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tv   Cross Talk  RT  March 22, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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was a lot of the people that were wounded and these are facts. me what i can say, i can say simply that these was glenn gaines, cd friday in the evening in a concert. so it's terrible. it's really very much i. and on 3, over the last number of years, you've gotten to know the russian people, the russian. so will do think an attack. this is going to cover them to scare them . no, no, i think i think that's, that's actions to like, this is the actions like this can make stronger. there are some people united against our planets. i've talked like this. so if, if we would, we would see, of course, about the if we'd be confirmed that that's the ukrainians side of planets such that back, i'm sure that that are from people with the united then strong gaze explaining this
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andrea for an i thank you very much for, for coming, as you say, speaking from the taxi you, you, you tucked the call when we, when we, uh, when we wanted to speak to you. thank you so much for giving us a sense of at your feeling of this attack could tell you more correspondent, i'm 3 of the g d. okay. we've been getting some eye witness accounts and some, some really heartfelt, some terrifying as well. of people who are in the venue of the time, let's listen again at 21 mom who was there and the novel fornia in new york in a 3rd circle. 2 minutes before the start of the concert. we had a gun shop 600 oranges explosions from below a close to the official visitors as there were. and you told us that we're going
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show, so the we're, so people are running towards all the exits and they have the other stage of we late down in the upper circles, then we saw that the gun showed moving towards the stage. that's kind of we give you that we put in the sold about running go staying, then we decided to get out of their home to go to the lower circles, go to the lower floors despite the fact that we've heard gunshots and explosions, we heard the explosions of gunshots everywhere. okay, let us recap our breaking news today at 932 in the russian capital. a renowned must go region concert venue and shopping center is on fire. falling reports of a mass shooting incident at the numbers coming in of casualties and quite staggering,
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some of the report in the capital that's dozens of to perhaps 40 people have been killed in more than a 100 injured. again, we need to reiterate. no official confirmation has been issued yet on that at press . ok, let's report the use of explosives and at video from ip side as well shows. black smoke rising above the building. that task based it is wire service suggests up to a 3rd of the huge complex as being cost inflamed. and we need to speak about were watching right now on screen at that was up to 5 at people and come a flash clothing at shooting collage. they called rifles at seemingly indiscriminately as people flee, that's huge center. it's not just the country venue by the way. it's also there's hotels, restaurants, and expos centers over $7000.00 people at capacity. they're on
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a friday night. lots of those seats would have been taken at the bonds in question . by the way, was the picnic rock band at a popular at band here in russian? but that's venue. i've seen at many famous ox done through the years. it's a very prestigious unpopular at rena, here in north west moscow just on the edge of the moscow at we're most closely meets the moscow region, as well as you can see, emergency services helping buckley to get there as quickly as possible to talk to him about that huge blaze which broke out. we do not know why whether it was on purpose, oscar the shooting, whether they at shooters and sell of the attackers had tried to start a fire, perhaps, and of the attempt to escape amid the flea of people and to escape. and in the, in the rush, all the people we do not know what their faith is. we just know that a number of people have been killed and many more injured at
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tasks as well. saying by the way, that the special forces soldiers from the russian guard have arrived, they're not on their unconfirmed claims that helicopters have been sent to extinguish the flame at that place is opposite. the huge cut exceed 3000 square meters. authority said at so at we are just a waiting information on that. in the meantime, let's cross live now to independent dutch journalist sonya funding and a for her take at son yet. eh, quite incredible seems in the russian capital, her rustic ones at the number of, of dead at seemingly reaching in the, in the scores of people. and what have you seen in terms of possible most serves. what is your, your immediate take on what is happening to
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people? who are the people for the people? it's their sure thing comes to mind. to me is tara text, a text which we saw in the recent use, anthony in your, in syria. that was true. okay. dash axis. it's similar and we all know we're behind things. the taxes will lead these groups. who are finance, buy in west is i think come on knowledge. so i think that it's, uh because i think a lot of people said that really uh the u. s. was warranty for terror attacks and okay, to do in strange ways on the way to discourses the surprise what they do and yeah, this is similar to that also comes to mind that there was somehow in russia years ago hosted. it was somehow in this to you as well as of doing detection more. so
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it's terrible. i think it start with there's no other word for it. so i think it's a coordinated with s b u western countries, and my 5 am i, 6 or nato. they are, you know, statements for, you know, doing dera techs and this is one of them. that's what my guess. i mean, okay, we don't have confirmation as yet, but this is, it has the similarities of it. and i myself, so very terrible effects and syria and iraq and also your, we actually have paris everywhere. so it looks like this. and, you know, they want to because they're more rhetoric from the last days is they want to have more and yeah, right. as i say is they cannot do this work too much more on the battlefields. so they do terror attacks. and this is when they are doing now. and for sure, this is planned. yeah, it's, it's horrible. it's horrible. the innocent people are killed. i mean it's,
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it's nothing more on the battlefield. it's always innocent. people and it's soto. yeah. just to point out, i think it's worth it that the u. k. and the us embassies. earlier this month, sonya warrens about the threat of attacks during large gatherings in moscow. some. some of the um, eyebrows were raised at width. uh, it's asking how about is known the u. s. embassy and in russia issued a warning as well to it. citizens that a terrorist attack may occur in multiple quote in the near future. what do we, what do we make from, from the timing of the warnings just after president vladimir putin has been re elected at for a 5th time as well. and it is the timing of stores and also they made this morning, i think one week before the presidential elections. and i know i ripped some way. i didn't, and the i'm, the investigator of the u. s. went to the for ministry for them to minister
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laptop. they had a conversation because all the end due to that time was due. i don't know what i think a lot of them are gone. they are now, you know, has to leave because they are mingling in the presidential election and also in the russia itself, that education system to cool. so how come a resolution? so this all together and a warning from the u. s. embassy and of course older being countries also made a warning like you gave of metal and 0 of anita whole european union. and this is, you know, when they get to get the warning light that i think uh, 1st of all that's comes to mind is that it's broken down the course. it's to a certain point. it's broke again. but now we see the last days when they speak about the world, the time it was apparently not broke again, because i cannot imagine that this terrible or a tech, if it is, or a tech. but we suppose that is that it only comes from the s b u. we all know that
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the s b, u is in coordination with nato. so it's coordinated by nato. and what was know, recently the u. k is the 5th as well. so yeah, i hear you. this is really, yeah, i hope we will not see more terror attacks, but this is huge. what they've done really huge. so need just keep them the line if you will, i want to play 2 or 2 or an audience. and i witness of somebody who was at the concert, i believe this is the cell phone for what's happening, which is just we're waiting for the big think a band concert that would serve racism gunmen to enter the hole in some brown uniforms. they started firing the rifles at us. it was
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funny. people just riding around the just behind me you can see the crow cuz city whole burning up several minutes ago we weren't able to get out of the building without our margins low. so without talking to things, we just ran out everyone over in different parts of the building, more police, and i don't know where the police is. we see the special forces arriving to the way the herds rifles with the magic rifles and firing through them. but there was no one that could help us. we just ran with them for our lives. we can still see the big building burning where we could still get in a whole lot of people couldn't get out. we were effective, we were looking to get out. you can see the smoke, the fire, everything is burning. what's make steering's just through the sink right now. i can't even find the words on. these people were in signing them. everyone is
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running through. i'm dealing since arriving what i don't know. how many were killed or wounded? we will be running out of here. of course. yeah, astonishing testimony there from a actual concert gore on the street to obviously a skate from there. it just the sheer terror of water occurred. okay, let's speak get in fact, to donald quarter, archie correspondent at who had been attempting to get from central at moscow to add the north west of the capitol, where the at concert venue is located to give us a sense of what's occurring there. at dawn, i keep thinking of what happened up the boss, a club in paris in 2015. so many people crammed in one space as attackers. you can just imagine the sheer heart of the future of what occurred at what do you witnessing there are no a well unit i'm, i'm lucky enough to have
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a video call with you right now because the internet here and the cell phone reception has been horrible. as a result of everyone posting videos of what's been going on on the internet, as you can see behind me, this is the fire that's, that's in golf. it's pretty much the entire building. you can't even see the actual, i know how big the actual fire is. right now, because of just how much smoke is coming off of the building, it's even come over here. you can see that the cloud of smoke has even gone to a different part of the city from how much of the building is burning. you can also see behind me all these lights, an army of emergency services workers, doing the best they can to tackle the fire this firefighters are emitted even the national guard has been deployed here because we still don't have a confirmation on the face of these at least 5 armed people with assault rifles that committed this horrible act. we don't know why they submitted it to who they were. but i think it's important to understand that just recently,
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there was an advisory from the embassies in moscow with the united states and britain, warning their citizens to leave the country because there was going to soon be a terrorist attack in moscow. and so we're, we're potentially looking at forces design confirmed, but we're potentially looking at an affordable act of state sponsored. it is, i do scenario is the majority is answered by western and governments. this is a place that this concert was sold out for hundreds of people. it is hundreds here . we're also 1000000000. and there are still potentially over a 100 people trapped on the basement. what level of the you can stop at, sorry, but we got cut off for a 2nd there, but you can see behind the potentially over a 100 people still trapped on the base in the basement level of this building, part of which is just completely cut off to firefighters and emergency services workers because of the flames that have been goals, a huge amount of the building. unfortunately,
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right now the statistics were looking at in terms of dad, an injured or at least 12 dead and over 50 injured. but of course, this situation is rapidly developing. um, you know, more security, uh sorry, a more emergency services workers are be likely deployed on the scene. we've seen helicopters land that you take off. uh, it's not clear what the, what they've been doing point, but of course that's part of the emergency services effort here. and of course you can see over here, i mean, this is the, um, the roads that i touched here, tons of traffic you can see for as far as the i can see. and it's basically been like that, oh, all around moscow. ever since this, this happened ever since. obviously the government needs to close down some roads to make sure that emergency services workers can get to the scene quicker. so it's not yet clear how many people truly have suffered as a result of this attack of this uh, a check that was potentially an act of state sponsored terrorism. but of course,
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you know, we're going to be here. i'm going to be here recovering this as, as it continues to unfold. the fire doesn't look like it's going down any time soon, but i will bring you any new information as it becomes available. yeah, that's an incredible view how they're just doing this year. a scale all of that fire which as you say, we do not know how it broke out, whether it was on purpose or otherwise at the old quarter for now i don't. thanks for that. and ok, we've also at got we were speaking to very patients. sonya from the end a, an independent dutch journalist who was giving us her sense of this as a talk. sonya, we were, we were talking just with dalton, they're the, the only thing i can kind of give it. an example of this scale was with the baltic, con, those parts estimates the tax us at 90 people's hills at then. and that's,
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that's the issue is that when you're in a, an enclosed area where perhaps some exits not nearby and you've got people shooting out. you, you're going in all different directions. it's, it's like, it's, if you're an audience for the government onto, it's so difficult to get to get out of the way it must have been absolutely terrifying. this is cause it's, it's very terrified and i know the, i know the complex is really use. i drove off by as many times by dixie. and i know it's, it's, you know, it's, it makes you not only set, but it makes you very angry at it. really, you know, the west to offset it's the western states, both of the terrorism, if this is the case, i mean, how can they do it? but we know already with that set from ok, great from. so i says from this, this is the west. they are sponsoring terrorism because they cannot the window to the metal scene. so they kill innocent people. this is, you know, it's, it's,
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it's horrible. i mean it's, i have no words where was actually because what government is sponsoring this kind of terrorism. it's, it's unbelievable. and, you know, on a friday night it was, of course very, very busy did. it's when i can imagine because people work a week want to go out shopping or going through the concept. and it's, it may be children involved as well. and it's, it's, it's unbelievable for me really unbelievable on what i said, the complex, it's so huge. i know it's i, it's very, very big complex and it's a, yeah, what, what can i say i'm, i'm from the netherlands and i'm, i will already a shameful of what the government there is doing. i don't recognize them as a government's a central time anymore. so, but now when they really like the middle of the or the other countries are really sponsoring this kind of terrorism. i mean, of course we do have to find out, we have to be sure that the treaty like that in they really know what the sales to
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do. this kind of thing. i mean it's, it's the people to wake up in the west. this is going on for years and years and now finally day. now, you know, they are here in russia with that same direction. people are not going to be afraid because i know the russian people by now since 2 years. and they, i know the crates, they will find this. so reason they will fight, you know, today it came out this, uh, yeah, well, they said in the kremlin that it's really no more a war against ukraine or from ukraine, actually from the west against russia. this is how it is and you know, have to win this war. this is my opinion. hey, you, sonya, just as we're talking we're getting more eye witness accounts and that's where we want to play them just as they come in. so let's take a look at this. okay, let me look look, look for you clearly. so go with just do lee left detroit, the city whole with this tragedy. it happened was of,
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most of cause some way we were the system of choice more in the building were and started say that the solution were, went to, we went to the concerts, new citizens. we had an explosion that difficult to put that in the notes of what they sounds like a small explosive to something. i don't know what it was. i didn't know if the 1st people started running. there was a panic. who unfortunately, is alone quotes the broker city a whole they didn't, they organize us, they tokenize any kind of exits. the people just panicking. they're going to send me a name. and the 2 people were looking for doors to escape to get an outside of the building. where someone in panic started to climb, to the 2nd floor, the tree listing car to the risk, to some work from happy when we were lucky to, to escape to the method the out the side. oh, we were lucky to get out a quite remarkable how calm some of the people were during this attack. not all
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scrambling because that is sometimes what leads to more depths as well in the lead . feel at rush to get it. you, you, you can, you know, go over people, especially smaller people, the younger children perhaps, um that it leads to even worse outcomes. and sonya found the end, the independent journalist is with us as well. sonya, by the way, the white house has express condolences for the shooting. can we expect more reaction internationally as a situation develops? well, i don't know. maybe they will say like the white house was saying that's ok. so read it was a shooting of course they will never acknowledge that who was behind it or it will say it's an internal matter that's for sure what they will say because they never knowledge this, like they didn't many, many use in the me, the least they never acknowledge anything if they are behind it. so you know, what will they say? i think tomorrow we will see you maybe later on in the western media already that i
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know it was big shooting and okay, there are maybe also some fish just inside rush out. this is what they're now saying, because we know all the things going on at the, at the border. this is where they say direction legion, that's the russian hill position and mentioned it that refreshes their coordinated with ukraine. also what we now know, you rumanian, but tell you these. yeah, yes. yeah. sonya, thanks so much. okay. yeah, i thank you so much. i'm just looking at some more. i witness icons coming in. we want to keep playing the most. you'll understand at this is that from somebody who details how it be, let's take a look. sonya and funded ended. thank you very much for not independent dutch during the the
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. okay. we just can't to get that actual piece of footage right now, but what we do have in the system are live. i sorry, the latest pictures this and this coming in to us just a short while ago. you can hear gun shots. i'll just keep quiet to have a listen to the opposite. the 1000000 up to the screws of us the come from from the roof hole from the hole. we heard the smoke from the basement. it came from the bottom up with a whole itself is on the in the upper areas. then we sold the fire. so perhaps the condition, the air conditioning system,
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cold some smoke. so it came from the basement. i think that we ahead, we sold emergency workers come that we serve sunday, how does get out so your group was able to escape. yes, everyone from the lower floors were able to escape with us. yes. they told us how to panic. so sometimes people to panic, somebody call somebody class, it was emotional. yeah. so other than the support and i understand that's the was a lot of adrenalin involved. yeah. sort of emotion but most importantly we need to relapse. they have to make sure that as many people as possible could get out, did you see any of the shooters? when we ran out, we saw streaks of blood. logan was sold of blood and that
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was sold to people from all exits that the people who were wounded this or that they were carried out by medics just the sheer terror that was images about non and many others who attended the concert. the ones who lives as well we'll, we'll have witness. and as mentioned, the wife highest has expressed its condolences for victims of the attack. we can take a listen to that. now. we've all seen the reports in the video coming out of moscow. it's a violent shooting at a looks like a shopping mall. i can't speak much to the details of it. i mean, this was all just break. and before i came on out here, so we're trying to get more information, but really wouldn't prefer the russian authorities to,
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to speak to it. of the images are just horrible. and just hard to watch in our thoughts obviously are going to be with the victims of this terrible, terrible shooting attack. and i think, you know, when you look at that video, you have and you got to recognize that there's a moms and dads and brothers and sisters and sons and daughters that haven't gotten the news yet. and this is going to be a tough day. so our thoughts are with them. you might have also seen, hopefully is our state, the state department or embassy there. put out a notice to all americans in moscow to avoid any large gathering concerts, obviously, shopping malls, anything like that, just for their own safety. they should, they should stay put where they are and stay plugged into the state department for any additional updates and information. a. okay, let's speak now to our t corresponded taylor my pink. he'll be just being here in there from john kirby
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with the his condolences to at what occurred today at the concert venue in terms of other reaction or indeed from the white house as well. what's being said, as well as you just heard of that was a statement offering condolences to the victims describing how horrifying what is happening really is i think however, there are many observers we have a lot of questions because the us state department, several weeks ago, did issue a travel advisory that said something about terrorist attacks and concert halls. and so that's got to have a lot of people raising questions about what the us government detected andy of what the us government detected is somehow connected to the events that just happened. i mean, obviously we have no way of, of knowing whether these 2 things are connected, but there was a travel advisory from the us government several weeks ago, specifically warning about moscow and concert halls. and now we have this incident,
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another bit of information that i think many are going to ask about is that it's not only the ukrainian regular military, the despite in yes, russia, but from the beginning, a russia has warned about them their rights and extremist organizations that are aligned with ukraine against russia, and their role in this kind of attack is much more likely. the kind of thing to be carried out by extreme is groups that are cultivated rather than simply the regular armed forces of the country. and that raises questions about these groups that the united states has supported in ukraine, out of the forces that have been trained by the united states provided with rapid rates of united states. uh, could it be one of those forces that are behind this event? now, we don't know, we're still waiting for information, but this is a risk event is taking place in the context of russia, special military operation, which was the result of us destabilization of ukraine backing and funding of
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extreme its forces in ukraine. forcing a situation where russia had to move in to protect the people of don ask, we've gone in the new republic. so all of this is important context of that raises questions when we hear the words of us officials now they are offering condolences . they are describing how devastating this is and how frightening it looks. but i think a lot of american people are going to have real questions about this already. members of congress have called for investigations into the flow of weapons in the ukraine, and what extremist forces might have gotten their hands on those weapons. how many of the weapons that the united states provided ukraine have ended up in the hands of the black market? had been sold online, etc. and that raises the question of incidents like this could escalate with extremist in the region. having access to this flow of weaponry from the united states and other nato countries. uh, so that is the official reaction from the white house. i'm sure we will hear more
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condolences, more condemnation of this act of terrorism, but that's not going to make these questions go away. kayla, thanks very much at bringing us the reaction from the whitehouse to today's at deadly offense in must go ortiz, caleb and life and live from new york. and just to recap, what is that occurring right now? it's at media report. say they're over a 130 casualties with many fatalities. victims have been rushed to nearby hospitals. at least one explosion has reportedly being heard in the building. and the roof could be seen a place 10 o'clock in moscow here that occurring at a run 3 hours ago or so. i think you saw there on the screen. our next guest marks the boda international, the 1st on security on list who joins us live.


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