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tv   Documentary  RT  March 22, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

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bills have left se homes since october, this is the big gets such displacement and has really history on the other side of the frontier. we don't know exact numbers, but the lebanese authorities say around 100000 residents have also been moved to allow all of them to come back. both sides want to make sure it's safe enough. now it's far from that. seconds later, we were given yet no proof of how dangerous the area is. while we were filming here receives notifications on my wall could tell her to application. they were several attacks and minora not far from where we are now in getting a true or not. and now we here would probably be is really a to be answering firing back and again, the firing continues. we stopped the military vehicle passing by. there is a rocket attack on manada, which is not far from here. close close on the ra civilians. now here are only the
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army in to the out to me or not. sorry. okay. no worries. we managed to find someone who could answer our questions. the russell, who you left here in the city. though about 2000 the city it is that our or the state in the city, even though the government through this, the hard suggested that we would evaluate a pause, a multiple civil or assessor walkers like security will cuz what it will codes are next is that they won't cross and both of them are both around residence so it would not be real good them at the. ready risk i ask in reality about the chances of a full scale war here, i do see no other choice. i the only the solution and even though was enforced only by the u. n. and do and can nothing force because well, under the agreement to end the 2006 for between israel and his beloved, they should be no military presence south on the tiny river except for the lebanese
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army and un forces. his bola has violated disagreement. so he's a how these are former ideas members specialize in, in the military intelligence and founder when and you analyze and security challenges in his role is north. she said as his role is trying to drag is really into war. the israel is not interested in, at least for now, sees far it talks are and go in parallel to they have mass truce negotiations, but as interconnected as they are neither has yet seen at the sides with breakthrough. so he believes the reason diplomatic solution, but it's frustrated about the progress of the talks because i don't see any deadline. i don't see any effective mack on isn't everybody's talking about the role of kids but are right. what these are fees, but it's a terrorist organization social movement, and it's a political party 11 on member in the lebanese government and the lebanese
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parliament. i don't see how low kind of organization which is entrenched in the villages in the town. can we drove from the place as they leaving the place of the berry danishes when, when they are getting killed by the idea? and that's why i think that the warranty. and if we talk about the diplomatic arrangements should refer to this arm rather than read. roll on to a resolution is found and things are settled. he's rails large and northern region will remain a dangerous close to military area with views, civilians, empty rows and close shops. and restaurants, a war zone without an official war ray from ocean, a r t reporting from is rose north and away from the middle east. now a member of the us, china, economic and security review commission is using scare tactics about take talk in congress. jacob held the just not a new comment to bashing china,
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and as often published his endorsement, the batting tick tock in the united states. tick tock has all the hallmarks of the most extensive intelligence operation of foreign power has ever conducted against the united states. jacob ho bag is also a policy advisor to the ceo of defends an intelligence contract, a talent here. now, a september 2023 article in fortune magazine noted that the pile on here relies heavily on government contracts. for a i was a growing business in the type arms res with china. it reports that how big could benefit financially from increasing hostilities between the us and china. a dual political analyst on zillow gritty on those sides of he sees a connection between held back position and his efforts to fight against tick tock . today related, keep in mind that those tools of propaganda tools, it's part of these hybrid warfare. if you,
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if you have your hands on the narrative on the media itself, you can actually shape the sections. that's what we call the manufacturing concepts . so those tools are used to shape the minds of people, but at the same time when war is happening, when you have consultation, they could shape the perceptions of what is happening. you, you can basically control everything the narrative and the in that's, that's a very important part which will, of, of, of potential was you need to get your hands on the content. the, the, all those tools that are going to be to, to have q on, on manufacturing cool set of your whole population, us orientations are actually very involved into doing business. and not only the work for some lobbies. the metering does so complex, but at the same time the uh, the brokers. so you, i wouldn't, i wouldn't be surprised if he has a, mike, have
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a stake in this. there's a system over that we call a very corrupt system that we called the revolving door in the us. a washington claims he hasn't received a form or request to leave these. your hand is looking for qualifications and that's after the ministry government doing that. i mean, declared the us troop presence in the west african nation to be legal. at this point, the national council for the safe guard of the homeland self identified government of new share has not asked or demanded the united states military, depart. there's actually quite a mixed message. we're following up and speaking clarification. they have a sure does that the american military forces are protected and they will take no action that would endanger them. the united states as system 70 of defense and international security affairs. so as to why don't decide the united states is so you can fall back to our reputation on the disease and may find these as military
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government last week. and is there a declared the agreement that allowed us to operate in the country? no. and fluoride in a televised broadcast the cues in the united states of disrespecting, its sovereignty, the governments of these you regrets the will of the american delegation to do not the silver and the chevy and people their vice, to choose the partners and the type of partnership that can help them truly fight terrorism. even though the united states of america has, you know, lot strongly decided to suspend the old cooperation between our 2 countries. the american presence on the territory of the republic of nisha is illegal and violates all the constitutional and talbot craddick rules that would like the sylvan people, in particular, through select as representatives to be consulted for the installation of the forwarding all me on the national territory. currently, the us, based on the around 1000 troops and off with the largest one base in the city of august, is north of the sure the u. s. military installations that has been part of efforts
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to counter terrorism in the region, depending on a piece of said possibly about these as national council for the safeguard of the homeland chart. america, about the will take no action against us troops. meanwhile, the dis, nissans and military cooperation with the us has been welcomed by locals, will have been seen burning us flags. the united states officially designate at the military takeover and me, sir as of holes in october of last year, limits and it supports to the laser beam was the price of the military to reinstate the post president mohammed presume. but the spots with washington comes amidst wider attempts by new journal parties to cut size with form i colonial powers in december of the military. and that relations with front and expelled french troops from the country. the countries military leaders also covering very vocal about moving away from the west and last month, missouri with neighboring molly. and for keen, a fossil decided to leave a course and viewed their own corporations long term. so you'll be using archie,
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approved of my to a mutual understanding and cooperation. that's how the republic i subscribe. national assembly president has described the strong ties between buying and luca and moscow in an interview with audrey. he, she has some international challenges. the state is facing, so i'm gonna leave you with this interview and my colleague, united media will be with you at this. i'll be out by now the, the system on this. thank you so much for coming in. so tell us the latest updates on the agreements that you started with, the russian parliament. let's actually start with that because there was a new agreement on corporation with the state duma. what can you tell us about the benefits that this will bring to both sides as part of their interest due to the for the public a service? cuz this accord is indeed one of historical importance because we have never signed
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anything located in the past. it is also the 1st a call to the course sign, but it's, they do my and the national assembly of subscribing, the quoted will take on 2 forms. the 1st is based on into pull them in 3 cooperation. and it means the deputies for moscow will be used in button, you'll lucas, and vice versa. we will hold joint meetings and form the joint communities with the goal of improving the work of developments and corruption. and legislative can meetings and adults in new laws. this is the case in any, in the pull them and so we called duration. we will also have another specific form of cooperation which is based on the excellent relationship between the sub and, and russian people and their historical size. as i said in the duma, a few days ago, all the size are older than the current global and geo political conflict own. and then the ukranian conflict, hitler, and even napoleon we have been working together for a very long time. and we've managed to preserve this precious friendship for officers challenges. so the 2nd part of the agreements relates to all historical ties,
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photos of my boss with any nation. and which areas of all your prior its size, like we pulled to in the past 5 or 6 years, all corporation has grown. this is true for trade, but also for culture exchange. we've never had more students in st. petersburg in moscow. 15 years ago, russia made a large investment team to all oil sector, and we subs now want to sign in the core about investments, indigo sick this, but there's a supplement investments from all the parts of boston and had some gold in us. we help of this will be able to overcome that. the possibilities are immense, so we will continue to desist as the future depend. so now persistence, but this is a sector we can co as many people, the gas industry and valid plants are eco friendly. and we believe there is a lot of potential and much more can be done with facing many hurdles which is understandable. they are the products health western influence you on it. so the up in the woods that you called a lot of my uprooted and recent presidential election when a the beginning of
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a new phase of international relations. can you elaborate on that? what did you mean exactly? to exclude my all to global relations, but now the relationship between vanya luke and moscow, we enjoyed the best possible relations. they can only grow better. there is mutual understanding corporation and we are aware that this policy prevented the adoption of british resolutions, which tried to label the sub in people as genocidal in the united nations security con. so that policy preserved our status as guaranteed by the date and the agreement prevented the raise your follow institutions and allowed us to keep our rights within bosnia herzegovina as a constitutional entity. so that policy will not change. but if you are being in global policies smite, as i mentioned, maybe there was down in the west about there being an alternative in russia, but it turned out if 80 percent of so with such an impressive results clearly shows that there is no alternative negotiate for global politics in russia and put in is
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the kind of negotiate who doesn't put up with intrusions and who can be suppressed . this means that a new phase of relations is bound to begin by. that is the most significant part of the russian elections. apart from the russian celebrating, what is what this means for global politics is that the door is opening to the multiple world and the suffering caused by the unit for the world will be decreasing. as mentioned here, but in the science of course, i wanted to discuss the boss that has heard the gulf in adjoining the pm sizes again slush and that's the spice all position in the council of ministers from it server public i serve sky members. how does this affect and find your lucas relationship with most going? does that even that all of each of you all partially writes most in has the golden a, is a complicated currency, is those international organizations and forms where it's the voice mailbox and cos who mode the vote in favor of sanctions. when subs mode they vote against sanctions, never has a form of legal decision being made with
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a subs consent to implemented sanctions. they are partial implemented only by the ministry's headed by the most, the ox in croats, and not subs that's wipers and putting st. present duty because there has been no 2 implementation of the sanctions. also, this is why would on the pressure and now being black males, we're being sold in no uncertain terms that if we don't impose sanctions from russia, if we don't join in home to enter russian hysteria. and if we don't allow both, they have to go in to the ends in the to our country cemetery. and resources can be offered to villas who are willing to do all those things. they all want it in that and call somebody since they'll be in and join the enter. russians you see area, they were over the 7 months as a reward. they're doing the same to us and boasting and hand it to be long enough. and what was the final luca and brussels have also class from what i understand in regards to the role of the high representative of balls that there is a governor. can you tell me a little bit about what happened there?
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what was the issue? it is very clear, every hired and preventative before him came by the security council decree, which officially named them a search and he doesn't have it. he doesn't have an official decree. however, thanks to the west. the decision so being forcefully imposed and he personally without the problem is consent is changing the loss. this is the demise of international law and politics. and it shows how the west is sinking in, um, democratic, and this civilizational dog and this because the support of mine who has no official degree from the security council. we suffered greatly because of it. and we have a problem because he makes decisions. and adults flores, but it's not really the higher representative, the implements legal force, yet his position itself is not legal. they are trying to convey the president of the sub scott. the coal case is a being side, according to schmidt's decisions, which are not close adopted by the parliament. it is ghastly how far western politicians have gone in supporting such things. i could also compare the to me,
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and this is all of a sudden. now it's as is loaded into west if it's used against russia. now it says and can now be good, no matter how you implemented, it must not be utilized by anyone. it only shows that those who do utilize it are no good, very simple for those who join in on the anti wash and hysteria and punishment for those of us who did not wish to do so. this is why i've been sanctioned, because i met with mrs. murphy and i missed a call. so jeff and missed of a lot in a year ago in the duma, which was when we agreed on the court was signed yesterday for all got to. yeah, they were doing a lot of things to fight and us, they sanctioned us. the american took away all of our bank accounts to boot, forced me, mr. dudley, the prime minister. we don't have any bank accounts anymore. and we have tried to find ways to receive our wages. there is no very cold in the suspension of all bank accounts. do you have some buses, simply phones,
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the bank directors and tell them that they won't be able to send and receive international payments if they don't comply it just like the crystal. now, when they 1st go down to jewish stores, took away their belongings and finally killed them. when i say that i provoke more anger because there are no convictions to my name on this, the dog's name, not even a speeding ticket, but we are being punished by lawless force. anyway, of course, they offered to spare us, but under one condition that we'd soon how backs in russia, as you can see, we have a strong back. even though we are surrounded by native member countries. but if we value our dignity, we didn't do it because the russian bribes to us all because russia threatened or blake mailed us, it is a matter of principle with it because we think it is fair and just and we believe that we will and your until the emotions, so few international relations because a work like this and in a world war, new liberal politics, neo liberal area in the system, destroyed all spiritual,
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traditional and family values. and impulse view agendas by leveling them as values sweecher implemented in an all encompassing dehumanization of society. this is how all the great civilization smid their, the mice, the romans civilization class because of incest, as buckle any a. when a few it became stand the practice. i'm not sure if there's anyone else above from us and you should just go much create a number to can tell that was twist such should boss leads to or maybe they will get the chance to finish that task. that the, it's impossible to complete without a great pool and a grateful means the end of humanity is you need the email size. so those are to sit by friday. is this why you were sanctioned by the us because of opinions and thoughts like these? if there's any sort of, yes, our bank accounts have been deleted, we can get out paychecks. we are being punished for not wanting to be a part of the anti russian estate in their opinion. sciences against russia also
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includes sanctions against arts. he is with non, this is, as ortiz expected to open a bureau this for a serbian bureau. and by now look at how will this affect relations and the will, it's a will of benefit, for example, as public research sca us, well, i hope it will. i hope the freedom will try and freedom is like water. it always finds its way. we recently saw a large analysis about how platforms like cnn and not a media which dictated public life, so destruction. those platforms, both and gasoline. ukraine showed events virtually in real time and the west wasn't able to dictate in that and see if, because the people have already seen those events. media outlets, like god see, would show events, but on forcing then that'd save a now being banned because they would inevitably attract bigger audiences. it is a part of those that we into small and a public service. got all completely free and that there is no freedom in europe.
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there is no freedom and foreign policy. i met with many b. so in the past months i met with goalies from easily visible image and brought just love and buddha passed and selby, a montenegro. i was in vienna last week and nobody can say anything openly, feel proud of how we serve skin, say what we think. but like that's just a few days ago from what i understand, you met with a trimming of the russians. they do mama. just loved logged in and you signed another agreement there. can you please share with us for that agreement entailed and what it means for the future. a dose. it says that, but the thing is brushy is one of the getting says. so the dates in agreements which should be some validity and has to go over now, and which resulted in the signing of the constitution, goldens agent constitution, and which post chillies that decision can be made without the consent of all free peoples. this serves the cross and divorce, the ox, and suit entities. we try the public,
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a search scott and the federation of both in habits of gold in the west is denied in violating the framework and they are being punished for it is of course, such a violation. set always still all determines institution. solid being threatened, the institution of the president's decision, so made by the national assembly and the government now its hard time for the guidance of so the dates and the courts, which have both rush into us to protect the agreements. this is not the wes private support itself and we agreed upon and which results assigned by sylvia grace and russia. this was one of the very important topics which i discussed with mister malone and, and later with miss masvie and the russian federation console. this is very important for maintaining peace in the balkans, so that old peebles are able to participate in political life and make decisions. and so that only that decision, so we shall agreed upon by everyone are implemented. for instance, we subs do not form to join me to and we visual boasting and had as
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a goldman and joining they to they would probably do the same if the service wants to join c a, c o. and we'd expect that. but they also have to respect that only the decisions. so we try to agreed upon by everyone should be considered constitutional and of the americans. and some unity in countries cannot impose decisions that aren't agreed upon on form the minister of a loading. and this must be inc, about that i brought all the documents related to former higher representatives un documents and verification some of those touches, but also the document which proves that christian smith is an illegal high. it representative of the profile. i knew it was this year also marks the 25th anniversary of nato's bombing of yugoslavia. what does this day mean for, for serbians in boston? it hurts the goals as well as serbia and the service public. a search sca key the police probably consumes ago was mom the 1994 in 1995, 5 years prior to the moment of our come back to us. and so it'd be a really,
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with numerous tool most and many, even some people were killed. the one thing these events have in common is that 19 stone, west and major countries with bowman and the swine one small country, given children on the policies bessengers and phase patients in hospitals. there was no punishment, no condemnation of those acts, because they begin pressuring and blake manning us by saying they would stop or eating on. we development. if we sold just this, this is the greatest, the bulk of seen, the history of mankind. but also the breaking point when the international audit was destroyed, many of my colleagues in russia told me how it was only then that they realized what was going to happen to all of this. and that serves open the eyes of many people. our eyes were opened in 9092 when we had no lend line with it'd be the 113 babies the, you know, my tendency water in vine. you'll luca because they didn't allow us to access oxygen supplies. so been children don't. lots are,
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there is no empathy for them in the west. similarly because especially on till preparation began doing honda soon to see so. so children were killed in ukraine shelling of dumbass the children of don't bus are also no children in the eyes of the west. they don't nonsense because they're 80 and nasty principles for that. so many that was the, unless will we peebles, we have agrees to be used to use the people's one consent yet. so he was, but does reward is be a to ukraine. got no reward. you crazy ward is hundreds of thousands dad and the ravaged guntee reward for subbing strangers, who will never be of any value we split in, sold as much trulia. garage is sold that, but other countries in the world are also sold at this moment out of 197 countries . seeing the un general assembly order $150.00 countries. she has common values. we are part of an old well mean, global majority. we stands for free countries and free peoples,
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but when you look at what kind of policies dominant it is, the uni paula politics from the 19 or 20 also developed countries. we've seen power by pondering other people's resources during the moment of still be processed wouldn't be held in how the on whenever us planes to golf matter, they no bride would say she doesn't give a damn about point cuba with saying, because you'd have doesn't have a single phone number meetings, you've consist of many countries, each with their own interests. it is the same as a sort of override, also say that the russian natural resources on thrushes property. but i'll be in. so i will. and we know who runs the world. so that area and principal, which gave birth to novices and all large contains of conquest hallways. and in the mice, however, there were no nuclear weapons back and then so it would and the congress and the mice today is good. and with the demise of the whole world from cubic feet the,
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the, the we are in north, in the caucasus mountains where beautiful people have been coming together to celebrate the ancient traditions. since the beginning of time itself, where everything has a special symbolic meaning. i'm sean thomas. this is in my vision. and today we're discovering of the world of a subject culture. the the what is part of the, the employee would post that isn't
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the, the place you of us in building the word? or is it something deep, but more complex might be present? good. let's stop. without cases, let's go out of as the name is the truth and eclipse, the daily news cpd with the story on page call that all the use of solutions stuff that's due to shifting. it's because each to she could have been collected stupid to photocopy slip to difficult uh, easy on this before they have to do is make sure that you create excuse, but i mean, your specific sort of explorers was disposable cleaning some the doors not say that the once it's done, it's conflicting the thoughts about the string of centuries
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ago. your for bears name, this country ukraine or frontier. because your steps blink, europe, and asia, the ukrainians, that become frontiersman of another story. the people will be able to send you some of the, some of these which i like most of them, there's always, you know, going to use to try to jump to the most goals. they would have been that much a lot of the heavily negligence coleman joe played on the post co pays gift to 2nd to look at that and okay. and the under the
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new media research deployed, you sent to nancy kim's in the book. and that's just me, but it gets to the young showcase in genes. nathaniel. so who's going into the that is why not? why is it that was the probably the one that's noun that will be for them? i'm not sure if this slaughter doesn't want that extra them put the notes up under that the,
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[000:00:00;00] the russia conducts dozens of full trick. kelly atory strikes on ukrainian industrial and military targets, its largest operation in columbus, boscoe sage. it's in response to key upset touch on the border, civilian regions also a head in the program. the citizens of the town of belgrade have once again broken up to the sounds of right sirens and explosions defenses. the did manage to, to set most of ukrainian project tiles, at least 8 of them. some slipped through disturbing images from the russian frontier city of belgrade were a civilian is killed by the latest,


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