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tv   News  RT  March 21, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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the the because the idea of so on going offensive, killed scores of people at guns is all she felt hospital since monday. images of merge, purporting to show doctors and journalists being detained, and blindfolded by being freely army. also a head on the program at the top, you printing an official insults the senior chinese diplomats live on tv deliberately using an a percentage suite. mispronouncing has the full in his presence. same as russia is preparing for a direct confrontation with nato, saying it will happen within the next 2 years. and a warning based on the solid evidence, or simply fairmont brings pipe or so we invest the
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a welcome to our change national. my name's you get it on the good to have your company this hour more than a 100. unfortunately, people have been killed and some 600 arrested us. the idea of continues the storm else chief, a hospital in northern gals that, that sounds reports are coming in, nope, is really forces killing, displace palestinians inside the medical complex. about 4 times during that period, i saw soldiers lead groups of detainees. always at least 3 people and never more than 10 into the hospital buildings, particularly the mold building, where bodies had previously been kept. gun shots were heard with the soldiers, then leaving the area to bring another group there as well. this idea of video footage shows is really trips conducting what they call the terrorist operations of the medical facility is real say is their operation has killed scores of
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palestinian terrace on captured senior from us officials. but local officials claim it civilians who have been left that some of our chief is displaced, also allege the idea of humiliating them and verify images are circulating on like showing the abuse of medical personnel. i'm journalist also she some of the reports thing, the health care working for foresight into the cold without those on the, on the well, this video footage appears to show a french national at serving in the is really defense forces revealing policy jennings being tortured after being kidnapped from counseling. more video footage, posted by the same person shows a group of policy needs blind folded with their hands tied are we spoke to side
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articles, the washington bureau chief of the policy. now crowds, daily newspaper. he says they is really offensive. i'll shift, i can be considered a worker and as you find, particularly as also i refuse a lot of people go there to take shelter to take their kids to as we've seen. and that it was. but the, with the, with the person that you a spoke with as part of my colleagues, same thing. his family. and it was with him. we don't know what happened to him or his family. you know, he was taken away strip down. and so, and so it is a word crime and that goes on time after time with no other age except to continue the $100000.00 and to continue and the exact it correct that correct revenge. i don't know sort of like, but obviously with no political or militate and because obviously medicare lays where it is out of keeping as well. so it takes it out on such facilities. well, us democratic congressman daniel goldman, the recipients of is really lobby funding. said he does not trust the spouse coming
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out of cancer or calling israel quote, a democracy surrounded by the terrorist whose role the area surrounding the trust in the us is concerned over the safety of journal. this spot was the us state department's response when the washington bureau chief of the palestinian altitudes daily, who we just heard from a few moments ago. asking why the us is keeping silence about the continued targeting of during this bias room. my point is when will they that states the man? and i say that this cannot keep on going with jarvis that our credentials that have worked out for a year after year, decade after decade when no one to those ratings went on to this way. why did i keep taking them? i gave you the giving them and presenting them with impunity. why is that not
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a threat just to your site when we talk about continuing to press israel to enhance its mechanisms to better protect civilians? we of course, are also talking about extending that to journalist as well. we are always concerned for the safety of journalist, especially in conflict globe sounds, especially in somewhere like gaza will side artic had told us that he believes despite such rhetoric, the us does nothing to safeguard during this in counseling. and then i say it says not really showing any measurable effort to safeguard journalists and guys. i mean they, they say they do, they say that journalist should be allowed to do their job. they should be allowed to function and work. but in fact, we have not see them. the sanction is written by any measure or say, or say that you know is read should not do this, but if they continue to do it, we are going to punish them in this fashion. selma saying that said the lists of
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being targets in an attempt to silence what was going on at the i was chief of medical complex, hunting dogs. so in general, do you think that's an accurate assessment? what i presume is read has always done this to your listing of people. think of some of say, when we say a journalist, they think i'm sure in a box or they think of the $150.00 that had been killed since it is right away. this war then going wrong, gaza really slot that it's not a war. and but the slow wrong guys are. but actually waiting for that. i mean that in your list palestinian journalist from my newspaper, from other newspapers, on television stations, as someone had been targeted until then it's estimated in prison. they annandale, to actually basically stuff out the truth. i mean, you might lose paper publish is a and you know, there's a lot of cuz we are under occupation and jerusalem. and for years and years and years when we went over to them in the print edition,
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went to great swats of empty space. because in that sense, i wouldn't take it out completely so they have as well as all we've done that is it printing not yet. and our field study cannot handle the truth. and therefore it is just not that out. it was really actions in gaza have resulted in you have another tragic loss, a gifted palestinian fuller, who was nickel. busy and the legend of come, eunice has been killed in an idea of strength that hit his family home. last week. mohammed bought accounts was kept for the palestinian national team, but it was a club level where he truly excelled. becoming the 1st player to reach 100 goals for a single club, scoring a 114 for should bob canyon is a school and he also kept and mohammed and played for clubs in the westbank, georgia. and so do you read them as well? we spoke to my mom, i guess they all agree, but sports journalist and close friend of the deceased middle kirkland. i'm a bar code the former player for the shut bob hun eunice club,
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the palestinian national team. and the awfully garza club was one of the most talented players in gaza starting his football career and to solve them 10 bunch of up a 100 units one. the guys are football leaks, title bahama continued to shine until he was selected for the garden in ali. remote club of those professional experience and jordan, who were turned to gauze and played for about 10 units of subject complement. an awfully garza well distinguished on the field with his performance on matters and was the captain of about 10 units for more than one season. the how much continued to play football and participated with the palestinian national beach soccer team in southern the national tournaments, including saudi arabia, a mont and china. do you want the bronze medal and be soccer at the asian games in china, blaine for palestine, and how much was a very special plan? and all aspects have greatly missed him recently due to his sudden killing everyone, a shug by the loss of him, how much had a significant impact on special relationships with all the assets in gauze. the
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okay to another story i taught you, creating official has insulted the senior chinese different lot. live on tv. he made a play on words with the moms surname using a crude curse word. are you still using the same as the most of them? you can use the promotion is as soon as we say that the boy sample was done. so when it might, as well as you have continues to face mounting defense on the battlefield. it's clear that ukraine's the secretary of the national security and defense council. i would say to neil of this, resorting to some low brow tactics name, calling essentially the chinese representatives last name way resembles a very nasty crude word in russian and ukrainian, which essentially means penis in english. and so after leeway came to crane looking to bring the conflict closer to peace. mister daniel of thought it would be appropriate to make fun of the special representative from china,
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his last name. there's no room for misinterpretation here either because you can see clearly on the video that the humor was not lost on the anchors that were conducting this interview. but it's also no secret that the new of has taken issue in the past with chinese, with china's position on a potential peaceful resolution of the conflict and ukraine. specifically that beijing says they will not participate in any sort of peace negotiations that do not include moscow at the negotiating table. nevertheless, china's foreign ministry has said that it's still going to continue to try to work towards a peaceful solution. mm hm. the have been some of the cases that he crating and politicians up throwing out in souls like these 2 people who they disagree with. is it just sort of kids diplomacy tactics? well, that's definitely true. i mean, ukrainian officials have a very long track record of this, of throwing insults that politicians for whether it be all love salts, calling him liver worst store, saying that indians and chinese people are weak minded. joe,
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probably my easy to die. what is the problem with india, china, and so on? the problem of these countries is that they do not analyze the consequences of their own steps. the intellectual potential of these countries is unfortunately weak accent like an offended dilemma was, doesn't sound very statesman like we are not ready to give our freedom to this generous bulletin. that's it. now, in the past, not much has been done about this nasty rhetoric from t of, so it's not likely that it's going to erupt into a political scandal, but it sure does represent some sort of desperation in t of when nasty words and insults are used to basically replace what is lacking on the battlefield. my colleagues, nikki, are and then don quartered talking us through. we thought it just did reaction archie contributor called jesse's it is clear, ukraine isn't serious about improving its dialogue with patient of your water that you've been doing at this point. now, does this even help you break it? does it, and china is call me or process on is pro good china as
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a pro se is willing to take on the role of a broker for peace between ukraine, russia and present 20 set fees? receptive to is a chinese proposal smell. we know, let's not going to pretend ukraine is a sovereign nation at this point because we know there could have been peace back in march 2022 except for it's johnson concept and tell, are you printing off visuals to call it off because europe will have ukraine's back, so just a ridiculous statement and, and it was highly unprofessional. i don't think the chinese will even pay any mind to this because they're, they understand these uh, these, these ukrainian clause, they're just pump, these are their puppies of the west of washington. and now to have a real cheese, a commitment to cheese, it's not up to the legacy. and his legacy is really, you know,
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he has to wait for the whole a, from ne, to and from washington. that unless the questions, what do these ukraine all fish or do? i mean, i mean, like really if you look at the resume of the ukraine, president zalinski and his former career is a comedian. maybe that's what they know bass, you know, macy o'clock, show of himself. but again, that does not help you. great. you does not have a few crazy people. a does not great piece. okay. something else that's raised more than a few eyebrows as the polish president has claimed russia is preparing for war with nato. according to upgrade to the law school will engage in a direct confrontation in the next 2 years. a lot as may have a bunch of different from my point of view. it's a question of common sense of yes and your reports are coming in and i recently saw one by tell my next, but we said that soon pops as early as 2026 or 2027 mostly boots in. but putting is
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economy on a wall for thing we have such a military might, that he'll be able to attack and they type, okay, then the loan bills are ringing. suddenly, we have 2 or 3 years in which we can increase our efforts, that people stop pulling munitions and produce weapons to maximize european security. get ready and make sure the invasion doesn't happen. mister to this audit, the russian must be stopped in ukraine in order to avoid war with nato. a top polish general echoed his president's plane saying that most who is preparing for us stand off with nature and poland in turn will respond the same way. we see with full clarity, the change is taking place in russia and we're drawing conclusions from this to put it simply rushes, preparing for a conflict with nature, with full awareness of the fact that the alliance is a defensive structure. let's hear the take on this of alexander and markovich head of the support of institute thing time located in vienna. thanks for your time today or russia has repeatedly stated it's not going to. it has no plans to attack
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and they to a country opponents leader appears to know something we don't. what's your view on this? my view on this continues save a red thing which is taking place in europe. and i guess you can also account am on the way my call some statement about his willingness sending troops to ukraine. um and all that equation. i think this all says only one purpose and the purposes to justify the european switch to war economy to justify the ongoing installation in europe. cost spidey. yeah. the anti russian economic sanctions, therapy governments that's put into effect and staff for of course, the somehow needs to explain all this to the population. and of course, they can't really explain that because they then would be forced to openly admit
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that they are actually engaging in aggressions against russia, and that they want to provoke russia in order to attack europe. so that they have their costs especially. but of course, the russians are not doing that, but um, what's the european governments must do at the moment in order to police the americans face most this is actually to create um this, um, you read scoured this russian scare and spell for you, and i'll have all these um, suddenly you're off all these um secret service reports popping up the address, so it's gearing up for war. and yeah, i said before, this is only a justification for europe in order to um, switch the economy to what product can i put a related thing to as well? the president's words came on the 25th anniversary of poland. joining nato cut his
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thread, be seen as a way to justify, to the public, the alliance's existence as well. um, indeed, enlargement of course, because if you're looking at mate, so right now it is basically as statham this obsolete as the was all packed in 1991. so maybe sweden have drawn the lines right now and shortly before that sentence. but if you look at the current state of nature, it becomes more and more obvious that it's not the same suspects, but it's actually and the lines of regression ads is you are looking at all these american speeches about the axis of evil in so far. it is quite obvious, if you think about nato, that's the real axis of people is actually made those and its allies, which has pumped me least into oblivion. who f um, costs all these um tragic mess and ukraine into an out somehow trying to ignite the
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new fire in the chinese see. so therefore they know that's the condom to pop in terms of i'm and productions refresher and stuff for this i'm. i'll have to continuously justify the aggression because as we are seeing right now in europe, the european economy is suffering under all these sanctions and all these crazy war economy mattress, which are now put into place. and also europe and governments have to somehow just decide that's they are more, more also looking off the internal, this events were actually calling for peace with russia work. i think it's use that's being put in charles and russian sales, et cetera. so therefore, you have all these kind of while re for it. and of course, your best using this will restore it and all the nato countries because they're actually like to call and it's beast. they know that they cannot win this war
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anymore. so they all have to be more and more desperate in order to prolong it. and i guess the current statements of the police presidents, but also the statements of presidents, mccall and france are with the gals. just all of us do. do you see a coordination in the escalation you? but you know, you've got pollings president with the warning come threats. frances leader trying to get nato troops and ukrainian soil at germany in the background of this as well . it all seems to be coming up once is the record and need a push here, or is it just it happens to be then talking at this time. of course, this is according to push because as we know, germany and poland are part of the same military alliance as may through this. and of course bronson poland are currently in the hawkish can alternate to states when it comes to russia. and i assume that all of this is not taking place
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without the knowledge of us. the american secret service is like the c i a and also like and also without the knowledge of the car ins. um, democrats administration in the united states because nothing in europe and nothing insights made to happens actually without the contents of the united states. so dr . at the moments, all these moves which are aiming at pushing to over to a window, into the direction of, um, opened wall with russia for ukraine. and therefore, it's no coincidence. it's actually parts of the bigger planets and 6, right? and then, you know, the bigger picture of this you have at these leaders, you have a military head saying, talking about nate to going into the conflict. but what will that actually mean? what, what's, what's the results of that will further european involvement in the conflict change
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the situation on the battlefield as european heads are, are hoping or is it simply going to prolong the conflict? well, every things you can do right now at this moment is causing a problem. jason of this conflict. since the real problem of european, i'm an industry and foxes that's actually europe released in those fees is off the end of history, which was put up by francis fukuyama and style for european states actually, um, touchstone, their arguments industry. in contrast to russia, which never positions in all these liberals, most of the end of history and the global village. but yeah, it prints took that for granted. and now they have the problem. that's the reliance to have any in the aggression understand that the states and half of all facing the problems that they don't have the numbers,
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they don't have the numbers of tags. the numbers are 5 munitions. in all these military fields, europe gets vast. we are produced by russia, so the only thing they can do right now, what's b um to send in troops and ukraine in order to free up you don't ukrainian troops or as a direct confrontation with ross said certain sections of the fonts. but as we know, the european military's totally um devastated. they don't have enough motivated man um, a well trained man. they can only prolong this conflict. but if they want, if they are actually prolonging this conflict by um, putting pets on the grounds and ukraine in even greater numbers than they already did before, with instructors and special forces several act, they will also suffer heavy blocks. so, and i guess this will finally change public opinion in europe because ok when it's no longer just about the comic consequences when it's no longer just about
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inflation about, about your relatives dying in a foreign conflict, which is actually not your cup of tea. then also you have the european hobbin mines, even of the most topical liberals with change. always plenty of food for thought and alexander markovich, head of the savoy of institute, saint tuck in vienna is on the program. alexander, thank you. thank you for the research at just another link or run this romanian, merson res, have admitted to taking part interest rates on russian border regions that is according to claims published on their social media. that's journalist and call them as sonya and funding and a saves europe is on a dangerous path to escalation and ukraine. to my own opinion. i think the already a long time and you know, involved in the war because sending weapons to ukraine,
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they to a webcast, german weapons or whatever. yeah. you are, you know, part of the war because with your weapons, you are shooting and russian people, russian soldiers. but this is because of extra damage, you know, maybe maybe a legion is inside. it's taking that, i think the little boy, you know, the last moment that's very dangerous. we know really of george and legions are there. i see similarities with, with the syrian war because they have, um, they called the leader like, for instance of the russian. i tell you the free lead you, his name is caesar. well, they had this similar name in this area as well. supposedly, you know, if this a now prison, there, they will, the evidence came up. but this particular no maney legion is your only to you repeat legion. and so it, it's just an extra step towards war with nature we can say, and i think it's the very dangerous situation. let's hope between of escalate. but
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i'm afraid because all the story keeps coming out. you're saying that we didn't try to use, they have to refresh on. so it's is every terminal dangerous situation. a military resolution is impossible. that's how the ukranian prime minister summed up at the conflict with russia and an interview to a spanish at news. i said it is the 1st time kids officials have pointed at in some direction to negotiation, since president loving there's landscape, signed a degree last year that fund holding any talks with we are promoting president. vladimir zalinski is peace formula. we will hold a piece for them in switzerland, in which we hope a global coalition will be created to put pressure on russia to stop the war, to leave out sovereign internationally recognized territories. and us to end this war at the diplomatic table, with guarantees with documents ending it militarily is impossible. simply because
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russia is a nuclear country. interesting, we're talking about are starting to emerge. earlier. we spoke with us army veteran scott bennett. he says you train of it's west and always may be interested in negotiations now, but russia should ignore all false appeals for peace. the ukraine, poland, france, germany, britain, america, they don't have any cards. they have blank pieces of paper. they don't have artillery, they don't have weapons, they don't have soldiers, their entire societies are breaking down. so it's very clear that the west wants to settle this and negotiate rush in these 2 rooms. ignore all of these false, please. for peace rush, it cannot ever trust a single document or a single promise that's ever made from any american ever any britain, any polls, any german, any frenchman, whatsoever? because they have lied and they have engaged in crimes against humanity against the
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russian people living in ukraine, living and don bass, president putin as always, kept the door open for negotiations. president pollutant has a never wanted a war and never wanted conflict with ukraine. and indeed in the early stages of this, we remember that ukrainians and zelinski indeed signed a peace settlement with russia. but boris johnson, the acting as the messenger boy for joe biden, scuffle that and destroyed that russian never started this war. the west did, but russia will ended and it will ended in the best interest of the russian people we are witnessing the ukrainian parliament does. all we're witnessing ukrainian parliament leaders recognizing the handwriting on the wall. busy all that ukraine is ending in zillow lensky will soon be a dead man if he's not in chains in a jail cell for crimes against humanity. the american observers who
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oversold the recent russian presidential election are reportedly being threatened by the us government. that's according to sweden base professor greg simons, who took part in the portal as a monitor earlier washington were in the everyone taking part in voting and russia's new territories could face prosecution in the united states will continue to use all available tools to hold accountable. those individuals responsible for actions that undermine the sovereignty, territorial integrity or political independence of free countries, including those who serve as election observers, for the criminal sham elections and occupied parts of ukraine. well, it wasn't just a home for over a 1000 international observers marshal developed. they came from 129 countries all across the world, including europe, north americans, the overall voting turnouts among the russian public, which 77 let me, i said, was higher. and then you regions, despite washington's claims that the election was on democratic,
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many monitors said that reality was different from the western north as much as we arrived and started work early in the morning. we visited 3 polling stations. the process is very well organized. we believe that these elections are being conducted properly in accordance with the international electoral standards. what do we want to wish to the russian people so that the voting takes place in good condition? and that there is peace in the country the, my anecdotal, you know, the receptionist that people feel excited about. people are lined up here at 7 am to vote even though it didn't open till 8. so that says something, you can't, i don't want to draw to bigger lucian's because that wouldn't be fair and i tried it. fair. but i certainly did. things are not very friendly people and very, very happy to for most of them to really i
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expected you to be upbeat to be i've got to do all of these process these electron that you'd like to watch and discover these that it was very peaceful, peacefully had that noise and i also spoke to one of the men just interviewed their us human rights lawyer done call the like, who was observer as we saw up the russian presidential election. he said he was flagged upon returning home. when i arrived in chicago, i was greeted by 2 customs agents who are waiting for me and they pulled me aside and interrogated me about my visit to rush or they wanted to know why was there where i, when to funded, et cetera. so it wasn't so much that they made any statements to me but they want.


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