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tv   The Whistleblowers  RT  March 22, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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the, the, the 30s for the people killed them at least a $145.00 more wounded. the government opened fire the cities biggest pennsylvania i saw that the people who were shooting were following them. i ran into the toilets and there was already a crush. it was just horrible. it was really scary. you couldn't see anything inside some of it. so the types of sac albany you can still remain within the building of 5 the ends and is in danger. collapsed. and as many people from around the world expect don't says to the people,
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the rush of washington insist it seems move signs of inflamed bowling. but most of the size of the us as an say in the matter less, it possesses reliable dates on the life of roscoe. this is i'll see, i will have some, i mean as always is good to have your company on this, right? you know, the latest news, a shooting in most of those biggest concept by coca city, whole have killed at least 40 people with the number of casualties rising to a 144. according to the regents health ministry, it's on some faces just before a concept of a venue was about to begin a little around 8 pm on friday evening separately. several um, why have they should i say on attack to enter the building tubing of the on the
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guards before seeking terrified visits as many black children ripples the among the last quote into the children's and books. their motives are unclear and nobody's kind responsibility. graphic images have been so i think on line of bodies in the building for you and outside is people for, for their lives, at least one explosion supposed to be heard in the building during the time as a launch fi engulfed, the building out this all the c, as we know, stall to the by the taxes. this cools the roof to fall upon thousands with tracks. and so i have the funds that relate to, to be evacuated. in the last $55.00 is footage showed hundreds playing the venue so far exits and of course nearby bridge towards someplace. the whole capacity is over $6000.00 seats. and most of the tickets to the concept we reported the sold the aid
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of the famous closed windows to shasta and multiple heavy hope this was sent typo. the banks security has been increased and efforts, railway stations, and other possible hudson must grab you. most of the mass at all events, i'm public gatherings, have been cancelled. condolences and condom nation will come in from all over the world that we've been hearing from eye witnesses who described the event at closest city hole in mosca. but its host opening fi leaving over a 140 casualties. and at least for see that the, the shooting started at 1st, people ran away quickly. there was some noise. then i saw that the people who were shooting were following them. people were pushing through those doors faster and faster. there were still guards, their checking bags and tickets. i was going up the escalator at this point. i ran into the toilets and there was already
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a crush. it was just horrible. it was really scary. you couldn't see anything inside. i couldn't even get down even though there was only one flight of stairs. a lot of these have said the flyers being a boat under control i'm part of the roof is being prevented from collapsing because the numbers of continued to rise. his correspondence don't quote them in more details as well as you can see behind me. the reality on the ground reflects what the russian authorities have already said. the fire has been uh, gotten under control. this entire roof of the building behind me was engulfed in flames. or fears that the roof was going to collapse in on the building because the fire was, we could see alongside the fire parts of the facade coming off of the building, embers falling onto the ground. but as of now, we haven't heard of many of we haven't really heard from helicopters come by. as of recently, whereas when the fire was really raging, we saw
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a helicopter after helicopter, coming with buckets of water to aid the firefighters that were fighting the fire on the scene. but right now we can only see isolated fire hoses on the roof. there were a firefighters are working to combat the last bits of the fire that are, that is still raging on a small part of the roof of the building. but there is still a lot of smoke. smoke was basically went to an entirely different part of the, of this neighborhood. there was so much of it. and in terms of casually the casualty statistics, the russian health ministry has recently raised that to 145 people. 40 people killed. 77 were, are still in the hospital being treated for their injuries. and unfortunately it's been mentioned that 7 children were among those who suffered as a result of this terrorist attack. and the response from the ma scouts to emergency services was a huge, really, the russian health ministry said that over 70 brigades of emergency services were
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deployed to the area, paramedics, firefighters, in conjunction with the rest of the response to this terrorist attack. we also heard that the national guard and cooperation with the special service special forces storms the building earlier um. but after, after that, that was a bit quite a while ago after actually evacuations have already taken place. everyone's out of the building. and right now the situation is much calmer than it was earlier in the night. it was just to say that these instances, such as from credit, this city, old plan of life is i'm for these a looking at the scene, this video shows a bloody being carried out. so the facility was the interior of the times of the 2nd year. now those costs live super little alice. i'm feel like i understand why that mr. sean son is going. what is the advisor to
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see? these are tries at times when you heard about what was going on. what was your 1st reaction? um, well i guess uh, 2 things. first i heard from people in russia the last few weeks that there was an expectation that terror attacks were imminent. certainly us was giving warnings unfold to us citizens and to stay away from shopping centers and things like that. so there was a sense that perhaps the us could be involved in these attacks. but there was a feeling at the time even going back those couple weeks that this has to do more with the fact that the ukraine war is not going nato's way. america's uh, congress is stalling, aid to more to ukraine. so often times, as you know, when it comes to warfare, it becomes, sometimes the more fear becomes more dynamic and you utilize
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a 3rd columns and things like this are 5th call and they call them. and 3rd forces to try to basically uh, graft you and i mean other ways and that i think that's the 1st thing that came to mind. the 2nd thing was, when i heard about it, i actually checked in the news feeds and nothing was coming through in the mainstream american news. the breaking news was about kate middleton and things like this, but there was no us breaking news for it. for a, for a little while, which is surprising that when the major tara tech pers, yeah, is interesting. i mean, we heard from john could be as well, but the washington says it sees no evidence. the plan was involved and the tech is interesting. how it sort of specifically points out by the way, ukraine wasn't invo keyboards. well, those are denied any involvement. isn't too early to, to jump to conclusions about who was involved or not in this attack. i mean,
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why make these sort of statements, especially why would the us say it was in him? by the way. like, well, i mean, it makes sense for the us to deny. and you paid some denied because obviously grant is in a state of war with russia. so that would be the 1st person to be able to look at what but why, but sure, why would, why does big brother have to say something? yeah, so i mean on the other side, the kid oh, keeps saying today was an us, but was big was big brother rushes, we're sorry. i big, big brother usa saying, oh, by the way, they weren't involved. sure. well, again, as a was flooding in the out. this is the best western ukraine government. this, this ongoing conflict is fueled by the us. so even without us money, you know, even through nato, right? nato requires us money without us money and support. there's probably no more right
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now. and so i think that's the, that's always been the issue, right. the us, as really speaking here, that's so mc the going back to what was pointed out, you know, in the past where zalesky couldn't even make peace if you wanted to include in early on. because essentially the us and meeting glenworth, you know, calling the shots. so it's, so that's why i would say that they said this, but also the interesting thing of course, is ices, which people really haven't heard from in years. it seems, you know, like between rushes, war, i guess vices trump support, i guess, you know, to basically, i just seem to been pretty much not eliminated, but pretty, pretty quiet. right? since about 20172018 yet here they are popping up claiming responsibility. and for those that i think, looked at the, the, are the origin devices are very suspicious. whenever i says operates, a lot of people think it's very connected to american intelligence. oh yeah, it's interesting that that is a see. you then reported on that. i mean,
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most of it has come out and so the buttons that that's not the case. uh so we're not really told him by that but we that so i'm curious. so the timing, really, we just had the president's election just the last week. i mean, a huge to about the russian people clearly behind the present for the next 60 is they want him in charge. what do you think of the time you out of the shooting? could that be linked with could, could, uh, could they be looking to add some sort of unrest in the country of the again, i think that was, that was the intentions of what i originally might garden state was saying if you're not winning something with, with traditional warfare you try estimate, score for and just at the moment that we heard about, you know, the us making that declaration, you know,
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be careful about an upcoming terror attacks, right? when that morning went out, it was already basically a call to say, okay, this is coming. and this is probably connected again to the intelligence services where they always, i mean to her that terrorism doesn't operate without intelligence services. you can't, you can't operate, you know, as far as money it requires and tell, you know, far as intelligence and weapons and everything. you know, this, people say, even terrace, or just a bunch of crazy people that get ahold of some spot, you know, type bombs and go blow stuff up. that's not how that works. and especially in this case it's clear. so when you see situation unfolding, you guys have to deal with episode you say, look at who is benefit anyway, people know when, when you create a rush of war is a place where again, you print can't get the financial support for america needs for is not going their way, i think that the, that the western governments not just sending us, it can be obviously nato countries. they've done this in the past. you look at
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operating, claudio stayed behind armies. nato was famous for this. they had fascists that were, you know, masquerading as been that was false flags that of mass create is communists or whoever needs a mass great. as and below things up. they needed terror attacks, mass, mass shootings. this operation, glad you have of tactics in my mind. so if he did speculate just to further say traffic on live tv and we did think it was we, you created involvement to dispute? could this be with uh, the us a sort of approval because, you know, we always heard from biden or will dispose people that speak. i'm not proud of that they would not, even they would not, no ink cartridge attacks in russian territory. they was said that, you know, we don't, we will with completely guarantee trainings attacking, you know, russian main line a, what most good do you think that is?
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but if it does to them that with old investigating liability, the court to at least one of the, the, the, the gunman and they do get the information out of him. and it does lead back to external involved. when could this be a red line? so puts into this, could this because this really escalate things to the god forbid, next level. you know, i, i have to say, i think that russia's lucky to have a leader like boots at times like this because he's been, yeah, obviously he's, you know, he's been intelligent services himself. he's been in power for, you know, 20 plus years now. he's very savvy of the game, the political game, the geopolitical game. and i don't think that he's one to jump into, you know, is what it, very vague is to be want to calculate is decisions, right?
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and certainly to know that he's already at war with the us through ukraine and actually began to western governments. but, and, you know, when it comes to where do you job, you know, where do you take it? as you said, the red line, i don't think that he's going to escalate to world war. i think that he would you think he's smart, thinks you'll know how to respond and, and again, towards your point about the tax on, you know, inside of rush or we saw the was last year with daria deacon's murder. that the, these things are taking place inside of russia, and hopefully the f as b and other services have a quick get a clear map of how it's operating. so nothing further occurs. you know, you don't want to see a slew of these attacks occurring obviously. so hopefully they can get a map of what's taking place and now prevent anything further. but again, i think that the portion was, is very smart. i don't think he's going to jump and rush into a,
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a nova reaction. let's now i will get your take on something maybe closer to your home. okay? because of the united states, you will see the obviously a lot going on is well and gaza. so a lot of the media attention has been on lots didn't bring this leaves of tax interest and you said that it was picked up by western media. many. do you think they will and then well it has been well, no, it's good. has picked, obviously increasing that time. generally speaking, when i know the new cycle, i was surprised. the new cycle hadn't jumped on it sooner. it seemed to take a little while to actually get into our new cycle that there was mass shooting, taking place and in russia. whereas if feels like, you know, i met with america like a smashing to play is it's like breaking news right away. so i was kind of surprised at how slow it was and yeah, so again, it's,
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it's out there now people obviously talking about it a bit. but again, american perspectives are always, yeah. you know, russians half a world away. i mean, we've got the oceans between us and so many things that we tend not to paint too much attention to events that occur outside of our borders. so let me hear you will take on this. now let's do any and full. and this is just the on other sites on his social media. so i think i'm on said, and i quote, let's not lose focus. what do you think he meant by that was he referring to the war against russia? like, don't have sympathy for russians being murdered. let's focus on the war against rush hour. so yeah, that's terrible, isn't it? i'm getting we'll get we'll, we'll get all the other country is riling behind that most. go to this. perhaps a i know to the glue in solidarity with most is
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because we do seem to be having a more divide. it loads among us that way. when it comes to of modern times and modern policy. i don't, i don't particularly see a shift. i mean, i think you already have, in a sense, the bricks and agents are doing what they're doing right. there is an economic shift taking place. the fact that, as you mentioned guys that i mean china and russia of working together today to basically block the us as proposals, you know, for their, their, their version of, you know, a cease fire. and then, you know, you already get the fact that it's like the lines have been drawn and i don't see, you know, i think there's the, there's like those, you know, there's though that there countries that are more progress are there. those are want to be neutral and trade, right, which was the restaurants idler. but it will probably be targeted as we've seen with sanctions. and then you have the western oriented countries. and the western only 2 countries are going to change because of this. their attitude is, well,
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this is what russia's done in, you know, in ukraine for the last 2 years. and obviously that's part of the war. yes, civilians have been killed in ukraine from both sides. so it's very difficult, i think, to, to get, to garner sympathy for russia based on this, this attack. i went on to leave with that sadly. but i was always a pleasure to him, to show on a son as well as to make a n c. my pleasure as a excited hopefully on that at times in better time again that we've been hearing from eye witnesses who describe events at the cro. cuz some people in moscow what i was opening for, leaving over a 140 casualties, and at least 40 that to yes, 0 is the i was on the balcony. we didn't think it was shots, just the audience screening the musicians. at 1st we didn't think much of it, but then it became clear that something scary was going on. suddenly someone
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shouted that there was shooting and we had to evacuate. we ran right down towards the stage. at some point, everyone stopped. everyone just lay down on the stage. i was trying to scramble behind the speaker because i saw a person with some kind of firearm. we ran behind the curtain and one of the lobby staff was already standing there. he said, run the latest news and a shooting in moscow's biggest concern. the new quote, this video has killed at least 20 people with the number of casualties rising to a 145. that's going to the regions health ministry. and the attacks took place just before a concert of the new was about to begin around 8 pm on friday evening. several heavily on texas. enter the building community on the dogs before shooting
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terrified as many at point blank range that our children because of the amount of that that, that's put into the children's end. but how the attack of motives are clear and nobody is claimed responsible graphic community. so place it on line of bodies in the building for you and outside civil side just for the at least one exposure and elizabeth pulls the hood and then building through the attack. the launch fine gulf, the build sauce, and 5, the attack with holes in the roof to 4000. so what factors signed by the friends later to be back, he wasted by firefighters. it says it showed hundreds thing of the venue, so the fire exits, i'm the 1st and the by bridge towards the sun. the whole capacity is over $6000.00 seats. most of the thing is the concept where the heat of the frames pools windows shuts off. a multiple heavy buttons were sent, type of
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a place is now being contained by fi securities to be an increase at apple ro, we stations on other transport hubs in moscow. and the whole events i'm probably governing so been canceled condolences and condemnation coming from all over the world and we've been hearing from my witnesses who described events and focused city holding most of the service. i provide somebody with minuses, gate, the shooting from the menus base. suppose sickness of the i didn't see anyone while we were running out just pools of blood stripes of blood right there on the 1st floor when i was getting out. we could feel the fuse when we were still in the basement. so it had to have been rising up from below. because the hall itself is on an incline. the fumes started catching fire and probably filled up the ventilation system which pushed it down to the basement and boiler rooms. then emergency services broke the door down. someone i think it was security
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called for a 2nd group. we called back and they all made it outside the buried reactions to the most of those are all coming in from across the world with the white house comments eating, commenting on the tragedy in the immediate altima is that cost one of the details? well, we had an almost immediate reaction from the white house, john kirby, who is a national security advisor to joe biden, speaking on behalf of the white house, gave this response in the immediate aftermath of the attack. here's what he said. clearly, there are people in the, in las gone in russia that object to the way mister pool is governing the country. but i don't think we're at this early hour. we can make a link between the, the shopping all attack and in political motivations. i think we just need to,
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we more time and we need to learn more information. now the united states that it had no prior knowledge of the terrorist attack that took place, but many are raising questions about a state department travel advisory to americans in russia, that specifically mentioned concerts as possible targets for a terrorist attack and was issued just 2 weeks prior to today's her rendez of that now the russian foreign ministry spokesperson, maria, is a car of came forward with some very strong words for the united states. as russia is reacting to the horrifying scenes. here's what maria's a car of, of had to say. the white house said it's, he's no signs that ukraine or ukrainians are involved in the terrorist attack in moscow. on what basis 2 officials in washington draw any conclusions about someone's innocence in the midst of a tragedy. if the united states has or had reliable data on this matter,
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then they must be immediately transferred to the russian side. and if there is no such data, then the white house has no right to issue condolences to anyone. all those involved, as stated by the russian leadership, will be identified by the competent authorities. now, it's important to note that there was a telegram post by an individual representing the office of the ukrainian president saying, quote, let's be clear. ukraine has absolutely nothing to do with these events. and in addition to that, we have heard from the european union uh, the spokesperson. peter stano said, our thoughts are with all those russian citizens affected. the un secretary general's office that it was saddened by the reports of the shooting as well. now, there were some strong words from the president of serbia. he said, i want to express my sincere condolences, the citizens and leadership of russia,
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and the hope that the terrace will be arrested. and i hope that this will never happen again. a tragic event that has unforeseen consequences. there is no doubt. there will be a further escalation in ukraine now. he went on from there to say every day we are getting closer to a major conflict that i fear will take more lives than the 2nd world war. uh, so quite an important statement from the president of serbia and many are asking questions about that mysterious travel advisory from the us state department prior to the attack. and what us officials may or may not have known what information was available. people are also raising questions about what organizations or individuals may have been responsible for this and much information is expected to come in the following hours as the country is kind of locked down in the aftermath of these events, making sure that the perpetrators and all who aided them can be arrested and
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brought to justice, so there's a lot of sympathy and tiers and condolences for russia around the world. many around the world are offering words of sympathy, but also raising some serious questions about what caused today's advance to be able to happen. a no, yeah, my calling you the i spoke with a furniture cube list. so the lots of he said his take on who could have been behind the attack considering the circumstances in, in the conflict. can you find actually, what do your friends are doing, for example, by showing of a city like maybe or other and showing civilians what the uh, the good from your brain, which addiction with a lot of the get are you in uh, in russia is capable to do uh, nothing is impossible. so um the, so this freight that they're ready to do, absolutely anything to on rush consideration. and that's also a possibility,
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isn't it? class sides of the time in the or in unit was saying, uh, they were told him to different guesses. well, way you briefly mentioned that the us and u. k. embassies had free rule and the citizens that live here in russia of a possible attack. and now we see this attack, so come out, i mean, this is not out of the blue. you know, it's been talking about it all night with a little while gast shouldn't. if it's so clear that this was in the ukrainians. what should they be coming on? saying who it was, i mean if they know the information, but it definitely wasn't the ukrainians, then who was it? well, you have 3, you have 2 different possibilities and this is absolutely pure speculation. that's the main. the places 1st it's the ukrainians deal is done. it's finished, so you on it's not the finance. then if the u. s. embassy was aware of there's,
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they should on one of the russian government funded by this. be careful, guys. we heard about this. i knew, for example, that differential embassy as police the warning, know them are terrorist attacks, but for the election process and possible demonstrations. they asked the french citizens notes to be involved in this, and it's just a way of this. but that was not speaking about doris. the facts. now the want as the possibility also it would be that the americans would protect the premiums by saying, no, it's not them because what they want to do is the best that be nice from the inside . and then implicate groups like that of the golf, for example, or possibles, you know that the couple of days ago in the, near the, the god of some kind of russians that were fighting with the opinions again,
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against russia. they've been, um, well, they've been naturalized and that may be the american obviously could use this as a pre tax. you know, to say that people are not happy with the elections and look what's happening. we have it to the arrest attack for there's a big from the interesting there. there's a big stretch going from people not happy to what looks to be. i completely understand what, where you're saying that that could be big screws to come up with. but the facts that we're dealing with are 5 people heavily arm looking coordinated, looking militarized. i would say, as well, it's not military training. at least it looks as if the way they're coordinated, they're movement the fire afterwards. how do you plan that? because and it's the only going to attack, i know that's created a must fire afterwards on the public for that for opposite escape route. you know, it takes a lot of thinking a lot of.


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