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tv   News  RT  March 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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since one of which, according to the authorities, has been detained. and this is something that's obviously being investigated as a terrorist attack. after all, i mean, we just heard in the broadcast that russian officials already started the response to the st. strange coincidence that just about a week or a week and a half ago, the american embassy and the british embassy had set out a warning that a terrorist attack was going to take place here, warning, great britain and united states. and of course, we haven't heard any official confirmation really behind this terrorist attack was the investigative committee. russian investigative committee is hard at work trying to get to the bottom of the details. don't timeframe much for the updates from there, giving us that very latest. don't little quarter from just outside the crocus at city. at whole concert or rena. okay. we have been getting eye witness accounts to ride the hours coming into a some at pretty terrifying,
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laying on what exactly they saw the experience. let's take a listen to another. so the think that there was wanted to use a bumper does a pretty good you don't get to the basement from another side, but it was very gated, or maybe they just kept the door to door where you're trying to break through the door. yes, there was a fire and acts and one guy was trying to ask through the door. maybe somebody is. tell him this. a basement. it was an escape voice. so you heard the shots? i saw something with that, but i knew what the shooting. what did you describe that mean? i couldn't see, you know, the, those seats where people were, there's this gap like a lower level where they were there and we were above. so we saw sparks and heard the shots, but we didn't see the shoes as you didn't see. i mean isn't the word?
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yes. and that's why it was several. i don't know how many industries, according to telegram channels, 5 or 6 off to you manage to escape what happens then? we'll look at the back. we saw everything they're going to hell. and we just moved all the way. then we went to an ambulance car to bring some offices, and then we were us. army veteran scott sat. bennett, joins us live now on the approach. the scott, thanks very much for your time and your, your initial reaction to this product. perhaps focusing on the timing of the shooting just after the presidential elections. do you think that is significant as well? i do. and my personal experience in the military and counterterrorism at the state department leads me to my personal conclusion that the united states, c i a n, n s a and their partners and them a sod are more than capable of listening and tracking on. busy telephonic and
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computer communications, and without a doubt they have picked up and listen to at the very least, the communications relating to this attack. and that means that they chose not to inform the russian authorities about this. at the very least at the very worst, the united states, c, i a has participatory in the bite in ministration as participatory because i don't have a doubt. this was ukrainian fanatics popped up on drugs that were part of this attack . this is a blood thirsty ruthless race as violent attack that can only be perpetrated by psycho past that have a extraordinary hatred for the russian people in the russian government. and we know what country and what persons possess that demonic blood last, this is also a significant de 322. there's all sorts of connections to skull and bones and
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other groups that the c i a is used. so there's a lot of material that can be woven into the intelligence back back dropping of this the, the research and i have no doubt that the russian investigative capabilities will track down the individuals where they came from, their homes, their, their language, their accent, their telephonic communications, they will track them down to where they emanated, and i'm sad to say they will probably be found to be coming directly out of ukraine . i have no, uh, no thought at all that these are russians. this quieted by this victory. quite the contrary. when 88 percent of the people of russia support gluten, it's because they trust him to bring this fanatical nazi regime pumped up by the united states and france and germany in britain to an end. and i think that is part of this strategy as well. they have initiated the terrorist attack again to blunt
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and try and slow down the rush in advance and push russia into a settlement of ukraine. i think that's at the heart of this. so all of this is new . it's all being pieced together. but my personal opinion and based on my experience is that this was a terrorist attack involving ukrainians because they had to be there psychopaths or on drugs to think that they could get away with this. they will, you know, they won't be executed immediately, but they will be interrogated very effectively. and i think russia will, will have all of the pieces and all of the evidence. and i do think john kirby is a pathological liar and nothing you can, he can say can be trusted. is crocodile tears. about feeling, sorry for the russian people and the victims. he never emanated any sort of sadness when they were genocide and the people have done bass and other places. so i don't trust him to be doing that. now. there is
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a strategic soft power psychological operations behind his words. and i think russian knows that to so it's all coming out, but i think russia needs to also recognize that this is an active shooting situation. i have a dear friend of mine, angelica who was on the ground and saw a lot of this who reported that there are people running along the path, sion sky of flood plain in the city of crass no gosh. so there are active shooters there that are at large that russia needs to surround and guarantee no one gets in or out of this region until every one of the perpetrators is, is, is caught. but i do, it gets a terrorist attack, meant to try and force rushing to the negotiating table to, to soften the blow. but i think it'll lead right back to key as them is zalinski regime. and they, they have been preparing these terrorists, the psychopaths for over 10 years. so they shouldn't surprise us. yeah,
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it is on clear what it is and going on regarding the tracking, done all those suspects inside or outside the building at any verified information . we will of course, bring it at to you at a spot on the very human level about this type of attack. it takes that particular type of psyche. doesn't that to go into a, an auditorium, a cultural hub at look, people in the, i take i to weston and, and run, shoot them in the, i shoot them dead at the, the kind what, whoever this is find i to be and it looks to be coordinated 5 people were involved, this is not on the walls. so there is coordination here. it just, it's blood thirsty and it's, it's just something salvage, isn't it? it is. it's a demonic it's able to, as you said, to be pointing in a k 47. right?
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into the face of, of women and old people in innocent civilians that are going to a cultural center to celebrate the, the beauty of, of uh you know, russian culture and music and heritage, something that all ukrainians and russians and slavic people should be celebrating together. it's a, it's a bridge to piece and healing, and instead you're seeing psycho path barbarians who are most likely hopped up on the drugs that the us as for been providing them in ukraine and elsewhere. they had been into an altered state of consciousness. they have been put into this level of a drug induced stereo. we. we've seen that in this entire ukraine, the belligerent c against russia. there's a fanaticism, there's a, there's a, a, a discombobulated, they have been brainwashed, they have been fed with lies and cultural misinformation to generate this
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possibility against the russian people. and that's what this kind of behavior proves. so that's again why i come back to who in this entire world would have such a psychotic range, demonic evil blood loss. it would be someone of a pagan orientation, not a christian, and you in, in the ukrainian mercenaries at the c, i a, in the british of trained and brain washed for over 20 years. they are the perfect candidates for the sign to this sort of side. come on if this scott, if just finally a brief, if you would, if this is find out to be at directly from ukraine killing sibley's in this way. does this, does this give pause or at least to people in the west, they'll be able to see the contrast between what ad ukrainian
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militants are capable of doing this compared to like in the last number of days rush, you're going after energy infrastructure trying not to kill civilians going after at what's fuels the ukranian war efforts. like there's a big difference in, in the, in the choice of targets. we've been seeing that in belgrade on the russian at border region where people going are to vote. so that would be civilians as well being attacked. there just seems to be this big division will not know b, b showing sold directly to a western audience or will it just be forgotten i'm putting by the wayside? well, the, the western audiences in the western media are going to try and cover this up. they're gonna try and play the nice guy. but i think there's a deeper, insidious evil behind this. i anticipate the west has been behind this. they'll deny it, but they've been behind this to try and trigger russia into an over reaction. and
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russia won't do that. who won't do that? but i do believe the west is trying to trigger russia into a backlash to say, russia is now bombing the cities in the theaters in america, in britain, out of revenge. so i think they're trying to provoke russia into a counter strike to justify a larger war. this is exactly what mcroy on, and schultz and shack and bite. and one is the russians to attack americans. theaters are british theaters out of revenge, and the russians won't do that, of course. but the west is probably going to begin to do that to their own people on their own lands and blame it on russia to justify of a military position, a war footing. a hyper aggression a draft who knows what sort of, uh, you know, operations are going to try and pull. but this is the perfect excuse for people
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like john kirby to say we didn't have anything to do it. but now russia is bombing us out of anger, thinking we did it. so now we have to go to war against russia. that it sounds terrible. but that's the psychotic nature of people like john caribbean bite in schultz and my crohn and the rest of these polish prime ministers and others. they are trying to gold rush it into a reaction so they can justify a higher military floating. russia won't take the bait, but they will investigate and track all of this down. it adds to the strengths of the russian people. they've been going through this for 10 years. they, they, they're not going to battle. they're not going to slow. they're not going to submit they, they don't attack infrastructure in the devastating way. when russia strikes a plan, it takes out one component of that energy plant. they can then be quickly repaired so. so russia does not do
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a devastating black flag uh charge or a campaign only the west us and we will see that very soon. yes. got it. very interesting about the psych if the russian, the sol as well. i've, i've been here quite a while and they've never known then to be broad beaten. i don't think this will do that either. at scott bennett, set us army veterans, thank to at, as that be mentioning we've been hearing really heartfelt at testimony very direct as well from people who were in the concert venue at the time of the attack. i believe we can hear from one more of the concept of justice. i do a split chit chat where i was at the see if the notice i did before the 5 minutes before i heard muffled new shots. uh, sound those uh, automatic rifles or something that sounded like old domestic rocks rifles going off . i wouldn't want to leave. that's what i was hearing or stuff,
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the more nauseous actually even after that it was evident that that was awesome. as a buyer. yeah. and that was the stuff haneke beginning i realized something terrible was happening. most of my 1st thoughts were that was uh that we were being taken from the shores cards to hostages almost. and it was looking for an exit. what put them on? there was a staff on the exit, which all of us tried to go through the employees that were nearby were behind that uh, service uh, exiting helped us. they showed us the direction of initially should. we should run . we were able to escape before defiant the more we didn't spell the smoke of a visit have to slip at wells far as i understandable some of the 1st ones to run out, which save this guy. so we ran as far as we could behind the parking lot,
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where people you're buy clicked allies. we kept together, we close at texas. and that's me. thank you. this tax advisor who gave us the ride for free for, has some concern going delivered us to different locations around town, different charges, rubel, dig, hartsville, thank you. took this guy. so that's how it happened. as well. if you're just joining us, this is our rolling breaking news as it has been from slightly after 8 pm this friday evening. at crocus city, a large mall and music venue came under attack by on known to silence. at this friday evening, several individuals armed with assault rifles had tucked visitor shooting them on site. some at really dreadful to watch video has been showing the attackers also
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targeted uh, concert hall at the mall, setting it on fire, we believe, and triggering a major blaze in the whole building. that's at these live pictures and are showing as well. the majority of the place from this on the left, least as you can see, looks at to have been put out firefighters bottling it for quite some time. but there you go. that's another angle showing it those, those the flames still rising from just under the focus at city. bonner, at their, in terms of fate, talent sees it's been a, a truly tragic day in most school rushes federal security service at saying that according to preliminary estimates, at least 40 people at loss their lives today in the attack on more than 100, are injured following the shooting that we've been getting live, set, reaction on the program through the hours and we can continue at with that. now let
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us cross live to former us army officers found this love corrupted nick. those lives and terror on the streets of the russian. at the top of hill, this is one of the worst attacks multiplicity is recent years of police since the height of pups to fight against estimates, terrorism, your immediate reaction. how shocking is at this? see this? i'm going to become, unlike scott, my young as daughter was supposed to be in a concert, a concert. so the group called picnic. so use concert or 6000, sold out seats, or friends of right where there, so she can get ahold of them. now have acquaintance of friends and skills. are there things we have still a life? these are some human animal suspended. this. this'll give us some human animals that are created and programmed by the american government. and the english coming as, as new york times told us all, it was great to try being a mouth piece of a c,
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a. c is behind their stopped in blood up to the throats the same way they own lease, as long as they're on the world are now as well as i'm using on nazi terrorism on the we're always oldest. one is on americas here. number one, american government of the people who support a governance on their hands as well. this clearly very personal to you, sir. you said your daughter may have been going to the concert or was heading there . she was a boy who she wanted to go there. i choose the money so i didn't want to go. her friends are there. if i end by 7, tom, when she did the finest and ground that she would have been in the concert goodness and the can't make contact with some of her friends as about the situation. that is a situation. she's got one friend, but she's mad. i got out and she is been made contact with her other friends she has on her phone. well,
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this is about the drugs. i is bad enough. i have relatives for 9 years have been under fire. but those animals called the main army. it's bad enough for that, isn't murder and russians on the, on the contact line, and the series on the, on the front. and there, this is, this is a strike against the russian people. they targeted a huge concert deal. joseph, there is nothing to lower humanity than animals that gildstone and america is behind these animals. so as long as the cause read that psychopathic god santana beast. i'm guarantee you smile when we watch off that stage. the stuff where they want to be despised russia to the 4 and one are extermination. they have to be on these people. they're reading these people and they sent them off the point and then to say, oh my hands are clean. oh, america's answer not please m a t v 's. as a 16 when i started reading, as long a tear is less than writing america's tradition of one of this one. the
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un secretary general's office said he was softened by reports of the shooting. that's the, the else called the international response to the trojan. be so far we've, we've been getting, we've been getting condolences, but they're, there seems to be bar comments behind it. almost as if russia had brought this on themselves. or, of course, i really think these are, these aren't really what you would be, is there even human beings to begin? all these people talking out of both ends. there are both sides of their mouth. the most these people are in the pocket of the united states. you are this for the most part the you want is the leadership. and then you went beyond a bureaucratic points on each other. so in a box into the us, they're not going to say anything of their pay master's aren't gonna let them see. do they say they have condolence? what is your home phone was? this is kind of the big a good friend run it on or so might just be the same size of the same mental tags.
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so no, this, this doesn't erase. it doesn't really speak jolts of washing it. google washington is vision. they murdered millions of people across the world. ever since the ca was created by truman, the grid, and several years later, writing the grid of about us creating a c, a. c. it's been on murder sprees, raped murder, village users. same people have brought us a heroine uh epidemic, and then a crack ok. now these people have those souls that i mean, if they're willing to work on their own de murdering trust of robert or just the power they create in days. like i said, the new york times told us all about the 12 uh, j bases in ukraine. as far as the printing government there just as guilty. personally. me personally. i speak for myself. i was level the bottom cause for this starting with the as a, as blue enforcement showed them. uh, you know, they,
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they, they would have gone and they think, oh oh they can get the same thing. and they've gone, i mean they, they have targeted children, specifically children of the, some western embassies and rushed as those loved the british, german, american, of all included warrens about the threat of attacks during large gatherings in moscow recently and warned against the trip to russia. there were some eyebrows raised over this one at the time. do you think that was an ordinary precaution and made the cleaning conflict? or did they simply know something that the rest of us did not bury embassies, may have not known exactly that this was gonna happen. but i knew these types of things are going to happen because their governments have been pushing the pertains to do more and more varies and not there. so that they think this will turn the people against the government. i guarantee you next week is going to be 3 times as
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many volunteers lining up. the points that i guarantee you all are going to do is uh, is best. the people are that much more and it's a french so, so for this didn't come into your brain. i hope they have written your last one testimony done and we're going to come out of life. as natal wants to play their music beautifully over the rage and in russia it is only going to grow. everyone of the stairs attacks is pushing the people further into rage. and i know that everyone, i start today the, at this point would revenge. so they want to keep porn. oh boy, on the far, they're going to burn to lewis's increase. incredibly personal for you. spell itself, as you were saying, your daughter at was planning to go to the concert. her friends did go as they are looking for communication with them to see where they are. we can only hope they are safe and thank you for coming on sharing your view with us. that one is going
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course a difficult time at speaking to a former us army officer, a spanish love trip, next us. okay, and we have been getting eye witness accounts over the last few hours. really, really eyeopening testimony saying one occurred from inside the building when the attackers struck at we've got another one to listen to the louis. yes, i was there at the concert today. even though it's 2 minutes before the pharmacy, i think you said you were some say of the machine labs i was informed, but of the i'm one of the circles on it though. uh, the lord high of our we thought it was just people that thing to advise musicians on to the stage. we deal with many of the very much a about it for us. then after a few minutes we realize it was something something wrong going on. so then somebody is started showing that they are shooting their let's get out. we,
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i was in rosa, teens, and one of the circles we started running down towards the stage. would you put the money into the worst people in front of me at some point? everyone stopped, we oh, play down on the stage, but we're not being able to. yeah, we were on the stage and the we're a no charge because i saw that there were some installs with the sidebottom little long barrels and i was an old domestic life. a little and the word collapse of like fire crackers going off. i was trying to crow behind a, a loud speaker. waste was not blessed cause i could hear bullets flying. i could hear gunshots pretty. we're all trying to stay down with them to avoid being hit. that point. somebody started yelling, let's get behind the stage, rose on the and such as running the woods, the personal we ran behind the curtains behind the curtain. we saw the streets. uh,
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one of the focus employees in the uniform and told us to run, we just ran and just out into the park. the largest mobile device without such as any. yes, it was with the companies uh close. one of the people outside asked me what was happening. i said that the young shorts and i think they started shooting our site and then they don't use indoors. so we do typically around ours we, southfield habits, others used car sharing services. i me personally, i ran across the whole making laws and i was able to get to the building of the most good reason. i so sorry it is. we were all running. we didn't know if people are going to follow us. if you were there accomplices outside, so we all kept running and standing out, spreading out versus boys especially, you know, speech and then we come down
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a little bit and be, were being picked up by friends and so on. but then my friends called me, they told me they had heard about the fire and i looked behind me and i saw that the was black smoke rising above the building. we didn't hear the explosions, but there was definitely something going on. the 1st responders began to arrive of the ambulance because the were heavily comforters. the school should even get to me and we all just want maybe for 30 minutes or just reading switches as we were outside. i think i was able to escape within the 1st 5 minutes. i was just lucky. we were just lucky that we had a seats that were close to the stage. we were able to escape. i am very sorry for those who died or stuff at once. we were just talking a man just incredible of testimony there how lucky she was and others like that.
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and of course, others were not 40 people at this stage, according to the f as be killed today. by the way, these are live pictures the, the big issue now is the fire. it spread to some 13000 square meters after the a sealants and a part in police started a massive blaze. following that, shooting whether or not in a, in the attempt to escape or otherwise we simply do not know at this stage, but more than $300.00 firefighters are and sites officials said 2 helicopters are dropping at washer on the blaze as well. yeah. okay. so that is the situation we're closely at following at from the north western part of most go and how does that fire at develops? okay, let us cross live to new york on our t correspond to kill up my pin in terms of reaction. caleb one if we've been hearing from abroad from the us. well,
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in the united states we heard from john kirby, a security adviser, is the president of the united states speaking on behalf of the white house. now, he denied that the united states had any knowledge of this attack, but people are raising questions about that because of the state department travel advisory to us citizens. that specifically reference to a tax on concerts that came to weeks prior. now john kirby speaking for the white house, also said that thoughts are with the victims of the shooting and express condolences to russia. that's what we have from the united states. now, in germany, we heard the foreign ministry describe it as a her risk attack on innocent people and offer deep condolences to the family. that's from the german foreign ministry. the deputy of is both the deputy spokesperson for the secretary general, the united nations bar han hawk said we are closely monitoring and express our
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condolences and thoughts to all russians. that's from the un uh, the cuban government has come from cuban foreign ministry says we can damn the terrorist attack, which resulted in human casualties and numerous injuries poll. instead, we condemn terrorism in any form. those are the words that came from the polish boring ministry. bellow roots describes that they went on to say this was a monstrous terrorist attack that cannot be justified. now it's also very important to note that the ukranian government denies any involvement in the events you brain and russia are in a conflict. but ukraine says they had nothing to do with today's advance with the horrendous terrorist attack that has taken place ukrainians denying all involvement . so a lot of questions remain about that strange travel advisory from the us state department .


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