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tv   News  RT  March 21, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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the chipped over to be a gun because danielle couldn't move when you receive the that was the russian president vladimir putin has just made a new statement on his presidential election victory. let's look and then he's going important the electrical conveyed to boot as ended. what can you see on your computer? each candidate has its own approach, excuse me, to addressing electronic issues, all the constructive proposals, the ideas of that. where would you be popular with the voters? will be use the 2nd point for the best men to you from our country and the electrical campaign was difficult. we got into us, we've been a matter of a lot of responsibility. we were choosing a path that forward, for russia we were choosing
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a future for ourselves of us and for out children pretty much the same ordering, some of that event. the significance of it was understood by the majority of the voters who to them and came to the chest. and we also came to the roll. so i'd like to thank once again. glad for voting, regardless of where you voted for the reason what the most important thing is that you have shown that you understand your civic duty. you value your voice. and each voice room is like, every citizen of russia has either mass of significant was a very, was my friends. thank you for your support agent. when there was a me, it is more important because then just in the form of victory, the election, much to me, it's sort of shows to me that use in board the course we have chosen around the country. we deal with the results that we're striving for the even today. we see as i will work, makes russia stronger, more defendant. i'd like to say
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a few words about the work of the admissions easily. and the electronic apologies as always, a glass that you were going to say openly and responsibly to the 2 year defective ladies. nicole and the, the new, the new senators of russia, your members of the electoral commissions were setting examples here were for everyone. a friend to thank you for showing me your trust. i would ever see you and you might have to making sure that you just well place. that could be the level of trust that you put in me. of course, that makes me responsible for the confidence in the future. yeah, no problem. country of our nation, it would require more work for me personally from my team, but my son and i will to every single level to everything, to make sure that the maximum national functions that i have recently spoken about at length, the interest of the federal establishment will be carried down the election showed
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that russia today, the youngest one, the big you, family, money studies come up with we are well working together alone. so what do you story live boss that we've chosen together? and i'm sure that we will have a bright future. thank you. just as a russian president vladimir put and making a statement just a few moments ago after the central election commission officially confirmed him as the winner of this past weekend's russian presidential election thinking voters for their support saying that it shows people support the future of the country and all the ideas that border supported in the election will be implemented to improve russia's future saying that russia is one big family. indonesia has elected a new president for bose, be unto who gained over 58 percent of the votes he currently serves as the country's defense minister. however, it runner up any us the best way to and hasn't filed a case to challenge the outcome of the election alleging and unjust voting process
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. shortly after the results were announced, the president liked the called for unity in the world's most populous muslim country. by it is good that we respect differences of opinion. but off the differences of opinion, we must seek unity. a common determination. let us not dons to other peoples drums . enough of the hundreds of years. we have been divided by the imperialists and the colonialists. enough is enough. indonesia is now united and strong. now we want to work for the people of indonesia, not for others. nation defense, fitness, flat affordable sylvia and all was declared, president elect in a land flight when securing almost 60 percent. he is set to take office for the next 5 years along side vice president elect, people that are coming back on living all the candidates. truly, the new government has already pledged to work hard for all who voted for or
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against me. i can enjoy the president, we will be the president, vice president and government for all indonesians, for those who did not vote for us, give us a chance. we will be the president, vice president and go meant that work as hard as they can. for all indonesians, we must respect all people's choices. as the election who adopt and preliminary counts an exit polls show their when they gathered with supporters for a celebration optimistic about taking office in october. but things may not go so smoothly. the other candidates have a large fraud and irregularities in the election process claiming their anomalies and the results improper distribution of government 8 during the campaign and violations by the general elections commission. and allowing people to add to that complement galka to register as
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a candidate before minimum age regulations for change. the president lack however, has brushed off the allegations. for me, there is no problem. the people are the most important matter to me. i don't care if i want to uphold the truth. what are they afraid of? i want my people not to suffer from hunger. i am defending the truth. i only want to defend the people. the queens of fraud have also been dismissed by the current president joe cole. we don't, he claim to that. a large number of surfers, including security guards, election supervisory agency representatives, and candidate representatives, witness the forwarding process, layered supervision like this would eliminate possible fraud. don't scream fraud, we have mechanisms to solve it. if you have evidence, take it to the election supervisory agency. if you have evidence, challenge it at the constitutional court. the defeated candidates have
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a long battle i had missed the bus, went on and gotten jetta, but i know a plan to challenge the results in the constitutional court. according to law. they have until monday to submit their appeals and as trouble and joyce victory. how the stand off play is out in the coming months remains to be seen. maybe cannot be the full reporting from jakarta for r t us assistant secretary of state donald lou has been heckled while speaking at a congressional hearing on last months to pakistani general election. the official claim to has no links to the ousting of prime minister and wrong con, in april 2022. that's despite the fact that mister loos involved that was actually revealed in a linked a document. this conspiracy theory is a lie. is this a complete false, but i have reviewed the press reporting related to this what it's called, the cipher impact us on the alleged leak diplomatic cable,
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from the embassy here it is not accurate. it's at no point at no point. does it accuse united states government or me personally of taking steps against iran con then prime minister and wrong con was hosted at the kremlin and february 2022 on the 1st day of the ukraine conflict was shortly after that meeting, donald lewis sent a diplomatic cipher to washington's envoy in this, on the bottom warning pakistan could face isolation from the west unless iran pond is removed from power. and then in april pakistan's parliament i was to con in a new confidence vote that opposed free me or said lu sign for it was proof that washington conspired with his mom a bond to bring him down earlier this year con was sentenced to 10 years in pakistan for leaking state secrets, the us government has repeatedly denied its involvement. however,
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donald lou himself was revealed to have personally called for the ousting of con i think of the know confidence vote against the prime minister succeeds. oh, but it's a given in washington because the russia visit is being looked at as a decision by the prime minister on despite the imprisonment of the opposition leader con, independent candidates affiliated with his p t. i party won the most seats and last month's general election in pakistan. officials there have upheld the legitimacy and the transparency of the vote, but us claims it is concerned about alleged irregularities. my colleague nikki aaron spoke with a member of the pakistan alliance for girls education. she says, the world should not take any lectures about democracy from washington. america is to have a lot of interest when it comes to elections in democracy and so they have their own for to a few um about on elections really, really like has happened in, in democracies, whoever wins says that the $150.00 and the one with all they see that there was,
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they were a lot of disabilities and really no fee, or there was a lot of interest periods. and so it just seemed that just that you see happening now and the see that and to report is mentioning that they were issues within, they knew to them that the to and this also increased problems and you know, the usual routine information that is given to the student deposit ballpark is done nothing new or used to, to be honest. the us has criticized the recent presidential election in russia. well, there were observers from no to the rest of the world, giving glaring reports, visiting posting stations a checking on everything. how seriously so the us condemnation be taken, especially considering the silence over ukraine and nodding elections. and in that country you can judge really a we've gone to leave. you shouldn't be taking the american criticism very
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seriously. because in the recent times, we've seen that america is the only country which we tools whenever you're not going to assume an issue is brought up in the united nation. so when countries which, which i p a community against human rights, which are clearly assisting the country, these in governments, what, abusing human rights and in showing clear people. christy, we need to take their to concerns with the not all sorts of ages to feel sort of focused on has had a election. so this is a continued election like every time that we have after 5 years, some has lost some well and the government is moving forward. so we need to be very cautious in this day and age when it comes to america's indications. we need to be very cautious because really forces claim to have killed at least 90 people during their latest raid on alice chief, a hospital in central gossum displaced the civilians at the medical facilities say they were left without access to food or water throughout the 3 day seas is really
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for us as a storm that the medical complex claiming they were searching for terrorist hiding in the area. i'll see if a hospital is the biggest medical facility in gaza and has shelter to thousands of displaced palestinians since the start of the conflict. israel has repeatedly claims the hospital is a hamas operation center. someone else chief as display say, the idea of force them to strip down to their underwear, to leave the building. the ship. it is really forces besieged in storm del schafer hospital while we were displaced there. after 2 and a half days under siege, we ran out of food and water. we had nothing to eat or drink or what else. so what made things even worse is that i have little children, no model including a newborn. finally, we raised white flags from the windows along with another family, and miss leah's really forces evacuated us along the way. they made us take off our clothes, and others took all our belongings and handcuffed us. and the who the during the
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rate is really forces reportedly blindfolded journalists and health care workers at the hospital, ordering them to strip down to their underwear. local journalists reported that the situation at l. she for is dire. these really forces detained all the doctors and al chief a hospital. i see you, patients are left without any medical care. all the doctors they arrested were stripped and humiliated and verified images circulating online for part of life. so the blindfolded doctors and journalists from al schaefer other reports claimed the health care workers were forced out into the cold with out close idea of his tried to justify its raids on the hospital by saying senior, how most terrorists were in hiding there. we reached out to him, are those all the deputy head of the palestinian journalist and they get, he says the war has but a target on journalists backs and the the, the arrest and assaults on journal is that i'll ship a hospital are part of
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a comprehensive strategy followed by the occupation forces. same that'd be a solid and realize ation of journalists. why is it being carried out? and i'll see if a hospital because i'll ship a hosp is always a symbol of reviving live in gaza. this is something that you, patient, authorities do not want. that's why they aimed to kill any possibility of reviving live in gaza while g a 0 because all to 0 is one of the media out of the covers daily lives in gauze of the most. that's why it's journalist all the most targeted in this war, especially northern god. israel realized on a comprehensive media strategy based on lies deception and trying to supplicate any alternative narrative does include symbols and absolute military censorship, even on hebrew media. now what is more significant, according to the journalist indicates documentation. $129.00 journalist and media workers have been kill us and the start of this aggression are also targets on media headquarters. since the 1st week of the war, israel has gone all media headquarters in gauze creating an unsafe working
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environment for journalists, i believe that america and several other colonial countries are full partners and this aggression against all people, including the journalists, the united states cannot be considered a fair or impartial judge and should not make such statements. it is the us that provides the occupation with various types of munitions and covers it politically. cnn journalists must primarily rely on themselves and the active liberation forces worldwide. the genuinely supported them through the steps to protect posting and journalist should be taken. they should not count on the western or even international system, which ultimately serves colonial interest and its vision. the 25000 tons of russian we have been delivered, it is. and by the way, the donation came with an additional $23000.00 tons of fertilizers, supply by russia. is that your account with the support of the united nations food program, a specimen instead of shipments, faults rented 50000, all sorts of lodges comprising co authors and complex. that's why those forces may
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equal an invitation of interest asked by president fulton analysis. i pencil 1000 printed to you 1st organize by the joint efforts of all 10. the major producer, all sorts of laws that we're seeing, russian and the united nations was told from the us agency chocolate, the vessel to the label, to the effects eliza or some of your so most of the from way of a heavy press for white o. through z by the russian investor has expressed hope the shipments will contribute to the further sustainable, socio economic development of zimbabwe. the fertilizer donation is just one of 5 russian shipments sent to african countries since 2022, exceeding 134000 tons. most of the deliveries were organized in close cooperation with the u. n. food program. there's involved way in present. instead, the donations show russa's solidarity with this country. the government and the
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people afresh. yep. every year, again, extended and or friendship solely that it is and support the donation. we're assuming. therefore, ripley is not only russia's material support, but also as a strong desire by our friends to c o country to try even prose russian service men have gained access to a us supplied abrams tank after they disabled it on the front lines of the doing that square public footage shows the tank being hit twice with a kamikaze, drones from different angles. new print in crew was apparently forced to abandon the crippled vehicle and slowly russian military scouts then made their way to the abrams to salvage at the expensive american equipment. still inside, we heard from the soldiers who took part in that decisive operation. the full of
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furniture. oh, it was very hard to see, but some movement was visible before, so i spotted it and decided to destroy it. with the 1st he had landed in the track compartment of the 2nd tier met it's mark after which the tank caught fire. and then the next drones are which were sent by other guys finish it it officer. but after that the crew left the tank. when the weather got better, are super cam comrades and other aerial scouts, and we're able to distinguish whether it was a leopard or an abrams, to make sure it was the praised american machine. those are for that 1st and i didn't even expect it to be an american story. i thought it was just any old tank, but it was an american tank. i felt sensational, seeing that the americans burned brighter and hotter than any other tanks need to know based on what you know if there's nothing special about this tank, despite how the west and ukraine praise it just wasn't having sat in it. i can say that it is worse than our t ninety's our tanks, but it's not surprising that it is praise like this unless it was shot down by our
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colleagues using s p v. drones. the tank drove out into the open the front. they wanted to push us and our infantry back, but they failed. the crew tried to run away, but stayed close. they didn't make it far. the outside is riddled with shrapnel from their own mortar shells. when it looks like you tried to burn it themselves. we were the 1st ones to jump in to see it all to film, and i felt that the ukraine has decided to honor the notorious nazi says the veteran, you are a swab hook up with a metal. a scandal are up there last year. when the canadian prime minister and his entire government applauded hookah in parliament. but here's how you printing authorities justified the latest tribute, a yellow slab whose galicia division vet 2 and is to be decorated for a significant personal contribution to providing assistance to ukrainian armed forces in charitable and public activities. so it's not exactly clear what contribution zeros, lab hung come made it to the armed forces of ukraine beyond forces service and
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hitler's watson. s ask alicia division of ukrainian nazis who spent world war 2, killing jews and our russian allies fighting against hitler along with us. in the west at the time he's 99 years old now and yeah, you freight is getting short on troops, but i still don't think they're calling up the 99 year old x that's from canada. yeah. to serve as count and potter. so about the only quote public activity that home god is actually known for these days is sitting in canadian parliament, well visiting ukrainian prime minister of libraries, whiskey and all of cada's as elected representatives. cheered as the house speaker introduced him as a guide we fought russians. totally ignoring the historical contacts that russians back then were allies of the west against hitler. we have here in the chamber today ukrainian canadians cleaning canadian world veteran from the 2nd world war from fort ukrainian independence against the russians.
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the justice you pray and regional council is doing russian propaganda now ripping off this band aid on through those political career and putting hunger back into the spotlight with an award and the name of arrows. lab stetsco, whose name as an added bonus, figures and some online holocaust studies courses as someone known for giving the nazis who seal of approval for their extermination methods used on jews. former house speaker spoke goes and explained that all. so hugo was his constituent and lived in his district. and he said last year that he had invited hancock to parliament. what actually happened road that clarified was that the canadian ukrainian congress lobby put forward honk his name. and the parliamentary protocol office had the whole list that is by true those office with
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a fine tooth comb. before that invitation was sent out, not surprising that the russian embassy had a bit of fun. with that fact, he was prime minister justin to don't haine bought to desktops criminal to the parliament last year as recommended by the cranium, canada, and community the 5 months later still that silent, don't you of whom cause nancy post. no condemnation equals justification. teacher though, characterized as new fiasco, which was revealed alongside another new little bit of information that hunk i had also been invited to a private invite. you all need swab a in toronto with true those a whiskey and about a 1000 other of their closest friends. now the email, the invite for that came from to those office and that was linked to the canadian press also back in february. at which point the official opposition wants to know. why true though, didn't come clean about all of this when he had a chance. months ago. now we know that he personally invited that same individual
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and he said that the former speaker had to resign or were doing the exact same thing. so will he hold himself to the very same standard method he's not fit for off the leader of the opposition is choosing to me again, so ukrainian canadian, congress res. this conservative party no longer stands with ukraine, used to not stand with ukraine not stand with ukrainians. not would you frame and knew all teams always use talking about how they're ready to join you like right now because the clean up in ukraine is going faster than expected. maybe that has something to do with crude in citing the notification as one of the 2 goals that process military operation. in any case, it looks like they may have missed a spot over there at the turnip, all region. a lot of drama for
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a country that's already really high maintenance in cost to a lot of my is the west and well, the kind of high drama that usually rates to a break up long before marriage done best based finished journalist pianist with ken and told us the west prefers to sweep such a scandal. the stories under the rug. the waste, of course, is here on the firing line because we don't here to go on donation. we hear silence official support for nazi's goes to the years or full of minorities, and adults can be victims of a possible make nationalism. and that's why great is playing with fire may be even kind of a black man in the western leaders that even if you don't continue to support those, we will raise the these issues. and that will cause how, in the way, through countries where the integrated,
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the immigration population will react strongly. they are losing their home wrong. these, these support for the gradient, nazis, we'll come wildly known in the western western countries, adding the red population the security council is still living in the past that's according to india, which has slammed the blocks proposed reforms. new dalai says the global self is not getting the representation it deserves. as the main body of the united nations, with the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. how much or little the security council has been able to deliver on peace and security in the contemporary world with both feet. if i may say so firmly fixed in the past for the p 5 to decide even in the 21st century as to what the rules should go eventually to the 10 reflects a continuation of any qualities created in the past. 1945 era.
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the statement comes a day after the indian delegation level, the criticism at the u on directly the country is representative underlined issue such as the lack of a permanent seat on the security council for any country of the global south end spoke on why certain members sought to keep the existing model in place from a high commissioner of india to bangladesh and malaysia. professor venus secret told r t for forms are well overdue. the the question is on us to jodi guns or defaults india. and that is the highest importance. uh, do you ever did you already gone through a default because the fee and what are the major reason of that? the un is increasingly effective in macros, off of one piece into your di in matters of development. because you enter jodie, going to reform that lock taken place. and one of the beach was also you if you've already gone through the phones are the shape and size and membership of the un
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security don. so it says, no, just a building to increase this non governmental membership group from 10 to maybe another $25.00 or $26.00 is not going to be effective at all. no, really reading the general assembly into the so you're already gone. so that's what you're doing. the main point about you integrate deducted from the membership, it has to be representative. it must be representative. without that. how could you dig it? does he did on anything? now? p 1945. maybe at that time, there was no eviction of watching for the un to go to guns, a blown as man. but i think with just something that was the less selected or they would normally just by himself just considering the situation at the end of world war 2 in 1945. but today is down the line. we will see that there's a great need for making the appointment membership more representative, either one of the key decisions i want to be in dial after the on demand. how do you think that is going to represent the worst situation? how do you think would it be if it did a toy?
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so that is why we see that the you integrated johnson is, is putting increasingly ineffective in terms of key decisions and the solution finding approaches in terms of a bringing resolution on the major conflicts or traditions facing the world today in washington, former associates of joe biden, son hunter up, testified the president himself was actually involved in their business dealings delegations were made during a house inquiry. the latest phase of a republican drive to impeach the incumbent later a mr. bob zelinski, who's the big guy, are you sure about that? because when doing the job i or you're sure i'm a 1000 percent sure is joe biden line when he says he did not interact with hunter by engine by in their business partners or for an interest. yes or no? yes, mr. delano. yes. this latest testimony backs up republican allegations that jo biden's family has used his influence for financial games. the
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claims point to this happening while he's served as a us senator and later as vice president and that periods 100 bite and joining the board of the training and gas company, maurice my back in 2014 hunter himself denies any wrong doing. and says he was paid $1000000.00 per year after agreeing to take a job. but for reason on the advice of a former, publish positive, i start doing any other work for these 4 and come president's questionnaire ski said to me that ends up being the result. if it shows the me president questionnaire of sky, who is literally the symbol of democracy in eastern europe, and you 100 biden, whose name is also a symbol of freedom and democracy, and standing up for the ukrainians desire for a democratic state against vladimir putin and then i was comfortable with that. i was completely comfortable with that video host and political commentator, steve osborne told us to bide and family apparently feels protected from prosecution at least for now. i think at this time he's president of the united
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states and he's facing a, an impeachment inquiry and it could very well result in, in a vote on and peach me which i think would pass. look, this is an election year to so the timing of this is very, very important. unfortunately, we have a media in this country that even today, even after the testimony still continues to say, as they talked about this story and the testimony which said, hey, joe biden was involved, a jo bivens in charge of this whole thing. they say, well, they're saying all this and we still haven't seen any proof. that's how they end every homeless every time they do this story. so it's going to be an uphill battle to make it stick to joe biden. but, you know, congress has that power and they couldn't feature. i don't see the binding family getting in any trouble, legal trouble. the only possibility, and i do think it's remote, is that by to get some peach.


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