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tv   News  RT  March 21, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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a chip vehicle because danielle could be moving you versus the the headline said top, ukrainian official insult. say chinese special representative by deliberate. the mispronouncing has the name using an upset. it's a on of live broad costs. more than 50 people are killed is the idea of continues. it's offensive that i'll see the hospital is, comes as images a much on social media showing don't because i'm joining us, detains on lines, told if by the way, the only time slot a bit page. and thanks to poll says um, so just to live up to direct stations. things especially sometimes when all the presidential election with a record breaking, 87 percent of the vote. we savvy of questions. if one of the elections international upset. we want it to election the viewing 3 days here in moscow,
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and i can tell you that these are very objective developers. it's high level the a variable. welcome is 4 pm here in the russian campus. so then you are watching on see international with the latest world news update, as always is great to have you with us. a top story this, our, a top ukrainian official has raised a few eyebrows off to insulting chinese special representative. nice way on f. i deliberately mispronouncing his son named using the crude cost. would you still use the same as the most of the vehicle? was we weren't boston is as soon as we say that the boy sample was done. so when he might have somebody slip. okay, well let's get the details now from all correspondence. don't know what's closer, don't many thanks for coming in with the details. so what exactly happened was it,
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is this simple slip of the tongue. do you think? well as key of continues to face mounting defeats on the battlefield, it's clear that ukraine's secretary of the national security and defense council, i would say to neil of this, resorting to some low brow tactics. name calling essentially the chinese representatives last name, way river resembles a very nasty crude word in russian and ukrainian, which essentially means penis in english. and so after leeway came to ukraine, looking to bring the conflict closer to peace, mister than you thought it would be appropriate to make fun of the special representative from china. his last name. there's no room for misinterpretation here either because you can see clearly in the video that the humor was not lost on the anchors that were conducting this interview. but it's also no secret that the new love has taken issue in the past with chinese, and we're trying to position out of the central peaceful resolution of the conflict and ukraine. specifically that beijing says they will not participate in any sort
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of peace negotiations that do not include moscow at the negotiating table. nevertheless, china is foreign ministry has said that it's still going to continue to try to work towards a peaceful solution. mm hm. the have been some of the cases a huge for any and politicians at the growing out in souls like these 2 people who they disagree with this. it's a sport of kids, diplomacy and tactics. maybe. well, that's definitely true. i mean, you're printing and officials have a very long track record of this, a throwing insults that politicians for whether it be all love salts, calling him liver worst, or saying that indians and chinese people are weak minded. let's take a list. jump probably in my easy to die of what is the problem with india, china and so on. the problem of these countries is that they do not analyze the consequences of their own steps. the intellectual potential of these countries is unfortunately weak accent like an offended dilemma. was doesn't sound very
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statesman like we're not ready to give our freedom to this generous bulletin. that's it. now in the past, not much has been done about this nasty rhetoric from t of so it's not likely that it's gonna wrapped into a political scandal, but it sure does represent some sort of desperation and key of when nasty words and insults are used to basically replace what is lacking on the battlefield. you know, i think we could expect an official response from china on this, but i, they can probably, they'll probably take notes of what was being said, maybe thanks for coming in with the d test on. of course. well, that's the now across to all to contribute to cause uh uh, call good to see you. many. thanks for joining us today. so we have this, you pregnant, official insulting a chinese represents. did using an obscene play on words. what do you think about that? i mean, what are they even doing at this point? how does this even help you frame it?
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does it and china is call me or process a on his pro good. china has a propose that you're willing to take on the role of a broker for peace between ukraine and russia, and president 20 set fees. receptive to is a chinese proposal. now we know, let's not even pretend ukraine is a sovereign nation at this point because we know there could have been peace back in march 2022 except for us, johnson comes in and tell, are you printing off visuals to call it off because europe will have ukraine's back, so we know that the real resistance to keys is follow the backer. so you brains, the people who sit in in g, nato, and, and washington. and it's never that unless the question is, what do these ukraine or official do? i mean, stop. i mean, like really, if you look at the resume of the ukraine, president zalesky and his former career is
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a committee and maybe that's what they know bass, you know, basically a clock shall himself. but again, that does not help you. great, does not help you creating people a does not create peace. yeah, and then the thing is, you know, call this is just the latest incident. so he, quite in officials are using a brace of rhetoric. well, what is this tell us about the concern for diplomacy? in the landscape ministration. well, i don't think they got any, i don't think they have any diplomacy at this point 1st. first of all, they're not even solving because they're not. obviously they're not the ones we're making decision. ma'am. that is, if they can not makes a decision on whether or not to have peace was rush. uh, uh, you know, what is their job? their job is to act like flaws like they do right now. and obviously this uh, this practice is on state and statesman. like, what does your claim believe it's deigning by using profanity and how so arguments do you think? i mean, this is similar to windsor landscape, said she is
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a ball the pay grade of the chinese premier the each time you know, you mean this is just ridiculous to anybody outside of ukraine. this was just a ridiculous statement. and, and it was highly unprofessional. i don't think the chinese will even pay any mind to this because they're, they understand these uh, these, these ukrainian clause, they're just pump. these are their puppies of the west of washington. and now to have a rio cheese, a commitment to cheese. it's not up to the, let's see. and his ilk see, is really, you know, he has to wait for the whole a from nate to and from washington. i'm not, i'm not saying that this is going to make enemies out of the badging and, and kids, but it's definitely probably going to be noted by china and how whiskey is it's the
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key of to make an enemy out of china. exactly. it is totally unnecessary and, and is this all you does is help inform leaders in china that these people in kia are not serious people. they're not, they're not serious people do to deal with diplomacy. and the how does the, how do they, you quite a expects to improve this relationship with china. they already have a tendency dialogue with, with the country. and using such crude behavior is this very child like, isn't it? and do you think is how hard thing is going to impact the relationship if a tool as well? at this point, your brain is not even much of a country. i mean the at so for china is perfectly willing to step in and do help appropriate piece. and let's face it. this is, there's any nation that kind of help in the reconstruction of ukraine is,
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is china. china can actually bring real investment was spelled in ro, initiatives yet recreating shows at this juncture, to alienate china. it's not a very bright move. it does not serve the interest of ukraine or ukrainian people. but again, we, we know the people in t ever, not the one who, making real decisions anyway. and we know that a crate and is, of course, i can definitely bump down on the bus will fail. so lensky is taking logs from the west to cope. so how will this diplomatic spots with china, if it should turn into that reflect on ukraine's image among gets west and boxes. well, i mean maybe what they're trying to do is they're trying to lease the western backers because founder stands right now is us have the hots to put it to asia to come from china. maybe they think by doing some really am mature. so in the garden show
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that the only way wyndham, favorite in washington, but i don't think so they're, they're not getting the us. congress is not going to approve additional funding for you. right. so what do you, thanks for speaking to us today. we've been talking to was he contributed causa? thank you. i think you're moving on now. more than 50 people have been killed as the idea of continues to storm the l schafer hospital in the north of the enclave. video. first, it shows the idea of trips conducting what they call out the terrorist operations out the medical facility. and the idea stays, the palestinians killed they killed were terrorists that came on us strongly with drugs. moving a $140.00 phase how these would be an estimation toes, so that the medical facilities since the start of this operation, i'll see 5 is the largest medical complex in gaza and to show to thousands of displays, palestinians since the conflicts begun. some of our cfo's displays, say the i, the humiliated and mistreated them the,
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the issue, the is really forces besieged in storm dose, chief of hospital while we were displaced there. after 2 and a half days under siege, we ran out of food and water. we had nothing to eat or drink. uh so what made things even worse is that i have little children and model including a newborn. finally, we raised white flags from the windows along with another family. and miss leah's really forces evacuated us. a lot of their they made us take off our clothes and either took all our belongings and handcuffed us and the who knew well during the rate is ready for us is reportedly blindfolded. journalist son's health care work is at the hospital, ordering them to strip down to that underway and verify the images circulating online, but pulled at least of the abuse of the doctors and journalists that i'll see for the report was kind of the healthcare work is we're forced out on into the cold without canada it's the idea has tried to justify its rates on the hospital by
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staying seeking the homeless terrorists were hiding the local journalist reports it, but the situation at all, she thought is dia, these really forces detained. all the doctors and al chief a hospital. i see you patients are left without any medical care. all the doctors they arrested were stripped and humiliated. we reached out to a lot and as all the deputy head of the palestinian joiner less than because he stays the war has put a targets on 2. and a sparks is actually finally led to the arrest and assaults on journal is that i'll ship a hospital are part of a comprehensive strategy, followed by the occupation forces. same that'd be a solid and realize ation of journals. why is it being carried out? and i'll see if a hospital, because i'll ship a hospitality of the symbol of reviving live in gauze or just something that can patient authorities do not want it. that's why they aim to kill any possibility of reviving live in gauze wild to 0 because all to 0 is one of the media all the
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covers daily life and god, the most the that's why it's journalists are the most targeted in this war, especially in northern but israel realized on a comprehensive media strategy based on lies deception and trying to supplicate any alternative narrative. this includes symbols and absolute military censorship, even on the keeper media. now what is more significant? according to the journalist indicates documentation. 129 journalists and media workers have been killed since the start of this aggression. we're also targets on media headquarters since the 1st week of the war. israel has gone all media headquarters in gauze, creating an unsafe working environment for journalists. i believe that america and several other colonial countries are full pardoned us and this aggression against all people, including the journalist, the united states, cannot be considered a fair or impartial judge and should not make such statements. it is the wise that provides the occupation with various types of munitions and comments that political, st and journalist must primarily rely on themselves. and they actively the reason
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for this world why the genuinely supported them. through the steps to protect posting and journalist should be taken at this. they should not count on the western or even international system, which ultimately serves the colonial interest. and it says, is there any actions and dogs that have resulted in yet another tragic loss? a gifted palestinians, football of them, how many to bark has nicknamed the legend of con. unice has been killed within an as wally strike that hit his found the home last week. mohammed back has was 13 on years old when a bomb hate his hon. these gold, $114.00 goals during his career with the con units youth club, which he compton mister bob cats has also types of clubs in the westbank. jordan on saudi arabia. we heard from him how many gauzy. i'll go rebase sports journalist on close friends of the respective book. going to come in the middle kirkland, i'm america, the former player for the shop. bob ton unit club, the palestinian national team, and the awfully garza club was one of the most. tell them to play us and gaza will
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be starting his football career and to solve them to move it once above a 100 units. one of the guys are football, leak title bahama continued to shine until he was selected for the garden in ali. a remote club of those professional experience and jordan, who returned to gauze and played for shut off on units of southern customer. an awfully god. well distinguished on the field with his performance on matters. i was the captain of about 10 units for more than one season. the how much continued to play football and participated with the palestinian national beach? socrates in southern the national autonomy including saudi arabia, amman, and china. i'm, do you want the bronze medal and be soccer at the asian games in china and blame for palestine and homage was a very special plan. and all aspects have greatly missed him recently due to his sudden killing everyone, a shug by the loss of how much it had the significant impact on special relationships, was all the assets in garza. so that's my opinion has been officially proclaimed,
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went out all of the presidential election with 87.28 percent of the vote. essential election commission quotes the final results. the russian president expressed his appreciation to everyone who took part in the election process assigned to voters for supposing him a little bit less. i think all of you for your trust, i will do everything i can to meet your expectations. and i understand that such a level of trust increases responsibility for russia for the wellbeing of our people and demands more results and efficiency from myself. and from all our team, we will do everything in order to implement large scale national projects and programs. i talked about in the recent address, the elections have shown that russia is one big and united family today. together we follow the historic path. we've chosen. we are confident in ourselves, our strength and our future. thank you very much, lenny. i spoke with sylvia and joining us, lydia and i forget she was a russian presidential election observer and said with may, will she witness during the votes m o we morning sorta election. so during 3
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days here in moscow, and i can tell you that these are very objective democracy is it's high level. as we know, western countries have been quick to claim the russian election was on democratic as someone who actually observed the votes. well, how would you response to such criticism read this season? yes, they try of severe ways to this the best. otherwise this election soon say they are full spots. we seen everything and everything. what we seen, we made up for 1000 the voltage insensible rates. so people are all over the world, could see that also some other observers from france, i think they said the democracy here on the elections are much higher than in friends using the elections. i think it was that about from the united states us, it said also that some of the things that western media, uh and uh, voltage they send to the world about the elections here are much,
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much different when you come here to and the real estate. so be a of course, will soon mock a grim 25 years since it was heavily bones by the us and is nato allies. what can you tell us about the significance of this dates for the study and people's i was only 70 years old. when that happened. we were sitting in front of the television. uh, so when we were watching estimate all that, that was uh, a very popular locked in on every kinda tv show. it was uh, the moment. uh, when the news starts, it dates and the news this day started that the 7 uh 19 uh, 4550 minutes before and then now is that the so not the real one? bards. the uh, saturday. uh we were not. so that's uh quite sure what that means. but when you go to maureen, the school i was 1st um, you know,
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kind of mentally school you know that you will not to have a normal education, you will not to going to school. and that is very, very time with us for these people, these, they mean. so it means a day when they lost the lots of victims. even though there is no adequate number of uh, of the week seems because uh some people do not want to recognize what is the number it is uh about uh, 500 or more uh, civilians that are uh, victims in that's what we now crossing lies the catholics done where the russians soya is. m. s 259 spacecraft is about below is from the bike, you know, causing to drive to the international space station. we're showing you life picks right now of from it because like sun paused with. right. so this is the 1st story is vehicle heading to the international space station on the full human space
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flight this yeah. writing in the spacecraft or at least preparing to a list off as mission come on, the russian, russian cosmonaut. i would like novit ski and with plenty of flies experience by him. this is his full set of slides and so space for the adding to his 535 to 30 days in space altogether. the seconds crew member is marina vast and the of sky at a representative from the really said she was selected in 2022 to participate in today's events. lucky her people working as a flight attendant of a national airline. so she has always had plenty of time in the sky, has to be the 1st woman in space. that's quite a badge of honor. and finally, slide twice engineer and nasa astronaut and all the i'll have hara is on the 4th. it'll be has the slice ball last day. she took cards in the so is the spacecraft
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launch as a flight engineer as well. so that's just preparing now for the lift off. according to the experts full costs, the crew will arrive at the international space station. 3 hours, often those let's just take a pause and uh, watch they live pictures for a minute. a lot on monday is got finally got the, the, the ability to set up a, you know, just remind you these are live pictures from the bike and know cause mcguire and, and kind of like stand as the soil, as rock kit for past to take off as soon as the trio reaches the destination,
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the total number of people in opiates, what amount of 13 russian cosmonaut on by the russian slide participant will spend 12 days in obeys carrying out scientific work. well, the nasa astronaut is scheduled to stay for 6 months. eventually getting back home in september. just to remind you that back in july 2022 volts cosmos ads now says funds agreements on cross flights of russian calls window assigned to american austin notes on american and russian space cross respectively. so it's good to know that america i'm actually can work together in some space. let's take a moment now and keep an eye on these live pictures as we prepare for the launch the
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any moment. now we go to see this, well, kids be russian. so is m s 25 reach for the skies? ok, well, breaking news based just in this particular slide. the russian story is m s 25 that we're watching live way think it's a golf, has just been cancelled. so that's a disappointing, disappointing thing clears and see what was supposed to be an exciting lift off. and i'm sold those on for the a lot more disappointed than we are. let's return now to the rest of our run down the
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. we're sending now to other news leaders of the ice is terrorist organization in india have been arrested in the country. local police reports the capture of the organizations regional head and his age and in the indian state of a son who entered the territory with the name of tyree and got sabotage activities . now the is not a space of a rug and syria isn't, is national preparedness isis a terrorist suite by many countries and by the united nations and extends far beyond the rock and syria and even the middle east region. members of the organization follow extremist ideologies on organized terrorist attacks all over the globe. indian police identify the 2 arrested people as that was hiding and go through dated on motivated leaders of the terrorist organizations, police statements that they was flooded during the course of isis. the recruitment,
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power funding and all my tax the same morning. so yes, another ukrainian showing of belgrade says he, luckily, this time without casualties. the latest attack left 5 civilians wounded in 6 houses on the support stadium damaged, reportedly at stadium security, with which slowly and gets other side at the time of the strikes. this happens in mid regular ukrainian showings of belgrade region. they killed a scene and entered most a 100. the and washington form associates of j 5 in son, hands that have testified that the president himself was actually involved in the business dealings. the allegations were made during the house inquiry, the latest phase of the republicans, while i have to impeach the incumbent data. mister bob zelinski, who's the big guy? are you sure about that? because when doing the job, are you sure i'm a 1000?
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percent sure is joe biden line when he says he did not interact with 100 by engine by and their business partners are for an interest? yes or no? yes, mr. lot us yes. this latest testimony box up republican allegations that joy biden's family has used his influence for financial games. the claims point to this happening while the so there's a us senate, so i'd like to as vice president about periods so on to bite and joining the board of ukrainian gas company for risk, month back in 2014 tons of himself denies any wrong doing. and so he was paid $1000000.00 pay yeah, off to agreeing to take a job. but the rest of my, on the advice of a former police presence other work for these 4 and companies that would warrant 10 presidents questionnaire ski said to me that ends up being the result. it shows the me president questionnaire of sky, who is literally the symbol of democracy in eastern europe and you 100 biden, whose name is also a symbol of freedom and democracy,
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and standing up for the ukrainians desire for a democratic state against flood them and putting. then i was comfortable with that, i was completely comfortable with that. where do you host on political commentary to state laws but told us that the by didn't family apparently feel was protected from prosecution at least for now. i think at this time he's president of the united states and he's facing an impeachment inquiry and it could very well result in, in a vote on and peach me which i think would pass. look, this is an election year to so the timing of this is very, very important. unfortunately, we have a media in this country that even today, even after the testimony still continues to say, as they talked about this story and the testimony which said, hey, joe biden was involved, joe biden is in charge of this whole thing. they say, well, they're saying all this and we still haven't seen any proof. that's how they end
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every homeless every time they do this story. so it's going to be an uphill battle to make it stick to joe biden. but, you know, congress has that power and they couldn't feature. i don't seem to bite and family getting in any trouble. legal trouble. the only possibility, and i do think it's remote, is that fine? get some peach deputies hearings. and i don't know if it's going to happen. the republicans have a very, very slim majority in the house, the congress. so why he could get, and pete shall never be removed and convicted. so as far as consequences, not a whole lot some breaking news for you as we just discovered the russian story as m . s. 25 manned spacecraft launch phone biking a cause which led him to the international space station has been cancelled. if times to be the 1st sort his vehicle heading to the i assess the full human space flight of the year and on both the spacecraft is mission come on to russian personal. oh, like novit ski, as is a flight experience, but the just being is,
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would it be his full trip into space? and he spends the course of $530.00 days in space altogether. and joining him in these seconds christmas, i think we mount the marina varsity of sky at representative from valerie sea wall, especially select 1022 inch due to participate, and today's load previously working as a flight attendant of a national line. so i'm sure she'll be very disappointed about the cancellation. finally, slide engineer and nasa astronaut the laurel o hara was also is also on board and was due to take part in the launch deli with us, with the always taking you on top of all the very latest this is on the international with back of the top of the i was more see you then the
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