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tv   Cross Talk  RT  March 22, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the services that in most of these 40 people killed them at least a 145 more wounded. the gunmen opened fire, the biggest of the venue. i saw that the people who were shooting were following them. i ran into the toilets and there was already a crush. it was just horrible. it was really scary. you couldn't see anything inside. some of the extent of the facilities stuck to the building which is on fire and they are at risk of stuff increasing from the the time
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as many people from around the world. it's less than those into the restaurant. washington insisted season is science between colon, but law school emphasizes the us as it is a, is a matter unless it's, this is liable. the most there to this is all change that of your company to the line from the start with breaking news from moscow. a shooting in most goes biggest comes to the new quote because city whole have killed at least 40 people with the number of casualties rising to a 145, the bats according to the regions health ministry rescue operation is on the way. unfortunately, the death toll may still rise. some people believe to remain stuck within the building, which is on fine. it's not, it took place just before the concert, the new was about to begin another. i'm
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a p. m 5 evening. several have really attractive to enter the building sitting on the gauze before shooting terrified visits. as many at point blank range. there are children ruffles of the among the dead bell that's according to the children's. and the tax is most, it's all unclear. and nobody has claimed responsibility. graphic images have been circulating online, the bodies in the building for you. i'm outside spiegel flagged for the leasing. one exposure was reported. the hood and the building during the fact of some large fine gulf, the building started by the effect as well as in the roof to for the fall, dozens, which 5 inside by the flames, later to be evacuated by firefighters. so did showed hundreds fleeing the venue instead of 5 exits and of course knew by bridges towards the sun. the whole
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capacity is over $6000.00 seats and most of the tickets. so the concept reports of diesel. the heat of the flames, close windows, the shy saw a multiple, his options was sent to tackle. the blades is now being contained by firefighters. security has been increased the efforts by which stations, and other transport hubs in moscow. and we'll pull that, i'm hoping gatherings have been temporarily tempt the condolences i'm condemnation of coming from all over the world. we are there. we heard from my witnesses or just lived. events that grow goes to the hole in the mosca. but as mentioned before, over a 140 casualties and at least 40 people last i liked the shooting started at 1st, people ran away quickly. there was some noise. then i saw that the people who were shooting were following them. people were pushing through those doors faster and faster. there were still guards,
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their checking bags and tickets. i was going up the escalator at this point. i ran into the toilets and there was already a crush. it was just horrible. it was really scary. you couldn't see anything inside. i couldn't even get down even though there was only one flight of stairs. already, as i've said, how the vice being built on the console i'm part of the roof has been prevented from collapsing and casualty numbers of continued to rise. his all costs on don't pull it up with more details as well as you can see behind me. the reality on the ground reflects what the russian authorities have already said. the fire has been uh, gotten under control. this entire roof of the building behind me was engulfed in flames or fears that the roof was going to collapse in on the building. because the fire was, we could see alongside the fire parts of the facade coming off of the building, embers falling onto the ground. but as of now,
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we haven't heard of many of we haven't really heard from helicopters come by. as of recently, whereas when the fire was really raging, we saw a helicopter of their helicopter coming with buckets of water to aid the firefighters that were fighting the fire on the scene. but right now we can only see isolated fire hoses on the roof. there were a firefighters are working to combat the last bits of the fire that are, that is still raging on a small part of the roof of the building. but there is still a lot of smoke. smoke was basically went to an entirely different part of the, of this neighborhood. there was so much of it. and in terms of casual casualty statistics, the russian health ministry has recently raised that to 145 people. 40 people killed. 77 were, are still in the hospital being treated for their injuries. and unfortunately it's been mentioned that 7 children were among those who suffered as
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a result of this terrorist attack. and the response from the mosque out sick emergency services was a huge, really, the russian health ministry said that over 70 brigades of emergency services were deployed to the area, paramedics, firefighters, in conjunction with the rest of the response to this terrorist attack. we also heard that the national guard and cooperation with the special service special forces storms the building earlier um. but after, after that, that was a bit quite a while ago after actually evacuations have already taken place. everyone's out of the building. and right now the situation is much calmer than it was earlier in the night that we receive that services. so tensional, crocus, so the whole firefighters and police are working at the scene. this video shows a body being carried out of the facility as was the into the tragedy. and i mean, it's as active placed in
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a hole that was nearly to lose ballroom dancing composition. hundreds of competitive age 6. so 15 rushed out of the buildings as the effect and find behind from a parent. one of the dogs is who witnessed the who were fixing the system. so i need to need everyone from the dance competition was running, escaping and whatever it was they were wearing like they ran out and dance dresses, no coats just their costumes. they were running as fast as they could to reach the metro. they left all of their stuff left behind everything they had with them. we saw the building on fire. there were 2 bodies near the dressing room. probably somebody's parents, the shooting was right next door. that hall, that's all over the video on. social media is right next to the entrance to the dance competition. but try the events, of course, are occurring, and let's talk about this in more detail as cost lied to join this new boys are
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much. so thanks so much for joining me here today on ok. see now of course these are terrible times when you heard about what's going on. what was your 1st reaction? i immediately saw to of the warnings that the us and british embassy sent out on march 7th, saying that there's an attack by extremist spending and warning getting us and british citizens in moscow to stay away from any sort of venue such as concerts and people kind of forgot that this happened because nothing immediately followed these warnings, but that, that's basically what my 1st thought was. interesting that, uh, these reports that came out on the mach 7, it's all about. so now basically, you know, gathering lodge of the news. it came from the us and the u. k. is interesting all the co incidence behind it because if they knew or if they have some sort of
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intelligence, why would they share it with the russian counsel box as well? i remember commenting at the time, the better sure, the, everything they have with mosque, how otherwise they'll be seen as completed in whatever happens. and now there's reactions from washington saying, oh no, this was something completely different and this is completely unrelated. well, how do you know if you know, if you don't know anything about this particular one, as john kirby claimed to not know during the white house briefing today, i mean, it doesn't add up. how can you be sure if that this is not the same thing? if you don't know anything about the things that just happen both can't be true at the same time. so something's really, fisher about it. i'm not saying the us did this. but it certainly very, very strange that you know, here to people who are saying, oh, something like this might happen. and then it does. well, what's the, you know, how would you know what your role in it, what, what is the role of your intelligence in this? and with last course, a comes at a time when you know what the us is,
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practically it more with russia and ukraine. and it's talking about, you know, all of this sending money weapons and everything else to keep have. and it's the end to a government that has been known to commit terrorist attacks. and then to us by agencies later say, oh yeah, this totally happened and they did this, but we, we are for the record, we totally oppose this and we've criticize them for it. and yet they keep helping them and nothing ever happens to cut back on these kinds of terrorist attacks by the key of government. so you draw your all's inclusions, but i think it's pretty, pretty obvious the yeah, well the truth will come out in the and that so, so the be all see, you know, you just to follow up on what you're saying. you said that there is uh that, well the us said the look at this wasn't new claim. so obviously it has some sort of intelligence that clearly that the information up according to them is correct. we've heard from uh,
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west and media outlets like cnn and the new york times that apparently the terrace roop ice, a little dias auditing to the attack. but i also planned those reports of fake, given that that dice has been much less active in recent is what, what, what are the challenges of those reports being real or fake? a lot for the i've heard the claim about i still as well. and then it very quickly said this is a totally fabricated statement. it was completely debunked, you know, don't, don't pay any attention to it by reputable reliable sources. so i'm not really sure what to think of it. plus this isn't really their style and not to, you know, in so far as they have one, you know, historically they're much more into suicide bombings and, and hostage taking and, and, you know, flashy execution. this is, this is much more reminiscent of you know,
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the old chechen wars before before. attaching is sort of found itself and, and the kind of mass occurs that beside and tomorrow of, and, and their us back the old used to do and honestly, where are those people today? well, they're in the west and in ukraine, and they've been given political asylum in britain and so forth. you know, so if, if something happens with the signature, you would think they just started looking for people who used to do this sort of thing. in russia, you know, 1012 years ago i die, you know, and the isis, i mean it's, it's the, it's the perfect phantom menace. it's been declared defeated several times. and yet it did exist just enough for the us to legally occupy half a serial extensively to, to try to prevent it from re re emergence. well, if the us is there to prevent guys from lee emerging and isis has reimbursed the attack pressure, again, draw your own conclusions. somebody's not doing their job correctly here. i can, i don't think he was ices. i really honestly think the simplest explanation is
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probably the best, but i don't have any actual information to base those conclusions. so i'm just going to have to wait for the official investigation just like everybody else. yeah, we don't want us like united too much. uh this days, but washington has said, like i said before it see washington says this 5 know me. it says it says no evidence of the the involvement in the inside. and keep as also denied to any role that we don't want to jump to conclusions. but as an educated mind with extensive, do you put the knowledge? what's your? all right, ma'am? yes. well, i, but again, if the us has evidence that this wasn't ukraine, it should show it us as evidence. evidence pointing to who it actually was. it should show it, you know, you create is always denied responsibility for its terrorist attacks. whether it
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did this was the murder of daria. do you know or did the, the bombing of the cafe in st. petersburg killed mister tarsh key or the attempted murder. mister per lapping for the multiple attacks and a premium bridge. and then later on the immediate, oh yeah, it was totally us and you know what this is? yeah. it is lead you to do your times. yeah. it was ukraine, but you know, we don't approve of this. so, you know, somebody is lying here. if the u. s. government has evidence that points to the actual corporate of this terrorist attack, they should release of public key and they should do it. now. they should, but will they will, they won't. absolutely not. they'll quote sources and methods and play stupid just like they always do now. and this go to, i don't know if you've heard about this list too and is phone man. so they, he posted a tweet saying, i quote, navigate, so let's not lose sight that. would you? what do you make of such a reaction? what does it mean? it just means that he's obsessed with the conflict in ukraine and,
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and considers himself to mean character in a video game. if you had some sort of big hero, that is, you know, about to ride in on a course in shining armor to deliver ukraine from russia. or whatever, a completely delusional, mr. lance ferguson really should just, you know, sit down and read a book and definitely not be a foreign minister because he's out of his gaps here. um, you know, a, it'd be a secret, at least to play live paid lip service to send condolences to the families of innocent civilians and were killed in this as far as attack. but no, he couldn't even muster that he just immediately had to try to divert attention to his own narrative industries disgraceful. i mean the police with when you had any decency they would fire him immediately. yeah, it's interesting to see that on x a few hours ago. all right, let's talk a bit this one about this. i mean, you know,
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ross is just had an election last week fairly, pretty much all of our, the russian citizens, all those votes anyway, quite high number. want to present, put into continue the future for the big 6 years. so there's a 5th of him. there's rewards that rushes the raw, the well on the battlefield. no problem is that also building new allies across the globe. i'm thinking, upsets do think the west is upset and so just think whoever is creating these attacks are actually upset about how well rushes doing. and perhaps that could be the reason that the timing. so this whole, if we're looking for motive, i would say absolutely that it's, you know, it, it would be a that they would be pointing towards people who want russia to be strategically defeated as they put it on i've, i've already heard
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a whole bunch of pro ukrainian accounts and, you know, certain people considering themselves, reputable western analysts who really aren't claiming that this was some kind of russian falls flag to justify mobilization or some kind of, you know, popular support for an escalation of the conflict. but as you just pointed out, we just got a lot of security mandate for the next 6 years with the kind of margin of victory. the politicians in the west could only dream of. and he doesn't need to drum up any sort of support, you know, even assuming that the russian government would be so cynical it would be absolutely no need for this. in fact, it does the fact that the jump to this conclusion immediately as if a talking point went out on to the scale of some kind of emailing list or, or whatever, you know, the use these days to steal, to start talking, false flag falls flag to me is the sort of concession through projection to the fact that, you know, the, the most obvious culprits in this case is,
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is key as and it's western bankers who would reasonably be expected to offer some kind of evidence. or at least an attempts to make an effort to say no, it was in us. and yet here they are, you know, saying, oh no, it was totally the cynical evil russians doing this to themselves. again, confession through projection. i think you're trying to accuse the other side of what they themselves are doing. i don't want to point the finger at anybody without hard evidence. and nobody should, like, my suspicions are aroused by this, that, you know, this is the kind of talking points that's making rounds on social media from to pick the kinds of people who are professionally and, and privately promoting ukrainian narratives about this content. what was it before i get completely cut off i, i guess on earlier, we're talking about the possibility of, uh, an as of a battalion within the ranks revolts that this could be just the speculation on it
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and what levels, bye good idea of this. at this time, well, what are your thoughts on that as a possibility? as a rogue element operating in rush, it should be radically possible, but i would imagine that they would be more inclined to revolt against the ukrainian government. that's, you know, about to be routed on the battlefield. anything is possible, we just have to ask ourselves what is more likely for them after they've of that as always, a pleasure and ability to advise size. so we do things, we want to enjoy them age, they are not the most be who again, hopefully on that time. right now we've heard of course from many eye witnesses who described the events of the coca city hall. just to remind you to us open fire that lead me over a 140 casualties of at least 40 the 2nd. listen to the eye witness statements. yes, 0 is the i was on the balcony. those we didn't think it was shots. just the audience greeting the musicians. at 1st we didn't think much of it,
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but then it became clear that something scary was going on. suddenly someone shouted that there was shooting and we had to evacuate. we ran right down towards the stage. at some point everyone stopped. everyone just lay down on the stage. i was trying to scramble behind the speaker because i saw a person with some kind of firearm. we ran behind the curtain and one of the lobby staff was already standing there. he said, run, this is the way you just joining us now, a shooting in mos cuz the biggest concept, the new quote close to the city will have killed that. these 40 people with the number of casualties rising to a 145 bucks. according to the regents health ministry, a rescue operation is on the way the death though, may still rise. some people, uh, but it's a main stuck within the building,
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which is on fire and they risk suffocating from the sticks by the facts took place just before a concept of the venue was i had 0, but he was about to begin and that was at around 8 pm on friday evening. that was about 7 hours ago now. and that's as of taxes into the building, getting the gauze and police shooting out of 5 because many points like silver ripple to the among the dead that's according to the slipping on. but now they apply cuz it much is onto it and nobody is paying for responsibility. graphic images have been circulating on line of bodies in the building for you about sizes, people fled for the box, at least one explosion was reported to be heard. and then building during the attack as an lodge fine go, the building side by the attack is closing the roof to fall apart. those are the types inside by the flames lights on to be back to a 2 by firefighters,
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for that showed hundreds of thing in the venue to fire exits, and that was a nearby bridge towards the subway of the age of the now security has been increased add ports, railways and stations, and other jobs blogs and months ago. and beyond all events, i'm public gatherings for being canceled condolences. i'm condemnation of coming from all over the world that i've been able to say in a most go as express condolences to me, but the terms of the tragedy reported that none of its compliances is injured. and the inside the south african embassy stuff in moscow, including low colored, equip that personnel or accounted for. we've also made contact with all so that we can students and that we know of what based and most cool and the are all
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safe. they so that we can government condemns this and all of the act of tara, we believe the terrorism in any shape or form and for what ever reason does not belong in our society and should be condemned by who would like to send a message of condolences to the government of russia to the assemblies of the victims, as well as those that are in jet wished them a speedy recovery. this is a situation that will continue to monitor. and we show the shape of d as in when we received information reactions to the most good to effect all coming in from across the world, with the winehouse commencing on the treasure. the men immediate bounce off hazel costs for the capable of in the details. well, we had an almost immediate reaction from the white house, john kirby, who is
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a national security advisor to joe biden, speaking on behalf of the white house, gave this response in the immediate aftermath of the attack. here's what he said. clearly. you know, there are people in, in, in las gone in russia, that object to the way mister pool is governing the, the country. but i don't think we're at this early hour. we can make a link between the, the shopping all attack and in political motivations. i think we just need to, we more time and we need to learn more information. now the united states that it had no prior knowledge of the terrorist attack that took place, but many are raising questions about a state department travel advisory to americans in russia, that specifically mentioned concerts as possible targets for a terrorist attack and was issued just 2 weeks prior to today's her rendez of that, now the russian foreign ministry spokesperson maria's
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a car of came forward with some very strong words for the united states. as russia is reacting to the horrifying scene. here's what maria's a car of, of had to say. the white house said it sees no signs that ukraine or ukrainians are involved in the terrorist attack in moscow. on what basis 2 officials in washington draw any conclusions about someone's innocence in the midst of a tragedy. if the united states has or had reliable data on this matter, then they must be immediately transferred to the russian side. and if there is no such data, then the white house has no right to issue condolences to anyone. all those involved, as stated by the russian leadership, will be identified by the competent authorities. now, it's important to note that there was a telegram post by an individual representing the office of the ukrainian president saying, quote, let's be clear. ukraine has absolutely nothing to do with these events. and in
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addition to that, we have heard from the european union uh, the spokesperson. peter stano said our thoughts are with all those russian citizens effective, the un secretary general's office, that it was saddened by the reports of the shooting as well. now, there were some strong words from the president of serbia. he said, i want to express my sincere condolences, the citizens and leadership of russia, and the hope that the terrace will be arrested. and i hope that this will never happen again. a tragic event that has unforeseen consequences. there is no doubt. there will be a further escalation in ukraine now. he went on from there to say every day we are getting closer to a major conflict that i fear will take more lives than the 2nd world war. uh, so quite an important statement from the president of serbia and many are asking
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questions about that mysterious travel advisory from the us state department prior to the attack. and what us officials may or may not have know what information was available. people are also raising questions about what organizations or individuals may have been responsible for this and much information is expected to com and the following hours as the country is kind of locked down in the aftermath of these events, making sure that the perpetrators and all who aided them can be arrested and brought to justice. uh, there's a lot of sympathy and tiers and condolences for russia around the world. many around the world are offering words of sympathy, but also raising some serious questions about what caused today's adapts to be able to happen. so this is just an $140.00 and casualty that moves them is all rising. however, the death toll has if finds, arisen,
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it is now confirmed that at least 6 the people have lost their lives in this type. jake tragic event that happened just that 6 or 7 hours ago at look focus or how closely we can see up to date with those numbers as they come in . now meanwhile, the neil times reporting that merican officials all worried that president put in good quote, seek to falsify false, neutralize they blame in frame. let's think of this. american officials are worried that president vladimir putin of russia could seek to falsely blame ukraine for fridays attack, putting pressure on western governments to identify those they believe may be responsible. mister putin, frequently twists events. even the tragic wants to fit his public narrative. and he has been quick to accuse ukraine of acts of terrorism to justify his invasion of
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the country. what was the cost live to us intelligence officer and host of the very popular said the whistle bows. miss that john carrier donnell is advised, as i said to isaac times. uh somebody here in the mostly indeed. um, when you 1st hood of what had happened, how did you react to what was your 1st reaction? my 1st reaction was one of confusion and you know, what? let me preface this by, by saying that how much i want to extend my sincere condolences to the russian people. this is a tragedy for which there's no, no excuse there can never be an excuse. but my 1st reaction was one of, of confusion because of, you know, this, this kind of thing. it seemed to me uh that it hasn't affected or afflicted the russian people in decades. this is something that the russian struggled with during
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the bad times in chechnya and it just doesn't happen anymore. the more i thought about it though, the more i thought how it could be the slum estate. this lumnick state a initiates a tax everywhere we've seen inactive in afghanistan and in the philippines in this the hill region of africa. and i wondered if this was perhaps not related to the conflict in your brain that it was related actually to the, the much lower profile conflict in syria. and now at least here in the states dates we're, we're hearing that there may have been a, a claim of responsibility from this long steve watching us also the need to, uh, we've been hearing reports on west media outlets like this, like cnn. and then you'll times all the services i so buyers isis, which apparently has been reported to the wipes out because we've heard the us say


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