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tv   News  RT  March 23, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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for each of the pills in told not to restore icon a package called and said who and the russian capital saving at least 16 pads and creating 3 children. i'm looking 100 wounded. the, the buildings roof pads collapse with the top to complete the pond out emergency services all while i can't say to middle thoughts come, victims could still get trapped inside lots of condemnation. all the mastercard come in from around the world. leaders of different nations expressing show on saw
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this project. and as washington points to isis sentences, 15th no signs of ukrainian involvement. mosca says that unless the u. s. has reliable information, it really has no say in the united states as well as other countries have or had reliable data on this matter. it should be immediately handed over to the russian side. if there is no such data, the 9th of the white house, nor anyone else has the right to grant indulgence to anyone, the kind of good morning from las go where it has just gone 10 am. thank you for joining us at all. teams national this saturday, the 23rd of march. what a full story that we have been covering for over 12 hours now a terrorist going to attack on most goes biggest one said who has left it and 60
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people dead, including 3 children. i'm more than 100 wounded ensemble according to the regions health ministry, unconfirmed reports coming and suggests that the death told me already have risen to a to a fire. that was also sconces out. the venue by the assailants has now been put out . these are some of the horrifying pictures from the at, at just the wondering what you are seeing coming up you might find stopping the
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this is the, the, the russian investigative committee representative has commented on the talking
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outlined the ongoing investigation in the us within the framework of this criminal case, a set of investigative actions is currently being carried out. also ortiz from the investigative committee together with the federal security service. um the interior ministry are currently examining the victims bodies. unfortunately, we must say that the death toll from this terrorist attack is increasing, investigate as a whole se seized weapons and ammunition from the crime scene. those are currently being examined genetic fingerprint, i'm ballistic inspections of the weapons, ammunition, and all the evidence being conducted. cctv video has been collected and is being studied by specialists. this is all the information we have so far off on this breaking story. let's cost 5. now to auction correspondence remain that it's a job. i mean, in my it's now the day off to the risk fix night,
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so he will at the scene, you can see the ambulance as you can see, the child building behind. i'm sure you can hear what's being said, what's the latest? so they've had more than 70 ambulances here to help the victims last night, but they've used 477 people, as well as what a 180 pieces of equipment to help extinguish the fire that was happening in the whole. now that fire also the after amount of that was the top floors of the whole are completely destroyed on some emergency services has been used in the mining robots inside at the scene in case there are any other explosives now at the city in general in moscow this security is pretty tight, that means the metro security and the metro security and any means of public transport is very tight right now. now and the investigation is still
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ongoing. investigators is still at the c, as in talking to you as we still don't know what the reason, what was the motive behind the attack. now they, there were reports that a list of the victims that were killed that were also identified will come out anytime soon. so we will have to wait and see for that as well. but i also just want, if so i tend to take us i mean this was a friday night, we pause a little bit of eye witness accounts and you just to pass through what they must have gone through how the events unfold. so according to eye witnesses, the gunmen, the arms man came to the hole and started shooting actually outside re key glass
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doors. julian security guards and then just fire you had indiscriminately firing at anyone they be inside the hall. and that is the people that were attending this big concert. and we've also heard from the eye witness herself and what she said, as she witnessed the attack happening in real life was sick listed. it was on the balcony. those we didn't think it was shot, just the audience greeting the musicians. at 1st we didn't think much of it, but then it became clear that something scary was going on. suddenly someone shouted that there was shooting and we had to evacuate. we ran right down towards the stage where you at some point everyone stopped. everyone just lay down on the stage. was trying to scramble behind the speaker because i saw a person with some kind of firearm. we ran behind the curtain and one of the lobby staff was already standing there. he said,
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run that this is of the so right after that of course, tennis started, people were running everywhere trying to find shelter, trying to hide. and over 100 people were stuck in the basement until later on helps by the emergency services. both older people decided to play said to save their lives. they were standing by the next it we were heading towards the source. some of them ran back here and started shooting at people. i fell down on the floor and tried to play dead and the girl next to me was killed. then the fire broke out . they closed the door. i guess they couldn't look it up. i was lying under the door, just breathing. i had no energy left in may. sometime 3 or 4 minutes may be my cold out, looked around and went to the exit. i saw that no one was that. so i went outside. now as we hear from these comments,
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it's really horrifying imagery that you can imagine on top of that, you know, moscow and the rest of russia are currently in more. and i mean, this is a tragedy, but still most of the 30 is, are doing their best to complete their mission here. well, i think you're a 100 percent, right? i don't think anyone can both be imagine the fact that those people must have experience and increase that so many thousands of families across the country all feeling up to date. i was all to correspondence. the name of it should i to a special image of a candle has been shown on the votes throughout russia, in memory of the victims of laptop. they attacked the sign, which was the, has the blood grief which and above it, on the date of the atrocity, has been seen in the cities of but now noticed the best by the bus stop calling la . so can you just bought those, you know, russian geography that really is a number of cities, one across the country will soon see all the hours of the morning. hundreds of
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people have been turning up at health center in moscow to donate blood to the victims of the attacked officials, all pointing on no tools to take an active part in helping as they say that for a number of the wounded. it really could be a matter of life death. meanwhile, pictures have been released, thoughts to show the cause, which the pop, the straight up trait is used in the a talk report say the vehicles was bolted near the scene of the crime. and then later in the brown region, not just south west of the capital, what traffic police put a special watch on the main highway. a search for the vehicles is currently ongoing . international 1000 square, see on let smocks for vote. it says that this was paid a uh, well time to talk calculated to pools maximum con, which is undoubtedly a active terrorism. what's more, it is a military or military style active tear and is this was organized. this
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was plan um, the gunmen are heavily armed with assault rifles. uh, according some reports, body armor. uh and throwing grenades. they obviously had some type of explosive device or excel or in there would have been very light rent, a cop type of security at the entrance and some incredibly soft target. they opened fire from the reports. i point blank range on anyone who came within view. so their goal was to kill as many russians as possible. i. it was full reaction now which has been floating in from around the world with waves to old condemnation. china, as president emphasized that his country of pose as soon as of terrorism on family supports the russian governments, assets and maintaining national security on dependency induced prime minister under
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moody said his country stands with russia and it's our old greece while the south african m. c. and most gave its condolences to google victims of the charge with this. so if we can embassy stuff in most cool, including locally recruit the pesa matter or accounted for. we've also meet one type of width or so that we can students and that we know of what based and most cool in the whole sleep this. so the can government, condense, this and whole other x of toyota. we believe that terrorism, in any shape or form and for what it, what it is and does not belong in our society and should be condemned by all. we'd like to send a message of condolence as to the government of russia to the families of the victims, as well as those that are in jet and wished and a speedy recovery. this is a situation that will continue to monita and we show
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a sheet of demons as and when we receive information. well, so how pa, the russian foreign ministry spokesman, rizza harv, also commented on the tower, talking specifically about this international reaction to it. the hey guys just yeah. you know, what was the people who have a hot all the people who have a mind and all the people who have a conscience, a cooling this, a heinous crime, a bloody terrorist attack, a terrible fight? is there a reaction of them? it is certainly the reaction of washington which said that it sees no signs that ukraine or as they said, ukrainians are involved in the terrorist attack. on what basis do officials in washington draw any conclusions in the midst of a tragedy about anyone's lack of involvement? the big question is the united states, as well as other countries have or had reliable data on this matter. it should be immediately handed over to the russian side to see if there is no such data on the
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9th of the white house, nor anyone else has the right to grant indulgence to any one of those involved as the russian leadership has said, will be identified by the con potential socrates, i can honestly tell you it's not just questions. a huge question. so the reaction of the office of the secretary general lift the un, which said, i mean the office is representative that they are stopping by the reports of the shooting move, adequate people who have different emotional levels of reaction to this kind of thing. the woods, with the same of hara shrunk, she consternation unequivocal condemnation. right? just and compassion for the victims, the united nations. it's secretary general and its member countries are obliged to see what the whole world is now seeing is that a bloody terrorist attack and condemn it? unequivocally issues such as well, you probably have picked up that that more as a higher, as i mentioned, the image reaction of the white house. let's listen to the doctor what the us national security adviser said when commented on the 1st,
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the motives behind the top. as clearly, as you know, there are people in the, in las gone and russia that object to the way mister pool is governing the country . but i don't think we're at this early hour, we can make a link between the, the, the shopping mall attack and in political motivations. as, excuse me, we just need to, we more time and we need to learn more information. now the united states that it had no prior knowledge of the terrorist attack that took place, but many are raising questions about a state department travel advisory to americans in russia, that specifically mentioned concerts as possible targets for a terrorist attack and was issued just 2 weeks prior to today's her rendez of dance, now it's important to note that there was a telegram post by an individual representing the office of the ukrainian president, saying, quote,
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let's be clear. ukraine has absolutely nothing to do with these events. and in addition to that, we have heard from the european union, the spokesperson, peter stano said, our thoughts are with all those russian citizens of fact, the un secretary general's office said it was saddened by the reports of the shooting as well. now there were some strong words from the president of serbia. he said, i want to express my sincere condolences, the citizens and leadership of russia, and the hope that the terrorist will be arrested. and i hope that this will never happen again. it's fragile of them that has unforeseen consequences. there is no doubt there will be further escalation in ukraine now. he went on from there to say every day we are getting closer to a major conflict that i fear will take more lives than the 2nd world war. uh so quite an important statement from the president of serbia and many are asking
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questions about that mysterious travel and visor reads from the us state department prior to the attacks. and what us officials may or may not have know what information was available. people are also raising questions about what organizations or individuals may have been responsible for this and much information is expected to come in the following hours as the country is kind of locked down in the aftermath of these events, making sure that the perpetrators and all who aided them can be arrested and brought to justice. uh, there's a lot of sympathy and tiers and condolences for russia around the world. many around the world are offering words of sympathy, but also raising some serious questions about what caused today's adapts to be able to happen. what was the phone to program for the school on the statics of a pool to find out what he feels that the reaction of the us and the fact that it had the wound of a potential tire attacking must be just
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a few weeks. but it's just stopping, i'm going to go back to the march 7th warning here. this was a warning that was uh, you know, alerted from the state department in the united states and it reads the following. it says, the embassy is monitoring reports. that extremist, they use the word extreme is, have imminent plans to target large gatherings. they also point out moscow to include concerts. that's the 1st one. and us citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings now. and i don't think that that is a clue. i think that is the us intelligence knowing this, and we see, you know, the us government's response and that response is, well, these things happen and building a narrative here. and it's a very disturbing one here, especially when you read them report that warning. we also have to understand is
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how this was orchestrated uh what apps were used to work and it's very technological time that we're in. this has to be orchestrated to really go under the radar of a lot of the security agencies. and we know very well that, you know, the rest of the security agencies know a lot about how to really kind of, you know, crush, i would say a terrorist attack or a terrace attack on us soil. so this has happened to now it's been brutal once again, her effect display of a tear that has been, uh, you know, shown to moscow residents. but as i said, again, this is going to take some time. the intelligence is going to figure out how this was done and orchestrated and who is connected to it. while we're joined now by professor of political science at one end of us to my get a book to also very welcome to the program. so the 1st thing i want to ask you just,
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you know, simple question, what was your reaction to the tragic events of last night when you started reading about the details? was there anything that stood out to any initial thoughts that you have initially i have to express my deep condolences to our friends in russia. uh they just you people were shocked at the unprovoked ketter's attack. the heat is crying um to us uh, we went to the training for the uh, wounded and therefore disorders of the victims of what's happening. and to me as a political analyst, when i heard about to the u. s. i commend that to the honor. uh, this car, d v, a ukrainian involvement and then is such a dentist that that to me to uh those, uh, i think
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a lot of to me, um, nobody would ever say spontaneously that uh, on discarding a party in here. this needs a deep investigation. um, uh then it tells us that we have received an egypt says that begins to talk. she's is had a point, i keep sense. so when i, as the one of the stupid powers, a group and stupid powers, i try to vindicate the ukraine on pointing at them that they are uh, the original uh, tenders. now to me, when are you guys about the details? i mean, it is a straight to in sort of valence in performance. this is not ideal,
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but you can be multi b did individuals. this is where the train best so now uh we uh, are receiving or have a do you receive a intensive and military train and they, they are nothing or do the terms i do well. so, i mean one to all scared because the ukranian intelligence has commented as well. and they've suggested that the terror attack was inc. constraints and by the russian government itself. and president putin possibly in order to run pop the war and ukraine. but given that it's pretty clear to most people now the ukrainians, uh, news and the ground on the front light. i mean how credible is that fairy
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to me to me, nobody especially present due to who has already been elected with a land slide. if it could be a to undermine his position by such at the tech. eh, he is, it'd be eh, who, because he is the am of this a guy who under mine his position at strategic. and he's saying that he cannot maintain the security of his people. so to me it's hilarious to hear this. it's uh, funny uh, negation and funny. uh, uh, pointed out as to the victim of this uh, tragedy. i mean, we talked about the timing, you office, he mentioned the presidential elections, president peer to non slide secretary,
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87 percent, 5th top. do you think it's coincidence that it happens just a few days? oh, there is no question that it is a time the it, this is it just to target, to add to dog get his crude ability to target the state to try to get the more all of the art should be good to, to make them accept it piece with ukraine or about to do what? that's to me uh the uh, hidden agenda of december. so there's no question about this a few weeks ago we have um, victoria new lens. the us step to the national security, visiting kiff and um, and she said, quotes are things going pretty well uh for ukraine. does
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a ne surprise waiting for russia. now i understand this is all speculation, but i'm just talking about hypothetically, theoretically knowing what we know about the way the washington conducts its foreign policy. would it be beyond such and big power was to somehow participate in an attack like the one that we saw to me. it's a 0 sum game. when i, when you have 2 superpowers in conflict, the game of one party is the loss of the other part. now uh, what you already mentioned shows that it is a point in fi good of the u. s. the when a shot is undermined by such a cutter stuck. i don't want to be hasty and point out that
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the u. s. o constricted this. i cannot say this x ray. uh we should wait for uh the final investigation. um, but doubts. all right. you know, what i can say is i have doubts. so uh, i'm pointing out at it. oh, straight to the uh, act of, uh, some powers. i don't know. mm hm. and it gave you what time they were planning to start just to, to get your take on. like i said, this is all speculation. moscow has yet to comment on the motives on the perpetrators. but it's interesting that i was reading some of the west and media on washington, and they will seem to be convinced or is public cale suggesting that this is the case,
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but isis pay is most likely responsible. is it possible uh, annual professional opinion that they could have done something like this, or is it may be a case of such a nation's putting out an idea, a scape goat and wanted to deflect attention from whatever else i was. i cannot, eh, eh, say no to any possibility. uh no, uh, i says, has eh, conducted separately, attracts in your, on. and it's when it's similar to this. so it is a percentage of possibility that they could have done it. but to me, we what is done, as i mentioned earlier, uh, it is done by holly for a freshman with 3 or, and,
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or 3. it's sort of valence and performance that i did a lot. you could even would you be repeating myself? i do want to give you more tv to individuals. do not have such a capability. in addition, when am i super powered, like u. s. immediate, the says a, this is not done by a, the ukraine. it means that they know who did it. so why didn't be the russians that you are going to be taught and why do with the p c, because eh, steps to prevent such a heinous attack. so, to me, it's a $8020.00 uh, gains to the uh, ices. when i am finally,
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i understand i, i appreciate that i'm putting you in a very on 5 position off mute despite today those details haven't come in the final thing i do just want to get you a new one. um functionality. march, both the british and the american embassies put out a warning quite a specific warning. they said, we believe that there was a high risk of a terrorist attack at concepts and all the mass gatherings they mentioned specifically the concepts i'm, i mean, i obviously understand that intelligence agencies do exchange information on a lot to each other, like russia, lots in america, as to one of the boston morrison bull nose, but it's interesting because 1 o'clock i saw the i just said to me, that was quote, an ominous morning. what do you think the it says this speculation here, it's a, it's very key. yes. i can always speculate that when i
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specifically mentioned it, sir, concept, it means i have a very detailed information then i you know, did this. so why didn't i have pre emptive? the step is show and i do do the pre emptive eh step, then i am an accomplice to describe i'm, i'm come, i'm repeating it accomplice. we also so i mean in the early 2, thousands you'll obviously know. roster was paid to by a number of terrorist attacks. we so no tests the 5th mode to day operation. we sold the tragic bessler on school last week over 300. and so i think that 2017 some keeps his bug.


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