tv News RT March 22, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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the, the, the russia conduct dozens of revenge strikes and ukrainian industrial and military infrastructure. largest abrasion in months must goes pay back a, comes in response to key as it tends to attack the boarder regence. the citizens of the town of belgrade have once again woken up to the sounds of air, raid sirens, and explosions, defenses. the did manage to intercept most of ukrainian project of the 3 states of them. some slipped through the disturbing images from the russian border. city of belgrade, where a civilian is killed by the latest you crate in shout like a residential area. i mean,
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you'll need is agree in principle to tap the ends of euros and proceeds from seeds russian fonts to arm you. great. and he's real prepared that many tree ground depression and rough. i've decided sponsors all i in washington say new will be a mistake. later in the program, we discussed the rest with an official from the pot, a central committee, the head of the welcome to the news update on our teaching nationals, i a michael quarter. now the russian ministry has launched a massive separate series of strikes on ukraine's energy and industrial infrastructure. i have multiple regions so and the water holding the ceiling, i was just giving that out. today a massive strike was carried out on energy facilities. military industrial complex is railway hubs, weapons arsenals,
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deployment sites of the armed forces of ukraine and foreign mercenaries. as a result of the striking, the operation of industrial enterprises for the production and repair of weapons, military equipment and ammunition has been disrupted. additionally, foreign military equipment and the means of attack sent to ukraine from nato countries have been destroyed. the movement of enemy reserves towards the front line has been disrupted, and units of the armed forces of ukraine and mercenaries in areas of regrouping have been effected. now this trip shows i hit on the d bought. it looked like live hydro electric power plant, one of the largest power plants in ukraine. ukraine says that the facility has been rented completely in operable after a muscle strikes. are these room and casara brings us more details on roches retaliation of the russian defense industry. it should be yet another up to date
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report on this special military operation. on friday, a massive strike was launched against the ukrainian energy facilities, the military, industrial complex railway junctions, arsenals of weapons, and also locations of the crate, an army as well as for in mercenaries. according to the defense ministry, the russian army used a high precision, a long range air c, as well as land base weapons and drones as well. now, one of the outcomes is that a foreign military equipment stands, a weapon, supply to crane byte and made. so countries or destroyed and supply roads, or just profit as well. now one of the main objects that were hit is the nap or hydro electric power plants. ukraine says that the facility has been rendered fully inoperable. after 8 miss la strikes, now, the crate in energy ministry says that is the largest strike in months. electricity
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and internet outages had been reported across the country. the mayor of hartfield says that the city is completely without a power. now, russian defense of industry also added figures over the last 4 days, saying that in response to the showing all the russian territory attempts to infill trade, the russian border at least of $49.00 retaliation strikes or carried jobs with the use of high precision long range air based weapons including aero ballistic hypersonic can solve the style, drones as a result of the decision making sensors of the armed forces of ukraine, air filled infrastructure facilities, the repair weapons and military equipment, facilities warehouses for drones. as well as on mans bowls, logistics bases as well as temper locations and special operations forces, and 4 and mercenaries had been destroyed as well. moscow says it strikes came in
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retaliation for the crate in bombing of the russian border city of belgrade. at least one civilian was killed and to all those wounded there on friday morning, you might find the following images disturbing to a local woman died while walking her dogs as a shell landed a ride near holler on the road. another video from the city shows several cause on fire the red lodge residential building, russian officials say the 5 houses and medical facilities have been damaged. r t z goes down of reports from the see. the facade of this residential apartment block building is riddled with fractional. now as the citizens of the town of belgrade have once again woke it up to the sounds of air, raid sirens, and explosions and defenses. they did manage to, to set most of ukrainian project tiles, at least 8 of them, some slipped through, at least one woman died as a result of this morning's attack. she was walking her dogs. some hard wrenching
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pictures have been posted on line of her pets. sitting right next to her dead body is where the miss landed. if you look closely, you can see that the whole is well, it made a very, very deep hole in the ground. so it was something heavy, make no mistake, this woman's death was a deliberate mas as she was no collateral damage, because this was no attack against a military target. in fact, this colorful building you can see in the background, is this cool? yeah, mass of with the, with the ssl as they hit our house yesterday. now this ones, they're striking all over the city. you don't know where it's going to hit their targeting residential neighborhoods, which is this is the 3rd time they've hit our house. there are schools a kindergarten, a clinic around here, particularly since that's the 3rd time they've struck here. they are just trying to terrorize the civilian population. there is nothing military here. it's a residential neighborhood. a direct hit such a place,
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a whole parking lot destroying more livelihoods. one man in fact was caught by the bloss, as he was literally pulling out of the driveway, which was sort of forgetful. i had just left the parking lot and there was an ex, flows into this. i was sitting in the car cell on the seat. miraculously survived, the fire started and i turned on my car and drove out of the yard. this was not the 1st ukrainian terrorist attack against belgrade locals. you know, what would be the last make is done of reporting from belgrade and russia. it has actually be not war. every state in the west got directly involved in ukraine. yeah . and that's according to the latest statement from the kremlin spokesperson. dmitri pesca, it says we are in the state of war. yes, it began as a special middle tail peroration. but as soon as this group was formed there, when the collective west became a party in this on the side of ukraine, it already became a war for us. let's recall that of course,
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moscow is open and was always open to negotiations and peace talks. and even back in march of 2022, both give em most to stare but to the west. even though this, this is any idea and would suffice itself when they go to meeting tables with moscow. but that gets us to the situation that we're at now, 2 years later. now the press secretaries of mutual best fault says that last thought is that war. he does clarify that nothing has changed and that russell will continue to do it best to protect its citizens. in the new territories now at the scale, he also mentioned that the scale of the western involvement in the special military operation is what, turn this whole situation into warfare. none the less, moscow will do. it's best to protect a citizen we have for you federal subjects. and the main task for us is to protect people in these regions and liberate the territory of these regions, which is currently the fact occupied by the key of regime. russia cannot allow the
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existence of a state on this border that has documented its intention to use any methods to take from you away from it, let alone the territory of the new regions. now this comment comes uh, as the russians border regions are accounts under constant shelling and especially the city of belgrade, which has been under constant jelly for the past few weeks. and especially during the presidential elections, the russian presidential elections where we saw people are going to vote within their where they were being show beta ukrainian army. now just recently, a russian president vladimir puts in and said that russell will have to create a buffer safety zones to protect its citizens on the border region. but he has also mentioned that if nato does get involved into this, it would turn into a 3rd world war. now nobody really wants a war. of course, no one wants to see the world war after the 1st and 2nd that the world is still somehow reading from all of those effects. but upon days i cities right now, the,
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the west doesn't see this conflict with you create as war against russia does it? now generally, they don't say that the on the surface. but then again, let's recall that the german foreign minister did mention once in a quote, we are fighting a war against russia. plus berlin has been calling to send or weapon deliveries to ukraine on top of that, the rest of its western allies. of course, they shared the same sentiment, but also let's talk about press for a little bit because this was interesting developments that happened where for us is now entertaining these ideas to send french folks to print. this was also information that was this whole slide. the ross sent for and it tells us service. now they said that front is prepared to send 2000 french troops to play when it comes to helping ukraine. i guess. now it looks like it's not really about that, but it's more about using your plane as this comfortable tool and that they can play with. however, they want just to get to russia. why is the west so reluctant to admit that it is
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a war with russia using ukraine as a proxy? even though we have seen all of this evidence of supporting you crate against russia, it might be on the see may be. but then again, maybe they will admit that if nato and russia come to has some sort of face to face on the ground, then that will be too late because we know that ross shot in certain nato members do have nuclear weapons. so it's not really for and on it's on clear what outcome they want to from this whole situation. but, you know, the polish foreign minister did say that, well, if your grade is invited into nato, that is essentially an open invitation for a to go to war. with russia, if you invite ukraine and it already has security guarantees, it would be an invitation to go to war with russia. i doubt that public opinion in most european countries, including poland, is ready for this. you know, they keep on going back and forth on what they want. they say that they don't want
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any escalations with moscow that they want oldest all of this to end. but at the same time, they keep sending more weapons to be of. and you have the general secretary of nato salton berg, who did mention before that ukraine become a part of nato, should be a reality. so really, i guess we will just have to wait and see how this whole situation will unfold. what you are a secretary of state and then the blanket and a med with these ready prime minister and they've been yahoo! and intel, i believe on friday. megan has infested the washington is against an id of ground depression. and rafa major military operation and rough uh would be a mistake, something we don't support. and it's also not necessary to deal with a mouse which is necessary. but we're gonna have an opportunity next week to share in, in detail that you with are, is really counterparts. and to lay out our views on how to deal with the problem
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differently. britain and australia are also against the ground in custody into rafa . and the ones that they will be devastating consequences for the civilian population. that what a senior use really government official has double down and say with the idea of, for the enter rafa. even if they have to fight to low, it will happen even if these will is forced to fight alone, even if the entire world turns on as well, including the united states. we're going to fight until the battles one to see i'll do 0 media outlets has obtained exclusive footage from february in con eunice, but disturbing images show for on, on civilians been struck and apparently killed by on these really drove the strike you know, hold, hold on let's prop now live to stop re site. i'm had the deputy secretary general of fontes central committee is nice to have you join me right now. so every,
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now we are witnessing more and more countries voicing that concerns against on these really ground to price it. in rafa, even the united states, well want to take full ease well to reconsider the ground operation. well, that's good to be with you. it's obvious that there's a lot of, it's not giving into world actuator, it's already set as required, probably basis state to, to, to, to go for this. so, but i shouldn't even, i don't even if it goes against the wind of the americans. now, most importantly, what it's going to allow or to push or that it is i have to stop this will version, would it be the, is talk of the supply of weapons to his right is what it is about finding a request, a new request or america to provide some of the weapons, if that is blocked, then is there a way to understand the language of the, of demand and that demand is the stoppage of alteration. and i'm thinking the whole scene altogether. this has been ongoing for the last 6 months. and then being the
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$33000.00 tenants demands the can sofa with scores and scores are still under. but i've been with the 100000 people in india and the totem diminishment or most of the guys that so this is a lot of skin, the parts of it that is right and has to recognize its organization store. all right, you use, you said that. so what, what, what it would take is for the supply of weapons to be blocked, but what would it take to block back supply of weapons to ease well, but it's not intentional. for america, you have to work with a total picture. let's say, you know, we will, we have to save the people, those guys are, we have to provide the aids we have to stop this whole financial was to us didn't provide the weapons, those right brooks to so to, for trying to do entity or positions. the still all the countries are the executives name. they're saying that again. so i'll put you on the roof. i have they have to stop. they have to bring association will fire, but to spend supplies is what i had with weapons. how can the school hand in hand
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with the window over the international community to see an em to this ongoing massacre as well now and us so it just stays on to the blinking sides of washington needs against the many tree ground, appraise it in dropbox, but what the impact to the best disagreement have on washington steadfast support of these? well, what do we have seen the many empty talks in the part of the administration, a lot of states my stuff i'd be in the set, the buffer be meant to and there's a big difference between the 2. and that's why i say, well to the top, if you want to see an end to this misery, you have to do something about it. and the 1st thing to do about it is to stop the provision of weapon. so as i am and go to the general assembly requested the m m to this operation by voting in favor. i'm not using the veto again and also to recognize the right to be, but i sent him state to come and to be by the, for the mission of a. but his time being
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a 4 will be coming in all the better of the one. now, what are the chances of a big escalation and maybe all the countries entering the conflict as well? it does decide to pursue its plans that we have said that day and day out that this is not i know, but i sure it matters is about the war to document have been effect only and believes that it wouldn't go beyond is basically in punching. hated worldwide, it's going to anything that's between the people and dr. estimate escalated to confirm the vision beyond that asian, as you said. and even in the region, escalation of violence is expected. given the fact that there's a lot of disturbing a blunder to the community don't that to say from you have just heard of that is what i'd say is if we go with a no one even if it goes against the wish or for america, that would never happen. we have known in history that the decision lies in the hands of americans. if they say, if it was, i don't that it is a 40. no. but if it's a, a, know that the is for public consumption for media consumption brother is not going
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to happen. so again, i would say was the top, if you ever see it is about it, stop the weapons, pick up the decision and the general assembly and the security council to support the credit signs the requests for the endo, for mexico to know, process these and also support a beautiful initiative for this and this now these run the government and now is that it will create the so called keep mind each year in islands for civilians in rafa to evacuate to. i wonder how realistic it will be to relocate such a large number of people. my wife and i come from guys, i know the area quite well. this is nothing but the probably should be. excuse me, is it i it is just for springtime. we are talking about 2300000, punish finance. they're already being squeezed out of florida. does that? so you're talking about that, the fact that it's not even exceeding the area of 70 kilometers squared or so. how would this other take on board of almost 2000000 punishment in scots?
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nothing. this is nonsense. again, it's a logical and is what i'm the intention is to go for the financial even if civilians come with the homes way. and if that's the case, then you can imagine the kind of casualty and the level of trust with the as the thought to be, or are we have to leave you here. now, cyber sabri site down the deputy secretary general of talk to a central committees. thank you so much for your insight. about canada, his putting the whole, the new weapons exports duties. well, the north american country made the call with a non binding voltage argument. canada has been approved. any new permits for alms exports since the beginning of january auto eye is considered a minus supplier of legal weapons to be useful. although he has approved nearly $21000000000.00 worth of new peasants, such as the october 7th, a mass attack of the policy and government has welcome the recent suspension. we spoke to in bassett, up more than one mater,
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chief representative on the policy needed general delegation to canada, who explains the significance of canada as decision. the significance is in the move itself is the messaging to israel in particular and to the world as well that we are set up and we are going to implement it just way doing this and other i to international law and that it's for us. and i suppose the, if it is that other states will possibly follow kind of those suits, do you think that's possible? well that's, that's the whole. but we had to force high expectations when the motion was initially introduced in its initial form. and unfortunately the, the recognition of palestine was part of the, the main core issues and that motion was taken out. and that's where we see canada,
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whether it takes a leading role in something we have a domino effect. we're sure that a lot of states will recognize the palestine after canada that and the same we're hoping for with the aim of stopping the, the dealing with weapons as well. the, the european commission chief says that the you, you lead as have agreed in principle to use rushes frozen in the financial assets to fund ukraine. or the upcoming daily is expected to see billions of euro, the in profits from deceased funds been spent on weapons for key ups military. we must continue to support ukraine's efforts to fight back on the battlefield. so i'm glad that lead us endorsed our proposal to use the extraordinary revenues from immobilized washing assets. this will provide funding for military equipment to ukraine. we can expect to collect around 3000000000 euros for 2024,
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and similar amounts in the future. use the blog pro, some 200000000000 of russia's assets in european bands after the outbreak of a great and conflict. most of the money is being held in belgium and the country is brawn manage that has back to the proposed deal to use the profits for kids benefit . moscow has quoted quote, banditry, in fact, and as threatened to decades of lawsuits here is all to contribute to retail masted with hard take on this. so the hurricane council meeting leaders of the blocks 27 number states met up in brussels for the 1st day of a 2 day scheduled summit on thursday and cleaner so of underlined the unelected commission president, who's up for renewal confirmation, coordination by lawmakers and a few months sat in a statement at the end of the day that they just shuffled another 4500000000 euros out the door to ukraine. didn't say anything about ukraine in the context of future
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you enlargement, though, just about 5, the actors go vena in that context. so let's keep probably feels right now, like the jealous girlfriend whose guy spent the night at the bar chatting up another girl that will be making it up to him. sooner off though with gifts and cash. speaking of which they still haven't found a way to get someone else to pay for those gifts of weapons to crane. we heard from the ones who do i was to both for you created and we made very important decisions. especially diamonds university. go to, to do it for profit. there's a proposal to the data by the commission. got done, need to activate, we creaking so that we can do a follow up to somebody to support to create into this a possibility. we submitted the re treatment. so the you is trying to find a way for russia to basically fund both sides of the war. the idea is that the prophets made on frozen russian assets would just be taken and dumped into the
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giant. you slash fund called the european piece facility, which despite the name is actually to buy weapons for more negotiations for peace would actually be much cheaper and probably would not require as less fund anyway. if you has run out of other people's money that it can steal legitimately because the tax payers and businesses they steal it from normally are set up. so now they're just going to treat russia like the average european tax fair in weight of his 1st day of meetings varying council put out its own statements separate from cleaners to less, underscoring that they are also an thing up to use own defense readiness. now in the context of rising threats and security challenges, sounds kind of banana republic he likes, they've destroyed the rest of their industries that are normally hallmarks of civilized, developed countries all for ukraine. so now they're just going to assess over cranking a weapons as a job creator and economy booster. sounds like your chief safari guide and you political jungle. experts had diplomat using brown, didn't get
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a copy of the latest him book since he is this, that they're not actually part is anymore. he's not believing base. we support the grain. we have not a lot of these will we just grain and we have to be there for the future. increasing our defense capabilities on mentoring and defense. capacity of a lot of industry on to afraid people's on necessarily is not what it's a minute. they need to view brands to support not an issue of going to die for us. there's an issue of supporting new grange for then not being killed in the west, or not being cooling. one day. it's just about supporting you premiums and doing their own thing. then federal head over to french president evaluated mexico's home jim here at the it is a policy in paris, and maybe let him know that he doesn't have to pose for black and white liner shots
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of himself punching a heavy bag with his trainer. miss your photo shop in between statements about sending french troops to fight russia. meanwhile, poland says that it's america's reputation, that's on the line and you frame the success of your credit is now a matter of us credibility. and if us support for ukraine way to stop, i think us allies around the world would notice and would start heading actually. so washington had better find a way to cough up more cash this conflict. surely, it's just a coincidence that america happens to be polling sugar daddy sending in billions of military aids. so it can dec itself out to look more bullying than germany and france put together all into the guise of helping you crate. of course, in any case, it sounds like trump, if he gets re elected as us president and in november, might not be so keen to keep poland in the matter to which it has become accustomed to the united states should pay its fair share,
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not everybody else's fair share and i found a, i believe the united states was paying 90 percent of nato because of you know, that could be a 100 percent. it was the most unfair thing and don't forget, it's more important to them than it is to us. we have an ocean in between some problems, okay. we have a nice, big, beautiful ocean and it's more important for them. so it sounds like this whole charade could very well come to a crashing halt relatively soon, which would explain why they're such a scramble to stuff their pockets right now while they still can a member of the us, china, economic and security review commission is using scare tactics about pick talking congress. jacob health is not a new comma to boxing china. and as often published is endorsement the bedding textbook in the united states. tick tock has all the hallmarks of the most extensive intelligence operation of foreign power has ever conducted against the united states. i take up how doug is also
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a policy advisor to the ceo of defense and intelligence contract to pile on here. september 2023 article in on fortune magazine. no to that part on tier relies heavily on government contracts for a i work a growing business in the tech arms raised with china reports that help but could benefit financially from the building and facility between the us and china. joan political analyst on zillow gladly. i know says that she sees a connection between the head bugs position and his efforts to fight against the talk. very related, keep in mind that those tools of propaganda tools. it's part of these hybrid walks here. if you, if you have you hands on the narrative on the media itself, you can actually ship the sections. that's what we call manufacturing concepts. so those tools are used to shape the minds of people. but at the same time when war is
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happening, when you have consultation, they could shave the perceptions of what is happening. you, you can basically control everything the narrative. and, uh, and that's, that's a very important part. which of, of, of potential was you need to get your hands on the content, the, the, all those tools that are going to be to, to help you on all manufacturing cool set of your whole population us point additions are actually very involved into doing business and not only the work for some lobbies, demitra industrial complex, but at the same time the uh, the brokers. so you, i wouldn't, i wouldn't be surprised that he has a, mike, have a stake in this. there's a system over that we call a very corrupt system that we called the revolving door in the us. or i get more details, an archie does come on all the stories will following this alice,
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i see you again. see the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle, divide ministration is allowed israel's genocidal assault on guys that can become of her risk spectacle for the entire world to watch us administrator and knows
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