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tv   News  RT  March 23, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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of the killed in cold blood, terrorist strong could have tucked concert, holding the russian capital, leaving at least 115 people that including 3 children at a 121 with the sewing druggist. what did you do yesterday searching? what were you doing? progress, hooting, watts, shooting. yes. who? people, what for? pull him up, police for money, for money. yes. for how much money? about a half a $1000000.00 that killing for cash as one of the suspects on the massacre is interrogated by russian security services. often being detained near the ukrainian
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border. kind of washington points to isis and insist that sees no sign of ukrainian involvement. moscow says, unless the united states has a reliable information, it is a no place yet if the united states, as well as other countries, have all had reliable data on this matter, which should be immediately handed over to the russian side. if there is no such data, the 9th of the white house, nor anyone else has the right to grunting diligence to any one. yeah, this goes as well as the condemnation of domestic. we're coming from around the world with leaders of different nations expressing shopping and side the appreciate you sharing some of your stuff today with us here at off the international. i'm role research to show you had most a terrorist gun attack at most goes biggest concept holders left 115 people dead.
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at least that includes 3 kids and more than a $120.00 wounded. a fire that was also started at the venue by the silence has been extinguished at the atrocity was cold and the number of different cameras as people felt in the events unfolding of one. and you're going to find some of this disturbing the
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uncertainty or for to come sit in, craig, a city who lives some kind of shoes and going on. people are running, everyone's screaming or shooting from a gun, the shooting of the crowd. some people shooting the whole was set on fire. we were set on fire, particularly just just we're, we're live, we're safe now. it was very hard to escape from that issue thinks we from all sides, are many wounded in our opinion. they were people killed, people who was shot relying on the 4 shows to the 5 boys in the hole and in the car door we were waiting for the moment to run out. we were able to run out into the street, going into the pass code. we sold and drive away the russian and security services,
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detaining 11 people, including all full terrace that carried out the massacre and moscow. and they were quoting that pretty and screech and tried to escape. and i caught towards the ukrainian border and under interrogation, one of the suspects said they were offered cash to kill, to just showing progress. what did you do? yes. did a searching work for you doing progress, searching, watson, shooting? yes. who people? what for the pull him up, police for money, for money. yes, that's for how much money? about a half a $1000000.00. how familiar, what familiar rubles. who do you see with from i haven't received it yet? i have received half of it. where did you get it? on my card, did you get the money put in a card? yes. where's the cards? most of the card was thrown out with all the clothes. you lost it? yes. all right, that's done more now of course you will have to watch these. i'm are in a closer of a standing by for us on this and maureen, us some key developments in just the last one, iowa. can you take us through the details?
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absolutely, we now have the videos of the immediate interrogation of the 2 of the suspects which were shared online. why ortiz, very own editor in chief margarete this one young, of course, got it from her sources. and in those 2 videos, we see all the sailors who are describing how the work it was a very coordinated efforts with the weapons he and hit it in a secret location. let's hear some more from the suspect that's to, aside from the fact that they've got $5000.00 around $4000.00 for this. what else they had in mind where they didn't get the weapons. they delivered the weapons themselves. who are they? i don't know. they rolled on telegrams without a name without anything. and how, when you found the look for them yourself or did they find, you know, they will to me and why did they write to you specifically? i don't know. i was listening there, but it was really from how is it possible?
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did it go to you compose for you to kill people just like that? they don't just just to kill people to anyone. know i study do telegram less than one and telegram a little less and i did the lessons i was listening to the preacher. did you listen to the pre jazz was yes and he rode 2 years on his assistant wrote to me. she told us to go to the place where they would provide everything or did they say specifically, who is a kill people of this once kind of people and that doesn't matter. he told us to go inside and do this thing. just go in and kill yes. so they go their orders on telegram and after they did their di, did, they tried to escape to ukraine and they were caught on the border as they were trying to flee a rush. so we are of course, expecting to hear more about this as there will be no doubt, more interrogations, of more videos really. so we are waiting to see more details about the people who are a forced planet. there were also one stop by for the russian president where we're
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expecting comments coming from a lot of it puts me in the wake of this terrorist attack, but marine, i mean, if you would just take us back a little bit, can you explain basically how this unfolded in the 1st place, of course, as the suspects are now being moved to moscow by the way. uh, let's recap. of course. what happened here at all sorted around 8 pm friday night when most people in most go, just like all around the world. uh, go out to enjoy their evening. and in this particular case, there was a concert by a soviet rock band called picnic. and that's when we saw footage, as we all of us, can probably see right now where a sale and so armed with the automatic weapons as well as explosive storm the concert hall sought acquire and got anyone and everyone that got in their way. and then an explosion followed and a flyer protel which led to the parts of the collapse of the roof. people were running and panic, not know what was going on here. someone. i witness testimony is doing the i
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was on the balcony. we didn't think it was shot, just the audience greeting the musicians and wondered if at 1st we didn't think much of it. but then it became clear that something scary was going on. and suddenly someone shouted that there was shooting and we had to evacuate. we ran right down towards the stage where you at some point everyone stopped. everyone just lay down on the stage. i was trying to scramble behind a speaker because i saw a person with some kind of firearm. we ran behind the curtain and one of the lobby staff was already standing there. he said, run though. we've heard some incredible stories in the aftermath about the people who were caught up in this as well as how people all around. we're trying to help taxi drivers offer him free rides, providing the help of water food, anything that they needed while emergency services were of course, working on location,
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trying to find any people stuck in the debrief and as well. oh, we also heard about some fascinating stories about people trying to remain alive as they saw the assailant suiting everyone that were caught up in the, in their way, including stories about people trying to pretend that there were dead in order to avoid being killed. they were standing by the exit. we were heading towards the source. some of them ran back here and started shooting at people. i fell down on the floor and tried to play dead and the girl next to me was killed. then the fire broke out. they closed the door, i guess they couldn't look it up. i was lying under the tool, just breathing. i had no energy left in may. sometime 3 or 4 minutes may be my cold out, looked around and went to the exit. i saw that no one was that, so i went outside the
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car that was off either me or and it costs river, right? they, we just lost the signal at the last moment. we can learn more about this story right here. the break and use on how to engine naturalist press 5 now to greg simons and associate professor and independent research are in suite and joining us i live on auditing international. that's great. great to have you on the program and a variable. welcome to what, what, what do you make of this? my, one of the suspects said that he was listening to religious lectures on the telegram social network. and then a system to of the teacher told him to kill people. what are you, what are your thoughts when you, when you hear that? i mean, i don't know top of your head might well, it's a full good as well. colds or it's mos villers with a political agenda. do they find the vice people who are vulnerable or have some kind of wait list and my explosives so that this usually
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because of your thoughts about religion, what religiously and look for so long as the pause religious, your thoughts not being religion being unlocked at the bottom level to the describe what it, what, what do you think? tell me the suspects as we understand that we're heading in a mad dash for the ukrainian border. maybe they were heading for some sort of safe sanctuary. some safe haven. i don't know, but do you think kids authorities in some way, shape or form may have been involved somehow as well? of course the this isis going brand is yours as a possible deniability for other actors. so when they get involved with this kind of, do you have a real estate activity doesn't usually carry sanctions. and votes like lenses, of course, give, has been involved in of activities, either russians of civilians and of a x of dealer rosen as such as
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a to gain a, i'm sorry for so, going for the training and board i would suggest that there was some flying the pipe uh with you try me, you know, it's our please. and the fact that like strictly deniva is, doesn't mean this is the case because we love the coach bridge was a tax kid that initially denied us being, was found out that but we weren't able to let it be involved in that 0 act. so it's a perhaps a repetition. we'll meet meantime greg, meantime putin's just one re election and in that historic light in the slide here, days later, we have this terrorist attack. now ukraine's military intelligence agency say the terrorist attack was, was almost certain the orchestra hit by the russian government to justify any escalation in the crating costs that i guess that's of the same vein as russia blowing up its own not stream pipeline. right. great. it seems to cause
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a few similarities, those kind of but have a quote from extreme case of a challenge logics b, because yeah, it's not the kind of thing you do because i think we have to do. but if we look at the top 10 benefits, of course it's no rush or it's not person. he doesn't need to bring this up. if we look the u. s. embassy in the fall of the the guy announced on the, i think is a civil is a box that there is done as the generous today to the is certain citizens. so i mean, you've got a number of the points which point the other, what other places, i mean, we have the whole strange days of live only a dining just with, with the presidential election. you have the humiliation. nobody was you crying. bucks of asians election victory. so this thing well,
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be an attempt at political will fans for terrorism. yeah, i think it's a but it's certainly a feasible point that greg i want to to ask you as you mentioned the, the u. s. washington. a apparently gave most of a warning about a month or so ago, as you said, basically, warning does an imminent terror attack is going to happen in moscow. as we understand, no details were given. as we understand, no information was given. it was simply a telephone call saying hey, that's going to be attacked. thanks buddy quick. we got no details on that. and then if you think back to victoria newland here recently resigned the full my deputy secretary of state. when she resigned me, she couldn't help post a few weeks ago. she said, russia get ready for some nasty surprises. read into that for me if you would, greg. it wouldn't be no surprise because of with the rest of the case and look historically this isis excuse. i mean the philippines had problems with the us because he's doing what he wanted as needed. the,
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the ice us of tags side with them as white glove and recently, you know, if we look in the iraq, you, you had most excuse as well. so, i mean, it's more of a coincidence waiting. all of these things come together and you understand that all of those college there was a way someone done the benefits. and if you look at that in the summer life, then you understand the basic policy most likely to be of at the end of this is trying to get some kind of good news story. and a very bizarre and sick way by creating a terror acts like this. mm hm. well, i mean according to craig, my re, the, for my british ambassador to his becca star, and he came out recently and tweeted, i have been explaining for years to the us and israel are behind isis. do you see it now? i mean, look, i mean, it was saying that i so i,
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so they never attack american assets in the middle east, and never attack is really assets in the middle east. you go to $1.00 to $2.00, that pop it mazda is off, but you know, the end of the day and all of this, you know, whether you want to say, is this, are you, you want to say, ukraine, that the blame game has begun. meantime, greg, loads of people are putting flowers out, a sign of remembrance and morning, a russian embassies all around the world, and in re good luck for you. i'm just having a look at this. now. anyone in rico who's been putting flowers alongside the russian embassy? fenced by and have been told to leave. they've been told not to place the flowers that one policeman was seen removing the flowers. they've not been told if you want to put flowers by the russian embassy and we got, you have to do it far away from the embassy across the other street. why do you think riga would be doing that right now in the wake of this terrible terrors attacked with well over $100.00 people killed, including children? a, it's the political symbolism that the people are saying to publicly
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demons, right? and let's say you have an incomplete which is a normal human condition of the circumstances being the political of gym versus potentially be riled inside the tape of out of sight, out of mind, to keep the color or propaganda tracks that was going beforehand. and this i, but this will not be an ice light dice, because if this break sales, some of the european countries that have been making the strong anti russian statements ever since they, since the deductible the, then this demonstration of solidarity in the brain will not become juice of what facilitating that? greg simon's is an associate professor, an independent research are joining us live from sweden. a great pleasure, greg. thank you very much for your time and you'll come entry.
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well meanwhile, russian all thirties have disclosed the video of another suspect being interrogated is believe to be the leader of the terrorist. so in the hospital, what is the hospitals address? dimitri advocate, where exactly demetrius get district. what's the street name near the highway? who did you live there with mohammed? how long did you live with mohammed? mohammed said 10 to 15 days. we lived together for about a month, 15 to $20.00 days for about a month. when were you to doing? we bought a call once to walk, who bought the car. abdullah, my friend bought the car. he wants to work with this car. what kind of car? taxi or cargo transportation? a small call a taxi. who is abdul? uh. how did you get to know of telegraph? did you meet on telegram? yes. kind of ground on which phone? oh my, fuck. okay. when, when exactly did you meet up to uh about 10 to 12 days ago. $10.00 to $12.00 days.
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yes, i've been out of work for a long time. ive wants to one. who is abdulla i got acquainted on telegrams. have you met him? he was with us abdul a him? yes we're and when did you meet him? where did you meet him? when we bought the car, where did you buy the car on the demetrius highway from home and i'm doing this relative well, the altima off of the terror attack on the croakers said he complex has mean light, bare and hiring footage of the building, basically reduced to a child, right. and you can see emergency services catholic coming. the area scale looking for evidence and personnel have continued to discover even more bought a. so the best always accordingly on the rise as well. that special image of a candle has been shown on billboards across the rupture and tribute to the victims of a deadly attack. the sign which has the wood grief found the date of the atrocity has been displayed in the cities of bottom, all the noblest a bit of scuff out of all stock as in petersburg among many others. and since the
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early hours of the morning, hundreds of people have been lining up at health centers and must go to donate blood. so the victims of the tower attacked officials, according to locals to take an active part saying it could mean the difference between life and death. but some of the wounded people queuing, say that's the way of showing simple i'm here because it's really scary and the tragedy for everyone is absolute 1st to border. there was a lot of grief and a desire to help. so it gives us no peace. everyone should be together right now to help each other. i knew i had to support the victims despite there being so many people we wait in line and despite many being turned away for health reasons, people should still come any way. we're here because i want to be involved, help people who have been hurt. it was published that a 4th positive blood type is urgently needed. i am ready to be a donor even at night. this is a terrible tragedy. there are no words you respectively of their backgrounds or
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what's happening in their lives. there's no excuse for the people who did it. russia supports each other in difficult times. always. russia only becomes more united by these things. according to international affairs and security, unless mocks the boat, he says this was a well, clearly a well planned attack calculated to pause maximum cottage. it is undoubtedly a active terrorism. what's more, it is a military or military style active tear. it is and this was organized, this was planned. the gunman are heavily armed with assault rifles. uh, according to some reports body armor. uh and throwing grenades. they obviously had some type of explosive device or accelerate. there would have been very light rent a cop type security at the entrance and some incredibly soft target. they opened
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fire from the reports at point blank range on anyone who came within view. so their goal was to kill as many russians as possible. while the white house said, warned of a possible power attack in moscow earlier in the month, here's what the white house national security council spokesperson said at the time . the earlier this month, the u. s. government received information about a planned terrorist attack in moscow, potentially in places of mass gatherings, including concerts, which prompted the state department to issue a public warning to americans and russia. if the united states, as well as other countries, have all had reliable data on this matter, it should be immediately handed over to the russian side. if there is no such date to the 9th of the white house, nor anyone else has the right to grant indulgence to any one of those involved as the russian leadership has said, will be identified by the competent authority. and i can honestly tell you it's not
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just questions. a huge question. so the reaction of the office of the secretary general if the un, which said, i mean the office is representative that they are stopping by the reports of the shooting move, adequate people who have different emotional levels of reaction to this kind of thing. the woods, with the same of hara shown, she consternation, unequivocal condemnation, right? just and compassion for the victims, the united nations. it's secretary general and it's member. countries are obliged to see what the whole world is now seeing below the terrorist attack and condemn it, unequivocally. she said she was so flock and the tragedy on the white house was quick to react sign to express condolences with the us national security advisor failed to mention that washington had been well aware of the preparation for the terrorist that's clearly uh you know, there are people in the, in las gone and russia that object to the way mr. brewton is governing the country . but i don't think we're at this early hour. we can make a link between the,
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the shopping all attack and in political motivations. i think we just need to, we more time and we need to learn more information. this reaction to the atrocity has been coming in worldwide. waves of condemnation, independent russian capital minutes. people have been waiting flowers outside the russian embassy and tribute, local officials, who also came to pay their respect, say what happens as deeply affected everyone. and bella was fussy, but i think the bell of russians who came to express that condolences to those families whose relatives have been killed. those who have suffered so much, unfortunately, oppressions and bella russians a united i'm talking about in terms of the tragedy. and also i'm kind of pathetic to, we've brought this indeed gets it what we do. people feel pain in their hearts by the fact that those who went to the concert and wanted to spend friday night with their families. they're not going home. because most certainly most indeed we can see today, even the sky is crying. there's no word for such actions or events. it's impossible
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to comprehend how anyone could think of doing such a thing in china, people, i think that helps. i make sure memorials of the russian embassy to one of those killed a steady stream of people dying flowers, candles, and toys. they say they've been horrified by all this and that the mining of those who carried out domestic a are held to account which on is president emphasize that his country opposes all forms of terrorism and family support. the russian government's efforts and maintaining national security and stability. india is prime minister in the rental modi so it has nation stands with his brick spot there in his time of grief. and the south african embassy in moscow. also expressing condolences to all of those affected by this tragedy in this. so i'll see, can embassy stuff in most schools, including locally recruit to pesa matter or accounted for. we've also meet one type of with or so that we can students and that we know of what based and most cool in the whole sleep the so that we can government condense. this and whole other x
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of tara, we believe that terrorism, in any shape or form and for what ever reason, does not belong in our society and should be condemned by or we'd like to send a message of condom lenses to the government of russia to the families of the victims, as well as those that are inject, wished and a speedy recovery. this is a situation that will continue to monita and we show a shape of beings as and when we receive information. and while washington pushed the claim, but the terrorist group ice, so it was behind the attack and system you had the intel to confirm it oceans and also try to absolve its apartments that you currently know of any potential culpability. you have a list, there is no indication at this time that ukraine or ukrainians were involved in the shooting, but against just pro, for taking
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a look at it. but i would disabuse you with this early hour of any connection to ukraine. i used to do this for a living, what i was at the state department in the office of counter terrorism. so number one, we have to go back to march 7th when both the united states and the united kingdom issue warnings, their embassies and moscow, to the respective citizens, to be prepared for a terrorist attack within the next 2448 out those kinds of warnings are not issued unless you have some specific intelligence that is, consider those 2 things specific. incredible. normally, if you've got really solid information, you don't go public. you go to, in this case, you have gone to the moscow authorities alerted them so that they could then take action to prevent this. but instead it appears that that's not what happened in this case. but this was part of an organized psychological operation on the part of
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the west. i think they knew that this attack was coming. i think that is highly likely that this attack originated how from elements connected to the s b. you particularly to the neo nazi groups, the ass off battalions. when there is a company involved in an alternate, it's a full stairs and there was groups as from see again, that opponent providing them with resources a safe haven training then. because. busy it died, but the security focus and strain the resources of russia in this case. because russia prioritize the military efforts on the front line using the resources develop good for security that said exposed to beginning more to terrace at that. it also creates a see a among the civilians because that is the job of the terrace because the aim is
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to undermine the confidence and the government and the sub largest society. and the use of stairs is something that is very common. the natal has used the stairs in many places, still using them in syria to try it out at docs in different other places in iraq. and in i've got this done because it is important for them to show that he's in the video, which will be great to come out already. great. he's not survey and he's not to the age of 3. the expert in this one and how service was the frequency was that the americans are expert in conducting a while. and much more about this or online. we have one of us towards getting updates 5 minutes to you dot com both. so we have a drawn chip telegram channels rumble is 12th, the series and pitches no
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roughly 12 hours or so ago in the late evening hours, croakers, city news, a cold coming on to an historic terrorist attack. let's crossover now to the latest comments from the russian president here is vitamin food and addressing the nation which claimed the lives of nations. dozens of civilians such as the deed, our countrymen, coding children, teenagers, women instead of after the funeral and sustained. this is just, many of them are in critical conditions and doctors are fighting for their lives. you deal with 2 wasn't with me either. i'm confident that i'm able to ever say that that has to save the lives and help of everyone to look at them as the people who are in school diploma. she. i'd like to express a special credit. you exam a to emergency services workers to agree firefighters, so i need you to everyone or help the safe.


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