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tv   Cross Talk  RT  March 22, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT

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what happened today is really a tragedy, but that does not mean that russia isn't safe at all with terrorists. the principle of a terrorist is described where you are not expecting in, you know, security, 100 percent security does not exist. it's impossible. sure. and the terrorist they are using this. so no of the restaurant is a very safe country, mostly is a very safe country. mice on these doing things in russia that i would not let him do in france. and when i am in front window, when i was used to being friends, that when i'm sending those, i'm as to someone. my 1st reflects it to put my back on the wall just to make sure that no one is going to come from behind and try to steal my phone away from me. yes or no, it's an interesting aside. absolutely. as so, thanks so much for coming on sharing your views on all of that with us. we do appreciate that a french deal political as serial deluxe you are. yeah. so the latest news, a shooting, and i'm off with,
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with this concept. the new quote because city will have killed at least 40 people with dozens mobile and it the attack. so too took place just before concepts either they knew was about specifically enough to sit several heavy effect as and the building sitting on the on on golf was shooting terrified was this is money at point blank range that are sort of close also, reportedly among the day that's good into the children's abundance. so now that moses are unfit and nobody has claimed responsibility. this graphic images have insight, varying on line of bodies in the building for you and outside, as people said, for their lives. at least one explosion was the most of the herds in the building showing the effect the large funding cost of the building mass. and this also started by the taxes, a power and even this closed the roof. it's a full dozens were trapped inside by the fans needs to be evacuated by some
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$305.00 fighters. and that's what the showed how does being that they need through the fire exits and a of a nearby bridge towards the subway. the whole capacity is over $6000.00 seats. i'm most of the tickets to the concept, but apparently sold out. now the heat of the 5 cause windows to shatter a multiple headed opposite list sent to tackle the blaze. security has been increased to apple's railways and other transitory hubs. they must have been revealed. there are reports of shopping holes also being infected, right, to the most good man. i said, all this, i'm public gatherings have been cancelled. not more than 70 ambulance teams have been sent to the area you are on security general's office, said it was silence by report, so the shooting condolences and come them nation of come in from all over. so
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now let's get a little bit more reaction from our correspondence as it goes on, it can move in is in the us kind of where we actually have you seen from a broad about the about the tragedy here in muska? well, we had an almost immediate reaction from the white house, john kirby, who is a national security advisor to joe biden, speaking on behalf of the white house, gave this response in the immediate aftermath of the attack. here's what he said. this is quite a lot of stuff in there, so you can choose would clearly, you know, there are people in the, in las gone in russia that object to the way mr. brewton is governing the country. but i don't think we're at this early hour. we can make a link between the, the shopping all attack and in political motivations as an excuse. we just need to,
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we more time and we need to learn more information. now the united states that it had no prior knowledge of the terrorist attack that took place, but many are raising questions about a state department travel advisory to americans in russia, that specifically mentioned concerts as possible targets for a terrorist attack and was issued just 2 weeks prior to today's her rendez of that, now the russian foreign ministry spokesperson maria's a car of came forward with some very strong words for the united states, as russia is reacting to the horrifying scenes. here's what maria's a car of had to say. the white house said it's, he's no signs that ukraine or ukrainians are involved in the terrorist attack in moscow. on what basis 2 officials in washington draw any conclusions about someone's innocence in the midst of a tragedy. if the united states has or had reliable data on this matter,
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then they must be immediately transferred to the russian side. and if there is no such data, then the white house has no right to issue condolences to anyone. all those involved, as stated by the russian leadership, will be identified by the competent authorities. now, it's important to note that there was a telegram post by an individual representing the office of the ukrainian president saying, quote, let's be clear. ukraine has absolutely nothing to do with these events. and in addition to that, we have heard from the european union uh, the spokesperson. peter stano said our thoughts are with all those russian citizens effected the un secretary general's office that it was saddened by the reports of the shooting as well. now there were some strong words from the president of serbia . he said, i want to express my sincere condolences to the citizens and leadership of russia
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and the hope that the terrorist will be arrested. and i hope that this will never happen again. a tragic event that has unforeseen consequences. there is no doubt. there will be a further escalation in ukraine now. he went on from there to say every day we are getting closer to a major conflict that i fear will take more lives than the 2nd world war. so quite an important statement from the president of serbia and many are asking questions about that mysterious travel advisory from the us state department prior to the attack. and what us officials may or may not have known what information was available. people are also raising questions about what organizations or individuals may have been responsible for this and much information is expected to come in the following hours as the country is kind of locked down in the aftermath of these events, making sure that the perpetrators and all who aided them can be arrested and
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brought to justice, so there's a lot of sympathy and tiers and condolences for russia around the world. many around the world are offering words of sympathy, but also raising some serious questions about what caused today's advance to be able to happen a yeah, can move in the in neil, who is the advisor? thanks for the update. so interesting indeed, the comments coming out of the white house was to be again soon. thanks again at some of the news lines coming in as well. i'm hearing we had been reporting or up that the, the, the buttons that had been playing were left on harm this bun picnic over black rock . bottom 2 are due to play on friday night out the crocus full according to the media and all of us the agency a member was and has been missing after the attack, the bonds director tool, the agency. so we're just waiting to hear about that one of many who people can't
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get in touch with others of the sites and you know it's, it's a link to a treasury. when this happens, it's always difficult. people fleeing perhaps losing their phones not being able to get in contact. so that is one of the affects all of that at something else as well . i want to tell you about another aspect of this is among those who were in at cooper city hall during the terrorist attack was a disabled boy with his mother. here's how she described what happened to them. oh, so i'm going to you bring up as the preschool that it's we didn't know what was happening and what was the converter, but there should be that they didn't take any hostages. i would understand that god, but they were just running around the shooting of people are going to say that i'm not sure if that's all of my 3 were hiding until i finished up. then we sure loud
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speakers and i'm fully holding. so people in control fortune venue, which is for when i'm going to the public entrance, where we're the people for the police police running around the police officer essential at the store and information level, the boom boom. here's the reason why i wanted to go somewhere where they were fewer people than i. so girl young girl was covered in blood pressure almost your mirror and when she were police precisely, that's cool. okay, how is this a so a, i think i'm pushing a wheelchair to pay this on a wheelchair. i ask, so some people around to help get it, but to get the right to get him out of the building, then we went to the metro station of bush can go ok on the vehicle. so we just arrived at the metro station. we were
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still scared of the groups. nobody was shooting the thing. so we went told the coach and we just as we go, i'm just saying the teacher was going to help me out. i would have anyone everyone to help. okay. another news line, some 37 people are injured in the attack, have been hospitalized. i was, according to the health ministry of the most school at region. we had heard over a 100 people at a 100 casualties, had been needing help earlier in the day as well. so that's something we're keeping a very close on. yeah, let's keep an eye on we're going to their live to a sub in part of them and i was on the have issues joining us now. thanks so much for joining us on this tragic day about the southern present claim that the american ambridge intelligence and had information about this recent attack set
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as then this is a pony issued warnings of similar facts in march. there was. so what's the likelihood that they were aware that this was gonna be the time out tonight? well, 1st of all, i would also like to extend my condolences to the russian people for the great tragedy that happened today. but i know there are some people. ready who just come out of the strong way more determined to, to, to in order to defeat the enemy. so i'd like to open was that as far as what the survey and presidents said, well, i think it's almost almost impossible that the western intelligence agencies didn't know that something was on the side. they wouldn't be sure to travel advisory i was was, i mean,
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they have to have something to go on. and obviously from maria's, the heart of the statement, whatever they knew, they didn't share with their russian connor cars. and i just remember, i go back more than 20 years to the september 11th attacks on the world trade center. never very well how. why do you mean fulton? that's a time offered all sorts of jobs, including sharing all possible and relevant intelligence information with the us with the white house, the relevant security agencies. i mean russia just came out and offered also to know which is a normal reaction to a terrorist attack. of course, it's not, we're not hearing that sort of message from washington. we'll just, uh, you know, they're just uh, doing their best to imitate so conscious pilots. uh wash their hands on the whole
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thing, but of the travels the advisory from march 7th, is pretty incriminating. so i have to agree with the serbian president, it's more than suspicious. yeah, the you mentioned the white house that a 2nd. they came out and clearly said that this is not your brain. so get out of your mind. this is definitely not required. this is somebody else, but they didn't quite say waltz. i'm if they know so definitive they but this is not ukraine. should they be telling us who it is? absolutely. yeah. that totally makes sense. if you knew, if you know, definitely we didn't do it well, then you must know who did do it. you must know we did do it. but i mean, tomorrow what, what are we going to expect from this administration tenant who blow up the note to the north stream pipelines?
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i mean, seymour hersh, uh, put it all out. uh, all the investigations have been stopped. close of us. so, you know, you know, they're more than capable of exec job, of keeping in motion almost in advance. that there was them going to be no rush and gas for germany. uh, you know, before they blew up north street. and just uh, what a couple weeks ago we heard the recordings of the, uh, german, uh hi, officers i military officer discussing a tax on the premium bridge and so on. i was on the roof soon. so taking the, this there seems to have escalated so on because i mean the know 3 and pipeline fair enough is main in this rock. so we heard about the demons a 12 thing or, or clued in to the crime embrace. but here we have civilians,
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thousands of innocent people know me to treat recognition him whatsoever, no minutes. he designation has this taken the things to a new level? well, you know, this thing is, you know, crimea crimean bridge, it's more, it's mostly used by civilians almost entirely used by civilians and the previous attack to took the civilian lives. so you know, that was an attack and certainly as we heard, no remorse from western governments. the thing is due to the rhetoric of the west rhetoric has been normalized, a tax on russian. so david, normalizing it, they haven't condemned to your claim for anything. i remember the drone a tax against the crime in last year. you know, nobody really condemned that from the west and even i remember
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a mc blinking pretty much said, well, we're not gonna say to crane how to conduct their war against russia. pretty much meaning, you know, as you can see a tax. so you want to attack russian territory, go ahead and do it. and then it was just a matter of time that this was going to happen. uh, and just the whole rhetoric coming from western capital is, it's a game at the additional escal wasted. over the past few weeks, we've had a normalization of calls to uh, deployed western troops and ukraine. and i mean that's, that's world war 3 right there. so this is not a surprise at all, and it's all it's, it's all the responsibility of the western politicians, mainly washington, but also london, brussels there, do this hawkish rhetoric, this war like rhetoric that they've been in meetings,
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especially over the past 2 months. it is all pointing toward escalation. so terrorism is nothing that wasn't expected. uh and uh, you know, they, they pretty much given carte blanche to their ukrainian clients to do whatever it takes to, uh, re gain quote on both their territory. and when they, when you give someone a blank check, well you know that's they're going to act like it. so once again, this is what the sylvian president said, i agree with. and we're heading toward a major conflict. and the west obviously wants a major conflict. and you know, i think that even the travel advisory of march 7th, i think in a way it was almost an active provocation. says on the i was on the if i may
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interrupt, forgive a, you know, i'm here we, i mean we're hearing most go we of course of who was injured and those are many as rules. so when it comes to a conflict, we must immediately channels for negotiation. we're opened here in this situation. now, even, i mean we've heard president puts in new on numerous times occasions come out and said, look, i'm open to negotiate. so i'm open to a dialogue. why has the west source did away from dialogue? i mean, in the old days, but i mean back in the old days when i know when i sort of journalism, i mean it was all about dialogue is all about communications. what's different now? a be bye back. a 2nd part of my question is, what is the red line for puts in? what will finally, i mean, we talk about, i mean,
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is not even worth thinking about we, we talk about world war 3, but what, what is the red line as well, i think, you know, russia, russia's very hesitant to draw a red lines because they are very aware that actually the western politicians in charge they was. ready it was russia, believe it or not do it isn't as incredible as it sounds. it seems that that, that, that's what they want. and russia has been conducting the war, can a very restrain way precisely, to avoid escalation that can only leads to a nuclear war. so that's why i think that russia has been very, very careful not to draw red lines because if you draw a red line and you have an opponent, once inside,
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totally going across that red line and dare you to uh, act upon your words. so that's why i my 1st question, why no dialogue was again, that's the same answer. uh, west. the west is interested in uh, in, in conflict. they didn't succeed in removing the russian leadership. they tried everything they attempted to, uh, you know, upset conditions for color revolutions. in moscow regime change, it didn't work. they tried to exhaust fresh and ukraine. they've tried to me to move into rebels the mindset at the beginning of the special military operation back in february,
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2022. it didn't work. but there have no plan d. i mean, even victoria new orleans made a few weeks ago. there is no plan d. there's only one plan to uh, we can milestone to defeat moscow and give me your plane. you're playing with fire because that's the most powerful nuclear power around us. and you want to wait wage war against them. you're in danger of the entire planet. but it seems like, you know, the inmates have taken over the asylum in washington. and i think the difference between now the present time and the cold war when there were lines of communication, even though there were ideological opponents. uh, can you see me and right now? yeah, yeah, sorry. oh, good. okay. uh, you had uh, ivy illogically gone. and so the ussr against the, the us, you know,
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communism against democracy, etc. but you had lines of communication. well, one big difference that i know is back in the cold war to me because we're not in charge of us foreign policy. but they've been in charge of us foreign policy at the latest since september 11th, 2001. and ever says to me, a positive taken over. firm control over u. s. foreign policy. you had a on ending stream of possibility against russia, nato expansion to co revolutions in ukraine. and as long as the neo cons retained their desperate on on us foreign policy, there's not really going to be a change. unfortunately, i'm gonna have to leave the the thank you so much for joining us today. i was on the coverage. so being part of them, i've always
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a pleasure to live here. thanks again for your time. thanks, alex. thank you. yeah. okay, so uh let's go through then are rolling use today or breaking news that we've been talking about for the past at 5 hours or so as shooting in most goes biggest concert venue. crocus city whole us killed us least 40 people with a number of casualties rising to 145. according to the regents health ministry. now the attack, as mentioned, took place at around 8 pm on friday evening, just before a concert of the venue was a bite to begin several heavily armed attackers enter the building, killing the owner of the guards before shooting terrified visitors. many point blank range, their children reportedly among the dead. that is, according to the children's ombudsman, their motives, the colors are on clear at this stage and no one has claimed responsibility
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verified. at least the graphic imagery has been circulating on line of bodies in the building for ya. and i'd sides, which were not showing at the moment as people slade for their lives. at least one explosion was reportedly heard in the building during the attack. as a large fire engulfed the building started by the attackers, causing the roof at to fall apart. and that has been a big issue, trying to get the places we have to place under control those flames at, into a some kind of situation where the entire roof does not fall on the building at, for they chose 100 sling the venue. 3 fire exits trying to get to the some way across a nearby bridge. now the whole capacity is some $6000.00 seats at most of the tickets to the consumer reported be sold as well. so an incredibly large indoor venue tonight. at the end of the working week and people's going there,
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as mentioned at women and children among them to the heats all the slaves caused windows to schaeffer multiple helicopters were sent to tackle the place. no security has been increased the airports, railway station, other transport hubs in law school and beyond. most whomever has said, all events on public gatherings, helping cancelled in terms of reaction coming in globally. the un secretary general's office said it was, quote, softens by reports of the shooting. the us said that they had no evidence that ukraine or you koreans, were involved in the mass. shooting condolences and condemnation have come in from other parts of the work for rights, we have been hearing from eye witnesses who described at events crocus to the hole in moscow where there is open fire, killing those dozens of people earlier this the
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shooting started at 1st people ran away quickly, there was some noise. then i saw that the people who were shooting were following them. people were pushing through those doors faster and faster. there were still guards there, checking bags in tickets. i was going up the escalator at this point. i ran into the toilets and there was already a crush. it was just horrible. it was really scary. you couldn't see anything inside. i couldn't even get down even though there was only one flight of stairs. the un secretary general's office, as mentioned, stated that there were sovereigns by the terrorist attack in most gonna adopt coleman drew bewilderment from the russian foreign ministry spokesman the un secretary general's office said it was saddened by reports of the shooting saddened shooting. is this a fight in a shooting gallery or something on air?
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people are transmitting footage with their last strength of a monstrous bloody terrorist attack, which triggers not sadness, but har shock distain unconditional condemnation. right? just anger and compassion for the victims. bias plus alive. now to discuss this more in detail, i would go into very lucky to be joined by professor add to the tap on university side. well, how many of them are on the mazda? thanks so much for joining us. i mean, these are terrible times. we appreciate you coming such a late notice really now we've heard lots of speculation. the state of the matter, we don't know exactly what's happening. we just put in what we see on the ground. however, there have been reports all into that, but i say this is taking responsibility for the attack in most that we would probably just be improved that that's fake. now, despite the some, i may just try those like cnn also publishing the games. but what,
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why do you think this kind of false information is being released? is it to try and divert that from the truth perhaps? well, 1st i live to express my condolences to the people of russia and your yourself and your colleagues at our team. um, i think it's obvious that the fact that the united states immediately says it's not ukraine. uh, the fact that they are spreading news that it was prices is that they do want to spread misinformation for whatever reason, as we don't know who carried it out. but it is clear that the western media already has an agenda. and of course, the very fact that the united states gave that a travel advisory or the travel warning with a lot of detail that raises questions in itself. but i think there's something
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really important here, and that is that when we had mass a mass killing just recently, and you run for almost a 100 people were killed a murder in care of them on, on the anniversary of the murder of general sony money by trump, uh, ultimately, it was discovered that it was carried out by isis, but isis is in syria, di to the isis bases, and syria are very deeply or very deeply infiltrated by nato, by western intelligence agencies. by this way, the intelligence agency and the same is true without tied to it. so even if it is isis, even if it does turn out to be isis, that's not necessarily the end of the story. and i, i, again, i don't want to speculate. it is interesting that when the russian armed
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forces is making significant progress, that this happens we, we do recall again in syria when the searing armed forces every time they would make major advances against extreme is the terrorist across the country. you would have those false flag, chemical attacks, and then the americans, we started striking syria. so whenever the russians are making progress or the syrians are making progress, we see or point in other cases, we see when we see these things that raises further suspicions, the side, it's unit here along side. we're not as well. and when terrorism happens at, it's a point to, i've made earlier, just like to hear your take when terrorism happens, it's to cause mass panic, isn't it? it's the mic, the local populace afraid, because at perhaps they think that they can't get at the military targets. so we go .


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