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tv   Documentary  RT  March 22, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

10:30 pm
lucas city, whole concept thing use on the article to a 5 of the russian federations criminal code, which is a terrorist act. central committee of the russian investigative committee is at the scene that my colleagues, you know, the on ice for the to, for it to do both of the hours sit in the laptop. he said his views about who could've been behind itsec considering the circumstances in, in the conflict. can you find, actually, what are your plans are doing? for example, by showing a city like may go to other and showing civilians what the uh, the good from your brain. which of the to with a lot of the get, are you in uh, in russia is capable to do nothing is impossible. so, um the, so this freight that they're ready to do absolutely anything to on russian to diversion. and that's also a possibility, isn't it quite a sides of the timing though, or, and you know, was saying uh,
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they were talking to different guests as well. way you briefly mentioned that the us and u. k. embassies had free rule and the citizens that live here in russia of a possible attack. and now we see this attack. so come out, i mean, this is not out of the blue. you know, it's been tilting about it all night with a little ghast. shouldn't. if it's so clear that this was in the ukrainians, what should they be coming out and saying who it was? i mean if they know the information that it definitely was in the ukrainians, then who was it? well you have 3, you have 2 different possibilities and this is absolutely pure speculation. yeah. the main, the places 1st it's the ukrainians deal is done spanish. so gonna it's not the finance. then if the u. s. embassy was aware of this, they should on one of the russian government about this. definitely, guys,
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we heard about this. i knew, for example, the differential embassy as police, the warning, nothing about terrorist attacks, but for the election process and possible demonstrations. they asked their friend citizens notes to be involved in this and this is a way of this, but that was not speaking about terrorist attacks. now they want us to possibly also it could be that the americans would protect the premiums by saying, no, it's not them because what they want to do is the best advice from the inside. and then implicate groups like that of the golf, for example, or possibles, you know that the couple of days ago in the, near the god, some kind of russians that were fighting with the opinions again, against russia. they've been, um, well, they've been naturalized and that may be the american obviously could use this as
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a pre tax. you know, to say that people are not happy with the elections and look what's happening. we have a tourist attack, but there's a big from the interesting there. there's a big stretch going from people not happy to what looks to be. i completely understand what, where you're saying that that could be big screws to come up with. but the facts that we're dealing with are 5 people heavily armed, looking coordinated, looking militarized. i would say, as well, it's not military training. at least it looks as if the way they're coordinated, they're movement the fire afterwards. how do you plan that? because and it's the only going to talk, i know that's created a must fire afterwards on the public for that for opposite escape route. you know, it takes a lot of thinking, a lot of planning, something like this. again, we don't know, but these are the details we have that's. that's the details. so i've been able to watch 2 videos,
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one from the outside of theater by itself and one from the inside. effectively you can see people dress the military fatigues and that, but the way that we're moving the word mouth handling their weapons like uh, i would say professional salyers, i would not expands here. but from what i have seen and from what i know there that they weren't, i found that only this that they were shooting point blots. and so that's the, that's, that's a possibility. um that requires a planning that requires a planning. and when you have, once again, when i so they say, well, but the columbus, it's the, it's the same thing, killing a maximum of people and then trying to escape after. so yeah, that's it. any way there is one thing that i am sure is whoever did this, whoever did this, that will not stay and punished. it says hack on las vegas console has claimed the
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lives of at least 60 people leaving around a 100 wounded, including. so the rescue operation is still on the way this told may. so why is this some people all believe to remain trapped in the building? the just to recap out the sides of the unfolded the attack took place right before a concept of a venue was about to begin at around 8 pm on friday evening. several have really the men into the building coming on to secure 2 dogs before opening fly on the terrified 40 and spend as many at point blank range is hacked, as well as his roommate unclear and nobody has claimed responsibility, graphic images of abilities screwed across of the buildings for you, it was,
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but people lean for the lives of being said by the on line the venue and can see moving 6000 people on fridays nights close. it was fox if we sold out. so at least one explosion was reportedly heard in the building during the attack. last 5 started by the attackers in gulf the premises. closing the roof, full of thousands of people, were trapped inside by the flames. later, to be evacuated by 5 fighters for the just showed hundreds of concert, those fleeing lavinia through the emergency exits. and of course, a nearby bridge towards the metro section that he does. if i am schools windows to shasta and multiple headquarters was sent to extinguish the place, which is now being contained. security is being increased to apples railway stations and other transport hobbs and most go elsewhere in the country. investigators have been exec calling the claim, crime scene. they've uncovered
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a fire on how to use by the terrorist as well as multiple noonish. let's now we've been hearing from eye witnesses for who just fly to events at cro, cuz city full and most of it was host opened fire. so people my so escape the shooting from the news basement of the i didn't see any one while we were running out just pools of blood stripes of blood right there on the 1st floor when i was getting out we could feel the fuse when we were still in the basement. so it had to have been rising up from below because the hall itself is on an incline. the few started catching fire and probably filled up the ventilation system which pushed it down to the basement and boiler rooms. then emergency services broke the door down. someone i think it was security called for a 2nd group. we called back and they all made it outside. well,
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let's discuss these of us as they've been on full day with full of, sorry, i missed and c o i see of the book at associates consultants, the for larry johnson. larry pleasure. so i know you've been on with us before today, but it's getting so heavy on my show. now we've, we've touched on this a little bit when the us said they had no information over this type of thing for 5 bucks despite washington warning it citizens in russia about possible to tax in moscow early this month. right. but what do you make of the co incidence? there are, there are some real anomalies here and let me make clear, i used to be directly involved in this entire warning process. so number one, here's what we know factual. when the us embassy issue that warning on march, so that was based upon intelligence that the us government deemed to be credible, but not necessarily specific confirmed by specific. i mean,
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they couldn't identify the group. they couldn't identify the specific location where the attack would take place, but that the sim was not just the decision of the embassy moscow. that was the decision made in washington dc. and the bureau of counter terrorism. at least that's how it was done in the day when i was there. so we, we were very keen on unable to warn people if we thought there was warning 2nd. the us government should have shared that information with the russian government is my judgement based upon statements by both the foreign ministry spokeswoman. maria is a cover over and then about statements by dimitri method of laws. and he's the head of the national security council. those 2 people alone would have had knowledge. i would say if the united states government had passed a warning, it did not. but the biggest anomaly is that within an hour and a half,
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2 hours of the attack before we even knew how many attackers there were before we knew what kind of weapons were involved. before we knew how many victims there were before we knew wherever they are not, there were hostages. the state department comes out with the declaration that it was not ukraine. ok, if you can say that. so matter of fact, like that means you have intelligence about who did it. there is no other interpretation because to make that kind of categorical state without the without, the big kind of car is, is to implicate yourselves that you had knowledge and didn't share. there is interesting that you lived with that the what they said, they said that this was not think right. and if i didn't offer a scape goat, so some a less than me down to is like cnn island new york times of have labeled i. so i see,
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so diary show how we want to set that as yeah that and then of course those claims apparently have also been proved to be fake given that i should has been much less active in recent years. ringback charles is the, those reports of being really, and if they come out, we don't know what stage a little speculation. yeah, but broad let's, let's not forget who was also fighting for the side of ukraine in against russian forces. ice ice. there are pictures and there are with eye witness accounts of isis members being involved with ukraine. so surfacing isis doesn't necessarily either exonerate ukraine north as it exonerate the united states. because although the united states is use the, the claim that it's finding isis in syria, in fact, it's gone out of its way to the health isis in many cases. and it's been basically
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russia and the syrian government that has been engaged with that battle against isis. so yeah, yeah, i don't think there's any value at this point stuff, but who could have, but i'd like to focus on let's deal with the facts and this fact we know the us state department came out and made a very specific declaration. and they could not make that kind of declaration unless they had solutions or information that would but for us there. and if they have that, it was incumbent upon them to share that with the russian government. it is, well let's, let's talk about funds that we haven't seen any official video we've seen uh, in as a by sign those with the cameras taking a film you know, before they're actually petrified with it before they went away. but these government seemed very well organized. i mean, this is not sort of a, this, it was some sort of like in a bunch of guys going to see if there is
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a and you know, this is the amount of shooting out a local mold or something. i mean, we're looking at right, like, you know, a little fly. they must have got into this this, there was that there was a, you know, an exit strategy also planned who, who, who benefits from, from this, this attack as well. that i can't say, because many times these kinds of terrorist attacks are carried out with the assumption that it's going to inflict shame damage on, in this case, the government of russia. and will be seen as challenging the ability of lot of our product and to keep the russian people safe. but it, looking back over history and again, russia has experienced these kinds of attacks. you know it, the, that's a theater and most scale back in 2002, and then at the best,
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the best law on the school with the chechens attack that, that in all of those cases it's united, the russian people behind, behind the government. so what is clear is these kinds of attacks are shot sign of weakness i, i'll make one other op survey should because with a brief video we saw in your previous guess was correct and noting they were not well trained. these were not guys who were trained to move tactically and to move and concert with each other, that that is a higher level of training. and so i don't know how well they were trained, but let the investigation run its course. let's collect the facts and evidence. let's find out if they have any of the, of the attackers in custody and alive. now be able to question them, where did they get their money? how do they get into the country? who was supporting them?
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and uh, you know, i think part of the panic now in washington just are very early this morning and us time. so it was like $330.00 which would have been about 10 30 am ma scale time. there was one of these twitter accounts that belongs to, i call it a front for the c i a, it's called o. s side defender open source intelligence defender. and they're, they're always pay pedal in propaganda. this put out by c, i a by a my 6. well, they put up a very curious tweet on, on twitter or x this morning 1030 most scale time stating that both the bite and ministration and other white people at the white house were really concerned about the ukrainians going off and doing operations without their permission and call them out of that tells me that they say that that divide white house, they knew something was coming and they put that out. that was put out in advance
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to provide some cover to explain bad whatever these crazy ukrainians are doing. they're doing that on their own without our permission. oh it is. it's not our fault. i think, you know, when you, when you look at the person that by somebody a god gives them a gun and that person goes out, commits a crime. the person that bought the gun as an accessory, and i think a take a part, you know, forget this particular attack. and i know that for those families are suffering. the losses of the loved ones is a terrible moment, but different another terrorist attacks these, these missile strikes and to build broader terrorist attacks. all of those are enabled by the west. so that we don't even have to have a debate. it's already clear. the west has supported terrorist attacks inside russia to drones, through assassinations, through missile strikes. and it's time for that to come to an end date and very
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well said and sadly, we'll have to leave all the time, but was always a pleasure talking to you. well, let's see, i alice, and see a bug and associates consulting to see if i'm. i said, larry johnson, thanks again. thank you, moran. let's harris attacks on las vegas. causal whole has claimed the lives of at least 60 people leaving around a 100 wounded and credential to a rescue operation is on the way is that sold me supervisors. some people all believe to remain trapped in the board. the just to recap, count the tragedy and sold the attempt to place right before it comes to the venue at around 8 p. m. on friday evening, several, however, the man entered the building clean and the security guards before opening fire. on
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the terrified audience member as many point blank range, is that because motives remain unclear and nobody has claimed responsibility. now we've been hearing from eye witnesses who describes the tragedy. i. cro cuz said the whole is most of it was service open. fire the me at least 60, that the firefighters and medics need crook, a city who some ambulances of already evacuated. people will military vehicles, a gathering that i believe the russian national guard was the 1st to arrive on the scene. it's on fine. but unfortunately, the in time all is illuminated. all as you can see is a very busy here in alaska and we have a correspondence and analysis. and i'm of us should i say, staying on stand by, but we bring you updates us throughout the light. so just stay with us here on,
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on the international and thanks for joining us. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the
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1918, the countries of the west, one, the final victory over the ottoman empire. the sultan's government capitulated to the inside and sign the humiliating armesis of little girls. great britain, france, and italy wanted not only to destroy the ottoman empire, but also to divide the prime orderly turkish lands among themselves. in 1919, their armies began to land on turkish territory. but the west decided to choose greece as the main striking force, seeking to make others realize this aggressive plan. for an intervention bravo, a mass indignation among the turkish peoples. the national liberation struggle was led by the experienced general mustafah come, all of that are in order to bear down the enemy, a bank on the mobilization of the nation. and the alliance with russia,
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which acted as a united front, with turkish patriots. at the end of august 1922, the third's army want a decisive victory over the invaders in the battle of doom. libby not, and within a month liberated all asia minor from them. the impressive success of the derek is our main force, the west to make concessions in 1923. the loss on these treaty was signed turkey. one of the 1st countries in asia managed to defeat the colonial empires and defend its independence. becoming an example for millions of via press on the planet the oh, what else seemed wrong?
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just on the safe house because of the after care and engagement the trail. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look so common ground the the eclipse. even if the pd, what's the story? ok, school level, the use of solutions stuff. you see the shift that i need to look forward to. she couldn't, miller or collected exp, it to photocopy slip on, to describe the, the dizzy on this before they have to do. if you create,
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excuse that idea and useless, historical stories was disposable. cleaning some the doors not say that the bunch of stuff conflicting the thoughts about bushing and goes to school centuries ago. your forebears name this country ukraine or frontier because your steps blink, europe, and asia ukrainians. it become frontiersman of another story. the people who don't will be able to sing the songs, which i like most of them, there's always, you know, going to need to try to jump to the most goals and would have been there like some of the heavily negligence. cool. man, joe,
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probably. then you post bouquets gift to 2nd the, we'll have to upgrade the stuff. and under the when i was your position, i would suggest we fell great. i was suggesting that we send americans and the bridges on the drain and put on your bill is us one of the most the dining room probably now and the stone wall when it's here all the on used to say it alley. it will save you from us, of classes, you know, it was on your middle series or what i need to file a past closeness, most of our thoughts in this one is not as a guide on a source or sit emotional around you. it might be, you know,
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a lot less radioactive and then something is active uranium, but still it's radioactive. it has toxins that the kid killed the laptop. you want me to kind of see. so either this is jan. let's see the eco seats not going good. i don't, you know, those are museum old. i was suggesting we firm fell great bill colors. what was the sheet around is life july to school think isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills,
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and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st? can you see through their illusion going underground can the 1st time in history and meantime country's culture has been cancelled. the very modern weapons council culture, really the stuff in my life. so the truck, it just me sitting the money to put the glue. the phrase now particularly do for us to canceling russian culture. and yet the worst it could be of a few orders to that i get 20 miles folks to pittsville renewal cities. charlie, phil, is that the most of the summer? it's yolanda m e. the moines blood rushes created over the past 1500 years. there's no question partially condemned, is mild and rejected to sit alone and use that to put somebody at the middle of the
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panel. there's a lot, i don't know because i don't know. she doesn't have to use it a little. some of this joining total condemnation grows daily and now interest does to instigate to go skate shostakovich that the i need to. yeah. to left but yeah, she thinks that would be the w g. i'm gonna need you to the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also a pursuit, this is 3rd world lunacy re washing as for so the funder line likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deal. so we were living on that. we have a very quick propaganda. you know
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a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you to ask all of the questions. some more questions ask the better. the answer is will be the russian states never as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best ingles, all sense and the speed, the one else holes. question about this, even though we will van in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on russia to de escalate the ortiz full neck,
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even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say they requested the services in the say, needs 60 people pills on at least a 145 more wounded. the government opened fire. the city's biggest concept of putting near i saw that the people who were shooting were following them. i ran into the toilets and there was already a crush. it was just horrible. it was really scary. you couldn't see anything


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