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tv   Documentary  RT  March 23, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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as we've been hearing from eye witnesses or dislikes, the sides of the ad for the city hold in less than that so, so far, even over a $140.00 wounded and at least 60 that the concept of just when i was at the concert i was in the amphitheatre, just before the descent kicked off about 5 minutes before the concept started. i heard distant machine gun fire. i wasn't sure that's what it was. or rather, i couldn't believe that was a possibility which i started to panic. i realized it was something scary, but my 1st thoughts was that we were being held hostage. i quickly started looking for a way out nearby. there was a service entrance, a whole crowd of us run out of that and a rustle for me. thank you for joining us through these troubled times. i've been dual a good day and my hand you over to my colleague slash gets eva auto body shop. bye bye for now. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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with the end of world war one, the movement for indian independence from the british empire flared up with renewed vigor. the british responded to the growth of the national liberation movement with arrest and brutal violence. repression cause active resistance. in march 1919 at the call of mahatma gandhi, a peaceful strike began in the country. but the british responded with a new round of violence and far bade the indians to gather more than 4 people. on the day of the sea bass at t festivals. a huge crowd of civilians gathered in the center of the city of i'm to start in northern india seeing base as outright defiance. general reginald dyer gave the order to open fire on the on arms people. the barbaric execution
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claimed the lives of at least 379 indians, including 40 children, the youngest of who was 6 weeks old. the indian national congress considered the official figures to be underestimated, and announced the death of more than $1000.00 severe again. the well known greatest newspaper, the morning post gold dyer, the man who saved india, gave him a sword and 26000 pounds sterling as a token of gratitude for the massacre. the amorous star massacre wind down in history as one of the most brutal crimes of the british invaders, and only escalated the affair. struggle of the indians for liberation from the colonial eeoc. the both of these attributed to do that, even if repeated the story, paid school level 2 solutions stuff which i see to shift that i need. because each
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time she couldn't no well collected, exp, it to photocopy slip, to discuss the dizzy on this before they have to do is make sure that you create excuse that are needing as much distorted stories of disposable cleaning. some doors not say that don't i'm going to die. conflicting the thoughts about pushing of centuries ago. your forebears name this country ukraine or frontier because your steps blink, europe, and asia, but ukrainians that become frontiersman of another story. the people who don't will be able to sing the songs which i like most of them, there's always, you know, going to try and jump to the most goals. they would have been there much. a lot of
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the heavily negligence coleman joe probably then you post bouquets gift to suck you the will have to upgrade the stuff and under the of the the hello and welcome back. touch international. just off the 7 30 in the morning here in mexico. i'm gonna continue our coverage of the terrorist attack the terrace chuckle in most cases. the biggest concept prove it is claimed the lives of a 60 people have been around a 100 wounded that does include children. a rescue operation is still on the way it is expected that the death toll may still rise, as some people believe, to remain trapped in the building. the
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will just to recap how the charges on the phone to be a talk to pace white before can sit up. the venue was about to begin at around 8 pm left the time on friday evening, several heavy on demand and to the building coming on on the security golf before we can find just from that day. on the terrified audience members, many up point blank range attack has noticed, remain unclear, and so far nobody has came responsive. let's hope graphic images of 40 strewn across the buildings where, where people were, things that lives have been such a nation on line. the venue just taken on the sand town, st move and $6000.00 k, one friday nights concept was sold out on top of that, at least one explosion was reports we had in the buildings during the attack. a large fire started by the attack has engulfed the premises, closing a roof to sort of pumped dozens of people were trapped inside by the flames. latest,
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if actuated by 5 fighters for 10 to showed hundreds of consequences. clearing the venue through emergency exits and across a nearby bridge towards the metro station of the sheets of those flames, cause many windows to shelter and multiply the comp. this was sent to extinguish the blaze, which we understand has now been contained. security has been increased at numerous apple railway stations and all the transport hubs in moscow and elsewhere in the country. while investigators have of course, been examining the crime scene they have uncovered as far all apart and used by the terrorist, as well as multiple munition types as you just so that we have staying as part of our coverage. hearing from eye. witnesses who have described defends that, quote, a city when most go where, like i said, those terrorist open fire,
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some people managed to escape the shooting from the menus basement of the i didn't see any one while we were running out just pools of blood stripes of blood right there on the 1st floor when i was getting out, we could feel the fuse when we were still in the basement. so it had to have been rising up from below. because the hall itself is on an incline. the fuel started catching fire and probably filled up the ventilation system which pushed it down to the basement and boiler rooms. then emergency services broke the door down. someone i think it was security called for a 2nd group. we called back and they all made it outside questions. federal investigators have designated the incident a terrorist attack and said, a criminal inquiry is on the way that the system to the full statement up. so please, just the main investigation department of the russian investigative community has initiated a criminal case into the incident, the croakers city who concert venue on the article 2 of 5 of the russian federations criminal code, which is
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a terrorist act. central committee of the russian investigative committee is at the scene. let's bring in now defense since bridget, that's about from the president of the university and in international funds was. thank you for taking the time this morning. um, the 1st thing i want to ask you, i mean, is the british and the u. s. embassy is right here in russia. they did war about the threats of attacks. that was a couple of weeks ago, but yeah, in, in, in march. and they told us citizens not to travel to russia and avoid a big gatherings. do you think this was an ovary proportion of mid, obviously pretensions over the war in ukraine? or is it possible that someone here knew something? thank you so much. uh, i would like to say condos this 1st floor or the seat bips. i hunt for today around 60 people killed and s, intuition,
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indonesia and last year we have some fading hook the ship. and as far as our embassy will be announced, our deep under lives is funny, yet oppression, ma'am, i think it is in the defense and the defense, we must get a digital asset. so in some possible upset, let's say here you would have to stick to the only one that us. yes. what about the same thing? i think this must be considered as a serious thing. and then it's not just used to or just in this, but this is the center 6. and this is the 1st thing of this is really the ice is one of the 1st is like the numbers of testing. and it's mostly likely in the night day for me and that in the sense of like here um o. as in moscow of course of color services, i think from my defense perspective is fairly links. how do i assist? perhaps i see. so let's say i c k. yeah, what i, somebody just i do want to oscar. i mean, russia we know is in
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a state of hm. and has been for oh, for 2 years. um, do you find it surprising that we haven't seen a similar terrorist attack like this before, but in the past 2 years? and it's so is it really a testament to russia's uh, the intelligence services that they've managed to fluids? it's a top yes. so we can say dislike in the to aspect and the 1st like out us. yeah. just election like president bill indigent and put in the 5th. but i see that for us. yeah. and you know, the put in front of the policy. it's not really oh, once that a chevy company that you sent that for assistance like perhaps this is a new fax for is this and then they effect that seems to be a part of the 2nd aspect you mention of what you create. this is a fairly, quite complex as impression russia and you've been to have more so far into yes. and how does i see, especially in ice escape for us and they get they,
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they see something in between. so he says, okay, of us. yeah. in the 5 or 4 bins prints and then how do i assist also defending disbursement, defend the statement to against within government as well. i do want to pick up on something that you said you mentioned that obviously that's not in a certain has been reelected. align slides, victory is 5th time, i thought was just a couple of days ago. we have the coverage of that. would you make of the timing just full days and 5 days off to president putin is announced as the the next nature of the russian federation. suddenly we have this horrific attack. yes, co, uh, the ice escaped slips and we, when we connect this with the, the extra steps in the us. yeah. i think this is the 1st. yeah, from i see it in the context of how this is the one that they want to use the shuttle. they told me they advanced english in the for me. and then of course, oh, when we connect this with your friends, there is something perhaps that
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a new agenda for the ice is. so in the big company, like we much aware of the starting new, i get enough. what i see, especially actually in the cold, i, somebody, jim, i'm teaching, i mean it took about isis, k i o understanding at the moment is that no one really has claimed responsibility . there was some speculation that it is uh, isis. i just want to pick up a lot if it does turn out to me. for example, i use this case. we know that obviously russia came to the aid of syria in, in, in 2015 at the request of the syrian president bush on all sides. and part of the campaign has been to flights isis, american incredibly successful, and not everyone recognizes that. now, do you think there is a fits in us out the fact that most of it was successful in facing down the affiliate of, of isis k in syria? yes. for the sake of humanity and for the sake uh, how would i see dems? i says,
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i can say fuss. yeah. its on the substance for in the bottom of how the embassy, but many things back here. this is a fairly big service problem. so we uh, we uh, 1st against the new places like for example happened into boston one. yeah. in new york in, in uh, new york. oh, it the same building. so just uh, i says once we get a real statement on it like, uh, key, safely and people just wants to say, okay, we gotta ship. yeah, we are ready for everything and you see in the government. yeah, there is some to do about the whole bits of what they've done, that they've been a fairly, a big ripple. it mixed up some things the 1st day. but perhaps the problem is the way 1st and the 2nd thing. they're break bread for everything and you know, until now they've done many still we don't know ran out of the because the defense from the perspective they don't really capture the government. that's what he said today is thursday, and we are still under english. so we are still like say that this is
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a serious problem. i want to talk a little bit about, i mean it's very difficult to say to imagine what people who would commit such a terrorist atrocity could be thinking, well, what do you think the possible most of would be here? is it purely people who are driven by audiology under lots dusty? is it a desire for people to be fearful, a desire to see instability in russia? what's we'll take? so the federal organ associates a until the day has been funded. and also the a has been created and this plan that i do. and one way to spread these kind of ideology, then they kind of do the diplomacy face and they sort of do like in unit depression and the thing that resistance and this building on the back of my office of those these data up nice still killing people that are causing us how to human nice
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people and also to force people to, to see their existence. and this is, that's why when we 1st or when we have some talents from these kind of federal just under decisions. it's not just about the people, but also the idea of those images of probably have to deal. and i think this is quite emotional again. so i really suggest you that the positions can agree, upsets you would a solution, especially the spine of isis get not just about isis, because and already has several solution about isis, but she had an ice escape, especially in cost. somebody, jim, are you talk to about the. 9 and i mean to you, and it is one of the nice ation which has commented it has condemned the the attack as a lot of nations have one response. i do want to get you, we will pay one a bit strange. perhaps the foreign minister of this way now posted
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a message saying, quote, laptops, not news. so us, now we always know that natalia is a, an incredibly strong support. so of ukraine, and i just wanted to, does it feel a little bit that politics has gone in the way of humanity with that kind of respond? yes, because in the context of conflict resolution and then you spend is to like, status. you always best bet or it's not just one people like me select organization and deeply rooted and also said that they accessed, they also exist f e o n a in in perhaps this is like the spend money in the shameless school, but also a mike on the ship and, you know, even understand, but i shouldn't really guess these kinds of actually spanish or any kind of extremism of that'll do something in, in, in, in the, in the solution. we also want that uh, the span of, i see show retail instead of trying to say the scandals, i suspect and for the to. a yes,
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the month. uh perhaps we must look back to the columbia and uh, history how they can make a service release. so we add the board discount, there is a modem and also how they're clicked on the apple solutions. yeah, linked to an apple, she's just in your opinion, in the safe and also the shouldn't be pushed out into shared with you can just a lot of them. most of them that would have been like the statement, but this is also how we can also look back on the history of everything. i want strange specifically about the of the same, the nation that here come from indonesia, international of course, project p as well. so no strange to terror attacks for sol, restaurants, we sold hotels as one early to mid to thousands being targeted. uh, just from your experience, what do you think? what impact to such attacks have on the side of the nation? do they actually succeed in making people scad? well, today was i actually walk to bring people together. yes,
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thank you ma'am. from the perspective of indonesia we have experience, at least. 1 3, yeah, 3 or more, really big for me. so it's quite different. i'm just not in the states like a gun that yeah, they can use it for them, but we have like input for us guess. and then a 2nd guess. and then in the, in daily money, a top out of me said, don't be and this is a serious being for our mission. because the only thing with manufacturers are the 1st big god. we believe man nearly just ran it cost us more than $100.00. instead, some be up to some island. yeah, you can imagine how many can, can we like being united the cost to get really less out of problem 3 and to defend as a thing we have such a good thing of that. the funds from step uh but not sure, not use them, but they don't these um and now we have uh, very the next uh now uh, president of what we end mx,
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our president elected of instead of bubble our ministry of defense. they have a very good being and also implementation and the program recreated and the federal do some buddy recall this been but they i the addition of the better somebody will not just so i think the description of the most plus uh with the, with the um, helps from other specs on this, but also we also implement, i'm pc patient. we have sub so very good integration program. how to read especially young generation that because i'm going to show we have demographic because we don't want that. our generation of you in 1st in the room, ideally g m also be influenced by describing of terrorism. because based on my research, i researched about how young ventilation. so baby scandal of fatalism. there's some help. so this is one that a city speak how isis bonding or affecting 16. yes. that will be the style of the
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ability to some data clairmont road. ok. this is all it shouldn't. and then perhaps they want to instill as 7 generation with this kind of space. and this way, even the show we have very strong programs, very strong, especially sufficient programs invitation and a very sickly. we cannot say anything in our mission to do a g a. we call these funds, i feel like most find us. you know, we are with many different spectrum united, the one i think i noticed you have us, you know, we have a very strong relationship. we also have some of just, uh, brett, but also other than that, you know, we have many different things and also we help each other. yeah. in any solution, based on my days in understand the study again saturday, some somebody says, i think gosh, yeah, we also many, the 1st big gone many concepts. i think this to this is can manage this and i hope just like the u. s. came spilling and it's the to the $1001.00 with the say, federal effect. i cool. plus. yeah. can we build
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a good deal there enough of these programs against anybody? so while we're sorry, much appreciate that hope i can, that's a very positive note to enter. we appreciate mainly of course, your expertise there that was a defense on strategic that spot for the present university in indonesia as strong as was. thank you very much for your time, so thank you so much. well, just to recap the terrace, is that going most goes biggest concept who has claimed the lives of at least 60 people leaving around a 100 wounded that does include children. a rescue operation is still on the way the desktop is expected to rise us. some people believe to remain trapped in the building of the just to recap how the trying to get cellphone fainted. the attack took place right before a concert at the time he was about to begin at around 8 pm on time. on friday evening,
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several heavy man enter the building, killing on on security guards before opening fire on terrified audience members. many were shot at point blank range. the attack his motives remain on clear. nobody has claimed responsibility as yet. bills to about 12 hours, we have be not hearing from eye witnesses who described the tragedy at that group. the city who in most go why the terrace opened fire, like i said, anything, at least 60, that there was firefighters and metix me a crooked city, whole some ambulances of already evacuated. people well, military vehicles are gathering that. i believe the russian national guard was the 1st to arrive on the scene. it's on fine, but unfortunately, the in time more is illuminated. well, we will be back in around 7 minutes with all of our life and that we will have a correspondent at the site. so she'll be able to update to some of that. and we'll
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be getting a guest analysis to supposed to join us. but nature on the, the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best. most all sense set up the in the system must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russia to day and split the ortiz vote net keeping our video
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agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. what question did you say a request for chance? the little one. no, no, no, no, no, not for to more than what they should of the unit 73. 1 was a unique organization in the history of the world. what they were trying to do was to simply do nothing short and build the most powerful and most deadly biological weapons program that the world had every now
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through you know, to production with it. so i guess it was the great deal to you suddenly looking through here, keep a move model. uh, mazda thought, this is ms. newman, one of our, from the michael, the sale. i don't understand. i wish to know about doing so need. i know you gave him some more or less than a to you it's. i had to put all of this kind of them of the a party bill because you cannot push the couch. so that's good to deal with a 0. so i want this on this to should buy a new on it. so i can send the 71 good. see that on the, on the,
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on the ticket bucket, i got the the in 1881 began to expand its property in north africa. france decided to attack and easy. the invasion began with a bomb barred man of the french, played on coastal cities. and was followed by sending in the ground through the french easily occupied one of the key city, please eric and the bay of doing this bomb. at the 3rd us deep agreed to humiliating negotiations. the bartow trade, he concluded with a colonial list, establishing a project to rid of france, overton easy. however, the people up to an easy, i would not surrender to the enemy. at the call of the islamic clergy, the doing easy as rose. do
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a holy war against the invaders. the soldiers of the bays army also joined the resistance. the french groups did not get an easy walk. vieira patriots bought desperately, but failed to defeat a huge and well armed army, which was supported by the strongest fleet. within a year, the rebels where defeated this turned out to be a real tragedy for the country. about once evans of the population, together with the fighters last 4 neighboring libya, thousands of people died during the warfare. the french flag was raised over to an easy the colonial authorities tried to deprive the country of its air of identity and populated with european settling such an easy instead now brought up with the loss of freedom era. patriots had been fighting against french colonialism for decades. until june, easy, again, the independence in 1956. the
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watching is why is that? why in this contort, if i give borrowed money at the store in this, the shot and i showed on doing this for now, i'm not going to stay less. so could i scan when i am, what i could catch at your desktop session? i am no. let's just sean. your just is when you mine is when you sit on the set up on me and the the take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion, by how of tired vision with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants
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a better wills and is it just because it shows you fractured images, presented to this? but can you see through their illusion going underground? can the pills in the cold floods, terrorist strike out of tax constant when the russian capital needs a new fixed dead. i'm more than 100 with the to buildings where if pads collapse with the top to come take the time touts,


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