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tv   News  RT  March 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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such as the cause, the idea of so i'm going offensive kills 114 people have guns as el cheapo hospitals . since monday images emerged, reporting to show doctors and journalists being detained and blindfolded alive, is really on the coming off the top. you printing official insult senior chinese different amounts on live television, deliberately using an obscenity in mispronouncing, please, the last polish here my ring shift is preparing for a direct confrontation with nato rumps up. they to also lays out the precise timing of the
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across the world around the clock. this is our take great, the heavier company for the news our. my name's you know, no more than a 140 people helping killed and 615 us. the idea of continued the storm. i'll ship a hospital in northern concept idea. video footage shows is really trips conducting what they call the terrorist operations of the facility. i'll chief is the largest hospital complex in the enclave and sheltered follow since of leading thousands during the conflict is real saves. the operation has killed. scores have posted the entire risk and captured senior from us. officials of this law, mac jihad fighters. but the local officials claim it's civilians who, being left at some of our chief has displaced also a ledge. the idea of humiliated miss the, the is really forces besieged and storm dose chief of hospital while we were displaced there a lot after 2 and
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a half days under siege. so we ran out of food and water. we had nothing to eat or drink or what else. so what made things even worse is that i have little children, no model, including a newborn. finally, we raised white flags from the windows along with another family, and miss leah's railey forces evacuated us a level there they made us take off our clothes and all that took all our belongings and handcuffed us. and who was during the raids as really forces was we heard reportedly blindfolded journalists on health care workers at the hospital, ordering them to strip down to their underwear on. verified image is circulating online, purportedly show, the abuse of doctors and media workers, and i'll shoot the of the reports, claim, health care stuff, or for started into the cold with a close to reiterate the idea of has justified its rates on the hospital by saying senior from us, militants were hiding out there. a local journalist stays up the situation of our chief is nothing short of dire. these really forces detained all the doctors and al
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chief hospital. i see you, patients are left without any medical care. all the doctors they arrested were stripped and humiliated. washington is concerned for the safety of journalists. that was the us state department response. when i spoke, the person was asked why the by the administration has been keeping silence about the treatment of reporters. finds you my point is when will they not save? doesn't i say that this cannot keep on going with joy list that are credential that have worked out for a year after year decade after decade when no division. ready went onto this route, why did i keep taking them, targeting them, giving them and presenting them with impunity? why is that not a threat just to you side when we talk about continuing depressed israel to enhance its mechanisms to better protect civilians?
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we of course, are also talking about extending that to journalists as well. we are always concerned for the safety of journalist, especially in conflict globe zones, especially in somewhere like garza. but my colleague nicky, are in spoke to side our account, the washington bureau chief of the palestinian. our codes daily he say is the is really offensive of the hospital can be considered a more crime. and the, as you find particularly, is also, i refuse you, a lot of people go there to take shelter to take their kids to, as we've seen them know what, but the with the, with the person that you a spoke with as part of my colleagues. same thing as family, it was whether we don't know what happened to him or his families. you know, he was taken away strip down and so, and so it is a word crime. and that goes on time after time with no other age except to continue the $100000.00 and to continue then exact it, correct that correct? revenge. i don't know sort of like but obviously with no political or military. and
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because obviously medicare lays where it is not achieving as well. so it takes it out on such facilities a summer saying that it's a journalists, a being targets in an attempt to silence what was going on at the i was chief of medical complex, hunting dogs. so in general, do you think that's an accurate assessment? 100 percent is read has always done this to your listing of people. think of the say, well, you said you are, it was a concern about so they think of the $150.00 that had been killed since it is midway. this war then going wrong, laza really slot that it's not a war. and but the slower on guys of but actually waiting for that. i mean it's in your list palestinian journalist from my newspaper from either the newspapers on television stations as on admin. i get it until then. it's estimated in prison. they annandale, to actually basically stuff out. the truth. i mean,
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you might lose paper and publish is a and you know, there's a lot of cuz we are under occupation and jerusalem and the for years and years and years when we went over to them and the print edition was great swaps. so for empty space, because in the sense i wouldn't take it out completely so they have as well as all we've done that is it printing not yet. and our field study cannot handle the tools and therefore it is just not that out. right now i want to show you this. a top ukrainian official house insulted the senior chinese diplomat during a live interview. he made a play on words with the month surname using a crude curse. really use the same as the most of the vehicle was the person is as soon as we say that the boy sample was done. so when they might, as well as camp continues to face mounting defense on the battlefield. it's clear
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that ukraine's the secretary of the national security and defense council, i would say to neil of this, resorting to some low brow tactics name, calling essentially the chinese representatives last name way resembles a very nasty crude word in russian and ukrainian. which essentially means penis in english, and so after leeway came to ukraine, looking to bring the conflict closer to peace. mister the new of thought it would be appropriate to make fun of the special representative from china. his last name . there's no room for misinterpretation here either because you can see clearly on the video that the humor was not lost on the anchors that were conducting this interview. but it's also no secret that the new of has taken issue in the past with chinese, with china's position on a potential peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine. specifically that beijing says they will not participate in any sort of peace negotiations that do not include moscow at the negotiating table. nevertheless,
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china's foreign ministry has said that it's still going to continue to try to work towards a peaceful solution. have been some of the cases that he, for any and politicians throwing out in souls like these 2 people who they disagree with this. it just sort of caves, diplomacy and touch. excellent. well, that's definitely true. i mean, ukrainian officials have a very long track record of this, the throwing insults that politicians for whether it be all love salts, calling him liver worst store, saying that indians and chinese people are weak minded. joe, probably my easy guy. what is the problem with india? china and so on. the problem of these countries is that they do not analyze the consequences of their own steps. the intellectual potential of these countries is unfortunately weak accent like an offended dilemma was, doesn't sound very statesman like we are not ready to give our freedom to this generous bulletin. that's it. now, in the past, not much has been done about this nasty rhetoric from t of, so it's not likely that it's going to erupt into
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a political scandal. but it sure does represent some sort of desperation in terms of when nasty words and insults are used to basically replace what is lacking on the battlefield. just some more reaction to this arctic contributor carl john says it's clear ukraine is not serious about improving its dialogue. with beijing of the water that you've been doing at this point. how does this even how you break it, does it? and china is call me or process on is pro good china as a pro se is willing to take on the role of a broker for the cheese between ukraine and russia, and present 20 set fees receptive to as a chinese proposal. now we know, let's not going to pre k and ukraine is a software nation at this point because we know there could have been peace back in march, 2022 except for us johnson concept and tell, are you printing off visuals to call it off? because europe will have ukraine's back. so just a ridiculous statement and,
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and it was highly unprofessional. i don't think the chinese will even pay any mind to this because they're, they understand these uh these, these ukrainian clause, they're just pump. these are their puppies of the west of washington. and now to have a rio cheese, a commitment to cheese. it's not up to the low ski and his l. c is really, you know, he has to wait for the old a, from ne, to and from washington that in the last 2 questions, what do these ukraine all fish or do? i mean, i mean like really did you look at the resume of the ukraine president zaleski, and his former career is a committee. and maybe that's what they know, bass, you know, making a clause show of himself. but again, that does not help you create, you does not have you create people, a does not create peace. the polish president tells claim russia is
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preparing for war with nature according to upgrade to, to moscow will engaged in a direct confrontation in the next 2 years. a lot of some way of a bunch different from my point of view. it's a question of common sense. i've got some new reports coming in and i recently saw one by tell my next, but we said that certain pops as early as 2026 or 2027. mostly gluten by putting is economy on a wall for thing we have such a military might, that he'll be able to attack and they tell you, okay, then the loan bills are ringing. so in this way, we have 2 or 3 years in which we can increase our efforts, that people stop pulling munitions and produce weapons to maximize european security. get ready and make sure the invasion doesn't happen. so right now, sir, do the added, the russian must be stopped in ukraine in order to avoid war with nato. a top polish general echoed his president's claim, saying that most glisper, praying for us stand off with nato. i'm poland in turn. what we're responding the
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same way we see with full clarity, the change is taking place in russia and we're drawing conclusions from this to put it simply a rush. he's preparing for a conflict with nature, with full awareness of the fact that the alliance is a defensive structure. okay. always a good day when independent journalist on call them as sonya funding and a joins. that's good to see you. sonya. yeah, you have these polish warning stroke threats and friends reported the public defend troops to ukraine as well. that was heard this week. do you see a coordination in this escalation? it'll appears to be coming up once. yes, for sure. and of course, the police want is not the only one we say is the for the to set the friends, but also in the, in the netherlands, for instance, or at nato itself. there's a guy named dollar. he's saying that's, you know, in the next 5 to use,
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the conflict will stop and of course, it's direction to start is not nato. but it's just the propaganda which is going on and they know and especially like a country like germany, they don't have enough manpower even to be in the boonies where it is not well equipped there not enough soldiers. so how are they going to fight a war against russia? so what they do, we know, i think is they're still quarreling like munitions. they are now trying to put all their efforts in drones because there's a new drug center and they bought it. and then once it's opened for opening, sue, and what i heard, and what i read is that and the drugs who develop now, i think they come from do you with what you can develop in nato. they can reach around for client, 451500 cumulative, or maybe even 2000 kilowatt, meaning they can come to russia. so this is, i think a lot of more of
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a story going on and i think nato itself, it's not that so, but they are now trying to prove also the economies to meet as well. so what we can reach, but as far as i, when they will in try, i don't know when it's, i don't know. and, but of course for sure, russia will not insights. but that's the word to ring against people in the country . yeah, yeah. you say they're not prepared and you have some european military officials, seeing a conflict with russia will take place within the next decade. is that them trying to get prepared, trying to all the, the military. i put the expenditure trying to get new weapons or or what's your view on this timeframe a? well, i think i just say a timeframe is what i said before. what i've got to you say 5 use another one to think 6 years. another one saying maybe 2 years, so they are not coordinated, but for sure. they,
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the timeframe is maybe around 5 years. so i think what you said they are not real quick. that for more so they doing and putting in their effort to death, maybe mobilization, even the nobody knows. i read already today that in denmark, women are from script is now in the army. so i mean yeah, this is what is going on. it's like in ukraine, what they do, so they're buying time. that's what i think to equip themselves. because also there was a big order for right in mesa, that's the german big company and not not only in germany, but also in the australia currently. that's also a branch from that i need to make more bounces. so this is what they do buying time . and they come up with whole things with actually they are the ones who are aggressive and they are the ones actually preparing themselves to go to the 10. can i just touch on that? sonya because you mentioned germany, the polish president, as we heard,
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based his claim on information from quote, german experts. but of course, if we speak about germany earlier, this month of discussion was caught of berlin's military officials. talking about attacking rushes, cried me in bridge. as you say, it begs the question, who is actually preparing for a war here to hey, it's definitely euro coded where we can say is preparing for war. we know already that the us is doing a proxy war in the ukraine. so they are now preparing for. yeah, what they want to have some more refresh. that is in the mean. this is all the more of a story going on and they don't know maybe how to do it because there you can see a lot of debates going on like, and drum in the netherlands if you, with that you know, they have to prepare and how to get these war economy well, russian unnecessary. they are going to evade euro. that's never what they said. so this is them wanting, you know, the office is and this is really,
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really dangerous. what is going on? and is it just finally? is it a propaganda blitz? as well to try and get citizens on board with what they want. they want, of course the people to fight for them. they, they, they go to war, but it's not the, it's not the top officials doing the, the killing and the naming. is it or? no, that's really it's, it's the people of course, always. i know, and they know it's it's, it's hard to get the people of want to, uh, to find this is because you been to your, for the 18 years or more. so why are they going to try to handle this, you know, page melisha. so why is it and all the people going to france, russia, and especially in germany, it's terribly, terribly situation because the, we know, the 2nd world war, germany and russia. so this is a hard way to do. but one thing they did in the, in germany, they proposed to get ahold of refugees conscripted into the army and the recipes from the middle east, africa. and they promised them to get
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a passport. so this is their tech, they they have, they, they, they elect soldiers and, but i think my guess is that they put older, affordable, like drones, the drone industry, the ducks have artificial intelligence day f love drones, a lot of gross they, it was in to pay for it today, so this is my guess what they are trying to do to try to do it both ways, but they like soldiers, they like men. sonya, thank you so much for giving us your tax on your funding in the independent debts during this life on our team. thank you. bye. not a 16 year old ukrainian with the political refugee status has been detained for attacking migrants in milan. and according to a tele and media reports, the electorate neo nazi suspect was captured on video severely painting is victims . 2 of whom are sure like of nationals for age from subway cameras show a strongly built young man wearing mother tries clothing violently beating
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a part in strangers. milan police have detained the teenager for allegedly committing a series of attacks between the end of february and early march. when a tele authority searched his parents slot, they seized nazi propaganda on the chevy with the words white power engraved on it . it tells you in journalist and war correspondence under the gdc, new nazi ideology is descending on europe. while authorities pretend not to notice . it is very fitted to see that uh from my ukraine. uh, coming any police such type of people. uh, you know, i expected to such case uh, not only tell me about the your general because uh since uh, the yearly february of 22. we saw a lot of ukrainian vet on nova, as of tyler on such organization like these that uh try to call
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me you are playing phone especially and uh now this uh, this i the old address, this idea uh can invade your, of the european authority under your pin point addition, but then to not see these cases, they pretend to report to the people that these are i select the case. uh not uh, not com on that. nothing, nothing depend from the situation and ukraine from the problem, also known as, as many ukraine bought into effect. this is a consequence of what's happened, the ukraine, not only since, 2000 to 2022, but in the past 2 years, during the last 10 years. when you can, these a be
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a these are the can easily from are going on without municipal american observers who oversaw the recent russian presidential election are reportedly being threatened by the us government. that's according to sweden based professor greg simons, who took part in the portal as a monitor himself earlier washington, one than everyone taking part in voting and russia's new territories could face prosecution as the united states will continue to use all available tools to hold accountable. those individuals responsible for actions that undermine the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of free countries, including those who serve as election observers for the criminal sham elections and occupied parts of ukraine. over a solid and international observers marshal the ballots, they came from a $129.00 countries all across the world, including europe and north america,
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the overall voting turnover among the russian public reach. 77 percent was higher in those new regions. now, the spike washington is claims about the election was on democratic many monitors said the reality, which is what's different from the western origin. the we arrived and started work early in the morning. we visited 3 holding stations on the process is very well organized. we believe that these elections are being conducted properly in accordance with the international electoral standards. what do we want to wish to the russian people, the voting takes place in good condition? there is peace in the country. the, my anecdotal, you know, the receptionist, people feel excited about. people are lined up here at 7 am to vote, even though it didn't open till 8. so that's something you can, i don't want to draw to be lucian's because that wouldn't be fair. and i tried it
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from there, but i certainly did things are not very friendly people and very, very happy to for most of them to read. i expected you to be upbeat to be a bit difficult to do all of these process. the selection that you like to watch, you discover these, but it was very peaceful then knowing well, let's discuss the side with a new zealander, greg simon's himself, associate professor in russian studies of a solid university in sweden. i'm the observer of the russian presidential election . you're most welcome. thanks for your time today, greg. before we get onto your personal experience of the poll here, can you tell us more about what you've heard about the threats from the u. s.
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government as well? i heard from a couple of the american that the disciplines that the state department has issued, the, this bearable phrase to severely punish anyone who was participating as a loved 0. but a box, i mean dials are understood that uh there was the crime actually being to method. so how do you punish someone for a crime that has not been submitted and but let him know advice and the legal system because the justice of the business. busy revised, and we can see that every day and the fresh waste of, in the song just living in prison, trauma because of the same thing to be explained to from the ballot. so you've got all these contradictions, lots of rooms by the school that is waived on august the, the legal and justice system. do you personally feel any pressure for being on the
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election observer? there's always something in the back of the kid, but then if you start thinking about it too much, it's possible to develop this kind of in a slight mentality which is driven by fear and both like there's no way to act under the circumstances. i want to give them the pleasure to actually make the fear them rather, i mean, i choose as my right to do this. and uh, they have a racing place. no legal rights to bothers me, but for something which isn't a crime. what they do yourself then witness. greg well serving as an observer. did you see any violations in the voting or con thing? procedures? you know, uh uh, the soul of generations of families that were
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a body thing together as well as you can see quite the difference between how this is done on the waste and habits in southern russia, the russian law and say, it's a, it's of a right it's a divides into this one which is taking up room 3 vs that way. but if you go over, i mean, for example, to these liberal democratic countries, it feels more like an obligation, a jersey, something which is a pause. and i mean, but the body can participate as an invisible thursday is the key thought in the family groups. it's something quite different. so. busy and i mean the, i'll be looking at the balance is like going, i mean, the people with quite heavy to talk about why the volume and the how the revising and the general rule of thumb. people did not say the body thing. but
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based on the bicycle. ready the other 3 candidates, i said, the voting for russia. so the, this was the thing that the presidents uh, the people that we spoke to the following sections. yeah, i spoke to one or 2 as well. and i remember 11 tape was at a person told me they had never voted for flooding or putting before, but they were just tired of being told russians were terrible at a run. the world western places about, you know, this was, this was a vote that, well, i don't see any reason why shouldn't at vote for, for flooding or putting, you know, it because the standing up for us, it was an interesting take from somebody who had never done that before, just to break for something you said earlier, what washington can might, you know, as i think would have been expected by them before the ball. it actually happened
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saying that it's not going to be democratic after it. it was in the democratic, they said how for our, our, their claims the claim is a ridiculous. i mean, the especially coming from the us. so they would just look at the, sorry that. busy was the 2020 the elections and the united states. i mean it was we have slew boss is were. busy the ones i mean the, those, the expression that if you only bloss sales don't like throwing stones and, and the us as a mass of the blouse is the, i mean i have no rights to talk about out of those should conduct the elections, especially if you take into account this empty ridge hara, which they talked about, the national salt ramos, the countries to conduct the volume. internal affairs. this is that i just finally, you know, you look at that the take you have other countries with leaders winning with,
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with bigger majorities than to allow them are put in front of our put and got a big when. but there are people in the ninety's never mind the eighty's who have one on another where it is set up. i thought of it, it gives you pause for thought as to whether this is more political than than this . something else doesn't that? well, the united states prefers the objects in both subjects and somebody still relations . yeah, very interesting indeed. thank you so much for coming on the program. professor greg simons, independent research observer out the 2024 russian presidential election, enjoyed talking to greg. thank you. thank you. okay, just before we go, let us show you this. the latest russian story use mon spacecraft launch from the icon or causing room it's been canceled. it had been due to lift off towards the international space station just a number of hours ago. the russ cost most director general saves the rocket launch
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was aborted, due to a voltage drop in a power source, a little bit shay shame. with that. the final stage of the pre launch, preparation and emergency situation that could sort of the entire procedure was interrupted and the reason was identified. so at the state commission missing who have just found out that the cause was a slumber can be come into the chemical power source. nothing terrible happens. the crew is fine, we have reserved a set for the 23rd of months. we have regulations and instructions in this regard. there is no panic. everything is under control, solvable windshield. yeah, i'm not too long to wait either. russ, cause most the nasa officials say a 2nd attempt could take place on saturday. the flight was supposed to be the 1st so he was vehicle heading to the i assess this or the mission come under is rushing causing dots. when they list it scanned the rice, highly experience having spent 530 days in space. this will do this for trip. joining him as the 2nd crew member is marina russell at scott.


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