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tv   Going Underground  RT  March 23, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EDT

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when we saw this tigers, i guess flies and people in other countries that are not friendly to russia at the moment. so of course, maybe that's why we saw more condolences, but then it turns into condemnation as well, which is exactly what murray is a horrible saying. why am we not seeing more of that? then all these countries joined in and we had condolences and condemnations from france. germany, like i said, these are countries right now that are not there at their historic close when it comes to their relationship with russia, but still the issue that's and then we also heard from the south african embassy here in moscow. let's hear that this. so i'll see, can embassy stuff in most cool, including low calorie quartet personnel or accounted for. we've also made contact with all so that we can students and that we know of what based and most cool in the whole sleep the so buffy can government condense this and all of the ex of tetra. we believe that terrorism, in any shape or form and for what it,
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what it is and does not belong in our society and should be condemned by or would like to send a message of condom lenses to the government of russia to the families of the victims as well as those that are in jet wished and a speedy recovery. this is a situation that will continue to monita and we show a shape of beings as and when we receive information. well, there was one puzzling sweets from this way and the out of the foreign minister there on the x to sweet to door x. i don't even know how you say it these days and said, well, let's not lose focus, which is so well, i don't even know what to say to that. but mainly, like i said, it was the sudden some of that were heard from the south african embassy there. and of course we also heard from russia is a very close friends from the leaders of india and china. so i want to take listen to that. now,
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we strongly condemned the this terrorist attack in most types of thoughts and prayers, are with the families of the victims. they need a stands in solidarity with the government and the people in the russian federation . in this hour of grief, china opposes all forms of terrorism. strongly convinced a terrorist attack confirmed the supports the efforts of the russian hill authorities to maintain national security. so right now, of course, we're waiting to hear from lot of our prison, what he will have to say about all this and more that comes out from investigation, as we know that as some people have been detained. so let's see what comes out of that. i definitely feels that within the coming out she things are going to become a lot. okay. that was all to correspond to marina cost without. thanks very much. marina. well, we will suspect she broke down political on this alex for pull to fi his period cuz they, she feels that the reaction of the us and the fact that it had to end all the potential terror attack in moscow is someone stopping. and i'm going to go back to the march 7th warning here. this was a warning that was uh, you know,
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alerted from the state department in the united states and it reads the following. it says, the embassy is monitoring reports, that extremist they use the word extreme is, have imminent plans to target large gatherings. they also point out moscow to include concerts. that's the 1st one. and us citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings. now, i don't think that that is a clue. i think that is the us intelligence knowing this. and we see, you know, the us government's response and that response is, well, these things happen. and i'm building a narrative here. and it's a very disturbing one here, especially when you read them report that warning. we also have to understand is how this was orchestrated uh what apps were used to work. and it's very a technological time that we're in. this has to be orchestrated to really go under
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the radar of a lot of the security agencies and we know very well that, you know, the rest of the security agencies know a lot about how to really kind of, you know, crush, i would say a terrorist attack or a terrace attack on us soil. so this has happened to now it's been brutal. and once again, her effect display of a tear that has been uh, you know, shown to moscow residents. but as i said, again, this is going to take some time. the intelligence is going to figure out how this was done and orchestrated and who is connected to it or would join now live by plesco commentate to add a peg calling this on to joe. thank you very much for taking the time the saturday and we all just beginning to kind of understand the details. they are coming in square expecting documentation to speak as well. so maybe he'll provide some
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clarity what we do know, so is, but i'm off to the attack happened. washington came out and it said, we believe that there's no reason to doubt that it's not make states was somehow behind this and then it quickly said, we don't think he has any responsibility. was this? what's your initial reaction to that? to see, i think the 1st of all i would like to communicate my sincere condolences to the families. everybody for software does, this is totally, totally unacceptable. it does a humongous tragedy. no matter who has a book i tried to do and we must order with one voice. i need to book really condemning. and i've taken everybody in india, all citizens. somebody can say you'd speak on behalf of everybody. that's odd sco. busy out with the victims as well as russia who has been
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a great trend of india over ever since we became independent of so once again, my condolences not talking about the us reaction. i think there was an element get this set. the right thing is the right time, but it has to go much beyond. busy if this were to happen to any american allies, i like the country, i think the reaction or that'd be much stronger and be able to really rowdy, that means to, you know, also say that we would have to get a 5, this kind of a menace info short of that, you'd say is that, you know, we have warranty or we told you already and you let it happen. it's, it's bad, but uh, you know, i, as you said, it'd be so kind of the, how can you help it? i think that is short of expected shouldn't be only on humanitarian grounds. and one would expect for stronger indictment as well as support. you know,
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you may have one of the things in the shop. uh, but you can not uh, but condemn. uh kidding of you know, some people for whatever reason. i think that is what i would wait to hear from washington. i mean, a russian officials save that up to also terrorist who participates yesterday have been captured, detained, close to the ukrainian border, probably trying to cross into the country re, i'm, i mean, do you think it's, if the, if the link doesn't div a much with kids do you think it was natural, but they would of uh, either fled to a country that is obviously with russia over they would be from the you see the point is it's difficult to make conjectures here. and i'm certainly no intelligence expect to make that sort of a comment. but why don't be surprised that if there was no even then you no longer link to the thing?
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because to come all the way to russia and readily that while the conflict going on with the rush or a new frame, ignoring all of that and make this isolated attack in the capital of the country is not easy to understand. so i'm sure russian intelligence is going to another lot more, really see a fax coming out for you all. i think this is a very valuable already. there was a point in the reactions i see in india. there was a lot of money in india as well. as doris concerned, we are going into a very, very uh, you know, a, a very important for it to be fitted with the elections or not just around the corner. in india, there was a kind of talk, the sort of a thing can happen in russia. and uh, you know, uh what would be, what happens in a country like dollars because there are a lot of people who don't like the rest of the machine and you know,
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they could be up to a positive disruption these. busy mission yeah, so i think there is a degree of concern even in india, and i'm sure that will be apart from the state when richard side from the indian government, there will be some exchange of notes. offline. i'm kolowski, you mentioned officer your elections. we have elections here in russia just last week as not to me through to relax inputs, 5th time of 87 percent of the votes. and i think even, i mean we were covering it. we had a beautiful studio outside of the red squire. and as, as he was speaking at the press conference off towards, you could see that he felt very confident he felt void up by this new mandate that he's been given by the people you know, fast forward 56 days. and we have over 90 of his citizens that and i, i do want, ah, what do you make of the timing here? i mean, obviously russia is in the middle of
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a rule and that would be some people i'd imagine who would seek to gain from. so being fair, who in the policy trying to undermine document pollutants need to ship one card told me that uh, because i received some reports of the american news agencies and media outlets in which they are all there besides the, you know, the raising the question. months of argument supported and severe election that how democracy gets worse and that's the kind of, you know, questions. it does raise it for any other country. busy where people are dying don't lie to that, appreciate it. so this is becoming like a some kind of a playbook every right. and so red shirts happen often the. busy actions of, you know, but that one sees a serial logic pattern and this is, it's not huge care enough to decipher,
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but there are 2 instead of searching indications that there is a, some sort of a larger network, which is i, to, i just now i have been up in we, we do live in apologized good and with the port. busy as part of the, the different kinds of, on the rise ation. and so uh, you know, gone to forces that are to work. i mean, obviously it was present to us from india, india itself as talking to a stranger to tyra attacks. and i wanted to just phone sort of a possible perspective. i'm, what's your impression do incidents like this tends to so panic as i believe that there intended to, or do they have all the stuff to bring about me cohesion then before, as people understand they need to be united. and then we'll just to confront any
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challenge with thoughts, terrorism of health threats. i mean, you know, i don't see, you know, about consolidated support. but as we said that today we're on the post. no. in fact, most to the board and the consolidation would happen within a certain section. and which uh, certainly was happening by the majority of people in russia automatically, any other country. it will also, it's unlikely that the country like russia is not going to react to. it's, there will be their time here shouldn't, there won't be reaction sooner than later on, sooner or later. and you know, that sort of thing would happen today from any other country into the country like india, which is no longer especially to diverse attacks as we have seen in the past. so the word order has changed. and so this will, you know, uh, the survey new trigger,
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a tit for tat and which is not good for the word. i'm not sure it's not going to take good line down. it's not a soft stage. and and so i think you said what is done this, i think they have to some extent punched about the rips. and could i also just ask you, i mean, it's to get hold style, i think, used a bit earlier on the words payoffs. i mean, it doesn't, it feels that the world feels one stable than it has been, and perhaps a long time for talking about obviously that as well, cause the situation. terror attacks in iran, red c shipping attacks ukraine. young men, do we feel that conflict even localized, even smaller scale ones, like the one that we saw in friday? the bees are going to grow and grow because as he said,
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the world has become so potent arise, feels weaker, and so susceptible to incidents like this. you see, i see you drew reyes and it was barely a personal opinion. and despite fee, i see the people at the human level, we are all united. there are searching interest groups and we have beans and you're not told or extra growing and be able to try to cause disruptions and you start realize it. but if you were to any of these countries, if you were to talk to him by the kinds of all talking, russia, the ordinary citizen, i'm chocolate, the fees as aggrieved as any of us. and the issue at crossover, it is only one unit that could be some sections item the apology or in the pin, which is on certain amount of you can save your logic code or for different access
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. oh no words we are different. but what is happening without a kill? what's happening? is there any cancer or anywhere and it's nothing wrong. i think the human response would be quite similar. nobody is going to sail itself, right? because we don't like restaurants. it's happened that people, people, i think the voice being the same way and gets i'm not making an idealistic statement. i think that's the truth. nobody likes others to be. busy especially and also be the kid in any country, any part of the world. well, we very much appreciate you coming on sharing a will thoughts with us that was on tape those political commentator and all had caught them this. thank you sunday. thank you very much. i as well, let's see what else is happening. a special image of a candle has been shown on field pools throughout russian memory of the victims. the sign which has what grief on the date of the atrocity has been seen in cities
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on across the country from one out and office to best from valuable stock depending on some piece about schools here in most go to well since the early hours of the morning, hundreds of people have been lining up on health centers and must go to donate cloud for the victims of the terror attack. officials are putting on no calls to take an active part in helping us. they say that for a number of the wounded, it could really be a matter of life or death. well, let's just briefly recap what we know about the story for this uh, with all the latest updates. uh, confirmed 19th street. people were killed in the attack on the croakers, such a concert, who, a 121 injured the russian investigative committee. so when the death toll is likely to rise, it cited the quote says, of death is a gunshot wounds and smoke inhalation. it was decided, an inspection of the premises of the constable, indicate the terrorist used automatic weapons during the attack. meanwhile,
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the credit reports at the head of the russian security services has reported to president peyton that 11 people related to the attack, encouraging full terrorist who carried out the atrocity have been detained. arsenal forties at that fall, the walk is on the way to target a terrorist network involved as well for the old, the very latest on fridays project. and then you can head on over to our website all to dot com. they have bought the latest videos with the knowledge this with guest. it is through that. so check it out. the
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well, that's good to talk to some of the news um and it says that it will prosecute 35 small the pirates captured by its navy on a hijacked ship of somalia. with all the details of the case has altered when joshua this also has been shifted in yes for the see earlier when india would tap charts or rescue crew members from pirates. and the notion, it would usually get the crew member back would be divided. stacked that but this time be seen that the indian navy has brought back all the, put the 5 somalia pirates with them. and they've been handed over just a while ago to the moon by police to the law enforcement, the agencies. and of course, prosecution will be done in due time, but indian navy has proved itself to be the guardian of the indian ocean. once again, the in fact rescued all the 17 crew members that were that were taken hostage by
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a whole lot of pilots. and this was back in december on the 14th of december, in fact, the shift that was gathering steel. it was captured by 35, somebody out virus and all the crew members since then they've taken on stage. so december, january, february, march, so mid march on the 16th of march, in fact is when the indian navy launched that operation, it wasn't an easy operation. each took a while, 40 almost full, the indian navy. they will fire that by the somebody outside roads. but in the navy didn't manage to rescue all the members on board. all the 17 people have been brought back, but also the, the, the 5. so my la products, they've been handed over to the law enforcement agencies. and of course, in due time, we will see what's and how the fusion is carried out. i'm fine the washington times, that it hasn't received a full request. and even as a non is looking for the power of the cations on soft military government and the
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west african nation. last week deployed the u. s. troop presence in the country in equal, at this point, the national council for the safe guard of the homeland self identified government of new share has not asked or demand that the united states military depart. there's actually quite a mixed message. we're following up and seeking clarification. they have a short us that the american military forces are protected and they will take no action that would endanger them. the united states are system 70 of defense and international security affairs. so as to why don't decide the united states is so you can fall back to our reputation on the disease and may find these as military government last week. and is there a declared the agreement that allowed us to operate in the country know and void in a televised broadcast the cues in the united states of disrespecting, its sovereignty, the governments of these, you have addressed the will of the american delegation to do not the silver and the
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chevy and people, their vice, to choose the partners and the type of partnership that can help them truly fight terrorism. even though the united states of america has, you know, lots fairly decided to suspend the old cooperation between our 2 countries. the american presence on the territory of the republic of nisha is illegal and violates all the constitutional um type of credit rules that would like the silver people in particular through select as representatives to be consulted for the installation of the forwarding all me on the national territory currently the us based on the around 1000 troops and off with the largest one base in the city of august, is north of the sure the u. s. military installations that has been part of the efforts to counter terrorism in the region. defenders on a piece of said plus the about, these are national council for the safeguard of the homeland short america about the will take no action against us troops. meanwhile, the deceased hunter and military cooperation with the us has been welcomed by
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locals, will have been seen burning us flags. the united states officially designate at the military takeover and me, sir as of whole summer of last year. limits in its supports to the nation. the m was the price of the military to reinstate the post president mohammed presume. but the spots with washington comes. i made wider attempts by new journal parties to cut ties with former colonial powers in december of the military and had relations with france and expelled french troops from the country. the countries military leaders also covering very vocal about moving away from the west and last month, missouri with neighboring molly. and for keen, a fossil decided to leave the course and viewed their own corporations long term. so you'll be using archie, blue job my to re assign and also just a few minutes. we'll be back in around 7 minutes with the very latest, with guest correspondence to bring us up to date on the developments relate to especially to that tire talk on friday night. and most guys will see. so
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the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case of the med, most of the people i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world lunacy re washing as for so the funder line likes to say, we have the tools while we just start with stability and visit this deal. so let me let me on. you have very quick propaganda. you know, a price here in your i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask
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a better. the answer is will be the as a, how are they a cps? because they can scroll. so i'd be search and then use their email here, which is great if in to the urls the non c theory of racial superiority finished style. for years of creating an access all the place and 14 concentration comes to the full prisoner of war. labor comes to in prisons really well, you know,
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thing to do is choose them union venue. so i'm assuming you need even the chest really to get all the physical. i'm assuming it was going to be approximately 25000 people went through the occupied of go and finish camps according to official figures. this move stuff, dudley level, if the ship did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just the scenario to stuff, silva, youngest. i mean, you know what the famine disease forced labor to achieve by the simple meals. what was the last it also need, you know, what's the tape it to you that the institute almost do it off with those who put in his name, push these things up to give you what feel it through to create the, those thousands of testament crimes and the impunity of criminals. so when you look i hear you know, wanted to do this because 90 and the did i tell you? yeah for the good i see it are released upon me. besides the good you got to do, please don't. so you can just you because you put parents. danielle was booked at
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the law. the. it's the question of the money the nuclear envelope. she was like a dealer most schools do. if you look on the initial do, while, of course, significantly post on zillow, while it be almost getting used to put value, what do you do? origin. but y'all just done the newest for a government buildings systems to build a new do what i see these the bus is the little gear relation says this tutorial on both of the
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scott bennett. i'm former united states army psychological warfare officer, really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del daily the . so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and to gather the facts, to take back to the american people. the hold on bass of the front lines and the square, the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying. this is where the buildings are exploding the
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all. i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war of the l. look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings accept. we're so shorter to conflict with the 1st law show you alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence as the point obviously, is to create a trust rather than fit the various job. i mean, with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the team in the robot must protect his phone,
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existence was on the the toes and cold, not terrorists strike out a package called said hole in the russian capsule leaving at least $115.00 dead, including 3 children, and over $122.00 windows, the 4 terroristic took part in the attack has been detained by the russians. secure to


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