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tv   News  RT  March 21, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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the story, thanks to chip vehicle because daniel, coming loving you receive the about the idea of so i'm going offensive pills. scores of people at gals is i was chief a hospital since monday. images and birds supporting the show doctors and journalists being detained and blindfolded. finally, b as really are also a head on the program, a top you printing and official and self senior chinese diplomats on live television deliberately using and upset, etc. and mispronouncing russia is preparing for a direct confrontation with nato, saying it will happen within the next 2 years of wanting based on solid evidence, or simply for your most spring by 4. so we invest the,
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for a must go to the world. this is our to you, welcome to the news. more than a 140 people have been killed and some 600 to change over the past 4 days of chief, a hospital in northern denser and so as the adf continues to storm the enclaves largest health facility. idea of video footage shows it's really trips, conducting what they call the terrorist operations of the hospital. know all chief has shouted thousands of fleeing thousands during the conflict. israel stays, their operation has killed scores of palestinian terrorist and senior amounts. officials and this law make jihad fighters have been captured, but local official payment civilians who have been left at some of our chief has displaced, also allege the adf humiliated. i'm mistreated,
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the of the ship, the is really forces besieged and storm dos. chief a hospital while we were displaced there. after 2 and a half days under siege, we ran out of food and water. we had nothing to eat or drink though. so what made things even worse is that i have little children, no model including a newborn. finally, we raised white flags from the windows along with another family, and miss leah's railey forces evacuated us a little there they made us take off our clothes and all that took all our belongings and handcuffed us and the who now will and verify the image is circulating on line purportedly shows the abuse of doctors and media workers out al, she for all the reports, claim health care stuff for a for saw it into the cold. with our close to reiterate the idea of has justified those rates on the hospital by saying senior from us militants were hiding their local journalists say's the. the situation of health sherpa is nothing short of dire. these really forces detained all the doctors and al chief
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a hospital. i see you, patients are left without any medical care. all the doctors they arrested were stripped and humiliated of washington is concerned for the safety of journalists. that was the us state department response when a spokesperson, who was asked why in the bite and administration has been keeping silence about the treatment of reporters by israel. my point is, when will they that states the man? and i say that this cannot keep on going with joyless that our credentials that have worked out for a year after year decade after decade when no one to those ratings went on to this week. why do i keep taking them by giving them giving them and presenting them with impunity? why is that not a trade just to you site when we talk about continuing to press israel to enhance its mechanisms to better protect civilians? we of course, are also talking about extending that to journalists as well. we are always
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concerned with the safety of journalist, especially in conflict gloves, zones, especially in somewhere like gaza or my colleague dicky are in spoke to sites our account, the washington bureau chief of the paula sending out codes daily paper earlier, he sees the is really offensive about the hospital can be considered a work and the ship i'm particularly is also i refuse a lot of people to go there to take shelter to take their kids to as we've seen them know what, but that would be where the person that you spoke with as part of my colleagues, same thing as family and it was whether we don't know what happened to him or his families. you know, he was taken away strip down and so, and so it is a word crime. and that goes on time after time with no other age except to continue the human and the 1000 and to continue then exact to correct that, correct, revenge. i don't know for what, but obviously with no political or militate. and because obviously medicare lays
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where it is out of keeping as well. so it takes it out on such facilities a summer saying that it's a journalists, a being targets in an attempt to silence what, what's going on at the, i'll see for medical complex hunting dogs or in general, do you think that's an accurate assessment? what i presume is read has always done this to your listening. people say government say, what do you say a journalist, they think i'm sure in a box or they think a for the $150.00 that had been killed since it is right away. this war then going wrong. gaza really slot that it's not a war. and but the slower on guys a, but actually waiting for that. i mean it's in your list palestinian journalist from my newspaper, from other newspapers on television stations as someone had been, i get it until then. it's estimated in prison. they annandale, to actually basically stuff out. the truth. i mean, you might lose paper publish is a, and you know, there's
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a lot because we are under occupation and jerusalem. and for years and years and years when we went over to them and the print edition was great swaps so for empty space because the sensor wasn't taken out completely. so they have as well as all we've done that is not in our field that it cannot handle the tools. and therefore it is just not that out as well as really actions in gaza have resulted in yet another tragic loss. a gifted palestinian fuller, who is nickname the legend of ton eunice, has been killed in an idea of strife thought hits his family home. last week. mohammed bought accounts was kept for the palestinian national team, but it was a club level where he excelled becoming the 1st player to reach a 100 goals for a single club, scoring a 114 for should bob con eunice, a squad, he also kept it. mohammed paid for clubs in the west bank of jordan on saudi arabia
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too. we spoke to mohammed's guns, a. i'll go read, sports journalist and close friend of the 6. come the middle kirkland, how many bar account the former flare from the shop? bob ton unit club, the palestinian national team, and the awfully garza club was one of the most talented players in gauze and will be starting his football career. and to solve him to lunch about $100.00 units. one, the guys are football, leak, title bahama continued to shine until he was selected for the garden in hollywood club of those professional experience. and jordan, who returned to gauze and played for sure about 10 units of sutter customer. an awfully god. well distinguished on the field with his performance on matters. i was the captain of about 10 units for more than one season. the mohammad continued to play football and participated with the palestinian national beach, soccer team, and several, and the national tournaments, including saudi arabia, amman, and china. i'm, do you want the bronze medal and be soccer at the asian games in china and blame
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for palestine and able to look at how much was a very special plan and all aspects have greatly missed him recently due to his southern killing. everyone, a shock by the loss of mohammed have a significant impact on special relationships with all the assets and gotten a topic. ukrainian official house insulted the senior chinese diplomatic during a live interview. he made a play on words with the monster named using a crude, crushed word. the schools in the nothing was the was the most vehicle, was the boss and it's as easy as a boy simple was done. so when he might, as well as you have continues to face mounting defense on the battlefield, it's clear that ukraine's secretary of the national security and defense council, i would say to neil of this, resorting to some low brow tactics. name, calling essentially the chinese representatives. last name way resembles a very nasty crude word in russian and ukrainian,
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which essentially means penis in english. and so after leeway came to ukraine, looking to bring the conflict closer to peace. mister daniel of thought it would be appropriate to make fun of the special representative from china. his last name. there's no room for misinterpretation here either because you can see clearly on the video that the humor was not lost on the anchors that were conducting this interview. but it's also no secret that the new of has taken issue in the past with chinese, with china's position on a potential peaceful resolution of the conflict and ukraine. specifically that beijing says they will not participate in any sort of peace negotiations that do not include moscow at the negotiating table. nevertheless, china's foreign ministry has said that it's still going to continue to try to work towards a peaceful solution. mm hm. the have been some of the cases that he for any and politicians at the working out. and so it was like, these are 2 people who they disagree with this. it just sort of keeps diplomacy touch. excellent. well, that's definitely true. i mean, ukrainian officials have
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a very long track record of this, of throwing insults said politicians for whether it be all love salts, calling him liver worst or saying that indians and chinese people are weak minded. jo, probably my easy to die. what is the problem with india, china, and so on? the problem of these countries is that they do not analyze the consequences of their own steps. the intellectual potential of these countries is unfortunately weak accent like an offended dilemma was, doesn't sound very statesman like we are not ready to give our freedom to this generous bulletin. that's it. now, in the past, not much has been done about this nasty rhetoric from t of, so it's not likely that it's going to erupt into a political scandal, but it sure does represent some sort of desperation in t of when nasty words and insults are used to basically, replace what is lacking on the battlefield or to contribute or conscious saves. it's clear ukraine isn't serious about improving its dialogue with beijing of your
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water that you've been doing at this point. now, does this even help you break it? does it, and china is call me or process on is pro good china as a pro se is willing to take on the role of a broker for peace between ukraine and russia. and present 20 said feed receptive to is a chinese proposal smell. we know, let's not get a pre can ukraine is a sovereign nation at this point because we know there could have been peace back in march, 2022 except for it's johnson concept and tell, are you printing off visuals to call it off because europe will have ukraine's back, so just a ridiculous statement and, and it was highly unprofessional. i don't think the chinese will even pay any mind to this because they're, they understand these uh, these, these ukrainian clause, they're just pump. these are their puppies of the west of washington. and now to
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have a real cheese, a commitment to cheese, it's not up to the legacy. and his l. c is really, you know, he has to wait for the whole a, from ne, to and from washington. that unless the questions, what do these ukraine or official do i mean, i mean, like really, if you look at the resume of the ukraine president zalesky and his former career is a committee and maybe that's what they know bass, you know, making a clause show of himself, but again, that does not help you. great. it does not help you crave people. a does not create peace. the punish president has claimed, validates russia, who is preparing for war with nato, according to upgrade to the most school engaged in a direct confrontation in the next 2 years a lot in some way of a bunch different from my point of view. it's a question of common sense of the item you reports are coming in and i recently saw
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one by tell my next, but we said that soon pops as early as 2026 or 2027. mostly gluten by putting is economy on a wall for thing we have such a military might that he'll be able to attack tonight. so. okay, then the loan bills are ringing. suddenly, we have 2 or 3 years in which we can increase our efforts, that people stop pulling munitions and produce weapons to maximize european security. get ready and make sure the invasion doesn't happen. mister, do the other that russia and must be stopped in ukraine in order to avoid war with nato. a top polish general echoed his president's plate and saying that most who is preparing for us stand off with nato and poland in turn will respond. the same. we will see with full clarity, the change is taking place in russia and we're drawing conclusions from this to put it simply rushes, preparing for a conflict with nature, with full awareness of the fact that the alliance is a defensive structure. let's discuss develop ins. no,
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with us army veteran and commentators. scott bennett, scott, you're most welcome. you have these polish warnings. strokes. rats along with fronts, reportedly planning to send troops to ukraine along with other countries mentioning nato involvement to do you see a coordination in this escalation. it all seems to be coming up once. yeah, i think you nailed it right there. it's a coordinated psychological operation that the french and the polish, and the germans and the british and the americans are all working behind the scenes to try and throw every bluff every threat every negative potentiality at russia. in the hopes that it is going to slow down rushes military advances and pre 8 a, a, a, a, a pause, and in that pause create a settlement. so this is all part of a psychological operation to force russia to settle. but i think it's absolutely
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going to fail, and it's a miscalculation, they all know in europe that the ukrainian leadership and government is suffering a form of mental syphilis from its prostituting itself to the european governments for the last 10 years. and you, they, they realize they're completely falling apart and incompetent. so the nato countries are now trying to get involved and coordinate mcroy on is, is making the absurd threats as if france can do anything other than make cheese and drink wine. they've lost every war they've ever been, and you'd think they'd learn by now. germany, you'd think they would learn from their abominations and a rape of ukraine and world war 2, which ended in the other humiliation and destruction of germany. you'd think they would learn that the russians are not a people of culture or military, or a presidency to challenge. and you would think poland would have learned, but they,
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they seem to have forgotten history and maybe they're doomed to repeat it. but i think the russian people with the, with the spectacular re election of president proving with 8780 percent 88 percent of the vote is a very clear mandate that the russian people have elected president putin to win this conflict and ensure that it never happens again and i think president pollutant is going to be demonstrating a result of and a, a direct uh engagement to press on and push all the way through odessa, perhaps all the way to the polish border to say we will never again suffer another russian to be humiliated to be tied to post with tape to have their language out loud in their culture outlaw. they will never again be genocide in or bombed as they were in world war 2. and then again in 2014, by these nato european fascist. so i think you're going to see russia continue
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its operation, push out all of the 4 and mercenaries, and i think russia in the desperate attempt that these other countries want to settle it for us, you can say, will settle it under the conditions that all sanctions are lifted against russia, every rouble that's been stolen from russia is returned. and every one of these european countries that have been engaged in staff of rape and murder, apologize to every russian as they talk their tails and go back to their european capitals and deal with their own people who are rising up in rebellion because of the suffering that they're inflicting on their own farmers and their own people with their work, climate change agenda. so every europe in person doesn't want conflict with war only the military parasites do in, in this case with pulling scott very specific warnings. you've got the polish
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president saying at russia will attack nato, if nothing is done and you created within 2 years, you have other military officials saying something will occur, like probably within the next decade. why such a time frame? why, why this push now as well? they realize they've lost, they realize russia has emerged as the great victor. it is a merged as the beacon of freedom to european and american people and indeed african south american and asian people. they look at russia as the only country that has stood up to the to the fascism in the, in the, the enslavement agenda, which nato and the united states and britain to have have tried to execute for 30 years. russia has stood up finally and destroyed that and is now pushing it backwards. and ukraine is never been a country. it's been in the phonics speaking, hodge podge of polish german and russian compilations. but uh, you know,
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the european nato western establishment, his, his tried to use you crate. all of that, isn't it? all of that is disintegrating. so now you're seeing desperation, you're seeing the polish uh, trying to secure their own land territory. and they're, they're invoking these silly references that russia is going to engage in some sort of conflict. and it's not important. it said that lab, ralph said, that's a robot said that every single military and political leader in russia has said, our agenda is to be not supply you brain and ensure that no nato weapons are ever used against another russian citizen. just simply ask where his russia ever invaded or wage war in the last 5050 years. it has it, and russia has become the russian federation, the christian orthodox nation. it is not the soviet union or a communist cannibalistic a super state. it is a country that church has traditional family values and rejects the left just
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locust agenda of the nato american european alliances. so they're, they're just simply reacting to desperation in the hopes that they are frantic tantrums. and the rustling of feathers is somehow going to intimidate, rush f for cause russia to say calm down, we won't advance, we won't destroy the nazis, we won't cleanse ukraine if you say so. and i've got a officer. say, scott, take that, sorry to interrupt. but if they take that a step further, and actually there is natural involvement in ukraine or at least european troops there, it doesn't to just finish the war. it does look like they're hoping it's fresh. it doesn't when there is going to be, it's going to be a crazy stadium if that's going to lead to more depth, destruction, etc. it's not as if there's going to be this happy boxed off result. you know,
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you're exactly right and rusher. i think those that put knows that his military commanders know know that they've, they've studied this for years and you're exactly right. that's. that's what the west is hoping for us to create a stalemate, so it can regroup. it can do a minsk agreement, 2 point oh, it can re, uh, arm itself. it can take a few years off to generate more. 155 artillery shells. more drones, more bio chemical weapons that can target slavic dna. let's never forget all of these crimes that the west committed against the world by doing these operations and ukraine. so russia has to prosecute and finish this with merciless ruthless sufficiency. it also can do a wonderful public relations campaign by inviting the people of ukraine back, who are peaceful people that want to live in peace with the russians. but it must make no doubt that it will not tolerate the nazis or the zalinski regime
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from continuing to grow like the cancer it is there will, there would be no peace. you have russia didn't settle this. and russia needs to realize that any european, any frenchman, any german, any britain, any american that goes into ukraine, we're thinking they're going to be used as a human shield is basically signing their own death warrant. russia needs to destroy every single for and personnel every single for in a weapon system tank airplane, whatever it is ever coming into ukraine. and maybe that's the only less than the west can learn. the use of us army veteran uncommon hit our scuff, bennett live on our t. scott. good to see you. all right. another aspect to this romanian mercer res, have admitted to taking part interest rates on russian border regions that is, according to claims published on social media. there accounts dutch journalist on
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columbus sonia funding, and they said europe is on the dangerous path to escalation in ukraine to my own opinion. i think they already a long time and you know, invoked into war because sending weapons to ukraine. they to weapons german weapons or whatever. yeah, you are, you know, part of the war because with your weapons, you are shooting and russian people, russian soldiers. but this is of course of extra dimension. now we may remain here . legion is a inside inside taking. i think the little boy, you know, the smell moved. that's very dangerous. we know already did george and legions are there? i see similarities with, with the syrian war because they have what they call the, the leader. like for instance, old the russian. i tell you the free lead you his name is caesar well, they had this similar name in this area as well. supposedly, you know, if there's a now prison there, they will, the evidence came up. but this particular know many of the do is you're only to you
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repeat legion and so it's just an extra step towards war with may. so we can say, and i think it's the very dangerous situation um the total between up escalate. but i'm afraid because oh, the one story keeps coming out. you're saying that we didn't find to use, they have to refresh on. so it's, it's very terrible, dangerous situation. it's going to show you this as well. pretty shocking stuff. a 16 year old ukranian with political refugee status has been detained for attacking migrants and malone, according to a tele and media reports. the legend neo nazi suspect was captured on video severely beating his victims. 2 of them are sure lincoln nationals, footage from somewhere. cameras shows a strongly built young man wearing militarize clothing violently beating apartment . strangers, milan police have detained the teenager for allegedly committing
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a series of attacks between the end of february and early march. with a tele enough storage, the storage his parents flats, they seized the nazi propaganda and the chevy with the words white powder, engraved on it, and tell the journalist and work corresponded on 3 of the ged. so he's neil nazi ideology is descending on europe, while authorities pretend not to notice. it is very fitted to see that uh from my ukraine. uh, coming any police such type of people. uh, you know, i expected to such case uh, not only tell me about the your general because the us uh since uh, the yearly february of 22. we saw a lot of ukrainian all vet on over as of tyler on such organization like these that uh try to call me you are playing phone especially and uh
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now this uh, this i the old address, this idea uh can invade your, of the european authority under europe implementation, but then to not see these cases, they pretend to report to the people that these are so light the case. uh not uh, not com on that in, not, not depend from the situation and ukraine from the problem. also known as, as many ukraine, but in effect, this is a consequence both. what's happened, the ukraine, not only since 2000 to 2022, but in the past 2 years, during the last 10 years. when you can these a, b a, these are the kinds of ation are going on without municipal agree at
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the gd there. now, american observers who oversaw the recent russian presidential election are reportedly being threatened by the us government not to according to sweden bass professor greg simons. it took part in the pull of the monitor or washington warden that everyone taking part in voting and russia's new regions could face prosecution in the united states will continue to use all available tools to hold accountable those individuals responsible for actions that undermine the sovereignty territorial integrity or political independence of free countries, including those who serve as election observers for the criminal sham elections and occupied parts of ukraine. and it wasn't a home for over a saw. it was an international observers marshal of the pallets. they came from a $129.00 countries all across the world, including europe on north america, the overall voting turnover among the russian public in the election, which 77 percent was higher again. and then you are
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a trees. despite washington's planes up, the election was on democratic many monitors said the reality was different from the western north. metrically, we arrived and started work early in the morning. we visited 3 holding stations on the process is very well organized. we believe that these elections are being conducted promptly in accordance with the international electoral standards. what do we want to wish to the russian people? the voting takes place in good condition? there is peace in the country to make my panic. don't you know? uh, receptionist feel excited to both people are lined up here at 7 am to vote, even though it didn't open till 8. so that says something again, i don't want to draw to bigger lucian's because that wouldn't be fair and i tried it from there. but i certainly did. things are not as the west,
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i'd see very friendly people and very, very happy to for most of them to read, i expected you to be a, b to b, i b, b to these process. these electron that you like to watch is discovered that it was very peaceful then, knowing that we spoke to professor greg simons himself, now he says the threats coming from washington are simply unprovoked as being an observer of an election. that's not a crime as well. i heard from a couple of the american that participants that the state department is issued. this demo for is uh to severely publish uh, anyone who was participating as a loved 0 of uh, uh, boss,
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i mean dials or other stores that uh there was no crime actually been committed. so how do you punish someone for a crime that has nothing to method and the legal system because of the justice of the best. busy provides that we can see that every day in the fray waste . i mean that's just something embrace of trauma because of the team thing to be exploited from the bellow. so you've got all these contradictions, less rooms by the store because when i is the, the legal and justice system, i would just look at the should show you the. busy the 2020 the elections in the united states so mostly exploded boss is we're. busy the ones i mean the expression that if you only bloss s dogs, really stones and, and the us as a may. so the blouse is the, i mean i have no right to talk about how all of those should conduct the.


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