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tv   News  RT  March 22, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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a, it is interesting that when the russian armed forces is making significant progress, that this happens. we, we do recall again in syria when the syrian armed forces every time they would make major advances against extreme is the terrace across the country. you would have those falls flag, chemical attacks, and then americans, we started striking syria. so whenever the russians are making progress or the syrians are making progress, we see or point in other cases, we see when we see these things that raises further suspicions side, it's unit here along side. we're not as well. and when terrorism happens at, it's a point to i've made earlier, just like to hear your take when terrorism happens, it's to cause mass panic, isn't it? it's the mic, the local populace afraid, because at perhaps they think that they can't get millard free targets. so we go
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after civilians. is this like a sense? it's the last dying at stroll of a of a roofing the things ok. we're not going to be rushed on the bottle field. so, you know, with our last little remnants of hope, we'll go after the populace about it, if not to women and children. so be, it is not your sense of what happened today because it's hard to look any other way of the people that were targeted up this up, this concert as well. that the timing does seem to say that because of the to come inside of the time when the russians had a successful presidential election with a high turn out, which was important in itself that they did turn out being so high as something that the adversaries of russia did not want to see and also the major games that were made in you, in the, in the war during the past few weeks. the,
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these are not things that russia's adversaries would want to see. so i think that is definitely i think that i can't say definitely, but i think that is most probably the case, but i also would like to add this at this point and that it is very interesting that western countries are always talking about terrorism. but most of the terrorist acts that take place a hi and countries that western countries dislikes. we can you run her 5 years of terrorism. we have terrorist groups that are based in the last, like the m u k. that they can be murdered. 17000 iranians in the 1980s, but they have offices across europe in north america. and of course, we know that our kind itself was created for their dirty war. and i found this on a created extremism across our region. then they later on use it in libya and in syria, and of course isis came from outside us. so this culture,
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terrorism is something that western intelligence agencies have been promoting for decades. and of course, when we saw the cooling frame snipers in the may dawn and the contreras in nicaragua, in the 1980s. terrorism is it has been a tool that's been used widely by western intelligence agencies and their allies and their client regimes across the world. yet they are the ones who are constantly claiming that others are state sponsors of terrorism. mohammed ear back to vague. and um, you know, i was like i said, yeah. and i was really curious about why that hasn't been a dialogue when it comes to what was going on between ukraine and russia. he went onto the pre bye to say that the west wants to isolate russia. but on the country we've seen russia become a much strong,
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a country when it comes to new allies. i've been, yes, the good and trusted allies of iran and china are among them from, from day one, but russia. and let's say the global south seems to be changing the, the states as quote, oh, we look, you remember more divided worlds today with, with, with buying the home. cuz we see things change from who's at the home. it's difficult to say trump himself is uh it is, uh, is it because is quite unpredictable. but in any many ways, when it comes to foreign policy, there is, there is, there has been continued t and in other ways, these been disrupt or so it is hard to say. but i do believe that um
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the, the west itself is on the decline and they, and many do say that there are patterns when, when empire is on the, are on the decline. and again, i'm not saying that the united states is behind this terror attack by any means, i have no idea and it's really not smart to speculate. i'm just saying that in, in, in the general sense because you are speaking of the training question, a conflict, declining empires become more irrational, more angry because they are losing power that they, they've had in the past. and that makes them more violent and more dangerous to their was their historical patterns. they say historians and i think it can be applied here in the united states has been pushing this war and ukraine. even though it was clear to us from the very beginning that they would fail. we've been saying it for 2 years,
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and suddenly the people and some of the leads in the west are beginning to say what all of us have been saying from the beginning and, and ending in and in god. so we see that the west is helping carry out a genocide, and the whole world is looking with har, but they, they will pack off. so the west is behaving in a manner in which we haven't seen in the past. not that they haven't been violent in the past. very, so they have been involved in many was felt mohammed before it was before i possibly up to you then just a quick follow up. i'm curious, i mean, so when we look at the low notes of the notes in pipeline, for example, we oh, is it we have to always ask who is benefiting from this action? so who is benefiting from this era attack on this uh console
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when it comes to uh, what happened today who's, who's benefits it? well, that's a good point. first of. busy it also raises the issue that western media is completely unreliable because we all know what happened to them, not seeing pipeline, we know who threatened to destroy it by it in himself. we know that the others have pains, the united states senior of european officials, but western media will not say anything about what happened there. there the, the white house immediately says it wasn't ukraine, but after this long period of time, no one will tell us to carried out the attack on not seeing. so western media has 0 credibility in what they say about the attack in moscow in the, in the hours and days ahead therefore has, should not even be taken seriously, no matter what they say. but i think it's quite clear that in this it goes
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back to what you asked earlier, who benefit from this kid in my opinion, it is revenge now. lot douglas adams can come from a couple of different places. one is in syria because russia help defeat isis and now tied up alongside a coalition and obviously nato and it's extreme. his allies are very unhappy about this. another could be, of course, those extreme is in ukraine who were seeing their project crumbling in front of them. but these are 2 things that come to mind, but, but it, but it comes at a time with russia has had 2 major successes, as i said, the presidential election and on the battlefield. we don't know what this is, but again i see the what is really important to me is that most of the terror
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attacks, just like we saw a couple, a few months a couple of months ago in iran, in rushing most of the terror attacks and especially the, the big outrages are happening in non western countries in western countries behave and act as if they're the victim sort of like in, in, in israel where they're carrying out genocide. but they act as the video, the, the victim it's, it's extraordinary how the west views itself and presents itself to the rest of the world. so i'm at just at one more at, for me just before we finish shop. i think you'll agree that that the situation when, when you look at this, you know, you have a tasks and you have threats of attacks constantly a run like rush. it is very similar. it just goes to show what the security services are actually dealing with at we see headlines we, we tend to brush it off and think, you know, okay, all that's just happened yesterday. you know, we,
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we barely even read about it. it just goes to show the constant pressure from sometimes on, on knowing threats that is coming through on what, what authorities are having to do with the keep us safe. yes, absolutely. i think it's very important to know to that, to tap on is a very safe city. you can walk at midnight in toronto. i've been to moscow many times. you can walk late at nights in moscow and feel completely safe. it's far safer then any western capital or major city in the west that i've ever been to. and i, i don't think that this is going to change. and i think the security service is obviously are going to deal with this and find, find out and carry this out. like it's not going to change in moscow. there may be some small changes, but any ron we live, we have less police officers in the street in the streets of parents. then you've seen western capital said the same as when moscow, moscow is
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a very safe city. if in i've to just come back from moscow a few weeks ago, if i'm invited again to come to moscow in the weeks ahead, i will definitely do it to myself. so the security services obviously will be doing their job. but, but i'm absolutely certain that the people of russia will not be intimidated, and the people of moscow will carry on with their ordinary lives and the days and weeks ahead without the name of the site. well, how many were on the as always a pleasure talking to you so much? i definitely the rest of your time. so again, for your time. thank you sir. bye to okay. uh let us just have a look at were out of watts that we have been talking about the last uh, number of hours. this at video can give us some updates and on some of the main news lines, the fire of the venue we believe has been contained. that's according to the russian emergencies ministry. a big fear of following that, the shooting that the entire huge area that, that,
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that region of north western moscow would be completely engulfed. as you can see, the sheer scale of a part of the roof collapse that there had been fear. the people would be trapped on goods they had run to the basement around a 100 people had been held there before at the russian services came on golf. they might at, they were all okay. the people who had been truck there at longer than the others who had had been able to leave at the exits at. so just i'll give you very briefly some of the top uh news lines from our breaking news. 40 people killed by a gunman, a group of 5. it looks like at people in camouflage clothing who had started shooting before 8 concert at began at a number of them at least or attempted to flee. we're waiting to hear the exact vertification of what happened to them. i'm sure that's going to be coming in at
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shortly, as well as some of the images morales. just as we're looking at this is the office, the amateur footage from inside, but people and waiting, they're quite, quite smart as well because so many people over 6000 people are so had got tickets . what we know, that's the capacity maybe not quite as many as up and maybe 5. but how far is that? because a lot of people where they're heading to the exits at once, some people holding off, i'm giving a view of the situation after it just just quite incredible. as you can see here, those said see those gunmen, or indeed those gunmen, we're looking at the screen the. it that we don't know for sure. you know who's taking responsibility for that? we do have to say that that is quite clear. they said, we don't know who is taking responsibility. i mean, some reports of come out to say that this isis, but moscow has said that is not the case that we will actually lose. we're quite
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lucky, lucky, we're almost here then how you want to put it. but we do have a witness reports. uh they with that and uh, just 20014840 counting casualties at least for the site. anyway, this is a secular student to this. i witness account the shooting started at 1st. people ran away quickly. there was some noise. then i saw that the people who were shooting were following them. people were pushing through those doors faster and faster. there were still guards their checking bags and tickets i was going up the escalator at this point. i ran into the toilets and there was already a crush. it was just horrible. it was really scary. you couldn't see anything inside. i couldn't even get down even though there was only one flight of stairs. okay for more on our breaking use as our let's cross live to our
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t correspondent double quarter, who has to be not getting this with the last number with all hours or say it on at the the 2 big issues with fire and at the gunman on the safety of the people take us through that update us on what's known as well as you can see behind me. the reality on the ground reflects what the russian authorities have already said. the fire has been uh, gotten under control. this entire roof of the building behind me was engulfed in flames earlier today. there were fears that the roof was going to collapse in on the building because the fire was, we could see alongside the fire parts of the facade coming off of the building, embers falling onto the ground. but as of now, we haven't heard of many of we haven't really heard from helicopters come by. as of recently, whereas when the fire was really raging, we saw a helicopter after helicopter,
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coming with buckets of water to aid the firefighters that were fighting the fire on the scene. but right now we can only see isolated fire hoses on the roof. there were a firefighters are working to combat the last bits of the fire that are, that is still raging on a small part of the roof of the building. but there is still a lot of smoke. smoke was basically went to an entirely different part of the, of this neighborhood. there was so much of it. and in terms of casual casualty statistics, the russian health ministry has recently raised that to 145 people. 40 people killed. 77 were, are still in the hospital being treated for their injuries. and unfortunately it's been mentioned that 7 children were among those who suffered as a result of this terrorist attack. and the response from the mosque out sick emergency services was a huge, really, the russian health ministry said that over 70 brigades of emergency services were
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deployed to the area, paramedics, firefighters, in conjunction with the rest of the response to this terrorist attack. we also heard that the national guard and cooperation with the special service special forces storms the building earlier um. but after, after that, that was a bit quite a while ago after actually evacuations have already taken place. everyone's out of the building. and right now the situation is much calmer than it was earlier in the night of the done thanks. very much taking us through that. so yeah, that, that piece of good news that the fire has at been put. i thought had been a fear of the 13000 square meters of it that it could absolutely demolish the whole area as well. don't. thanks very much. ok. another aspect of this is be a month of people it's. it's quite extraordinary who we have been hearing from who are there at the time of the attack,
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staring death directly in the eye on being able to tell us, abided afterwards at this is an eye witness, a card from crocus, city hall, where 140 casualties at least 40 did this friday evening. worse. yes, your b. i was on the balcony. we didn't think it was shots. just the audience greeting the musicians. at 1st we didn't think much of it. but then it became clear that something scary was going on. suddenly someone shouted that there was shooting and we had to evacuate. we ran right down towards the stage. at some point, everyone stopped. everyone just lay down on the stage. i was trying to scramble behind the speaker because i saw a person with some kind of firearm. we ran behind the curtain, and one of the lobby staff was already standing there. he said, run okay, well,
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i'm happy to welcome onto the program. now, international consultants as security specialist earle rouse missing or of course under the circumstances would rather be speaking about something else. but absolute tragic situation. today, in, in russia where terrorism has come to moscow and its people, am that we've been digesting this if that's the right word for the past number of hours trying to get behind who, who carry that out. and why this happened. what, what is your take on that for 1st, 1st of all, just the tragic totally situation of my prayers and thoughts go out to all the victims in the families of the victims. i know loads really sure video versus you know, is there a little known here? uh, i see that i have seen some of the cctv videos which is good. so the government has
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got the has got videos covered. so look at this. there are some suspected um i guess the identified potential of vehicles and stuff on the outside. so i, i think i don't want to speculate on here. obviously it is the terrorist activities . so you need to look at who's benefiting for this or for what reasons. and play a role in this as well the. and i don't think we've got enough evidence to actually speculate on who and, and jumping the gun to actually make the guess it is. i think you've been appropriate right now, but, but it's a, i think the government has got potential leads. i understand there's a suspect in custody as well. so i, i feel firmly, i have confidence that the russian police and the f as b pro will be involved in this, the will sort this out and i'm sure they look at everything they're going to look
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at, you know, motivate motives, you know, look at, you know who's been involved previously, they'll perhaps look at signals intelligence they, they may have information that they've intercepted prior to piece together. they know what to be looking for. so it's a yeah, it's just a horrible situation and something you wouldn't the think that but yeah, yeah it's, it is, it was the as well i'm head as well. um this tries that they did to see, you know, we don't know who we caught rudy. speculate on the why just yeah, but i was thinking of a little bit. let's take a step back into the bike and we know that the un security council is due to me and rushes off for it to be convened. we know that's going to be happening in the next few hours, perhaps in the early hours of tomorrow morning, but so i want to know and your opinion, and you'll take really is this the un security council really have anything to add?
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i mean, do they have any power in this situation? i don't really think they do. uh, i mean there's most, this is a seems to be a pretty sophisticated the uh, you know, infiltration that occurred and they must have known the timing of the concert and, and how popular the venue is the of any interest in saying why any want to do this but, but you've got, you know, there's entities that are probably desperate. i mean they're staring groups out there that, that maybe have a you know, rush or it kind of upset them or just their plans in the middle leads. so maybe you've got elements there. you've got the issues going on in the, in a special military operation time. maybe there's some role governments or stream most involved with the that are supporting that, that are involved. so there's
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a lot of different reasons and different elements. a lot of things to take into consideration to as we analyze this. but it's uh, yeah, just the tragic situation here. all right. it's all about timing. oh uh to so you can say, oh cool. is it just as a the elections a few days ago, overwhelming you? none of us votes by the russian people for present puts in a to continue for the next 6. is us seen. so russell could've ruffled some feathers . we've also, you know, had a no on mars and warnings from the us embassy and to the u. k. embassy. both saying that to be aware of a large gatherings. talking about timing. what do you think of those to timing of it? yeah, it would be would be even those statements and we had victoria new and it was making some statements to be ready for some surprises. and you know,
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i think it's again, it's too early to make any accusations but, but it is interesting. and if they, uh, if the, the us in the, you know, have any information, this is a time to whether they're in conflict with the, with the rush or not. i mean, they say they're not in conflict, but whether they're involved. uh and there's confrontation going on as well. this type of an incident of terror attack. if you've got information that can help solve this, this is the time to come forward and, and to maybe the actually becomes an avenue to, to open up dialogue again. but, but this is when you come forward, i mean, you remember 911. i think rest of the work on friendly terms and was one of the 1st countries that called through to offer help and assistance. they also offered some intelligence several months earlier that,
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that kind of highlighted potential things going on to be concerned about. so it's, uh, this is the time when you need to put away your differences and to help out other countries and, and it's, you know, it's, it's appropriate, it's of us know something. and then we've heard the comments that were made kind of early on, like you mentioned, and then the then it makes the appearance of maybe they do know something or if they do so they need to come forward with that. what will be, do you think the realm of occasions of such a deadly attack? a side as we've been hearing girl, you know, you're going to have most gatherings cancel. there's going to be more of a locked on to run that area. but does this go beyond that, you know, terrorist struck in, in most with so many people at killed. do you think this will affect at life in moscow going forward?
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well, i think they'll be some concerns. i, i do not think, i mean we've had some turbotax previously as well. of bombings in the metro's and things. i don't, they'll be increased security, but i don't think you're gonna see locked up. uh, maybe around the that area. they'll probably be increase security or, or monitoring communications and stuff. i just can't picture that, that russia is not, is, is not solid, tightens up the soviet union. it's russia and it's a, and a people are quite free and they're open. and so i don't, there may be more scrutiny on people or travelers crossing borders and coming into the country. so there may be more scrutiny as far as the extent of people going in and out of the country. and this is the thing, or at least isn't that russia does not want to let terrorism dictated on the people themselves. the russian people, they've, they know they've lived through they,
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they have experiences all of this at whatever, whoever car the saw trying to, to so discord spread, fear at stop russia doing whatever they're doing. i don't think that's going to happen. i absolutely agree. and actually what, what it will do is i think, bring the russian people together even more. we've seen that during the conflict time, and i think this will bring them together more. i do not see end of it, right? so our freedoms are or walk downs happening at all on this. so i think uh, i think president clinton wants to make sure people have a normal life and they can live that life to a lot. do the steps to security. they'll be diligence to try to track this down. but now the perpetrators of this, i sure, would not want to be them if the russians found not. i think it would be very, a very detrimental for them is,
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is this just switching topics just slightly ro we've spoken many times about you know, the the, the, the, i'm looking for the exact word, but the way that the russian people have been lumped together at since the conflict and even before that i, i don't like to use a full be a words, but there has been quite a lot of, of, of russia full baked language i, there on, on the russian nation at trying to cancel the country is this is this the next day, the staff of that when you hear so much about how an entire people are bod, are wrong, are doing at bonds, things, and you train wherever else that this is the natural progression. the killing of, as we've been hearing children and women among them, of this concert is this what we're left with, is this what at the that no means thinking must is want to see.
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well, i think uh, i think would on the perpetrators of this. obviously they want to see that they want to see locked out. they want to see a fear and still i think it's important not to let that happen. so it, what's also interesting is that people, why do you do terror attacks? you know, you could, uh, oftentimes it's, i mean it could be a, could be panic. it could be a tried to stretch out to be tried to get public relations. could be a lot of times it's public relations publicity usually then then the, the organization behind it will take credit for it and, and actually provide evidence that they were involved. but we haven't seen that yet here. so it's a, it's, it's either a panic type of situation or striking out the retribution or,
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uh, well, the most likely, somehow some type of publicity in public good publicity, a public relations type stuff internally for them as well. so or just before we go, there's one last thought, what, what would you like to see in terms of global reaction from the us? what would you like to see then say at that they haven't done already. and in, in this case, they should, what i'd like to see assist from the global community, you know, calls the assistance called for, uh, uh, you know, um, sorry, or, or, you know, prayers the, the us i think needs to the advocate being a leader. they need to be a leader here and they need to come forward and, and put their differences aside. provide to any information they do know, provide assistance and tracking down the,
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the terrorists that they were behind. that's.


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