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tv   Documentary  RT  March 23, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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offered me to do these dates for money. what dates exactly it will be to kill people to kill who in the midst of filling the screen of the dangers and send me the location to do that, did they tell you who to kill people? was people, it doesn't matter. anyone you meet there who weren't anyone doing calendar just to enter the location until people. yes or. i mean, once again, your full name and your the results, your 3rd the or in the 9th 98 team. not just the since you have the september 17. so how did i don't know what you make about this the 1st time i've seen the video, but for me, what really struck me was that this is, i mean this is a young us and born in 1998. and yet he went out on a mission that he knew what he would most likely end up being quote for she took
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the lights, i mean passing, i didn't know, but in total, a nice $93.00. and who did it for money? what does that show us? the people who are recruiting individuals like this prey on young people. i may play to this mouse and re instinct. all of these people who are already inclined that way and not just looking for the opportunity. the right. you know, i, your last name, you that go, i have seen incidents in my country in general. that's me. where i have to read to st. boba's. i a few incidents in the eastern states in the money board and bucket management read the about, instead of all the side, you all assume side of the nose off the back he is going to be should be even not be like these people are unemployed. people who have watch
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some in mid, i would use a journal and they have to pay more than other drugs such an extent. that'd be out of boy was born in 1998 must be the 26 year old, or no, it's very easy to get these youngsters to a pinball another place. i'd love to spend the dental that we saw the most interesting american isn't the issue of wanting to the american masters to a white lodge galleries as a way the american citizens in russia did. they call them back until 1121 didn't mention the timing. yes. that's the reason why a rush gym door before i went there as well. because i will not see the american, the russian to join people who are uh,
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unaware i'm sure they must have done the job. i'm sure they must be away as bad. i'm sure they tried the best and get the best the same day. it's just, unfortunately it's a month, please know. unfortunately most of these read something have to because one has to be all it was supposed to be. and that's exactly what i see where you give it up and told the lady the marketing security agencies. but they have not one the white board of the 19098. what do you, what was the reason i did it with that when he didn't read it? just me. you all know all the situation was your mouth. i'm to be the pieces of somebody is you mean by enough and i don't receive, but they have been to say ball loose that say rich that i unfortunately on sundays with dream, i'm send them a call because me now the very factors,
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i am certain that i the bed that, you know, security agency really look above that. these are the people was that employed by address? well there was, oh, really do. she was hired as a mission, but because a lot of fact like this is do that you can get the we on the street i is, i'm all the is something i'm miss, will you as well that these people help them baby level sports the whole the escape the tribes for free people, not the biggest something either this either. most of them i am reading it as these youngsters. what does that mean? oh i think it seems like we have lost my haven't. that was the front of as x button the how much on the a shaw? we appreciate his time. well,
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let's look at what else is happening in the by the russian capital minutes. people have been letting flowers outside the russian embassy and tribute to the victims of the attack, local officials who also came to pay that respect. say what happened has been the shop to everyone in the country, a fussy, but i think the bell of russians who came to express that condolences to those families whose relatives have been killed. those who have suffered so much, unfortunately, oppressions and bella russians a united, i'm talking about in terms of the tragedy. and also i'm kind of pathetic to we brought this indeed gets what we do. people feel pain in their hearts by the fact that those who went to the concert and wanted to spend friday night with their families. they're not going home. typically, sodium, we're going to use and we can see today, even the sky is crying. there's no word for such actions or events. it's impossible to comprehend how anyone could think of doing such a thing in china tape and assess, help a make shift for more of that,
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the russian embassy to on those killed the studies treating people, helping. lang, sy was candles and toys, children on. once the dead, they say they have been horrified by the tragedy and it's wanting justice for those who carried out the massacre. well, like mohammed was just saying, the white house wound of a possible power attack in moscow earlier in the month. and that system to exactly what the white house national security council spokespersons said at the time. earlier this month, the u. s. government received information about a planned terrorist attack in moscow, potentially in places of mass gatherings, including concerts, which prompted the state department to issue a public warning to americans and russia. also, adrian watson. there. a said that they did. one must go about this plan, the attack, although we were getting unconfirmed reports from russia's f as be saying that they did receive information,
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but that it was general and very vague. then we have the new york times now reporting sites and us intelligence officers saying that they confirm the the i says, connection to this terrorist attack. but having said that, then if they do confirm it, it seems that the white house has clueless because we have john kirby, the us national security council spokesperson and other spokesperson. who seems to know nothing about that because he's debating that it could be someone within russia who has it out for vladimir boots and clearly, you know, there are people in the, in las gone and russia that object to the way mr pool is governing the, the country, but i don't think we're at this early hour, we can make a link between the, the shopping all attack and in political motivations as an excuse. we just need to, we more time and we need to learn more information. so it's very confusing. or if he has that information, why not share it and say, well, we did send that to musket wise, you know, talking about it at all. considering that they had some intelligence information,
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which is why the post about warning 2 weeks ago. we're not seeing any mention of that, just just the battery won't series. it seems like they do have 0. and so, and this is also something interesting that was picked up by maria's a harvard as well, who spoke about the terrorist attack. and this is what you have to say, hey, going to see it. you know, all the people who have a heart, all the people who have a mind and all the people who have a conscience, a cooling this, a heinous crime, a bloody terrorist attack, a terrible fight. is there a reaction? it is certainly the reaction of washington which said that it sees no signs that ukraine or as they said, ukrainians are involved in the terrorist attack. on what basis do officials in washington draw any conclusions in the midst of a tragedy about anyone's lack of involvement? when the big question is the united states, as well as other countries have had reliable data on this matter, it should be immediately handed over to the russian side. if there is no such data,
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the 9th of the white house, nor anyone else has the right to grant indulgence to any one of those involved as the russian leadership has said, will be identified by the competent authorities. i can honestly tell you it's not just questions. a huge question. so the reaction of the office of the secretary general left the un, which said, i mean the office, it's representatives that they are stopping by the reports of the shooting move, adequate people who have different emotional levels of reaction to this kind of thing. the woods, with the same of her shock. she comes to nation unequivocal condemnation, right? just and compassion for the victims, the united nations. it's secretary general and it's member. countries are obliged to see what the whole world is now seeing a bloody terrorist attack and condemn it. unequivocally, so it's so hard for that. talk some fluid strokes about the fact that that has obviously been international reaction to friday's a events. can you just uh,
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pull costs through what exactly people have been saying? yes. as soon as this happened, of course, we're sort of getting that wave of condolences and condemnation was at 1st, it was mainly condolences and then when we saw the figures, i guess, fries and people in other countries that are not friendly to russia at the moment. so of course, maybe that's why we saw more condolences but then it turned into condemnation as well, which is exactly what murray is a horrible saying, why am we not seeing more of that? then all these countries joined and then we had condolences and condemnations from france. germany, like i said, these are countries right now that i know it's, there are other historic lows when it comes to their relationship with russia, but still the issue that's and then we also heard from the south african embassy here in most scotland square that this old african embassy stuff in most cool, including low colored quartet pesa matter or accounted for. we've also made contact with all so that we can students that we know of what based and most cool in the
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whole suite. this about the can government condensed this and own of the x of tetra . we believe that terrorism in any shape or form and for what ever reason does not belong in our society and should be condemned by all. we'd like to send a message of condom lenses to the government of russia to the families of the victims, as well as those that are inject, wished and a speedy recovery. this is a situation that will continue to monita and we show the shape beings as in when we receive information. well, there was one puzzling sweets from this way and the on the foreign minister there on the x to sweet a door x. i don't even know how you say it these days and said, well, let's not lose focus, which is so well, i don't even know what to say to that. but mainly, like i said, it was decided something that were heard from the south african embassy there. and
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of course we also heard from russia is a very close friends from the leaders of india and china. so i want to take listen to that. now, we strongly condemn the this terrorist attack and most scope of thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims. india stands in solidarity with the government and the people of the russian federation. in this hour of grief, china opposes all forms of terrorism. strongly condensed a terrorist attack confirmed the supports the efforts of the russian hill authorities to maintain national security. so right now, of course, we're waiting to hear from lot of our prison what he will have to say about all of this. and more that comes out from investigation, as we know that some people have been detained. so let's see what comes out of the home, which only live now by sub independent, unless from south africa, soccer towers, thanks very much for your time. so i'll co, i'm the 1st thing i want to us to, i suppose relates to our country of heritage, the southern president, vic ship said the west intelligence had prime knowledge of the attack,
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not as why they issued a warning to the citizens of to stay away from concepts they specified as well as out the mass gatherings. so what happened was, what do you think was the intelligence to vega to form deaf is what happened. it's a very good day to you if i can call it like that and my condolences and components is from the people of south africa. and of course, it would be a to, to, to the families and to the whole brushing the funding this very difficult hours. um, yes, but the president, what you sent saw, and many others unaware of this warning that to us had to boss to russian intelligence about, you know, that sounded to me like they had in the passage somewhere talking about categories in stock and they may as well as the boss information to the ocean counterparts, they obviously had their much sort of you formation, which they did not change as
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a conch success of these terrible, terrible events. please stop with dr to to be seen in the past. and i still cannot understand why these informations and they'll be shared to the accounting firms in the effort to prevent starting to some of these sites. that is the other question that is for the international community. um, you know, i'm coming from the said the, i'm in south africa or country. you certainly are. we had a terrible war and we learned one thing in the sub you. when you have such a event like this, you always need to us who is benefiting the most often these hernandez events that the something that needs to be i said is the i mean well it was also interesting for me. i'd appreciate getting your tank is within just a few hours of the news breaking about the attack on friday evening. washington
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said, we have no reason to doubt that ice. this is responsible. ukraine is not responsible. now at that point, it was still incredibly unclear what was happening, but they will absolutely intent on putting distance between the masika and of course the ally ukraine. where would you make that? i saw this issue a long i'm just going to call to the president tom, making the 2016 way. he said that president obama and she wrote a claim to create devices. i just want to remind you of something as soon as when categories attacks happen anywhere in the world. it's immediately or choose the slot or more slips. and if you say the sizes or any other, what's the modernization you clear?
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you know, this is what they do, this is how they do and it is back to the few months later, weeks later has been confirmed like for arguments or can generally with the tellers attack happen any wrong devices. most of the smoke at the published and the main media publish, isis and then building clear. secondly, it's quite interesting that to us immediately starting to clear ukraine out us any involvement. and although the recent findings found out that terrorists were on the way via trying to get out to the nation, best times i attend to believe in the state and from us, i don't believe actually, the 2 came, had much to do with that. you know him, i believe you not believe of your kind is not being asked much that. okay. and it's is just one see for the fights and the war against that i should. so i believe that
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maybe. okay. and is don't have a clue what's happening. you know, the address they to, to take the branch of this fight order for next month or more, i guess slash i saw him from the point from this point of view. i'm interested to believe that you kind of goes into what this thing going on. uh, can i ask you, you of us, you mentioned that you come from a nation which software to tire people in russia as well. at the time of the 21st century, that were too terrible was the chechen was which way incredibly bloody, which were very protracted. on which left huge scars on the russian nation. i think many people still feel that today and the terrorist attack, but we saw on friday i think reminded people this very thought the times. do you think that was the goal to try and reopen this front and remind people of that
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time of great and stooping to see what people lives in fair as well. a said, as i said earlier, you know, it's a, it's a game played by the western part of switching the desponding yugoslavia. yugoslavia was the country with the nations did live. the different religion did live in the peace and some kind of t and not like any other country. we had about sometimes about smoking, to point to the end up in the room. that was a pretty sonata, you palm dig around, just finding the saw me a to be able to martin just, i'm sorry to hear that you know, less than nations. remember, i don't have a much of the decent informations and by the state community as then they're living into doc. they believe that the thing that i some people hate the time that we don't believe they don't understand. but i shall remember saying that no,
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no progress in gosh, which isn't happening on the last day for decades. and the name of the game is t a thing is the ability to be able to recall that i shot ordered the progressive qantas. never mind that i show we are witnessing that whoever comes across the politics of the united states at a simply uh, i must say ease of our, you know, it's been banned from the rest of the so called western nations and taking the product over that. so yes, i would agree with you 8 sir. creation of the stability. that's the name of the game. that's way they're going to control the world uh to the point of sale, armaments stability, and also to find this task which benefits only to them. so how to solve that, nobody knows that the issue is in my home. the
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federal bureau from russia will find out at the end of this or beginning of this operation and punish that is for simple ones which and it's the only way to, to send that message. obviously not to affect the civilian civilians are really not guilty from any of the sudden and then not have to of that the slot is the only one to play needs to stop because that's the only way that we can find the truth or well we very much appreciate you joining us. the sauce that was that is all co tired, subbing and dependent on this speaking to us from south africa. thank you so. okay, well, thank you for the latest on this attack. you can head on over to our website, off t dot com, plenty of videos and analysis interviews with guests through the latest reaction to
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the and i'm not know it is a good buy from me for the day when we associate will be taking those in about a 78 minutes. so join a bit late from the wound. when i went to the wrong, just don't have to shape out the application
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and engagement trails. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look so common ground, the the daily news cpd with the story page go level the use of solutions, stuff. so can you see the shift going? it's because each time she couldn't miller or collected stupid to photocopy slip to describe the, the dizzy on this before they have to do the fixture of the dream. you create, excuse, but i mean yes. which is sort of cool story. so disposable cleaning some the doors not say that the, which it's done. it's conflicting the, let's say, by pushing and go to school. centuries ago. your forebears name this country ukraine or frontier
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because you're steps blank, europe and asia, the ukrainians, that become frontiersman of another story. the people will be able to see this one is which of the most of them there's always, you know, going to try to jump to the most goals and would have been data that some of the heavily cool man joe played on the post co pays gift to suck you the crazy stuff on the, the the, what is part of the,
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the employee would post that isn't the, the place you of us in that, in the word? or is it something deeper, more complex, might be present good. let's stop without pleases. let's go products as the motion of the nuclear above seeing the muscles do, if you look on the initial do well, of course, significant dealer post on zillow, while it be almost getting used to the new through the origin. but yachts us the was done, the newest brain only
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begins sisters to do what i see these the buses. the little cute little dyson says this to the, to the most of the, after the end of world war 2, great britain decided to make up for its losses with the merciless exploitation of its colonies. the plundering of the occupied territories. have my la, devastated as a result of decades loan fighting, extremely hard. changing, grew, and in 1948, the colonial administration was forced to declare a state of emergency in response patriots. united him to the malay in people's liberation army and began a guerrilla war london decided to suppress resistance,
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georgia and mass deportations. executions of civilians and spraying of chemicals, scale being and cutting off had these were the barbaric methods. the british used trying to keep my la within their empire, the massacre in the village of baton gully committed by the scots guard to against the alarm specialist because that particular stir, the entire male population became victims. trying to surprise the gorilla movement, the occupiers relocated 500000 people to concentration camps. for roses, drill deep or its fruit. the patriots were scattered. however, the british experienced the strength of the malay resistance to the full extent. the british army losses in the la were the largest since the end of world war 2. in 1957, the british empire was forced to recognize malay and independence. the resilience of them a late people put an end to the history of british colonialism in southeast asia.
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the russian states never as one of the most sense community best not getting hold of all sun set up the same assistance must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on the russians today and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say it would twist, which is the
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a what's the name of the street? it's just the highway. the gym who you leave with the you should mohammed anyone else know probably know how much was that was one of those things when you step you lead, let me know how much because how much said that. he arrive 10 to 15 days ago. i'm
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not supposed 1000 model coolant nice 15 but finally day. and so for about a month fully together so much you wanted to work the, the key take a loan to buy a car on the ocean on the and that she doesn't, the only a few as i'm strand of you seen on zillow, i seen was the car english vehicles from the wanted to work with the vehicle. was it a taxi or was it the crock: and then what the book see? a small car of the one to, to use it as a tactic whose i'm to lower them in which you got to see how did you made him? can you tell
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a drug as soon as you met him on telegraph booklet, go into the typical like watching what was the phone to the to become a little while. could use the computer screen when you can move 52. when you go to the, to 4, was this way with uniforms facility the use his own phone. okay. so when, when exactly, you matched up the law. charles got you to court disagreements. his name was ann or 12 days ago and just about the days to ride to a he bought a car from school the week of august, according to the.


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