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tv   Inland Visions  RT  March 22, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EDT

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and the west, i say no is real, you can go on with this was actually if you look at these various society, it is a conservative society now. and usually, you know, the is a, is joining was they try to be supportive of the government regardless whether it is be a good day. but it seem right to exhibit and sentence and what have you. so what we are witnessing is the fact that is the things because of the security, so obsession that they are being strengthened by how much of what have you. they are supporting such a government, but the liberal and dissenters who deals with the product. and i think some of the politics of the day after, i guess nothing, you know, and they are in no position, but they did not reach the octave or the ultimate in the position. because still the trying to read the power, mobilize the support against stuff, and the old will is using this war to support and set a dis, they can pilot as a prime minister. but i tell you that americans go things. i'm not sure how many
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deep good put any pressure as long as i is a constant, as it said about visual, let alone, as long as the majority of the popular pop in the is a, is with this government. nothing. you know, we'd go ahead with the law. uh, you know, uh, crossing whatever and eventually, eventually he has to pay the consequences of this factor stick. and this, let alone that the americans would often, via the invasion would take a different serious done i. e at ease, not to use the deed power and the security council. me now of us, i get you a space out of the blinking says the washington is against the military ground, the prison in rafa. but what impact to the disagreement have on washington's best fast support of these well, or i don't think that much where you will have to understand the, the, the,
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the content of the politics and they're not states. i mean, the executive power, which is the president and, and be put in office and what have you are basically basically under the rings of congress. congress makes the law. and congress is pro, is that congress has the right to stop. army military lee is read and congress can continue with this supply or is it the best that is right? and because the 8 back low be in washington state, strong. congress is been strong in support. thing is that against the wishes of the executive power. i the joe biden like i don't drink and be of course the secretary of state. and that's why you know, eh, but a, what's his name, nothing. you know, a heavy capitalizes on the support of congress. although there are some opposition within congress on the uh, really good to support to is that let alone openings,
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you know, they board this where you're going to get an assistance. but the majority of congress is with this. right. and that's why it is counting on congress because congress for us as but as soon as they are changing, it's not only is that, but congress is comp visit with this war against innocent civilians. now what are the chances of a bigger escalation in maybe other countries answering the conflict? if he's real, it does go ahead and decide to pursue it spends to do you know something, something that i had in mind to share with you and i forgot. and this is you do dementia. okay. eh, yes, your question is extremely exceedingly important. i think americans have intelligence enough to understand that the consequences of the ground invasion
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of problems with intensify the escalation and the intensity of this war against innocent civilians through a region of uprising. meaning that we might see further 1st. so for further confrontation in del q, by dress bank, we might see confrontation, which says by law to be forced into action. we could see on the cd in front through the golden heights, another kind of involvement. and this is what, nothing, you know, once not then you know, once the schedule you in guys that in for the inboard region advisors that would justify that dimension into what of the united states. and that the history of the, the now what type of refuse to be but then buses over this invasion let alone to fight the war is as we have in gaza. and this is the, uh, the ticket box that nothing now is trying and on sliding as much as you can to
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escalate the situation. does that in order to intensify their agent into complex chaos in security? and this way he get a d said which his position as prime minister for a couple of years to come with circumventing any kind of elections in this. right. i think now let's narrow, narrow down to gas and i'll be easier on the government to announce that it will create a so called humidity to an island supposed to be the ends in rafa to evacuate. to know how realistic would it be to relocate such a large number of people, the thoughts islands they are talking about us. this is like sweet talk. sweet talk before and you know, during the action is the, is not putting and we'd never do what the they claim to do. they are trying, you know, to, uh, in terms of public opinion to show that
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a humanitarian side that they are trying to save as many civilians as possible by providing them by providing them safe haven. but is it a, has never, ever, uh, you know, uh, a good foot feet is for offices and you don't rely on such pull, 2nd posts promises. and this i would never do. that is, as i told you, we'd like to get as many but as soon as possible. this is the agenda. and as you can see, the question is not thomas anymore. that is the question. it's time us. why are they negotiating with time us? the question is trying to get rid of the palestinians in guys us and data from the respect. this is a government that believes in other side and duties in the association of the palestinians to to the zation, to forceful explosions. and this is the policy of the present day government. so i mean, you know, you know, not sion is that is not interested. the beast is not interested in the better. see,
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this is the, is, doesn't care about the region then. powers is a 3 and the length of c's winning divide to or regionally, and they know, eventually the americans are not to use them as on that it'd be, regardless of what the americans are saying, that they're not going to support them with arms. but as i told you earlier, congress will support this edge because is a, is a set to live a proxy energy for the national interest of the americans. and you know, when white glove is important because of the white piece. now how does the policy and leadership view of the international communities respond to the situation in rafa? although we have heard lots of voices either condemning israel but, but from the point of view of the palestinians, what's the view like this? was you know, the big round invasion of the top. i has another big capacitive fee because you know, the desktop wouldn't be staggering. and that's why, you know, president,
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by who would i, bass, you know, is always, always getting about the but it didn't is not reduced lunch. that's why, you know, things have been different in the west bank then in gaza. the, the, the 2nd thing is the fact that the, you know, the brothers didn't yet a leadership afraid of the consequences of this gun. the invasion and not on the, in terms of human lots. but in terms also of destruction of gaza, as you know, in the 70 percent of the impressed suck giving goes, i spoke to the in the in ruins and the that would take a 2 step to 15 years. if the set those down for rehabilitation, the construction and national reconstruction and what have you. so the palestinians don't want to see escalation in gaza. they want to see if the evidence is flat. they want to see the open, the board as part of human getting assistance. they want to see coming down at
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their situation and that the, and i'm not sure of going to d today. firms that i don't do not states integrate with the i, france and germany to ticket them a sense in putting pressure on is it not on the by talking, but by using the bike good embargoes economic means because that's the way it is as good to respond you know, to the, uh, because besides the is the, is a, like a, a gotten the whole mentality, hoodlums like aging born in the, in the, in the china a store. and nobody is going to stop the, the is a is. and because they are not incoming, as many losses as dependency needs ok, they can afford to, to use 1000 soldiers defined. this is they would like the most science and, and that they go through the math. and this is what 3 course is for the flash,
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because that is not going to happen. all right, you are in copenhagen share with us in what ways the polish teen and embassies a is engaging denmark in on an identity. so festivals regarding the developments in rafa as you know, so the name is government is but then by sense of the a you, it stands behind the a you what it is. it's far to say solutions. it's against the bidding offset that much. it's uh, support thing on the wall. it's a support thing. yeah. you know, in 1st section of development in the, to the, by the student already. so they have all kinds of positive qualifications in terms of support. but when it comes to politics and digging defense them on the unilateral position at this start the, the, i mean under the wings of the united states policy, i can say, look, i don't, the pro is that when it comes to the politics,
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they say the good things as they talked at all, but they don't look at the work. but i will tell you. recently of the 5 months, we see certain changes in the attitudes of the dentist from the most sympathetic to defend as soon as they are against the death of the french civilians that i gains the king in both innocent children. there are for humanitarian assistance. there are 4 deceased by it. i want to have you. but i is it saying all this and they are more, you know, receptive to me as an unprecedented to the office. we met with different officers. uh, with the put in, uh, secretary, we met uh all the time we meet with the director of uh mean um and did east north africa. we meet with the uh, vice deputy minister of foreign affairs and cost center. you got in touch the i put them in the, the, the latest developments and the requests of the a more dynamic,
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more imperative, more vibrant, the more i would say the volume didn't get an action, you know, on the buy that, that are living as far as you know, condemning what is happening. uh and is i by the, is 80 forces. it is the sluggish kind of progress. but i can said at that it has been not that dramatic shift, but a sluggish shift. it made a shift in that i took you from the beginning of the war to now. all right, ahead and thank you for letting us know all of this. uh, i'm bringing us up to speed with the development model that has i scanned the policy in and basset to denmark. thank you for your insight and time. thank you so right. the canada is putting a hans to new weapons if exports to ease all of the north american country made the call with a non binding vote and it's parliament canada hasn't approved a need, new permits for arms exports since the beginning of january, auto is considered
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a minor supplier of legal weapons to ease role. although he has approved nearly $21000000.00 worth of new permits since the october 7th, a mass attack of the policy and government has welcome the recent suspension. we spoke to bassett up more to one lara. achieve representative, all probably seen in general, delegation to canada who explained the significance of canada decision. and the significance is in the move itself isn't the messaging to israel in particular and to the world as well that we are set up. and we are going to implement it just way in doing this and other i to international law, and that it's resolutions. and i suppose the hope is that other states will possibly follow kind of those suits. do you think that's possible? well that's, that's the whole. but we had to force high expectations when the motion was
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initially introduced in its initial form. and unfortunately, the, the recognition of palestine was part of the, the main core issues and that motion was taken out. and that's where we see canada, whether it takes a leading role in something we have a domino effect. we're sure that a lot of states will recognize the palestine after canada. that in the same, we were hoping for with the aim of stopping the dealing with lessons as well. otherwise, increasingly in golf, with the region in spelling across the board, as the idea of says, 2 of its soldiers had been wounded in northern. these were all in the fresh drive bomb. it has belong militant, group 11 on some of these really communities in that conflict zone have been forced to flee as i'm at least very chief my i for nation. the reports from the scene.
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this is well is not officially as for with his fellow less but in the north where the country boat is never known. holding to the wrong backed arms groups that hasn't been teased for months. we come to the to lunch and find the ones peaceful picture has come to several is really families at the end. and there was a feeling that the residents less than the rush, clean hostilities on to bump all it's meant by dozens of his fellow level kids. his high season gardens are full of white foods, but there was no one to harvest them. mid tula, israel's northern, most supplements from free size. it is surrounded by that. but on i can see that his village is on that hill from here. home to around 2200 people. it has been a no go zone since october, 1 or 40 threes. really, communities along the border with lab and on in the north. the turned into ghost towns to the bolt of all in the distance doesn't give the feeling of protection
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that serves as a reminder of the danger. on the other side, the mayor says it's hard breaking to be the head of an end to town. those who determine the scope of the flames of this war is, has the last note as unfortunately we are on the defensive side where defending here all the time and has bluff fire whenever they want, whenever they don't want to. they don't fire. hezbollah has been fighting with these really army off to the have mass attack last october, and solidarity with a g as a base palestinian militant group. and 5 months. the idea of heat about $4500.00 targets and 11 on using artillery drones and navigation to strike alteration points . launching positions and bases belonging to his bola, who israel sees as terrorist. has bella attacked israel more than a 1000 times targeting these really army and residential areas here in the to 130 houses housing he wants to 1000000000 and 2 soldiers have been injured in attacks when they walk, they take his car, it was
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a miracle that the driver survived the having just tens of incidents and then old in israel and the last 17 years after the 2nd 11 on war and the last 5 months since october. the attacks happen here on a daily basis. people can not return home yet. the may or believes there was only one option of how to restore security, but a whole bunch of the we are waiting for the government to piece rails and them to decide to insect 11 on because there is no other choice. we simply don't have a choice. according to recent falls, the overwhelming majority of his release would support a war against his viola, which israel has already had to full fledged conflicts with the rock concerns with an easy way, at least capable of opening a 2nd front and aided of a state and compete in gaza, the cost is, and israel's history especially given that his full length is a much bigger and it means that how much of last month the audience chief of staff announced israel is focusing on getting ready for war in the north. after another
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barrage of rockets from his butler last week, his wells far rights national security minister responded with anger. fellow of no on the army is your responsibility. what are you waiting for? more than 100 me styles, 100 launches of the state of israel, and he said quietly, stop releasing a bully videos, and let's start reacting, attacking. we want war. now, these ro hasn't been sitting quietly, according to the armies estimates more than $300.00. his bella operatives have been killed since october, including 5 senior commanders, $750.00 others have been reported to wounded. but those calling for war a say that is not enough to allow people to come back to an on the largest city in the border region is now virtually empty. before the escalation, this population was around 25000 people. about $60000.00 as really is leaving close to the lebanese boulder in the countries knows have left the homes since october.
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this is the biggest such displacement and has really history on the other side of the frontier. we don't know exact numbers, but the lebanese authorities say around 100000 residents have also been moved to allow all of them to come back. both sides want to make sure it's safe enough. now is far from that. seconds later we were given yet no proof of how dangerous the area is. while we were filming here, i received notifications on my walk. i tell her and to application they were several attacks and minora not far from where we are now and could be a true or not. and now we here would probably be is really a to be answering firing back and again, the firing continues were stopped. the military vehicle passing by there is a rocket attack on manada, which is not far from here of the clothes for these clothes and the ra civilians.
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now here or only the army interior. not sorry. okay. no worries. we managed to find someone who could answer our questions. the ross of williams left here in the city. though about 2000 the city it is that our or that state in the city, even though the government to the side heart suggested that we would evacuate most of them are essentially walkers, like security workers. what it will cove their next is that they won't cross and both of them are both around residence so it will not be welcomed. no matter. ready risk i ask in reality about the chances of a full scale war here, i do say no other choice i the only they provide the solution thing though, was enforced only by the u. n. and do and can nothing for us as well. under the agreement to end the 2006 war between israel and his beloved, they should be new military precedence south of the tiny river except for the
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lebanese army and un forces. his bola has violated disagreement. the bad news is that he used to have is a former ideas member or specialize in, in the military intelligence and found their when and you analyze and security challenges in his role is north cheese, as his role is trying to drag is really into war. the israel is not interested in, at least for now, you see as far it talks are and go in parallel to they have mass truce negotiations, but as interconnected as they are neither has yet seen at the sides with breakthrough. so he believes they reset it for magic solution, but it's frustrated about the progress of the talks because i don't see any deadline. i don't see any effective american isn't everybody's talking about the role of kids but are right. what these are fees, but it's a terrorist organization social movement, and it's a political party 11 on member in the lebanese government and the lebanese
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parliament. i don't see how low kind of organization which is entrenched in the villages in the town. can we drove from the places they live in and the place of the berry danishes when, when they are getting killed by the idea? and that's why i think that the warranty. and if we talk about the diplomatic arrangements should refer to this arm rather than read. roll on to a resolution is found and things are settled. he's rails large and northern region will remain a dangerous close to military area with views, civilians, empty rows and closed shops and restaurants and wars. those without an official was re from ocean or r t resulting from east rose north by tang said that's the update. december on have separate be with you to get in about 35 minutes from now. see you against the
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the divide ministration is allowed israel's genocidal assault on gothic to become a horrific spectacle for the entire world to watch. the lesson ministration knows exactly what is real is doing and what it wants to achieve. biden is a willing participant to this unforgiving crime. the crime is for almost 3 centuries. it's been a stronghold of russian culture. 10 years ago of the events, the divided dependence is history into before and of the it became part of russia for good because of the voice of this sort of the. so
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we took 2 minutes the store, savannah phillips, the superficial. if the boy, it's a different chest here, it was more or less 2, but that will jeffers to the u. s. i'm with you. the, with the station trista can was federal orders to think within the midst of which is the listing of what the quote was pretty crossed. and the good person it says gets, it was a, it's a decent letter, but it is a floor federal investigative. certainly just the in the spirit i didn't, i suppose by us then probably the coolest side of things, but little simple story that needs to be shipped over to you because then you're gonna be moving, you overseas. the,
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at the end of the 19th century, africa was divided between european empires, which mercilessly oppress the indigenous population. modern day tends and e, uh, used to be a german colony. the germans levied heavy taxes on local drives, and use them as free labor on cotton plantations. fastens protest, turned into an uprising against the colonial list under the banner of the religious movement of the mozy magazine. it was led by a man named kinsey, could do the rebels use guerrilla tactics because they did not have the power to grasp the german army in head on confrontation. but the germans were not able to suppress the resistance of the guerrillas either. so the invaders decided to starve the population to day one of the commanders of the german troops. captain wagon
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time wrote only anger and one can lead to final submission. military actions alone will remain more or less a drop in the ocean. the blasphemous bland work. the invaders burned villages and fields. in 2 years, germany deliberately starved up to 300000 people, did that later. the monstrous experience of the 2nd right in tanzania was copied by the 3rd right lead by the nazis in order to extra pay that the both of europe, the the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the the chicken eclipse, the daily news cpd with the studio page called level of use of solutions stuff that's due to she's going, it's because she couldn't. miller well collected, ftp 2 for could be susceptible to discuss this before they have to do is make sure that you create excuse studying as historical stories of disposable cleaning some doors and not say i thought i would have done conflicting the thoughts about
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pushing of centuries ago your forebears name this country ukraine, or frontier because you're steps blank, europe and asia, but ukrainians that become frontiersman of another. so these people will be able to send these to you. some of those, whichever i most of them is amazing, will continue to try to jump to the most goals and would have been data like some of the heavily negligence coleman 0 point on your post co case gift to 2nd, to look at that and okay. and the step under
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the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the russia conducts dozens of revenge strikes and ukrainian industrial in military infrastructure. largest abrasion in the month, moscow's pay back comes in response to key advert tends to attack the boarder regence. the citizens of the town of belgrade have once again woken up to the sounds of pat, right sirens and explosions, defenses. the did manage to to set most of ukrainian project tiles, at least states of them. some slipped through the disturbing images from the


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