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tv   News  RT  March 22, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the disturbing images from the russian border city of belgrade, where a civilian is killed by the latest ukrainian shelling of a residential area. ukraine's energy in industrial infrastructure reportedly comes under the largest russians right in months. parking widespread power outages. as the relentless is really offensive kills at least 140 at god says, i'll ship a hospital this week. this place to civilians are forced to flee the medical complex, where they stock sell the 1st to make it without any clothes. and then they let the women out about making us hold our hands out about the 1st is to go to this house has been a no go zone since october, 1 of 40 threes. really,
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communities along the boulder with lebanon in the north. the turn seemed to ghost towns and we report from northern israel, which has turned into a no man's land amid escalating cross border strikes between the ideas and has blocked and 11 on the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international. the russian city of belgrade has come under a 1st strike from across the border by the ukrainian military killing at least one civilian and wounding to others. just a warning you might find the following. images disturbing. a local woman was killed while walking her dogs as a shell landed right near her on the road. another video from the city shows several cars on fire near a large residential building. that area was apparently had to buy a ukrainian missile person. officials say 5 houses and 4 medical facilities have
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been damaged. emergency services are now working at the scene as well. this comes out for local authorities, ordered a temporary evacuation of civilians, mostly children from areas near the border with ukraine. the displaced russians will be accommodated and at least 11 other regions of the country. the neighboring bronner's region has already taken in some 50 families. from belgrade, the refugees are expected to stay there for several weeks. while officials have plans to provide them with a central supplies, we've heard from some of the civilians who have been evacuated. scary is an understatement. you'll preparing to die all the time that so it's scary for the child, not for yourself, but for the child. many parents hide the children in the bathrooms, sleep that cover the children with the bodies to protect and move toward the we
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decided to leave because there was a lot of tension on saturday. a missile hit our yard. i'm very worried. the kids are always hiding at home in the bathroom or in the hallways. it's very hard. of course we want to go back because we are not going to a band in the city. it is yvonne yeah, through the belgrade region has come under increasingly on. tends to attacks by caps forces a number of ukrainian troops have also tried to cross the border and sees the villages there. moscow says its forces have illuminated hundreds of infield traders and destroyed and dozens of their vehicles. just in the past 2 weeks, at least, 17 civilians were killed in more than 100 wounded by cabins military in the belgrade region. meanwhile, the defense minister of knowledge of a has admitted a number of the countries nationals are fighting for key of the most open official claims. the mercenaries are there legally as they joined to the international legion of ukraine,
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separately. some romanian mercenaries say they've taken part in terraced raids on russian border regions as according to revelations on their social media accounts. that's journalist and columnist, sonya event and then he says, europe is on a dangerous past escalation and ukraine to my own opinion. i think the already a long time and you know, involved in the war because sending weapons to ukraine. they to weapons german weapons or whatever. yeah. you are, you know, part of the war because with your weapons, you are shooting and russian people, russian soldiers. but this is because of extra damage, you know, maybe mania legion is inside. it's taking, i think the little boy, you know, do your best know that's very dangerous. we know really did george and legions are there. i see similarities with, with the syrian war because they have and they called the leader like for instance, old direction. i tell you the free lead you, his name is caesar. well,
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they had this similar name in this area as well. supposedly, you know, if this a now prison, there, they will, the evidence came up. but this particular know many of the to is you are going to, you were the legion and, well it, it's just an extra step towards war with nature we can say. and i think it's the very dangerous situation, let's hope between up escalate. but i'm afraid because all the think it's coming out, you're saying that we didn't find to use they have to refresh on. so it's is every terminal dangerous situation. the russian military has report of late launched a mass of series of strikes on ukraine's energy and industrial infrastructure in multiple regions. one of the main objects apparently hit is that the neighbor a hydro electric power plants, the fire has are up to their and vehicle transportation across the bridge over them has ceased. in another region, the military production and repair factory was reportedly struck as well as 2 other
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power stations. ukrainian energy ministry says is the largest strike on the country's infrastructure in months. electricity and internet outages have been reported across you crime. there's been no comment from moscow so far, although russian officials have consistently stated the only military related sites are targeted and oscar winning ukrainian film about the battle for the dawn bass city of mario pole, actually use some deceptively edited and outright misleading footage. r t is wrong, customer of has the details you chose to pursue. it's a piece of jewish. i think you have my list as are watching the so called documentary by ukrainian officer that won an oscar. i, along with the many of my colleagues got a sense of the edge of who we all saw a shot of a little pain codes that looked way too familiar. after digging through archives,
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we discovered the same shots. however, it had nothing to do with the side. so how the documentary 20 days in my revolt kind of footage is actually from another reporter who documented the death of an entire family in the that's group. public city of goal of the back in november of 20142 children aged 4 and 9 along with the parents were killed by ukrainian shilling. now we spoke with their neighbor irina who told us exactly what happened at this point behind me. well, i did have on the download speed, there was a tree, but you can see it's been cut down and replaced. it's already grown to the size. that's where it home, you know, with this was very tall. it was planted many years ago. oh,
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good. it's most up besides your law to show. so the children's things fell from up there. vs gave us the children's things fell down. jackets, toys are still the same. and then what happened that day? so, so this will start a new crane grad shelf, flew over from the ukranian side and exploded in the flat live family lived on the 8th floor. it's very hard to talk about now, which includes with each other godaddy. there's no sales and you said you're the person with even though it's been 10 years, did you know them or you can go to the store? yes, i have a lump in my throat for those of course we knew them. they were a good family. it's been so many years and i still can't think about it. it will be impossible to talk even after 1020 years, because little children died, but the least i have children too. that's why you know, those are you do to pay for me. do you remember that moment couldn't use now?
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of course the so fee is jacket was hanging from that tree. of course i did on the form in your book because when they were looking for her, absolutely, everything was thrown down. sure. so if she wasn't found right away, they were looking for her and there were also children's toys hanging here use color. when did you people probably just don't fear god move on. we all walk under god. the key. they're not afraid of sin. how can you use such things for your own selfish purposes? i'm sorry to interrupt the shock to view what the called the yes, i can confirm that that what was the city of a mr. w at the, the a part from the obvious blunder with a child's cold hanging from a tree in gore, left and other propagandist friend to rake against russia. the makers of the documentary use footage of done that sc resident marie on evolutionary scale among the hospital rooms in mario bull. according to the west for media,
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she told them that the russian air force bombs and it started toward in mario pool and almost killed her. in fact, she said nothing of the swords actually telling the a b photographer that she didn't hear or see any aircraft. but that part of her interview was caught from the associated press distribution as it clearly didn't suit the western narrative. i just want to remind you that yesterday was in a nursery off an attack on the maternity hospital in maryville as the significant moments as a symbolic moment. and that moment became a symbol of the invasion of russia's invasion of ukraine and the symbol of 4 prime said they did there without a 2nd thoughts oscar statuette in hand. ukrainian documents and we offered cells a glitzy hollywood crowd about the anniversary opened. a legend rushing attack on the maternity ward. maria, and i'm assuming your sky was there and she has
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a different point of view. a guy, you have a lot of money. when i wasn't married people, i sold the strong list. i was part of this film through people sending me screenshots of me on the screen, so i didn't get caught out of it. i don't think it's necessary to pay attention to politicize towards. because it was clear from the moment they were nominated that they were going to win an oscar because that's what it was all about. so just when you took a photo, my crew has been working here in dunbar since 2014. we witnessed the very beginning, how far you crating aggression against the locals, who simply wanted independence from the coo, impose regime in the 91 children were killed, and 469 were wounded here long before the start of russia's special military operation. however, their depths have gone largely unnoticed by the western world. the people here couldn't care less about the oscars,
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and other politicized hollywood glamour. and what they really once used to live in peace in russia without the key of regime and its western part, the tears telling them that black is in fact white, vermont golfer of archie, goal of the next group, public. the northern guys are, they is really military says it will keep writing the l. c. for hospital for several more days. the idea of claims, the facility is full of terrorist. a barricaded themselves inside is floor. it is really military has released some footage of its raids, an idea of space 1st and it says at least 600 terrace had been arrested at el cheapo with more than 140. others eliminated their several caches of weapons and intelligence documents were allegedly seized at the facility. however, dozens of civilians have also been killed during raids on the hospital this week. according to palestinian authorities, at least at 7000 are said to be sheltering there, but they've been ordered by israel to evaluate and head south. we've heard from
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some of the displaced locals. so let's see. i'm how sorry, and they suddenly besieged us while we were sleeping. we went under siege for 3 days with nothing to eat or drink. now there are 60, for among us allow women let us out say the siege of the building. they let them in and out. first make it without any clothes. and then they let the women out don't making us hold our hands on google. they forced us to go to the south, but we have no one there. so where are we supposed to stay? there were some papers in every building. we never, we tried to take a different road and going if they would for bid us. it was extremely dangerous as really, troops were everywhere. they surrounded the sick people hope they hadn't eaten for 2 days. i just can't take this anymore. i'm so tired of foot circulating on social media shows bound and the blindfolded people being taken away by soldiers . several doctors and journalists detained in raids on l. she for say they were
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physically abused by as rarely, troops, 0 met human rights monitor group, which has an office in does a city share some distressing testimonies of survivors about 4 times during that period. i saw soldiers lead groups of detainees. always at least 3 people and never more than 10 into the hospital buildings, particularly the mold building, where bodies had previously been kept. gun shots were heard with the soldiers, then leaving the area to bring another group. there. it is a work let me know and send both times it cannot be described any other way. interest keeps going into these medical facilities. and basically, the intent is really to deny whatever left of medical care that people can go to and, and receive you know, some a modicum of health care. and that has had denied them. and not only this facility, but also in 33 other facilities. so plain and simple, you know,
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they said the shift particularly is also a refuge. a lot of people go there to take shelter to take their kids to, as we've seen with my colleagues. same thing as family. and it was whether we don't know what happened to him or his family. you know, he was taken away strip down. and so, and so it is a word crime is that goes on time after time with no other and except to continue the human eye, the 1000 and to continue and the exact it correct that correct revenge. i don't know sort of like, but the obviously with no political or militate. and because obviously medicare laser is out of tubing as well. so it takes it out on such facilities as hold on to the this video released by a french national survey. and the idea of shows the change palestinians being
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humiliated by the troops. more footage from the same soldier, shows a group of palestinians blindfolded with their hands tied across. and the us more support for these really assaults has been voiced by some american lawmakers, democratic congressman daniel goldman, who's also a recipients of his really lobby funds is among those back in the war area. so our trust to despite the arrest and the legs, the torture of journalists and dogs of washington claims it is concerned about their safety or us state department official was grilled about that by palestinian reporter site or a cod. during the latest press briefing, my point is when will they that states that i say that this cannot keep on going with jarvis that are credential that have worked at 4 year after year decade
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after decade when the division. ready went on to this way. why did i keep taking them to give you the giving them and presenting them with impunity? why is that not a trade just to your site when we talk about continuing to press israel to enhance its mechanisms to better protect civilians. we of course, are also talking about extending that to journalists as well. we are always concerned for the safety of journalist, especially in consequence zones, especially in somewhere like gaza. i saw you there, a caught himself, told archie as well as apparently targeting journalists deliberately to prevent them from reporting the truth about what's happening in gaza. united states has not really shown any measurable effort to save guys your lives in guys. i mean they, they say they do, they say that join us should be allowed to do their job. there should be a lot of to function on work. but in fact we have not see them. the sanction is
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really by any measure or say, or say that you know is read should not do this, but if they continue to do it, we are going to punish them in this fashion a summer saying that said the lists of being targets in an attempt to silence what was going on at the i'll she for medical complex hunting dogs. so in general, do you think that's an accurate assessment? when i presume it has always done this to your listing of people say go for the say . what do you said you are the same thing? i'm sure in a box or they think of the $150.00 that had been killed since it is right away. this war then going wrong? gaza really slot that it's not a war. and but the slower on gaza, but actually waiting for that, i mean the joy list palestinian journalist from my newspaper from other newspapers on television stations as on, had been targeted and killed then it's estimated in prison. they annandale, to actually basically stuff out the truth. i mean, mine was paper publish is a and you know, and there's
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a lot of cuz we are under occupation and jerusalem. and for years and years and years when we went over to them in the print edition, went to great swats of empty space. because in that sense, i wouldn't take it out completely so they have as read. all we've done that, is it printing not yet. and our field study cannot handle the truth. and therefore it is just not that out. this laura is increasingly engulfing the region and spilling across borders. the idea of says 2 of its soldiers have been wounded in northern israel and afresh. striked by the husband of militant group in loving on. some is rarely communities in that complex zone have been forced to flee as our middle east bureau chief maria, for an ocean of reports from missing. israel is not sufficiently escort with his fellow less, but in the north where the country boat is never known. holding to the wrong backed arms groups that hasn't been teased for months. we come to to lunch and find at
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once. peaceful picture has come to several is really families at the end and there was a feeling that the residence left and the rush lead hostilities on to bump all it's meant by dozens of his fellow level kids. his high season gardens are full of white foods, but there is no one to harvest them mit tula. israel's northern may supplements from free size. it is surrounded by lab, but on i can see that his village is on that hill from here. home to around 2200 people. it has been a no go zone since october, 1 of 40 threes, really, communities along the border with lebanon in the north. the turned into ghost towns to the both the role in the distance doesn't give the feeling of protection that serves as a reminder of the danger. on the other side, the mayor says it's hard breaking to be the head of an end to town. those who determine the scope of the flames of this war it is, has the last note as unfortunately we are on the defensive side where defending
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here all the time and has bluff fire whenever they want. whenever they don't want to. they don't fire his bullet has been fighting with these really army off to the have mass attack last october and solidarity with a g as a base palestinian militant group and 5 months. the idea of heat about $4500.00 targets and 11 on using artillery drones and navigation to strike observation points. launching positions and base as belonging to his bowler, who israel sees as terrorist. has bella attacked israel more than a 1000 times targeting these really army and residential areas here in the tula? 130 houses, housing hate, one civilian and 2 soldiers have been injured in attacks when they walk, they take this car. it was a miracle that the driver survived. to have been just tens of incidents and then old and israel and the last 17 years after the 2nd 11 on war and the last 5 months since october. the attacks happen here on
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a daily basis. a peaceful can not to return home yet. the mayor believes there is only one option of how to restore security. i hope i show that we are waiting for the government of israel to decide to attack 11 on because there is no other choice . we simply don't have a choice. according to recent balls, the overwhelming majority of his release would support a war against his viola, which israel has already had to full fledged conflicts with the rock concerns where the israel is capable of opening a 2nd front and needed of a states and competing in gaza. the cost is in these riddles history, especially given that his full length is a much bigger and it means that how much last month, the audience chief of staff announced israel is focusing on getting ready for war in the north. after another barrage of rockets from his belt of last week, his wells far right national security minister responded with anger. of us, go on to the army. is your responsibility. what are you waiting for?
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more than 100 me styles, 100 launches at the state of israel, and you said quietly, stop releasing a bully videos unless start reacting, attacking. we want war. now, these ro hasn't been sitting quietly, according to the armies estimates more than $300.00. his bullet operatives have been killed since october, including 5 senior commanders, 750 others have been reported wounded. but those calling for war a say that is not enough to allow people to come back to the auction one on the largest city. and the border region is now virtually empty. before the escalation, this population was around 25000 people of about 60000 as really is moving close to the lebanese boulder in the countries knows have left the homes since october. this is the big gets such displacement and has really history on the other side of the frontier. we don't know exact numbers, but the lebanese authorities say around 100000 residents have also been moved to
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allow all of them to come back. both sides want to make sure it's safe enough. now is far from the us. seconds later, we were given yet no proof of how dangerous the area is. while we were filming here receive notifications on my walk, i tell her and to application they were several attacks and minora not far from where we are now and getting a true or not. and now we here we could probably be, is really a to be answering firing back and again, the firing continues. we stopped the military vehicle passing by. there is a rocket attack on manada, which is not far from here. close for the close. huh. and the ra civilians. now here are only the army interior monassa. sorry. okay. no worries. we managed to find someone who could answer our questions. rossville you left here in the city, though about 2000 the city that is,
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that are or that stays in the city even though the government to the side hard suggested that we would evacuate. of course a most of our assessor walkers like security workers. what that will codes are next is that they won't girls, and both of them are both around residence. so to and nothing about creating them with the. ready risk i ask in reality about the chances of a full scale war here, i do see no other choice. i the only the proactive solution thing though was in for the 20 by the you and, and do and can nothing force. because while the, under the agreement to end the 2006 war between israel and his butler, they should be new military precedence south on the tiny river except for the lebanese army and un forces. his bola has violated disagreement. the bad news is that, so he's the how these are former ideas members specialize in,
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in the military intelligence and found they're willing to you analyze and security challenges in his role is north cheese as his role is trying to drag is really into war. the israel is not interested in, at least for now, you see as far it talks are and going parallel to the have mass truce negotiations . but as interconnected as the are neither has yet seen at the size of breakthrough . so he believes they reset diplomatic solution. but it's frustrated about the progress of the talks because they don't see any deadline. i don't see any effective math on isn't everybody's talking about the role of kids, but are right. what these are fees, but it's a terrorist organization social movement. and it's a political party 11 on member in the lebanese government and the lebanese parliament. i don't see how low kind of organization which is entrenched in the villages in the town. can we drove from the places they leaving and the place at that very day. and as when,
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when they are getting killed by the idea. and that's why i think that the warranty . and if we talk about the diplomatic arrangements, should refer to this arm rather than read, roll on to a resolution is found and things are settled. he's rails large in northern region will remain a dangerous close to military area with views, civilians, empty roads, and close shops and restaurants and war zone without an official war. racing ocean, a r t reporting from israel is north the european commission shape says you leaders have agreed in principle to use rushes, frozen financial assets to fund due crime. the upcoming deal is expected to see billions of euro's and profits from the seas to funds being spent on weapons for cabs, military or the block of fro summit 200000000000 of russia's assets and that european banks after the outbreak of the you can ukraine conflict most of the money
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is being held in belgium and the country's prime minister has back the proposed deal to use the profits for kids benefit. moscow has called a quote, banditry and theft and has threatened to decades of losses. here's our to contribute to rachel marsden with her take. and so they are again, council meeting leaders of the blocks 27 member states met up in brussels for the 1st day of a 2 day scheduled summit on thursday and cleaner. so of underlined, the unelected. you commission president who's up for renewal, confirmation, coordination by lawmakers and a few months, sat in a statement at the end of the day that they just shuffled another 4500000000 euros out the door to ukraine. didn't say anything about ukraine in the context of future you. enlargement though, just about bosnia herzegovina in that context. so he probably feels right now, like the jealous girlfriend whose guy spent the night at the bar chatting up another girl. that'll be making it up to him soon enough though with gifts and cash
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. speaking of which they still haven't found a way to get someone else to pay for those gifts of weapons to print hurts for good . you know, once again i was to both for. busy you created and we made very important decisions, especially diamonds. it's possible to, to do it for profit. there's a proposal to the date of other commission got done, need to activate, we creaking so that we can do a bulk of this money to support to create into this a possibility. we submitted the re treatment. so the you is trying to find a way for russia to basically fund both sides of the war. the idea is that the prophets made on frozen russian assets would just be taken and dumped into the giant use slush fund called the european piece facility, which despite the name is actually to buy weapons. for more negotiations for peace would actually be much cheaper and probably would not require as less fund. anyway, the
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e u has run out of other people's money that it can steal legitimately because the tax payers and businesses they steal it from normally are set up. so now they're just going to treat russia like the average european tax fair. in wave of his 1st day of meetings via king council put out its own statements, separate from cleaners, so less underscoring that they are also an thing up to use own defense readiness. now in the context of rising threats and security challenges, sounds kind of banana republic p like they've destroyed the rest of their industries that are normally hallmarks of civilized, developed countries all for ukraine. so now they're just going to obsess over cranking a weapons as a job creator and economy booster. sounds like they're chief safari guide and you political jungle expert pet diplomat. use a brown. didn't get a copy of the latest him book, since he insists that they're not actually part of anymore, or you're not believing base, we support the grain. we have not lots of these will we just ukraine and we have to


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