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tv   News  RT  March 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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the the russia conducts dozens of full drip tele atory strikes on ukrainian industrial and military targets, its largest operation. in moments bosco sees it's in response to key ups that touched on the border set 1000000000 regions also ahead in the program. the citizens of the town of bell grid have once again broken up to the sounds of right sirens and explosions defenses. the did manage to to set most of ukrainian project tells at least 8 of them. some slick through disturbing images from the russian frontier city of belgrade, where a civilian is killed by the late 50 printing and shelling of our residential her most school condemns this scale of foreign legal aid. took care of that using
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western a leads of fueling the conflict from seeking to bring about a direct confrontation with russian, the wherever you're catching the news hour from today across the world. welcome to most go on to our to international the russian military has launched a must have series of strikes on ukraine's energy and industrial infrastructure across multiple regions. so on the water hold of ms. hill and i was just gonna be there today. a massive strike was carried out on energy facilities. military industrial complex is real way hubs, weapons, arsenals, deployment sites of the armed forces of ukraine and foreign mercenaries. as a result of the striking, the operation of industrial enterprises for the production and repair of weapons, military equipment and ammunition has been disrupted. additionally,
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foreign military equipment and the means of attack sent to ukraine from nato countries have been destroyed. the movement of enemy reserves towards the front line has been disrupted, and units of the armed forces of ukraine and mercenaries in areas of regrouping have been affected. so just to point out what this fund age is, it's a hit on the didn't yet for a hydro electric power plant, one of ukraine's largest electricity sources and a keeps it and keeps word effort. ukraine say he's the facility has been rendered completely at operable after 8 ms file strikes. ortiz vermont cost rep, can tell us more. in the russian defense ministry. it should be yet another up to date report on this special military operation. on friday, a massive strike was launched against the ukrainian energy facilities, the military, industrial complex railway junctions, arsenals of weapons,
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and also locations of the crate in the army, as well as 4 in mercenaries. according to the defense ministry, the russian army used a high precision, a long range air c, as well as land base to weapons and drones as well. now, one of the outcomes is that's a for a military equipment stands, a weapon supplied to crane by nato countries. or destroyed and supply routes, or just profit as well. now one of the main objects that were hit is the nap or hydro electric power plants. ukraine says that the facility has been rendered fully inoperable. after 8 miss us strikes now, the crate in energy ministry says that is the largest strike in months. electricity and internet outages have been reported across the country. the mayor of higher called says that the city is completely without power. now, russian defense ministry also added figures over the last 4 days saying that in
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response to the shipping of the russian territory attempts to infiltrate the russian border. at least of 49 retaliation strikes were carried jobs with the use of high precision long range. air base weapons including aero ballistic hypersonic can solve the style, drones as a result of the decision making sensors of the armed forces of ukraine, air filled infrastructure facilities, the repair of weapons and military equipment, facilities warehouses for drones. as well as on mans bowls, logistics bases as well as temper locations of special operations forces, and 4 and mercenaries had been destroyed as well. okay, just a flashlight. what remodeled was seeing there must go say's it strikes, came in retaliation to the sustain ukrainian bombing of the russian border city of belgrade of police. one civilian was killed and 2 others wounded there. in the latest attack, this friday morning, you may find the following images disturbing
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a local wall and died while walking her dogs after a shell landed right near her on the road. another video from the city shows several cars on fire, near a large residential building. russian officials say 5, how is this on for medical facilities, worked out much. r t z gord, sit down. the reports not from belgrade. the facade of this residential apartment block building is riddled with fractional, now as the citizens of the town of belgrade have once again woken up to the sounds of right sirens and explosions and defenses. they did manage to intercept most of ukrainian project tiles, at least 8 of them, some slipped through, at least one woman died as a result of this morning's attack. she was walking her dogs. some hard wrenching pictures have been posted on line of her pets sitting right next to her dead body. here is where the missile landed. if you look closely,
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you can see that the whole is well made a very, very deep hole in the ground. so it was something heavy. make no mistake. this woman's death was a deliberate murder. she was no collateral damage because this was no attack against a military target. in fact, this colorful building you can see in the background, is this cool? yeah, my, some of them will just fell as they hit our house yesterday. now this ones, they're striking all over the city. you don't know where it's going to hit their targeting residential neighborhoods, which is this is the 3rd time they've hit our house. there are schools a kindergarten, a clinic around here. let's go with it and you'll talk you some steps the 3rd time they've struck here. they are just trying to terrorize the civilian population. so there is nothing military here. it's a residential neighborhood. a direct hit here, sets a blaze, a whole parking lot destroying more livelihoods. one man in fact was caught by the bloss, as he was literally pulling out of the driveway,
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which was sort of forgetful. i had just left the parking lot and there was an explosion. i was sitting in. the car fell on the seat. miraculously survived, the fire started, and i turned on my car and drove out of the yard. this was not the 1st ukrainian terrorist attack against belgrade locals. you know, it won't be the last. i mean, there's done over posing from belgrade. i'd say, okay, to discuss developments last cross live now to german or through and work corresponding thomas route per live from st. petersburg today, good to see you tomorrow. ukraine has been actively shouting about rod other russian regents for the past 2 months. civilians have been killed. you printing and forces have also attempted to cross into russia multiple times. these russian strikes have been called retaliatory for all of us. with that in mind, do you think we can expect even more strikes? well, in general, i think we can expect that i'm also having and my dear situation at the front line
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. the russia is fighting for what do you pray? lot, great, your lines are a week now. they hold on. i mean you jason of out of personnel. so, um i in general expect them a more intensive uh, russian activity in the next time. how damaging where the strikes do you think to ukraine on a particularly toward effort? well, it's hard for me to and to, to say something about death from here. but having in mind the, the use of all that, this what have you strikes the gap, having in mind that you create has already a shortage of whatever they need at the front line. this should be a very harsh strike for, for, for the your brain inside. um, so uh, i think this visual to continue and, and the, the aim is it from my point of view of aim is really to own again. uh,
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we can the premium forces with whatever they need from the, from the store just for, by repairing. we know that many of the rest of the tanks have problems of the form they are repairing. so i think this is again, a part of this movie to have a companion, which i understand expecting of the russian or offensive the head, which has to come in the next time. okay. during the recent presidential election, thomas key of shall be the new russian territories and targeting polling stations. it's people who go there are of course, overwhelmingly to cast their ballots. so they must've known civilians would be in the direct firing line. or of course i know i myself was an observer of the elections and is that the rosary regent? yes, we can. so i, i've been there of course they know that of course they know a bit of the police pulling stations there are civilians. um, the reason why uh,
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the commissions went from house to house from apartment to apartment with uh, a mobile electric teens. was to avoid the crowds at the following station. so many people have to chance to vote at home. or even for that reason is because the key of especially targeted pulling station so they targeted to point extensions. is that part of usually what reasons originally have been of a phone to car in which the woman from the electoral commission has been sitting driving. and so on. so of course, this is on purpose, this is the reason is they want to spread, tell them that regions, as i said, i know this as i was there last week. it just one more on the retaliatory strikes, rush, it hits, you create the electricity infrastructure, but it's doing so in the spring temperatures are rising there. is there a difference in the approach by what russia is doing to what you train is doing or
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whatever. so hard to say, because we don't know the exact plants which they have in their, in the russian army, in general. um, uh, targeting electricity has an effect on the, on the, on the, you're trading in the military forces. if there's no extra electricity, you have a problem to repair the techniques. you have the problem, i don't know whatever the computers and so on. so electricity is, is very important, but also for the army. and again, that's why i think this might be also some kind of, uh, the preparation for. well, i've still expecting that brush as is going on and more intensive a offensive of the next time because they have to use the fact that you're trading in the army is weak at the moment. so this might be also part of the preparation of what i'm expecting is that link does well to a criminal spokesperson. dimitri pest golf said recently that russia, quote, is off for because of what he calls the,
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the west involvement in the conflict directly or otherwise. what do you read into that statement? um, well the step was interesting. uh, the set for us, the rest of it is instead of what later he added um that, uh the, the, your s. so the legally russia is still in the mail truck or ration up in state of war. but in fact, as he said, it's a state of war because of the involvement of the collective risk. that's what he said. and this is the point we know already. we have many, many notices from the west, from the policeman for administers. of course, people say that we have this in times we have an el pais and the french newspaper that are west of soldiers in ukraine already active. and, and this is a fact. so this is what, what kept us for mentioned, it was also, i think it's a greeting, still marked on wants to send fresh soldiers. we have to remember how to cope in
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january where i think 60 most the french sold just well for us. and there's over officially won by russia last friday. we have this incident in kia in odessa was at least 20 a dead soldiers also mostly from, from foreign countries. it was, as it wasn't that weren't met was mentioned. so. busy yeah, this is a clear statement, russia is expecting more wisdom or european folk just as is ready to take them as thomas thomas. thanks for joining us today. german over there, and we're correspondence almost report life on our to thanks the, the alarming scale of western arms flow to key of top the agenda of the latest un security council meeting at alarming a word used by russian not former us state department officer. it must you who said the vicious cycle of exploration. it needs to stop a new escalade or
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u. d escalate. there is no neutral or parallel option. so in high more as rockets and storm shroud of missiles to ukraine and russia introduced as g y bonds and hypersonic weapons. in recent weeks, multiple nato's heads of state and their generals, most prominently the french have openly called for the appointment of nato combat units to ukraine. the russian response has been to remind us of their nuclear capabilities. i do not condone or support russians evasion, although provoked is a preemptive war that violates international law and is a fugitive error. however, it must be noted that russia attempting negotiations in 202120222023 efforts that may have prevented concluded or frozen this war. if those diplomatic will offers have been responded to in kind interesting remarks that's across to our, to corresponding kill up knife and who joins us 5 kaleb at good to see you. yeah.
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take us through that and then do the latest un security council session. what came out of it? well matthew, how, who you just heard speaking. he is a former us state department employee. he resigned in protest. uh he was in afghanistan, overseeing us operations prior to that he was in iraq. and what he said in his remarks about how multiple times the conflict in ukraine could have ended simply through negotiations, was then echoed by russian ambassador and the then the new took to the floor of the un security council meeting saying that russia has wanted to negotiate from the beginning and of this conflict could very easily be brought to a close. if negotiations were to proceed, here's what he said. it is listed as the senseless casualties on the battlefield and depressing consequences for ukraine could have been avoided. if the conflict ended back in april 2022, back then former british prime minister boris johnson band of the key,
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every team from signing and already initial peace treaty with russia condemning hundreds of thousands of young ukrainians to death. now it's also important to note, as the russian ambassador to the united nations pointed out that at this point, the goal of the militarize in ukraine is more or less accomplished by russia. at this point, ukraine is not fighting with its own weapons. it's only fighting with weaponry that's been provided by the western countries. ukraine has been pretty thoroughly demilitarized, and now we're seeing an increased role by the nato countries in ukraine. now, the russian ambassador specifically touched on the possibility of their being much more direct involvement by nato forces and rushes response to such a situation. here is what he said is itself, what if we do zillow? ukraine is inevitably heading for military defeat. the western up in tears are not letting up and are calling for more and more ukrainians to be thrown into the meat
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grinder. western officials are making crazy speeches about their readiness for the beginning of an acute phase of the conflict, to meaning direct confrontation between russia and nato. german generals casually discussed scenarios of a tax on the crime in bridges and other russian infrastructure facilities. emmanuel min crowns war, rhetoric is not surprising. so he said that france has no red lines regarding assistance to ukraine and declared its readiness to deploy troops to ukraine. the movement was now the russian and basset are also pointed out that ukrainians are fleeing the country in big numbers to avoid being drafted into the military. and ukraine is constantly changing its military conscription laws in order to increase the number of men that will be forcibly conscripted at this point. it looks as if the will to fight in the country is just not there. but yet we have the united states leader of the republican party member of congress, lindsey graham going to ukraine and saying, quote, no matter what we do,
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and you should be fighting, no matter what we do, you're fighting for you and lindsey graham in the united states. continue to urge ukraine to continue this conflict and to send more of its citizens to di. uh, this is essentially according to the russian ambassador of the west using ukrainians as cannon fodder. now, throughout the meeting, we did hear from other countries, china in particular, emphasized their support for negotiations to bring the conflict to enhance and the meeting very much highlighted differences. the west is sticking to his refrain, that the entire conflict is russia's own doing and that russia is doing it. and russia is purely responsible. they use the phrase word choice, but the details about the conflict, what led to it and how it could and through negotiations were pretty thoroughly emphasized in the briefing for matthew hall as well as the words of the russian ambassador. reeking not done for his life from new york city. archie corresponded
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caleb, you know, the is really prime minister saves his country, will not to abandon plans to conduct a military operation in the gallon city of what i felt is prepared to launch one with or without the support of the united states. u. s. secretary of state on 3, blinking earlier insisted that washington is against the ground incursion. they're a major military operation. and rough uh would be in the state something we don't support. and it's also not necessary to deal with a mouse which is necessary. but we're gonna have an opportunity next week to share in, in detail that you with are, is really counterparts. and to lay out argues on how to deal with the problem differently. some are statements from britain and as freely as a to or against is really boots on the ground in rough. so with london morning such an escalation, there would have devastating consequences for the civilian populace. but
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a senior is really government official. let's double down saying the idea will and turn it off, or even if they have to fight alone, it will happen even if these will is forced to fight alone. even if the entire world turns on as well, including the united states. we're going to fight until the battles one to most fully, all just air and media. i said has obtained this exclusive footage from con eunice . the disturbing images show for on arm civilians last month being struck and apparently killed. find this really drones trying to use the deputy secretary general or foxes central committee told our t washington house to box not just make statements about he's in dallas had to mean home is none. to know i'm do you have to over the, to future let's say, you know, we will, we have to save the people of guys that we have to provide the aids we have to stop this operation was seals didn't provide the weapons, those right brooks to so to kind of do all of the positions
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the still all the countries are the executives name. they're saying that again. so i'll put you on the roof. i have they have to stop. we have to bring assessed ational fire. but just then surprises that i had with lessons how come to school hand in hand with the will of the international community to see an end to this ongoing mexico as well. now, most importantly, what's going to allow or to push on that it is right to stop this opinion would be the top of the supply of weapons to his right is what it is now, finding a request, a new request for america to provide filled with weapons if that is blocked, then is there anyone understands the language of the, of demand and that demand is the stop issue of alteration. and i'm thinking the whole scene altogether. this has been ongoing for the last 6 months. and that being the $33000.00 palestinians, the can sofa with scores and scores are still under. but i've been with the 100000 people in india and the totem demolish went on most of the guys. and so this is
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a lot of skin, the parts of it that is right and has to recognize it's on vacation. so kenya is winning the war against the i'll shut bob islamist. good. that's according to the 2024 global terrorism index. let's go through those numbers and see why that conclusion was made. that's a tribute it to all should. bob fell from 800 in 2022 to under 500. the following year, a decline of almost 40 percent of those killings, 86 percent occurred in somalia. the rest in kenya in 202370 people were killed in kenya by the turbo group. that's the highest number in 5 years. also, according to the ball terrorism index, speaking of fluid, west africa, how's the highest terrorist activity with neighboring news? you're also in the top 10. terre activity in kenya fell from a height to a medium score last year. though, challenges to remain less cross live now to campbell or yoko,
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a canyon activist and independent consulting on governance, democracy and human rights. you're most welcome to the program. so according to the index, the number of debts attributed to all ship bob, the terrorist grouping fail last year. what do you see is the primary reason behind that? i think it is a dependent assessment quite quite to be so over the phone, but that's by us above. and so i think this is very significant and positive deals about a special needs with us above it is like possible that aspect of supposedly somebody . yeah, i mean, the vin number responsible is supposed to go, that's the, i'm just on monday of this be. so now that isn't uh, a somebody a, a good meeting, but uh, what does that ramble motors so,
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so what, you know, both of those suckers as possible for, for this reduction. however, i think in the we need to see that along the way that this uh, definitely be sustains. uh, given the fact that, uh, the day that the dimension is somebody uh, is visa according to the kind of defense uh, what is cheap. you do end of the end of the so i think looking at the next one or 2 years, i'd be interested to see where this would be sustained. yeah, that was going to be my next point actually, is it too soon to say terrorist groups in the region are on the retreat. it is the picture that's at least the merging a significant one. and i think that would be the best option. um this is, it is the one that is very complex though. uh, i guess i'm monday not because i so my yeah, an outside so uh,
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i think it is sweet. how big the size, the bushes of the museum about this induction and in a see, especially when the mission on these coming tuesday ends the so by the government is due to a typical day. and that is a cutie. somebody a just to pick up and something you said there are, how does how stroke partnership from other countries? has it contributed to the reduction in interpret, tucked and can you i think the destination uh, the, the desk. i need to be a bit of significant trouble. uh uh, get the pin. i'm going to get on the phone. the stuff are going to the young. and i think uh, the technicians uh, designed adult being a significant does that seem pretty to do the canyon uh country gets off,
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but it's a heavy just a beat that associates into a bundle id. uh and so uh, we have to assume that uh, the vin number because i was a suffix, uh, 2 different degrees of casualties and set about so we have to assume that the lands and that is, but uh uh, condition best. uh, uh, the, so seeing a bit, uh uh, why don't we do that and let us take a look at us. i know it's a multi faceted question, but can i just get your view on? what's the biggest factor in the region to, to contribute to terrorism on the content? is it, is it poverty? is it religious extremism? is it drives? what do you think is, is the biggest pushing factor there? and i think the somebody discriminated is just as a complex. um i think i believe is, is the, is the level of, of,
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uh oh, all of these additions uh, a little bit of a week. uh, so somebody steps to guarantee a basic needs basic services, a security under the so um of course the debit glen, glen de not makes it even somebody we just significant. and of course also uh uh, floating indefinitely as uh, just a blaze a so somebody, yeah, i mean something anybody to hold of anybody could just have their agenda item to somebody that was the contributed to the stability. so i, i think it's difficult to say what it is, there's a lot of, i think, you know, what i, in fact, i think i see something so complex for munition of those the videos. uh uh they not make sense and issues and i'm going to, well, as you say, there is the course is optimism about south reduction will continue on html or yoko
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canyon activist on independent consultant on governance, democracy and human rights. thank you very much. thank you very much. i okay. some breaking news just coming in to us from moscow report say there has been a sure thing just before a music concert was due to be getting in. at the top. i tell it looks to have been taking place in a shopping center. people were seeing running out of the building towards the entrance at to the nearby in some way. a number of people are reported to have been wounded. the reasons and the identity in particular of the shooter are being investigated. we believe. as i tell you this, as soon as we have more information, including verified an info on what is occurring in the most school with thoughts, a part and shooting out a shopping all. we will of course,
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bring it to the okay. washington planes. it hasn't received a formal request to leave the african nation of nature and is looking for quote, clarifications. that's after the military government in the army declared the us troop presence in the west african nation. think of this point, the national council for the safe guard of the homeland self identified government of new share has not asked or demand that the united states military depart. there's actually quite a mixed message. we're following up and seeking clarification. they have a sure does that american military forces are protected and they will take no action that would endanger them to the united states. a system secretary of defense and international security affairs. so as to why don't decide the united states is so you can fall back to our reputation on the disease and may find these as military government last week. and is there
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a declared the agreement that allowed us to operate in the country know and void in a televised broadcast the cues in the united states of disrespecting, its sovereignty, the governments of these, you regress the, will of the american delegation to do not the silver and the chevy and people their vice, to choose the partners and the type of partnership that can help them truly fight terrorism. even though the united states of america has, you knew a lot. so we decided to suspend all corporation between our 2 countries. the american presence on the territory of the republic of nisha is illegal and violates all the constitutional um type of credit rules that would like the silver people in particular through select as representatives to be consulted for the installation of the forwarding all me on the national territory currently the us based on the around $1000.00 troops and off with the largest one base in the city of target is north of the sure the.


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