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tv   News  RT  March 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the service itself and most of the new 60 people killed. i'm at least a 145 more wounded. the government opened fire cities biggest. i'm so i saw that the people who were shooting were following them. i ran into the toilets and there was already a crush. it was just horrible. it was really scary. you couldn't see anything inside. some of the they sensibilities to still be stopped within the building,
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which is on fire. and they are at risk of suffocating from 6 times as many people from around the world express condolences to the people of washington, washington insistence. he's new signs of between bowman last emphasizes of the us as new say in the masa, unless it possesses with reliable the foremost good to the world. this is obviously as the target company today, lines brought to long. now we saw this out with breaking news from the shooting in most cases because the concept of a new focus city who has killed at least 16 people with the number of casualties rising to a 145. and that's put into the regions health menissi. resi operation is on the way the desk told me,
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they still buys somebody will are the leaves to remain stocks within the village, which is on fire. and they was suffocating from fix. i met up children, reports of the among the dead, that's according to the children's home. but now we heard earlier earlier we heard from light witnesses who just loved the events. i focused to deal a musket where the tears opened flat the right. so uh, these images. all right, so we're gonna get back to that, but for now let's close. uh to uh, see for this one and don't full today's the see dog. what updates do you have for
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us? well i'm or i behind me you can see crocus, city hall, the building that was engulfed in flames on the roof of the building. i was there actually from the moments after this terrible terrorist attack that took place there was uh, i mean, embers coming off from the, the roof. there were fears that the roof was going to collapse in while people were still trapped inside. luckily, that didn't happen. and as you can see behind me, i mean there's not that much of a fire left. there's plenty of smoke, but according to the authorities, the fire has been localized. unfortunately, casualties have been recorded. casualties have been rising as time has gone on so far, they've risen to 60 dead and, and met over 100 wounded. unfortunately, around 7 children had been counted in that casualty figure as well. but we've also got word from the authorities that representatives from russia's interior ministry, the national guard,
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the investigative committee. and they've all been actually giving watermark, put in presence. let them are putting information as to what's been going on, their findings, their work they've been doing. and that information is coming to the president's desk a minute by minute, as this situation continues to unravel. and of course, right now we don't have a confirmation as to who was behind this attack and why it was carried out. we just know that there are 5 mast gunmen who open fire eye witnesses talked about the explosions, which likely gave rise to the fire itself. so as a, the investigative committee continues to look into this. we're likely to have some more answers in the coming hours. totaled doing knows everyone's really evacuated. we know that evacuations have taken place, and i mean, there hasn't been any official statements specifically on whether or not every
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single person has been evacuated. but i'm, i'm assuming that, that, that is the case. all right, we'll have to keep an eye on that for us. if you wouldn't mind. i'd seahorse one though, for the boys. good to see, stay safe. and that was again soon, no doubt, 9 square feet. so that's all of the attacks. as my colleagues, i don't what it says stands at 6 the people now that's according to the statement by the russian investigative committee in the us, within the framework of this criminal case, a set of investigative actions is currently being carried out. also ortiz from the investigative committee together with the federal security service. the interior ministry are currently examining the victims bodies. unfortunately, we must say that the death toll from this terrorist attack is increasing. at the moment we can talk about more than 60 dead investigators of will say seized weapons
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and ammunition from the crime scene. those are currently being examined genetic fingerprint. i'm ballistic inspections of the weapons, ammunition and other evidence of being conducted. cctv video has been collected and is being studied by specialists. this is all of the information we have so far. daily received it so it's just fitted from crocus. so the whole firefighters and police are working at the scene. this video shows a body being carried down to the facility. it was the interior of the tragedy. near survivors of the attack offsetting to show the stories. one young woman saved himself by putting that in front of the ship and they were standing by the exit. we were heading towards, they saw us, some of them ran back here and started shooting at people. i fell down on the floor and tried to play dead and the go next to me was killed. then the fire broke out.
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they closed the 2. i guess they couldn't look it up. i was lying under the door, just breathing. i had no energy left in me. some time past 3 or 4 minutes, maybe i crawled out, looked around and went to the exit. i saw that no one was that. so i went outside, this is tara talk, so price in a whole that was never showed, was ballroom dancing, competition, hundreds of competitors, aged $6.00 to $15.00. last out, the building as the tech has opened, fine, i would heard from a parent one of the dancers who witnessed me who were fixing the issue. and so i need to need everyone from the dance competition was running, escaping and whatever it was they were wearing. they ran out and dance dresses, no coats just their costumes. they were running as fast as they could to reach the metro. they left all of their stuff left behind everything they had with them. we saw the building on fire. there were 2 bodies near the dressing room. probably somebody's parents, the shooting was right next door. that hall,
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that's all over the video on. social media is right next to the entrance to the dance competition. but as things are develop here in moscow, this like a broader look at a g, a patrol sign of this and speak to full a senior security policy. our list, mr. michael maloof. michael, thanks so much for joining us here to that. i'll see now. first question is, i suppose we'll be with new hood what was happening here in most go. what was your 1st reaction us? well, thanks for having me. i let me extend my sincere condolences, 1st of all, to the people of russia over this tragic tragic event. my very 1st claim was i'm that, that, that this was clearly a terrorist attack. and i, and i became bothered by the fact that we had no further information on who the attackers were, nobody was, was identifying themselves. but what really bothering me was that the 2 weeks
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earlier, the american embassy had extended warnings of an imminent attack to public places including concerts. and then i heard that this information had not necessarily been shared with russian authorities. notwithstanding the fact that we have issues between the united states and russia, and we should be cooperative. if that's the case. i don't know if information was or was not passed. but the fact is that the united states had some viable information that they even went. so far as to make a public statement in the united states, warning us citizens not to travel to russia and not to an end for and for americans in russia to hunker down and not to go to public places. that should have been a clear now to russian authorities. they should have been alert to public gatherings
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generally. and i'm bothered by the fact that this is that, that, that this was so easily accomplished by, by terrorist. and they are terrorists a little late. sorry. go ahead so much so you know, you hear, we hear that. yes, these reports did come on march 7th. what was the date when the us and the united kingdom both rifle is it that uh, that they couldn't be some unrest in moscow and advise it citizens to stay away from holidays and gatherings. this is information that they to be had. now, on the flip side, we've also had heard from the united states saying that under no circumstances was ukraine involved in this attack, they also come out and said that the key is also come out and says that they would not be involved with all this information. out there,
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is it not the is it not the responsibility of the people that have the knowledge to share the knowledge and perhaps if they know so clearly who didn't do it? so maybe somebody out there today us who did do it? well, we don't know the extent of the detail of the information that was provided a part of that the us have gather they clearly had entail. and it was of sufficient concern to, to us authorities and 2 u. k authorities and they, they share intelligence a lot to, to, to at least to alert us citizens now. now the question, and so that means to me that they had an idea given the sources and methods of gathering that tell where it came from, who was involved in it, and it had to be credible enough for them to them warned us citizens. and you case
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citizens not to travel there. so it, they had some idea. so if, if information was not past and we don't know, but we really don't know that. but i hope it was that they us did not want to give up sources and methods of how they acquired the information. i don't think it was human. i don't think it was human intelligence collection. i think it was more of a of us yet, or our signals intelligence. but that's, that only gives you a snapshot. and that doesn't necessarily mean that they have the full story themselves. front of yeah. okay. should have been a warning given to russian authorities and, and, and russian authorities should have been more alert to public gatherings. but we didn't, we didn't, we didn't know to what extent the information was sent. but,
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you know, i lived a, but we hear about that when, when the us says it was a involved, then the plane wasn't able. he did throw up us in this game. good, no reports and pay the now interested me down to is like cnn and the new york times, they say that the terrorist group apparently is still active. i so the shower, we will not corrupt. pronounce their names, but supposedly they're behind the at that. now this is as this, as many claim, those the fullest off fake, and the list. what are your thoughts? do they all think they could be just smoking mirrors? there may be something to it. again, we have no definitive information. i wish the united states would be more forthcoming with russian authorities at this stage of things given the tragedy that has occurred to be able to give some further insights from michael, you're saying there's no definitive business. sorry,
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i didn't mean to cut you off that you said is that definitive but that, but we'll see. and that are reporting, it isn't not, does not make it true. so if you listen to cnn, believe everything they say they, the 8, i don't believe a thing. cnn says, but, but we have, you know, you have to have, you have to be able to verify the information. but the fact that is that the united states had intelligence and so efficient and an alarming intelligence enough to be able to warn us and u. k. citizens tells me that they felt it was a liable, sufficiently reliable to pass it on like that. and it should have been passed to russian authorities as well. that's all right, so we don't know who it was. so we don't know who it was yet. investigation is on the way. the fact that they have forensics going on now looking at the weapons and whatever that was left behind, which was, unless,
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unless the perpetrators were wearing gloves or what have you, hopefully they can gain fingerprints or something like that. i'd like to know what, what those where use, where they western weapons, where they a case, you know, who knows me. i don't know how we will find out know that when that information is released, but we'll just switch to the issue with my see. so i shall die assuming the name do we know is this the star? cuz i know it's more more of tied up. it's the end. and if you recall to that, and it could also be folks out of um, internally, i mean, it can go shaqia or dr. stein, and you've had a history of this in the past. chechnya, in which of the explosions occurred, like in 2010 in the moscow subway. that was, that that was the, i mean,
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this kind of, of the attack. and what about the attack a number of years ago on, on an add another opera house in and, and they, and they shot and killed a lot of terrorists and those have to be internal. so this is something now that indicates to me that there may be an internal rebellion as well that that, that needs to be looked at. but your can't, your, your interior services should have been on top of this. and i'm, i'm bothered by the fact that says it says that they're like, given the warning public warning, the u. s. and the u. k. gave to its own citizens. but that wasn't a clue. and i get to, to uh, watch public gatherings, especially concerts because that was one of the things i mentioned in the us entail . yeah. interesting in the house. and so this 11 from a to be was there's also said that the puts in may use this attack as
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a sort of i know falls flags directly. blame you claim, and perhaps escalate things. could that be a possibility? i think he's going to want hard facts 1st i i give list to put in a lot of credit. he's an intel man. he has a background. he's just not going to fly off the handle because if it was in fact ukrainian was, is i, i would not want to be in ukraine to not sure or it's, but it's going to take a while to gather the information. but i think he wants to be absolutely sure. as i said he's, he has a, he has an intel background and i think that he's going to want as much fact as he can get an analysis that he can get before he makes any move. but i, but i, i believe that action will be taken once they have determined who did it. and i think that us authority should come forward and tell russian authorities what they
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know as to the origin of the intel that they had before to, to just 2 weeks ago. yeah. is it is wiring indeed. i do remember the good old days when a government is to talk to each other, especially when it comes to like during civilian lives phase. yeah, we still do. we still do have some counter intel and counterterrorism. a cooperation going, but i don't, i, i really think the us was more in the position of wanting to protect its sources and methods. then then wanting to divulge anything to the authorities. now i may be totally wrong. i don't know if rushed to the authorities were briefed but that's something that we should hear from the rest of the authorities. sure, sure, sure. all right, well then i have to let you go. one more thing. timing. interesting when the time
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is a, when does come with the presidential elections? clearly the people of russia or them to continue with the car only the need for another fits is any way. it does a timing of these attacks to say into and this one over there, this was the of the elections. i think it does. i think it was to demonstrate weakness on the part of the leadership and, and, and i think that's why i think mr. perkins has his work cut out for him now from a, from a security standpoint, to look to see just who was involved in this activity. and to actually go out and impulse other, other governments or what they know, what they're in till the other countries clearly had intelligence of some kind, whether it was human or, or signal intelligence or, or
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a combination of the 2. but they, they, they, at this point, other governments need to cooperate with russia to get to the bottom of this because we cannot tolerate it. you know, i to, i wish you had a lot of time. i'd also told see more about a security policy because, i mean, i live at an age where i mentioned one thing to my, uh, in the vicinity of my, my iphone. i mean, already is giving me adverts. i mean, surely, everybody's listening to everybody these days. i don't think there is anything that's out there that secret, but anyway, this, this intel business is very interesting. but after leaving that my family applies. it sold a d as a thank you so much. thank you for letting me. thanks for helping me. so now we've been hearing from my witnesses who disliked events. adam quote, this said to hold in, we'll estimate what terrace, oakland 5 leaving over a 140 casualties. i'm at least 6. the evil that my system is the only thing i
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was on the balcony. we didn't think it was shots, just the audience screening the musicians. at 1st we didn't think much of it, but then it became clear that something scary was going on. suddenly someone shouted that there was shooting and we had to evacuate. we ran right down towards the stage where you at some point everyone stopped. everyone just lay down on the stage. i was trying to scramble behind the speaker because i saw a person with some kind of firearm. we ran behind the curtain and one of the lobby staff was already standing there. he said, run though it was the embassy in moscow as express condolences to all the victims of tried to get it real pointed that none of it was combined for it was injured in the back in this so as we can embassy stuff in most schools including low calorie quartet personnel or accounted for we've also made contact with all so that we can students and that we know of
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a web based and most cool. and they are all safe. they so that we can government condemns this and or other x of toyota. we believe the terrorism in any shape or form and for what ever reason does not belong in our society and should be condemned by all. we'd like to send a message of condolence as to the government of russia to the assemblies of the victims. as well as those that are inject, wished them a speedy recovery. this is a situation that will continue to monitor. and we show the shape of d, as in when we received information very directions to the moscow. so as firefox coming in from across the world, with the white house commenting on the tragedy, the immediate off them off is of correspondent to plus one kind of both in the
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details. well, we had an almost immediate reaction from the white house, john kirby, who is a national security advisor to joe biden, speaking on behalf of the white house, gave this response in the immediate aftermath of the attack. here's what he said. clearly, there are people in the, in las gone and russia that object to the way mr. brewton is governing the, the country. but i don't think we're at this early hour. we can make a link between the, the, the shopping mall attack and in political motivations as an excuse. we just need to, we more time and we need to learn more information. now the united states that it had no prior knowledge of the terrorist attack that took place, but many are raising questions about a state department travel advisory to americans in russia, that specifically mentioned concerts as possible targets for
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a terrorist attack and was issued just 2 weeks prior to today's her rendez of that, now the russian foreign ministry spokesperson maria's a car of came forward with some very strong words for the united states. as russia is reacting to the horrifying scenes. here's what marie is a car of a had to say the white house said it sees no signs that ukraine or ukrainians are involved in the terrorist attack in moscow. on what basis 2 officials in washington draw any conclusions about someone's innocence in the midst of a tragedy. if the united states has or had reliable data on this matter, then they must be immediately transferred to the russian side. and if there is no such data, then the white house has no right to issue condolences to anyone. all those involved, as stated by the russian leadership, will be identified by the competent authorities. now it's important to note that there was a telegram post by an individual representing the office of the ukrainian president saying, quote,
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let's be clear. ukraine has absolutely nothing to do with these. is that uh, and in addition to that, we have heard from the european union uh, the spokesperson, peter stano said, our thoughts are with all those russian citizens effective, the un secretary general's office, that it was saddened by the reports of the shooting as well. now there were some strong words from the president of serbia. he said, i want to express my sincere condolences, the citizens and leadership of russia, and the hope that the terrace will be arrested. and i hope that this will never happen again. a tragic event that has unforeseen consequences. there is no doubt. there will be a further escalation in ukraine now. he went on from there to say every day we are getting closer to a major conflict that i fear will take more lives than the 2nd world war. uh, so quite an important statement from the president of serbia and many are asking
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questions about that mysterious travel advisory from the us state department prior to the attack. and what us officials may or may not have known what information was available. people are also raising questions about what organizations or individuals may have been responsible for this and much information is expected to come in the following hours as the country is kind of locked down in the aftermath of these events, making sure that the perpetrators and all who aided them can be arrested and brought to justice. uh, there's a lot of sympathy and tiers and condolences for russia around the world. many around the world are offering words of sympathy, but also raising some serious questions about what caused today's adapts to be able to happen to be lost. the neil finds all reports in the american officials, all worried that person present good quote,
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seek to falsify blame. you claim the 2nd lesson, american officials are worried that president vladimir putin of russia, could seek to falsely blame ukraine for fridays attack. putting pressure on western governments to identify those they believe may be responsible. mr. brewton frequently twists events. even tragic wants to fit his public narrative. and he has been quick to accuse ukraine of acts of terrorism to justify his invasion of the country from the u. s. office score, but it says it's a pain in the us, a sponsor. that's the reason, that's fine. in most i have no, no thought at all that these are russians. this quieted by this victory. quite the contrary. when 88 percent of the people of russia support boot. and it's because they trust him to bring this fanatical nazi regime pumped up by the
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united states and france and germany and britain to an end. that is part of this strategy as well. they have initiated the terrorist attack again to blunt and try and slow down the russian advance and push russia into a settlement of ukraine. i think that's the heart of this. and i do think john kirby is a pathological liar and nothing you can. he can say can be trusted, his crocodile tears about feeling, sorry for the russian people and the victims. he never emanated any sort of uh, sadness when they were genocide in the people of don bass and other places. but i do think it's a terrorist attack, meant to try and force russia to the negotiating table to, to soften the blow. but i think it'll lead right back to key evans, a zalinski regime. and they, they have been preparing these terrorists the cycle paths for over 10 years. so they shouldn't surprise us. so i think they're trying to provoke russia into
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a counter strike to justify a larger war. this is exactly what mal, kronen, schultz and shack and bite, and one is the russians to attack americans. theaters are british theaters out of revenge, and the russians won't do that. of course, people abroad have also the morning with most got residents of minutes. google flowers, the russian embassy to pay that respect to those types of died in a tacit time. carlos on file is also piled up outside the russian embassy in vegas . as those in moldova, i need an ice them to also arrange memorials and expression of support for the victims. and we've been hearing from eye witnesses or describe the types of the quote, the city hold in moscow, a toast. opening fire, leaving over a $140.00 wounded at least 60 that the concept of just when i was at the concert, i was in the amphitheatre just before the descent kicked off about 5 minutes before
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the concert started. i heard distant machine gun fire. i wasn't sure that's what it was or rather, i couldn't believe that was a possibility which i started to panic. i realized it was something scary with my 1st thoughts with it, we were being held hostage. i quickly started looking for a way out nearby. there was a service entrance, a whole crowd of us run out of that was on federal investigative, have designated the incident as a terrorist attack and said, a criminal inquiry is on the way his full state. folks are pretty sure the main investigation department of the russian investigative community has initiated a criminal case into the incident at the cro. cuz city who concert venue on the article. 2 of 5 of the russian federations criminal code, which is a terrorist act central committee, of the russian investigative committee is at the scene. investigators have been examining the crime scene. they've uncovered


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