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tv   News  RT  March 23, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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the, the killed in cold, not terrorist try and get a package constant food in the russian capital, leaving at least 60 jet, including 3 children on $121.00 with the buildings. roof has collapse with the top to complete a pond house emergency services, a watson epicene and metro for some victims could still be trapped inside
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was condemnation of the massacre come in from around the walls with ages of different nations expressing sharp softness in photography and washington point so i said, i mean says 50 is no sign of ukrainian enforcement most concerned. so unless the u . s. has reliable information, it really has no taste to comment. yet if the united states, as well as other countries, have or had reliable data on the semester, and it should be immediately handed over to the russian side. if there was no such data on the 9th of the white house, nor anyone else has the right to grant indulgence to anyone, the welcome thoughts international. good morning from mosca where it's just gone and nothing am. and if you are just joining us, it has been a night of tragedy for this country's capital, because a to we're still gonna talk at most cuz the biggest concept who has left it east.
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60 people dad, including 3 children on more than $120.00 wounded lots according to the regions health ministry. unconfirmed reports coming in suggests that the death told me ready have risen as we wound to a to a 5 that was also stalling to that. the venue by the assailants has now been put out, entrusted with quotes on a number of different cameras. as people filmed the events unfolding a warning, you may find some of the images for stopping the
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. this is the news, the
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the russian investigative committee representative has commented on the attack outlying uh, line involved with the ongoing investigation in the last, within the framework of this criminal case. a set of investigative actions is currently being carried out. also ortiz from the investigative committee together with the federal security service. the interior ministry are currently examining the victims bodies. unfortunately, we must say that the death toll from this terrorist attack is increasing, investigate as a whole se seized weapons and ammunition from the crime scene. those are currently being examined genetic fingerprints, i'm ballistic inspections of the weapons, ammunition and other evidence of being conducted. cctv video has been collected and is being studied by specialists. this is all the information we have so far. more on this story that's cost of life now. to ortiz shape those. i mean say,
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last night i think it was a shock. as the news came in and nothing was really clear, but i'm hoping now the morning the door has come. the morning is progressing. the details are imagine what's the latest that you can tell us? yeah, well task. yeah. it was a grim, grim no. i then the, the don't really brought into focus the reality of what happens here last night, or just a huge size here. and you know, it's an every day, sorry for anybody at moscow in new york, london, dublin, we all see shopping centers. it's just part of our normal life. but to see this whole building go ahead. it really brings home the size and scale of, of the slaughter that happens here. huge security presence here today. as we've
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seen police officers coming, you're going the military, you know, special operations forces d, f s b. it's a hive of activity, ad of police, of open the roads. uh right. besides this center ne, moscow. and you can see the population as they drive by looking at toward the small ring. hol, can now the roof after collapsing from this far that we believe was probably set for these attackers after a drawing their gruesome assault on visa, the civilian population. women, man, i know, sadly we know children as well. the only trying for what happened here was the execution they, they very tommy made their way through this vast ad building which you know, holds about 6000 people. talk to the rafters. if you like, with people out on a friday nights, simply go to watch it by the time popular with kids. so very gruesome, very,
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very chewing on a very, very cold on a grin. morning here for most of lights, for the people, the russian people around the world who can imagine themselves, their own families, their friends having to suffer the horrendous reality of living through this obsolete and nightmare that unfolded. here for you mentioned our course that it was an incident night, it was a friday night. people went out to see a find, go to a concert as on shows so many well you and i, and i'll do is i have done now for imagining for a 2nd. the tails. i'm not false that it would descend into. could you just sort of piece sauce through the timeline they've arrived at the concept who is a pm, how digital payouts not the yeah. so yeah, we know, and from talking to some of the people who are here as 1st responders of which they were hundreds, if not the terrorism of emergency workers, fireman power, emetics,
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heavy comforter pilots. the new very dangerous mission is across the top of this burning building dosing it to stop the flames spreading, which would have been a far bigger disaster. they had a doing a atm moscow. anybody who knows mostly knows the russians live theater. they loved to go to a concert and people arrived here. the car park was packed at 8 pm. we know that these individuals entered the site. we believe killing the security guards 1st and then very deliberately making their way through the, the venue into the auditorium of one stage as shooting people as they fled the shooting people, as they uh, took refuge. and we can actually hear the 1st time reports of how terrifying this event was from a lady called arena who actually witnessed it. we should actually have
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a listen to that to get a feel for the granular nature of what these people experience not last nights us get us of a listen to the news. i was on the balcony. we didn't think it was shot. just the audience greeting the musicians. at 1st we didn't think much of it, but then it became clear that something scary was going on. suddenly someone shouted that there was shooting and we had to evacuate. we ran right down towards the stage where you at some point everyone stopped. everyone just lay down on the stage. i was trying to scramble behind the speaker because i saw a person with some kind of firearm. we ran behind the curtain and one of the lobby staff was already standing there. he said, run so so. so you can imagine the chair or the heart or a realizing, uh, you know, that you're completely on arm, completely defenseless. and these uh,
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murders these killers are making their way very methodically through the building. i. one of the things that you see from the footage is that these mental, it's, it all panicked. it seemed stacey to be quite deliberate. that they were here to inflict as much suffering and carnage and terror as possible. in some instances, it turns out that people also found the instincts to defend themselves. finally, by actually pretending that they'd already been to play centrally playing, that we should listen to another experience for this horrific night where individuals actually had to pretend that they'd already been killed. so they were standing by the x that we were heading towards. they source, some of them ran back here and started shooting at people. i fell down on the floor and tried to play dead, and the girl next to me was killed. then the fire broke out. they closed the door. i guess they couldn't look it up. i was lying under the door,
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just breathing. i had no energy left, it may, sometimes 3 or 4 minutes may be my cold out, looked around and went to the exit. i saw that no one was that. so i went outside i mean again, this brings home the horror, and that's the term, the horror and terror of what happened to your last night. and we know that, you know, at least 60 people have died. hundreds are injured, many are critically injured. what i suppose the, the real message here from these terrace was declined to slip. a loss goes life to disrupt the life of russians. they didn't think so. if you that was really a power interior this morning aware, since very already moist installed is this sense of people pulling together when we arrived in the darkness, the smoke was still building from the building. there were, audrey russians owed me much, provides turning up with coffee, t water for the far service, for the,
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for the police officers. and just trying to get a complete strangers need arrived here to help you with those journalists like given us the wants of the 2 was a remarkable sense of pulling together. and that of moscow and russia isn't dependents need to these people, no matter how hard these guys try to terrorize that there were some people, the rushing people will pull through and pushed through. and hopefully we will see results soon. and the investigation to track down just to as a sponsor for this active absolute power here last night. well, as is so often the case and very talk times the very best of human resilience. so it's on food to say thank you for giving us a very strong sense of what it must have been like that last night. that was all she correspond to shapers. thank you. shay? well say was just talking about and developments that might be coming in. we do actually have one. let's do fresh off the press. the kremlin says that the head of
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the russian security services has reported to president putin, but 11 people related to last night's terror attack, including full terrace themselves, carried out the atrocity have been detained. so the terrace has been detained, that's what we're hearing. we're also hearing that rushing forward to say the fall . the walk is underway. i'm in hand to uncover, and of course, target the wide uh, a terrorist network that is involved. so that is the very latest and looks like the perpetrators of last night's attack have been detained by russian security services . well, let's talk about a reaction with around the country. a special image of a candle has been shown on bill boost route, russia, and memory of the victims of the deadly attack. the sign which has the wood grief and the date of the atrocity has been seen in the cities of bon. now notice the best studies are stop color ma on some fits his buck ready from coast to coast.
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well, since the early hours of the morning, hundreds of people have been lining off at how centers in moscow to donate la, just the victims of the terror attacks officials all coating on naples to take an active part in helping us. they say that for a number of the wounded, it could really be a matter of life or death. meanwhile, pictures have been released, thoughts to show the cause, which the perpetrators used in the attack. our understanding is that the individuals have been detained. now report say that the vehicles will spotted near the scene of the crime, and then later in the brown region up south west of the capital, where traffic police put a special watch on the main highway, a search for the vehicles, there was no update on whether those vehicles have been detained along with the people, is currently underway. what we're joined now by the not the full greek boss of that and the, and it is chris, i'm hopeless leading of this. thank you very much for joining us. even on this uh,
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deluxe time today. um i just want to get your reaction. i. i also almost every guest that comes on one of the incidents like this happen. one has to think queen bonus who benefits for her benefits. so nobody benefits from this event. i think that the 1st of all, it said it was a horrible terrorist act, and i would like to convey my, my condolences to the russian authorities sent to the families of the victims my pistol. but um i think that, uh, i just did this if, if it did it, but i, i think that it did because it wanted to create more, a couse in the insane situation providing today in europe because of the, of the war in the, in the ukraine and they saw this that it did say wonderful uh,
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perspective for them to create even more cos from which they would benefit in their own way of, of thinking. this is my point of view. on the other hand, i saw the report from washington, the on to 7 know, march where they had, where washington had said that there's a, there's a terrorist event might take place in moscow. and we have a, burton american citizens to avoid the costs are called things like that. so, so the united states had information about it as a, usually the united states has information about other terrorist events that took place in the past. they informed us sort of this in moscow, they say, but we want to look into what kind of information was given to us or to you said in
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moscow. was it detailed was general. and i think that must go, took some measures at the airports about the in order to prevent such an event. and so i'm very happy to hear that the 11 people have been detained, including some of the terrace. so i think we should wait and see what comes out from the delegation before we can see exactly what happened and who was behind it. but i tend to think that it was the isis behind it for the reasons that i explained. they create more cows in this situation and they would benefit from is this couch that they create the one thing i also wanted to get your take when you talked about, obviously how the us set about memo to its citizens. in all the mob saying avoid
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large gatherings. we also had the white house reacting late on friday night, and it says we owe for our condolences and we wanted to be known that we see no evidence that ukraine was involved in the attack. key of itself has denied also any role. do you find it a bit strange? the white house would immediately push out that statement as well. it's not like covering for the other ally. it's uh, the, well, that'd be the many people might have thought that the, it could have been ukraine behind it. they could get into consideration that, that the group was, that was going to play, had been condemned by the ukrainian as being that you're creating and, and all that. so these ideas might have popped up at, at, at the beginning what one point. so i would like to emphasize on is the fact
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that none of the western countries, including greece did not send condolences to the 30s or to the government. they sent condolences a general term to the i'm movies of the victims that i found the, that it's, that i find it quite negative at such a moment that russia is going through not to send uh, adult lenses to the authorities. it's a, it's a pretty pretty on behalf on the west with the exception of turkey. uh there that took you swore administer uh phones to gate level golf and uh, so they told the tape condolences uh, you'll get that about to me. i also want to get kind of, you'll take, what do you think says wind around the applications of this will be,
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oversee, was saying increased security and measures. i think that will grow in the coming weeks. we're going to see mass gatherings cancelled. but do you think that this is somehow going to haul to in most goes, domestic policy is foreign policy, and it's fight against terrorism, which is always been at the full front of the global counter terrorism. that's a and i think it will enhance my most close fight against terrorism and much and many meetings will be cancelled. it will take some time to go to get over the shock of, of this event in russia. but i don't think that the many more things will, the will, will change basically to the psychological truck that has hit the russian people at
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this moment. i hope that there might be some kind of move, but it's from the west for a process of the buses of bus, if vacation and starting uh, the good discussions to end the war in ukraine. but that dispute the seat, that is to be seen. you pulled up to say about the salt that this has amongst the russians. and of course, i think that since i remember what happened in early 2, thousands, what against the chechen separate a separate test, the terror attacks that we saw even in 2000 and. and that's what and of the data app with 2013 vulgar a 2017, some features. but this really brings back very dogs and memories of that period which we had hoped to. of course, what consigned to history. do you think about what the terrorist level so hoping
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for to play exactly all not on stable of a trap. so old rushes history when it was still a young nation. i'm still trying to find a one of different funds. yes, i think so that they wanted to to take the chance it particular they wanted to take advantage of the situation, existing and dresser at this time, but they were different interest. they were one of the, there was a chance then, and now it's the, it's not make state at those nomic states, which by the way, i saw that it had been eliminated from what i had from all the propaganda that we have been hearing from the west but we see that, that it is still there. and uh, as i said, that the opposite. they are trying to take advantage for their profit for their benefit of the existing the catalytic situation. a euro at, of course,
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this event may affect the security situation of the, of the big games that will take place in paris in june, july. and i'm also talking about timing cuz you think there might have an impact on future events just looking at bit to the post. i mean, 56 days ago the russian presidential elections concluded so out of my peer to one. do you think that this attack was somehow coordinated in terms of timing with that is on it to try and undermine the political need to ship at a time where the property felt very boyd topped by this new mandate. it had been handed or no, i don't think so. i don't think so because this is a brand that had been made a long time before hunt. and i don't think that they had any relation
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with the election that took place. but this is by, on my own personal point of view, that other people who might try to, to find some kind of blink. well, we appreciate you coming on and discussing that with us that was different on for last week on boss, just leaving it as present or present to you as always. feel time getting into church. well, i left a stop to you now with the very latest castle teams take us that we have received. it has now been confirmed that it is 90. 3 people were killed in the attack on the consent who a 121 inches. that's 923 dead $121.00 inch at the russian investigative committee several. and that the death toll is likely to rise and fight to the causes of death, as gunshot wounds and smoke ventilation. and also sat them on the inspection of the
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premises of the concert who indicate the terrorist use too much of the weapons during the attack. well, i also want to bring, you know, some new pictures coming in from that does the tire attack russian video, little guy, publish amount of film to the event from the moment that the shooting started. and he told us more about what was happening, that in the concert what itself the we are to come. so it's in progress. city. hey, there's some kind of shooting going on here. people who are running. everyone is screaming they were shooting from a gun. the shooting at the crowd. some people are shooting the whole was set on fire was set on fire. particularly just just that we are in life. we're safe now. it was very hard to escape from the shooting was from all sides. there were many wounded in our opinion, there were people killed people who were shots when lying on the floor. shots will
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find both in the hole in the car doors. we were waiting for the moment to run out. we were able to run out into the street ghost into the 1st call we saw and drove away 4 points national with us on scarcely on the smoke, subaru decided that this was katy. a well planned to talk, talk today to tools maximum cottage is undoubtedly a active terrorism. what's more, it is a military or military style active tear and is this was organized. this was planned. the gunmen are heavily armed with assault rifles. according some reports, body armor and throwing grenades. they obviously had some type of explosive device or accelerate. there would have been very light rent a cop type security at the entrance and some incredibly soft target. they open fire from the reports,
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i point blank range on anyone who came within view. so their goal was to kill as many russians as possible. i, so, meanwhile, nobela washington, a capital omens. people have been named silas outside the russian embassy and tribute of clueless to the victims. local officials who also came to pay their respects, say, what happened? how's the play shocked everyone and both of us, fussy, but i think the bell of russians who came to express that condolences to those families whose relatives have been killed. those who have suffered much, unfortunately, oppressions in bella, russians, the united, i'm talking about in terms of the tragedy. and also i'm kind of pathetic to we brought this indeed gets what it gave. people feel pain in their hearts by the fact that those who went through the concert and wanted to spend friday night with their families. they're not going home. typically, sodium was in use and we can see today, even the sky is crying. there is no word for such actions or events. it's
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impossible to comprehend how anyone could think of doing such a thing. well, the white house also gave its immediate reaction to the tragedy. let's listen to what the us uh, national security adviser said when commenting on the possible motives behind the attack. clearly, you know, there are people in the, in las gone and russia that object to the way mr. brewton is governing the country . but i don't think we're at this early hour, we can make a link between the, the shopping all attack and in political motivations as an excuse. we just need to, we more time and we need to learn more information as well. to discuss the reaction to this masika and what's going on showing by correspond to rena, closer but i mean, we just heard very quickly what the us national security advisor have to say. i mean, did we expect and say anything else? well, let's be on this one. this 1st happened every one, of course, around the world, by the way, assume that it was ukraine behind the considering everything that is happening.
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yeah, it's what we heard from the united states right away was that ukraine has nothing to do with it. and you would think, well, why, how are they so sorts of because let's not forget what everyone is finding really suspicious. here is the fact that 2 weeks ago, the us embassy in moscow issue. that's one thing that said, uh, 4 to advise that citizens to stay away from large, large gatherings including concert. so why did they say that? what kind of intelligence did they have? and if they had that, then why is don't kirby here debating about it could be someone local, supposedly dissatisfied with vladimir boots. and either you know, when you have that intelligence been shared, or you think, and you're not sure yet, that it might be someone dissatisfied with vladimir putin, which again, doesn't make sense. because as we've seen that as we've just started the presidential elections, show them prove the whole world just how much support let them represent has here in russia. well, let's listen to what we as a harlem rushes, foreign affairs folks person have to say about this and the reaction hey,
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this is she? yes. you know, what is the people who have a heart, all the people who have a mind and all the people who have a conscience, a cooling this, a heinous crime, a bloody terrorist attack, a terrible fight? is there a reaction of them? it is certainly the reaction of washington which says that it sees no signs that ukraine, or as they said, you craniums are involved in the terrorist attack. on what basis do officials in washington draw any conclusions in the midst of a tragedy about anyone's lack of involvement? when the big question is the united states, as well as other countries have or had reliable data on the samantha see, it should be immediately handed over to the russian side to this. and if there is no such date to the 9th of the white house, nor anyone else has the right to grant indulgence to any one of those involved as the russian leadership has said, will be identified by the competent authority. i can honestly tell you to if it's not just questions a huge question. so the re.


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