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tv   News  RT  March 23, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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on talent drugs, as soon as you met him on telegrams books like only the typical like watching what was the phone to the to become who could use the computer to call me when you can move i to for you to come to the to for the was this way with uniforms facility the use his own phone. okay, so when when exactly you matched up the law. charles got you to court disagreements. his name was ann or 12 days ago, and just about the days to ride to a he bought a car from school the week of august, according to the was on with you. what do you have just
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a notice too, because he said i had been out of word for it so much time. so i wanted to find a job and find a way to do to do these. abdullah, 2 different opportunities and this goes to the manual telegram video, you know, when you met him, he was with them a beast. one of the adults advised him is based on the law, the leasing, so the suit, you go to the where and when you meet the bottom of the city, the where did you make the motion? when we were assigned the cars, where did you buy a car? zooming discussion on the state highway from who i'm
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the senior senior from to wow, you got me though the latest revelations here on how to international with a, one of the terrorist obtain in the wake of on historic attack here on the russian federation in the past. 12 hours or so, a terrorist gun attack, as most goes biggest content holders with a $115.00 people. dat including 3 children, i'm more than a $121.00. did a fire that was also stopped at the venue by the assailants has now been extinguished. the atrocity was caught on a number of different con versus people film, the events unfolding. one and you're going to find some of this stuff the
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uncertainty of where to come sit in, craig, a city who lives some kind of shoes and going on. people are running everyone screaming or shooting from a gun, the shooting of the crowd. some people are shooting the whole was set on fire. we were set on fire, particularly just just we were like we're safe now. it was very hard to escape from
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that issue. things were from a size, there are many wounded in our opinion. they were people killed people who was shot relying on the full show. so a 5 by send the whole end in the car door. we were waiting for the moment to run out, which we were able to run out into the street, going into the pass code we sold and drove away from the russian investigative committee has issued a statement on this attack. according to preliminary data, the causes of death were gunshot wounds and smoke inhalation. preliminary results of the examination of the concert hall premises indicate that the terrorists used automatic weapons in the attack, which, along with the munition they left behind, were found and seized by investigators ballistics, genetic and fingerprint examinations are currently being conducted on the evidence . it has also been established that the terrorists use the flammable liquid to set fire to the premises of the concert hall, where there were spectators,
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including the wounded, to investigate committee on the i'm the see of been very busy and they've carried out some great work. we believe that 11 individuals have they'll be interested in association with the group le tax here last night. the 4 of whom we believe are actually the perpetrators are making up a number of the perpetrators the took part last night. and of course, this is exceptionally important news. we also believe that the several of these people who have been arrested and captured and we believe are on the way back to moscow as we speak. are know, uh we're, we're trying to make their way towards the fact we're creating a border. we're actually to change very close to the opinion border. now we can actually have a listen to a bit more detail about the statements. after committing the terrorist act, the criminals tried to escape traveling by car towards the russian ukrainian border
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as a result of coordinated actions of special and law enforcement agencies. all 4 terrorists were detained several hours a part in the breeding screechy and they are currently being transferred to moscow . work is underway to identify all the circumstances of the terrorist act. it is already been established that the terrorist act was carefully planted. the weapons used by the terrorists were prepared in advance in a cash. after committing the terrorist act, the criminals intended to cross the russian ukrainian border and had appropriate contacts on the ukrainian side more detailed, more information about the fire. so it was quite a cynical of what these men did when they came with. not only did they murder and execute hold on civilians, women, children, a concert goers up, see the innocent civilians. they also try to burn the ability to the ground. now, to that extent they, they certainly succeeded as the ability behind me has only recently stopped smoking
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and smouldering covering the nearby road with dense clouds of black accurate smoke . so, i mean, this was a really bright la 10 to for us face any rescue attempt. and maybe even to stop the terrified civilians escaping some of those theories are so poignant that say shocking. as any of us with families, friends, any of us who grew into a theatre been out on a friday night can really easily connect with some of these stores. i think we should listen to one of those now somebody telling their story of what they experienced here last night is doing the i was on the balcony. we didn't think it was shots, just the audience screening the musicians here at 1st. we didn't think much of it, but then it became clear that something scary was going on. suddenly someone shouted that there was shooting and we had to evacuate. we ran right down towards the stage where you at some point everyone stopped. everyone just lay down on the
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stage. i was trying to scramble behind the speaker because i saw a person with some kind of firearm. we ran behind the curtain and one of the lobby staff was already standing there. he said, run. another really poignant story from last night is one of having to actually pretend that you'd already be killed in order to escape. what seems to be inevitable. we should listen to this also. they were standing by the exit. we were heading towards a source. some of them ran back here and started shooting at people. i fell down on the floor and tried to play dead. and the girl next to me was killed. then the fire broke out, they closed the door. i guess they couldn't look it up. i was lying under the door, just breathing. i had no energy left in me some time past 3 or 4 minutes, maybe i crawled out, looked around and went to the exit. i saw that no one was that. so i went outside the form of the physical exam uh that we see here,
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the building destroyed the smell. and you can see the people driving past here, slowing down to take in the magnitude of what's happened here in moscow. but it's also the terrible form for the families that are left behind of loss of ones here today and last night, but also the trauma to thousands of people who up to witness in some cases, friends or family being to the executor like this. it's really, really a script at a terrible cord, a green ford here and a very wet, cold must go morning. good. it's all so brought out some of the best character like seen and people every most avoids russian. people coming in to strangers, helping to offering the lift to the metro station. we'll talk to you guy, but i spoke to run 11 fits from the car park here to the local metro station. he wouldn't take any money. and when returning, he brought to you coffee for the 1st responders and for the police really
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remarkable, a lie and spirit on display here in moscow that it seems clear to me. i know not a rush, you know, not a most good, but i've lived among these people that it would take a lot more than this. good engineer, the russian people and they seem absolutely determined to push on and move on with their lives in absolute defiance of this absolute terror. for the altima of the tire attack on the crocus complex is laid out bad without some hiring footage of the cost. the whole is not basically unrecognizable from the thriving music venue. would it be in just a matter of hours ago. and the building has been reduced to a child rec, and you can see emergency services there are basically coming the area, looking for evidence. now is special image of a candle has been shown on billboards throughout russia and tribute to the victims of the deadly attack. the sign which has the wood grief from the date of the atrocity it has been displayed in the cities of bottom. now nobody be able to scrubs out of all stock on st. petersburg among others. and since the early hours
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of the morning, hundreds of people have been lining up at health centers and must go to donate blood for the victims of the tower attack. officials, according to locals to take an active part saying it could mean the difference between life and death for some of the wounded people chewing the site. it's a way of showing support i'm here because it's really scary and the tragedy for everyone is absolute bye. so bored up, there was a lot of grief and a desire to help, so it gives us no peace. everyone should be together right now to help each other. i knew i had to support the victims despite there being so many people we wait in line and despite many being turned away for health reasons, people should still come any way. we're here because i want to be involved help people who have been hurt. it was published that are forced positive blood type is urgently needed. i am ready to be a donor even at night. this is a terrible tragedy. there are no words respectively of their backgrounds or what's
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happening in their lives. there's no excuse for the people who did it. russia supports each other in difficult times. always. russia only becomes more united by these things. the russian, the security service has detained 11 people, including all full terrorists, the carried out the massacre in moscow. and they've caught in the breakdown screech and trying to escape and a call to awards for ukraine in order and under interrogation. one of the suspects said they were offered cash to kim of the month. when did you arrive from turkey? march? 4th. yes. what did you do in searcy? at the documents there, i crossed the russian border once again. give me your 1st and last name so far would genius. i'm so dean yearbook since 1998. well done. so in progress, what did you do yesterday you searching? what, what are you doing? progress, searching, watts, shooting? yes. who's the people? what for?
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for him i'll police, for money, for money. yes. for how much money? about a half a $1000000.00. how familiar with warrants half a 1000000 roubles? who did you receive it from? i haven't received it yet. i've received half of it. what did you get it on my card? did you get the money put in a card? yes. where's the cards until the card was thrown out with all the clothes. you lost it? yes. when did you get the weapons? they delivered the weapons themselves. who are they? i don't know. they rolled on to the ground without a name without anything's home. and how were you found? do you look for them yourself or did they find, you know, they wrote to me to and why did they write to you specifically? i don't know. i was listening there. how is it possible? did it go to you? propose for you to kill people just like that. they don't just suggest to kill people to anyone. know i studied the telegram less than one and telegram. less than
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i did the lesson i was listening to the preacher. did you listen to the preacher? yes. thoughts and he wrote to you, his assistant wrote to me was the assistance thing. i don't know without the 1st name, without the last name. they wrote to me without anything you want me. when did i see you? sometime a month ago, one of these here i specifically, he wrote that he promised about the 1000000 roubles. how did the conversation begin? he just called me 1st, then made a proposition. i agreed. what did he offer? he offered money. money for wants. why did he suggest himself, he offered money to do such things as what's the deal? exactly. what did he tell you such murderers wants you who she told us to go to the place they would provide everything. do they say specifically? who is a kill people? what's kind of people doesn't matter, he told us to go inside and do this thing. just go in and kill yes. stop, stop once again. first and last name in the year of this, for
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a donation. so deem 1998, the full date, september 17. okay, that's it stopped by 2 according to international affairs and security on the list of monks the boat. he says this was clearly a well planned attack. calculated the cause, maximum con, which is undoubtedly a act of terrorism. what's more, it is a military or military style active. there it is. and this was organized. this was planned. the gunmen are heavily armed with assault rifles. uh, according to some reports body armor. uh and throwing grenades. they obviously had some type of explosive device or accelerate. there would have been very light rent a cop type security at the entrance and some incredibly soft target. they opened fire from the reports. i point blank range on anyone who came within view. so
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their goal was to kill as many russians as possible. meanwhile, the russian capital minutes got people to be lying file was outside the russian embassy in tribute to the victims of the attack. a local officials who also came to pay their respects say, what happened has deeply shocked every one in belarus as possible. i think the bell of russians who came to express that condolences to those families whose relatives have been killed. those who have suffered much, unfortunately, oppressions and bella russians, a united i'm talking about in terms of the tragedy. and also i'm kind of pathetic to, we've brought this indeed gets what we do. people feel pain in their hearts by the fact that those who went to the concert and wanted to spend friday night with their families. they're not going home to do most of these. and we can see today he's in the sky is crying. there's no word for such actions or events. it's impossible to
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comprehend how anyone could think of doing such a thing. in china, people instead of a make shift memorial of the russian embassy to all of those killed, steady stream of people to be laying flowers, candles, and toys. they say horrified by the tragedy and demanding justice for those who will suffer in the mass. now the white house won't have a possible terror attack in moscow earlier in the months. here's what the white house national security council spokesperson said at the time. and earlier this month, the u. s. government received information about a planned terrorist attack in moscow, potentially in places of mass gatherings, including concerts, which prompted the state department to issue a public warning to americans and russia. also, adrian watson, there. a said that they did. one must go about this plan the tack, although we, we are getting unconfirmed reports from russia's f as be saying that they did receive information, but that it was general and very vague. then we have the new york times now
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reporting sites and us intelligence officers saying that they confirm the the i says, connection to this terrorist attack. but having said that, then if they do confirm it, it seems that the white house is clueless because we have john kirby, the us national security council spokesperson and other spokesperson. who seems to know nothing about that because he's debating that it could be someone within russia who has it out for vladimir boots and clearly, you know, there are people in the, in las gone and russia that object to the way mr. brewton is governing the country . but i don't think we're at this early hour, we can make a link between the, the shopping all attack and in political motivations as an excuse. we just need to, we more time and we need to learn more information. so it's very confusing. or if he has that information, why not share it and say, well, we did send that to musket. why is it no, talking about it at all? considering that they have some intelligence information, which is why the post about warning 2 weeks ago. we're not seeing any mention of
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that just just debating on series. it seems like they do have 0 and so, and this is also something interesting that was picked up by maria's a harvard as well, who spoke about the terrorist attack. and this is what you have to say, hey, going to see it. you know, all the people who have a heart, all the people who have a mind and all the people who have a conscience, a cooling this, a heinous crime, a bloody terrorist attack, a terrible fight. is there a reaction? it is certainly the reaction of washington which says that it sees no signs that ukraine or as they said, ukrainians are involved in the terrorist attack. on what basis do officials in washington draw any conclusions in the midst of a tragedy about anyone's lack of involvement? when the big question is the united states, as well as other countries, have all had reliable data on this matter. it should be immediately handed over to the russian side. if there is no such data, the 9th of the white house,
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nor anyone else has the right to grant indulgence to any one of those involved as the russian leadership has said, will be identified by the competent authority. so i can honestly tell you it's not just questions. a huge question. so the reaction of the office of the secretary general left the un, which said, i mean the office is representative that they are stopped and by the reports of the shooting will adequate people who have different emotional levels of reaction to this kind of thing. the woods, with the same of hara shrunk, she comes to nations unequivocal condemnation, right? just and compassion for the victims, the united nations. it's secretary general and it's member. countries are obliged to see what the whole world is now seeing below the terrorist attack mostly and condemn it, unequivocally. so it's so hard for the tools, simple with strokes about the fact that that has obviously been international reaction to friday's a events. can you just uh, pull custer what exact 2 people have been saying?
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yes, as soon as this happened, of course, we started getting that wave of condolences and condemnation. it was at 1st, it was mainly condolences and then when we saw the figures, i guess, fries and people in other countries that are not friendly to russia at the moment. so of course, maybe that's why we saw more condolences but then it turned into condemnation as well, which is exactly what murray is a horrible saying, why am we not seeing more of that? then all these countries joined and then we had condolences and condemnations from france. germany, like i said, these are countries right now that i know it's, there are other historic lows when it comes to their relationship with russia, but still the issue that's and then we also heard from the south african embassy here in most scotland square that this old african embassy stuff in most cool, including locally recruit the pesa matter or accounted for. we've also made contact with us so that we can students and that we know of what based and most cool in the whole sleep this about the can government condensed this and own of the x of tetra
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. we believe that terrorism in any shape or form and for what ever reason does not belong in our society and should be condemned by or we'd like to send a message of condom lenses to the government of russia to the assemblies of the victims. as well as those that are in jet and wished and a speedy recovery. this is a situation that will continue to monita and we show the shape of demons as and when we receive information. well, there was one puzzling sweets from this way in the, on the foreign minister there on the x to sweet the door x. i don't even know how you say it these days and said, well, let's not lose focus, which is so well, i don't even know what to say to that. but mainly, like i said, it was decided, some of that were heard from the south african embassy there. and of course we also heard from russia is a very close friends from the leaders of india and china. so i want to take listen
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to that. now, we strongly condemn the scene this terrorist attack and most of thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims. they need a stands in solidarity with the government and the people of the russian federation . in this hour of grief, china opposes all forms of terrorism. strongly condemns the terrorist attack confirmed the supports the efforts of the russian hill authorities to maintain national security. so right now, of course we're waiting to hear from lot of our prison what he will have to say about all this and more that comes out from investigation, as we know that as some people have been detained. so let's see what comes out of that. yeah, that's why we are standing by for comments from the russian president. meantime, we did speak to a blogger and political analyst alex or poor to find out he feels the reaction of the united states and the fact that it had actually wound of a terror attack. in moscow. well, mr. reporter find, finds that stuff. i'm going to go back to the march 7th warning here. this was a warning that was uh, you know,
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alerted from the state department in the united states and it reads the following. it says, the embassy is monitoring reports, that extremist they use the word extreme is, have imminent plans to target large gatherings. they also point out moscow to include concerts. that's the 1st one. and us citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings. now, i don't think that that is a clue. i think that is the us intelligence knowing this. and we see, you know, the us government's response and that response is, well, these things happen and building a narrative here. and it's a very disturbing one here, especially when you read them report that warning. we also have to understand is how this was orchestrated uh what apps were used to work. and it's very a technological time that we're in. this has to be orchestrated to really go under
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the radar of a lot of the security agencies and we know very well that, you know, the rest of the security agencies know a lot about how to really kind of, you know, crush, i would say a terrorist attack or a terrorist attack on us soil. so this has happened to now, it's been brutal. once again, her effect display of a tear that has been uh, you know, shown to moscow residents. but as i said, again, this is going to take some time. the intelligence is going to figure out how this was done and orchestrated and who is connected to it. well, many more details going up by the moment on our website oxy dot com for updating all the information on this a historic terrorist attack capitol of the russian federation during the overnight hours. more details to come here without of the
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on the to shift gears here in austin international 20. some other news now and in the says it will prosecute. 35, somebody pirates captured by it may be on a higher jack ship of somalia. more details not without these are going to ensure also has been shifted india for the sea earlier when india would tap charts or rescue crew members from pirates. and they the notion, it would usually get the crew member back would be divided, stacked that, but this time it seemed that the indian navy has brought back all the, took the 5 somalia, pirates with them. and they've been handed over just a while ago to the moon by bodies to the law enforcement. the agencies and of course, prosecution will be done in due time. but the new navy has proved itself to be the guardian of the indian ocean. once again,
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the in fact rescued all the 17 crew members that were that were taken hostage by a whole lot of pilots. and this was back in december on the 14th of december. in fact, the shift that was gathering steel. it was captured by 35 somalia buyers and all of the crew members since then they've taken on stage. so december, january, february, march, so mid march on the 16th of march and fact is when the indian navy launch that operation, it wasn't an easy operation. 8 stuco, well, 40 all those for the indian navy. they will fire that by the somebody, not pirates, but in the navy. then to manage to rescue all the members on board all the 17 people have been brought back, but also the, the, the 5. so my products, they've been handed over to the law enforcement agencies and of course in due time we will see what's and how the situation is carried out. while
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washington claims it has not received a formal request to leave the jetta and is looking for quote, clarifications this off to the military government in the west african nation last week. the clad the us troop presence in the country as quote illegal at this point, the national council for the safe guard of the homeland self identified government of me sure, has not asked or demand that the united states military depart. there's actually quite a mixed message. we're following up and seeking clarification. they have a short us that the american military forces are protected and they will take no action that would endanger them. for the united states, our system secretary of defense and international security affairs, such as to why don't decide the united states is seeking fall back to our replication on the disease and may find these as military government last week. and is there a declared the agreement that allowed us to operate in the country, nor avoid in a televised broadcast accusing the united states of disrespecting,
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its sovereignty, the governments of these you regrets the will of the american delegation to do not the silver and the chevy and people's advice to choose the partners and the type of partnership that can help them truly fight terrorism. even though the united states of america has, you know, lots fairly decided to suspend the old cooperation between our 2 countries. the american presence on the territory of the republic of nisha is illegal and violates all the constitutional um type of credit rules that looked like the silver and people in particular, through selected representatives to be consulted for the installation of the forwarding all me on the national territory currently the us based on the around 1000 troops and off with the lodge fund based in the city of august, is north of the sure the u. s. military installations that has been part of the efforts to counter terrorism in the region depended on a piece of said, possibly about these as national cancer. for the safeguard of the home lawn,
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i showed america about the will take no action against us troops. meanwhile, the dis, nissans, and military cooperation with the us has been welcomed by locals. we have been seen burning us floods. the united states officially designate at the military takeover and me, sir as of whole summer of last year. limits in its supports to the nascent b. m was the price of the military to reinstate the post president mohammed presume . but the spots with washington cons. i made wider attempts by new journal parties to cut ties before my colonial powers in december of the military. and relations with france and expelled french troops from the country. the country's military lead us also covering very vocal about moving away from the west and last month, missouri with neighboring molly. and for keen, a fossil decided to leave a course and viewed their own corporations long term. so you'll be using archie, blue job my to re well, this is all to international life from most gilbert car.


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