by mount nutrition . though great britain itself had enough resources to overcome the disaster. at the same time, 170000 tons of australian wheat made its way bass, starving in the debris. it is aisles. i hate indians. they are a beastly people with a beastly religion. the famine was their own fault for breeding like rabbits, british prime minister, winston churchill commented on the reports of the tragedy. the payment of 1943 became the climax in the british policy of genocide against the indian population. according to historians, from 12 to 29000000 people overall died from starvation alone during the reign of the british in india, the,
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the, the, the private buddy. let's start with the program to barn holidays and occasional family days that we all need. we're not going to be posting the show every single day. this used to be a weekly. it's not a weekly look for us now every day to fall. number one, the one of data stan was a disaster militarily and waste economically for 20 years. it lasted. so why do our illustrious politicians only have a problem with o the last week or so? trip item number 2, the editors of the new york times. you've got to see this, the new york times, the washington post, the l a times are told to their faces that they haven't gotten the story right and 20 years. this is good. how do they respond to file number 3?
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the number of ukrainian casualties from the war with russia is out and it's both sad and staggering. we're going to tell you what it is. i'm rick sanchez and this, this is direct impact. the, the . so i want to start with a story for you. imagine that a bank robber goes into a bank and then on his way in, he shoots a guard right. and then he kills several of the tellers when he's inside the back. even rough up some of the customers who are there. and he's able to get away from his bank wouldn't know, eons of millions of dollars. but somehow on the way out when he's trying to run out the door to get away. he happens to trample a little old lady who just happen to be, you know, crossing the sidewalk when he was leaving the back. do you have this picture?
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you have this picture and your head is a story and you're mine. perfect. now imagine this, the next day when the story is reported in the newspaper, the article only focuses on the fact that this man who rob the bank trampled a little old lady crossing the sidewalk. no mention of the highest, no mention of what he did inside the bank. no mention of the people who died inside the bank. it's almost as if it didn't happen. it kind of sounds ridiculous, right? who would do that? that is, believe it or not, in many ways. what is happening right now with the war in afghanistan, a war that we were in for 20 years. let me please say that again. we were there for 20 years. that is more than the revolutionary war. the civil war, world war 2 and world war 3 had throw in vietnam or korea, all of those combined. and they treat it as if it didn't happen. you know,
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you know, what did happen. so we spent $300000000.00 a day of your money if you happen to be a tax fair in the united states and you've got for that $300000000.00 a day for 20 years. you got nothing? fuck cuz 0. yeah. zip 0. not say that. uh huh. and we also, by the way, last 7000 soldiers, 7000 dead us soldiers and marines. also more than 280000. that of danny's. so what you think like the bank story that, that we should be questioning that for those 20 years to, to, to make sure that we don't screw up again so that we don't do something as colossal, colossally stupid as we did there again? no, no, i mean, you know, i'd say that generally speaking,
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our media doesn't even talk about it. and when our politicians don't talk about it, this is what they want to talk about. having a plan is one thing, preparing the plan, vetting the plan, coordinating the plan with the people that are going to actually carry you out the department of defense. that's another set of tasks completely yet. and that was too little, too late. okay, so it's hard to tell from that sound bite, but what, what they're describing there is the end of the war in afghanistan. you know, like the last couple of weeks, i mean what you're watching there is a moment in the us congress to be more specific. it's the house of representatives, foreign affairs committee. drilling down on the mistakes that we made when we finally ended the war in a dentist and literally like the last, you know, i don't know a couple of weeks last month or something. now granted, the exit was not pretty. it wasn't even well handled. and there's nothing wrong with asking questions about why the planning during this thing went so far
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a ride. i got it. okay. or what is the last month of the war was worth a few questions in congress. then how about the other night? 10 years at 11 months, should only be asking questions about that time. her see it as well about all the people who died. i mean, do 2 things come to mind as i'm sitting here talking to you and talking about the story that too few reporters talk about that are important to me anyway. things that may explain why those 19 plus years are not talked about one. i'll just give it to you straight money money. if we want to look really close at that time period, those 19 years and 11 months that have dentist in, we might just find out who got really, really rich off that war. and why my people really got really
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rich off that war. we might find out just how much money was simply not even accounted for. did you know, i mean, literally we're talking billions and billions and billions of dollars that nobody can even find. nobody can account for you to this day. banished who's got it. i don't know joe mary, who i don't know mohammed who's got it, we don't know. and we might find out that that, that the, he's in our, our politicians don't want to ask questions like those or, or talk about the rest of the war. except for just the last couple of weeks is because they don't want us to find out that the people who got really rich off afghanistan's war are the same. people who give them money for their campaigns. in fact, they're probably their favorite donors. and then there's a 2nd point and it's this washington is so broken right now. it really is.
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washington is so broken. so broken right now. the only thing that they ever discussed they are these days are stories when one party can use at the hack, away at the out there where they get attack each other. uh huh. you know, those got your moments, right? in other words, republicans can attach the exit from afghanistan and say, i have seen the last couple of weeks that i've damaged in that was president biden's fault. so now they're all in republicans. yeah. they're all there and we're gonna, we're gonna talk further about just like democrats, if they can attach trump to some obscure russian dude or some obscure ukrainian person somewhere. the old, that, that's it. they're all in. they're going to spend a week, they're going to call hearings and investigations and spend millions of dollars trying to find out what that dude's name is, or how trump got to know him or whatever. yeah, it's, it's really sounds frustrating. i apologize if i sound a little passionate about this stuff, but it's just crazy. if you're wondering why they would not ask questions about
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something as important as the war in afghanistan, it's simple. it's simple because in that case they're all in those 19 years and 11, they're all in. it's not a republican war. it wasn't a democratic more, it wasn't everybody wore, they all screwed it up and they're also all on the take. all of them for the most part, take donor money from the same military contractors who made sure that that war went on, seemingly for ever. let's talk about this. i want to break this down now with our guest. i want to bring them in right away. let me introduce you to ted rall is a political cartoonist. call host of the final countdown on the sputnik news. and we're also joined by a former ukrainian diplomat and was a blower on drill. intelligent go um, andrew, did i get something wrong here? can you please criticize me?
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set me straight. tell me how i'm full of crap. this is all correct, so you're on track. what does happen today? the washington, what i personally, which has thrown up being and worked here, washington dealing with a wash politician. so what the trump team works for the democrats. this is all with the money. they want us to make money on every war against a she mainly iraq. you name with a serious. remember you free today is a continuation everybody sound. the stop start to go chase and stop the blood. should stop dealing with no money. money minus $200000000.00. that's the 100 of $60000000.00. it's not enough. they're going to continue to see your solar tract on the situation. and the people need to know need to be a winner. what their congressmen are on the stairs are responsible for and they have to keep them responsible for their actions as she's their money. is it
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possible? so for the front as a friend today, i support. well, the reason i in the situation, i have to stop the funding, legal funding because it's not only making it worse, but a feeling the money into pockets of i've seen the bill here today or people broadway to buy this out. we're going to the state. hey, ted, you know, i was thinking, as i was preparing the story, why in the world, if you have a 20 year war, i think the longest war in the history of our country. would you do an investigation only in the last couple of weeks that just didn't of itself seem almost laughable. and why am i the only one laughing as well? it has a sort of a psychological implication, rick, which is if the only thing we look at about that 20 year experience in afghanistan is how the withdrawal was handled. there's the application that maybe we shouldn't
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have withdrawn, that maybe we should still be there. and i really think that's what this is about. the images of the distraught half kids falling off the plains, fleeing, cobble and all that. is you. what do you think? uh, what do you, what do you think? what do you think withdrawal that we're not going back to the early days after 911 when the bombs 1st started falling on cobble in early october of 2001 and a unanimous congress except for barbara lee. one house representative who was treated horribly as a result of her vote, in fact, just recently got no further run for the senate seat in california coming in for. and she should have been 1st. um, you know, the, everybody in congress like you said, rick. all democrats, all, all the, all her, all the republicans, they all voted for this thing is the price of the service. i apologize for my
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account. i know you're a bit or so it's the but it's fascinating what you're saying because what you're saying is the picture that they're trying to paint and the, and maybe i, you're so smart to have seen something that i didn't see the picture. they're really trying to paint as we were doing so good there. why wouldn't we get out? my god, this thing was going wait. why not gone 21? why not? don't 22. when i go 23 years, you're andre. what are you sick? it's yeah, this is the, this is what's not going break from the beginning. it was a whole. what should i say that i saw you too? i remember i got calls when did you want us? it wasn't actually, it's military personnel. i got calls from the wall street journal journalist asked me to assist with no restoration of us citizens working for the wall street journal, which the nations got stuck in behind. they had no system there to protect the oh, the citizens were left behind. all this mess, this thing was not going on. well,
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this was done in a matter, you know, actually all the matter. just, just to see everything up, i think it was a separate house. the street might get things roughly. that's exactly hard on purpose. and so they will not come up and the rest of it. exactly. but, but, but what 10 point them with the point that you just made. it's so important because it means that we're not asking any questions. in other words, we're not going to ask questions like the ones that we just posed when we started this newscast through the show. because, after all, we need to leave the impression that we can continue to do this type of thing. like we are a new queen right now, for example. all right, so why does that happen? this is important when we come back, how editors of the new york times, the washington post are more responding to being a cues to west of our faces. by the way, somebody stood up and told the executive auditors of all 3 of the biggest newspapers in the united states. but they have been getting it wrong now for the
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last 20 years. what did i say? who says this? this is a moment. you have to watch, it has everything to do with what we've been talking about with afghanistan. and we're going to continue right here, as we prove that we can get the truth and that we're a pet friendly show right here on direct impact the, the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sun set up the same assistance
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must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on russia cruising and split the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say a request for check the pay one backup? i sanchez. i spent a lot of time talking about politicians in that last segment in what they do in congress or what they failed to do. but i could just as easily mention how the media, right, my colleagues in this country have let us down completely when it comes to coverage
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of our foreign policy. i couldn't do that, but i'd rather let somebody else do it. and this is interesting. i want you to hear now from some dude, so i never knew what i want to know him. now. he apparently is running for congress and some district of new york city. his name is jose vega. and when he found out that the distinguished executive editors of the new york times and the los angeles times and the washington post would all be attending. even reuters, by the way, would all be attending a conference where they would talk about journalism and how they correctly cover stories. like i said, yeah, i don't think so. so he shows up and i gotta tell you, he lets them have it watch. and so then we've been talking about the north stream since that's the biggest story of the century. and you guys, you know, i mean, you have the executive editor of the new york times there who came up with
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a funny story to try and block seymour hersh. it just, it's just kind of funny how that happened. you know, i mean even acknowledge seymour hersh, all of you were executive editors of papers that for pedagogy me lie. watergate. is this the same papers or not? i mean, is there anything you've gotten right in the last 20 years or am i mistaken about that? i mean, it's just kind of funny because i read wrong serious, wrong rush, i get really wrong. okay. kind of getting the list goes on and on. so the last thing you could do to try and actually fix your reputation is acknowledge that through we, we have to wind out that the lensky was going to bomb moscow on the anniversary. i mean, if you parcel suited to at least say, right, that's a wednesday, we're going to bring us on the verge of world war 3. that seems pretty fair. rods in prison. all of you've got, you know,
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that checks you because he's in jail for doing your job. and you know what, tucker carlson a know seymour hersh, but he did something you guys are scared to do to speak the truth and actually be critical of the war, which is why he was actually the single one of you. you had any relevancy and you know what the mainstream presence now the diet and nobody's ever going to listen to you again. you have no credibility, but the only people tell what you have our lease where i'm not paying for that because the more and it's dying. so where are you at least some thing either about north stream or ukraine or the fact that the landscape brought us to the verge of world war 3. and the only reason we knew about that was the leaks. and what do you think that they said? what, what did you, what did you want to respond? if somebody said somebody came to me and made those kinds of accusations i would
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respond. they did. they said no, we're not going to respond. and they moved on and took some question from some sophomore somewhere who, you know, wanted to know the difference between sourcing and non sourcing and their story or something. you know, journalism, 101 of 10. what do you think of that? they're really not journalists, they're not truth tellers. these are corporate executives who are masquerading as journalists, you know, you can tell, but how up uncomfortable they are. me here, any of the 3 of us, anywhere in the who's really truly involved in this business would be likely to want to just go out there and, you know, mix it up with anybody, even if they're putting you on the spot, even if they're off agenda or, you know, these are legitimate questions and you know, the fact that they don't want to engage because it's not, it doesn't fit into their prepared script. shows what kind of people were dealing
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with here. audriel, i thought to myself as i was listening him to him poor all this out, which he could have added the situation that's going on now in, in guys, obviously. and their coverage of it as well is that these are things they should have gotten right. these are things they easily could have gotten right. these are things they should still be analyzing, talking about, explaining, so that we as americans do understand them. i'll give you an example. ukraine, that may have been one of those biggest screws up in our come militarily in our country's history. is shut up when you don't hear about it. nobody talks about it. and the reason they don't talk about it is because the people who handle our national conversation people in, for example, cable news, they won't talk about it. shouldn't they talk about it? of course this is what they are there to do. just the job mean a journalist to expose the truth, get the truth out to the public. robert of america right across the world. just
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people wish to listen to these papers before for years and years. but it's, it's fine the thing wrong. but just because they're incompetent, but because they haven't bored or to get it wrong, that would be one or 2 large of the public. what's happening with the i dealt with these paper. i think a lot of people were in politics. stuff was washing clothes at times. i had a storage about what i do, my comments and the editor, and the store up personally because it got work and call them it for part of the part of the dc. to cut off my comments and basically the sort of article and publish it in the way that they gave an order or just sort of my support they publish. so this is what we're dealing with today. corporate community. it probably were by the company, the state and mr. some theory. this is the fast what, why the page to promote a false agenda to the public and see how the public folder falls under that. but you know, but the truth is about today's fitness center. but they are the leaks,
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these are the enemies now, you know, you know, it's funny because what, what really is missing there. it's not like they're like they, they know they don't lie. what they do is they leave out context. they leave out nuance. they leave out history. the example i just made about ukraine. it's gone. it's an 8th or it's somewhere on mars or plato, we're not allowed to talk about it anymore. we shouldn't be talking about it that way. we should be better prepared for the next time. we have to deal with a stupid conflict that we shouldn't get into. let's talk about you. great. let's talk about the grading conflict. the situation right now they're in ukraine is dire . the numbers don't lie, despite the fact that the ukrainian presidents a lensky says it's kind of, he's only lost 30000 soldiers, the real number, according to both of us and the russian media for the most part is 70000 here. in fact, here's russian defense minister survey shows you explaining ukrainian troop casualties
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just since the beginning of the year. so jo, since the beginning of the year for abrams tanks and 5 leopards, $127.00, bradley vehicles, 6 highmark launchers, 11 launchers of anti aircraft missiles systems including 5 patriots in general, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces during this period. that is, since the beginning of this year, or succeeded 71000 people and 11000 units of various weapons. this is almost 3 times higher than the same period last year. 171000 soldiers more than 11000 units of weapons have been lost, including tanks, rocket launching systems. then there's the sad story of ukrainian soldiers who've been main for the rest of their lives are going to have to live without arms or legs that numbers between 20 and 30000. then there's about, according to some estimates, 6000000 ukrainians who just left the country because they didn't want to be involved in this anymore, or didn't want to be involved from the very beginning. and didn't want to serve with the military. it's starting to look like the situation for president. so
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lensky is not salvageable, which is indicative of why western countries like the united states are now growing increasingly alarm drives. meanwhile, russian troops are continuing to move both in an eastward and southerly direction. according to western press reports, it's important to note that the. busy a new crane is also having an effect on non western nations who are part of the global south movement. for example, it appears that india and russia are now foraging. closer alliances. in fact, minister miranda modi of india just concluded a phone call with the russian president vladimir booth and they're gonna graduate him on his re election when body also emphasize that india, which has benefited greatly from you as well. sanctions placed on russia would be willing to assist in helping to negotiate and then to the ukraine conflict. we're down to 30 seconds to put a punctuation on this for me. what do you make of the russians getting together with the indians and they're going to be talking about the situation. a new crane?
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well, it's not a uniform world anymore, right? wreck? i mean, what happened is that the enemy of miami is my friend. and so what's happened is that americans made a lot of amenities and they're all getting together and they're making becoming friends. that's amazing. my thanks to both of you. great. guess what? a wonderful conversation. i'm so glad that we had a chance to talk about things like this and let's do it again. look forward to seeing you guys again. i appreciate your time. think before we go, i want to remind you of our mission here. it's really simple and it's why we do it every single day. we try and be silo things beside all the world. you know, we got to stop living in these little boxes. districts don't live in boxes, so everywhere. and that's what we try to do here. i'm rick sanchez and i'll be looking for you again where i hope to provide a direct impact the
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the, what is a part of the is it that the employee would post that isn't the defense you of us and bidding the word part? is it something deeper, more complex might be present? good. let's stop without pieces. let's go out of or the eclipse. do you need the pdf list audio page, go level the use of solutions, stuff. a campus. you see the shifting. it's because each time you should go to miller, we'll collect, let's keep it to for a good position to discuss the dc on this before they have to do is make sure that you create, excuse that ideas, which is pretty cool story. so if it's possible,
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great, and some of the doors not say that the dots conflicting the thoughts about pushing of centuries ago. your for bears name this country ukraine or frontier because you're steps blank, europe and asia, the ukrainians, that become frontiersman of another story. the people will be able to sing the songs, whichever i most of them, there's always, you know, going to try to jump to the most goals and would have been data that some of the heavily negligence coleman 0 point on the post co pays gift to 2nd to will have to okay and the stuff on the, the,
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the world's largest muslim nation, indonesia likes the new president who calls for unity. and as the results are challenged by the runner up who claims the vote was ranked us official responsible for policies and asia is forced to deny meddling in pakistani elections . that's despite leaving the state department cables, exposing washington's direct to influence on politicians that are at no points. at no point, does it choose the united states government or me personally of taking steps against iran, con doctors and journalists are reportedly detained and blind.


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